The Huron Expositor, 1983-07-20, Page 11J 1 1 HAVING A SWINGING TIME -Mario u\1t, summer employee of the Goshen Mothers Club, says she's enjoying the variety 1 working for 11 different households. One of her more enjoyable lobs Is playing with t e children including Graham Keyes, 4, Erin Keyes, 5 (seated) and Jennifer Laing, 7 (sten tag` (Photo by Hundertmark) Seaforth WI enjoys picnic Seaforth Women's Insti- tute met July 12 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fliott. After a smorgasbord picnic supper, sports, in charge of Sarah Elliott and Clarissa Stewart, were enjoy- ed followed by a few games of cards. Winners were: newspaper relay -Jim Keys' team, long- est balloon, Graham Craig; balloon relay, Viola Lawson s team; sponge relay -Viola Lawson's team; penny throw Jessie McGregor; trivia - teams equal in knowledge; lady most buttons -Jessie Mc- Gregor;- man most colorful shirt -Maurice Young; guess macaroni in bottle -Mary Coleman; longest name, Kathleen Whitmore; sppo' race -Edith McMillan, p'illo'w relay, Mary Coleman's team; girls running race -Shannon Craig, Susan Stewart; candy scramble -children; birthday nearest date, Sharon Godkin. Euchre prizes went to most games•ladies-Helen -Mac- Kenzie. sten-Jim Keys; low - ladies -Anne Agar; • men- Briono, BY SUSA.i{H1NDMMARK Summer is hectic for farth' wives. day i ith husbands, out on thg land during ht hours, the farm bopks, their ores, the housework, the yard wprk.and the shopping to do and the children to look after, farm wives -have little if any time to themselves. But, 11 women in. Huron county have pome up with a way to -;take a little pressure off their strenuous lives. They've hired a student to help with chores in their homes for the\summer. I thitllt most of us.use her so,that we can spend 'More ,tiiiie with our children or for ourselves," says Helen Keyes, member of the Goshen Mothers' Club. the student's employer, Marhon Hunt, of R:R.4, Walton, works for the club's 11 members at tasks ranging . from picking strawberries. to washing windows, to typing hymns for a Varna and [Fanny 6bgiveseliE.f Lorne Lawson; Ione -ladies - Olive Papple; men -Graham Kerr; anniversary nearest July 12, Mr. and Mrs. Eldin Kerr; coming the farthest - Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Young, (Manitoba). Courtesy remarks were given by Helen MacKenzie. KLAGES: Brenda and Ray are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter Mac- kenzie, 7 lbs. 9 oz. Born June 30. 1983 at St. Joseph's Hospital, London. BEUERMAN: Thank God for the safe arrival of our new Antique cars. shown, at 1 Huronview Sunday morning worship was held in the Huronview chapel with David McKnight in charge. We hear that Reverend Pick is progressing favourably. but not ahlc to be back with us vel. David will be here for the next three services. 'The choir sang an anthem and a solo was sung by Mabel Scott. In the afternoon, the Friendship Ministries pre- sented a program "Sharing Christ through music. pup- pets and drama. It was truly a spiritual hour and much en- joyed. Message in Music has been perforated in various centers throughout Ontario. Those taking part. Brian Johnson, Barry Johnson both from Moncton. New Bruns- - wick, Tina Jennings. Nixon. Tenn.. Janice Duck from Grassie, Ont.. Shen Remick. Enid, Okla. and Dehhic Park- er from Colorada Springs. Co. We congratulate these young people and wish them well. as they travel on. In spite of the heat, Marie Flynn and the Huron Strings were out on Monday and presented a fine program of old time music. This is the final program for the Summer but will continue again in the fall. Thanks to Marie and the men for sharing their music. Staff from the craft roost had another successful Tup• perware party on Tuesday. It is great how everyone turns out for this affair. Ed Stiles from Godcrich was out on Thursday to play the chapel organ for the listening pleasure of the residents. There will he a Pic Social on July 12th from 2 to,.1.30 in the activity room. Come and has c a piece of your favorite pie and tea for 51.50. We wish to extend a warm welcome to Mrs. May Gibson of Clinton and Mr. Reginald Jewell from Goderich, who have come to reside at Huron view. To the family of the late Mrs. Mary Brandt. a resident of Huronview, we express our sincere sympathy There was a displac of antique cars Sunday after noon. Two years ago there were about 15 in number. so it is possible that some were being shown elsewhere One of the models that got a lot of interest was a '29 Ford roadster. baby daughter Meagan Eliz- abeth, born July 9, 1983 at Stratford General Hospital, weighing 9 --lbs. 6 oz. Proud parents are Glen'and Marilyn nee Koehler, and proud grandmother is Margaret Beuerman. DUBLIN AND DISTRICT ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION BINGO Jackpot 5750.00 in 59 calls Smoke caters have now been Installed. Friday, July 22 ilea VE DOW MOVIE... . ALL HOME IMPROVEMENTS •e• v � Rec Rooms, Kitchens, Patios, etc. 30 years experience DEN CHAPMAN Licensed carpenter 527-0228 Terry's General Drafting PLANS FOR: • Renovations • A New Home • 1 or 2 storey home • Basic plans for barns or garages REASONABLE RATES Phone after 5 p.m. 527-0991 SUMMER FOOTWEAR SALE CONTINUES... SAVE 50%0FF all summer merchandise SHOE-- STORE LIMITED Opro Trickly nlghtt 11119 p m Main Street, Mitchell ph. 348-9951 1 THE HURON. EXPOSIT R15 41.0.Y.20, 1983 " A11 to 11 Varno area mothers Goshen church song book. in households betwe n Zurich, Varna, BrUcefield and Bayfleid. JUSTIFYINGIT The idea to hire a student came front Itev• Wilena Brown, minister of the United Church in Varna and Goshen who meets with the Goshen Mothers' Club. One of the main problems the women had acceptiiig the Idea.was justifying it to themselves: "If I• had money FonYing in,. yd have someone coming in to help me dU the time. Men oanjustify help because they .have an income and hired help 'will usually, increase that income." says Mrs. Keys• Many of the women'felt guilty asking for help with their housework, especially since they did not have the money to hire A student, she says. The club looked into financial assistance from the government which they knew JOHN ELLIGSEN ELECTRIC LTD. Farm • Residential • CommercIal WIRING and PLUMBING 24 Hour Emergency Service R.R. No. 4 Walton Ph. 345-2447 or Ph. 345-2547 Would give $1.25 an hour towards hiring a student to help on the farm, but were turned down because the work was domestic, net agricultural. "We would-be giving a student a job but we couldn't get the $1.25." Mrs. Keyes says. "We held bake sales' but we never would have been able to do it if Miss Brown hadn't made a donation." Two strong beliefs of Miss Brown Helped form the idea to hire a student for the club - the .belief that young people should have jobs and the belief that society should support mothers much more than it now does. "1 don't think society supports ntothers. 11 holds the idea that you're not doing much if you're not doing something other than look after a house and children. These are bright young women who are involved in the farm business and in learning about motherhood; they want to grow too. This situation is a small part of what's needed: says Miss Brown. The Goshen Mothers' Club has been meeting twice a month since September to talk .about their similar situations and to learn about child care. They have had speakerson first aid, infant stimulation and teaching children about sex. IMPQRTANT JOBS "I'd like to see more mothers' groups being formed. It really helps to talk to other people with the same , problems and experiences." says Mrs. Keyes. "I think raising children is one of the most important jobs you can have." The response of the husbands to hiring a student for the summer has been generally good. Since they are too busy working on the farm to help around the house, the Please turn to page 16 TRRY ELLIGSENEPL=UMBING Pumps • Softeners • Form • Residential PLUMBINGand WIRING 24 Hour Emergency Service Ph. 345-2547 or 345:,2447, T. FRESH! ONTARIO COMBINATION BUDGET PACK /YORK LOIN CHOPS .i; CENTRE CUT PORTIONS •''- 3 RIB PORTIONS 3 TENDERLOIN END PORTIONS COUNTRY GOLD FULLY COOKED SMOKED PICNIC PORK SHOULDER 2.62kf.f9. CUT FROM GRADE 'A' BEEF RIB STEAKS FOR THE BAR -B-0 7.033.19. "CENTRE CUT" LOIN PORK CHOPS FRESH FROM ONTARIO PORK 4.17..89.1 YOUNG ONTARIO PORN 1015 BONELESS CENTRE CUT CHOPS on ROAST E5.49 ?. 49 FAST FRY 1/ NTRE CUT" POKK LOIN CHOPS 4. S3 2.19Ib /kg JUICY AND TENDER C BEEF RIB YROAST E 6.59 ..99 TENDERLOIN PORTION PORK -LOIN ROASTS 3.51 /409 1.5916 DELI SPECIALS RIB PORTION PORK 1015 COUNTRY STYLE RIBS 3' 73/.9 1.6916 ZLW THREE VARIETIES COOKED MEAT CHUNKS 2'/kgf 15 aI .29 FULLY COOKED COUNTRY GOLD ROUND DINNER HAM L./IkS ?.7b9 g BONELESS PORK BUTT MAPLE LEAF S.P. COTTAGE ROLL 4. 39 1.99 59 b PREVIOUSLY FROZEN SCHNEIDERS SLICED BEEF LIVER 1'/96 89°b LIBBYS 3 PKG. COOKED 50 6 EACH SCHNEIDERS SLICED CORNED BEEF ALPHAGETTI,ZOODLES OR SPAGHETTI & CHEESE IN TOMATO SAUCE 14 Oz TINS 1 1.8 TIN 2/'! 4, fI 99 VT' FROZEN CELLO PKG. SCHNEIDERS BEEF STEAKETTES 5D99 179PKG - SCHNEIDERS SLICED PORK SHOULDER' SQUARE COOKED PICNIC I /5 g PKG 1.49 SCHNEIDERS STORE SLICED kg 5.49/ CHICKEN -LUNCHEON -MAC. 6 CHEESE 2.49.. 8.80 /kg MEAT LOAVES SCHNEIDERS STORE PACKED COUNTRY PORK SAUSAGE 5.93/409 2.6916 COUNTRY GOLD SLICED SALAMI /75 5 P5G 99' MAPLE LEAF STORE SLICED COUNTRY KITCHEN HAM 3.991h MAPLE LEAF GOLDEN FRY SAUSAGE 5009PPO 2.19 MAPLE LEAF BRAND BIG '8' WIENERS 3409 PKG 1{] MAPLE LEAF BRAND SAUSAGE MORTADELLA STORE SLICED 2.491b. 5.49/kg FLAKED LIGHT PARAMOUNT TUNA 65oz 890 TIN ZEHRS _SOFT . _ DRINKS ASSTD4I$1 VAR. PLUS ' 750 305 DEP mL PER BOTTLE EXTRA COOKED HAM 1.99 ASSTD-COLOUR PRINT ROYALE TOWELS 99? 2 ROLL PKG. CANNING SUPPLIES 0 ALLENS CANADA WHITE VINEGAR 4 LITREOUR REG JUG 1.292.65 ASSTD SOFT DRINKS CARLTON CLUB m003.99cASE SCENTED OR UNSCENTED SECRET ROLL ON 75 mL 2.49 SCENTED SECRET ANTIPERSPIRANT 200 el 2.49 4 VARIETIES DARE COOKIES 491.69 SCENTED OR UNSCENTED SECRET 60 9 SOLID 2049 PACKAGE OF 72 TETLEY TEA BAGS 2279 1.79 CERTO LIQUID 150/51 1.09 MEDIUM 1 LITRE " MASON JAR GTN OF 12 3.99 BEEF, CHICKEN OR TURKEY MEAT ORK: PIES FROZEN 2/'1 MEN CHOICE QUALITY AYLMER.,-,. - TOMATOES 28oTINr. 69 ENRICHED WHITE CRACKED WHEAT OR 60% WHOLE WHEAT ZEHRS BREAD s, 9 2/9T° 175 g NEILSON ASSTD FLAVOURS FRUITPLUS YOGURT 2/79? CERTO CRYSTALS BERNARDIN STANDARD CAPS & LIDS ,9 59' PKG12 1.29 Or BERNARDIN 25 PT., 20 QT. OR 8 POULTRY FREEZER BAGS • sses Z/f1 BERNARDIN STANDARD LIDS o7G2 Sr CLUB HOUSE CELERY SEED 409 1.19 CLUB HOUSE PICKLING SPICE 142 9 1.89 CLUB HOUSE 99° MUSTARD SEED 82 FAB LAUNDRY DETERGENT 2 4 Kg 3.89 CLUB HOUSE POWDERED ALUM ,D19 1.29 CLOVER LEAF FCY, MANDARIN ORANGES 1eo=69' ROYALE-ASSTD COLOURS FACIAL TISSUES -s99' YORK FROZEN PETITE PEAS 1 Kg PKG.2.19 REGULAR OR LEMON GOODHOSJ ICED TEA" 750 9 2. 99 TRADITION, 3 GRINDS NABOB COFFEE 4698 2. 79 IVORY LIQUID DETERGENT 1ITRE 2.39 AYLMER CHOICE FRUIT COCKTAIL 14 oz 890 E.D. SMITH GARDEN COCKTAIL 28 o, 99' HIGHLINER FILLETS 454.139 FROZEN COOKED HIGHLINER TURBOT 1.69 350 g IN HATTER COUNTRY OVEN SPECIALS FRESH BAKED HAMBURG 0R HOT DOG PKG. ROLLS e OF 690, 60% OR 100% WHOLE WHEAT BREAD 2LOAF442 690 RAISIN BREAD ,6DJ119 LOAF � FRESH CRACKED WHEAT BREAD 24 02 6I LOAF AYLMER CHOICE PEACH HALVES OR PEACH SLICES -119, LANCIA READY CUT MACARONI SPAGHETTI OR SPAGHCTTINI 900 g 99' BRAVO -2 VARIETIES SPAGHETTI SAUCE 250=1.'59 UNSWEETENED 3 VARIETIES DELMONTE PINEAPPLE 14 oz 790 NEILSON 2°-0 COTTAGE CHEESE '9L39 RUNOI! OF 3 RAIN Sln ZEST BAR SOAP NUMTS GAY LG 10IPING iREDDI WHIP '?0 9 '1. 99 0509 2.49 0EENONTE 2 11[0010 VARIETIES FRUIT DRINKS 48 °, 99' A FLIPOURS-REA0I TO SERVE 106EE TANG DRINKS 250 mL 995 SOFT MARGARINE BRICK, MOZZARELLA COLBY CHEESE OUR 0w3, 602506069,k g •/kg ce 'Lir 1.19 MARBLE OR HAVARTI CHEESE OUR OwN 60"0 6. /kg TOMO FROM FRUMP CUE GREEN BEANS FROZEN ORANGE OP GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 1 19 MINUTE MAID /2 5 n+ TIN It*1M 0R SNI DO NUTS 06r. 79' or, WEST010 1E•00 ON RISIRERRI 1?S BUTTERHORNS 00 0 OF ORANGE FLAVOUR TANG CRYSTALS ,0 00 69' n oz 1.29 PRODUCT OF CALIFORNIA JUICY & RIPE NECTARINES - 1 FULL OF . 30 590 FLAVOUR /kg Ib. PRODUCT OF ONTARIO GREEN CABBAGE CAN. NO 1 GRADE 390 EA. • PRODUCT OF FLORIDA rfl 6et,► VINE RIPE air-Aess 1.• TOMATOES 1./U i9 CAN NO 1/GRADE IR00 OF S *FR CANADA FARC, GRANNY MTV APPLES f.96 k989°it, WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT PURCHASES Tp REASONABLE WEEKLY FAMILY REQUIREMENTS P000 OF CALIF CANADA No ' SPEW JUICY PLUMS 2" 69990Ib. PR000CT OF ONTARIO AFRESH BROCCOLI t3IJNCH 91, IDEAL FOR THE HOME COLOURFUL AFRICAN VIOLETS PROD OF ONE CANADA NO ' CREEN SWQI PR000CT OF ONTARIO ��� PEPPERS f.96,40989'lb. ROMAINE LETTUCE EA POT 1.59 Produce specials in effect Thru Sat. July 23 All other specials through Tues. July 26 THESE SPECIALS AVAILABLE ONLY IN: HIGHWAY NO. 8 GODERICH MON TUES., TO • P.M. WED., TMURIZ, FRB.. 5 TO / P.M. SAT. 11:311 TO • P.M. JOSEPHINE ST. (HWY. NO. 4) WINGNAM • 975 WALLACE AVE. N. LISTOWEL INTERSECTION HWY. NO. 4 AND 83 EXETER MON„ TUU.. W MO. • • TO A P.M. /NUNS., POI. • To 40.M. iAt. /C34 to 6 P.M.