The Wingham Times, 1907-08-15, Page 8$. fi11F WINGHA.M TIMES, AUGUST 15, 1907 SCHOOL o?E:I:G! "Cheer TJp! The Worst is Yet to Come, Boys!" We want a share of your trade this fall. We aren't bad company if we are Irish ? But aside from that there are these things about us for you to remember : 1st --We sell second=hand as well as new School Books. 2nd—We have the much -talked of cheap School Books, 3rd --We will take produce, cash, or give credit. 4th —We buy our scribblers with the largest paper consumer in Wingham and thus get big reductions—nearly 15 per cent , and therefore sell the biggest value in 5c scribblers in Wingham. .heySchoQrBooks... AS GOVERNMENT VS DICTATED. First Reader, Part I, 5c, was loc. First Reader, Part II, now 7c, was 15c. Second Reader - - now 9c, was 20C. Third Reader - - - now 13c, was 30c. Fourth Reader - - now 15c, was 4oc. So far no reduction has been made in any other line. We'll trade you new books (in reason) for those you are through with.—IT'S WORTH LOOKING INTO, HoId on a Minute! We have now in stock and on order, about 2000 rolls of Wall Paper. All last season's stock goes at one hall price. China, Window Shades, Fancy Goods, Leather Goods, all here in endless profusion—ask your neighbor. Hammocks and Express Wagons Than Cost. At Less WE'RE IT ! THE SIG BOOK STORE - _ R1 E. SAUNDERS Successor to K. M. fisher Near Post Office Look for Big Book Sign. MINOR LOCALS. ---Thursday, August 15th. HORSE FAR SALE—JnO, Kerr. HORSE 2'OR SALE—Jno. Kerr. —The tax rate at Listowel IS 24 mills- —The TRIES to January let, 1908 for 25 cents. —Rural aoh0ols will re open on Mon - da, next. —Big Scottish celebration at Seaforth on Friday of this week. --Citizens' band garden party in the park to -morrow (Friday) evening. —The local dealers have advanced the price of milk to six cents per quart. —The warm and dry weather of the past week has been hard on the root crop. —Mr. John Gofton, of Wroxeter, cele- brated his 91st birthday one day last week, --Kinoardine'a tax rate for this year is 20 raille. The rate at Clinton is 21 mills. ---In view of the probable shortage of honey this season there will be an in- (measp in prise. --Wedding invitations and annouce• went cards, executed in the latest styles, at the TIMaS office. —Mr. T. E. Walker, of Rireradale, formerly of this town, who lost his barn by fire last fall, has the frame up for a new barn, 00x45 ft. and straw hoose 45x25. —A new office bas been fitted np in the Ball factory and the head office for the Wingham factories of the Canada Furniture Manufaoturers is now at this factory. —Mr. Wm. Bone has been ill for some days with pneumonia, but we are pleased to learn that he is now recover- ing and expects to be around again in a few days. — Mr. W. R, Lough, who for 24 years was Principal of Clinton Public School, accompanied by his wife, left last week for Vancouver, where they intend resid- ing in future. —Mr. D. E. Munro, the well known merchant and postmaster of Auburn is in Clinton hospital where he underwent an operation for the removal of a cancer from his side. —Mrs. P. McKibben has been seri- ouily i11 for some weeks and we are pleased to report that she is now impro- ving. Her many friends hope to soon see her fully recovered. —It is understood upon good author- ity that strong efforts are being made to reorganize the Southamption Furni- Iine, see me before placing contract. WM, SIIERIDA'. —Next public holiday is Labor Day— - Monday, September 2nd. —Mr. jos. Stalker, of Lnpknow has been appointed Principal Public School, Second handl SAUNDERS'. the Blyth eve SOhool books at —Yon can get the very latest in wed- ding invitations and visiting cards at • the TIMES office. —Wingham Fall Fair on September 20th and 27th. You can get a copy of the prize list from the Secretary at the nuns office. For Quality and Quantity ask yonr dealer for the new big plugs of "Bobs" "Stag" and "Currency" Chewing Tobaccoes. —The anneal excursion to Kincardine, under the auspices of the Brussels Sun- day schools will be held on Friday of this week. Special train leaves Wing - ham at 9,00 a. m. and the return fare is 70 cents. —The Bee Hive stores announce a big moving sale. These stores always give big bargains at their sales. If in need of dry goods, clothing, dress goods, groceries, etc, it will pay you to visit the Bee Hive stores. WELL Moonset —I am now prepared to do well digging and cleaning on short notice. If you have any work in this ---ihe purchase or Salo of partridge, tura Company, which was declared to be quail, snipe and woodcock is prohibited •practically insolvent a short time ago. for three years from Sept, 15, 1907. —On Monday evening last, as Mr. BORN. —Copies at the prize list for the Hector McLean was on his way home, Dfioin it -WIn ntgh rn, bnaAcngust 3rd, to Wingham fall fair may be secured from he was run into by a young man on a k d MARRIED the Secretary at the Taanns office. British Canadian Distillery bicycle, and knocked down, sustaining t and b 'which t d YOUNG LINKL A7 ER At the 1 f the BEE HIVE ST(.PRES GRE3AT MOVING SALE Wingiam and Riverstown General Stores We have decided to put ' on a Great Moving Sale in these Stores for Two Weeks, from August iOth to 24th, '07 People will have to come into these stores to be convinced of the great slaughter of merchandise ; of the merits of the goods, and of the marvellous money-savi opportunities. We will not take time to emphas,. a prices. Our motto' is Out � With � The � Goods." People who have attended our sales in the past pretty well,. understand how prices are. The more we sell the better it is for the public, so swing , in and let us have a grand lot of selling. Our sale which has just ended in Wingham has broken all records. We only require a few days to fill in again with the newest that money can buy, and we'll give it out again for pro- duce in any quantities. It's surprising what a lot of up-to-date goods you can buy for very little money at these stores. Come and see ! he. Bee Hive Stores. WINGHAM--OPPOSITE POST OFFICE, .146.• �4 NTla� D, Dr. Ovens, Oculist, London, Surgeon Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat will be at Mo - Ribbon's drug store, Tuesday, Sept. 3 —all day. Glasses properly fitted, . Typewriter Bargains.—We are agents for second band typewriters of all makes at prices ranging from a few dollars np to $85,00. If you want a good rebuilt typewriter at close figures, conealt us. THE WINK/AM TIMea. Illsnrace! some cuts rakes w is neoessia e — — ,e ,clue o �e Loan his coneniting a physician, bride's parents, en Auust 13th, by Rev. D. Money to Limited, 0ony dau,ter oMr, andr, corporates With a capital di soii0,000 —At a meeting of the organization both of Ingham, Perrie, r. Leslie C. Yonng to Miss Jeanette, f OvIcIi Sound has been in. s P. S. Linklator, and finance Committees of the Ontario I MoAxTEE—Wi------- At the parsonage, Sea- --Send Send the TIMES to your relati'7eS forth, on Ausust ith, os- Rev. D. Rogers, Mr. ilro,lvh of the Dominion Alliance, held Hear DlcArter to Miss Margaret J. white o Morris both township. g , dress in Canada to January 1st, 1908 for that a vote on local option would take niEu 28 oents, - place in one hundred mtinicipalitiea in ienAl --fn Grey, on Sunday, August 4th, The Ripley Express staff is holiday. Ontario next January. m Bray,oran, 9eeond sort of Win. P., and Eliza Jane aged 21 years, 2 months and 1; says. Ing this week and the paper is not being issued. Editor Mooney apeni a few days relict of the late . b Keifer, aged s yore —By the explosion of a car 4f dyne. Merrell—In to .l'a on August 3rd,'M 1 Margaret, !' In VJingliain, mita in front of the Michigan Central and G nionthh.. depot at Essex, Ont,, between 9 and 10 roan—In Winghain, on August 9th, Jane M:., —Seventy -sit tickets were sold at the o'clock Saturday morning, three man mite 6f Mr. James cora, ages ru years, 7 iiingham station on Saturday morning months and. 13 Saye. r;,were killed, fide are serioney injured gab�vx--In Clinton, on Auauet, ,i, u... birs. for the -annual 1, 0. 0. b'. excursion to the station completely demolished, and itary Brown, formerly or wingham, caged ba Sarnia and Detroit, many other buildings badly wrecked. ybars. Wzs ins -In Wingham, on Angnst 11th, Mrs. Thanksgiving Day this year will be —The young people of the Presby- a Wiener, mother of airs. wm, Could. laud /oat Thursday in October, unless the urian church held a very euaeessful conn—la wihaha,n, on August 5Mary ooxnnteroial tr'a'vellers induce the Gov- garden party on the Town Park last Ann, relict of the late Angus Curr, ate of arnl�Ient to appoint a Monday, Thursday evening Their was a very Ingeraoii, aged 82 years and a inonths, 4 ors t 4Tt Uxbridge, on Lu�nat 14th, itllza "If you don't marry me," said the good attendance and all hada pleasant Drew ll fir rebel of the late. wi iaai err, of dam a ed (iii sera. ardeu,t youth "I t►il1 shoot you." "Fire evening. Refreshments were served, wing g y Ieabbla li's � � 1 nil dsu hter et MM. James i *4101falIls G*410 to death anyhow," programme of music, aged 13 years and ,, moans. a s ," aid the girl, "I'd rather be shot and the Citizens' Baud rendered a good Parme—Ta Terabsrey, et August lath, , 611111wwwiimiidatikaiii- Conveyancing ! ()rrlc'E:—West of Bank of Hamilton, corner of Diagonal Road and John street. REPRESENTING The Western, and Union Fixe in- surance Companies. The Canada Life, and the London and Lancashire Lite Assurance CompanleS. Bove had upwards of 20 years of ex• perience in Conveyancing, and am pre• pared to execute Deeds, Mortgages, Leases, Agreements, Wills, ete.,;eto., correctly and at moderate charges. Money to Loan on Farmand Town Property. All business strictly private and 0071*Adential. A call solioited. lulr»a O1 Eight or nine people were poisoned in a Regina restaurant by arsenic in the oatmeal, and a Chinaman has been ar- rested in connection with the affair. FOR SALE—First- class 100 acre farm, two miles from Wingham. All in grass. Get partionlars from 11. DAVIS. 1 M RIVERSTOWN_GENERAL STORE. r.r�o�'►RX1:TC'l�. Dr Butler London Eye, Ear and Throat Specialist, 370 Queen's Avenue, London, 3rd door East of Si. Andrew's Church. Fire destroyed the machinery store- house, engine house and lumber yard of the Uxbridge Organ Company on Saturday. Loss, $25,000. NEW Canadian National Exhibition; Telephone Directory Toronto Many special features including - Capt. Knabenshue's Airship and grand display of fireworks. EVERY DM A GRIM DAY - $:3.O3 from o26th to era,Septgod going Aug,SPECIAL EXCURSION RATES $2.70 good going August 27th, 29th, 31st, September 4th and 6th. All tickets valid returning from Toronto on or before Sept. 14th, 1907. ?or full information as to rates and tickets, call on Ti, 'Imola), Depot Agent. 3. D. Mon: Nati), D. P. A., Toronto. r.. THE BEL, TELEPHONE COMPANY tE CANADA is about to publ sh a new issue of the Offlci:l Telephone Directory for t e District of Western Onta io, including the Town of W ngham. Orders for n connections, changes offirtn lames, changes of street add,.esses or for duplicate entr es, should be handed in AT ONCE to P. N. TA.NSDLY, Local Manager. vvv*.11Vi/.1 Vinegar The vinegar season is just be- ginning and as THERE'S NOTHING LIKE TILE BEST you better leave your order at CHRISTIE S, Spices These have all been selected with muoh oare and only the highest , grades have been bought. Get ' yours at CHRISTIE'S. . Drink Christie's Teas and Cefl'ees They're all right 1 Jr Henry Christie ; Grocer and etidna Merchant •