The Huron Expositor, 1983-05-25, Page 14THE HURON,Exposrron, rinAy R5, 1983 provosawismossii 1 I . Ati( WA'NT ADS BAT 100p IN THE SELLING LEAGUE Let 'Em Hit For You — Call 527-0240 Coming Events Coming Events CANADIAN Foresters ann- ual Chicken Barbeque in Kinburn, Thursday. June 9. 1-21-1 YARD AND BAKE SALE Saturday, May 28, 9 a.m. - 12 noon at Riley's farm in Winthrop. Household items, bicycles, dishwasher, dry copier. Sponsored by Win- throp Warrettes Slow Pitch team. 1-21-1 GARAGE & BAKE SALE, June 11, 10:00-2 p.m. at Duff's Church, Walton. 1-21-1 DUBLIN Lions Annual Dublin Fest, July 9, 1983. 1.21-1 The family of Norman and Annie Vincent, R.R. #1, Lon- desboro, cordially invite rela- tives, friends, and neigh- bours to an Open House in honour of their 40th wedding anniversary on Sunday, June 5, 1983 from 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. at Auburn Community Hall. Best wishes orlly please. 1-21x1 HAM and Turkey Supper, Tuesday, June 7, 5-7 p.m. Adults 55.50, children 52.50. Duff's United Church, Wal- ton. 1-21-2 CANCELLED: 1.O.O.F. Euchre, Wednesday, May 25. 1-21x1 SEA FORTH and District Ringette invites you to join them in their first Oriental Tea Garden and Dessert Luncheon. Seaforth & Dis- trict Community Centres, Wed., June 1st. 8 p.m. Featuring fashions by Sea - forth merchants. Dessert. beverage, prizes. Admission 54.00. 1-18-4 COME and join us for the June 11 Farmers Market at Victoria Park, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. 1-20-4 i Be sure to attend BRUCEFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT'S Annual Pancake Breakfast and Car Wash Sat., May 28th 7a.m.-1 p.m. Brucefield Fire Hall All proceeds to Muscular Dystrophy Help Wanted MARK down this date Fri- day, July 8th, 1983. That's when the Brodhagen Cham- ber of Commerce has its Annual Chicken Bar -B -Q.. and dance at the Brodhagen Community Hall. Remember July 8th, 1983 is the date. 1-21-6 DEMOLITION DERBY at Seaforth, Sunday June 26, 1 p.m. Sponsored by the Sea - forth Agricultural Society. Registration forms available from Ken Coleman, 527-0398 or Bob Fotheringham 482- 9196, 1-20:2 FIRECRACKER FITNESS: Energize to music with TNT classes all summer, 7:15 to 8:30 p.m. Monday nights at Seaforth Arena starts May 30; Tuesday nights at Brus- sels Public School, starts May 31. Phone Barb Alkemade 527-0365 to register. 1-20-3 1983 Mardigras, Saturday, May 28 (Licenced under L. L.B.O.). Bed races: 12:30 p.m. Main intersection to Optimist Park. Parade.Time: 1:30 p.m. Optimist Park to Fairgrounds. Band Tattoo: 3:00 p.m. at the Fairgrounds (featuring 6 bands in compe- tition). Steak barbeque: 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. at the Seaforth and District Com- munity Centres. Dance: 2 big dances going at the same time 8 m.-1 a.m. (in the hall) Evil Roy Slade; 9 p.m. • 1 a.m. (on the ice surface) The Whiskey Jack Music Co. Bar opens at 2 p.m. in the Seaforth and District Com- munity • Centres. Tickets available from Seaforth Op- timist - timist members. All this for only $8.00 per person. Child- ren under 12.54.00. 1.19.3' BINGO every Thursday evening at VANASTRA CENTRE R.R. 5 CLINTON 1st regular card $l; 15 regular games of 515; 3 Share -the - Wealth. Jackpot 5200.00 must go. Admission restrict- ed to 16 years or over. 1-9-tf SELL Through Huron Expositor Classified Want Ads Coming Events SEAFOHTH Community Hospital presents a two day course in Diabetic Education, June 1, 2, 8 a.m. • 3:30 p.m. All interested parties please ca11527-1650 Ext. 52. 1.20-2 CLINTON Legion Bingo, eveiy Thursday, 8 p.m. 1st regular card 51. Restricted to 16 years or over. 15 regular games of 515.00. 55 least on split. Many other specials. Jackpot 6200 must go each week. 1-9-tf ANNE MARIE requests the honour of your presence at the 25th wedding anniversary of her parents Bill and Norma Eisler on June 4, Seaforth Legion. Best wishes only please. 1-20-3 Help Wanted LOCALpeson required to sell Canadian made water distil- lers retailing 5239.50, your profit 5100 + each. L.B.H. Industries, 116 Viceroy Rd., Unit C-9, Concord (Toronto), Ontario L4K 2M3 416-661- 1142, Res. 416-494-9849. 4-21-01 WATKINS. Full and part time available. Earn what you need by building your own business. Established since 1868. Call Bill Coupland 1-519-658-5484. 4.21-01 BECOME a professional transport driver. Call us now. Mery Orr's Transport Driver Training School. Thunder Bay, 807-623-8686; Ottawa, 613-523-3489; Toronto, 416- 621-8579; London, 519-432- 1726: Cambridge, 519-648- 2519. 4-21-01 PERSON: non-smoker to care for baby in our home in Brussels, mornings begin- ning September 1983. Refer- ences preferred. Phone 887- 6877. 4-20-2 Bus. Opportunity HAVE-TRUCK-WILL- fRAVEL. Evenings and weekends. about town, light moving, delivery, refuse re- moval. basements, garages cleaned, spring clean up. 527-0497. 5-9-tf Help Wanted Farm Stock Articles for Sale Property for Sale Card of Thanks Wanted AM FM Cassette, 2 way speaker, brand new, 1 yr. warranty. 5145.00. Call 345- 2836 Brodhagen. 11-21-2 AM FM cassette. 40 watt power amplifier, with 3 way speakers. Brand new, 1 yr. warranty. 5199.95. Call 345- 2836 Brodhagen. 11-21-2 ONE 10 speed bicycle, good condition. 527-0674 after 6 p.m. 11-21-1 CAR STEREO: AM/FM auto -reverse, push button cas- sette, 120 watt power ampli- fier, flash equalizer, 200 watt 6x9, 3 way speakers. Brand new. Full warranty. Opening special 5399.95 installed. Call 345-2836, Brodhagen. 11-21.2 BOX of baby clothes, blank- ets, children's clothes, size 1-2, bunting bag. Will sell by box or individual. Phone 345-2023. Mrs. Mary Anne Snowdon. 11-21-2 FARM DOG to give away, good with children. Part Lab and Retriever. Phone 482- '234. 11.21x1 CAR STEREO: AM/FM cas- sette, 2 way speakers, brand new, full warranty. 5165.00 installed. Call 345-2836, Brodhagen. 11-21-2 CAR STEREO: AM/FM cas- sette, 40 watt power amplifier with 3 speakers. Brand new, full warranty. Opening spe- cial 5225.00 installed. Call 345-2836, Brodhagen. 11-21-2 BOARS: York, R.O.P. tested, government health approved, good sound stock. Priced to sell. Phone 345-2170. 8-18-4 WANTED: Board and care for quiet saddle mare. Close to Seaforth. 527-0964. 8-21xI STILL SOME ROUTES OPEN! WANTED Carriers to deliver Focus News Magazine in Seaforth APPLY IN WRITING TO: The Huron Expositor P.O. Box 69 Seaforth, Ontario NOK 1WO Farm Machinery INTERNATIONAL 8 row plate planter. Phone 527-0897 9-21-1 1-15 foot International 45 Vibra Shank cultivator with harrow, used one season. 52400. firm. Phone 527-0596. 9.15-tf USED desks, file cabinets, bookcases, tables, room di- viders, stacking chairs, office chairs, storage cabinets, steel adjustable shelving. Lovers New and Used. 254 Adelaide St. S., London 681-2254 Mon. - Fri., 9-5, Sat. 9.12. 11-21-01 23 foot Impala trailer. 'self contained. 7-1606. 1,1-21x2 • CANADA'S lowest price S9,t- cllite TV Systems. Complete packages. Western Satellite Supply, Saskatoon. Phone 306-934-1701. Dealer inquir- ies invited. 11-21-01 STEEL from our factory. Manufacturer has all steel buildings at factory direct savings to you. Different sizes are available from 8 wide to 80 wide. Examples: 32 x 50, regular price 56528, cost to you 53956; 42 x 60, regular price $9744, cost to you 55846; 46 x 90. regular price 515,030, cost to you 59518; 50 x 140, regular price 525.900, cost to you 516,540. All buildings complete with heavy duty gauge roof and sidewalls. Custom door and walls and accessories avail- able at special discount prices. Miracle Span First in Steel Buildings. Call 1-800- 268-4942. 11-214)1 POOL SALE: Manufacturer's clearance on above and in - ground pools, many models at fantastic savings. Shop Director 416-522-1414. 11-21-01 Help Wanted TYPIST A typist with excellent skills for part-time and vacation relief State experience, wpm and salary expected to: APPLY BOX 3707 c/o The Huron Expositor, P.O. Box 69, Seaforth, Ontario NOK 1WO Used Cars 1976 Chev. half ton pickup truck, selling as is. Phone 527-1560. 10-20-1 '72 Pontiac, p.s., b.. Russel Pipper. Seaforth Manor. 10-21x3 1979 Dodge Omni, 4 cylinder, automatic, Al condition. 23,000 miles Best offer. Phone 521-1944. 10-21-1 Articles for Sale CLASSIFIED RATES DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADS IS 4:30 P.M. MONDAYS Charges are based on the number of words. Set of numerals as for serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or prices count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count as separate words. 22 words -53.50 16c per word thereafter. BIRTHS—No charge ENGAGEMENTS—Flat rate of 56. Additional charges for reception notice with engagement. 510 with picture. MARRIAGES—Free for 6 weeks after date of wedding. After this time, photo and cutline only, 515. IN MEMORIAMS—$3.50 plus 30c per line of verse COMING EVENTS -22 words, $3.j each additional word 16c, CARD OF THANKS -25 words 3.50. Each additional word 5c. SOc DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT ON 011 BEFORE THURSDAY NOON OF WEEK FOLLOWING INSERTION BOX NUMBERS TO THIS OFFICE -53.00 per insertion . SEMI DISPLAY -1.15 per cm. Phone 527-0240 FLOOR model TV and tape deck, good condition, best offer, Call 527-0831 anytime. 11-20x2 WINDOWS and doors. New const. or replacement. Con- tact Bill Feeney. Your local dealer for Twin Windows Inc. Showroom, Dublin. 345-2405. 11.9-tf POTATOES: Red or white, also seedotatoes. Hwy. #84 west of Hensall. Phone 236- 4038. 11.9-tf TROY•BILT roto tiller, power composter. 6 -horse model. Fantastic machine. Almost like new -used only a few times. For sale as owner has died. Phone 527-0934. 11.21x1 SURPRISE Father on June 19 with a new aluminum 'boat and trailer for Father's Day. Buy direct from the factory and save. 12' aluminum boats from as low as 5675. Trailers from 500 Ib. to 3200 Ib. at 25% discounts. B & L Metal Products (Elmira) Ltd. 7-11 Industrial Drive. Elmira. (519)669-1551. 11-21.01 CAR STEREO: Aimor AM -FM digital cassette deck with 50 watt power amplifier and audiovox. 100 watt hi - comp 3 way speakers. Brand new. full warranty, 5525.00. Call 345-2836 Brodhagen. 11-21-2 Remember, it take but a moment to place an Ex- positor Want Ad. Dial 527-0240. MOTEL: 17 units, coffee bar, owner apartment, well main- tained, asking 5189,500. Res- taurant licensed, well equip- ped, 70 seats, 2 bedroom apartments, owner ill, 5210,000. Cottage business 9 units plus owner's residence 5139,500. Quality Gift Shop showing good growth, 5 year period 5150,000 + stock. Excellent 2 bay service sta- tion, location 595,000 . 2 Laundromats. Contact Cardi- nal Real Estate and General Insurance Broker Limited 519-832-2510, �t9=7972554-. r/ 14-21.01 HENSALL: ,For sale or lease 2 17ty�service station. centre of village. 262-2810 or 262.2535 14-20-2 Apps. for Rent PROPERTY FOR RENT: Up- town 3 bedroom apartment available July. 527-0331. 15-21-2 FOR RENT in Seaforth, 3-1 bedroom apartments, newly renovated. broadloomed. Call 527-0712 after 5. 15-9-tf Property Wanted WANTED TO RENT: Land suitable for beans. Phone 52'7-0897. 17-21-1 Bus. Directory We wish to express our thanks to relatives. friends and neighbours for the kind- ness shown us in the loss of a loving husband, father, grandfather. and brother. For the beautiful floral arrange- ments, and memorial dona- tions and the lovely cards received. Special thanks to the staff of Huronview for the excellent care given to Jim during his long illness. To Rev. Ken Innes for his visits and comforting messages, to the Watts Funeral Home for their kind and helpful atten- tion. Also to the ladies of Melville church for lunch after the service and to food sent to our homes. Your thoughtfulness is deeply ap- preciated - preciated and will always bep remembered. The Shortreed Family 24-21x1 Wanted to Buy Wanted to Buy BOOKS needed for Huron. County's largest used book sale, June 4 & 5. Proceeds to Blyth Summer Festival. Drop donations off prior to May 30 at Maitland Valley Insurance, Brussels; Huron Expositor. Janis Bisback's, 86 Queen St., Hensall. . 13-19-3 PIANO WANTED tegardless of condition. Phone collect anytime 519-669-2280 or 519- 669-2198. 12-9-tf OLDER QUILTS, oak exten- sion tables and chairs, steel and brass beds. Wiping to pay good prices. CaIF%aarol, Stratford, 271-0941. 12-10-tf Notice Real Estate ' FUEL OIL FURNACE Repair and Cleaning 24 HOUR SERVICE PARATCHEK'S MAINTENANCE , Dublin 345-2235- - GARDEN TILLING 40 inch tiller 345-2277 Hank's Small Engines Service 1 MILE NORTH OF LONDESBORO 523-9202 Lawn and Garden Equipment Repair New and Used Garden Equipment In Stock Elizabeth Court Apts. 176 Oxford St., Hensall 1 BEDROOMS AVAILABLE NOW MAY AND JUNE LAWN BOY MOWERS [Includes utilities, carpeting, appliances, laundry facilities PHONE 262.3448 or 262-2615 SEAPORTN 5210120 FARM FQUIPMFNI IIMIItD IH CAMP -OUT Trailers. Hwy. 8W, Stratford, 393-5938, Your headquarters for hard- top tent trailers,. travel trail- ers, from light -weights, right up to park models, truck - campers, and caps. Dealers for Prowler, Golden Falcon, Corsair, Lionel. Sales, rentals parts, service. 23-15-13 PREGNANT and distressed? Married or single. Free con- fidential support. Call collect Birthright 432-7197 or after 6 p.m. 527-0115. 19-9-tf PHIL'S Refrigerator and Ap- pliance Service. Prompt, de- pendable service Mall makes and models of domestic ap- pliances. Phone 887.9062. 19-9-tf Geo. A. Sills & Sons Home Hardware MERCHANTS PLUMBING -HEATING & ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Phone A2L1620 Seaforth HENSALL LIVESTOCK SALES Notice EVERY THURSDAY AT 1:30 P.M. All classes of livestock WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Greg Hargreaves 262-2619 Hensall Victor Hargreaves 482-7511 Clinton Barry Miller 23,672717 Exeter. and 229-6205 Kirkton BACHERT MEATS CUSTOM KILLING Cutting & Wrapping FREEZING KILL DAY ON TUESDAY All Meat Govt. Inspected on the farm 1 MILE EAST OF WALTON 887-9328 Notice NOTICE to all Residents of the Township of Tuckersmith '6he first regular scheduled municipal council meeting of June has been rescheduled' to May 31st, 1983 at 8:00 p:m. at the Municipal Office. There will be no municipal meeting on'June 7th, 1983. s I t sr J.R. McLACHLAN�r a . 1 Clerk -Treasurer Tender Wanted HAMMER and SAW For all your home - renovations - additions - decks - steps - cabinets built to fit - interior trimming 20 YEARS EXPERI'FNCE Contact JIM COLEMAN 527-1684 VEAL'S Abattoir and Meat Market Hwy. 83-31/2 miles east of Exeter Tender Wanted MUTTON REAL ESTATE ASKING PRICE S15,750 With all offers consider- ed, 3 bedroom. Brussels home, large living room. kitchen with dining area, house fully carpeted. 5 YEAR OLD 3 bedroom Brussels bungalow on a large lot many fine fea- tures includes fully fin- ished basement with rec room, attached garage. Asking 549,900. 2 BAY GARAGE: Village of Ethel, hoist and air compressor, parts room, Office. bathroom hookup for trailer home with extra septic system, drilled well, financing available. Asking $26,000. BRUSSELS: 3 bedroom iltome with acreage. - house has oak floors throughout. Building 30 x 36. suitable for horses Or workshop. Asking 527.900. Contact MEL MATHERS Wingham 357-3208 Representing L.W.HUTTON REAL ESTATE LTD. Hullett Township TENDERS WANTED For supplying, loading and hauling of approx. 23000 cu. yds. of B gravel also about 4,000 cu. yds of shoulder clay for road construction in Hullett Township at the rate of 1000 cu. yds. or more per day. Work to be done in the month of August 1983. Contact the Rd. Supt. for tender forms and they must be received by the Rd. Supt. containing a certified cheque of 10% of enclosed bid by 5 p.m. June 6, 1983. - Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted and must be approved by MTC. • JIM JOHNSTON Rd. Supt. Londesboro, Ont. NOM 2H0 235-1123 Real Estate Real Estate Try us for CUSTOM KILLING and PROCESSING Kill days -Tuesdays OUR SPECIALTY Home cured and smoked meats processed exactly the way you like it. OPEN HOUSE Real Estate Ltd. Cll,i(on Phone: U2.1371 NEW LISTING: 2 acre high- way property, near Hensall, 2 floor brick home in excellent condition, good workshop, fruit orchard, large garden. Priced for quick sale. STONE MANSION: on 2 acres. very good condition, 3 bay garage and large work- shop. E. Wawanosh Twp., 2 miles trom Blyth 96 ACRESTwp. V : Cr SOLD'"- FARROW TO FINISH: on paved road near Clinton, 100 acres, very good buildings, &'/4"10 F.C.C. mortgage as- sumable. 85 ACRES: on paved road, 50 acres workable. stream cross- es property, good building site. HOLMESVILLE: 13 acres with farrowing barn, 1 floor brick bungalow, paved drive. EXECUTIVE CLASS HOME: on 20 acres. Goderich Twp., very well landscaped. in - ground pool. new insulated barn. 6ACRES: near Brucefield, good franc home, drive shed and barn. HENSALL: 11/2 floor home in good condition. financing available. 240 ACRES�oLD-kable, average h Hullett Twp. MEN'S WEARSTORE: Main St. location in prosperous village. Reasonable price. 14 ACRES: 5 miles from Clinton. good frame home. ' workshop and small barn. trout stream. 100 ACRES: cropland. Hul- lett Twp. 46 ACRES: near Varna, 22 acres cropland. 9 acres hard- wood hush, large double home. barn. drive shed with workshop. 50 ACF ems) Harlock. good bu r7 150 ACRES: near Auburn. 100 workable, good brick home. 2 small sheds. 40 acres bush. 50 ACRES: farrow to finish, Hwy. ) 8. near Wingham. new home. low interest F.C.C. mortgage. NEW RAISED RANCH HOME: at Brucefield, attach- ed garage, electric heat with heat pump. FARMERS For a good farm building at competitive prices PHONE RAY LAMVLBERS CONSTRUCTION R.R. 02 Clinton 482-3305 FREE ESTIMATES 1983 8 H.P. ROPER LAWN TRACTOR LAWN TRACTOR '16590° S/ATOWNI I21-0130 PART-TIME POSITION (Casual) for COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH WORKER at CLINTON MENTAL HEALTH RESOURCE CENTRE DUTIES: To assist In implementing programs rehabilitate patients In Psychiatric Treatment Centre, and other settings. PERSONAL REQUIREMENTS: Should have experience In the Mental Health field. Must have the ability end Interest In working with groups, es wen es organisational skills. and the ability to work with multidisciplinary teem. APPLY: worn wedne.dey. June 1st, 1113. SEND RESUME TOs Mn. K. Mw -Tarty. R -N. (Dlr.ctor) Monte) Health Resource Centre, 113 Shipley Street, Clinton, Ontario. NOM 1M, designed to Outpatient at 115 Goderich St., East, Seaforth on SUNDAY, MAY 29, from 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Come view this 4 bedroom brick and stone ranch home during our Open House. Thls home features a large family room with a cozy stone fireplace and a level walkout to the fully automatic inground pool. A built-in range and eye -level oven enhance the contemporary kitchen and the dining room features a walkout balcony and outdoor dining area overlooking the pool area. Enjoyment and convenience is yours from the moment you pull in the paved. drive to the moment the rear view captures you, This is a very high quality, family home being offered at a realistic price, so don't miss it. Your Host Will Ile HENRY A. MERO OF HAROLD WORKMAN REAL ESTATE LTD. 1.1811111111111111111111 MI I 1