The Wingham Times, 1907-08-01, Page 5TUE WINGIIA.51 TIDIES, AUGUST 1, 1907 Wear Gool GlothinA !AND BUY WEIERE YOU CAN BUY TO ADVANTAGE. We are using the knife on all Summer Clothing in stock now. We are not overloaded but you can still have a nice as- sortment to choose from. Striped Flannel 2.pieoe suits, reg- ular $6 00, $6 50, and $6 75 for $4,00 Grey Home Spun 2 piece Snits, regular $7.60 for,,,, $4.50 Striped Flannel Odd Coats, reg- ular $2 25, $3 00 and $4,60 for,..,.. ... $2.00 Light Grey Opting Pants, regu- lar $2.25 for , .... , ... $1.50 FANCY., VESTS. Clearance of all odds and ends in Fancy Wash Vesta ; all this season's goods, regular $1 25, $1.50 and 81.75 to clear at $1 00 STRAW HATS. Everything in the shape of a Straw Hat, to be cleared out at once at Bargain prices. HOSIERY DEPARTMENT SPECIALS. boys' Black Cotton Stockings, fast dye, regular 25o for ,-.. 19c. Men's Half•Hose, Fancy Stripes and Plaids, mostly in the. new tan shades, special price 19c. All lines of Ready-to-wear Clothing selling at greatly reduced prices. McGee & Cam »e CLOTHIERS AND MEN'S FURNISHERS MYTH Mr. Ed. Moser, of Winnepeg spent a week at his parental home in the village. W. H. McElroy has a Contract to make five thousand or more apple barrela for D. Oaitelon, of Clinton. Two local rinks of bowlers will attelfj$ the bowling tournament at Goderich next week. Word„was received of the death of a S"IIof l ,, J. MoGill, formerly of Blyth. The young man was killed by a con- struction, train, Ile was a promising young man of 16 year,' and was employ- ed in the offioes of one of the great railways that centre in Chicago. Is Your Cold Bettor 2 No it's as bad as ever. Nothing seems to help, Why not use the up-to-date specific "Oatarrhozone," whioh drives out cold in one .day. Inhale Catarrh - ozone and yen will be relieved in two minutes. Continue the treatment and ours is assured. Healing, germ destroy- ing and pleasant, nothing for olds, throat trouble and Catarrh compares with Catarrhozone. Sold everywhere, 25o. and $1.00. OREv. W. F. Schnook, had a new galvanized steel roof put on his barn this week by Kreuter & Co„ of Ethel. Jno. Speiran, llth cone had a cement. wall built under his shed and cement floors planed in his stables. Mrs Chas. W. Eaket and daughter Myrtle, are visiting at A., R. McDonald's. Mr. Eaket is at Moose Jaw, Sask., where he is employed at carpenting. Mies Winnie McDonald, of Winnipeg, and Miss Louise'K. Henreux, of „Port Arthur, are visiting their cousin, Miss Sadie McKinnon, 8th con. Mrs. Mc- Donald, of Winnipeg, is also visiting her sister, Mrs. McKinnon. John Oliver, 6th oon., had the misfor- tune to have a particle of steel fly into one of his eyes from the facie of a ham- mer. As the ipjury was of a very critical type he was advised to consul; a specialist in Toronto and he went to the Queens city. 1s Your Trouble Indigestion t Then probably you know the evils of distention, fermentation and irritation • that accompany digestive troubles, Next important is to know how prompt- ly Nerveline cores. Q.aiok as -wink °it relieves bloating. and feeling of fulueae, puts the entire digestive apparatus in perfect order, makes you fit and fine all over. Tor internal pain Polson's Ner- viline enrpasses every known remedy. Keep it in the house always, it's a source of comfort in the hour of emergency. Large .bottles for 25o at all dealers. Miss Bessie Ritchie, is trained nurse from the city of Winnipeg, is enjoying a holiday with her mother, sister and brother, near Bellcore, Mrs. Ritchie and her daughter, Jean. ette, recently Attended a rtermion at Ayr or all those now livteg who had attended the school when Mra. Ritchie learned her A B O's. A. delightful time was spent by all.. Mrs. (Rev.) A. O. Stewart, of Streets. villa, spent some weeks visiting the old Sock at Belmore and M:Into,'h. She galled on the moat of them, and her cone- pany is certainly inspiring. Mrs. Stewart's two sous are running a 200 acre farm in the suburbs of Streetsvillo, and they .are meeting with unqualified 'noose: They. make dairy cows a specialty, and it 1s pleasing to know that Mr. and Mrs. Stewart and family aro so comfortable and happy in their new sphere. Easy to i1etain Health. Most important of all is proper attention to the bowels. Avoid constipation, it'a the health killer of today. Harsh grip• log medicine is erninoue-beware of it. Best results follow a truly vegetable remedy like Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Mendra'ke and Butternut which not only relieve costiveness in one night but cures the oanse of the trouble and prevents its return. No distress or inconvenience attends the use of Dr. Hamilton's Pills which are world famous for their mild. ness and efiioienoy. Sold everywhere, 25o. per box. BRUSSELS. The Pablie Library is closed until the 13th of August and Miss Minnie Mo. Naughton• is having her first holidays in 12 years. D A. Lowry has commenced on the pulling down and moving of buildings on the property he parohased preparatory to erecting a new residence oa the site. John Ross, of Galt, is visiting his brother, Wm. Rose, Win. street. The visitor is 80 years of age being 2 years the junior of our well known towns- man. Wednesday of last week John Galbraith and Geo. Keys left for the West with a oar or horses. This is Mr. Galbraith's 20th trip to Winnipeg so he should know the ropes fairly well by this time. We hope they will do well with their shipment. •East Huron Fall Fair will be held i n Brussels on Thursday and Friday, Oot. 3 and 4. Plans are being laid for a first- olass Fair in which an A 1 program will -be presented. Prize lists are now in the .printers hands. BLrluve,LE Mr.. Masters is visiting with Mrs. Warnaley M Bayfield. There was no P,resbyterigu church .ervice held last Sunday, owing to''sitev. W. J. West being away, Mists Nellie Iebiater, of M.rria end Miss White of Toronto were visiting with Mrs. 8'. B. Soott last Week. Harold and Dorothy Burgeee of WooO. Mole have been visiting with their grandparents, Mr, and Afro, John Bergen. Mrs, Duncan Stewart, 'of Winnipeg and Mr. and Mrs, Charles Fraser, of Naison, B Q. are vieiting here with rela- tives and old friends, Regained Nerve and Vital Energy. From Walton P. 0 , Qae , the follow- ing from Dir, Naizere Begin -"If anyone had, told me any remedy could built up my nervous system so well, 1 would rot have believed them. Before using Ferrozone 1 was run down in nerve end vital energy, and in very weak health I didn't get enough sleep at night, felt poorly in the day time. Ferrozone hes filled me with energy and vim, increased my weight and made a new man of me." Hundreds tell the same story -Weak and dispirtted,•everything going wrong, unable to catch up. Took Ferrozone and all was changed to health and serenity. Price 60c per box at all dealers. , Molrlxs. Township Council will meet on Mon- day, 6th inst. It will be Court of Re. vision on the Cole Drain. The Voters List for 1907 are in the hands of the Township Clerk Clark and were first posted up on July 23. There are 680 names in part 1; 96 in part 11; and 52 in part 111, a total of 918. Persons competent as jurors 417. Invitations are oat for the marriage of Miss Minnie R, Kelly. of Ovpreu River, Manitoba, formerly of Morris Township, to Lawson Graham, of Wellwood, Manitoba. The marriage will rake plane at the home of her brother, G. J. Kelly, of Cypress River. Mr. Joseph P. Phelan, wife ani son, Earl, of Cincivatti, Ohio, are renewing old acquaintances in this sootion. It is ten years since Mr Phelan has paid his friends in Morris a visit. He was great. ly impressed with the improvements that have been made during his absence. But, while surveying the prosperity, he also noticed that many old friends and familiar faces have disappeared, some gone to seek new fortunes in the North- west, while others have passed to the great beyond, from whence no traveller returns, Mr. Phelan was formerly a resident of Morrie, but for the past e8 years has been connected with a large show case establishment in Oincinnatti, where he holds a lucrative position. NAT ZPTGZ-ILA1VIS GlT ]nTG Isa.rd's Famous Half N. Yearly Ten Days' Saiz 40000.' Consumption is less deadly then it used to bo. Certain relief and usually complete will result from the following treatment Rope, rest, fresh aux, and -$00te,r Emuij10n.. AL,[. DRUGGISTS 80c. AND $1.00. cllLxoss, Council met in Town Hall, Teeswater, July 23rd, pursuant to adjournment of last meeting. Members all present. Minutes of last meeting were read and sustained. Communications were open- ed and read. The Clerk of the County had sent in the amount of the levy re- quired of this Township for the current year, being as follows: --County rate, 83370.53; municipal egnavlent, $174 44; total $5550.97. In answer to a communication, word was received from 0. A. Jones, Civil Engineer, stating that he would accept the office Of Engineer for We township to carry out the provisions of the Ditches. and Watercourses Act, Mr. Rath made request to have a ditch dug opposite lot 28, con. 14. Kuntz--Falooner-That Mr. Baptist examine the location of the ditch and report at next meeting of Council. -Car- ried. Ballagh-Kuntz-That Henry Wicks- be icksbe paid the sum of $1.60 for removing floatwool out of thee stream at the bridge at let 6, con. 4 -Carried. Falconer-Ballagh -That Councillors Kuntz and Baptist be instructed to ex- amine foto the request of Mr. Brown to have a ditch dug and a culvert pat in at lot 32, con. 14, and if they thiuk it neces• sary, to have it done, -Carried. Falconer -Baptist -That a grant be made of $15 to gravel the roads opposite lots 10 and 11, con. 8 and 9, and that James Ballagh expend the same, -Carried. Kuntz -Baptist -That a grant of $25 bs made to repair the hill at lots 30 and 31, con. 4 and 5, the same to be let by Geo. Falconer.-Oarried. Kuntz -Baptist -That as complaint has been made by Mr. Fischer that a deep ditch has been dug on the first side - road, con 10, and is reported to be un - safe, that the Reeve and the mover ex- amine the same and also examine into the complaint re road work in said beat, also examine the road at Int 1, con. 10, where the owner requests to have a tile drain put across the road.-Oerried. Report of Ballagh and Falconer re bridge on 5th sideroad: -"As per motion of May meeting, we went aad e the bridge on the Lth Wooed, we found the abutments to be conditigs and the sleepers to all aures are good, and the covering .i for a few years yet, But we found the brut on the north ride of .the had got moved some at the 'we found that the railing was cora ly gone. We rec.lmmeud that the be straightened to its proper place made solid by putting in stone to it in place, and that a new railing on the bridge and we think the b will be good for a few years Signed: Jas, Ballagh,. Geo. Falco Kuntz -Baptist --That the re Messrs. Ballagh and Falconer r on 5111 eideroad, con. 3 be recei that Mr, Ballagh have the samere acoording to report, -Carried. A large number of accounts for gr and gravelling were passed and Council adjourned to meet on Mon August 26th, -CHAS, BUTTON, Cler GODERICII. The joint committee from the G ich board of trade and the town co have decided on Tuesday, Septe 1001, as the date for the formal de oration in connection with the ope of the Gnelph & Goderich road, sub to the approval of the 0. P. R. Olio' The Goderich Horticultural Soc are arranging to make a County Huron exhibit at the Provinoial Ex tion in Toronto Of November, county council at their sessions month voted $75 towards the expene making such an exhibit, and at a me ing on Satarlay night the direotorg ,Horticultural Society decided to ca munioate with the vatioae agricult societies in the county and make arran ments foe spacial prizes iu various cla es of fruit in order to bring out the b specimens to be had,�,'tese will forwarded to Gndericl•-and a select made from them for the exhibit to sent to Toronto. COMMENCING SATURDAY, AUGUST 3rd, AND ENDING, AUGUST 14th. • A Sale That Beats Them A11-$20,000,00 Stock to be Slaughtered - Great Reductions in Every Department - Never Mind Ho* Much We Lose, It Will be Your Gain.-- We can assure our friends that this will be by far the most important sale we have ever held. Extraordinary values and vast assortments await you here. Our object is to sell out all lines of goods and carry nothing over from one season to another. "Facts are stubborn things, and figures won't lie." This quotation never applied more forcibly than to this great Ten Days' Sale. It is a fact that we are better equipped to handle an immense business than ever before; it is a fact that the bargains are -the greatest, and the stock the largest that have been offered in Wingham for years. Come and investigate these facts. Remember the date, Saturday August 3rd. One hundred and six patterns Crums English 1,Irints, fast colors, regular 12 I2 c value, Sale price 10 Cents. 1 GROCERY DEPARTMENT. 1 lb. Art Baking Powder, with Graniteware Premium, Preserving Kettles, Tea Pots, Bread,Pans, eto., worth 600 to 75o each, 10 days sale price ......430 Best quality Salmon for 15c 1 lb tins Maple Leaf Baking Powder 13c Royal Yeast Oakes•, per box 03c Canada Laundry Starch .05c 150 Bottle of Pickles for 10e 12 bars Laundry Soap for ; . 25c Pot Barley, per lb.... ....03c 10c Bottle Extracts, sale price ....... ....... , .. , .... 08c 2 packages Gold Dust for 05c 26o strong Brooms, sale price 20c Japan and Ceylon Teas, regular 26o for . 200 Best quality Raisins regular 12M for • 100 These are great money saving chanes for 10 days only. BOOTS AND SHOES, An immense stock to choose from and every pair to be sold at out prices. Come and see how much you 4aan save on footwear during our big ten days sale BIG SAVING ON CLOTHING, Two Thousand Dollars worth of the Beet Ready-to-wear Clothing to be sold at a great sacrifice. 16 Men's Plain and Fancy Tweed Suits, worth $6.50 to $7.00, to go at $4.95 Men's Flake Pattern Suite, worth $8.00, sale prioe$6.00 26 Fine Tvteed Suite, sizes 36 to 44, new patterns, regular price $10.00, our sale prioe,.. $7.95 Boys' Two•Plooe Snits, regular $2 00 and $2 60 lines, 10� days bale price $1:50 - toys' 8•pieoe Suite, pretty patterns, well made with strong lining, regular price $4 f0, sale price .$3.50 Youths' Strong Suite, wor $6 and $6, to clear•,$3.95 Men's Strong Tweed Pante, regular valve $2, Bale $1.50 15 pair well -made strong Pantry, worth. $2 50, eale $195 Men's Strong Overalls, black or blue Denim.. 59e 9 Men's Waterproof Coats, worth $5.00 to clear. ,.$3.50 A lot Men's Raincoats, to clear at .. . . ... ........81.98 Come with the etowd. Everything will be reduced. • Sales people wanted. FLANNELETTES. Heavy Striped Flannelette, one yard wide, regular valve 1.2;2o, sale price 10c HOSIERY. Big bargains in all lines of Ladies' and Ohildren's Hose every pair on sale at reduced prioe, ask to see them. RIBBONS. Oar large stock of Ribbons must be rednoed. 200 Fancy Ribbons, 10 days sale price, ........... , . ,15e 200 Wide Plain Ribbon, 10 days tale price., . , .15c 25c Wide Plain or Fancy Ribbon, 10 days sale price. . 200 15o Plain Ribbon, all colors, 10 days sale pace ....IWc 121ec Plain, 10 days sale price 10c LADIES WHITE LAWN WAISTS. Ladies White Lawn waits, latest at big redactions. 900 vaine for... , 69c $1.00 Waists, for. , ..75c $1.25 Waists, for...8100 $1.50 Waists, for...81.20 $2.00 Waists, for. .,$150 $2.50 Waists, for. „$1.95 DRESS GOODS. Fanny Silk Voile, regular prioe $14,25, sale price .. , .. .90c Silk and Wool Crepe de Ohene, Worth 76o sale price, 500 5 pieces Gray Tweed Drees Goode worth 60o " " ,39c 4 pieces Fancy Tweed Dress Goods " 36c " " .25c 6 pieces Wide Plaid Battings " 35n " " .25c Gray Tweed Suiting, 64 inches wide, worth $1.00 sale prioe .. • .75c Cashmeres, Serges and Lnstres, reg. 60o, sale prioo..45c All Other 'tact of Dress Goods at greatly reduced prioes LADIES WHITE CAIVIBEIC DRAWERS. Nioely made, to clear at. , , . , .... 35 A lot of Corsets to oloar out, regular prioe $1 on sale at 69 b B SALE OF CARPETS. Br sets Carpet, worth $1 00, Bale price , , 75c est Tapestry Carpet, worth 85c, sale price 05c 60o quality Tapestry Carpet, sale price480 350 Union Carpet, 10 days sale price 25c 60o Union Carpet, 10 days sale price 48c -3 ply All -Wool Oarpet, worth $1,16, sale price 90c GENTS' FURNISHINGS. 10 dozen four-in-hand Ties and hook -on Ties, regulars 25c lines, your choice , .. , , ....... 19c Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers, sale price, per suit. ,70c Sommer Undershirts and Drawers, to clear at 25c Black Cashmere Sox, worth 25o, sale price 19c Cotton Sox, 10 days sale price 2 pair for 15c Heavy Working Shirts, to clear at 40c Boys' Print Shirts, must go at • ......., 35c TABLE LINEN. OOo extra wide Bleached Linen, sale price 45 3 Patterns Heavy Table Linen, worth 60o sale price40 New Patterns Bleached Linen, worth 75o sale price. ,59 Fine quality 2 yards wide Linen, worth $1, sale price 80 Extra fine Linen, regular prioe $1.25, sale pride. ,.,8100 40.Cable Linen, regular price 40a, sale price .33 KID GLOVES. Ladies Kid Gloves, black or colors, guaranteed, regular price $1.25, sato 99 SILK WAISTS. Cream Silk Waists, good wash silk, latest style, worth frons $3.50 to $4.00, your choice . $2.50 'UNDERSKIRTS White Cambric Skirts, nicely made, Worth $100, sale ........ .•,, $1.20 H. E. ISARD 86 CO., Wingham, - LACE CURTAINS. 25 pairs Cartains 3ie yds long, sale ' 19 pair Cartains, wide and ion price regular dollar value, on 75 g, worth $1.2 • ` 5,our sale 98 value at $1.50 24 pair fine Lao Cartains, gond bargain. AU other lines at reduced prices. TOWELS. 12 doz. Linen Towels, good valve at 253 per pair, sale price , ... 20 Extra large pare Linen Towels, regular value 35o, 10 days sale price , ...••, .•... ,25 Linen Haok Towels, regularly said at lase • `each, on sale a6,. ,. 19 TABLE NAPKINS, ii doz. Table Napkins, good value at 81.00. sale price75 Extra flee Table Napkins, ragalar prloe $1 50, our sale prioe....,... ., $1.25 Extra find large size Naptine. worth $2.50, 10 `dap,, pale price , ... .. $1.#.r LADIES WRAPPERS. Nioely made Wrappers, lined in the waist, good vaine at $1,25, 10 days sale price 99 :NIGHT GOWNS. White canibric Gowns, tali size, worth $1.00 75 Ladies sale EXg1VIINE THESE SILK VALUES, 10 pieces 27 inch Japan Taffeta Silk, regular 503 quality for ......... ............ ,...,.,,.,..42 60 yds Black Soft Taffeta, goad vaine at 65e, sale price..48 TERMS o>;' SAr.1;-No goods charged at sale prices. No goods sent on approbation. Cash or produce in exchange for goods. No coupons given or dales punched on tickets during the I3ig Sale. 0