The Wingham Times, 1907-08-01, Page 1▪ `.."PrIT.'7,707.•-•••
Just Arrived in Town !
60c and 80c per Ib
- We have them in 3,‘ ib. and 1 ib.
boxes. Come in and try a box.
Walton McKibbon
- Macdonald Block, Wingham.
This management during the
past year trained over Two
Hundred ' young
ladies 200 n d
gentle- men, as
steno- graph -
era, bookkeepers and telegraph-
ers, and placed them in excel-
lent situations in leading Can-
adian and American cities.
Individual instruction.
Write for catalogue.
GEO. SPOTTON, Principal.
Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers
Sarnia- Detroi Excursion.
Many people in th section wilt take
advantage of the an nal I,O.O.F, excur-
sion to Sarnia and etroit on Saturday,
August 10th, to'it with friends in
Sarnia, Detroit an Port Huron. This
is one of the popul r excursions of the
season. Get full pJrtioP1ars from advt.
in another column of this issue.
Get Parnell's Bread, at Christie's.
Winghamits in West.
Meests. Thos. . ipling and Walter
Belden, former w
Wingham have
B statues, Seek.
o based a general s
doing well in th
t own. Mr. Ashton
old Wingbem boy i
and is doing well.
l•known residents of
recently located at
here they have pur-
ore business and are
s growing Western
. 0. Maeois, another
located at Baloarree
WOOL WANTED—Any quantity; high -
• eat prices.—Gao. E. KING.
- The Name That is Read with a Smile
Did you ever see
An. Irish customer drop-
ped one in "The Little
Eaton" the other day when
she was buying a suit for
her boy. We are using this
same Blarney Stone in
Our Clothing Sale and
• find we do not need to talk
near as much, The Cloth-
ing is such a bargain it
speaks for itself, particular-
ly when the purchaser
considers the style, fit
quality and finish of
The Little Eaton Suits.
Did you get in on the
Clean Up Shirt Sale, re-
gular 75c, $1.00, •$1.25, for
49c. Not more than two to
any one person
Old Postoffio0 Store
Macdonald Block • WINGHAM.
Foot hurt
Tommy Stacey,
Thos. Stacey, of T
badly out by a
Wednesday and it
to remove him ti the Hospital here.
The boy lost a lar :e quantity of elood,
as the muscles w- re cut across and the
ankle joint laid open, there is some
danger of the chi d having a stiff joint.
At last report he was convalescing as
well as could be e niected.
Stricken at Church.
On Sunday evening as Joseph Hockin,
a well known citizen a Kincardine, was
entering the Methodast church to attend
divine worship, he Nat) stricken down
with a stroke of apo dexy. Mr. Hockin
has lived there for n any years, and has
many friends throe ;hoot Ontario. He
is resting easily, b t has partially lost
his speech. He is 4 man over 70 years
of age.
$2 50 Mattresses for $2.15, at S.
y Mower.
young son of Mr.
nberry, had his foot
wing machine last
as found necessary
Semi -An ual Sale.
H. E. Isard & Co. this week announce
their semi-annual sale, comnaenoing
Saturday, 3rd iest., *id continuing un-
til the 14th. Great ethic:lions are being
o tiered in every epartlnent, which,
with well assorted s oche, will no doubt
be the means of drawing large crowds
to the store during the ten days which
t he sale lasts. Read the large advt. on
page 5.
Highest price paid for hides and poul-
try at T. Fells' butcher Elam.
Our summer sale is a hummer.
An Exc
On another pas;
lisle a paper recen
Morton to the
"Canning Fruits a
article is a good o
use to our lady re
the year when fr
all kinds are be
printed a limited
of the paper this
ing to secure an
calling at the TIM
book store.
Entries for To onto Exhibition.
Readers are re nded that entries for
the Canadian N tional Exhibition of
Toronto close as follows: Live stook,
fine arts, natural oh tory, woman's and
oh ildren's work, Saturday, Aug. 3rd;
grain, seed,field roots, gardenvegetables,
floricultural, hort culture, honey, Satur-
day, August 10th poultry and pet etook,
Wednesday, Augatet 14th; dogs, Thurs-
day, August lathe cats. Satutday, Aug -
gust 17th.
lent Paper.
of this issue we pub-
ly read by Mr. J. A.
omen's Institute on
d Vegetables." The
and will be of much
ders at this season of
•its and vegetables of
ng canned. We have
umber of extra copies
eek and parties wish-
tra copy may do so by
s office or at Saunders'
Summer Shoes Must Go at grsat
in Prices, at W. J. GREER'S.
WANIED—A good smart boy to learn
telegraphing. Apply to A. Rosa at
D ominion Express office.
Dr. Ovens, Oculist, London. Surgeon
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat will be at Mo-
Kibbon's drug store, Tuesday, Aug. 6
—all day. Glasses prcperly fitted.
Programmes an
issued for the Sons
posters have been
of Scotland big de -
Deaths in
The statistics of
of health for the
issued Friday morn
crease of 200 case
c ontagious diseases
e provincial board
nth of June were
g and show an in.
of infectious and
or the month, with
Voters List P inted.
The voters list fpr t e Township of
East Wawanosh for 190 has been print-
ed and was first posted in the Clerk's
office on Wednesday of this week, The
total number of voters on the list is 570,
divided as follows:—Part 1, 460; part to
86; part 3, 24. This is a slight increase
over last year. The number of persons
qualified to serve as jurors is 290.
22 f ewer deaths, co fpared with the cor-
responding month a year ago. There
were 726 municipa ities reported or 100
more than June 01 last year. The total
shows 1,023 oases c f contagious diseases,
with 240 deaths, nt June, 1907, against
853 cases and 262 deaths for the same
month last year.
monetration in S aforth, on Friday,
August 16. The sports programme is a
good one while the programme of the
. 48th Highlanders band for the evening
concert is alone well worth a visit in
Seaforth. • This famous band will
supply music during the entire diy. Al-
ready a number of enquiries have been
received from the leading athletes And
indications point tO a very large entry
list in each event. The oommitte have
arranged for singl_fare rates on the rail-
ways, good for titernoon trains on
Thursday, valid . ea return any train
Saturday. This is sure to attract a large
crowd, Note the jate—Friday, August
16. In addition to the many events al-
ready' on the progrunme the committee
have decided to ghee an 'additional foot
race of 200 yards, to be competed for
by farmers of the wettnty of Huron or
Perth only and fori which Liberal prizes
will be offered.
HOTJSE TO ,RENT on Joshepine greet,
nine rooms; in good repair; mmediate
possession, Apply to Miss K. M. Fisher,
Victoria street.
Typewriter Bargaine.—We are agents
for second band typewriters of all makes
at priories ranging from a few dollars up
to $85.00. If you want a good rebuilt
typewriter at close figures, oonault us.
We also rent nalushinegi, Tse Wnio
tatet Trios.
Steel wire hammocks. Something new.
At S. Greecest's furniture store.
Bring your produce to King's. Eggs
170; butter 19o. GEO. E. KING.
Prize Lis
The prize list of th
culture Society for ti
held in Wingham,
Fri day, September
ready for distributi
ed to all members
week. The prize li
enlarged and better
o ffer ed in a numbe
more special prizes•
offered. Parties d
list will kindly cal
or drop a postal c
H. B. Elliott, and
Former Winghan
Mr. John Anderson,
umber of years a resid
died at his home in G
morning after two year
years. While in Wing
son was eugaged in th
undertaking business in
site where W. F. YanSl
stande. He left Wingh
fourteen years ago.
Ready. •
Turnberry Agri -
e fall fair to be
on Thursday and
6th and 27th is now
and will be mail.
the Society this
t this year has been
remiums are being
ed of the classes and
than usual are being
siring a copy of the
at the Times office
d to the Secretary,
a copy will be for.
Do not fail to see the B gain Table
in D. .M. Gordon's Sto . This week death at so earl
one hundred pain:fief eL dies fine Boots -her and two
and Shoes, reginaLpfices from $1.00 to m°''
$3 00 per pair. Your choice this week for some time pr or to his death. A
for 99c, per pair. little daughter ant the other bereaved
ite Dead,
ho was for a
Et of Wingham,
It on Monday
illness, aged 74
am Mr. Ander-
furniture and
a store on the
n's office now
for Galt some
Cash clearing sale of all Summer
Goods, , GEO. E. KING.
Westminster G
A garden party
Town Park onThi
net 8th, under the
mineter Guild of
terian Church.
will be in attenrlai
gram, An abun
ild Garden Party.
ill be held on the
rsday evening, Ang-
nspioes of the West -
t. Andrew's Presby -
he Citizens' Band
e and a good pro -
anise •of all kinds of
"How We a Governed "
The above was t .e subject of a very
interesting address delivered by Dr. T.
Chisholm, M P„ a the meeting of the
Epworth League in Monday evening.
There was a lam attendance present.
The doctor b ri fi t y raced
the origin o
government from the time of Adam
ages, and dealt par.
echmery by means
verned. Incidentally,
les should have votes;
stilt would be a much
orality in public life.
If system of governmenra
Three rinks of Teeswater bowlers
on the Ten Command-
igin and history of repre- visited Wingham Tuesday afternoon,
nment were referred to, when friendly gals es were played on the
r o ose local green duriag the afternoon and
• I
ation of the f ataiug of a government in evening, the vis tore being defeated.
this country end the manner of conduct. Following are the scores :-
down through th
Ocularly with the
of which we are
he thought the la
if they had, the
higher tone of
Our laws an
were founded
trients. The
sentative gov
and the speak
Rev. T, S. Boyle will return home this
week and will takVaie own work in St.
Paul's church on finnday next.
The Rev. W. G. Howson, pasto. of the
• Methodist Church may be expected to re-
sume his pulpit luties next Sunday,
preaching morningand evening. Sub -
he pastor's kindly re -
at the opening of
sr." 7 p. m..
rays, in the land of
ie public cordially in -
meeting in lecture
jeots, 11 a. m. "
quest of h's people
the new church ye
hip on forest by -
the clear sky." T
vited. Fellowshi
room at 9 16 a. m
Wall paper sea on re again; we have
CANVAS SHOES—The newest and latest
styles in Ladies, Misses, and Children's
Canvas Sheep. All colors. W. J.
Teeswater Bcklers Defeated.
Sound Sense in Rhyme.
If you toot your little rooter and lay
aside your horn, there's not a soul in
ten short days will knov that you were
born. The man who gghers pumpkins
is the man who plows a I day; and the
man who keeps "a -hum in' " is the man
who makes it pay. T man who ad-
vertises with a sudden a rt of jerk is the
man who blames the pr tors because it
didn't work. The ge who gets the
business has a long and teady pull, and
keeps the local papers for weeks and
weeks quite full. He ans his &Ives..
tisements in a thoughtf earnest way,
and keeps forever at it n il he makes it
pay. He has much fait in futures and
can stand a sudden shoo , and, like the
man iiiscriptures, has hi business on a
ing the bug me. A hearty vote of
thanks was t ndered the doctor for Ms •
D. Holmes, sk- i5 Ewing, sk-10
excellent add ese. Other contributions
D.T.Hepburn, skean D.Ferguson sk-11
to the prograsn of the evening were a ;
L. Kennedy, sk-19 J.Faiquharson sk-8
piano solo by Miss Hazel Brandon, and a
vocal solo lay Mr. Cory Baer, which
Wm. Holmes, tes.-16 J. Ferguson sk-9
were well realered. -8
, sk-11
Wingham. Teeswater.
Hammocks are our s eci
$4.00 ones for $1 95. S
FOR SALE—First- ChM 100 acre farm,
two miles from Wingham. AU in grass.
Get particulars from H. DAVIS.
A. M. Crawfordp-16 D. Ferguson
A. H. Musgrove, Ic•21 — Ewi
ar Saturday,
° Window Shad
WANTED TO Buy.—Good 50 to 75 acre
farm, within one or two miles of Wing -
barn. Apply to RITCHIE & COSENS.
Sir Wilfrid's Tri mphant Return.
Sir Wilfrid Lauri r, Premier of Can-
ada, has arrived at, lie home in Ottawa,
from his attendasee at the Colonial
Conference in Lonn. From the mo-
ment of his landing at Quebec), he has
made a triumphal
Mr. Oory Baer, Alfred Street, is pre- ada, intensified as
pared to receive a limited number of Capital and bis he
pupils in piano and voice culture. (1-61-1 once were wanting o the personal popra
evenings. • larity of the prime n inister, this home -
Shoe Sale! We don't want to carry I coming would suppl r it. Men of all
over any Summer Shoes. The profit is ranks in life, and of ivery political corn -
yours. Buy now. W. J. GREER.
plexion, vied with et ch other to extend
a hearty welooine to the returning
statesman. Sir Wil rid himself is in
the best of health ale spirits. Hie re-
sponses to the mane addresses of wel-
come were in his mist eloquent strain,
his observations on he character of the
regress through Can-
e approaohed the
x. If further evid-
Death of WrrA Drummond.
Mr. William D nmmond, who has
been in poor health 'or some time, pass-
ed away at Kinoard ne early last Thurs-
day morning, aged 19 years. Deceased
for many years waseengaged in the flax
milling business at
ago moved to Win
of the znill here.
Lyth and some years
am and took charge
arly last spring he
contracted n heavy old and this brought
011 Consumption. _le had been living in
a tent at Kincardi ie for some weeks in
a hope that this treatment would be
beneficial. The de :eased bad a number
of friends who wee sorry to hear of his
an age. His aged
eters were with him
Rapid Colatruction.
Never in the his ory of building in
Canada has so mu th been eo rapidly
done as at the Canadian National Ex-
hibition in Toronto this year, where
structures valued at upwards of $400,000
have been erected in less than five
months. One of these, viz, the Grand
Stand, is fairly entit ed to be considered
one of the "Wonder of the World" in
building. This is a massive structure
725 feet long, 110 fejt in width and 65
feet in height at its 1 p -most point. On
the roof there is roomto simultaneously
, a baseball match
. It will cornier.
le without crowd -
play a lacrosse mate
and a cricket mate
tably seat 15,000 peo
Newspaper Advertising Best.
W. L. Douglas, the shoe manufacturer
says; I have given cwery form of adver-
tising the fairest sor; of trial. I began
with newspapers in 1883. The results
were so good that latest. I also advertised
in magazines. The eturns did not war-
rant me in continnink. I withdrew in3s
advertisements from he Magazines, but
later on tried the experiment again.
Once more I took out my advertisements,
and since then 1 have used only Demi-
papers to bring my g ds before the pub-
lic eye." It would 0 preposterous to
assert that magazine nbliotty is worth.
lona All advertisin is good. But the
point is that the new papers reach all of
the people, while of er mediums reach
only part of the eople. The man
whose message is f r all of the people
ihould consider the experience of Mr.
Douglas, who has p millionof dollars
into advertising an got more mullion
out of it,
relatives will have he sympathy of many
friends. The rem, anis were brought to
Wingham and the funeral took place on
Friday afternoon from Mr. S. Gracey's
undertaking roones, and was conducted
by the members of the A. F. & A. M
of whioh sooiety deceased was a member,
Rev. C. Miles, of Kincardine conducted
the religions servlae.
For sweeping bargains in muslins,
dress goods, prints, nice cool underwear,
beautiful shirt waists and nobby parasols,
come direct to D. M. Gordon's and you
will not be disappointed.
Accident At
While shunting
yards on Thured
freight oars was s
Victoria street an
way. Had the ca
it would have tum
It is said that the
would not work r
man was unable t
C. P. R. Yards.
ars in the C. P. R
y last, one of the
oved off the tracks at
went onto the road -
gone a little further
led into the river.
brakes on the oar
ght and the brake -
stop the car. Work-
inen came up on - laureday evening and
Friday morning tee car was jacked up
and pulled onto tee track, Little da-
mage was done to 'he oar and it was
taken away by th freight train, 0 .e
of the workmen, 154. Wm. G. White, of
Toronto Junction tent with a very un-
fortunate accident. He was holding a
timber back of one of the car wheels,
when the car moved suddenly, the tim-
ber coining with g eat force against Mr.
White's left leg, b tween the knee and
the ankle, orushin4 it very badly, He
was removed to th Hospital, where Drs.
Kennedy and T4nlyn attended him.
He was found t have a compound
fraoture of both b#neB of the leg, but
the doctors expecq to save the leg if
blood poisoning does not oocur.
civic reception tend
being in a peculiarl
Wilfril returns pre
policy he has work
He will lose no tim
great public enterpr
oommitted, and not
to stand in the way
red him at Ottawa
• happy vein. Sir-
ared to continue the
out for himself.
In urging on the
ses to which he is
ing will be allowed
of their early ao-
in Wingham, making 12 per cent. on the
investment.—Rnome & Cones.
Dr. Butler, London, Eye, Ear and
Throat Specialist, 370 Qaeen's Avenue,
London, 3rd door East of -St. Andrew's
Dark Da s Ahead,
[Samj Kiser.]
Mother's looking worried lately—
Father's g itt ng rich;
All his risks are p .yiug greatly,
Sister's looking rather stately,
But our woes vill soon be doeibled,
Mother's look ng badly troubled—
Father's getting rich.
Shame and sorrel r soon must follow—
Father's ;etting rich;
We'll have wealt o in whioh to wallow;
Mother's cheeks e getting hollow;
Long we dili eutly sought it;
Now they'll 4sk us how we got it —
Father's etting rich.
Umbrellas lfor Bowlers.
Messrs. McGee & Campbell have
donated two ban some umbrellas to
the Wingham Bo ling Club for the
winners of Scotch oubles. The draw
has been made, as fo ows, and play will
be commenced soon;
1 L. Kennedy 2 Ed Nash
Fred Orr Alex Orr
3 Wm. Holmes 4 D. Holmes
I. Parker B. Leary
5 Thos. Bell .6 L W. Hanson
Sarn'l Curran ° J J. Cunning-
. hum
7 Alex Porter • 8 B. Cochrane
Dr. Price • W. Homuth
9 A. M. Crawford 10 H. 0. Bell
P. Deana ' Jno. Hanna
11 C. Knechtel 12 D.T.Hepburn
C. G. VanStone D. Behl
13 R. Vanetone • 14 W. Lloyd
T. A. Mills D. Robertson
15 Dr. Irwin 16 Chas. Bell
J. W. Orr Rev T S.Boyle
17 D. Bell 18 A.13.Mnsgrove
Jno. Campbell Geo. C.Hanna
19 P. Logue
20 0 Dallas
P, N. 'range,- R. Clegg
21 A. E. Smith 22 Geo. Manners
Dr. P. Macciona d Dr. J.R. Mao-
23 W. A. Campb I 24 W. Varey
Dr. Kennedy F. Paterson
25 Jas. Pnalen
Dr. Ag neer
Grand Lodge0. F, and A. M.
The 52nd annur4 communication of
the Masonic Gran Lodge, of Canada,
held their session t Ottawa, with 1000
delegates in attonjianoe. The features
of the session we e the civic addresses
read by Mayor S tt and the presenta-
tion of the annua addresa.s, by Moat
Worshipful braeer J. H. Burrit, of
Pembroke, Ont., she Translator of the
Grand lodge. In his address the Grand
Master noted that the numerical increase
had been 3000, he total membership
now standing eve40,000. The capital
account stands at $114,852, after an ex-
penditure of $34, -1 for all purposes, in-
cluding benevole ces. Finanoially the
year has been the jrnost prosperous in the
history of the Gr4d Lodge. The Grand
Master asked apirova1 of his action in
forwarding a the che4ie for $1,000 for the
Masonic sufferers t Kingston. Jamaica.
Six warrants for 4ew Lodges had been
granted during the year, and 13 Lodges
were dedicated. ¶1ie Grand Master ad-
verted to the effor at the last session of
the Dominion Parljarnent to incorporate
an insurance soviet sooiott to be known as the
Masonic, Proctecti Assooiation of Can-
ada and desoribodi the action taken by
lodge to prevent t
the order. The r
of Masonry pres
of Toronto, show
six of which are
the beginning
37,628 member
has been 2,800 i
153 restorations
There were 502
Mons for non -p
deaths' showi
The amount
the Grand L
private lodge
e use of the name of
ort on the condition
ted by Aubry White
d a total of 388 lodges,
oder dispensation. At
f the year there were
and since then there
Mations, 512 affiliation
or a gross gain of 3,467
resignations, 396 suepen
yment of dues, and 416
g a net gain of 2,060
pent for benevolenoe by
e was $25,655, and b3r
, $14,500.
Don't buy school basks/till you read
our ad, last page. SADERS.
Wingham Sept. 26-27
Atwood Oot. 1-2
Blyth Sept 23-24
Brussels ........ ..... Oct. 3-4
Exeter Sept. 16-17
Goderioh Sept. 25-26-27
Listowel.. Sept 4-5
Lncknow • . Sept. 30 Oct. 1
Ripley Sept 24-25
Teeswater Oct. 1-2
Tiverton Oot. 2-8
Toronto Aug. 26 Sept. 7
London S> 6-14
Sept. 10-20
. Sept. 19-20
Sept. 23-21
Don't buy so 00 ooks till you read
our ad. last pa . SAUNDERS.
Wm, Donaldson, a highly respected
resident of Stratford, oommitted
suicide by inhaling gas.
Three cows on 0. Kilborn's farm near
Brockville, were found wad in their
pasture, having been poisoned and
Crops in ntario.
The Toronto Wort of Tuesday in re-
porting the crop co dition in Ontario
says:—Barley harve t has become quite
general in the prey nce while several
fields are already 1 eing put into the
barns in Southern Ontario. Rye and
fall wheat are also i shock. The barley
crop is reported fro n several points se
exceptional heaey.1 It is also well filled
and as there is a l'Arge acreage, much
good feed will be liberated for the
hogs and cattle.
The oats are a p or crop in many sue
tions, Other sectAns report big crop of
this cereal. Bat e crop on the whole
will be about one! -third less than the
average. The green bug has wrought
destruction by causing the leaves to
blight and discolor'. This very appreci-
ably effects the yield of snoh
Many fields are nc over 12 inches high
and will not bp worth harvesting.
Especially is this tlirue of oats that were
sown in old sod nd on hull poorly
The apple crop does not promise such
big things as the e rlier blossom gave us
reason to believe, t Canada is going to
have a big fruit yie
world are reported
our better shipping
to keep prices rip to
Many orchards hay
barrel to the buye
only been able to se
, tattles of buyers an
• in salmi are cerfie
Inteineso farmer ve
• propoittion. The
tient are doing g
farmer his own,
. Other places in the
hort, and this, with
facilities, will tend
good paying level.
been sold for $1 per
,while others have
are a 50o offer. The
farmers in erect-
1le. not modern. A
I throw out molt a
oo -operative anode -
d work in giving the
Heal Estate and Insurance.
Before we take a property for sale
we convince ourselves that it is worth
the price asked.
Jame ST.—Brick Cottage; a bargain.
VICTORIA ST—Large, new brick
MINNIE ST.—Frame cottage.
MINNIE ST.—Large frame dwellicig,
best of situation.
• PATRICK ST.—Frame dwelling and
EDWARD ST.—Frame dwelling, 14
• JOSEPHINE ST.—New brick dwelling
MARTHA. ST.—Solid brick cottage. -
BRISTOL TERRACE. — Good frame -
dwelling. 2 lots.
ALBERT ST.—Fralne dwelling, good
orchard and 1 acre of land.
SUTTER ST —Large brick residence.
LOWER TOWN, -90 acres of land with .
good house and barn, just the _
place for a retired farruer.
Town PLOT.— Three dwellings with:
from 2 to 6 acres of land each.
TURN BERR Y. — 160 acres, well tilled,
will sell cheap. Owner has best
of reasons for selling.
MORRIS —100 acres, owner in city,
Must sell.
Full particulars of all the above,
and many others in cffice.
We have the place for which you
are looking.
Griffin -vat stc ne Bleee, WIN GHAM.
Phone 123
A Great Cut
in Prices
There's a stir among
the Men's, Women's,
Boys',Girls', and Chil-
drens' Summer
Now is the time to
make Shoe investments.
Come and get first
ch Ace Don't delay.
W. J. Greer
. ,•
ii 11I-'