The Wingham Times, 1907-07-25, Page 1THS WINCHAM TIME5. VOL XXXY1,--NO. 1850. Just Arrived in Town ! HUYLER'$ Chocolates 60c and 80c per Ib THE BEST MADE We have them in 2 lb. and 1 lb.. boxes. Come in and try a boas. FOR RALE BY Walton MeKilibon THE DRUGGIST Macdonald Block, Wingham. Fall v# Term OPENS SEPT. 2 This management during the past year trained over Two Hundred y o u n g ladies 12001, n d gentle• men, as steno- graph - ere, bookkeepers and telegraph- ers, and placed them in excel- lent situations in leading Can- adian and American cities. Individual instruction. Write for catalogue. WINGHAM BUSINESS COLLEGE GEO. SPOTTON, Principal. THE LITTLE EATON The Name That is Read with a Smile Did you ever see The "Blarney Stone?" 1111111131111111.1111111111 An Irish customer drop- ped one in "The Little Eaton" the other day when she was buying a suit for her boy. We are using this same Blarney Stone in our Clothing Sale and find we do not need to talk near as much, The Cloth- ing is such a bargain it speaks for Itself, particular- ly when the purchaser considers the style, fit quality and finish of The Little Eaton Suits. Did you get in on the Clean. Up Shirt Sale, re- gular 75c, $l.00, $1.25, for 49c. Not more than two to any one person 0E01 CI MANNA Old ?ortoffioe Store Macdonald Block - WINGHAM. 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 IIIII1111•111111111111111 11 11111 GENERAL LOCAL NEWS. Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers Baseball TI is Evening. An interesting gr tne of baseball will be played on the Town Park this (Thursday) evening between the Palmer- ston and Wingham teams. These teams h aye not lost a le gne game this year and bcth are pl ying splendid ball. Game called at si o'clock. Post tarda, at SAUNDERS'. and otherwise Accidents ind Suicides. Last Monday's Soronto Globe reports the death of for`y-eight persons in Canada and the U: ited States from nn - n Moral causes. ra iiway accidents, t hree committed au from runaway attic large list to be repo me were killed in Iur were murdered, lcide and the others nts, etc. This is a ted in gne day. Sommer Shoesu t Go at great cut in Prices, at W. J. }}EEER'S. Sudden Deatih at Hensall. Mrs, Murdoch, sister of Mrs. L. Harold, died sndde ily at her home in Hensall on Saturda • morning last. The deceased lady way; visiting with Mrs. Harold some two r known to many of hear of her sudden gret. Mrs. Harol pathy of many frie $2 50 Mattraases GRAOEY'S. An Express Mr. R. Knox and the columns of t their heartfelt t! kindnesses and i them in their r have in large me bearing up under has been so so home. These tok their many frier gotten. onths ago and was nr readers who will Leath with much re - will have the syn• da in her affliction. for $2.16, at S. n of Thanks. amily desire through cis paper to express auks for the many he sympathy shown cent affliction, which sore assisted them in the heavy gloom which enly oast over their ns of sympathy from ds shall not be for. WOOL WANTED—Any quantity; high- est prices.—GEo. E. KING. Telephon Connections. Wingham now as telephone connec- tion with Dnnga non, Kintail and Port Albert, the line f om Goderioh to these places having bee completed. Mr. P, N. Tansley, the 1 al manager, has also completed arrang ents for a new party line from the Gor ie office to Ashton's lime kiln in Howi and also has under way a new party 1 e from Wingham to Blnevale. If eno h subscribers are ob- tained for the lin to Blnevale, Wing - ham enbacribers '11 have free connec- tion with the sub Bribers at Blnevale. Highest price paid for hides and poul- try at T. Fells' butcher shop. Sarnia-De.roit Excursion. Saturday, Aupnst 10th, is the date of the annual pop alar I.0.0.F. excursion to Sarnia and D troit. Passengers will take the 6.40 a. , train from Wingham, and the fare to arnia is $2 05. From Sarnia excnrsio ists will be conveyed to Detroit on th magnificent steamer, "Tsehmoo", of ohe White Star Line at the low return we of 50 cents. Return- ing, leave Detre it on Monday, August 12th on any Wlitte Star Line boat up to 2,30 p.m., con ding at Sarnia at 10 p.m. with speoi I train for Wingham, Kincardine and ther stations along the line. Dr. A. H. Pagel charge of Dr, Redn couple of weeks w}n ing friends in Bro Night galls will be tj of Elora will have ond's practice for a le the latter is visit- kville and vicinity. aswered at the office. Transformation t Toronto Exhibi- tio . The grounds of t e Canadian Nation- Exhibition at Toro to are rapidly under- going complete tr eformation, and all the wooden build gs, which were at one time eaten ve and even con• sidered good look ng enough to be the "Pride of the Pr ince," are being re• planed by perman nt structures of steel, concrete and bre k, This year alone, close upon $400, is being expended in buildings, whioh t Then thoroughly equip. pod and finished, will mean that an ex- penditure of near y half a million dollars has been made. It is not no long eine the expenditure f $100,000 in exhibition buildinge wan nsidered phenomenal. The Toroto Exhi ition has of late years certainly been et ping a very rapid gait in the matter oft niittings. 111111 11 11 11 III? m 11 in. 1 1. 11_1 WINGHAM, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 25, 1907. A Wonderful ld Lady. Saturday, the 6t 'net., was the 101st anniversary o the birthday of Mrs. Holmes, of Ho esville, Some of her children were ith her to help in the celebration of th event, and she was able to take dinner ith them. She re- ceived letters fro a large number of friends who ha remembered the anniversary. Mr, Dudley Holmes of this town is a gra child of the lady re- ferred to above b the Goderioh Signal. Get Parnell's Bread, at Christie's. Former R On Sunday las Ritchie, wife of passed away at he Ohio, in her 47th former resident of daughter of the la sister of Mr. Jol Deceased has beer number of years. brought to Wing made in the W Tuesday afternool sident Dead. Mrs. Jane Helm Mr. Wilford Gillett, r home in Oberlin, ear. Deceased was a Wingham, being a to John Ritchie, and n Ritchie, of town. living in Ohio for a The remains were ham and interment ngham cemetery on • Post cards, wise at SAUNDERS'. otherwise Eadie's Chore i Garden Party. Friday evening, fnly 25th, is the date of the annual gar len party of Eadie's Presbyterian chnrh. The event will be held on the lawn f Mr. Hugh Tucker, concession 9, Tor berry, and a good pro- gramme will be f irnished by Wingham Citizens' Band, r. S. Gracey, and others. Tea wil be served from 6 to 8 o'clock. Ice or m, etc., will be dis- pensed on the gro nds. Everyone wel- come. Admissi n, 25 cents; children, 15 cents. They are, I understand, giving great "Snaps" at D, M. Gordon's just now, in gem jars, granulated sugars, raisins and currants, fine cooking figs, (8 lbs for 26o) aed all lines of canned goods. Hospital Dor The treasurer of the tar Board reports the following mond ;----Pr party at Mr. W. G. Ni proceeds of concert g Houghton, $50 00; rix, 1 A Friend, $2M0. Post cards, wise at SAUNDERS'. Cash clearing sale of all Summer Goods. GEo, E. KING. tions. Ingham PIngham Hospi. h' At a meeting h coeds receipt of garden ofte week, the Huron P CHURCHINOTES. oleon's, $80.00; sanction a call fr tett up by Miss Zarbrigg, $5.00; a otherwise Passed with Hlnnors. Four of Miss Elought n'a pupils pass- - ed the recent exami ations of the London Conservatory o• Music, all ob.. Entrance E taining honors. The names of the The following is Qum/mini pupils ale Mi -s Guesie Hast• ings, of Glenannan; Miss reta Kennedy, Entrance examined Miss Annie Griffin aid Miss Irlma No 1, Sep. school, Kennedy, of Wingham. d in Clinton lad esbytery would not m North Bruce to to Rev. E, H. Sawe s, of Bracefield. In the Baptist lshnrch next Sunday the pastor will pre oh in the morning "The 'The Resarrecnon of the body," and in the evening on 'The Law of Truth, or the Nineth Ct mmandment." All welcome. Window shades a awall paper prices slaughtered. 1S-nNDERS. Bring your produce to King's. Eggs 17o; butter 19o. GEo. E KING. Killed Nea Kincardine. Mr, John Miller a farmer living on the south lino, incardine township° some three or fou miles from Kincar• din e, was accide ally killed Thursday evening. While unloading some hay in his barn by mea of a hayfork the trip rope b oke throwng him backwards, his head striking the round, fracturing the skull, death result ng in a short time. Mr. Miller was an ld resident, a quiet, unassuming man, nd very highly re- speoted. He was bout 60 years of age and leaves a widest and two children. Dr. Ovens, Oculist, London, Surgeon Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat will be at Mc- Kibbon's drug store, Tuesday, Aug. 6 —all day. Glasses properly fitted. Sunday Schclol Excursion. Thursday, Augn ut lat, has been pro. claimed CivicHol day in .Wingham, and arrangements h ve been completed for tho annual ani n Sunday School excursion to Einca dine. The train is due to• leave Win am at 8.45 a. m. arriving at Kincar ine 0.45. This an- nual event is beco ing more and more popular, and it is expected that the ex- cursion this year ;will be even more largely patronized t`ian ever in the past. The return fare 'rom Wingham is: Adults 70 cents; cildren, 35 cents. For Quality and Quantity ask your dealer for the new big plugs of "Bobs" "Stag" and "Currency" Chewing Tobaccoes. A Bette' Record. "Out of twenty ,Iapiis who wrote at the recent entrance examinations from the Seaforth Pub] c School, eighteen were successful in •easing. Among this number was Miss is ary Cowan, daugh- ter of Mr. James .Cowan, near town, This young lady ca 1 tured the Collegiate Institute soholarshi.• for the town, mak. ing 670 marks ou of a possible 650. This is the highest ,: core attained by any pupil for six years. ' When the editor of the Seaforth Expo =a for wrote the above item he surely did • of know the splendid reoord made by he Wingham public school, as our so • •ol has greatly sur- passed the reoor. of Seaforth. At Wingham thirty •npila wrote and all passed, twenty ta.•. ng honors, while at Seaforth two toile 1 , Miss Lillian Rose made 580 marks, •;ing ten higher than Mica Cowan at 5 aforth and possibly the highest number* of marks in both East and West Harem. Another young lady of the Win ;lien School, Miss Florenoe Snggitt, teas only three marks short of the numb- r attained by Mies Cowan. Both Wi ham and Seaforth schools made go records, but the higher praiee is d to Principal Mus- grove and his pnpi . I Our summer sale is a hummer. GEo. E KING. WANTED—A good smart boy to learn telegraphing. Apply to A. Rose at Dominion Express office. More Kind Words, The following kind words are much - appreciated by the edit° of the Traits. The Gederich Signal: 1 "H. B. Elliott has concluded ten years i n the editoral chair of the Wingham Trains. Keep right at it, Brother Elli tt; and may the next ten years be eve better for you than the past tent" The Lucknow Sentinel:—"Mr. H. B. Elliott has com• pleted twenty years service on the staff of the Wingham TIMES ten years of which he has been its editor and under whose guidance it has filled an import- ant place in the factory town. May success continue to atte d the untiring efforts of Brer. Elliott ' publishing the TIMES in the best interest of Wingham and vicinity." Steel wire hammocks. Something new. At S. GRAOEY's furniture store. FOR IMMEDIATE SALE—Brick Block in Wingham, making 12 per cent. on the investment.—RitcHie COSENS. Wedded en Years. The tenth anniversary of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Elliott was cele- brated at their home, Frances street, on Friday evening last. Upwards of fifty guests were, present, and the residence and laws were handsomely decorated and illus ninated by Chinese lanterns and electric repast was served al arranged upon the very pleasant ev1 music, etc. A read elioited the heart lights. A dainty tables conveniently awn, after which a ning was spent in og by Mr. S. Gracey applause of the company. Mr, and Mrs. Elliott receiv- ed many tangible t in which they are the wish of their returns of their we kens of the esteem field, together with friends for many ding day. Shoe Sale! We on'y want to carry over any Summer Syigen. The profit is yours. Buy now. . J. GREER. WANTED TO BUY.—Good 60 to 75 acre farm, within one or two miles of Wing - h am. Apply to RITCHIE CosENs. For sweeping bargains in mnalins, dress goods, prints, nice cool underwear, beautiful shirt waists and nobby parasols, come direct to D. M. Gordon's and you will not be disappointed. Lacrosse rt Goderich. The Goderich Signal reports the la- crosse game played t Goderioh on Wed- nesday evening of I st week as follows: "The game at Win ham last week re• salted 5 to 3 in fav of Wingham and the match here in the same score re- versed, the game re tilting in a win for the home team by he score of 5 to 3. Considering the had feeling prevailing between the two ams, owing to the roughness of the Same last week at Wingham, the gain here last evening Was a remarkable clean one. The referee was Nor. Limbert, editor of The Mount Forest Representative, who was a first-class official and showed that he knew the finer poin a of the game, allow- ing no rough play to go unnoticed, and penalizing impartially. Goderioh had the better of the lay in all but the second quarter, w n Wingham notched three goals. In tole ret Goderich got two goals, in the s: gond Goderich scored one, in the third 1_uarter neither team scored, while in th . last quarter Goder- ich bulged the ne twice, making the final score 5 to 3. Early in the first quarter W. Johnt n fell and sprained his knee, forcing hi retirement from the game, a Wingham an going off to even ap. The penalties ore Tait, Blackford, 'p(riggins and Nio loon for Goderioh, and Moore for Win ham. The tie will be played off either at Clinton or Sea• forth next week or the following week." 'aminations. the result of the ns in Wawanosh:-- 12ay Redmond 421; No. 2, Gilbert Wils$n 388; No. 3, Edna Agar 425, John OImerson 430, Ross Murray 374; No. 41 Wm. Durnin 391; Elizabeth Wilson rig); No. 7, Harold Robinson 370; No. PI, James Currie 437, Mary H. Ferguson 11, Birdie Robert- " rdon Jefferson 438; No, 177, Flossy E11 tt 464, Laura Mo- Intyre 427, Earl W_son 430; Union No, 1, Ernest MoIlwain,415. The following is he result at Tees- water:—Honors—fzzie Howe, Tees, water; Grace Fowl , Teeawater; Helena Wellwood, 3, Culr ss; Clarence Free• born, Teeswater. Pass—Jos. Dietrich, 2, Greenock; Wm. hapman, Teeawater; William Sadie, 2, Greenock; Mabel Dowse, 9, Oulros ; Stuart Grenache, Teeawater; Carrie' hompson, 2, Green- ock; Clara Weller 12, Culross; May son 390; No. 15, Purves, Teeswater Culross; Genzaga Mabel Ballagh, 1, Khoe, 1, Onlross; Harry Hiscox, Tee iwater; Edua Lamb- ertus, Teeswater; Hardie Simpson, 5, Onlross; Clarence Moore, Teeswater; Eliza C. Pinkerton 1, Greenock; Louise A. Hawthorne, L Greenock; Oharlie Keith, Teeswater Maggie Ballagh, 1, Oulross; Nelson onald, 10, Greenock; Samuel Arscott, eeswater; ltesid Wat- son, 7, Culross; Edward Hogan, 3, Greenock; Gord n Stewart, Teeswater. Window shad s wall paper prices slaughtere , AUNDERS. Typewriter Bargains.— We are agents for second band typewriters of all makes at prices ranging trom a few dollars up to $85 00. If you want a good rebuilt typewriter at close figures, consult tie. We also rent machines. THE WING - HAM TIMes. Local Opti Meeting. Thecall for a pu lit meeting of the citizens oPham in in thetown hall W g on Thursday evening est, to discuss the advisability of enters upon a local op• tion campaign, brongh a out a fair atten. dance of the ratepaye .s. The speakers announced to be present were Rev, Dr. Pidgeon, of Toronto Jinotion, and Mr. John Buchanan,of Tor..nto, Field Secret- ary of the Dominion Uliance, and they were on hand with fa its and figures in support of the corntentii of those in favor of the measure, that i ' is of benefit to the places where it has ben adopted. Rev. H. Edgar Allen, pas or of the Baptist Church, was appoint° chairman of the meeting. An invitati n had been extend- ed to the Mayor a d Councillors to attend in a body, bit for some reason was not accepted, alt lough some of the Councillors were pre lent. After a few introductory remarks the chairman cal- led upon Mr. J. B ichanan, the first speaker, who dwelt p measure of success a forcement of the lo and of the increased by those places whsrl ed. Rev. Dr. Pidg spoke at considerable jeot. He concluded in regard to two sisi Dakota, to show tha Iocal optiion was in f substantial increase material prosperity, rticularly with the wined in the en - al option by-law, prosperity enjoyed it had been adopt. on followed, and length on the sub - y quoting figures it towns in North in the one where ice there had been in population and The greater pro• duotiveness in the Itianufacturing cen- tree where there are Io bars was referred to, and the apeakei ditions in his ow Junction before an local option there. compared the con - town of Toronto since the passing of According to figures he obtained from bitainess men, the trade in some instances ' bad doubled ander local option. At the conclusion of the the meeting the c those interested i remain. A score when it was decide campaign be started appointed to iota chnrehee, and have ed front eaoh. ' another general me be called, $ 1 A YEAR IN ADVANCE PUBLIC SCHIbOL GRANTS. To the Editor of the About July 1 a cop the Pablio Schools 15 a; changes in the Sohools Acts," and Int explaining the "Distri gislative Grout" were s tory of each Pablio West Huron. As trustees are still aeli are we likely to get thi publish this letter for th interested parties. 1 Each school sectio from the Townships gene of $300 for each priucip each assiataut employed? 2. The Education pay 40 per cent. of each over $300 up to $600, a each asbiotant's salar $20 for each teacher h al Second Class or Pi Trans : — oz an act to amend lot, 1907, eiroalsr 'High and Public truotions No 12, ation of the Le• nt to the Seore- ohool Board in ug" what grants J ear?" please oenefit of all will receive, Kal tund a grant 1, and $200 for epartmeut will principal's salary d 40 per cent. of over $200; also lding a profession - et Class certificate. This will be paid abo, t Sept. 1st. 3. A grant for egnpment and accom- modation which depends on the va.ne and relative gradin:; of the equipment and accommodations of each school in the township. It i expected that this grant will average about $30 for each principal and $15 for each assistant. It will be paid about D o. let. 4, A special Librar grant for all books purchased between July 1st, 1006 and July 1st, 1907. No school is to receive more than $5 00. By reading caret 12 each School Bo estimate very nes should receive for lotions for Continti for increased grafi llv Instructions No. d should be able to ly what grants they 907. The new Rego - tion Classes provides ts. A copy will be sent to each secretory as soon as received from the Edncatio Department. J. ELGIN Tour, In _Teeter for W. Huron. Mr. Cory Baer, Alfred Str: pared to receive a lix pupils in piano and vo evenings. iairman asked that temperance work . r more remained, that a local option A committee was view the different committees appoint. hen this is done ting will probably, Hotel: TO I3;E T on Jos $title N nine rooms; in good Viotoriia otstreet ply to me street, s I1r; immediate rllse R. M. Plotter, 't, is pre - number Of e culture. Cali OPTI ISM. A man can be n optimist and not dwelt in a fool's aradise. Influence having its source i the determination to take a cheerio view of things is superior to that hich springs from melancholy musin , or the bewailing of affairs as they ar You have met th man who looks at life as though all n ture had conspired against him. He h s alight confidence in himself, little fa th in his town w or province, sneers at life, likes to preach blue ruin, and eve tually whines him- self into his grave. The tears of the left behind do not moisten the sod n der which he lies, and his demise is never the cause of public grief, for is absence is more welcome than his resenee. He is everywh e. He is in the west and in the east. a soents Calamity as a buzzard does arrion. He casts an offensive shado He is cautious to the verge of ti idity, and afraid to smile or whistle. We have enon tragedy and sorrow on this green old ootstool, Lord knows!. without cultivat ng a tombstone coun- tenance and sep lchral voice. We all have our bumps nd our jolts before we present oredentia a at the pearly gates or some other plan , and it pays—it pays every time to me t disaster in game and blythe fashion, even though it rubs mightily against the grain. Although the ptnimism of the east is sublime, croak re are abroad in the land. They are rocking right here in Winghatn. But en they would croak anywhere as a atter of course. The location of a tow is Important. So is the nature of the =rounding country. But exceedingly i portant is the spirit of the population df that town or city. If they do not ma it their business to proclaim to civili ation generally that they are citizen q of a great centre, no one else will do i for them. Dr, Nelson Tait of 498 Spadiha Ave., Toronto, will bat theeQuben'e Hotel, Wingham, on F iday,/, sly 2Gth, from 8 a. m. till 3 p i , fo,consultation in diseases of Eye, liar, Nose and Throat, Glasses fitted. FALL FAIR DATES. Wingham Sept. 26-27 Atwood Oct. 1-2 Blyth ...... ,... 1. . . Sept. 23-24 Brussels - , Oet, 3-4 Exeter Sept. 16--17 Goderioh Sept. 25-26-27 Listowel, , . Sept. 4-5 Lucknow ..Sept. 80 001. 1 Ripley Teeswater Tiverton Walkerton sept. i4---+6 Oct. 1--2 Oot. 2-3 Sept. 19-20 Seaforth...,.., Sept. 19-20 Mildmay ..... Sept. 25---24 Toronto . .. , , , Aug. 26 Sept. 7 London.— ,.,,,,.,,,.,Sept. 6--14 NEWS NOTES. Five men charg with counterfeiting at Lladeay pleads guilty, Blankets and yarn of the best quality exchanged for wool, at T. A. MILLS'. Montreal's pop lotion according to the direotory is 434,000 as against 405,000 last year. Ontario poultry en met at Guelph and formed a socia in affiliation with the American Pottlt y Aeso,ietion., A new Empress s rimer is to built for the 0. P. R. Pacific yet, in addition to the two new stean,en. for the lakes, and the Prinoees Ens, now in course of construction. E. H. Knapp and 'on, [proprietors of the Greenwood Stoc Farm at Fabine, N. Y„ have, says th Holstein Register, just sold one 3f thei Holstein cows to D. W. Field of Br cton, Mass. The consideration was $6 000, and is said to be the second hzghee price everpaid for any cow of this bree - liAL. i u i Wit ' .z U HAMMOCKS. We are selling Ham .• s on oommissi•n for • great Toronto w!i • esal; . rm ! 1 1 J It means t at. on buy at 11/1 LESS than •olesale prices! Hammocks from 50c up I Surprising what we can sell ILL' you for $2.00. Iri?; R.E.SAUUCERS J A Mistake ! It is a mistake for the owner of property to think he can sell it as well as en agent Cara. The agent is in touch with all prospective buyers in the vicinity and has an experience in closing sales that is worth to the seller far more than the amount of the Commission. ANOTHER MISTAKE It is, if anything, a greater mistake for a buyer not to come to the agent, as no agent will list a property if he thinks the owner is asking too much for it, he cannot afford to waste his time trying to get fancy prices. A lair deal to both parties is his motto. He can give the selling prices of all properties that have changed hands for yeaie, he can see that insurance policies are properly transferred, and he can give the buyers the choice of practically every property for sale in the vicinity. Ritchie & Cosecs REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE OFFICE. Griffin•Varstone Block, WINGHAM. Phone 123 LEADING SRO:77 Ire A Great Cut in Prices. SUMMER SHOES MUST GO 1 There's a stir among the Men's, Women's, Boys',Girls', and Chil- drens' Summer Shoes. Now is the time to make Shoe investments. Come and get first chute Don't delay. W. J. Greer fiHB SHOES