The Wingham Times, 1907-07-18, Page 66 WINGIIA . TIDIES JULY 18, 1907 The Name Guarantees the Quality Do you want to be sure of getting the same quality of Tea every time you buy ? Not good one time and poor the next, but always good, always that rich pungent flavor which is so delightful. If you do, ask your grocer to send you a package the same as the one above. After you use Red Rose Tea once you will buy again and you will always find the quality the same. Don't accept a substitute. ""Speaking of bad falls," remarked T�EuAtit1 BEAUTY Jenee, "I fell out of a widow ouee, and t1 i�+ the eeusetton woo terrible. Daring my transit through the Or 1 scally bt'lieve I Nothing of More Value to thought of every mean eat I had ever Women.committed in my life." "Wm!" growl. ed Thompson, "Yon must boyo fallen Fifty yearsago this Mouth, the: Grand vrim !1' 'Iv'/ "rnmv'!'#'►vvvir'v •i'r'!'rrwr.rxtr+f.rxvi'tyrr,rs'±rsilr Truck Railway authorities iuetreoted obntraotars to start work on the London ► and. Stratford and the St, Meryl and Sant breaches of the road. For the year ending Jane 30, 1006, } the exports of Copra • (dried Cocoanut an awful distance !" The glory and setietaetion of beau- meat), from the Philiptno Islands ► Kernels from the Sanctum Mill Interesting Paragraphs froth our Exchanges. Besides gathering no mese a rolling atone gravitates down hill. The national banks of the United States number 5,833. PIL Dr. Chase's Oint meat is a certain and guaranteed eureforeach and every form of itching, bleeding and protruding piles. See testimonials in tho press and ask gggeeotyourmoneybeekifno satisfied 50use 0, at all dealers or .Ei)uANSON, BATES & Co., Toronto. DR. CHASE'S OINTMENT., Word was received iu Teeswater of tiful womanhood Can be known only amounted to 145,851,913 pouade, of r. e th (teeth,whioh took plass on Friday, to those possessing the unlimtted ad whioh Frapoe took 88,880,350 ponuds, ox s ' vantages of health July 5th of Mrs R L Aitohieon, of neer N weak woman can be happy or about 61 pero Th t most im V4ilitamaford, Grey Co.rs. : o (son enjoy half the p eaearea o e• portent ► �> f 1 MISS Georgiett Rees, yowl- !id Cheeks and molten eyes, exhausted maul, ► �, OF THE FOLLOWING GOODS No C ea Sa e� ant, o hex a .( a Dx Aitchison h h t f life. Pal rte t buyers were Spain Dud (Ger- >w �' was Cross y s • gest daughter of Mrs. Jetta Rots, 10th nerves, all tell of a terrible etrnggle � :L.e ;, con of ()Wrote. to keep mP• what the weals woman needs} is i ► ipt °rear Consul General Henry Bar Christian dewich of Ferrozone; it renews, reatorea and, a reports that, according to vitalizes iustantly—it's a ""woman's Bnpor.tttiosa on acs s p . ► , ei� en all superstitions' probably the moat ► , MUSLINS—Beautiful Flowered Muslins, regular.. .30c at 25e 41 46 "" ," 25c at 20e t „ " 14 "" 20e at 17c 4 14 ,t ." 15c at 121' 12 at 10c „ I 4t 8e at 5c remedy" that's why. statistics lately compiled, 31,158 persons Feerozone makes women atrong, emigrated from Norway duriutr the Cal- plump and healthful because it coataiva ender year 1906, of whom 14 174 sailed „lots of nutriment, the kind that forma from the port of Christiana. Amerioa =sole, sinew, bone and nerve. was the destination of nearly all of the bodyVitalizing, makingblood courses through the delightful oolor, happy emigrants, spirits, true womanly strength. To look well, to feel well, to enjoy the unlimited advanteees of robust, IS 's xft" bounding hea'th use Ferrozone; eeld We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward by all dealers in 60o boxes, and refuse for any case of Catarrh tbat cannot be a substitute, cared by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CiiaNnv & Co. Toledo, 0. We, the undersigned, /Ave known linllet its noted for its good stook, and F J. Cheney for aas f the last 15 years, and business transactions and floancially able ly know where to fled them. Mr. Geo, to carry out any obligations made by his Carbert'told a pair of very fine ones, both W firm. amuse, KINNCN MAnvist, from Bankfleld's Baron, to Mr. Hanford Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Many a statesman loves his country with the disinterested affection felt by a foreign nobleman for au American heireee. Cnstcros Collectious at Clinton, from Apr. 1. 1007 to June 30, 1907 $451,353; from Apr. 1, 1906, to June 30,1906, $450,- 6.49; increase $704. SPBING 15 EDICINE. As a spring medioince Burdook Blood Bitters has no equal. It tones up the system and removes all impurities from The Canada Gazette announces sixty the blood, and takes away that tired, new postoffices, mostly in Alberta and weary feeling so prevalent in the spring. Baskatobewan. 'When a girl refuses a fellow and be There are altogether, foreign and doesn't go to the bad it is a bitter blow native, 25,799 persons that are actively to the bride. engaged in bringing the gospel to India, while 10 years ago there were only 16, - The essential Iung-healing principal of 189—a gain of nearly 60 per cent. the pine tree has finally been successfully The society editor was writing up a separated and refined into a perfect cough medicine—Dr. Wood's Norway church bazaar. "Mrs, Green, the wife Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a of our prominent milk dealer," he wrote, gnarantee of satisfaction. Price 25 _ "was appropriately gowned in watered cents. silk." The trouble of the average bread Doan's Kidney Pills aot on the kid - winner is that he wants cake. Heys, bladder and urinary organs only. Over 200,000 pounds' weight of paper They cure backaches, weak bank, rheum- atism, diabetes, congestion, inflamation is used in the United States yearly for gravel, Bright's disease and all other they manufaotnre of cigarettes. diseases arising from wrong action of the kidneys and bladder. Many people say they are "all nerves,' easily startled or upset, easily worried California's prune crop in 1906 was and irritated. Milburn's Heart and 185,000,000 pounds, against 62,500,000 Nerve Pills are just the remedy such pounds in 1905. This has only been people require. They restore perfect harmony of the nerve centras and give exceeded once in 17 years. That was in new nerve force to shateared nervous 1905, when the crop was 197,000,000 systems. pounds. The last recleaning shows that there Andrew Carnegie's "hero fund" was are 65,000 postcfiioes in the United States established in 1904 with $5,000,000 at with 205,288 employes. its disposal. The commission had believe him perfectly honorable in all particularly good horses; buyers evideut- Hall's Catarrh Care is taken inrernally. of Exeter, for the sum of $550; Mr. John acting directly neon the blood and Shanahan also sold a well matched team mucous surfaces of the system, Testi- for $575; these prices indicate that the menials sent free. Price 75 c. per bottle. stook was first Claes, Mr, Oarbert has Sold r Druggists. since bought a team from Jas. Webster, Take Halla Family Pills for conetipa• tiou. paying in the neighborhood of $500 for them. There passed away in McKillop on A man whose relations with his wife Moaday July 8th one of the earliest were not of the most cordial nature was pioneers in the person of Mr, Robert recently looked up in the Ludlow street p nting as they generally do in jail he Kill the Germ by Breathing so ► townships Although in his 82nd year, of poetry to hie wife, telling of his free- foolish people ► foolish is the idea that when a ugh or ► sora is head by manna of externa ley application. it will "strike in" and do ► further. harm. No reputable pltyetoien t► will give any countenance to such a a► notion. Skin diseases of every form and ► especially eczema, salt thnem, scald t► head, etc., are promptly relieved and it ,. certainly oared by Dr. Chase's Ctnt- went. ► w ► In Great Britain out of 32,266, 755 acres Is classified in 1906 as cultivated land, 17,- t. 244,734 acres were under "permanent lot grass," leaving a total of only 15,022;021 et sores of "arable land," only 26.7 per y cent. of the total land surface. That is .p the reason Great Britain is Compelled to a m t import so muoli foodstuffs of the far; and keep them on her "free of duty" ► list. No less than 30.7 per oent. of the ► land is under "permanent grass"; the grass area is steadily increasing, while the "arable land" is decreasing. CATARRH CAN BE CURED. Campbell. Deceased was a man who jail for non-support of her. Instead of enjoyed a wide Circle of friendship re a throughout his own and the neighboring became joyous, and even wrote verses tiro -mei. Gives Quick Relief. he had enjoyed good health until quite dont from her tongue, how happy he catarrh�who have suffered with 1or years naturally think they >, 1, '4 CORSETS—D, & A., up•to•date Corsets, regular $1.00 at 80c ; regular 4' 75c at 60e. recently. • was, and that he got food and, a peace• cannot be Cured, and become disconr- Bruce County has received two slices from the County of Grey and one from the County of Huron in return for the Township of Brant portion of Hanover which was added to Grey about 4 years ago. The portions of Grey territory added to Bruce are included in Wiarton and Hepworth, the Huron portion in Luoknow. I'll stop your pain free. To show you first—before you spend a penny—what my Pink Pain Tablets can do, I will mail you free, a Trial Package of them—Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets. Neuralgia, Headache, Toothache, Period pains, etc., are due alone to blood congestion. Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets simply kill pain by coaxing away the unnatural bloodpressure. That is all. Address Dr, Shoop, Racine, Wis. Sold by all dealers. ful sleep—something he never got at home. All of whioh adds more argue ment to the eternal question, "Is mar- riage a failure?" During his talk to the visitors to the Model Farm in Guelph recently, Mr. Zavitz said that the mixture which had given them the very best results in a spring shown pasture was 1te bushels of oats, 20 pounds early Amber sugarcane and several pounds of common red clo. ver. This was sown in the apring and seven steers were put on it during the first week in May. They relished it greatly and grew fat on it, but were un- able to keep it cropped down and a herd of 25 cattle were turned in for four days. Afterward it fed those seven steers all summer and made them fat. Eggs are holding up in price pretty well and would be higher if the farmers would be more oarefnl in sorting them. When the dealer ships his eggs to the oily he knows that each egg will be handled and all bad ones thrown oat. This loss, together with the ones he culls out before shipping outs down his margin of profit many times so low that it takes a powerful glass to discover it. We believe if only fresh eggs were mark- eted that the price of hen fruit would materially rise. A man named John Bartner, at one time a resident of the township of Us - Henry Hagerman, aged 90 years and awarded 63 medals np to January 1, borne, was on Wednesday, July 10th, Mrs. Rumohr, aged 74 years were mar- 1907, and disbursed about $40,000, aside commited to stand his trial at the fall se- aled at Parkhill on July 10th, from about $65,000 given San Francisco sizes by Police Magistrate Batter of and other sufferers from disasters. Goderioh, on the charge of stealing 18 Piles get quick and certain relief from Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment. Please Free, for Catarrh, just to prove merit, a - bags of oats, four bags of Barley, 80 lbs note it is made alone for Piles, and its Trial size box of Dr Shoop's Catarrh of Timothy seed, 80 pounds of clover action is positive and certain. Itching, Remedy. Let me send it now. It is a seed and 100 pounds of oared beef from painful, protruding or blind piles dieap• snow-white, Creamy, healing. antiseptic Mr. Alex Buchanan, of the 3rd comes - pear like magic by its use. Large nickel- balm. Containing each healing ingred- capped glass bars 50 cents. Sold by all lents as Oil Encaliptus, Thymol, Menthol sion of Tuckersmith. The tracks were dealers. . oto., it gives instant and lasting relief to followed from Mr. Bachanan's barn to When a man likes to be different from Catarrh of the nese and throat. Make the the hoose of the aocneed and he after - free test and see for yourself what this other people, the other people are gener- preparation can and will accomplish, wards admitted the offence, returned the ally quite satisfied to have him so. Address Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. Large property and paid $50 expenses in abbit- jars 60 cents. Sold by all dealers, ion and boon afterwards removed to In the Transvaal the average yield of Aa English boy named Harry Stint, Winnipeg, Manitoba. Mr. Seager, the gold is half au ounce to the ton, The living at James Fellers, con. 8, Kinear- County Crown Attorney reported the expenses are, roughly, $6 25 a tenet ore. dine, was taken seriously ill, as if by whole proceeding to the Attorney Gen- ' poisoning. He had got a package of pop era) of the province, who instructed him THE LADIES' FAvonrrE. corn, part of which he steeped in a to have the man brought back to Ontario. Laza-Liver Pills are theladies'�favorite bottle of water, and drank the juice, Constable 'Grundy was despatched to and was highly respected by all who • medioine. They cure Constipation, Sick A dip into an official return showed Winnipeg for that purpose and he re• knew her. • Headache, $illionsness, and Dyspepsia turned to Goderioh with his prisoner. • without griping, purging or sickening. that there are 1,204 London Cabman An amusing story is told regarding GLOVES—Ladies' Black Kid Gloves, regular $1,25 for 80e; regular WEIITEWEAR—;Ladies' Ready.lnade Whitewear, odd lines. Cheap 7.21:White Lawn Shirt Waists, tine embroidery trimmed, regular $1,50 for $1.00; regular $1,25 for 90c. Black Sateen Underskirts, regular $1.40 for $1,25 ; regular ; $1.25 for $1.00. • it DRESS GOODS—Of every color to be cleared out at half price. It 4, will pay you to get them. Come and see them anyway, we 3 will be very pleased to show you what we are offering. ;a $1,00 for 60c, aged. The reason they have failed of cure p. is because they have not treated the sit disease with the local remedy, Hy -o- p. mei, whioh is breathed through a neat es pocket inhaler so that its healing medi• sated air reaches the most remote airs Cells, kills all catarrh germs and restores s; the mucous membrane of the nose, throat and lungs to a healthy condition. Catarrh is really a local disease and to cure it, it must be treated by a remedy which reaches every spot in the nose and throat where the disease germs lodge. I will mail you free, to prove merit, samples of my Dr. Shoop's Restorative, and my Book on either Dyspepsia, The Heart or the 'Kidneys. Troubles of the Stomach, Heart or Kidneys, are merely symptoms of deeper ailment. Don't make the common error of treating symptoms only Symptom treatment is treating the result of your ailment, and not the cause. Weak stomach nerves—the inside nerves —mean Stomach weaknesa, always. And the heart, and Kidneys as well have their controlling or inside nerves. Weaken these nerves, and you inevitably have weak vital organs. Here is where Dr. Shoop's Restorative has made its fame. No other remedy even claims to treat the Francis Swift•Bourns, M, D , of Seattle, "inside nerves'. Also for bloating; il- t1 loneness, bad breath or complexion, use Washington State, late Major, Commis- • Dr. Shoop's Restorative. Write me to- stoner, Chief of medical staff of Yellin- • day for sample and free Book. Dr. Shoop. tears, United States Army, in the Phil- • FLANNELETTES—Our stock of Flannelettes is the largest in town, and we give you better value than you can obtain elsewhere, 3 We cannot replace them at•'the price. we ask from you. .o We handle the IDEAL SKIRT SUPPORTERS—The best 45, thing in that line ever invented. FLOUR—We hive the "Renown Brand", Listowel Flour. at $2.40I per cwt. Try it—It is good. 4., BUG DEATH—Try Bug Death for potatoes and all kinds of bushes ; and shrubs, A plant food as well as a bug exterminator. 47) i A large stock of Canned Toniatoes, Peas and Corn at reduced prices. • CHOP FOLIC SALE. PI Fresh Groceries Always on Band. Hy -o -mei does this and gives relief from the first day's use. A complete Hy -o -mei outfit costs but . $1.00 and Walton McKibben gives a guarantee with every package to refund ► Al! kinds of farm prodnae the money unless it cures. f taken. T. A. MILLS. On Saturday, July 6th, at high noon ATAAAAAAAAI,AAAAAAAAAdeAl.AAA •A AAA/A#AVAAAAAWAAA1 Mrs. F. 0. Hamilton, of Goderioh, se - owed daughter of Mrs. Horace Horton, and Rev. Geo. 0. Hill, rector of St. Paul's, Regina, were married at St. James' Cathedral, Toronto, by Rev. Canon Welch. The bride. who wore a pretty travelling gown, was given away by her brother, W. L. Horton, manager Standard Loan Co., Goderioh. One of the most' interesting events which have stirred Goderich for a long time was the marriage of Miss Mary Caroline Doyle, eldest daughter of His Honor Judge Doyle, of Goderioh, to ••••••••••••0•••••••0••0.0 •••••••••••••••00••••••••61' 0• ek s /•i • a II r• • An Advertisement in is { THE TIMES •• 1 Brings Good Results: dis The Wingham Times reaches fiP the homes of most of the people of st Wingham and surrounding country. • It si keeps its;, subscribers posted on all the i' news of the day—local, political and es g • • 4. at s a Ranine, Wis. The Restorative is sold by iipines. The Ceremony took place in • aII dealers. St. Peter's Catholic Rectory, the Rev. r George R. Northgraves, grand uncle of This week we have to reoord the death the bride, being the officiating priest, of another of Gorrie's old residents assisted by Rev. Donald McRae, pastor in the person of Anne Bow, relict of the of Goderioh parish. The bride was given late Wm. Newell, whioh took place on away by her father, Judge Doyle. Saturday evening, Jnne 6th, vary sud- denly. Deceased was in her 74th year and has been ailing for a long time but not until Thursday last did she take ser• FO I LER'S ions. The funeral took place on Monday s v+ to the Presbyterian church where service • was held, thence to the Gerrie Cemetery s • • • s • s • • • • • • • • • EXTRACT OF • for interment, Deceased has been a re- n s eident of Gerrie for the peat 13 years \ l�( [] [ D D • CURES Summer Complaint, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Colic and Cramps, s Cholera Morbus, between the ages of 70 and 80, while The man made a clean breast of the two young fellows recently out from magistrate whole proceeding to the police ma seven return their age between 80 and 90. g' the Old Land. A farmer who lives be - If not absolutely the oldest, the Store One almost suspects these seven old pa- sad Was committed for -trial as above tweenParis and Burford, drove to Brant- Kopparberget in Sweden to the oldest Wardle of having carried sedan chairs, stated, copper mine of whioh there are'Any ofi'i• in the pregrowler days. Dial figures. It has been worked con- tinuously for nearly 800 years, Nature's Remedy La grippe, pneumonia and influ- enza often leave a nasty cosigh when they're gone. It is a dangerous thing to neglect. 'Cure it with OXYGENATOR "Nature's Peefett Blood Purifier Cures M Germ Diseases" POA SALE BY DRUGGISTS THE OXYGENATOR CO., 42 Harbord Street, Toronto, Ont. SUFFERED FROM Nchaff from threshing an to the barn roof, For Over Sixty Years. ford last Saturday, and left two newly ' arrived Englishmen in 'charge of the farm. Last fall the separator blew the An old and Well -Tried -Remedy --Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been need for over sixty years by millions of moth- ers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the Child, softens the gums, allays all pain, Cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. I1 is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable, Be sure you ask for Mre Winsiow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. Guaranteed ander the Food and Drug Aot, June 30th, 1006. Serial Number 1098. na A young nommed Fred Rioharde, of Londesboto, who was engaged in roofs ing Mr. Levi Wiltsie's barn, happened to lose his footing, on Tuesday, July 9th, falling b distance of about 25 feet, Be was picked up unconscious and carried into Mr. Wiltsie's, and a doctor sum- meted. fie was pretty badly bruiead, and it could not be told at the time whether` any hotel; Were broken or hot. It has since been learned that none Were broken. where it has remained ever since,and and NERVE TROUBLES FOR the farmer instructed his help toelear the chaff off the roof in his absence, the LAST TEN YEARS, When he arrived home he found, to his amazement, that the Englishmen had If there be nerve derangement of any taken every shingle off the tool, and kind, it is bound to produce all the that it was going to cost him about $75,00 various phenomena 'of heart derange* .to have them replaced. meat, In On Monday, July 8th, there passed to MIL.BURN'S her rest, Catharine Mustard, relict of HEART AND NERVE the late James Thomson, of Stanley, at PILLS the advanced age of 85 years and 9 is combined treatment that will cure all months. AbOut three months ago she forms of nervous disorders, as well as had an attack of paralysis, and gradual• stet upon the heart itself. ly Sank until the time of her death, Mrs. John Riley, Douro, Ont., Writes: Previous to that time she enjoyed ex. "I have been a great sufferer from oellenthealth. Deceased was born in heart and nerve troubles for the past ten years, After trying many remedies, Roeemarkie, iibtshire, Scotland in the 15rni'45°settlITeartrnIlibocrli itwo yenta without year 1821, and remained in her native edecided to give niil9 latid 4111 the year 1851, When mhe and Nerve fills a trial. I am thankful to say that, after using her husband and family emigrated to nine boxes I am entirely cured and would Amerioa. Doming to Stanley, Mr. recommend them to all sufferers." Thomson, 'bought the farm let 111, on Trice 50 cents per box or 3 bones for 3rd concee,ien, and eo0n made a o0n1= 1 sat nil dealers, or Tailed direct fottUbla'sonle, Mr.'Ilioitaabin ditid in p on rtes► t of else by 'Ihe 'p. Milburn Cp., Limited) Torohto, Oat, 1874, Cholera Infantum AND Ail Fluxes of the Bowels. It is without doubt the safest and moat reliable remedy in existence. It has been a household remedy for • sixty-two years. Its effects are instantaneous and it does not leave the bowels in a constipated si ; condition. Do not be humbugged into taking something the unserupulott2 druggist mays is just es good, Mrs. Ed. Stringer, ilemmingford, Que., says : "I have used Dr. Fowinn'a L"":ttaAo'r or Winn SztAwn5Rttv with excellent resalts. 1: always keep it in the house as it is the beet cure for Diarr- hoea that nen be had: Tf you have anything to sell, or want anything, advertise in The Times. Rates on application. We Think Printing That's our business. We are constantly on the lookout for new ideas, and these are here awaiting your accept- ance. It's no trouble for us to give you intormation---to write or call—it will place you under no obligation, and perhaps we may suggest something you `can profit by. Prices right, duality ever the talisman, The Winghalll Times WIN'GIIAM, ONTARIO. • • w' to, •. 0; • • • s • 4'