The Wingham Times, 1907-07-18, Page 5Mid -Summer News If You Buy l-iere You're Safe. Tempting reductions in Men's Youth's and Boys' Clothing, new goods, up-to- date, styles. attractive patterns, and tailored by experts.tWhat about a suit for you. At the prices we are offering clothing for now, you can't make a mis- take, $2.50 Summer Hats for $2.00 Right in the middle of the season, we are going to give you an opportunity to save some money on Summer Felts. Men's Soft Felt Hats, this season's correct 'shapes in Pearl, Fawn and Brown, re- gular $2,5o clearing out at $2.00. Men's Furnishing Department. No better assortment of Furnishings has ever been shown here. Endless variety of Men's Shirts, Collars, Ties, Half Hose, Shoes, Underwear, etc., in fact every-, thing that you require, to keep you cool during the hot weather. A Bargain, Counter for Saturday Don't fail to visit our Bargain Counter on Saturday. There are some good things on it for you at half price and less. EGGS ARE AS GOOD TO IIS AS CASH. CLOTHIERS AND MEN'S FURNISHERS . finder Twine!1 >ra 1 ri 4; .e ,e le CENTRAL HARDWARE WINGHAM. Be sure and enquire the price of Twine at Central Hardware before purchasing H. BISHOP. THE WINGIIAN TIMES JULY 18, 1907 5 EAST WAWANO$El. Mina Mabel Sharman, of Gelerioh' is visiting for a $bort tioue at Geo, Tis - dale's, John McCabe is home again from Cal- gary mi a bueinees trip, bat intends re- tarningto the West lie a fee?' dace, Alex. McCabe intends going with hie}. The Donnybrook Methodist anniver- sary services will be held on Ootober 20th. Rev. Dr. Crews, of Toronto, will be the preacher for the occasion. Jumping Witt. Nerve rain. That's how you feel with neuralgia. But why /he awake at night, grumble pr oomplain—get busy with a bottle of Nerviline. It does act like magic, seeks out the pain and destroys it. Harmless and certain, instant in effect, nothing ie so popular as Nerviline for aches and pains of all kinds. Try it for lumbago, test it in rheumatism, prove it in neur- algia, pleurisy or golds. Yoa'11 soon aoknowiedge that Poison's Nerviline beats them all. Sold everywhere ;in large 25o bottles. TU KtNBE.itRY. A very pretty wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Vander - burgh, of Pilot Mound, Man., on Wed- nesdayafternoon, July;3rd. The princip- als in this interesting event were Mr. George Gemmiil and Miss Mabel Vanderbnrgh. The ceremony was per- formed by Rev. C. K. Morse, B. A , Generel Missionary of the Baptist Convention of Western Canada. The groom is a former well known resident of this township, • Where Does Consumption Begin? That first little tinkle becomes a cough. the cough grows severe, is neglected and travels down to the langs. Treat throat trouble before it gets severe. Catarrh - ozone heals, allays inflammation, cures throat and bronchial trouble quickly. A marvel worker is Catarrhozone which prevents thousands of Catarrh victims from contracting consumption. Reoom- meuded by doctors, proved by time to be unfailing. Uatarrhozone is just what you need. 25c and $1.00, sold everywhere WHITECRURCH. Mr. John Egleston is building the stone wall under Thomas Wraith's barn at Langside. The Whiteohuroh boys were victorious on Wednesday, at football, with the boys of the IOth. Mrs. S. G. Little, of Sussex. Ave. Toroato, who has been the guest of Mrs. Duncan (the Manse. Whiteohnrch,) left for home on Thursday. She was de lighted with the beauty of the country and takes with her many pleasant mem- ories of her first visit to Whitechurch. The garden party at the Methodist par- sonage on the evening of the 10th was a splendid snocess. The weather was all that could be desired, neither too warm or cool; The Ladies' Aid done their part well in furnishing plenty of everything in the way of refreshments. The Sal- vation Army- band of Wingham furnish- ed music, good in both gaantity and quality playing thirty-six selections; also members of the band giving four songs, four solos and one reoitation. Some people think that the band were a little stingy with their music, but I think they done excellent. The total receipts were $111 and the Ladies' Aid had $70 to the good after paying expenses. Many people who say they did not get their money's worth would buy from a pedlar at the door a 25 cent articel for 50 cents or pay $2 for a pair of spectacles from a pedlar which could be purchased in the regular business way for six penoe. Seasonth Go�(s! 3easonale ?rices We have a large assortment in the following lines. —LAWN MOWERS, Ladies' and Gentlemen's —LAWN SHEARS, —SCREEN DOORS, —COAL OIL STOVES, —GASOLINE COOK STOVES, —SCREEN DOORS, —POULTRY NETTING, —HAMMOCKS, —GARDEN TOOLS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. We also carry a very large stock of ready mixed paint in Robertson's, Beaver, and the can't -be -beat Sherwin-Williams brand. JUST ARRIVED—A carload ot Hanover cement. A consignment of electric welded made up Fencing, ready to stretch. Give us a call or anything you might require in the line of Hardware and Tinware and be convinced that this is the place to get good value for your money. Voung's Big Hardware. --1 Convalescents need a large amount of nourish- '° lament in easily digested form. ►S'cort'.s Einuts>on is powerful nourish- merit—highly concentrated. It makes bone, blood and muscle without putting any tax on the digestion. 4 --,' ALL DRUGGISTS; SOc. AND $1.00. o R1uYT[i TURNBEaux. Masers. Albert, David and Whitfield Minutes of Council meeting held July FeltarF, of (Mica o, and Wetl-y of La 15th. Members of Council all present, Jauta, /tenses, are visiting their parents - the Reeve in the chair. The minetes of Mr. and Mrs. R. Sellars, last meetiug were read and adopted to The first re€talar passenger trains on _motion pf Messrs. Rutherford and on the 0, 1'. R. were run last week. Trains for Tomtits) leave at 6.20 a, m. and 3 p. in., and arrive here at 1.30 and 9 45 p, ni. Itis certainly quite a conven- ienoe to be able to go direot to Toronto, without, as formerly, having to go to either Wingham or Clinton, and will be a decided advantage from a shippers standpoint. Tltey Wye Wonderful Health. None are so healthy, so buoyant and full of life as those who regulate with Dr. Hamilton's Pills, Even in one night they work wonders. Far and coating they take from the tongue, headaohes they relegate to the past, biliousness and stomach disorders they prevent and ab- solutely cure.' Think what it means to have the system cleansed and purified by Dr. Hamilton's Pills! A true laxative, a perfect tonic, harmless and wholly vege- table in composition, they will do you good. To feel and look your best use Dr. Hamilton's Pills, 25o at all dealers. GREY. Misses Teenie and Mary McArthur were visiting at Niagara Falls last week. Ralph Langdon, teacher in S. S. No. 1, has gone to his home at Eastwood for his vacation. Russel Wheeler, of Toronto is home for a holiday visit. He is a son of Lawrence Wheeler. Joseph Raynard, 4th con. who was laid up with bronchitis last spring, is improving nicely we are pleased to state. We are sorry to hear that Mrs. Wm. Bray and son, 16th con., are;not enjoy- ing as robust health as their many friends would wish but we hope a change for the better will soon ensue. Rich. Armstrong, 8th con, and Elijah and Edward Jaoklin, 2nd con., have had cement floors pat in their stables. Lor- enzo Frain had the contracts. Great Specialists In Stomach Catarrh. Though often they fail to give even temporary relief, Mr. W. Seymour of Huntsville, Ont. cured himself with Ferrozone. "My trouble" he says "was chronic catarrh of the stomach. There was constant bad taste in my mouth, I was costive and usually nauseated before and after meals, I also had a gnawing sensation in the stomach. Ferrozone gave me great relief, and I also used Oatarrhozone which is good for catarrh. Although it took a number of boxes of Ferrozone I got back my health and to- day am quite well." For stomach catarrh, indigestion and kindred dis. orders nothing excels Ferrozone. In a thousand casei it has proved a wonderful success. Try it yourself, 50e per box at all dealers. MORRIS. Joseph and Mrs. Clegg and Jay Clegg, B. A. Mrs. Clegg and son, are enjoying the Lake Huron breezes at Kincardine for a couple of weeks, A well is being drilled on the farm of Alex, McNeil, 5th line, George Birt, of Brussels, has the contract. A. H. Cochrane, of Waterloo, was home for a few days. Ho has a fine position and stays with it in good style. Mr. Same, McCurdy, of Detroit has purchased Mr. L. J. Williams' farm on the 5th concession and took possession on Morality. Mr. Williams held an auction sale of Ms farm stock and imple- ments on Monday. We are sorry to state that Mrs. M. M. Cardiff, 5th line, had the misfortune to fall in the barn while gathering eggs and broke her right arm at the wrist. Moffatt. Moffiicheal—Rutherford—That we ap- point Richard Wilton, Esq. to inspect drainage works at a salary of $2.00 per day,—Carried. Kelly---Moffatt—That we accept ten- der for drainage works from Lattimore and Cook, Jamestown, P.O., provided eontraotors sign agreement satisfactory to this Counoil.--Carried.. Moffatt—Kelly—That the Clerk be instructed to notify contractors for drains to meet the Reeve at the Clerk's offioe, Blnevale, on Saturday next, July 20th, at 2 o'clock, p.m., to sign agree- ment, eto.—Carried. The following amounts were passed and cheques limed: —John Porter, road machine and repairs, $25,87; H. B. Elliott, printing, $34 35; James Nichol, drawing tile and repairing culvert, $4.50; Aslan MoTavish, repairing road, $3 25; A. McKinnon, gravelling, $39.00; Geo. Bryoe,,inspeoting gravelling, $3 00; Jas. Porter, ; repairing drain, $5.50; John Smith, Dement culvert, $3.00; Hogh Tacker, road through river, $10 50; Alonzo Waite, railing on two 'culverts, $8.00; David Dunkin, repairs to road machine, $3 00; Dr, Tam]yn, medicine for Wm. Goy in 1906, $2 00; David Jewett, gravel and damages, $5.10; John McBurney, gravel and damages, $4 00; Ben. Ringlet, gravel and damages, $3 36; Geo. McDonald. gravel and damages, $1.95? James McDougall, gravel, $3.30; Semi. Vanatone, gravel, $4.50; John Duckett, gravel, $2.73; E. Orvis, gravel, $3.60; John Hardy, gravel, $3.60; A, Longley, gravel, $3 60; David Eadie, gravel and damages, $3.40; Thos. Ait- kin, gravel and damages, $8 80; Mrs. Holmes, gravel, $6.00; T. Finnan, gravel, $3 71. Rutherford--McMiaheal--That this meeting do now adjourn to meet in the Clerk's office, Binovale, on Monday, August 19th, at 10 o'clock, a.m.—Car- ried,—JoaN BURGESS, Clerk. FOR THOSE WHO CANNOT SEE. • In making his annual appeal to the readers of Ontario newspapers for infor- mation which will enable him to locate the children and youths of both sexes who aro eligible for admission as pupils of the School for the Blind at Brantford, Principal Gardiner asks the Times to call public attention to the need for some in- stitution where the adalt blind may be instructed and employed. General ex- perience has demonstrated the inadvis- ability of combining a workshop for adults with a school for children ander one management, yet the blind adults, who far outnumber the children of school age, should be no longer neglected, In New York State, it nas deen ascertained by careful inquiry that out of 6,00S blind persons only 181, or 9.72 per cent, of the total number, are under 21 years of age; 3193, or 53 14 per cent., are over 60 years of age; while I; 375, or 22 88 per cent., are between the ages of twenty-one and fifty—in the prime of life and capable of being rendered in whole or in part self- supporting. It is probable that the per centages is Ontario are similar to those in New York. Many lose their sight by accident after passing school age, and many who have been blind from birth or childhood need help and direction in or- der to work profitably. In California, Connectieat, the District of Columbia, Illinois, Indiana, Massachusetts, Michi- gan,New Jersey, Naw York, Onio, Penn- sylvania and Wisconsin workshops or "homes" have been provided, and in Washington, C ,Iorado and other States She is making favorable progress and the matter has been taken up by Wo- . we hope she will soon be alright. men's Clubs and other associations of George Bielby, B. A. has accepted philanthropic ladies, whose inflnence the position of Soience Blaster in George- ( upon public opinion a;;d the Legislatures town Collegiate, at a salary of $950 and will certainly effect the desired result. will commence work in September. He The first necessity is to get an sccne his been au A 1 student and will make ate knowledge of the facts, and to this a siecceasful teaoher, end Mr. Gardiner will gladly receive A welcome visitor to Morris township information rela.ing to blind residents is ex -Reeve Henry Mooney, of Weyburn, of Ontario of all ages (names and post. Sask., accompanied by his daughter, office addresses.) Those under twenty. Miss Minnie. Mr. Mooney and his sous, one years of age, not deficient in intel- Harry and Rob, own 960 acres and farm ieot, and free from disease and physical one large soale. Prosperity has attend. infirmity, who are blind, or whose sight ed their efforts and Mr. Mooney's marry is so defective that they are unable to old friends would do tto kickinli if he'd read ordinary type and attend a school come back and spend the balance of his without Berton; injury to the sight, life here, should attend the, school at Brantford, which is maintained by the Provincial government for their benefit, A letter or post card, addressed to the Principal, will receive immediate attention, J. Pinkerton of Tort Wiliiatn had his foot badly mangled by a train and ate. Nutation was immediately performed by a doctor with a penknife. R. L, Borden. leader of theOpposition Benjamin roley of Markham died in the Dominion Parliament, will start from the effects of a dose of pais green. On.a political tour in August, extending! Domestic trouble was the cense of the from the Martime Provinces to Alberta.' deed, LM GE: E LEADING STOREl sxaal>`RITE% I W h itewear Sale. First Come First Choice 20 per cent off Muslins, Ginghams, Chambrays, Shirt Waists, White Skirts, Gowns, Corset Covers, Parasols, Drawers, Children's Dresses, Shirt Waist Suits. If you want to get something ready-to-wear at a Big Saving in price this is your chance. We have far too many Shirt Waists and we are folly determined to sell them, 20 per cent. off our already very low prices, will make a speedy clearance. �4 •Slam 9h�,.: iei,ir,iWii i,,I Iulii,l�lu4+id�1.4iW.kdirlflw.t6i�L,uric,..�5,ti64+y'w,',14NudYaiJyalih.waddlHJ:.YIYiuL.y.ililiwY�J'i'.ii,l�.d.,4'r1t s rd • PHONE 68. WINGRAM. ***********00••6•44•0446•• •••••.•••••••••••••••••••♦ • O. • ■ • • a•• •• • . • • • • 4. • •- • s • • • • • • •• • Last week we told you about some special offerings : in Sideboards and Extension Tables. Our business in r : these lines has been highly satisfactory. The people i know where they get a bargain and the secret ot our suc- ."n' • cess hay been in satisfying our customers so that they in- variably come back to us when needing anything in the iv :• line of Furniture. • •; •1 •• •v • • • 4 • • et • • • 4 4 • • • • • • • • !" b Fancy Chairs We have them in great w variety of styles and prices. Rattan Chairs, S olid Oak t: Chairs with leather seats, ,•r• Upholstered Chairs. Prices i from $ r .5o up. A special ;i line of Fanc Chairs at t, • • •• • • • 4 • • ♦ • ♦ M • • • • • • • • • ♦ • 6' • ♦ • •• Couches Strong and durable, 4 rows of springs, spring edge, spring head, heavy fringe, best velour upholstered, as- sorted colors. A regular $9.00 Couch for $7.5o. Others at special value. $2.5o. • • • Walker's Furniture Store. • • ..•••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••4•044.4.•••••••••4* f' IN •.. IP IA;, N w .e i • s 6 w • •• 6 b A 1 1 i