The Wingham Times, 1907-07-18, Page 44 THE MOAN min JUT 18, 1907 TO ADVERTISERS ENTRANCE EXAMS. lime of changes must be left et this Oildoe not later than Sat=lay noon. The Copy for ()henget) must be left. not later than Monday evening. Omura advertieemeuto accepted up to croon Wednesday of each ween. 3 ST.AI1L1$1 K1) 1872 W T n i ' i 1.111 TIMES. greater maogh 1 e 11 1 L . nsaally posee�sedturity byf Childrenthouoft thithanrteenie, R.8.3441.roT'.r. PvurrentlitAwoPitopztritroo The names are arranged in two Classes t Honor and Pass. To class, a oaudidate must obtain 390 marks out of a possible 650, and for honors 487. The 3ettif1cates of successful oandidetee, and the markt, of those who failed were sent out last week. WINGIHAM We give below the uarnea of the ono• costal candidates at the repent Entrance Examiustianaheld et the var one exam- ination centres in East Huron. 0e,, the whole the papers were very fair, al- though the Literature paper or Written Reading, as it is now balled, required THURSDAY, JULY 18, t907. NOTES ANP COMMENTS. In 1895 6 after eighteen years of Con- servative rale, thefinance minister pre- sented the people with a deficit of $330,- 551.81. The year before. the deficit was over $0,000,000, and the year before that $1.210,000. For ten years the Liberal government can show a surplus each year, In 1905 6 after ten years. of Liberal rale, the Liberate had a eurplas of $12,898,719. The census and statistics department has figured out the population o1 Canada to be 6,304,900. This was on the first day of April, of the present year, At the last decennial census the population of Canada was 5,671,315, so that in the tits yearsthere has been an increase of 1,133,585 It the present growth ie kept up the population of Canada will be over seven and a half millions when the next census is reoorded. In 1905 6 after eighteen years of Con- servative rule, the Conservative man- aged with their high and oppressive tariff to secure a revenue of $36,618,590. The revenue for the year ending Jane 30, 1907, was over $91,500,000 atter ten years of Liberal rule, At the present rate of increase which is about one mil- lion a month, the revenue of the Do- minion this year will be nearly three times what it was ten years ago. A go- vernment which can reduce the rate of taxation and increase the revenue, is a. popular government with the people. CHURCH NOTES. The Rev, T. S. Boyle's subject next Sunday evening will be "The Viotory over Death." Rev, J. W. McNamara, of Drayton will endue t the services in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church for the next few Sabbaths, during the absence of the pastor, who is taking his holidays. The Trans -Canada Limited. The new fast service inaugurated by the Canadian Paoifio Railway, Tuesday, July 2nd, carries passengers across the continent in a little over three days and a half, the quickest time made by any railway in America. The new trains consist of two or more sleeping cars and a diner — Joe. latest pattern—with bag. gage car, and will rank amongst the most luxurious in the world. No day eoaehes will be attached, and the trains will be exclusively confined to holders of first olaes tickets who desire sleeping car accommodation. These 'Trans -Can- ada Limited' trains will leave Montreal, every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 12 30 noon during the mouths of July and Angnst. Connecting trains leave Toronto for North Bay at 1 45 p.M. on the same day. Close connection is made at Moose Jaw with the new fast trains for Spokane, and other American points. Barn Doors Open or Shut ? "Hay is precious this year," says the Rural New Yorker, "and every scheme will be worked for getting it into the barn quickly. Some of it will be put in green to 'svi eat' the surplus moisture out in the hay mow. This brings up the oft debated question as to whether it is better to keep the barn shut tight or open to the air. The best argument is In favor of a closed barn. In such a barn the moisture will rise from the hsy and pass away from the top of the barn as vapor --which is what we want. 'When the barn is left open the cooler air from outside striking the rising stream condenses the moisture and leaves it as water on the hay," My Hair is Extra hong - Feed your hair; nourish it; give it something to live oil. Then it . stopwill fallen and gi will grow long and heavy. - Ayer's Bair 'Vigor is the only =genuine hair -food you can buy. It gives new life to the 1 hair -bulbs. You save what hair you y u have, and get more, - too. And it keeps the scalp - clean and healthy. - Tlia bdst kind ell k tddtimonls1— "bold 1oi` aver stet, 71arr r siterigi X as i. ra.a trehurtn.te..r. ! SetSAM `Aeltnit. ' I,rSflf 2,s5. &tat PaCTOttd..,Srholoarrisismu. HONORS Blanche Bennett Milton Roadhouse Bdna Biehl Mary Ritchie Edith Buchanan ' Lillian Ross Verna Dickinson Edna Swans Emma Forsyth Florenoe Suggitt G. Wilson Geddes Mary Stewart Ada Spence Emma Stewart Roy Tnrvey Gordon Young Milton White Andrew Wallace Helen Wilson Joe Harold Frank Gillespie Ada Haines Lizzie Johne Ernest Linklater Heater Mutton John Mitchell Eldon Nethery PASS Jennie Armour Bertha Jones Tessa Andersen George Jacques James Aitken Edna Johnston Clara Beemer Minnie Bosman Pearl ,Cartwright E ta Carrie Bertie Corrie George Cnrri i Selena Foran Russel Fixture Lila Gray Mary Gibbons Norman M, Geddes Roland Henderson Fred Johnston Alex. Kerr Cecil Knox Alva McDowell Allan Pagh Luella Shaw Howard Stewart Orvel Taylor George Tervit Ethel Tlpling Elsie Wightman Leslie Wightman Dore, Weir BLYTH HONORS Bernice Anderson Frank FingIand Bertha Brodgen James Watt Elva Brown Archie Wells Alice Fingiand PASS' • Esther Bell Elsie Milian Hazel Bennett Ralph Monro Verna Braithwaite Myrtle Nicol Keziah Brown Mary Paterson Laura Clarke Thos. A. Rodger May Cowan May Rogerson Roy Crawford Albert Skelton Sate Crawford Frank Straughan Gladys Cott Baracliff Tierney Oepba Echlin Lillie W auleas Lottie Jackson Florence Watson Lillian Lee Bessie Walls Emma Leith 'Russel Woods CLINTON HONORS Dorothy Ball Carl Diehl Minnie Bosom Willie Greigg Roy Grigg Agnes Irwin Mnrray Jackson Harold Ker Jennie Martin Jean MoTaggart Cora McGuire Edna Rode way 'PASS Clarence Anderson Elsie Lobb Annios Bartliff 011ie Lobb Gladys Cantelon Albert Cooper Howard Crich Leonard Cole Della Fitch Howard Farquhar Wilber Ford Charles Govier Eliza M. Gray Edward Glen Katie Gunn Willie Hall Eileen Hoover Helen Hibbs Emmiline Holland Elva Levis Myrtle Meir Bert Millar Greg McGregor Jennie Stevenson Nettie Sinclair Mary Smith John Sturdy Winnie Snndercook Elizabeth Taylor Myrtle Tiplady Edna Turner Willie Wasman Leslie Woman Herbert Witte Ruby Wise FORDWIOH HONORS Lawrence Maguire PASS Robert Armstrong Andrew Johnston Hilda Ashton Clifford McCurdy Stephen Butchart Verna McLaughlin Noble Cattanach Wilfrid McLaughlin Marjorie Dobson Andrew Spears Harry Gregg Beatrice Shearer Isabella Hargrave Olive Watters Wallace Hutchison WROXETER HONORS Rollie'Nash William Elliott PASS Ray Carr Frances Edgar Jean Edgar Gordon Edgar George Elliott Elva Hupfer Sophie Robinson Rosie Smith Gladys Stinson John Weir Gordon Wray BRUSSELS merlons Jane McLennan Della McLarty Chas. McMillan Adeline Robb Frank Scott Alex. Speiran Vee a e WaSlkerson Carrie Arnent Kate Ament Vina Bowman Nellie Ewan Addie Grant John Henderilon Minerva Jones Clifford McKee PASS Joe Armstrong Irene Barkley Willie Bell James Bremner Frank Bryson 'r Florenne J. Clark Wm. Cunningham Celestine Dan Roy Eokmier Mary Forrest Cora E. b'arbo$ Frank S. Gerry Lilo M. Ball all Irene Beath Will Hiaiop Lizzie 111. Hoover Willie Hoover Mary Irvine Maggie Johnston Wm. O. King George King Bob Leckie Alex, Mann Maggie Miohle Alvin Meltee Cecil MoLer t y Lave e n McLeod J. P. MaN,atight Daniel O'Toole 'f Ella Peahen Victor Sperling ' John Spier Annie 'phony soh P Elwin Thompson Wilbur 'E.Tartiball . Robert J. Young Dore Watson Pent) Brewer 13eatrlee Curry' .1. Saunders, en employee of the Wallacebnr'g sugar factory Was killed while uncoupling oats on the factory. gto'onde. SUMMER AILMENT& Can Beat be Banished by Pr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills for Pale People In summer your blood gets thin and watery. Yon feel simply wretobed-- tired, worn out, dull, your nerves are irritable, your whole system is out of gear. There is ' juet One medioine van banish this summer feeling. Just one medicine that will give you strength and vim to endure the fag of even the hot. test de's—Pr. Williams' Pink Pillo. They have helped thousands. Perhaps your neighbors have already told you they have helped them. They're the medicine that makes that pure, rich. red Wood that everyone heeds for t po ealth they never fail to do that, re. L A. Corriere, the popular stewer6ess of the Jacques Cartier Club, Montreal, fine., sayer "For two years I . was a constant sufferer from gene I debility. The least work fatigued me sgnmetimesI could not work at all. I could not raise my hand above my head without feeling pains in all my muscles. I was very weak and sometimes beoawe so dizzy that I would fall unless 1 Could lean against something for support. While in this condition 1 was advised to try Dr. Williams Pink Piffle, I did so and by the time I had taken tett boxes I was in per. feot health and am now able to look after all my duties without the least fa. tigne. When I began taking the Pills I was a great sufferer --today I feel as if I never was ill—thanks to Dr, Williams' Pink Pills." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills strike right at the root of anaemia, debility, rhen- mutism, indigestion, the secret ills of women aid growing girls, eto., when they make new blood --they do jest that one thing, but they do it well—good blood always brings good health. Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 Dents a box or six boxes for $2.50, from the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co,, Brookville, Ont. Western Fair, London. The Western Fair, London, Ont., promises this year to eclipse all previous records As thi3 is the 40th exhibition with a break the management are anx- ious that it should be a great success. Entries are already coming in qaite fast and considerable space has been allooted in the different buildings. A number of improvements have been made in the grounds and buildings this year for the comfort and convenience of exhibitors and visitors. Tho prize List has been carefully revised and added to. Knab-, enshue's Airship will make ascensions daily. The Dankmar-Schiller troupe and the Ernesto Sisters will thrill those who see them with their daring acts, White & LeMart and the Les Ariboa will instruct and amuse, and with music by the beat available bands and the grand display.of Fireworks each evening followed by that magnificent Pyroteoh- nieal display "The Siege of Gibraltar," will make one of the best programmes ever presented to the public at any prev- ione Western Fair. Remember the dates, Sept. 65h to 14th. Reduced rates on all railways. Write the Secretary, Western fair Office, London, for all particulars as to space, prize lists, pro- grammes, etc.. and make your entries early. Gaol Suits FOR WARM WEATHER At a Bargain The hot weather is really just commenced, Do not melt in that heavy snit wheel you ca n get a BEAUTIFUL, COOL, LIGHT SUIT made to your order so cheap. Come in and see them. We have a few Youths' Long Pants in Navy Blne. Extra value at $1,00 for 70e, come along before they are picked up. A BIG REDUCTION IN UNDERWEAR. et gorra6iznzc+rrtce„zacielara�i.,°"1d6o �' ti"':,.'�+''l+al�� The B!gStore. - W!ngha�. 1 ,JNO ■ KERR _ al Breidancl .P flour. MAXWELL, & HIL,L, ' Merchant Tailors .and Men's Furnishers. •,..,/00‘) NOTICE 'OF CLOSING. Within the past hand red years whale- bone has risen in price from £31 a ton to £3,000. The grand lodge of Michigan, Ancient Order of United Workmen, have voted to surrender the charter. The death Claims have accumulated faster than the receipts. The grand lodge faces an in- debtedness of $160,000, to meet whioh there are:only the Jane collections and a balance of about $50,004. In eight years the membership iu Miohigatehas droppe d from 23,000 to less than 3000. It is thought that present members who can ' afford to meet the premiums will be pro- vided a way of keepingtheir insurance in force by dealing direotiy .with the supreme lodge. Alcohol From Peat. It is stated in the English press that an eminent member of the legal pro- fession has, after years of chemical in- vestigation, evolved alcohol from peat, and states that it can be produced at 3d. per gallon, thus filling a long -felt 'want as a motor fuel, by displacing the foul- smelling petrol. It is said to be more efficient in every way. It is safer to handle, and will not overheat the engine as petrol has a tendency to do. An en- tire absence of smoke and smell are ad, vantages that will be welcomed by the man in the street, no lees than by the roan in the car. —A final dividend of 63 cents has been declared on behalf of D. N. McDonald & Company, general merchants, Rip. ley, who made an assignment to Mr. Osier Wade a couple of months ago, The liabilities were $9,370. Mabel Ashwell, a stenographer in the Strathroy Canning factory, went to the workroom to get some green peas when her hair became entangled in the shaft- ing and. she Would have been scalped but for the prompt throwing off of the belt. As it Was she suffered terribly from the shock, Brockville Times:—In the old days they used to make ns learn that beatiti• ful poem, "Speak gently—fortis better far to rile by love than fear," but jest' the same we all kaeW that dear teacher would give us a righteous whaling next dayif We did not strike e atett fair P 3' average of intelligence In writing, spell- ing and arithmetic, Now the teaober is expected to appeal diepaseionately,to lippy children who do not .appear to fear God or their own ' hoes parents, w writing resembles the inscription on the voucher you get from Wing Lee for your weekly shirt and font collars,, and who spell cabbage with one "b." I'loan's Kidney Pills act on the kids nee., bladder and urinary organs only. They mare backaches, weak back, rheutn- stietn, diabetes, congestion, intimation svelBright's disease and all other et arising frotn wrong action of the kidneyie and bladder. Live Stock Markets Toronto, July 16—The run at the City Cattle Market to -day was 145 loads, inclading 50 cars ofca ttle going Street to seaboard. This would leave about 1,250 head of cattle in this market for sale. There were also 950 sheep and Iambs, 800 hogs, and l$t5 calves, There was a fair trade, but not so brisk as last Thursday's market, when there was a light run, a good demand and consequently some advance in prices, especially for the choicest bot- cher cattle. Prices were just about steady at the advances for the very best choice loads and picked cattle, but for the ordinary run of medium to good butcher cattle prices were if anything on the easier side. For common but- cher, mixed cows, bulls and steers prices generally easier. The run of cattle in the market for sale was not heavy, about fifty cats of cattle from Chicago were not for sale, as these were going through for export, but were stopped over for feeding. The hog market is firmer. The following are the quotations: Exporters' cattle— Per 100 lbs. Choice $5 75 $e 00 Medium' 5 00 5 50 Bulls 4 75 5 00 Lig4 00 4 25 bowsht 4 25 4 40 Feeders— best 1000 pounds and up- wards 4 70 4 $5 Stockers choice 4 25 4 35 bulla 3 00 3 50 Butchers'-- Picked 5 00 5 25 Choice 4 60 4 80 Medium. , . 3 75 4 00 Cows.... .,.. 8 75 4 00 • Bulls 3 75 4 00 El its; Best 6 90 Lights - 6.75 Sheep— Export ewes 4 50 4 75 Bucks 3 50 4 00 pulls 8 25 3 5 6 Spring Lambe eaoh.. 3 50 4 00 Calves. each , • ...... 900 10 00 VVINORAM )SARHIIT REPORTS Wingham, July 17th, 1967 p'l001 nnr er 1 bs...6...41..2 25 to 2 80 Pell 'Wheat .............. 0 85 to 0 85 Oats, .....rs.......4 0 42 to 0 42 ,Barley' ........6 0 45 yto0. 50 Peas .....Y . to .Y....... 0 75 0 75 Hatter...... .... .41.....6 0 18 to tl 19 Eggs pet deft .. , ... • 0 16 toy '0 16 Wood per cord 250 to 800 MT, tatoesrtrbnfli� new., Oto 0 60 0 Tallow per per* Ib ...64164.6•611 w 0 5i to 006. thrid .... ..««... 0 15 to 0 15 Dried Apples pet lb56 0 07 Live Hoge, per Cwt6 6v10 6 60 We, the undersigned Lawyets agree to Close our offices during the months Cif July and Aug- ust as follows :—On Saturdays at 2 P.M., and on other days at4 P M,' DIOxIrsoN & a itNEs, 11, VawsTONE, J. A. MORTON. • Notice To Drat Contractors. Tenders will be receiv d by the Muniefppa otmetl of the Township t Turnberry at Clerk's office, B[uevale, n to 12 o'clock, nob the 15th day of July tt t, for the supplying material and construe ion of a drain mostly tile, partly open on lots 7 8 and 9 in the eighth concession and lots 7 an 8 in the ninth con- cession at the Township of Turnberry. The lowest or an to er not n 1 C the of n ofg c- ce y eoessarily ac- cepted. Letters contai ing tenders to be plain- ly marked on outside "Tender for drain," Plans and speeffieati s can be seen at the Clerk's office, Bluevale tdluevale, June 25th, 07. JO N BURGESS, Clerk. EXECUTOR'S SALE Estate of John Coming, sr., Lot 22, Con. 18, Township of Hullett. This excellent 150 -acre farm will be offered at auction on Wednesday, August 7tlt, 1007, at 2 o'clock p. m., at Brown's Hotel, Londe s borough. This is a first-class farm, has good buildings, including commodious liouse,large bank barns with stone stabling and other outbuildings; all modern farm improvements and conven- iences, good water and a good hardwood bush; near to school and market. Information will be promptly given upon request. W. BRYDONE, EDMUND LEAR, Clinton, Ont., Blyth, Ont., Executor. Solicitor for the Estate. VOTERS' LIST, 1907. Munieipality of the Town of Wing - ham, in the County of Huron. 'rake is hereby given that 1`have trans- mitted or delivered to he pe ons mentioned in sections 8 and 9 of ' The ntario Voters' List Act," the conies re d by said sections to be so delivered or smitted of the list made pursuant to said Act, of all persons up- peering said Municilpality to be Assessment vote of the said Municipality at Elections for Members of the Legitlative Assembly and at Municipal Elections; and that the said list was first posted up in my office, at Wingham on July 1703, 1007, and remains there for inspection. Electors are called upon to examine said list, end if any omissions or any other errors are found therein, to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected according to law. Bated, Clerk's Office, Wingham, July 17, 1907. J B. FERGUSON, Clerk, Town of Wingham. Synopsis of Canadian Northwest Homestead Regulations. ANY even numbered section of Dominion Lands in Manitoba Saskatchewan and Alberta, excepting 8 and 28, hot reserved,may be homesteaded by any person who Is the sole head of a family, or any male over 18 years of age, to the extent of one-quarter section of 160 acres, more or loss llntryy must be made personally at the local land office for the district in which the land is situate. The homesteader is required to perform the conditions oonneoted therewith under one of the following plans: (1) At least six months' residence upon and o ltivati n o the o f land in sac har ,three y o for h ee years: (2)I! the father o r mother,if the father deeeaed) of the homesteaderresides upon a farm in the vicinity of the hind entered for, the requirements as to residence Yea be satisfied by such person residing with the father or mother. (8) If the settler has his permanent residence noon farming land owned by him in the vlcin• ity of his homestead the requilremente as to residence may be satisfied by residence upon the Said land, Six months' notice in writing should be Orento the Commissioner of Dominion Lands at Ottawa of intention to apply for patent. . W, CORY, Deputy of the Mini/der Of the Interior. 141.8.—Veatitborizedpublieation of this ad• II. B ELLIOTT. Will not be paid for. We're doing a big business in Flour ! Bigger every month ! But our Flour trade must keep on growing ! There possibly may be a few people who are not aware of the fact that we sell FIRST-CLASS BREAD FLOUR the very best that this country produces ! Wingham " Five Lilies," Manitoba Hard Wheat. Wingham " Star" Family Flour. Wingham " Golden Star," Pastry Flour, Exeter " Star," Choice Family FIour. Exeter " Welcome," Pastry Flour. Ogilvie's " Royal' Household," made from Manitoba Hard Wheat No. 1. All Flour put up in 25-1b,, 50.1b. and 100 lb. sacks. LAWe sell first-class Rolled Wheat,. Rolled Oats, Corn kMeal, Oatmeal, Graham Flour, Wheatine. C3 f, All the PopHlar Breakfast Foods N i 51 11 best yet, to cents a pacis.age. Try a package. • Have you tried the new Breakfast Food, " Wheat Berries ?" Whole wheat puffed and roasted. p The � i GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM BIG I. O. O. F. EXCU ' SION ON Saturday, August 10 Minerva Encampment, No. 47, Z' O. O. F., Wingham, have completed arrangements with the Grand Trunk Rail- way System to run a big Excursion to AR is Via H YD > PARK From the following places, on Saturday, August xoth, 1907, returning Monday, August 12th, at the following low rates: PLACE TIME Lncknow 6,10 $2.05 Whitechiiroh 6.23 2,05 Wingham 6,40 2.05 Belgrave .... . 6 52 1.85 o Blyth 7.06 1,75 Children over 5 and tinder 11.2:Years, Half Fare. Returning, special train will leave Sarnia on Monday, August 12, at 10 p. m. FARES Arrangements have also been 'made with the White Star Line to convey passengers from Sarnia to DETRO1T. per magnifice.rit Steamer "Tashmoo," on Saturday, leaving Sarnia 4.50 p. in., at the low return fare of 50 cents. e Tick is good returning on any White Star Line boat up to and including 2.30 p. m. on Monday, August 126 Y gThis will afford an excellent outing and an opportunity for excursionists ta spent Sunday in Detroit. - 'Everyone come • and enjoy a pleasant outing. dottlitTTaa J. A, MORTON, J; IN, nobly. I 111.01•111M11161140 11 • 'a