The Wingham Times, 1907-07-18, Page 1THS WINGHA1vI TIMES. VOL u v 1.—NO. 1849. Just Arrived in Town HUYLER'S Chocolates 60c and SOc per lb THE BEST MADE • We have them in 3 Ib. and 1 lb. boxes. Come in and try a box. FOR EALE BY Walton McKibbon THE DRUGGIST Macdonald Block, Wingham. Fall Term OPENS SEPT. 2 This management during the past year trained over Two Hundred + young ladies'2®®1 a n d gentle- lLmen, as steno' graph - era, bookkeepers and telegraph- ers, and placed them in excel- lent situations in leading Can. adieu and American cities. Individual instruction. Write for catalogue. WINGHAM BUSINESS COLLEGE GEO. SPOTTON, Principal. THE LITTLE EATON The Name That is Read with a Smile The Reason Why 1 Is so often asked about the trade done at "The Little Eaton." Our `Clothing" is the secret of our great success. No doubt you have seen our w a glk�.n. ad ver ta. s e ments, viz.—The Little Eaton Suits w ith the well balanced square shoulders and a smartness which snake a man look neat, smart and city like ---you can save money all this month on our clothing as we have a sale on Don't miss this chance of saving $2.5o to $5.00 pn a = suit with style and character. 49c Shirt Sale on THE BEST YET. 9E01 C1 HANNA Old I oatoftlee Store Maodonaid Block - WING RAM. GENERAL LOCAL NEWS. Wear Oreer"s Shoes and Rubbers Women's nstitute. , The regular wont ly meeting of the Wingham branch the Women's In. stitute will be bel in the C. 0. F. hall, on Thursday after con, July 26th, nom- meuoirg at 3 o'cI ll.. The nut jeot for d tscnseion will b "Benefits of Fresh Air and Sunsbin " All ladies will be made welcome. Get Parnell's Bread, at Ohrietieet. Wingham Principal Mnsgrs publio School, he ing in his pupils wj entrance examine wrote and the full ty of the number 1 oipal Musgrove an congratulated on showing. chool Leads. ve, of the Wingham made a record show. io wrote on the recent ions. Thirty pupils umber passed, toren• aking honors. Prins his pupils are to be heir very' successful See our Tan Oxford shoes. the latest. R. Johnston. They are Sunday Scho I Excursion. Keep Thursday, gust 1st free for the ennual Sunday chool excursion to Kincardine. This4.111 be Wingham's civic holiday and r townspeople in large numbers will pend the day at the lake town. Spec* train will leave Wingham at 8,45 a. in„ arriving in Kin- cardine at 8.45 a. ig4 Fare is 70 cents and half fare for c_iildren, returning, special train will leee Kincardine about 7 p. m. $2 50 Mattrasees for $2.15, at S. GRAOEY'S. Wingham The voters list for ham for this year h was first posted in yesterday. Part 1 o names; part 2, 229; tars List, the Town of Wing- s been printed and the Clerk's office the list has 530 are 3, 138, making a total of 897 voters, being 93 more than on last year's Dot. 4The voters by wards are divided as fol owe:—Ward 1, 181; Ward 2, 168; Ward;3, 213; Ward 4, 335. The number of pars ins qualified to serve as jurors is 342, Our summer sale is a hummer. GEO. E KING. Cement Wa s and Floors. Mr. A. Taylor h s just completed the work of building c meet walls under the barns of Messrs, omuth and Wheeler, B Line of Turnber y, and is now patting in cement floors nd mangers. These two gentlemen ar prosperous farmers and believe in hay g everything up-to- date. They seour d a good man in Mr. Taylor for this wo er and he is taking the lead in this line rf workand his work always gives the b`:st of eatiefaotion. • ste On Somidiody's Toes. The roan who eeits the average amen - try newspaper ca not well avoid tread• ing on somebod 'a toes occasionally; must expect to be censured often for un• intentional Miller a; must expect hard work and little t anks; must expect to be called a cower because he does not "pitch into" ever thing that somebody thinks is wrong, nd a fool if he speaks out too plainly o public evils; he must expect to grind o bor peoples axes—and turn the grindst ne himself. Still we think it one of he noblest professions on earth; and on in which the, earnest man can do the ost good to his ;fellow man, and in wh ch an honorable man eau wield mnoh _ wer for good. Steel wire hammocks. Something new. At S. GRAOEY'S furniture store. • Musical E The following pn A. T. C. M. have their piano examin tions held in the Julyby ham 8rd , of Music. Miss t Wroxeter, Interni ' McArthur, 13 rue have the impress; at the looatcentr: the Conservatory frosty the registrar will perhaps he1 understood. "Th examinations is th 'peat as that of t tions, the anima gr awarded in alt emanations. • ile of Miss Sperling, successfully passed tions at the examine. r. O. F. hall, Wing - ionto Conservatory Y atherine ,Hazlewood, diate; Mists; Mary 2. ls, Junior. Some n that the. standing is not as high as at at the following note of that institution, to make it better standard of the local same in every te- Toronto oiratnina- • e of oertifloatebeing 1 Encourage me The Canadian executive have t adopting a rule t for prizes at thei ered in their r broke. The hit stock of the Oa ed, is well wort and it is an greatest exhibit seen on this corl National Exbi$ MOAN, t of Pure Stock. National. Exhibition ken the imitative in at sit cattle competii g shows must be regist- pectivo Canadian herd standard to which the adieu breeder has reach• by of this consideration, udeubted fact that the of pure bred stock to be tineut is at the Canadian tion, WOOL WANTED—Any quantity; high- est prices.— GEO. E. KING. Change in rain Time. • Owing to a chs ge in the timetable of the 0. P. R. the evening train is due here at 10,27 finite d of 10 43 as former- ly. We understan from an employee of the road that C rdwell Jot. bus been taken off the ron owing to the in. convenience of get inn to it. They still sake on water at ardwell tank which is on the direct ll. • Parties travelling and wishing to m ke connections with the G. T. R. at C dwell will do well to make a note of th' change. Highest price paid for hides and try at T. Fells' butoher shoo, Come on Kids 1 Wingham The prize list fo>! fair has been thor will be ready for di time. A number o have been made, at the horses where thi yrs free 1 AUNDERs, Fail Fair. the Wingham fall. ughly revised and • tribntlou in a short' important (tango •. ong them being in year three prizes will be given in each section of the list. A number of special fered. Parties desiri prize hot will kindly to the Secretary, fall fair this year will bar 26th and 27th an better than the fairs rizcs are being of - g a Dopy of the end a postal card L B. Elliott. The be held on Septem- i prcmiees to be 1 previous years. Bring your produce to King's. Eggs 17o; butter 19o. GEO. E, SING. . 1. O. O. F. Officers. Mr. W. H. McCracken, D. D. G. M., of Brussels, instal ed the efficient -of Maitland Lodge, L ('. 0. F. on Thurs. day evening last as :'ollows:—N. G , J. S. Carr; V. G., J. W. Pearen; Rec•Seoy.; John F. Groves ;Pin. Secy.,T. J. Elliott; Tree's., H. B. Elli tt; Warden, Jos. Guest; Con., Geo. I win; R. S. N. G., S. A. McGuire; L. . N• G., Norman Fry; Chap., Rev. T. . Boyle; R. S. S., J. Amabury; L. S. S. J. Lamont; I. G., R Burgess; 0. G., . W. Dodd; R. S. V. G., R. Crnickah nk ; L. 5 V. G., Jas. McGillivary. fter the meeting the members adjourn d to Moore's re- stourant where r freabments were served. Wool, I Woolf Wool, 1 We are buying it and paying the highest price.— T. A. Miens Ansley -MIKE A quiet but prett3 the kerne of Mrs. A Hill, on Wedneada3 noon, when her di united gr marriage 1 of Syracuse, form The ceremony we Mr. Ross, of Londo by the immediate fr ing parties. The b the recipients of of esteem. Mr. A a few days with th town.w here a re . • afar Nuptiats. event took place at 'McKellar, at Poplar July 10th, at high ughter, Mary, was o Mr. F. W. Ansley, rly of Wingham. performed by Rev. , and was witneased ends of the contract- fide and groom were any valuable tokens ale and bridespent y groom's parents in eption was tendered them on Friday ea abate. After a short honey moon trip though Eastern Ontario they will reside :n Syracuse, N. -Y., where Mr. Ansle t has a fine position with the Franklin Automobile Co. Crops in The Toronto 1 a report of the different connti The corresponds ing from Goderi backward riprinl Huron County. tar last Saturday gave crop conditions in the s of Western Ontario, t for this county, writ - II, seta :—Owing to the all the crops in this :than usual. A heavy are late n n v sectiony rain a couple of seeks ago did mnoh to improve mattert, and more growth was made in the we ' afterwards than in a month before. Some farmers report a r fair hay drop ba many say they will have only half a crap Barley ie looking very good and wheat; will be fair but oats will be very light, Most of the fruit crops will be fair. Apples look alright but cherries will be ,very scarce. The conn - try Was looking very dry up to yesterday brit a drizzling rain all day yesterday will make a bid-itnpro'vement, ONTARIO, TIIIIRSDA1, JULY 18, 1907. ban bowlers are MAITLA111D WATRS Two rinks of Win Bowlers at Lo don. g CLAD TWO in London this week atteading the en- nurl tournament of the Western Ont- ario Bowling Aesooiatioj . The rinks are cc;wposcd of L. WI Hannon, Ed. Neab, Dudley Holmes and A. M. Craw. ford, ship; J, Campbell, ; Geo, O. Man. nets, W. A. Campbell, a' d Mae. Bell, skip. In the first round match Crawford's rink Duncan's ThameEville iu 18, Bell's rink lots in th rf the trophy lost to John , snore 22 to first round to R. J. Edgar's Owen Sowed rink, score 24 to 10. Mr. Fred. Davti of Goderich has been elected as the n v President of the Western Ontarion Bowling Associa- tion. Cash clearing sale of all Summer Goods. GEO. E. KING. Turnberry Pionee Dead. Mr, James Nicholson, o e of the pion. eers of the Township f Turnberry, residing on the bounder line, east of Blnevale, passed away on Tuesday. Deceased had been alp led for some .twenty years, but was s ionsly ill for only a few days prior to is death. He was aged. 75 years and ha been a resi- dent of Turnberry for o er thirty-five years and was highly esteemed in the neighborhood. He is survived by his widow and grown op fa oily. The 1 n. neral takes place this (T narsday) after- ni on at 2 80 o'clock for the Blnevale cemetery add wi11 be conynoted by mem- bers of the Orange rder of which deoeased had for a numb r of years been an honored member. M a. Geo. Rankin of town is a daughter of r. Nicholsonyf �r WANTED—A gocd smart b y tYIearn telegraphing. • Apply to ,Rosa at Dcminion Express office. WANTED To BUY.—Good 0 t acre _ farm, within one or two mi f Wing - ham. Apply to RITCHIE & osENs. John C. Knox, Joseph Caser ❑rowne VICTIMS of Wingham, and re, of' Wroxeter, on Sunday. The quiet of Let Sabbath was dis- turbed when it be tame known early in the afternoon that John Calvin Knox, son of Mr, Robert Knox, 01 this town had been drowns in the north branch of the Maitland xi er. bfr, Knox and Robert Thomas, o Blnevale went out in a canoe Shortly after the noon honr and when betwee the Josephine street briege and the , P. R. bridge, the canoe by some mans upset and soon the two young ton were struggling in the water. Neith r of them could swim much and Knox ent down and never name to the top f the water and it is thought that his' clothing must have naught in brush o weeds at the bottom of the river. Mn Thomas managed to until he was rescued A large numbt r of on the scene of the eral attempts were e body of Mr. Knox the water for nearly cling to the canoe' by John Madiga people were eco aooident and se made to secure t and after being i $ 1 A YEAR 1N ADVANCE WELL-KNOWN PEOPLE MR. J. A. ORTQN. Ex -Mayor of ingham. Mr. J. A. Morton, hose photo appears above, has been a res dent of Wingham for over thirty years practising bis pro- ession as barrister, etc. Previous to two hours, the body was recovered by Albert Routhier, A nunider of young entering the legal p ofession he taught ' men have been drowned in the Maitland school. Mr. Morton has been active in river, but this is, to the best of our mem- aIi works for the unfit of the town. ory, the first baa .ing accident that has For the years 189 and 1898 he was 000urred in Wixtgham. The accident Mayor, and dhrin: those years the Pae cast a glee!), ever the town and greater part of the any miles of grano- lith.o walk we hayin town were laid, many were the ':xpressione of sorrow Mr. Morton giving considerable of his for the grief-str=_ken parents in their time to the supervi; ion of the work. He vgry sad and sudeen bereavement. The deceased youngan, who was in his has served on the 'ubiio School Board 19th year, was hihly esteemed in town and was for some time the Chairman He was quiet and industrious, and had and is now a mem er of the High School Board. Some yea s ago he was appoint - at rained a high reputation as an amateur out door photogr Fher and Berne of the ed Police DRagiet ate for the town, and best views of th town were taken by as given the ver; best of eatiefaotion him . The bere ed family will have in the discharge .f the duties this im- y e is a pioneerar member •The funeral was held , dent Oddfellows and of this town and takes the esmpatby their etHictton. on Tuesday aft church, of vial f the commnnit in portant office. of the Indepe moon from St. Paula Masonic Lodges her, to the Win ham cemetery and was a en e e services a ®; had charge of th eh nrch and grave were conducted by Kind Words ApIreciated, an active part in the work of these c h deceased was a mem- o Ldges Mr The TIMES havingawed the tenth • orton is an ardent lover under he cant of the present of music and for manyears past has yeart $ largely tt fi d Th t th 5 mus.oal exercises in ch. He also devotes . the cultivation of plants, flowers anddvegetables. editor, the fallowin words of good Wishes from our exch ogee are much ap- preciated. The Wi gham Advance says : —"Lash week Mr . B. Elliott com- pleted his tenth year as editor of the Wingham Tames, and has now entered upon his eleventh year of editorial non' teed. The Advance ex nds congratnla tions, and exprtsses th hope, that Mr. Elliot may be spared for many more decades, to enjoy inore sing prosperity." Brussels Poet:—"The Wingham Times has entered upon its el venthyear under the direction of H. BI Elliott and is in good fettle, Wingh in people support it loyally and in that eepect show their good sense. The Post ishes Bro. Elliott health, wealth and h ppiness." Clinton New Era :—"With its ast issue the Wing. ham Times enters o its eleventh year under the manage ent of Mr. H. B, Elliott. It is a good paper, creditable a- li ke to the town and to editor; moderate in tone, and not c ensive, we wish it the success it desert' s." Fon SALE—First- class 100 acre farm, two miles from Wingham. All in grass, Get particulars from H. Davis. They are, I understand, giving''great "Snaps" at D. M. Gordo4's tint now, in gem jars, granulated s ere, retsina and currants, fine cooking fps, (81bs for 25c) toed all linea of canned goods. Death of Chis Gannett. Another of the H on county pioneers he person of Mr. o died at his home et Sunday morning, eceased had enjoyed lo and out a year ago, , n gradually failing. f orn in Sammerset- d came to this country st in the Township of has passed away in Charles Gannett, w in Blnevale early la in his 83rd year. good health until 1 since then has be Mr. Gauaett was shire, England, an in 1856. settling fi� Uaborne, near E toter, where he re- mained until someethirty years ago when the family moved into Turnberry and a few years ago deceased moved into the e. Mr. Gannett was ioneers of this conn - early fifty years in a man who done a work during his life. h esteem by a large nd his death removes the chain Of the few re. Air, Gannett was first wife having died land, leaving one son, It, of town and one ed a nutnbee of yearn 1 again before leaving nd is survived by his rDewing children, viz: f . —George, Tarn, airy; John and Gus., slueyele; Jame'•, tuoknow; Ohms., in the United Stat .a; Mrs. George Wright, Tutaberry; Mrs. h'red. David, Listowel. The funeral took place on Tuesday after - 00o11 to the Stu 'vale cemetery. village of BIueva v_,ne of the sturdy try having spent r Canada. He was great deal of hard Ile was held in hi oirole of friends another link fro remaining pions twine married, h before he lett En Mr. Win. Ganne daughter, who ago. He marrie his native land widow and the the rentor, Rev, tributes were bea wreaths was one 5. Boyle. The flora. the 14Lethodist ch . em rconsiderable time and among the on the clerks of town. While Messrs. Joseph and William Casemore of W oxeter were bathing S nnday morning under Day's bridge Joseph took cramp' and sunk. William not being able to s im, could render no assistance, and it was some time before help could be obtined. The body lay in about ten feet o! water, and was plainly visible fro the bridge. When Hr. Harry Brown"rrived upon the scene he stripped Mame lately and dived and brought up the bo y, but it was too late, Two doctors did a l that could be done. The body was under water about twenty- five minutes. T e drowned man was well-known andliigbly respected. He was about twenttvears of age and un- married. The young man was abrother of Mrs. Wm. Adair, of Wingham,.. Get out 1 and go A.I.IND,EES. sale 1 Dr. A. H. Paget of E as will have charge of Dr. Red one; practice for a couple of weeks w 11 the latter is visit- ing friends in Br ekville and vicinity. Night calls will be answered at the office. Lacrosse Match. In a league game pf lacrosse played on the town park, on Wednesday evening h playersfrom of last week, the b eaym won p b the Goderich team y a score of 5 to 2. There was a good o owd of people pres- ent and the home boys were heartily cheered on their iotory. The loom players went to G derich yesterday to play the return ga e. 49c will buy,, aaddtvell shirt at "The Little Eaton" tweak. Sale on. For sweeping bargains, In muelins, dress goods, prints, ice. Cool underwear, beautiful shirt wai s sifd nobby parasols, come direct to D. Gordon's and you will not be disappointed. Dicast r at London. At least eight rushed to death and a score of people injured is the result of the worst diaastec that has ever visited London, when It id's Crystal Palace cot• lapsed Tuesday i�terno on Of thedead , two have been taken from the avalanche of debris, and fie, it is hoped, will be take i h n out befo morning. g. T st bun- dreds did not p rich when the terrible crash which et rtled the whole district came without moment's Warning is the greatest ne axle. New things in Stat 1 SAUNDERS. FOR IMMEDIATE ALE --Brink Block in Winghatn, snaking 12 per gent. on the inyoetment,--RIroiiln1 & OWE'NS. FALL FAIR OATES. Wingham .. , ...... Sept. 26 27 Atwood............ dot. 1--2 Blyth ..., ,.., Sept 23-24 Brussels Oot 3-4 Exeter Sept 16.17 Goderich ..— . Sept.25--214-27 Listowel.. .... .. Sept 4-5 Lueknow ..... ..Sept. 30 Oot 1 Ripley Sept. 24-25 Teeswater Oot. 1-2 Tiverton Opt. 2-3 Walkerton..,,.,.. Sept 10-20 Seaforth. ...Sept 19-20 Mildmay .......... Sept 23-24 Toronto .... ... Aug. 2G Sept. 7 London ....... Sept. 6-14 NEWS MOTES. ' There are sixteen gases of smallpox in Toronto, Thos. MoDonald,IRegistrar of Deeds for Dundee County' has been dismissed by the Whitney government on the charge of offensive partisanship. Over a thousanc Victoria, B. C. d 227 of these rem tinning their jou; States. Schnitz, a dog• greaves circus, we the tracks betwe Peterboro. Hie eft is thought to ha� failure. Conductor Tho Judge Riddell to penitentiary, for 1 near Gourock, order of the Mini serving one mon We want yo money.—'SAUNDE Ring in on the cl Little Eaton." 'T sae, Il your this�t{; sale at "The lave you money.' Blankets and yarn of the best quality exchanged for wool, at T. A. MILLS'. CANVAS SHOES—The newest and latest styles in Ladies, Misses, and Children's Canvas Shoes. All colors. W. J. GREER. BY THr WAY. The item whioh appeared under this ding a flag for the d the information dsome new flag for our govern- �lso learned that head last week regal post office has elicit that there is a he —a dandy—provided meat building, It is it is confided to the keeping of our es- teemed postmaster, w110 has instructions to have it hoisted only on certain occa- eions. This may be all, perhaps the public we on what 000aeiona this is to appear, and from. inetsuotions as to w raised. Not a little adverse comment is heard in regard to the qual ty of the gravel which is being put oh our streets, and the manner in whichlthe work is being done, The large lows, some say, should be raked o , and a decided improvement mighty be made in the methods which seem to be in vogue. Those who have to do with the expend- ing of the town's money in this import- ant department of t e oivio administra- tion should see to i that the very best results are obtained. The annual crop` etc; on some of the{' lots --and, indeed, not vacant—are abo well enough ,but tad like to know national emblem hence come the en it shall be of noxious weeds, streets and vacant n some which are at ready for harvest• ing, Is it not a crying shame that these weeds are ailowedj to go to seed year after year without anything being dobe to eradicate therm?„ ONLooRER.. SZLLX1 G out prices, in china I f ` SAUNDEES, Dr. Ovens, Oouliet, London, Surgeon Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat will be at Mos Ribbon's drt g store, Tuesday, Aug, 0 J• --a11 day, (Hemet;ea properly fitted.ted. A . minister havitig given out his "notices," was about to read the hymn when he was remit ed of one he had forgotten. Sto i f3, he made the an- nouncement, Stop pi apo; ;zing for hitt forget- fulness. Then m oh to the amusement of his andienoe, h began to line out tkt hymn as follows: ' Lotd what» thought. fnt wretch Japanese landed in ring Jane, but only fined, the rest con - nee to the United trainer of the Her - found dead beside en Blackwater and ort to catch the train re resulted in heart nreon, sentenced by three years in the is part in the fatality Is been released by ter of Justice, after on his time. A Mistake ! It is a mistake for the owner of - property to think he can sell it as we]i as sn agent cal. The agent is in touch with all prospective buyers in the vicinity and has an experience in closing sales that is worth to the seller far more than the amount of ; the Commission. ANOTHER MISTAKE It is, if anything, a greater mistake for a buyer not to Dome to the agent, as no agent will Het a property if he thinks the owner is asking too much for it, he cannot afford to waste his - time trying to get fancy prices. A !air deal to both parties is his motto. He can give the selling prioes of all properties that have changed hands . for years, he can see that insurance policies are properly transferred, and • he can give the buyers the choice of ' practically every property for sale in .° the vicinity. a -i Ritchie 86 Cosens REAL ESTATE AND INSLtRANCE OFFICE. Griffin -Vat stone Block, WIl1GEAM. Phone 123 11111111111111121191111111111111111111011111121101161 THE LEADING SHOE STORE OutinA Shoos Maybe you've provided a special Outing Snit or Dress, and an Opting Ilat and over. looked the Shoes. With everything else cool, are you going to wear your ordinary, hot, stiff Shoes, Let Your rest Enjoy Your Outing. Try it and see how much better you'll feel. Women's White Canvas Gibson Ties, with high, white, Cuban heels; or in the Oxford shape, with natural leather, Military heels. $1,25, $1,50 to $1.75. We're Headquarters Icor Outing Shoes. W. J. Greer THE SHOES