The Wingham Times, 1907-07-11, Page 5Snaps in 'Clothing 'We give you and almost unrestricted choice of Men's, Young Men's and Boys' Clothing, at gt'eatiy re- duced prices. The Values We Offer Are IxceptionaI Tweed Suits, Fancy Wor- steds, Black and Navy Wor- steds, Black Vicunas and Cheviots. Reliable materials, made up in the latest styles by superior 'Workmen. Men's $16 50 Suits, Selling at " $13.50 ,1 $12.50 " /. " $11.50 It 41CI$800 $13.20 - $10.80 - $10.00 • $9.20 - $6.40 You can't afford to be without anew suit at these prices Youths' $11.00 Suits{ selling at "$9.00 •' 1, $760 " 11 " • $6,00 11 11 . $8.$0 $7,20. $6.00 $4.80 • Hot Weather Goods. A pleasant sight it is to see a man appropriately dressed these hot days. Light Straw Hat, a two -p eoe ligbt weight Summer Suit, Neglige Shirt with low collar and ,small Tie, low Shoes and a big smile, The whole outfit does not cost much, e,nd look at the comfort to be had. We can put you in this class in 20 minutes and keep you cool from head to heel. EGGS ARE A:S GOOD TO IIS AS CA811. McGee & Camne CLOTHIERS AND _MEN'S FURNISHERS Binder Twine! Be sure and enquire the price I of wine at Central Hardware 1 1 .. before purchasing.' t CENTRAL H DWARF H.BISHOP. WING AM. NIB • THE. WING'J`A.I TIMES JULY 11, 1907 9.9.0090411.444404+0110400400.0 Rlickets.' Simply the visible sigxlt that baby's tiny bones- Miss Mary Obamney is visitingfriends at Crewe at present, Mrs, Wm.. Grabarrr, of Stratford, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mr's. David Dunbar, Mrs Hiliestend wife, of Toronto, were visiting at the borne of ,34 H. McClinton and other relatives. Master iiuntly Gbrdon, of Imoknow, is spending part of his holidays with bid cousin, Master Qolid Campbell. Mies Mary Clark left last week for her home in S. Helena fpr the Bummer yea Dation, which both teaohere and scholars heartily welcome. It Qreepe Like a Serpent. Steele through the system like a .thief in the night. That's how catarrh acts Don't trifle with snoh a scourge, Don't experiment with a donbttul treatment. Time and egperience prove that Catarrh - ozone does cure, that it gives gniak relief and so thoroughly destroys the disease, that it dies forever. Get Oatarrhozone• in the $rst place, and your cure is assured, In 25o and $1.00 sizes at all dealers and guaranteed iu every ease, BELORAYIt The annual report of Belgrave circuit Methodist Church has been leaned, Tho work has been well sustained by Rev. G. W. Rivers, $.A., B.D., the pastor, and his workers. Belgrave appointment raised $526.65; Brink Churoh, $436 54; Sunshine, $333.07. There was raised on the circuit for pastor's salary, $705.79; missions, $261.80; superannuation, $53,- 00; Woman's Missionary Society, $62,00 ; Sunday Schools, $122 4Q; Trustee Board, $168.17,total for all purposes,, $1,458.- 96. Mr, Charles, Grasby is recording steward, are not -forming rapidly enough. „t - Lack a nourishment is the cause. 40, ..S'cott'y Emullrion ,nourishes baby's entire system.. Stimulates and makes bone. Exactly what Vaby needs, DRUGGISTS: 50c. AND 41.00 iF�4444P0O080404.044 Q�0 etonues. Minutes of Iost meeitug of Township The following ib the report of S. 5 Oountil will be foend on page two of this No. 8, Fast i'Pawanash, for Tune. The issue, report is based on attendance, conduct, Mies Minnie Ker, teacher of 5 S. No. weekly examinations and general profi- t), hoe returned to her home in Clinton cianoy : V Class-Aggie Mw0$11um. to spend the snmmer vacation. San. * '.•-le e,ry Gibbons, Chesley Mc - The new brink residence of James Lean, Joseph Gibbons. Jan. IV -1411 - Nichol, Oth line, is being pushed ahead liars Bolt, Bertha Page, III Olass--Viola well. I3riek walls are completed and Campbell, Edna Grigg, John Campbell , the roof on ready for the slaters. Anna Pearin, John Gibbons, Kathleen Robert Niohol, 6th line, has purchased Gibbons. II Olase-Annie Bolt, Mlle Mae 100 sores belonging to James Patch, Simpson, Calvin Simpson, San. Pt II - of Medora, Manitoba, and gets possession Janata Bolt, James Gibbons, Gertrude next March, The price is as good as Bone. Jan. Pt, II --May Boma Robert $4,400. As the farm lies immediately Scott. Sen. Pt I-C:tarenue Page,aJnn, alongside of Mr. Nichol's it will oonsti- Pt. I -Laura Bone, Grace Soott, Gladys Stapleton, Willie Balt, FeaueisGibbons , James Page,.May Menzie, AnnieMenzie. -L. A. CUNNINGHAM, teacher. .[E.°l,ST WAW.&NOSIL . tote an A 1 property. "Skidoo" /'or Your Headache. .Aeoertain its cause and the cure isn't hard to find. Look to the stomach, and bowels. Aren't you constipated, isn't your liver sluggish, isn't the stomach failing in its mission? What yon need is the cleansing tonie influence of Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Their effect is lasting because they aid all the ailing organs, $ash out all unhealthy matter, and tone up the stomach, With Dr. Hamilton's Pills your stomach gets a ehanoe to re- • cnperate, and does s0 quickly. For real buoyant, health use Dr. Hamilton's Pills regularly. 250 per box at all dealers. WEST WAWANOSH. Council met as per adjournment on June 28th. Members all present. Reeve Bailie «in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed on motion of Anderson and Thompson, Treasurer's statement showed balance on hand of $7,407.79 Reeve reported that the solidi- tor's advice was that the Township was not responsible re the loss of G, Vent's horse. Wm Watson was ordered to pay over to the Reeve the amount of sub- scription re Shannon's hill on motion of Medd and Murray. The petition of G Bigley and others re sidewalks at Dun- gannon was granted on motion of Mur.: ray and Thompson, The Township agreed to pay 40 per cent. of sidewalks at Dungannon on motion of Messrs Anderson and Thompson and by-law was drawn up confirming the same. G Yungblutt and J.Arthur, of Manchester, asked for. assistance to purchase . and buil& roadway to the station at Manches• ter. A grant of $100 was given on motion of Medd and Thompson. The Township rate was struck at 1 7-10 mills on the dollar. Cheques were issued to the amount of about $360. Council adjourn• ed to meet on Saturday, Aug 10th, at 10 o'clock. -W 5 MOOnosTIE, Clerk, 0 BLTTH - Next month George Dawson and family expect to`moge to Fergus. A number of Blyth Orangemen at- tended the church service in Wingham on $'nnday evening. The apple evaporator, owned by Matto Brown, is being veneered with Dement blooks. • It will make quite an improve - ment. On Wednesday morning, Jane 26th at ten o'olook at the residence of Ed- ward and Mrs. Hope, Elderslie township, near •Ohesley, the marriage of their daughter Hannah to Frank •Bainton, of Blyth, was solemnized in the presenoe of immediate relatives and a few inti. mate friends. Mr. and Mrs. Bainton have taken up- housekeeping in their new dwelling on Main street, ''When Children are Sick They eat something that disagrees, oatch cold, have erampe or colic. If there is pain just apply Nerviline,-it's good to rub on, and for the inside it's meet comforting. Effective and pleasant, you ain't find a household panacea to equal Poison's Nerviline. Used with satisfaction for half a century and iu better demand every day because it does Rots pain, ease suffering and cure the thousand and one ills that constantly arise in the family. Large bottles at all dealers. 1 La Petrie states that'Henri Baurasea will enter Provincial politics" as leader of an'independentparty in Quebec. *Windsor still retains its reputation ae being the "cit, of marriages", and as usual the majority of these vee from the United States. City Clerk Lusted's figures for six months ending July 1 show thatthere were 685 marriages an increase of 177 compared with the same period of 1906. Seonaj=c Goods 1easoua 1.0 ?.r!cs• We have a large assortment in. the following limes. =LAWN MOWERS, Ladies' and Gentlemen's -LA.W4 SHEARS, -SCREEN DOORS, -COAL OIL STOVES, -GASOLINE COOK .STOVES, --SCREEN ISOORS, POULTRY NETTING, -HAMMOCKS, • {GARDEN TOOLS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. is We alsoearry a very large stock of ready mixed paint in Robertson's, Beaver, and the can't -be -beat Sherwin-Williams brand.' 1:1ST ARRIVED -A carload of Hanover cement. consignment of electric welded made up Fencing, ready to stretch. live us a call for.aiiything yournt1ght require in the 'line of Hardware' and Tinwati and be convinced that this is the place to get good value for your !Honey. Young's Big 'Hardware. 1 It Imparts Strength. Jest think' of the enormous strength- ening power Ferrozene possesses,-oon- sider what it did for 11. V. Potter, welt known in Kingeton. "I was sabjsot to spells 01 dizziness, For eight months I had iotense pain in my right side between the shoulders. I was almost incurable with weakness and lank of vigor, Often I scarcely ate any breakfast and felt miserable all day. Nervous, easily ex- cited. troubled with heart weakness, I was in bad shape. Ferrozone restored and nourished me back to health in short order." Whatever your weakness may be Ferrozene will cure. Pride 50c per box at all dealers. ` BLUEYALE Mrs. (Rev.) W.J. West has been visit- ing with friends at Whitby. Miss Mand Pana is home frail the Chatham Business 'College for the vacation. Mrs. (Dr.) Scott and Harry Scott, of Seaforth were visiting at the home, of Mr. F. B. Scott. Mise Cora Messer, of Newberry, and Miss Alice Duff, of Thornbury, are home for the summer holidays. Rev. Geo. Baker preached the anneal sermon to the Orangeman in the Metho- dist church on Sunday morning last. The Ladies' Aid of the Presbyterian %arch purpose holding a garden party on the evening of the day on whieh the corner stone of the new church is laid. Business Training, The demand for first-olass steno- graphers, bookkeepers and telegraphers is, constantly increasing with the great development of Canada, and a thorough training in any of these branohes is a valuable asset to the young man or woman. The success of the Central Business College, Toronto, iji fitting graduates for the vary best positions tri the business world, commends it to the consideration of parents and gnard:ans, This is a school which combines super- ior service and appointments with reas : enable rates. It really consists of three schools. under the same roof, add each school is under the supervision of a staff of competent teachers, especially quali- fied for their work, A six months' course costs $50 and this fee entitles the student to tuition in all schools. The school maintains an employment department which looks carefully after the students who have completed their courses. It also maintains and conducts a Corres- pondence Department through which a number of excellent courses, including Chartered A.coountancy; Advertising and Illustrating, are given with the most sat- isfactory results to thousands of students evho cannot attend college. All who are Iooktng for the best in the business school line should send for Catalogues and in- formlttion to W. H. Shaw, Priueipal, Yonge & Garrard Sts.-, Toronto, Ont. /'ABBY. Mise Ella McKinnon is home from Iter situation' .5 teacher of the Prim try department of Brace Mine'publib school looking as if it had agreed with her splendidly. The contract of removing the corduroy for 40 rode Southeof 'Monoriefi vizi the sideroad was let to dames Cummings and Duncan McKay. It was work that was badly required to be done. The voters' List for 197 was deliver- ed to Clerk MoIntosh last week_and first posted up on Wednesday, There are 922 names in Part I; 102 in Part II, and 32 in Patt III, 1056 in all, 62I are com- petent to serve as Jurors. On Wednesday, June 26111, at 3 o'clock p. m , Rev. Mr. bdoVioar tied the matri- monial knot, at the Atwood manse, Bet- ween Robert Da'videon, lith con., and Miss Gertrude,eeoend daughter of Jacob SUMMER CDMPLAINTS. At the drat sign of illness during the hot weather give the little ones Baby's Own Tablets, or in a few hours the trouble may be beyond. cure, Baby's Own Tablete is the best medtoi in the world to prevent summer co R. plaints if given occasionally to well o,iidrsn, and will as promptly cure those troubles if they come nuexpect5017( Bat the pro. dent mother will n4t,ffvvait until trouble comes -she will k her children well through an occasional dlse of this med- icine. The tablets ought, therefore, be kept in the house at all times. Mrs. Chas, Warren, Nevis, Sask , says: ' •My little boy=was greatly troubled 'with his stomach and bowels, but a few doses of Baby's Pena Tablets wrought a great change in ijm. I would not be without the Tablets in the house." Sold by all medicine dealers or by'mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. The Connfy of Halton proposes to ex- pend $200,000 in highway improvement. J P,Bowser, hotelkeeper of Metcalfe sold liquor without a license and was sentenced to font months in jail without the option of a •fine: The Drayton Advocate says that J. F. Elliot nsee a pair of horse clippers for shearing sheep, and. he can get through with the seep in half the time that would be required with ordinary ishears. Twenty-five hundred miners from thitty mines have gone strike at Cobalt Camp. The strikers demand an inctease � x �ITHE LEADING ST011 MEN'S WI3A eimusimanmamiumammonsonom Tile Men's Wear Department is a business bringer in connection with our business, why? because we have made made a specialty in all lines of Gents' Fur- nishings, Clothing, Mats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, eta, have always carried a large and well assorted stock of the very best ready-to-wear garments bought for spot cash enabling us to supply our -Customers at prices not to be beaten anywhere, not even. in the Cities. This week we offer the following specialties. Corne in and look around, lots of room and good light in the Clothing Department on second boor, no trouble to show you the goods. Regular /1 1. Men's ready-to•wear suite just arrived, $7,00 $8 00 $9.00 $10 00 $12 00 $14 00 $15 00 special 11 1/ 4' I< 4' price 85.75 1. 86.50 " 87.50 " $8.00 t/ $10.00 " $812.00 " 812.50 Men's strong wearing pants, regular $1 25 for 81.00 Men's fanoy stripe " $1.50 " $1.25 Men's strong tweed " " $2 00 " $1.65 Men's fancy stripe `' " $2 50 " $2.00 Another shipment Balbriggan Underwear - 23c Men's Fine Black Cashmere Sox 25c for - - 10c Boys' and Men's Straw H-ts, at clearing; prions A splendid line of Men's Soft Print Shirts, to clear 50c Bays' Linen Coats, worth $1.00 to clear at - 50e Boys' Fancy Print Shirts, regular 503 value for - 39c Boys' two piece Setts, regular $3 50. to clear - $2.00 Big Bargains in Men's Overalls and Smocks SHIRTS • Big and strong, well -¢lade working shirts, black double stitched, ask to see them. • or blue, WANTED. -Large quantities of Butter and Eggs, highest prices paid. E.]sard & Co & Co• PHONE 68. WING -HAM. . . .,'ds:i1 Ontario Blended Flour. In view of the fact that the freight rate to Montreal from Manitoba is as low as it is to Ontario points, the success of the efforts of the Ontario millers to capture the market of the Maritime Provinces are nothing short of phenom- enal. The farmers of Ontario have lost heavily in the decline in the demand for Ontario wheat, which has resulted not only in lower prices for fall wheat, bat in the present era of high prune for bran and shorts. Farmers and stockmen need hardly blame the millers for. these conditions when agriculturists contri- bate to Western prosperity by buying Manitoba instead of Ontario blended' flour when they purobase the family groceries at the general store. Even in those districts where wheat remains a staple, it h no uncommon sight to see the man who has hauled his own wheat to the mill jogging back with a barrel or bag bearing some Well-known Western brand. The people of Ontario have taken Western flour partly on its merits as a "strong" flour, and partly as a result of the glamor of the Great West. which has been to well advertised throughout the old and long settled parts of Canada. In spite of the vogue of the flonr made (rota the spring wheat of the West, it is an indisputable fact that the flavor of the Ontario flour is very much superior. If enough Western wheat is added to bring up the proportion of gluten. the resultant blend is mach superior to either - the Mauitbba or Ontario dour. The bread is nourishing and has all the delioate flavor of the Ontario wheat, It is with Ontario blended flour that On- tario millers have captured the Mari- tithe market, to the mutual 'advantage of the millers and the farmers of this province, The increased market for Ontario flour is a matter of vital interest to _far - mere mers all over the province; it offers en s is ar ��enz,e incentive to wheat growers and will en- able.stookmen to procure feed at living prices. The pferchese of blended fl our for home use will help create a dem and for the new flour right here in Oatario, and will mean an enlarged market for Ontario wheat. Farmers and feeders Attention ! ! The following prices will prevail far one week after eaoh issue of this paper a my mill and store, Belgrave, where, the largest stock of feed, etc., in the county is kept: - Flour -Ogilvie's Royal Household Manitoba, per sack - $2,605 Glenora - - - - $z.35 Bast Family Ontario, per sack - $2.30 Oatmeal -Manitoba's best, per aaok$2.25 Ground Oil Cake, per sack $1.75v Cracked Corn for hens or young chickens, per 100 lbs - 51,25 Oats -good and clean, per bushel - .45 Cement -Best Portland per bbl $`d 10 and $2 15 Cgal-Best Anthracite, per ton - 57.00 Coal Oils gallons for - - .75 I also have unlimited' quantities of Corn, Peas, +Data, Barley and Wheat for chopping from 524.00 to $30 00 per ton. chopped, leave your bags and have them filled, Bran, Shorts, low grade Plover , Salt, etc. always on hand at Iowes t prices. Highest cash price every day for ell kinds merchantable grain. Try me for q'iality and prices. BELGRAVE,ONT. 4++*++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++♦+++4++++44+++4++4++44' (Roya1 Grocery. 1 4 ' At this season of the year whcri fruit is getting low for making pies nothing is more suitable than b'igs. We have . t nulls hied Ddre. i1 lleubeek,. Oth con. 1Slas 61 wages as well as recognition of the ,,1; jqg received one hundred and fifty pa , At 6 lbs for '25c. Florence Hallenbeck, eider to the bride, union, and this most of the mine•ownere + wad bridesmaid and David Davidson wits hale refused 10 grant. • groomsman. The bride wore a becom- Chas Backe, for many- years a reel- + ins costume' of white while the 'brides. dent of Lindsay, hat been arrested by ' maid looked•neat in blue. Supper wail a 1)dminion detective on the charge ef, served et Mr. Hoilenbeok'd and Atter the being bead of a gang which has been i .r expression of many good Wishes Mr. and ildoding the country with counterfeit M. t avidstin drove to their new hone Ave:dollar bills. R Wynn and A Boylan where we bona thbv 'wlu enjoy many *aye been arrested at the Soo on the 1 4., ' Patau for prices of dinnerware shipped from, England June 22. _..t GRIFFIN'S happy, prosperous Tearr. They reeeived i isharge o`t aiding in circulating the . nnmitonit Meal end vetlttNble gilts. I counterfeit money. 4,+44440+41+ • er +4 Sas444G444ss4+4++0.4+*+R,.