The Wingham Times, 1907-07-11, Page 22 Elm WINGII&M TIMES. JULY J.11 1907 r , , TeP. lP TO ADVERTISERS 1191400 Of ClAnge, must be lett at thie Office net Inter thnn Sturdy noon. The copy for ohangea Mint be left not later than Monday evening. Chuml Advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. ItinTABIASHAID ISM TE WINfiU&M TIMES. 11. 13.1raehleerr. renteraint anoreoremeov TUBBED:MT. JULY 11, 1907. NOTES AND COMMENTS. The °ensue and statiatics department ba issued a bulletin on the progress of the North west proviucea from 1870 to 1906, Irt 1870 Manitoba had a• population of 12,228; la 1881 the population of Man - /tabs the territories was 105,681. This inoluded Indians. There wail an am of 66,971 acres in wheat. In 1891 the population was 219.005, and the area in Wheat 1,010,430, Acres. In 1901 the three provinces as now constituted hsd a population of 419,512 and on June 94, 1906, they had 808,868, being an increase in five year of 389,851 as compared w ith the increase of 200,207 in the ten years, 1891-1901. The area of wheat in 1900 wits 5,495,40 acres, barley 162,557 acres, and in oats 883,390, an aggregate yield of 43,000,000. The area in wheat. barley and Gate increased from 8,491,413 acres in 1900 to 6025190 sores in 1905, and to 7,915,610 acres in 19:';6. The yield of the tbree crops increased from 43,252,- 664 bushels in 1900 to 102,244,929 bushels in 1905 sind to 240,459,068 bushels in 1906. The number of farm* increased from 31,- 845 in 1891 1o54,623 in 1901 and to 120,489 in 1908. M tire population as of foreign birth, alio Robert MoDowell and other*, eshieg that this connoil mike no further ad- TOWN DIRECTORY. 'swam= 1872 The Moue of 1911 will in all probeele the Collett to grant IMMO of money for vancee tor qearterly payments Of thow a marked change in this re- repairing hills on sideline opposite lots bac:bent' salaries for the eerreut year speet. Messy Cenedians are returning 30 And 31. con, 4, and at the east :tide of -Dented. Bennie Qct -Sabbath services at to their own couetry, Mid large nUmbere Titer, Qom 6, respeatively, were present- Accounts were ordered to be paid as 1unete 1 m end 7 61 smosy tithed 66 are going to become Canadiens ot seen ed, when it war moved by Ur. OiUeape followei- 2:80 p, m. Ombra.' prayer mooting bath- Within the last Ave years the teeonded by Mr Ouming-That Thoi 34001 drawing tile and on Wed:20047 ereninri Rev. H. wives, have toe. awed more than three. eillota peeks and Telex. be egerneted to Fitting la oubiert ..... -1 6 00 Edg tr Allen, Pastor. . .P.U. meet* Thos. IlioOrtil, grevel, ....". .... • 6 84 Monday evenings 8 pm. Abner Oinking fold, and °amide is now gettiog Mere go and view the premises and report et Jas. Kearney, gravel .., .. , ....... 4 44 S.S. Superintendent. than 200,000 new ',citizens a year from *next meeting of Connoil-eanied, Thos. Mllier, gravel ,,, 6 80 other lends. No notion was taken by the Council Chas. Forrest, gravel..., 8 84 MITRODISTOmlit04-SittibatlifieTY1004 In 1868 Canada had only 2,269 mile.in regard to several parties who had John R. Bali. dontattos..4- .. • .. -1 00 at 11 a m and 7 p as. Sunday fitshool at Wm. Abram, repairing b . evening. ra Duff SteWart lumbar 2905 OM p $PWOrtril ItetliP46 every Mon- reilway in ell her vast -domain. She made application to have their dogs' 3 00 day General pyer meeting now has about 22,000 miles, and ilt A few which they had deetroyed, removed jes. Cruickshank,. drawing greiv- on Wednesday eveningi. Rev. W. Years Will have 20,000. Her foreign from the roll. el and makingtile 29 70 G. Howson, paitor. V. Ruohanen, S.S. trade in 1868 War $181,000,000. The Blessni. Munro and Riddell of Auburn 81.Jelly, Eno-tlaand work Superintendent. bridge 6 00 next thirty yeeri increased that to were present, asking the Council for W. J. Johnston, eravelline......., 20 00 Paesnweionee OrttleOR-Sabbath set - 5340,000,000. The leneceeding decade alleiltanoe in the way of a grant of men- Gee. Presoak, gravel 5 20Vices at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sunday lifted it to the figures of lest year, ey in aid of purchasing and budding a james Peaeook, gravel . 7 64 tanio=4:80 puZisy eCileve=10. prayer, 8547.000.000. a very striking total for to road from auburn to the new Matfett on rt ROT. 4TAI3rfraely,b. gri4r1 i i repa r ug on_v-ei8 25 D. Perris, plow. It. Harold, 0 S. du, small a population. In 1868 Canada's the Guelph and Goderieli railway. Wm. Thuel, work on grader 20 00 perintendent, bank discounts were $56,000,000. They On motion of Messrs Taylor and Gill- Moved by MoOnteheon, Impended by are now well above $500,000,000. In eepie she matter was left over till next shaft, tbat the court of Revision on batri.sePryiVniges'S sOrnti 1 :fa) EZdIF3007 pallItRAL-,•runb: 1868 there were 3,63d poet (Moen. There meeting for further consideration. the Ewan drain be holden Auguit 5th day Sohool at 2:80pm. General prayer are now more than 10,000. Her mail The Treasurer reported cash On hand at 2 o'clock p. me and that the Court of meeting on Wednesday evening. Rev. business has grown from the 18,000,000 at date e107.05. Revision on the Cole draiu be held On NT.asSh, S. Boyle,os.sMape.Ann.1 Bte,nDtvenlitef Rector; ; EI; letters posted in 1868 to nearly 300,000,- By-law No. 8, 1907, empowering the August 5th at 8 0,010caceeuecrfed. 000 et the present time. She has paid Treasurer to borrow $1,200 00 to meet Robinson, assistant Superintendent. enormous sums hi bounties to industries, and even larger sums to develop railway and canal systems, The first three decades of her 40 years of experience as a Confederation were a time of plowing and planting. For the last ten years she lies been garnering an ever-inereasing crop. She was slow in finding herself, but it may be said today that Canada has arrived. Twenty years ago to -day the Citizen announood that Sir Wilfrid Laurier had yesterday accepted the leadership of the Liberal Opposition in parliament. Nine of the stale of years he spent in leading bis party in the wildernees ere he was permitted to bring them to office and the teeth which they so earnestly 'ought. Eleven years he has ecoupied the post of Prime Minister of Canada, and in that capacity served his country well. He has seen Canada advance with a splen- dor which has excited the admiration, shall we say envy? of Brother Jonothan entered F. S.; John Eteathenngton eat-. Gem esetscetoodeseeseecr the $fpg one HEM Soneor. TeArnituati-J. A. Tay. *n1 ministered to the pride of the Mo. The Telephone on the Farm, ered Owner north half 8, oon. 1, in place pees savlP 11Irma Ito I*11 There is no matter along the line of ler, Bete PrinciPal; 0. Smith, B.A... therland, though Sir Wilfrid would he of Chas. McGuire; Mr. Pearson entered received es me -eteS, awe, atiehmelleit olaistoel muter; J, G. Workman. B.A., among the hut to claim the credit 01 the general improvement in which Ontario owner of SW quarter 12, con. 3, in place tf else did ere went wee three wan Metheinatical master; MissF. B.Ketoh- wonderful dovelopeniut of the past de- rumen are more interested at present of Wm. Jaoklin; George Kerr entered u.B.A., teacher of ng lish and wise 414, ha" Moderns. code for either himself er his PAM- He .then they are ID that of telephone cern- owner part south half 29, con. 5, in place • 04 hit fg5i Ni 'would be ready to admit that thebine muniostion. It is well that this is so, of Wm. Stratton; Thos. ilielby entered • •• it Puntro. Bosom., Tleonnes,--A. H. DON'T PUT IT OFF LONGER. Get Rid of That Indigestion at Once by Using RI-o-na. Many people in town are slowly po inn ing themselves by chronic indigestion Their neglect to cure sluggishness of the important organs of digestion fills the system with fermenting and decaying food that results in sick headache, neul. burn, bad taste in month, and many other symptons, Mi -o na stomach tablets are for the special relief of sneh sufferer..- Tiley quickly cure the worst CAWS ot ludigers. ion and when used a few days the pain and distress often felt after meals will disappear. Mi -o -as atoms& tablets cost but 50 cents a box and do more good than a doz. en btoxes of the ordinary digestive tableta. Walton McKibben gives an ab- solute, unqualified guarantee to refund the money Mi -o na fails to cure: Oa motion Of 0M:upbeat and Taylor current expenditure; and school purposes the Reeve and Trecourer were instruct- duly read and passedl. ed to borrow MOO to meet current ex - Debentures were issued for payment poises. of the following textounte: -Alex. Por- The council then adjourned to meet terffeld, rent of road allowance, lot 84, again 011 August Oth at 10 realm* s. nu oon. 9, to .June 31, 1908, $2; David W. Clerk, Clerk. Cook, work on hill and widening road, owomemm...•••••• $5; Wm. MoLarty, putting in culvert. • 119; J. W. Sowler, work on hill, widen- . Right Breathing Cures Catarrh. ing road and putting in oulvert, $4.40; John Beeoroft, repairing culvert and Simple Way to 1011 Catarrhal Germs man shovelling grave one ay, Win. Pardon, putting plank on culvelt, • 51; Wm. Kennedy, putting in tile at Whitechuroh, 52 30; Conites Brom., put- ting in two culverts, 5425; J. G. Gilles- pie, operating road grader, 1907, part payment, 550. Council then adjourned to meet again on Thursday, July 2515. Alex. Porterfield, Clerk. In Nose, Throat, and Lunge, 84J4YATION Anaw-fiervice it 7 and 11 m and 8 and 8 p in on Sunday, end every evening during the week at 8 o'clock at the barraoks. Posy Orrion-Ofeoe hours from 8a m to 6:80 p m. Open to box holders from 7 a m. to 9 p m. P. Fisher, postmaster. Poem Licenear-Library and free reading room in the Town Rall, will be open every inertial= from 2 to 5:80 o'olook, and every evening from 7 tri 9:80 o'oloolt. Miss Maud Robertson, MO AWL The Court of Revision met on June 24th according to adjournment; mem- bers all present. Alex. Murray was entered owner of north part of lot 26, cOn, 10, in place of Only a ars, n method known foe the cure of catarrhal TOWN 00111101L -W, Rotmes, Mayor; troubles h lify.o-rael.. It is breathed Dr. A. 3. Irwin, Reeve; David Ben, through au ingenious pocket inhaler, to D. M. Gordon, Thos. Gregory, John that its -medicated air reaches the most Kerr, D. K. McDonald Wm. Nioholeon. remote air -cells of the nose, throat and Coanoillors; J. B. Ferguson, Olerk and lungs, killing all catarrhal germi, tooth - ing the irritated mucous inembrane, and restoring a healthy condition. • Hy -o -mei goes right to the spot where the catarrhal germs are present hi the Trealmrer; Amon Dal:nage, Assessor. Board meets first Monday evening in each mouth at te o'olook. HIGH 8011001. BOARD. -- nose, throat and lungs. ariddeetroys the (chairman) Dr. J. P. Kennedy, Dr. P. germs so that perfect health is soon Mriodonald, Dr. 1%. 0. Redmond, J. A. Morton 0. P. Smith, W. F. VauStone. restored. A complete Hy -o -mel outfit with in- Dudley' Holmes, secretary. A. Cowls, haler oasts but 51.00 and is sold by Wal- treasurer. Board meets second Monday ton MoKibbon under gnantritee to refund evenIng each month. the money unless the remedy gives sat- isfaction. • • Poneto flortoora BOA1112.-A. B. Lloyd (ohairman), B Jankins, Augul Maansig, value 5750; P. Ryan Hell, H. Kerr, Wm. Moore, Alex. Ross, entered owner south part lot 21, oon. 6, . • ........ 0. N. Grin. deoretary, John P ratite $1250. D. Calvert entered M. P. "Pe ea. a iviaseise wawa; roves; Tree:lure; J. B. Ferguson. ingsgeoondTuesda north half 10, eon. 3; W. G. McMillan Hating advertised am e widener Ai month. F oreldn8la /soh seezeta et wire No.. I, a MOS Mr 'EL TE WIN6110 TIMES, 28 raimeatin EVERY THURSDAY MORNING The T1,1111 Otneet Beim Igo* wiNctliAli. ONTABIO* Timms or SunsaarrTion. 41.00 per annum in adynnee, 11.0511 not so paid. No paper Weep tinned, till all arrears are paid, exoept at the option of the Onbillther. ADVAIITIOING RATIO. Legal and other casual advertisements 10e per Nonpariel I or iffirVUsertion, 50 Per line for each sebsoeueo WS non. Advertisement' in *opal column. ere °barged. 10 eta. per line for Ann insertion, and 6 cents per line for each anbeequent insertion. Advertisemento of Strayed, Parma for Sale or to Rent, and similar, 11.00 for first Vireo weeka, anci 26 Waite for ear* subseeseet M- emnon. Owseturr RaTes--Tbe following table shows owe:tee for the insertion of edveresements for 'Miffed. node& t -- spans. 1 mo. 5 MO. lip. 031800h1014.... -.MOO 140,00 122.60 10 }Ulf 40.00 21.00 16.00 0.00 Quarters:Manta 20.00 12.60 LBO 8.00 One Inch 6.00 8.00 2.00 1.25 Advertisements without speedo directions will be inserted till forbid and charged socierd- ingly. Transient advertisentento must be paid for in advance., Tun Jon DATABTAINT is stocked with an extensive assortment of all requisitestor print- ing, affording toelitiee net equalled in the 1=Mice turning ore drat oleo work. Large :3;pe and arprepriate one for all stlee of Poet- epi,:/tend nun, eta., and She Wee styles of Moire fancy typo tar the finer obese of print ing. • • •• • Mnigroye PrInol Miss B dation of Canada's prosperity was well bacons° there sre few improvements tenant It E•quarter 12, con. 9, rook, political predecessors - which thi"mh - of Pleasure and Prat for the farmer ae the Court of Revision was then oloied tr. groisar• aterier treital Matheson. • ' olne4400..4.20Da r ; R ree. and truly laid in the trade polioy of his that count for so much both in the way On motion of )to0utooeon and Taylor eAtne new ffeweineoseeseiSsiffe, wir 6,1113.-r Jelell Fareeherson, Nass sole Mira Cummings, and Miss oftendeolaimedagainstersanotdestroyed does this means of quick communksion and the assessment roll se revised and silo Sit fAti`rediessaililliitettiertitn; when he came to power -and the trans- of message,. To the ordinary resident corrected was established as the as- Mita hi* wit eiriereehareisrftrese0ir Bunn or lineraw-Thos. Bell, portation system, fittingly crowned by of a town or airy i telephoner Is a mere element roll of the township of Morris dna* -1114'01411111.1101. 0041610111111 ' toludnnalth Te. Porter, Jthonias Greg- imeat, simasor ory, joha Wilson,F.S. IL the cosistraction of the Canadian Pacific convenience or luxury; he, is within for the cement year. tor Win woe SAS 7111•11 Bearntl'EY: pro ., a MacFerguson,donald, Railway. At this junotture 15 1. notable easy reach by intik -or street OAT of his °‘nundl bunk" wa° rintit Fltneedd • • • • ' Modload Health Mon. that Sir Wilfrid has not yielded to those wends. 511 oedema, or the stores Mad With.°gala . iofiltanne° which nftt'n have 'MT" which his household supplies Om*. The A petition was prerented by Johu disastrous to minister. ot the Crown, but fatally on the feria ft Jae wholly differ- Mason and others asking for the con. _ he has preserved unstiltied the fair Anne, mit pesition; the nearest ibighbors are atructi°n ofs nmilkiPal drain at los 27 the blameless pause, he brought with him quite a distance off, the doctor or Tone and westward in the third conoeslion. . when he entered pablie life.-OSSawa nary enrimone_either of whom rosy.be On mann of Taylor and Shaw the • _ • • • d . v Citizen (Conservative.) needed in s hum- s?* far war, and prayer of the said petition was granted • in .0 and the clerk instructed to notify the .111 engineer in accordanee with the provis- - • ions of the Manielpal Drainage Act. Wm. Noses requested the construe-. don of a drain on roadway at lot 28, 2nd con. line. On motion of Campbell and MoCutch- eou, Mr. Shaw wee instracted to attend to the matter. James Shurrie requested that tome repairs be made on sideroad between lots 25 and 26, oon 4. Oa motion of IdoChaeheon std Oemp- bell $20 was granted for gravelling said road. Messrs. Manner and Wheeler me - the railway station at whieh goods in - KIND WORDS FOR CANADA. tended for the ham frequently arrive by freight or expense's most oases, some miles distant. To be able, without I [New York Suzi long walk after a hard day's work in the On Monday of this week Canada ode- fields, to eonsult with a neighbor about bated the 40th ablihrersarI of her Pre' questions which arise during seed time sent p01151011 tbEgnniEldinn• The run' and harvest is an advantage of no little lineal then knoWn as Upper Canada and importance; to beer, s poetical to order Leine' Chinada held their first united by 'phOne repair* for a broken binder or Parliament InKingston on June 14, 1841. mower may wily nee more than the The demonstration ander that system of cost of a 'phone tor the whole year; to Chnede's ability to manage her Own secure immediate information as to mar - affairs led to the Confederation, which ket prime may spell dollars on a lot of became effective on July 1, 1867. The hops or come just ready for esie, end aani•E‘all'Erof thia event 1* known as the ability to bring in a doctor in the Dominion Day. qmcked possible time may be the means visited that the road on 4th eon. line, Potty years' ago Canada's population of smuga 111..near Begrime Itation, be repaired by Was a little less thin 8,600,000. Today A telephone 067 not be sc, actual Minrellinfe 11 1. probably not far Irons 6,000,000. In necessity on 6 fsmn, bus, where it can On Motion Of Shaw and Campbell, the this respect the country bas grown but be °beaked 66 the rata prevailing ID reeve was instructed to expend 5501n slewly. Fe* immigrants came In, end most sections to °mak's e the wot ifra,elling en sold rood; On Inotion of Campbell and Motelittcle• • many Canadians crossed the border to worth vest de.!mom than it emu 60 shins *50 larger and the greater pros- iteeeffeeeer mole eon Mr. Taylor was instructed tr, etpend wit? of the 'United Stater. The oestrus $30 in gravelling at lot 11, on ninth of 1901 shows only 5.2 per cent of the con. line. Moved by Shaw, setioaded by Taylor, Throat, Hands and Lege Paralyzed Three of the best doctors in St -Thomas found themeelves nimble to tope with this ease, which only emphissizen the extraordinary merit of Dt. Chase's Nerve Food as a. auto for paralysis of the nerve.. Mr. Prank Snyder, St. Thomas, Ont, writes: -" I write to tell you of the great benefit 1 found in the use of Dr. Chase'. Nerve Food. 1 had diphtheria, aye bad thet after I got over it 1 was leftterritls ptralysie in the throat, heeds and lege. I left coutpletely disabled' find could do het work whetetree. 1 had acitrie of the beret doctors in St. Thorne's, but they Were not Able to cUre*Or eVeti rendre inc. °The me of Dr. Cluts•e's Nerve Food Its Cured Old completely, the parelysie hes entirely' left, my nerves Ire strength - cd and my system geneeelly built up so that 2 feal evrldid,ind ems recoMmtnid Dr. Chant/a Nerve Food to any orte suffering from week:bee of the nerve. eta parelysie.° Dr. Chres's Nerve rood, SO toga box, 6 bouri for Wit at all dealers, 00 10101641t10160 O0 Torenteo • *AST WANANOSPI. Council eat in Belgrave on the 215511 of ankh pursuant to adjournment. as a Court of Revision and appal; members all present. Minutes Of bat Westing • read and passed. It the matter ot various appeals left or* from the last *Whig, via, thee* ot J. Woods, ht. Lookhitrt, Z. Bawds, Itobt. Shelil, Wili. E. S00% W. G. Oah- u /atm R. Salter, P. W. Seott, Henry Deacon, A. E. Oar and John 'Wilson,. V. a., nes Action WM taken, the Donnell being of opinion that the aseemunent ort thew properties mentioned Was nti high - el st000rdingly than on the rut of the pro. vertu* in the tewurhip. AppliOItion from :no, L. SteWeet de Belgrave, kiking that his =Ma added loth* roll eis tenatt, part lot 42, eon. t, granted; Fred'k Tato be aosisred ar tenet* 8 ) lot it. sou.S, there being no other eoutplainto or thongs. irked for it was anted by Oiltripto, Nootteisd by lir. Talo*, thet the iiribiiintettt yell as Igo* retie* bi sidopted end the Court doted for the Venni years Otreerred resnuted sod WW1*, btu& -SUN treas proceeded %with. /*Wool of W. 3. ROO* tad otheri, We have a complete showing of Geld Riess of :greet variety.' Retry Ring We sell is gateau - teed to be just SA Ire 109101051 15. 10.1,•0•111.4 C. H. Ward Go. 874 Richmond fit. UNDO*, HOT, Wingham Genital Hospital (tinder Government inspection) Pleasantly situated. Beautiful fur- nisbed. Open to all regularly lioenited physicians. WAIS POR PATIENTS -- (which include baked and nursing), $8.50 to $15.00 per weekt000rdine to location of room. For further information, address Kass Kier/MIN/ STerinnahnit, lardy Superinteudent, Box 228, Winghani Out. • Farm Labourers and Domestics. 0.5. 1ILLIOTT,_ Proprietor and Publisher T Pt Aaaa'qkcia..2-, r• Ilt.rC:•P• • • • Member of tb British editt?Associa- tion. Gold Melanie in Medielne. Special attention paidito diseases of Women and Milk ren. 0111o, honrs-1 to 4 p. m.: f to 9 p. m. I have been appointed by the Dominion Gov- ernment to place whigralata from 15. United Ifingdont in positions as farm laborers or 'do - Auntie servants in this vicinity. Any peen requiring such help should notify me by letter stating fully the kind. of help required, when wanted and Wages offered. The number sr - riving may not be eufficient to supply:ell re- queite but every effort will be made to pro- vide etch applicant With Itelpenuired. MITER CAMPBXLL, Canadian Government Employment Agent Wingham, Ont. FARMERS MACDONALD, Centre Street Winehane Ontario. DR. AGNEW, Physician, 8urgeriii, eta. 011ioe-Maodonad Black, over W.Moffibbon's Drug atom Night cells answered at the °Moe. DR. HOT. O. RaDMOND, M. R. C.S. (Rog) PHYSICIAN and SURGION. Ofiloe, with Dr. tildsholai. ItVA/032VMM • ISAIMISTInt. SOLIDS/10M . Privaataii4 Ooinpany rands totem et lowest rate ofinterees. No oomilaisolon charged. ontort- :W.%mlarorotlbglt and0mretv:rgoci.ciam er. A. MORTON, SASSISTBS. Whisbasa. oat. 11.. Droantsoir Tamosty Homes DICKINSON & NOIMES DANSNITNIK somorrons; xte. scorer re .L0A11. , Orme: Meyer Sleek, Wiugleane. 4 FINE OM HARROW. An Implement That Is Flexible and Easy to Draw. The harrow herewitb, illustrated and originally. described by a New JerteY fanner m an exchange is eight feet long by four feet wide, with' eight teeth in each beam. The teethe ehould be of Ave.eighthe inch steel and put through not more than two Inches, This makes a Sae comb har- row which °tits all the top an4 4008 AFACUS J. IRWIN, D. D. Bro L. 11.8. DooterneDentairlsisittliPailaylvarda Dentel College aint ee oto court& or Dental Suwon* oft Ontario. gm! in Macdonald 19106k, Winch:inn OM* elated every Wednesday afternoon during June, Julyand anted. • • • • sad Morels luiristr- 110* 55.k.5 ALM' artist* slorivrisktro Mars tof. •kould wirer- cizaalottlea "ad It will lamsirsa thus OW iisteitir 1•14 1st • Tricai. Oar WO MIS° miarttotb= Antirsis_ Irmo: ON THE CEORCIAN BAY AN ideal Summerd Reso I on Lako .. OW= SOUND, WAD& is the PORIONOST liti1)1e.01110 the IlAT• It Ir a purely vegetable ounpoillitt pI *NSW Petted regulating Pewits *St nu the Open of the systole Sind enliven* be their ntetetlerec. It Kb Purifier the blood thee* COSI- all blood kuntare and Alessi* s nist eon:Nati With de tutlivaltsit ' oknitibe ptiri61 banter it 'unequaled for55. Mt. these,* writes: "Serie Sete With bah *44 1.4 out aosstantlTy. Me* bottle. et B eecispletele toomi." King's .Royal II* and Golf tints, 'Boiling Orient,. Latina Taints idoexte, Oroquet Law* Safe Reath* end Bathing, 70 Acral ef (Mende, Mitottute itallvreyth Gettende, Orobertin sod Dattoincerusoster Theatre, Athletic GrOutide. Othear utteteelleet. flettetioli fleetellele. Iliametebto tramient and family raker. PIMA( it• Ti' 110tgAit glitAtitir• MES • Booklet free. ram rszesmi so *0s TInIsaSaIry *51. ph* 01 4:10,02137 AT VOW 10•11A 114 01AVOT ITA10141/. IT PAYS • TO ADVERTISE IN TIM wPRIM 0. 8. A., L. D. 8., D. DB, Lit.entlate o5 the Royal Collegii of tents 1 11121800115 ot Ontario, and Graduate of Un 1 - varsity of Termite. Once Beaver Moak. Ogee closed every Wednesday &Memo on during June, July and August. • ALEX. WILLY, Whoskaat, Oat 1.1010SID AIIOTIONissA • ifer the Xletietr or Theron, son or alt Made eaattabted at reaboatablerratem4Ordera left at tie Then oMoe will metre prompt attention. OUTSIDE ADVERTISING neasow IN revue* not pull up trash. Bach beam is at- tached to the pulling bar with a hook and drop link. Through the thiendblel eel,s onaen beinienhg sriolpdpeaputovtehrroeuagehlt beam. This makes the harrow flex- ible. By withdrawing the inch rod and unhooking from the pulling bar it can be sheltered in very email space. A boy can handle it. The har- row is very easy to draw. The bearne, being near the ground, act as levelers. while the teeth cover and stir the ground thoroughly. DAIRY FARMING. It Furnishera theysarvea.str. That L.asea, Dairy farming, which -has been hap- pily designated "the harvest.that lute all the year," enters into the field of; manufacturing more than any other fanning . pursuit, since the dairy fanner furnishes product. It enters both into live stock raising •and gen- eral farming and for the greatest auc- cess demands that those who •follovr it shall have a thorough as well at practical knowledge of the breeding and raising of animals; no less *ace the planting, cultivating and harvest- ing of farm crops. An Important Advantage. Wholenations, as Denmark ang Holland, and whole states, as Nevi York and Wisconsin, have been made' prosperous by attention to dairy; farming and the production of but,' ter. cheese and milk of high qualitY,, says Inland Fanner, Many ferment have become wealthy in land money by the pursuit of dairying -- Whole cemniunittes have been built up and enriched by the gentle &Ai cow and the man behind her, Mint' farming also has this import•ant vantage -that it restores fertility to, the land, while other systems of erop-;; ping take fertility from it as each. load of grain or grass it hauled awaV to be sold. There arSeiTle, of. cilot7raer*.h•hiPasrdebips cone 'meted_ with dairy farming and the', handling of coves, and often thoi'ship-i ping of the milk or eirenut and the ;profitable marketing of the same are! attended . with difficulty, but were this not the case it would be differenet trout most other pursuits of life end Would ettraet, many from them. Rheumatism Pigs. Attieular and muscular .eheumatisar tire an frequently associated in . pigs thee. it is best to: discuss them to- gether. Although hogs live under fa- yorable conditions for the develop- ment of rheumatism, they do not of- ten have the disease. This is prate ably due to' the presenee of subeutatie eons fat. This .disease is attributed to damp pens and exposure, but it, may occur to pigs• when well manag- ed. Overfeeding may also cause it. -The • muscles • and joints may both be' involved and the :symptom be quite marked.; There may be a lever, loos' of appetite and a general lack of eonditton. If the consoles of the !mete are involved it is arched and very ten- der on manipulation. Stiffness in the gait is present, especially it the quite- ters are involved. Preventive treatment is very -impor- tant: It means the provision of dry, comfortable quarters and the avoid; anee or expoeure. The animals should be given sloppy food; also salicylate of sods in twenty to forty grain *mete Recovery wens in two or three weeks unless the disease becomes chronic. Advantages of Bea Stalk. Fore leg over the halter, head un- der the meager, standing with bee feet in the manger, lying in the gang -- way with head outstretched and rigid hem the halter strap,sleeping stand- ing through tear of. lying down -theme are some of the write thet are obviated by the adoption of the box Mall. Whtu free and in his natural state. the her* always *Wide while et rest with tbr 14,. mt. on a lower plane than the hind fest, ihas.redieving the' strain upon the beck Meows of the' ▪ icee legs, nor is this all the fillet . geolertd, for the bones of the feet, • :and the joints are iet it mote natural, PlelitiOti: MOM the Mewing 01 .11 Mali.' Shedd 1401103 forward instead et beeke treed. True, this bait ire drawbattke • tegiteditig &whinge; bet ehis rade* ereetther iteeitteent UWE of the box etalle-celhbago Reetwd-Hereld. Trestritent Fee Thresh. tide& is a disease ot the frog of lb* toot of bit,.. and mules mid is eetivatenefted by a ,ery offimalye dettegertreet •-ther. elate- cit the het. It is enured notably by bad ehoeittg. irfterehf the frog it prevented ;from teeing m Isettatt with the ground, bet it Jute elks be *weed * ananti- Mel standing in a dirty stable, Treat :m follows: Clean out the foot well end if lame put 'She foot in w petalled for several days, changing, entity slay. Libelee meal Poultice in r the beet, hut-, bran or stratilida tittnip-(tioile'd) Will do. Then dry the toot and press a little colonel list* all the rarities train Whitt issue the offensive metier._ Walla in noble paper to keep in the calomel enrf leeep,ont the dirt. ('San out the frog end repeat tbe Osieetial every second req. -Agents Conetitotion. • Ordure tor she insertion of advertisements Imeh as Wootton wanted, business chane.., mechanics wanted, artieles for tale or in feat any kind of an advt. in kayo! the 'Toronto or 'oilier city papers,. may be• left at the Trine °Mee. This work Will reeve protuptatientiort and will save peoPle the trbuble of remitting for and forwarding adveridecnieets. Lowest rase be quoted on. application. Leave ,or lend your next work et tide kind to ik• • TIRES OFFICE. Williebitat. . . sitnivrAy TIME 'GRA1D T111:111Y DAILWAT STISTItet. • Owes %nava sea • Imam SASA.sa 11.50p is tomato WWI'SAS Xiesersiae..11.57 a.m... SAS pm- AILls.m. alarm mom ineard1n• ..11.40*.m-11A0 CM pet Tendon.. 11.14 vis vas Paheettteik....- . 1010*.... Toronto Ss Saar LAS p.m... *11 pas br HAROLD. Agent, witiaess. • CANADIAN PAOINTO ILAffiffMr. Terawator.m.tuast ays am rerouteAM ..1,14 la .11pas..11.11 p.m *ao* Torwaer, • A Toroate,11141 ...1. Ifs.* ;....111AS p. ,J 0. MURESSIt Ast•Ist.Witseltam. 80 YEAttIP* 1E3CPSIti0ENCE,` liffbeitirz:-..Lx •