The Wingham Times, 1907-07-04, Page 8MINOR LOCALS. _- POO on Tuesday night. Rather tuinaaal for July. Canada's trade with Japan in 1006 in - Creased about half a million dollars. --Morris and East Wawanoeh Council animates are crowded eat of this issue. -Sixteen Wjgdsor hotelkeepers were each fined $30 for violation of the license atot. the ext finer his Bl- are e9• her the ion my nd hat ion cels 0. as on eet Soh me of nd h. his est ay A e- ve r g f f n -The regular monthly meeting of .Public School Board will be held n Tuesday evening. -Adam Menzie, a well-to•do far living near Listowel, fell dead from -chair on Sunday. -Last Saturday's rain was very w Dome and crops and garden stns looking much better. -Excursion to Niagara Falls on Tu day, July 9th. Read advt. in auot column for particulars. -The Citizens' Band furnished music at the Dominion Day celebrat at Teeawater on Monday. -Bailiff Phippen is now the o deputy game warden in this district a he will keep on the look out to see t the fish laws are properly observed. -In a Western Football Associat match at Walkerton on Friday, Bras defeated Walkerton by a snore of 3 to -Mrs. Jane Weir, of Seaforth, w almost instantly killed at Toronto Saturday, by being ran over by a etr .mar. -In a Lakeside League baseball ma at Luoknow on Friday last, the ho team won from Kincardine by a score 14 to 2. -1.0,0 F. excursion to Sarnia a Detroit on Saturday, August 10t Make your plena so you can take in t popular trip. -Monday evening the thermos -net registered 82 degrees and early Tnesd morning it registered 45 degrees. big drop in twelve hours, -Hon. W. J. Hanna, Provincial Seor tary, will speak at the Oonservati nominating convention at Brassels o Friday afternoon of this week. For Quality and Quantity ask yon dealer for the new big plugs of "Bobs "Stag" and "Onrrency" Chewin fibbaccoes. -Mr. Joteph Gibson, Postmaster o Ingersoll, bas been elected President o the Ontario Branch of the Dominic Alliance as successor to the late G. F Marter. -Mr. W. D. Pringle's new house on Leopold street is completed and he is now occupying it. Mr. Pringle has the honor of being the fleet in town to com- plete a dwelling this year. -The Wingham Epworth League baseball team played a friendly game with the Teeswater Epworth League team on Monday. The local boys put tip a good game, but lost by a score of 7 to 5. -Wingham Orangemen intend cele- brating with their brethren at Blyth on July 12th. Tho Citizens' Band has been engaged and will accompany the local Lodge. Particulars in referenoe to special train service are not yet to hand. -The next local League baseball game will be played on the Town Park on Fri. day evening of this week. Lucknow will be the visiting team and they aro coming over to try and win the game. Attend one of the very best games of the season. Dr. Butler, London, Eye, Ear and Throat Specialist, will be at the Queen's Hotel ou Thursday, Jnne 13tH and Thnesday, July 11th. Hours, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. -As a result of the recently enforced postal regulations, the price of Ameri- can magazines has advanced about 50 per cent in selling price. The ordinary 10 oent magazine now sells for 15 cents and other magazines have gone spin proportion. -Mr. R. E. McKenzie of Belgrave has an advt. in this issue, giving a Iist of prices at which he is selling flonr, feed, cement, eto. It will pay parties vrho are in need of anything in Mr. McKenzie's line to read his advt. and then visit hie mill or store at Belgrave. --Today is the date of the garden party at Mr. Nicholson's near Belgrave, in aid of Wingham hospital. A good afternoon and evening program. Spec- ial train will leave this evening for Belgrave at 7.35 o'clock, returning will leave Belgrave at 11 o'clock. -The officers of Wingeam Lodge, A.F. & A.M., were installed on Tues- day evening by R. W. Bro. Dr. J. E. Tamlyn. Dr. H. E. W. Tamlyn was installed as Master, and it is not often that a Lather has the honor of installing his son into an important office of this kind. MIARRIED hiCATI.XsrErt- liarAIVS.--At "Maple Grove" farm, on Ji nd 26th by Rev. E. F. Armstrong, B. D.. Mr. Robert McAllister, to Mise Annie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bryans, all of Grey. DIET) Lira r.a.Iu Wingham, on Tune 27th, Anne Jane Armstrong, relict of the late Stewart IAttle in her 76th year. GaAaT.-In lit. Marys, en June 20th, David Grant, formerly of Brussels, aged 52 years. MA)ixrnrl.-In Morrie, oa June 2,5th. John 11Lalnni.gs, aged 64 years, 5 months and 18 days. cAr,r.r , .--In Grey, an Jnne;]$rd, John Me, AZarn, eased 51 yeare. THE WJNGITAM TIMES JULY 4., 1907 reat Clean -U.. p Summer Sale July 9th to 2011i, inclusive The greatest buying in the history of Wingham stores ! best goods to offer the public at this sale. These goods we are going railway fare paid oil purchases of $25.00 and over. All goods will be IN 11'N711146,1p'!011,'N FOR MEN AND BOYS Fine Boy.' Suits, wos' and rth 85.00 en's for All-Wool.00, Cntnits 0 intwo. a Snits $1 00 to $2 00. Overalls for boys 40o to 600 a�pair�ts for $ 00. Blouse Men's Suits. Men's $12 CO Snits 88.00 Men's $10.00 Suits $6.00 Men's $8 00 Snits $4.00. Men's Summer Snits $5 00 Men's Summar Suits $$8 t,0 Overalls and Smocks of the heaviest material, 75c; cheaper All must go. Odd Pants of the latest patterns, $1.50 to $3.00 Suspenders 20c, worth 30o. 100 Handkerohiefs 50. 'r'd111' V1011..1tell1'1111 lines 60c. per pair. Oommommappy The fact that these stores have lately had two big sales, and have to put on the market at prices that will move them out quickly. marked down -Stores closed Monday, July 8th, for that purpose. GROCERY DEPARTMENT. Granulated Sugar, 21 lbs for Coffee S.,gar, 20 lbs for Peas, 4 cans for - Corn, 3 cans for , - 7 bars Oomfort or Bee Hive Soap, for O bars Sunlight Soap for Matches per box - Starch, Her lb - Maple Leaf Salmon 30 -cent Brooms for Essences, per bottle Sealers, 1•qt, per dozen Sealers, half -gallon, per dczen Dyes, per package - Dutch Cleanser, package Medium Lamp Glass Large Lamp Glass Stove Brushes . Stove Brushes - Scrub Brushes - Onrrants, 3 lbs for 50o Tea for - - Oatmeal, the best, 91bs for • 81 00 $1.00 .26 .25 .25 .25 .10 .06 .15 .20 .07 .60 .80 .08 .08 .05 .06 .15 .12 .15 .25 .25 .25 also sold the branch at Gorrie, leaves all the People coming from a distance will have their Bargain tickets will be placed in plain view.. DRESS GOODS, ETC. Ladies Dress Goode of new patterns at prides never heretofore heard of in Wingham. Trimmings to match, of latest texture, at prices which will pay people to come fifty miles to get. Ready-to-wear garments such as: - Underskirts 75o np. Over Skirts $2.00 to $5.00, worth $4.00 to $7.00. Just in from best honsee;-Waists from the Crescent Co,, of Montreal -never to • be seen such values. Silks worth $5.00 to $6.00, $3. and 84.00 each. Lawns $1,00 to $2.50 -beauties. Raincoats, light weight, worth 88.00 to $10.00, your pick for $7.00, and others at $4.00 to $5 00 -everything goes regardless of oost. Nice Prints, was 10o, gging at lc. Cotton 50, worth 7c, Goods at 80, worth 10o. 1234 for Ohrildrens Hats, that were 25c. Nobby ones now 20o to clear. Girls Hats 20o to 60o, good dollar lines, Men's Christie's, worth $2.50, going for $1.50 and $1.00. Soft Felt Hats, all shades, from 500 to $1.00. 10/011.411,111.11,11,11"1,11411,1k11/%0 All must go, to make room for our fall lines which are beginning to arrive, as all stock here and coming must go into one store even if the goods have to be sacrificed to do it. P eople at a distance will appreciate our liberal discounts and we hope they will flock in in overwhelming numbers and partake of fi rst choice in this tremendous slaughter sale. You have the best of service that 'courteous and obliging salespeople can gi ve you, and prices to meet your purse. g will arTons of Butter and thousands of dozens of Eggs want ed, and taken same as cash. Remember the places : Opposite Brunswick Hotel and opposite new Post Office. See our banners. Salesladies apply at once -we will require twenty-five during this big sale to give best of service. HE "- EE HI V1TORES,. - WINGHA M, A. E. ENGLAND. VOTERS' LIST, 1907. Municipality of the Township of Turnberry, in the County of Huron. "•-otice is hereby given that I ha 'trans- mitted or delivered to the persons entioned in sections 8 and 0 of "2'he Ont to Voters' List Act," the copies required b said sections to bo so delivered or transmi ed of the list made pursuant to said ct, all persons ap- pearing by the last revise ssessment Roll t the said Municipality to entitled to vote in the said Municipality' at ections for Members of the Legitlative Assembly and at Municipal Elections ; and that the said list was first posted up in my office, at Bluevale, ou July 2nd, 1007, and remains there for inspection. Electors ars called upon to examine said list, end if any omissions or any other errors are found therein, to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected according to law. Dated, Clerk's Office, Bluevale, July 2, 1007. JOHN BURGESS, Clerk, Township of Turnberry. VVVV'V VVVVVVVVVVVVVV 1 QUALITY Doee not mean high prices-bnt C it does mean good valve for your money every Mine. As h rule cheap goods yield a bigger per tentage of profit and they nester Sic give the same satisfaction as the best. DOMINION BANK HEAD OFFICE : TORONTO, Capital paid up, $3,500,000 Reserve Fund and Undiyided profits $4,500,000 Total Assets, over 45,000,000 WIHCHAM BRANCH. Farmers' Notes discounted. Drafts sold on all points in Canada, the United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENTTAL�--Interest allowed on deposits of $1 ancl'bpwards, and added to principal qnarterly- end of March, June, September and Decem- ber each year. D. T. HEPBURN, Manager. K R. Ve.nstone, Solicitor. arosev Q u L- ..ILJL_ t j N RICHT HERE Yon can get all you want in gro- ceries and provisions of the very best quality and a fair trial will convince you that IT TS NOT SO EXPENSIVE in the long run to eat the beat even if the price on some things is a little more JUST TRY Don't forget the 20% to 30°, discount on chinaware. 1. Henry Christie Grocer and China Merchant AMMANNAAAMPiMAAAIIAMAINII NodaysiHoli� MI t in business. None in our r �� work, As it is we cannot r supply �� V begin to su l • the demand Of ' rr(r Air 11 x i, for our well trainedproducts. Get into lino now and spend the summer in preparing for a good salary. Enter any day. Particulars free. Write, Central 'Business College, 395 Yonge street, Toronto. W. R. SHAW, Principal. W, T. STRATFORD. ONT.�+ Was established wenty years ago, and by its thorough work and honor- able dealings with its patrons has become one of the largest and moat widely known Commercial Colleges in the province. The demand upon ns for cominer- cial teachers and office assistants greatly exceeds the supply. We assist graduates to positions. Students are entering each week. Catalogue free. ELLIOTT & McLACHLAN. PRINCIPALS. Fon s1lan O0 ltwo inilo fromWinghm All re gram Gat particulars from 11. DAVIS. The only way to start a Savings Account is to start it. Good ;inten- tions do not bear interest -neither does idle money. The Bank of Hamilton pays interest at high- est current rate, compounded quarterly. WINUIHA11 BRANCH C.' P. SMITH, AGENT THE CANADIAN BANK A `.F C {MMERCE HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO ESTABLISUED 1867 E. E. WALKER, President ALEX. LAIRD, General Manager A. H. IRELAND, Superintendent of Branches Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000 Rest, - - - 5,000,000 Total Assets, - 113,000,000 Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England BANKING BY MAIL 85 Business may be transacted by mail with any branch of the Bank. Accounts may be opened and deposits made or withdrawn by mail. Every attention is paid to out-of-town accounts. WINGHAM BRANCH A. E. SMITH, MANAGER. VVW vwVVYVVV, NMMM/ AAAAAA 1MAAAAAAAAA F TYLE AND ORT Summer Comfort Is increased by cool foot- wear. There is no footwear so comfortable in hot weather as CANVAS SHOES And where can you find such variety in color, shapes and styles and at such reasonable prices, as at NM JOIINSTON 1 MOIrINTcU ®.lifIC 211 That is, our , which have proved to be•exceptional good sellers. HAMMOCKS, SCREEN ®DORS AND WINDOWS, COAL OIL STOKES Another consignment of those famous COAL OIL STOVES just opened. Large quantity of strictly pure Paris Green and Church's Bug Finish on hand. See our Sprayers and Bug Exterminators. Agents for Ideal Woven Wire Fencing. LCENTRAL HARDWARE WINGHAM, H. BISHOP ;,ts wIlSudeisARIMINIMII VVVYVVvvvavvvvvavvvvv vvv vvavvvvVavvavvvvavvvvvvyyv, AN R.DT!R FOR 414 r, ► as 4, iss * . 0 0 : A' ► 'j ► r 4• It New Scak Williams I. Panos. . 4. 4' ► The largest retail order or Pianos ever placed -in Canada is given to 41 The R. S. Williams & Sons 0 ; , Limited, Toronto's largest Music Dealers, by Love Bros., Contractors, to be planed in one hundred new completely ► furnished homes. A Dopy of .he big order:- OFFiOE AND PLANIN0o MILL LOVE BUILDERS AND 1000 Gerrard Street, East Messrs. The R. S. William 143 Young Street, T Gentlemen:- Agreeable entlemen:- Agreeable with our o0 in herewith confirming our Nd. 44 (375 style) which yo ns as promptly as possible We might state that th gating the different makes the excellent quality of ton found in your piano, and Other. PHONE MAIN 3609 ROTHERS, LIMITED, EALEItS IN BUILDERS' SUPPLIES. TORONTO, JUNE 6TH, 1907. f Pape Ave. & Sons Co., Limited, ronto Ont. (SIGNED) Certainly a convincing to of these wonderful instruments. S.G FURNIT SOLE AG AAAMAMAAAAMAWANSAAANk AAA"4V4AAAA"46►Ar1•$iAi A ersation of this morning we take pleasure rder for 100 New Scale Williams Pianos, will understand are to be delivered to on order, inolnding stool. order is placed after thoroughly investi- f pianos, and is decided upon owing to finish and workmanship which we w ioh we consider unequalled by any 1, ry truly yours. 4 LOVE BROS., LIMITED. imonial of the quality and sterling worth , +i 4411 RE DEALER T IN WINGRAM. A ATAAAAAAAAAA/itlj$►AAJA AAAAA 4 .41 4 41 a , .4 6 A 4 3