The Wingham Times, 1907-07-04, Page 44 THE WINGIIAM TIMES. JULY 1907 _j TO ADVERTISERS lie of changes must be left at this 11 ofll.oe not later than Saturday noon. el The Dopy for changes must be left riot later than Monday evening. Omuta advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. 138T.4BLISHIiD 1872 !tIIE WINfi1iAM TIMES. 11<LLIOTT, PABLIaUER ANDPROPRIETOn THURSDAY, JULY 4, 1907. VEST HURON CONSERVATIVES. The West Huron Conservative con- eution held at Dungannon last Thurs. -ay was largely attended. E. N. Lewis, d, P ; Robt. McLsaq, Goderich; Daniel lantelon, Clinton; M. Lockhart, Au - burn and John Cox, Porter's Hill were tominated ae candidates for the election o the Commons. All the candidates except Mr, Lewis retired and his nom - nation was made unanimous. The jondon Advertiser reports that Dr. Ihisholm, M. P. was the principal speak- lr of the day. His address was the usual wholesale condemnation of the Govern- neut. It was held responsible for all dna and sundry, The Liberals, he said, were dishonest, rank and file, and he cheerily predicted the downfall of the )resent Government at the next elec- Lions. la fact, with the speaker, it is 111 over but the cheering. Inoidentally ae deolared that the Government was areparing to send a boodle fund to West Eluron in an attempt to recapture the eonetitueney. DR. CHISHOLM AT DUNGANNON. Dr. Chisholm, M. P. attended the Conservative convention at Dungannon last Thursday and the daily paper reports that be said "the Government was pre- paring to send a boodle fund into West Heron in an attempt to recapture the riding." This is the kind of talk that makes right thinking people heart sick of politics. We do not believe the Gov- ernmeut has any intention of sending boodle fonds to any riding. If our friend, Robt Holmes cannot win West Heron without resorting to dishonest means, we hope to see him defeated. If the Liberals of West Heron work as they should work they can easily carry the riding, Dr. Chisholm: is also reported as saying: -"It is a sure sign that they (the Laurier Government) expect defeat when you see the greedy leaders stealing as if it were their last chance, and grab- bing at everything in sight." To this the London Advertiser says: -These are not words which Dr. Chisholm would dare to use ,aithin the walls of Parlia- ment where he would face the so•oalled greedy leaders of the Government. He takes care not to cite circumstances whioh could give the faintest color of truth to his accusation, or to mention names. It he were more specific he would have to prove his charges or pay the penalty of a slandering tongue. In stigmatizing the members of the Gov- ernment as thieves, Dr. Chisholm has even surpassed hie colleagues, although some of them are experts in scandal- mongering. Tae member for East Huron is p.ainly not the type of man who will improve the conditions of public life. Slandering•at-large appears to have be- come the programme of the Opposition, in lien of a constructive policy or any definite ideas. CHURCH NOTES. NERVOUS INDIGESTION, A Severe Case Cured by Dr. Wil lams Pink Pills. "I suffered so much froth. nervone dyspepsia that I feared I would become insane," says Mrs. Alfred Austin, of Varney, Ont. "For months," says Mrs. Austin, "I was prostrated with this trouble. I got so bad I could not eat a mouthful of food without it nearly chok- ing me, I was affected with such terrible feelings of dizziness and nausea that I had to leave the table sometimes with just two or throe mouthfuls of food for a meal. My nerves wore all unstrung and I grew so weak that I could not even sweep the floor. In fact my nerves affect. ed me to such an extent that I feared to be left alone. I could not sleep at nights, and used to 1 e awake until I feared my reason would leave. I was taking meal• cine constautly, but it did not do me a bit of good. I had used De. Wiliame' Pink Pills on a former occasion with good results, and at last I determined to try them again. I can say ,nothing better than that these pills have been a blessiug to me, as they have )(lade me a well woman. Every trade pf indigest• ion is gone, and my nerve are as etiong and sound as they wefein girlhood. Now I can eat auy hit)/ that is on the table, and I get so nii'refreshing sleep at nights. AU this febwe to the faithful use of Dr. William'' Pink Pills, which I shall never cut's) to praise." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills fill the veins with new rich rod blood. That is why they strengthen the nerves and every organ in the body. That is why they cure all troubles due to bad blood or weak shattered nerves such as anaemia with its grinding, wearing backaches, headaches and sideaches, rheumatism and neuralgia, heart palpitation, indiges• tion, St. Vitus danoe, partial paraly- sis, kidney troubles and those speoial ailments that render the lives of so many women and growing girls a burden. But yon must get the genuine pills with the full name, "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People," on the wrapper around each box. Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a hex or six boxes for $2 60 from The Dr, Williams' Medi- cine Co , Brockville, Oat. Rev. D. Perrin will preach a special sermon to young men next Sunday even- ing in S I. Andrew's Presbyterian church. The services in the Methodist church, will next Sunday be conducted by Rev, Josite Green of Clinton, who will take Mr. Howeon's work while he is taking rest. Mr. John Buchanan, of Toronto, Field Secretary of the Dominion Alliance will give an address in the evening. All welcome. Is Your Hair Sick? That's too bad I We had no- ticed it was looking pretty thin and rough of late, but natural' -•y did not like to speak -of it. By the way, Ayer's Hair Vigor is a regular hair• grower, a per- fect hair tonic. The hair stops comieg out, grows faster, keeps soft and smooth. Ayer's Hair Vigor cures sick hair, makes it strong and healthy. The best kind of to teatimonfal-- - Mold for over sixty -years." aid bs 7.ga ara Ay»ae&oes. Lowef Maas. Mas L7+f! L1U r$ o , SAASAPAWLLA. era .. PROMOTION EXAMINATIONS WINGHASi PUBLIC SCHOOL. Sr. 3rd to Jr, 4th. To pass, 375. - Dudley Holmes 653, Nellie Nicholls 628, Golu Holmes 619, Irene Kennedy 603, Cora Kerr 593, Willie Haines 659, Mamie Adams 555, Mary Madigan 651, Violet Millar, 647, Earl Johns 527 Harry Dey 524, Maggie Williamson 521, Gordon Ganuett 519, Harry Uoatts 512, Effie Bowers 603, Willie England 495, Mary Currie 494, Earle Hall 483, Mabel Swarts 471, Melissa Biehl 458, Frank Howson 457, Brownie Swarts 455, Oliver Pander 452, Olive Knox 446, Annie McDonald 438, Bessie Stapleton 438, Golaw in Hamilton 436, Edna Jenkins 432, Basil Blackhall 421, Leonard Brock 416, Ar- thur Wilson 410, Lloyd Hewer 375, Mar- guerite Homuth absent. Jr, 2nd to Sr. 3rd. Third Form, To pass, 325. -Jean VanNorman 569, Nor- man Butcher 517, Fred . Manuel 511, Jennie Stapleton 490, George Schaefer 490, Emily Crowder 486, Harold Hine- oliffe 479, Lillie Lutton 478, Lorne Aitoheson 464, Luella McCool 450, Marion Allen 445, Vernon Scott 445, Olive Angus 435, Mabel Isard 430, Reita Walker 420, Harold Drummond 418, Hazel Elliott 397, Della sMiller 376, Tommy McDonald 375. croMP-14,14Pro'kfah.s.~.%4wviewsiv(Iii Suits AAan'c 7. iar_a Men's 2mPiece 1Iade to order from beautiful light Ilomespuns, Tweeds, etc., itt $10.00, $12.00 and $14,00. These are made in any style you wish, and made to suit, SHIRTS AND COLLARS. We handle the brand. These in the best stores in every the Dominion for Wingham you will find TRADE famous W.G. & R. goods are found Mon's Furnishing '4("__ " city and town in ./ of Canada. And an excellent assortment at our store. COLLARS -15c each, or 2 for 25. 20c each, or 3 for 50e, Collars in sizes. SHIRTS - $1,00, $1,25, $1.50, $1.75 and $2.25 each. We can also give you cheaper Shirts. UNDERWEAR -We handle the best Underwear made in America. SUMMER HATS - In Straw, Panama, Linen, etc., in the latest styles. CJ fIAXWELL F HILL Merchant Tailors and Men's Furnishers. NOTICE OF CLOSING. We. the undersigned Lawyers agree to clo'e our offices during the months of July and Aug- ust as follows: -On Saturdays at 2 P.M., and on other days at4 P M. DICKLtSON & HoLUEs, R, VANSTONE, J. A. MORT1N. Notice To Drail Dontr ctors. Tenders will be recei d by'`the Municipal Council of the Townshi ofurnberry at the Clerk's office, Bluevale, tp, o 12 o'clock, noon of the 15th day of Jul alt, for the supplying of material and const t '$ion of a drain mostly tile, partly open on to ,, 8 and 9 in the eighth concession and lots 7 a 'd 8 in the ninth con- , cession of the Townshi of Turnberry. The lowest or any te, der not necessarily ec- ru tenders to be plain- ly Lettersc •uta g p p side "To oder for drain." r •od on out 1 mak y Plans and specifications can be seen at the Clerk's office. Buil. t;luevale, June 25th 1907. J HN BURGESS, Clerk. Sr. 2nd to Jr. 3rd. Fourth Form. To pass, 315.-Wenowae Holmes 606, Nettie Matthews 501, Lottie Maddieon 496, Tommy Fixtnr 489, Laura Davidson 469, Mamie Tansley 460, Reggie Gould 457, Alice Crowder 455, Ruth Lloyd 451, Albert Weamee 444, Leonard Drummond 443, Lloyd Hingeton 436, Margaret Per- rie 435, Edna Smith 455, Aylmer Aith- cheson 434, Edna Davidson 408, Howard Guest 406, Flora McDonald 399, Ella Mitchell 390, Robina Hardy 375, Edith Campbell 364. Absent through illness Recommended-AIice Reading, Stanley Reid. Jr. 2nd to Sr. 2nd. To pass 280.- Maizie Suggett 475, Wilfrid Davidson 469. Scott Maxwell 464, Mildred Green 436, Mamie Cartwright 435, 'I homes Latton 430, Eddie Helps 429, Nelson Rush 4.22, Richard Graham 418, Gordon Buchanan 417, Stuart Pender 414, George Bowman 413, George Day 405, Nora Kennedy 399, Garnet Weames 390, Moses Brown 389, Maggie March 359, Harry MCMannus 314, Ernie Niergarth 286. Recommended -Irene Allan, Fred Constable, Lewis Small, Ina Gibson, Gladys Dear. Absent through illneee, recommended -Nellie McLean. Pt. 2nd to Jr. 2nd. To pass, 210. - Kathleen Pringle 389, Marjorie Mal- lagh 374, Fred Walker 373, Gertrude Hamlyn 367, Harold Gould 859, Verna Armour 354, 'Theo McDonald 329, Flor- ence Murch 325, Lexie Huffman 323, Winfred Morden 306, Verna Moore 805, Bertha Blackhall 303, Clarence Thorn- ton 206, Ellen Rogers 288, Maggie P000 .k 273, Cora Hingeton 270, Horace Aitchi- son 2G0, Ella Cooke 261, Stella Tnrvey 250. Absent through illness, palmed on teacheii's recommendation, Margaret Free, - Pt. let to Pt. 2nd. To pass 175. - Beatrice Dey 328, Etta Hart 326, Grant Laundy 815, Hugh Angus 815, Lewis Robinson 315, Margaret Carruth 813, Harvey Dennis 311, Annie Davidson 801, Victoria Paterson 298, Nettie Christie 298, Mary Aitcheson 291, Gertie Cant- elon 287, Falioia Holmes 380, Clayton Maxwell 280, John Nicholls 265, Alva Wyles 263, Cecil Angus 259 Wallace Aitoheson 256, Roy England 242, EXECUTOR'S SALE Estate of John Cuming, se, Lot 22, Con. 13, Township p'' Hullett. This excellent 150 acre farm will be offered at auction on Wednesday, uguat 7th, 1007, at 2 o'clock p. m ., arown's Hotel, Londes boh. Thisrougis a first-class arm, has good buildings, including commodious house,large bank barns with stone stabling and other outbuildings; all modern farm improvements and conven- iences, good water and a good hardwood bush; near to school and market. Information will be promptly ggiven upon request. W. BRYDONE, EDMUND LEAR, Clinton, Ont., Blyth, Ont,, Executor. Solicitor for the Estate. Stook Lave Markote Toronto, July 2 -The run at the City Cattle Market to -day was 24 loads, with 279 head of cattle, 764 sheep and Iambs, 100, hogs, and 125 calves. The market to -day apparently had not got over the effects of the hol day, for there were very few cattle offering, and dealers were not particularly anxious to ,do business, There was a light run of only 25 cars, with less than 300 head of cattle, the balance being made up of sheep and lambs, hogs and calves. The market was somewhat of a disappoint- ment to the few sellers on hand, as with such a light run they naturally expected there would be a keener demand to buy. As it turned out, the buyers evidently were content to wait till a little later in the week. The following are the quotations: Exporters' cattle- Per 100 lbs. Choice $5 50 Medium 5 00 Bulls 4 75 Light 3 75 Cows 4 25 Feeders - best 1000 pounds and up- wards 4 70 Stockers choice 4 25 '- bulls 3 00 Bntchers'- Picked 5 00 5 50 Choice 4 60 4 80 Medium 3 75 400 Cows... .... 4 00 4 25 Balls 4 00 4 25 Hogs - Beat 6 00 Lights 6145 Sheep - Export ewes 4 50 Bucks - 3 50 Calla 3 25 Spring Lambe each.. 3 00 Calves, each. 300 $6 00 5 25 4 00 4 00 4 25 4 85 4 35 3 50 5 00 4 00 3 60 6 00 10 00 WINGRAM MARRILIT REPORTS Wingham, July 3rd, 1907 Floor per 100 lbe,... 2 25 t.o 2 80 Fall Wheat 0 85 to 0 85 Oats, ................. 0 42 to 0 42 Barley .... 0 45 to 0 50 Peas 0 75 to 0 75 Butter ..,.....,... 0 18 to 0 19 Eggs per dos 0 15 to 0 15 Wood per cord 2 50 to 300 Hay, per ton.. 11 00 to 12 00 Potatoes, per bushel new050 to 0 60 Tallow per lb ,... 0 5/ to 0 06 Lard .. 00016666 to 0 15 to 0 07 LivedHAggg, er per oowtt...,•6 50 to 6 40 SEALED TENDE'S addressed to the under- signed, and oncirsed "Tender for Walker- ton Armoury," will o received at this office until Friday, July 2th, 1907, inclusively, for the construction of n armoury at Walkerton, Ona , according to Inns and apecificntions to be seen on applieat on to the caretaker of the poit oflee at walk rton, and at the Depart- ment of Public Wo ks, Ottawa. Tenders will notbe considered unless made on the printed for supplied, and signed with the actual sign atu 'os tenderers. An accepted. elle( uo on a chartered bank, payable to the ord .r of tho Honourable the Minister of Public , orks, equal to ten per cent of the amount of te der(10') must accompany each tender Tho hequo will be forfeited if the person tendorit g decline the noutracc or fail to complete th work contracted for, and will be returned in case of non-acceptance of tender. The Department oes not bind itself to ac- cept the lowest or ny tender. y Order, FRED. GELINAB, Secretary lic Works. Department of Pt Otto ttttiiiifffivvvva, Jane 22, 1907. Newspapers w- 1 not be paid for this adverti- sement if they insert it without authority from the Department. migniattged To Summar Tourist Resorts Muskoka Lakes, Like of Bays, Gsorgian Bay, Algonquin Park, Temagami, Kawartha Lakes, Thousand Islanas, Qaebao. Portland and Old Orchard, Me. White Mountains. All reached by the Grand Trunk Railway the "Tourist Route of America." Direct couneotion with all boat lines. Tourist tickets on sale daily to all resorts. For full information as to rates and tickets, call on L. HAROLD. Depot Agent. J. D. MoDoNALn, L. P. A., Toronto. 8OMESEEKERS' • CilthIMMN PACIFIC AI11lNl,. $CCOND•CLASS ROUND•TRIf CXCURSIONS TOS MANITOBA SASKATCHEWAN DATES ALBERTA DATES Excursions leave Tuesdays, 1111 June 4,111; July 2,10,30; Augu 13,, 27; Sept. 10 and 24. Tickets Rood to return within sixty days from going date. RATESAre the same frota all point ala Ontario, aaging from *32.00 round-trip to Winnipeg to t42 50 round-trip to' Ed• aonton, Tickets to all points in the North-west. TOURIST SLEEPERS A limited number of Tourist Sleeping Cars equipped be run on oath excursion, fully pped with bedding, etc• smart porter in charge. Berths must be neared and paid for through local agent at least six days before excursion leases. COLONIST SLEEPERS axer:ha>v fein ° berths, paseentiu supplying their own bedding, wild be used ea fag as possible to place of ordinary cos -oboe. Rates and full Information contained In free Hemeseekers' pamphlet. Asks menet Q.P.R. alhnt for a elf y, or write to t B. fo=Ti, Dlttrkt Mita A ft., CAR, Taw* roe tielrAeg hod fail information leo J, fl been, era Ageat et Winghem. Part of our policy in trade is to get together the best goods that are made and surround their selling with every courtesy. So long as something better is pos- sible, we invariably go after it, and our new showing of 1 MTERJai whitewear and dress skirts tells better than anything that we mean business. Every garment is labelled with the registered trade -mark, which is the maker's guar- antee , as to quality and protects you against any possible risk. - THE "FIG STORE," J N c. IKI E: R R WINGHAMONT. BARGAINS IN WALL PAPER AT KNOX'S. A large stock of Wall Paper of the newest and latest designs to be sold at greatly reduced prices 25e Wall Paper for 20o per roll 20c " " 15o " " l5c " " 12ic „ 12io " " " 10e " ,100 " , " " 80 " 11 61 7e " " It 5c " " Borders priceper roll orae a sumo a side alis o s sidewalls match. , Spalding Sporting Goods Headquarters for everything in Base Ball, Football, Lacrosse, Tennis Goods, Etc. dei•t-3--i'-i•d•+•+++++++++++4044.3.3+.1-1-44+++++.1-1-144-1-1-14++++4441 4- + Furniture .,.4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4• 4• 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4 - English -made Fishing Tackle + We carry a first class stock. Try ue 4- Fancy, Souvenir and Comic 4- Post Cards + Our variety can't be beat anywhere. -'1t, 4. 4- 4- 4- 4• 4. 4• [ 01. KNOX 4- 4- Jeweler and Stationer + Cameras and Photographic Supplies. A fresh and complete stock, free dark room and instructions to beginners. Wingham, Ont. •4f-• Sale? For the balance of the month of June we will give extra special value in all lines of high-grade and low -price Furniture, in Parlor, Suits, Couches, Bedroom Suits, Sideboards, Dining Chairs, etc. etc. The balance of our stock of Baby Carriages and Go -Carts will go at your own price. We are selling $2.5o Mattresses at $2.25 4-, Remember we are giving genuine bargains until' the 1st of July, as we need the money more than +, we need the furniture. Call and see our large stock before. purchasing elsewhere. 4. •. 4; 4• 4• -f- 4-+4-+++++4'+++++++++4'+++++++ ,elefeielelei•-to1;44•301*4-14144•444•4444.4. Walker's Furniture Store Seasonai e Goods immof al Reasonu e Prices We have a large assortment in the following lines. -LAWN MOWERS, Ladies' and Gentlemen's -LAWN SHEARS, -SCREEN DOORS, -COAL OIL STOVES, -GASOLINE COOK STOVES, -SCREEN DOORS, -POULTRY NETTING, -HAMMOCKS, -GARDEN TOOLS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. We also carry a very large stock of ready mixed paint in Robertson's, Beaver, and the can't -be -beat Sherwin-Williams brand. JUST ARRIVED -A carload of Hanover cement. A consignment of electric welded made up Fencing, ready to stretch. Give us a call For anything you might require in the line of Hardware and Tinware and be convinced that this is the place to get good value for your money. Young's Big Hardware.