The Wingham Times, 1907-07-04, Page 1VOL XXXYL-NO. 1847. TOILET SOAPS "COLCATE'S" See our window display. We import direct saving the middle- man's profit, you - reap the benefit. Nttving 20%. Glycerine Soap... l Oatmeal Soap Honey Soap Floating Bath Soap. Rosodora Viodora {( Pine Tar Ooleo Unscented Col eo Scented {( - Cashmere Bcgnet 10o cake 3 cakes 21•ic 15o Dake 2 cakes 25ie 2Gc cake _ Monad Violet 5 35o cake Dactylia......,... 3 cakes La Frano Rose $1.00 Superfine Violet 6Oc per cake FOR SALE BY Walton McKibbon THE DRUGGIST Macdonald Block, Winghom, Fall Term OPENS SEPT. 2 This management during the past year rreieed over Two Hundred young g ladies 200 Ia n d gentle• men, as steno-8ra h- ere bookkeepers t le gra h- ers, and placed them in excel- lent situations in leading Can- adian and American cities. Individual instruction. Write for catalcgue. WINGHAM BUSINESS COLLEGE 2 GEO. SPOTTON, Principal. THE LITTLE EATON The Name That is Read with a Smile July Ciolhiog Sale Is On ®170 All lines of clothing will be Slaughtered regard- less of Cost during this sale. Boy's Men, be up and doing. Watch the Special Bar- ' gains ticketed at the door each morning. After read- ing this tellyour friends what's doing at the Little Eaton, Wingham. CEO, C. HANNA Old Postofitoe Store Maodonald Blook • WINGHAM, WINCiHAM TI WINGIAM, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 4, 1907, GENERAL LOCAL NEWS. Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers Turnberry The voters' list Turnberry for 1907 was first posted in Bluevale, on TIME Het this year cont oters' List. ✓ the township ow p o f as been printed and .he Olerke s office at ay, July 2nd. The ns 674 names as com- pared with 660 last year. Tbere are 406 persona qualified tio serve as jurors. Got Parnell's Bread, at Christie's. High School Exams. High School exa minatioLe are being held at the diffeent centres in East Huron this wet Principal Lough presides at these ctaminations at Clin- ton; Principals S tt and Moffat at Sea - forth ; Principals negrove and Hartley at Wingham; rinnipal Cameron at Blyth, and Inspe or Robb at Brussels. See our Tan Oxford shoes. They are the latest. R. Johnston. Sermon to Orangemen. The Orangemen t of Wingham, with the local 0. Y. B. and visiting brethren ing lodges, will atter St Paul's ohurch o at 7 o'clock p. m. '. occasion will be Br All members of the attend. The breth� hall at 6.15 o'clock. nd L. T. B. lodges, from the neighbor - d divine service at I Sunday, 7th inst., he preacher for the . Rev. T. S. Boyle. irder are invited to n will meet. at the $2 50 Mattresses Low' $2.15, at S. GRACEY'S. (/ C. P. R. t¢ Blyth. We learn upon that the C. P. R on July 10th. Tb. tion sixty of the road between Gael new section t tobe miles in length, Milverton, and m ion for Moncton Blyth. The stati been erected, and been arranged to creditable authority ill be opened to Blyth will pnt into opera - eighty miles of the h and Goderich. The is opened L pwentysia xtending west from king railway connect - and Walton, besides s at these points have ilmost all details have traffic✓ For everything ina and ery. SAUNDERS. Domini Last Monday, Ju fatty years old as a day was celebrated t oountry with more asm. The expaneia Dominion during t pecially the last ten butes to the makin bably nnparalelled Canadian has abn proud of the lard Long may it fiouri Station - n Day. tat, Canada was Dominion, and the roughout the whole han usual enthusi- and growth of the ese forty years, es - in all that centri- of nations is gro- in history. Every dant reason to be f the Maple Leaf. WOOL ! Wool. 1 WOOL ! ! We are buying it and 'paying the highest price.— T. A. Mears. Getting I ists Ready. The voters' lis : for the Town of Wingham will be printed in the very near future and as this list will likely be the one used in tht' next Parliamentary eleotions, it is im ortant that all par- ties see that thei names are properly placed on the list. Voters arriving in town since the ass ssment was made will have to be planed n this list. Pardee whose names ar not on the list will kindly leave won at the Timms office and we will see t • at the matter is proper- ly attended to. WANTED—Two strong active boys to work in shipping room; also an active man, who is handy with tools. Apply to Walker & Sudden Death in Wingham. Last Thursday, morning, Anne Jane Armstrong, reli t of the late Steward Little, passed a ay very suddenly at her home on John st eet. Deceased bad been living with he daughters, the Misses Little milliners, and got up on Thurs- day morning an prepared the breakfast and suddenly fe over and was dead in a few minutes, eart failure beingg the cause of death Mrs. Little lived in Brussels prior to coming to Wingham, but had for som years resided in To- ronto. She was n her 76th year and wan highly respe ted by. all with whom she was acgtiain d. The remains were taken to Toronto on Saturday morning for interment in ount Pleasant ceme- tery. Giant Triplets "Currency" "Bobs" and "Stag" chewing Tobaccoes, in big plugs. Quality always the same. Sons o Scotland. At the meeting f the Grand Camp of the Sons of Soot] nd, held in Niagara Falls last week, Al x. Fraser of Toronto was re-elected as rand Chief, Rev. Dr. Bremner, of 'pley was elected as Grand Chaplain, o Hamilton,aof Ate wood as Grand Sealer Guard. After a long debate the pr.posed obauge in in- surance rates was referred back to the Executive Commitee, which will report at the Grand Canal in 1909. The capit- ation tax was Oban ted from two dollars per year, payable se W. -annually, to fifteen cents per month, yable monthly. The matter of organ: tion was left to the Executive Commi ea with power to sot. The Executive w Il report on the pro- position to permit embers to enter the intik benefit Uralic without entering the life insurance branch. Toronto and Niaga a Falls Excursion. The Harriston rnn their fifth annu 0 P. R on Friday, leave Teeswater Glenannan at 6 10 ham 6 28, fare $2 at Yonge St. wbar worth League will I excursion over the my 5th. Train will 6. a.m fare $2 60; .m fare $2.60; Wing - Train will arrive at 10 45 a.m. We're goint to drive do 'care away next week. Watch ns,.SAUNDERS, Enlarging/ Factory. Messrs Walker menoed work on t furniture factory. Mr. Cole's propert factory and will bu brick addition, TI sufficient room to a a staff of 100 won are pleased to kno teas is growing t enlargement ' is n e Clegg have com- e enlarging of their hey have purchased at the rear of the d a largefour•storey is addition will give llow the firm to have men. Wiughamites that this firm's busi- such an extent that essary, WOOL WANTED—Any quantity; high- est prices,—GED. E. RING,. Chief Constabl At the special me Council on Friday Allan was appointe Chief Comte: le for t ham, No other ap received. The new on Monday last. Mr a good man for the p experience necessar of the waterworks p right stamp of a ma kept in the town. wishes for enema i Appointed. ting of the Town vening, Mr. Geo, to the position of e Town of Wing lioations had been bief took his duties Allannot eh d make Bitten. He has the for the taking Dare mps and he is the to see that order is He has our best his new position. WOOL WANTED—Highest price paid in cash or trade.—T. A. MILLS. Canadian H line Circles. Mr, P. M. Pattiso , Supreme Organ- izer for the Order f Canadian Home Circles, o, ganized a Circle of the Order in Wingham on Th redey evening last, to be known a9 it ha Circle, ireham c e, No. 434. The following cf&cera were elected: Past Leader, R. Aide; Leader, Rev. T, S. Boyle; Vice Le .der, Mrs. R. Awde; Trees. aeon Ffn•Seo , W. J. m. Nish an . Wyles;yRea Se •y., Mrs. Jas, Read- iag; Chap., Mr, imstroag; Marshall, Ieaao Davidson; Warden, Miss Awde; Guard, Wm. B. eid; Sentinel, Jas. Stiles. Steel wire hammocks. Something new. At S. GRAOeY's furniture store. Dr. Ovens, Oculist, London, Surgeon Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat will be at Mo- i Kibbon's drug store, Tuesday, Aug. 6 —all day. Glasses properly fitted. BeautifuI The operetta, "Sn Seven Dwarfs" w opera house on Fri large audience. Th ful one and all th well. The singing Houghton went trouble in the prao went and she was work in the very a the program was c P. Smith was the evening and playe Band rendered sev The hospital trees as a result of the e operetta. w White and the s presented in the ay evening before a operetta is a beauti- se taking part done as extra good. Miss a great deal of ice for this entertain - ell rewarded for her le manner in which rried out. Mrs C. ocempanist for the well. The Citizens' al choice selection& y will be enriched tertainment, CANVAS SiloEs—The newest and latest styles iu Laoies, Misses, and Children's Canvas Shoes. Alp colors. W. J GREER. Methodist S. . Rally Day. Sunday last was 'Rally Day" in the Wingham Meth di t Sunday School and the cilicrto chers and. scholars assembled in the auditorium of the church, where a ry interesting and profitable hour wa spent. The super- intendent, Mr. F. uchanan, presided, and short addressee ere given by Messrs. A. E. Lloyd, R. E. annders, John Kerr, and Wm. Fessan These were inter- spersed by a q rtette composed of Misses Grlffia au Mason, and Messrs Cline and, Hill, ose appropriate and well -rendered selec tions were highly ap- preciated. The choir of the school also contributed to the program. The school is now in an ex iellent condition, and even greater results, in thie important branch of the chn .ch's work are looked forward to dnrin, the coming year: FOR BEST VALUES obtainable any- where, in a well -assorted, fresh, Olean, new and up-to-date stook, you will find them at the leading Dress Goode and Fancy Goode Store of D. M. Gonnoet. Highest prise for butter and eggs. Ten Years¢as Editor. With this iseno the present editor of the TIMES enters the eleventh year as editor of the paperand nearly twenty years connection with the TIMES. Tho past ten years hay, gone quickly and many changes have taken place in the town and district. ' A number of people who were aotive in the town ton years ago have passed to he great beyond or are living in other arts of the world, and other people b ve moved into the town. Wingham as made steady pro- gress during the pa ten years and we now have one of th very beat town in Western Ontario. a have endeavored to give the people o this district a good local paper and hay enlarged the paper twine since taking control. The mer- chants and the pe le in general have patronized the TI s very liberally in the past for which a return our hearty thanks and hope t have a oontinuanoe of the patronage by publishing a live look paper. Excursion to The Sons of Scotianc for an excursion to Ni Tuesday, July 9th, via ial train will leave Wi and the fare is 42 40. vale at 7,10 a. m., far from Wingham and to return two days aft sion. Tbia ehopld giv tuuity for an outing a Falls. have arranged gars Falls, on G. T. R. Spec• gleam at 7 a, m rain leaves Blue - $2.35, Tiekete ]uevale are good r date of exonr• a splendid oppor- the Palle. Highest price paid for hides and poul- try at 21, Fells' batoher shop. Fortner Winghami A very quiet wedding in the presence of a few ate relatives of the cont on Saturday, June 29th, St Church. John'sNc rector, Rev. W. L. Bayi Mise Laura M. Gamble, b of Mr. Chester L. Davi Henderson Co., Toronto. luncheon at the resident sister of the bride, th left mid showers of rice east. e Weds. was solemnized f the immedi- aoting parties, t 2.30 p. m at 'way, by the es•Reed, when came the bride , of the J. B. After a dainty of Mrs. Boyse, happy couple for a short trip Blankets and yarn of the best quality exchanged for wool, at T, A. Milts'. W.ndow Shades ins ck and,mgde to order. Best and oh pest �ir�town1 SAUNDERS. t Home Coming of Huit rn Old Boys. A grand demouatratio will be held in Wingham in honor of th homecoming of the Huron Old Boys Toronto, on Saturday, July 6th. Th special traiu conveying the excnrsioniets, whish will arrive via G T.R. about ?noon, will be met at the station by the `'`own Council, the Citizens' Band and a large represen• Wien of the citizens. A irocession will be formed, and, headed by the band, marsh to the Town Ht il, where ad- dresses of welcome wil : be presented and replies made. At 2 o'clock sharp the following games an amusements will be entered upon wit zest in the Town Park whichwill w w o b free to all viz: Baseball match, =eswater vel r Wingham; Girls race, 12 ;ears and un- der, 1st prize $1 50, 2nd '1.00, 3rd 50o. Boys' race, 12 years and wider, lst prize $1 60, 2nd $1 00, 3rd 60c. i commercial Travellers' rase, lst pr ze $2 00, 2nd $1.00. Fat Men's race. le,t prize 42 00, 2nd $1 00. Highland Deming by yonng girls or boys, let prize $ 00, 2nd 82 00, 3rd $1,00. Music by the itizene' Band and Piper D. E. MoDona d. Fon IMMEDIATE SALE- rink look in Wingham, making 12 pe on the investment.—RITCHIE & CO ENS. Baseball at roxeter. The local bcA1 tosser went to Wroxe• ter on July lst, to tak part in the cele- bration there, and w e slated against the Harriston Browns who put Fisher in the box against unlop, but Herb had it all over him, a d only the umpire saved his slats, as 's decisions were questionable on many ocastons, not in- tentionally, but appar ntly from lack of knowledge of the rut , The score at the end of the eighth as 1 to 0 iu favor of the Browns, but ingham made it a tie in the ninth. A ain in the tenth it was 2 to 2, and in t e eleventh, with two men on rases. D clop slammed out a two -base bit and woGli his own game. It was a dandy, and jarred the hopes of the Browns The second game, between the Unions and Wing am, was a farce - comedy, the Unions h ing out•olassed at all stages and the lots batteries pound- ed Wray without m cy. The snore was 18 to 2 in favor of Wingham. Batteries—Harristo —Fisher and Mo- Qaibbon; Wingham Dunlop and Brit- ton; Unions—Wra and McQuibbon. Umpire --Paulin. WANTED-• 500 tube choice dairy butter; a]so 100 rises of eggs, weekly.—Geo. E. RING. LosT—Ia front o stone block/en Wednesday, June 7, a genels�hran's open•faced silver pla ed watc Finder will l,e rewarded b leaving same at TIMES office. Wingham Out -lit Teeswater. In the second hom side League, the to screof10 out bya o crowd saw the gam much a pitchers' bar on the robber for T only" Dunlop doing game in the Lake - ale put Teeswater toA , fair-sized Lair ei ea whish was pretty tle, McCaig being eswater and "the he twisting for the locals. Dunlop had 9much the better of the argument, strik ng out 15 men and only allowing one t base on balls and three hits, while M Caig struck out 13 men and the locals and him safe for 11 bits. It the first in ing it looked much like a procession wen hits by Ham- mond, Moore and rkman and a few errors on the part i f Teeswater nine netted 4 runs for Wingham. Again in the second inning, byd the same course they landed three m e, and although Wingham had men o bases in almost every inning, the bee they could do was rush three more a er the pan for a full tatal of 10 runs, McCaig settling down to pitching holdi g the locals safe. For Teeswater, Fraser's two hits and Marshall's lone single a all they could get off Dunlop's delive and aided by some excusable errors the part of the locals landed ono run i the first, third, sixth and ninth and tw in the seventh. Dunlop deserves grea credit for the masterly game he pitch d, holding Tees. water safe at all stages nd his support was almost faultless. cCaig pitched good ball but the hea hitting locals was too tnneh for hi and only his striking out thirteen men saved a slaughter. Our left h nd hitters ware easy for him. Brisl n, of Luoknow handled the indfoator i hie penal good style. Batteries: Mo ig and Good; Dunlop and Britton. TOWN C UNCIL. Further than pass little business was regular mete ing of the Monday evening. 1{ '-ere Mayor Holmes. Councillors Gordon, N gory. Minutes of 1 special meetings were t isagee $1 A YEAR IN ADVANCE ig the accounts, ransaoted at the Town Connell on embers present eeve Irwin and oholson and Gre. et regular and ead and adopted. The following action is were read: E. Lewis, laying mains, $ 7; Geo, Wraith, work, $1 60; R. Rank,salary, $6.25; Wm. Guest, salary, ; J B. Fergn- son, salary, 455 50; V R. Vannorman, salary, $46; K M Fie ler, supplies, 75o; Geo. Mason, supplies, A 90; Jas Nelson, work, $2 50; Firemen keys, $4.80; E. Lewis, salary and work, $23.38; John McLeod, work, 43.50; W. A. Sanderson, work, $5 95; W. A. ea nderson, water- ing °streets, $56,70; . 0. McDonald, work, $42 52; Thos. ray, work, $9 80; J. Bugg & Son, snpp fes and work on waterworks, $70 22; Geo, W. Cline, eervicee re P. U. open ng, $5; A. Young, supplies and work on waterworks, 4130 10; Firemen, 13 man, salary, 465; Thus. Auld, work on dam, $8 75; Neil Maccallum, work on n.ius, $10,15. Nicholson—Irwin-:Phat A. Young's account be paid less $t0 and this amount be paid when 12 inch_ drill is replaeed; that the accounts of W. A. Sanderson and D. C. McDonald 0e paid when pro. perly certified; that ,the other aocounts be paid.—Uarried. Irwin—Nicholson--That the Rtreet Committee report at ,he next meeting of Conncil npon rtmewel of gravel by p rivate patties from< the public lanes, eOarried, islets and gravel 1te of the town.— A number of acct, is for salaries and sr. pplres in the eleotr o light department were passed. Thanks for your atrsilage. Don't forget I'm still peggi eeefay ! Saunders If you purpose tal'ing a trip to the Old Land travel via the C.P,R. liners. The two Empresses give the best service. Get tickets and lull information from Alex Ross. Brilliant Chu ch Wedding. Christ Church, nchS Helens, as filled lied with guests and onlookers on Wtdnes• day, June 2Gth, the occasion being the marriage of Mies ary Agnes Haines, third eldest daugh r of Mr, and Mrs, RobtlG. Haines, of. aple Avenue Farm, Fordyce, to Mr. Geo McRoberts, a pros- perous young farmer,f West Wawanosh son of Mr. Thos McRberts. The ceremo- ny took place at 3 o'cII-ck, the Rev. Char- les W. Saunders, the ector, cfficiating, the very impressive arriage ceremony of the Anglican Prays Book being used in full. The reading a sk and altar were beautifully decorateC with evergreens and flowers and a very pretty bow of fancy white paper fatoned to the end - of each seat. A beautifl arch was erect- ed in front of the ch nce1, decorated with evergreens, whit bells, which blended costumea of the bridal most brilliant and pleas' roses and floral pith the pretty arty, making a g soeue. The church decorations were done by Mrs. W. R. Clayton, of Lists el. The bride was gracefully and wiry becomingly dressed in cream silk eol enne, trimmed with silk lace and rihbo and wearing a wedding veil trimmed w th tithes of the valley and orange blosso s and carried a bcquet of white semi; balls bowed with cream ribbon. She vasaccompan- ied by her sister, Miss Lottie, as brides- maid, who was dressed in white muslin, trimmed with lace inserti n and carried a boquet of pink roses b wed together with cream ribboo. MrOhara s Mc- Roberts, brother of the oom acted as groomsman. Both yonn men wore boquets of maidenhair fen and white roses. Little Mise Mary Al Qaiilin, niece of the bride, who was dr sled in white silk trimmed with vel n�ienn e fa lace, performed the:duties of flower girl, strewflowers in the bride's pathway. Master Evan MoQniilin, nephew of the bride, wore a white corded Russ an suit, trim- mEd with garnet braid anct anacted as ring bearer, Miss Dorothy Led of Luoknow, played the wedning march as the bridal party entered the church The choir, of which the bride was a ember, rend- ered very appropriate m sic for the occasion. Tne bride was given away by her father and after t e knot had been tied and the happy couple were in the vestry signing the regia er, Miss Lees another march n played a n i it the brid- al procession had passed do n the centre isle, midst showers of flow s, whence a cab was ready to receive th m, followed by about fifty invited gee is and went to the bride's home, whe e the usual congratulations were giv n under an aroh of evergreens and flor 1 bells, after which the guests repaired o the dining room where a sumptuon repast was prepared, After all had done ample justice and drinking toas>js to the bride and groom an adjournment was made to the parlor and a proga of music and singing by Geo. Stuart, arry Ward, Fred Chamney and Wm. cGregor. A very pleasant evening wa spent, ending with tripping the light f ntaetio till an early hour in the mornin . Guests, rel- atives and immediate free de, were pre- sent from Hamilton, Beai isville, Grims- by, Listowel, Dungannon Lucknow, St. Helens and Wingbam. Mr. Edward Haines brother of the brid'i and Mr. Fred Saunders, brother of the motor, were the ushers, The presents to tie bride were not only numerous and costly but all useful, a racing them being two beauti- ful centre pieces from her! Sunday school slaw, of which she was n active teach- er. The groom's presen to the bride and bridesmaid was a di mond brooch each and to the flower gin and ring bear- er, a beautiful gold ring et with rubies and pearls. The bride 'a oing away dress was a suit of navy bluad venetian broad cloth, with silk waist rind hat to match. All join in wishing Mr. ndMrs. McRob• arts a long happy and roaperoue jour- ney through life, 1 WELL-KNOWN PEOPLE 4 Ho For !Niagara ! MR. WILLIA •• FESSANT .A pioneer of his section. The subject of our sketch this week may be classed as one of the early pioneers of this seot n, and for many years has been pro iuently identified with the business aid mannfactnring interests of the townf Wingham, hav- ing come here from Teeswater. He was in partnersip wit! Mr. Wm. Button in the chair mannfaot ring business un- . til the control of the ingham factories passed into the han of the Canada Furniture Mannfactnr reeled still retains aposition in the offices the chair factory, Mr. Fessant takes a rominent part in church and temperan a work, and has for years been treasnr=r of the Trustee Board of the Win ;ham Methodist Ohnroh. Cleanup Sunarer Sale. A. E. England, of tl Bee Hive stores, announces a clean-up slimmer sale, from July 9th to 20th, and i l making a special effort to largely retitle . the stocks of his to o stores during that time. Seasonable • goods and low prices is a in order. ad the advt. on page 8. (f Dining room girl wad' Ring Edward Hotel. PERS NAL. Apply at We shall be glad to have contributions to this column from any f our readers. If you have visitors or purpose sing away yourself, drop in end tell us, or seed us a note to that effect. Mr. J. D Burns wa - ` visiting for a few days at Perth. Miss Mae Baer spen a few days in London last week. Mise L Sherk left or Tuesday morn- ing for Hartney, Man. Mrs. J. A. Mowat, of { cton was visit- ing for a few days in t n. Miss Helen Graham las yisiting for a few days with friends i Guelph. Miss Grace Greer sent a few days visiting with friends i Stratford. Miss Grace Mason, ref Drayton, spent the holiday with Miss {G Paterson. Miss Davis and Mise s Hazel and Verna Moore were visiting a Exeter on Mon- day. Mr. Lowery, of Oijillia was visiting for a few days at Mi•. Richard Ander- son's. Misses Tooker and Wingham Tuesday West. Mr.. Mall W J tl1 i of Brantford visited for a few da 'a at Mre. Herds- man's. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse', Bntton were visit- ing for a few dale with Wingham friends. Miss Graoe Ame of spent the holiday with Miss Mand Netttrfield. .Mr. Bert Oummin s, of Rochester, N. Y., is visitiug relati es and friends in town and vicinity. Mr. Robt. Miller, ie Inspector for the C. P. R. was callin on old Wingham friends on Tuesday. Mist' Lillian Baer as returned home from Woodstock, w ere she spent sever- al weeks holidaying, Mrs. Paulin, of Bey City, Mich., was visiting for a few days with her daugh- ter, Mrs. B. Jenkins.: The G.T,R, will kin a monster excur- sion under auspice° of Oemp Melrose, S.O,S., of Atwood, to Niagara Falls and return on Tuesday, July 91h From Wingham o Stratford and all interniedi. to stations. Time Tabli and Rates : Wingham ...... 7 50 a.m. Bluevale 7 ..0 '1 Brussels. 7.17 " Ethel 7 ;8 " Arriving at Niag sra Falls at 12.20 p in. Returning leavi ig Niagara Falls by Special at 8 p.m. I Children over fire and under twelve years of age, half rare, r Tickets from �W gbam and Bluevale good returning tw t days following ex- cursion. Fare ,i 11 $2 40 2 36 2 15 2.15 Conxmittee : R. Comfort, A. Gno, LOCixrIEAD, EEBLES. Wingham IS ALL RIGHT. It is not our policy to advertise . everysale we make AB it is often na private matter between the seller and buyer, but we will only say that since starting business two months = ago we have turned over a lot ot= property, and cur insurance business has grown beyond our expectations. , Almost every clay we have people from a distance wishing to buy pro- perty in or near Wingham. • At present we have a sure par• cheer for a 50 or 75 -acre fetor within ' a mile or two of tow ; must be in good order. If yin have a farm of • this kind, please let us know at once. Ritchie & Cosecs REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE OFFICE. Griflin•Vatstone Block, IYINGHAM. Phone 123 Wingham Business College C (Affiliated with Clinton 13. C.) _CF m f•->, zz MI6 • Bella Robinson left morning for the ir Georgetown, Mrs. Elmer Moore;i Mre. Atkins, Miss Davie and Miss Ma tie Orr visited in Guelph last Thnrsda . Mr. Aroh. Pringle al returned to his home in Wa1la'cebn g after spending some weeks with Jjis son, Mr. W. D. Pringle. Mrs. John Whiteside and Miss White- side, of Huntsville, uskoka, were the guests of Mr. and re. D. M. Gordon last week. Mr. Wm. Armoni, sr, sails from Que- bec on Jnly 121h, o the Empress of Ire- land for a two m the visit to Lond- on, Liverpool and laagow. Dr. Chisholm, M. . and Messrs. Dud- ley Holmes and G. Spoken attended the West Heron c naervetive conven- tion at Dungannon Beat Thursday. The estate of the fate Timothy Ekon has paid to the guccasalou duties depart- ment on acoonnt $1(4,000. Thirty designs we e submitted for the proposed $3,000,000 epartmental build. ing aS Ottawa, Individual instruction. Write for handsome catalogue. GEO. SPOTTON, Principal. THE LEADING SHOE STORE - MEN'S CANVAS SHOES The Smartest and Swellest Shoe a man can wear in "The Good Old Summer Time" is a Linen or Canvas Shoe. Great Rush for Them This Season!!! Not expensive -and they look so neat, so clean, so cool. LACE SHOES -0 an v a s, Linen or Cooley Cloth, white or colors, some in Blucher styles. 85c, $1.25 to $1.75. For Outing, Boating, and all sorts of Sumner Sports. 75c, $1,00 to $1,25. You'll not be in line this summer unless you have a pair of Canvas Shoes, W. J. Greer TEE SEWER,