The Wingham Times, 1907-06-27, Page 510 ger cent Discovnl Off Spring Clothing, This Week Only When Saturday, June zg is a day of the past our June 20 per cent. discount sale will be over and your op- portunity lost if you have'nt taken advantage of this dis- count sale. This has certainly been a successful sale, we have seen many new faces and they all went away wear- ing a pleasant smile, and why not? our clothing at the re- gular prices are snaps, what must they be when we hand you back 20 per cent of the amount of your purchase, Our clothing is made to wear and made to fit, we bu v nothing but first quality goods, and guarantee every, gar- ment, you take no chance. Smart Suits for Men made-up in the latest styles and made to tit, in fancy worsteds, tweeds, navy and black serge, black vicunas and cheviots. Men's $18.00 Salts, selling during " $1500 " " .. is $12.00 $10 00 $8.00 it Is r, t, SS ., 44 Jane at $14,40 " $12.00 " $9.00 $8.00 $6.40 Youths' single and double-breasted suits, made of fancy worsted cloths, tweeds, navy and black serge, Sze. Prices ranging from $15.00 down to $4.00. Youths' $13.50 Snits, selling during June at $10.80 ,. $11.00 ,t ., 40 " $8.80 ., 59 Go ,.St ti" $7.20 .. $7 50 " 41 4," $0.00 If$5 50 " " It„ $.440 • Boys' Suits single and double-breasted styles, or Norfolk cut, Buster Browns, etc., good material, well put together, prices ranging from $2.5o to $6 00. Boys' $4.75 Suite, selling during June at $3.80 " $3.75 " ,. ti$3.00 " $3 25 ' .t ft a $2.60 It will cost you nothing to come in and have a look through our stock. If there is nothing to suit, you don't have to buy. EGGS ARE AS GOOD TO 175 AS CASH. McGee & Cam»e: CLOTHIERS AND MEN'S FURNISHERS , smosiwasso LEHIGH VALLEY. COAL Come with the crowd ana leave your order for Lehigh Valley Coal, that is free from dirt and clinkers. It has no equal. �w D T.TINS THE WINGW TIDES JUNE 27, 1907 000004000000- $C'olt's Zrn cli'on strengthens enfeebled nursing mothers by increasing their flesh and nerve force. It provides baby with the necessary fat and mineral food for healthy growth, ' ALL DRLIODISTSi 60o. AND $1.00s EASY WA.WANO,`,H, Ed, Metseen, of Blind River, who, be- cause of a severe cold, has been laid nff work for a few weeks, is spending a few days at his home in Belgrave, He ezpeots to return in a abort time however. The wedding of Mies Minnie Haines, third daughter of Robert Haines, of this township, and George lgoRoberte, of West Wawanoah, took place in the Eag- lieb ()hutch at St. Helens on Wednesday of this week. Doctors Change Their Methods Years ago they fought catarrh by inter. nal dosing. They saw this rniued the stomach and changed to the oxonated air cure better known as "Catarrhozone." This treatment is sure to cure, It goes to the source of the disease; it destroys the causes that maintain catarrh and even in the worst cases permanent care is guaranteed. Failure with Catarrh - ozone is impossible. Antiseptic, healing and far-reaching, it's bound to cure every time. Endorsed by more than twenty thousand physicians in A.merioa alone and sold in 25o and $1.00 sizes by all dealers. BELGDAYB • The yearly report of the Women's Missionary Society of the Belgrave Methodist Ohuroh is as follows: Annual members fees, $20; Collections during the year, 516 15; monay received at pie social, $23.33. They also sent a hale of clothing to the Indian Mission at Winni- peg, valued at $G0 and a large box of fruit for the Deaconess Home, Toronto, valued at 87.00. making a total of 5168.16 raised during the year, which is very en- couring as they have only a membership of 80. Why Chest Colds are Dangerous They lead to pleurisy and pneumonia. Follow the advise ot W. H. Powiea of Powles' Corriere, Ont , who says; "I. used to bo subj eot to attacks and although I need moat everything nothing relieved quickly till I discovered Nerviline. I have used .t for pleurisy and sore ebest and Round it just the proper thing. For Lumbago or Neuralgia it's quick as lightning. I cheerfully reoommend Ner- viline," Strongest, cleanest, most pain destroying liniment on earth is Polsou'e Nerviline, 250 bottles sold everywhere. JAAMEsTO%VN, wedneeday evening, Jane 19th, at 5 o'clock a matrimonial alliance was consummated at "Argyle" the comfort- able reeidenoe of James and Mrs Straohan when their daughter Miss Lizzie M. was united in marriage to Peter S. MoEwen. a prosperous young farmer of Turnberry township. Rev. A. 0. Wishart, B. A.. of Brussels, per- formed the ceremony in the presence of relatives and friends. Miss Jessie Straohan, cousin to the bride, sang the appropriate solo "The voice that breath. ed o'er Eden." The bride wore a be. coming costume of penama with silkover lace net and carried roses, carnations and ferns. Daring the congratulations Mies ZettaFerguson contributed a very pleas- ing solo. After ample justice had been done at the tea tables a choice program of songs, instrumental music and social chat ensued. The presents were costly, numerous and handsome. Mr, and Mrs. MoEwen left Wroxeter on a wedding trip to Toronto, Hamilton and Niagara Falls and on their return will take up residence on the groom's fine farm in Turnberry. Many hearty congratula- tions are extended to the bride and groom. limmanimwasmamanosimrd Seasonm Goons of Reasonaie Prices We have a large assortment in the following lines. • -LAWN MOWERS, Ladies' and Gentlemen's -LAWN SHEARS, -SCREEN DOORS, -COAL OIL STOVES, --GASOLINE COOK STOVES, -SCREEN DOORS, -POULTRY NETTING, --HAMMOCKS, -GARDEN TOOLS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. We also carry a very large stock of ready misted paint in Robertson's, Beaver, and the can't -be -beat Sherwin-Williams brand. JUST ARRIVED --A carload ot Hanover cement. A consignment of electric welded made up Fencing, ready to stretch. Give us a call for anything you might require in the line of Hardware and Tinware and be convinced that this is the place to get good value for your money. Voting's Big Hardware. 1 '%V fl r;C$uitCH. Road wo kis completed for this year. A better grade of gravel has been used than ever before, but still a few large stones we could do without, Hector McKay's gravel pit is turning out well Gravel for rhe cement floor in the Whiteoharoh Foresters' Hall is being drawn from it. A larger acreage of corn in this vicinity this year than ever before, and the warm weather is bringing it along nice. ly, A few people report trouble with Crowe. _I. MORRIS, Oouncil met on Monday of this week, Mrs. Jas. Lloyd, of Mt. Forest, was visiting with her brother, John Manning last week. Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Jackson and Mrs, S, Fear are away on a visit to friends in the West. School sections, Nos, 3 and 5, held a picnic in John Wheeler's bush on Satur- day last. Wm. Kerney, 4111 line, speared a mul. let in the Maitland river that measured 29 inches in length and 34 inches round and weighed 9 pounds, It was a dandy. Blue I'ilis No Longer used When the stomach needs cleansing, the bowels in.reased activity, the Jiver ad- ditional power, don't use mercural pills, try Dr,Hamiltoa's, Vegetable in compos- ition, extremely mild, yet sure to flush out all impurities and wastes, no remedy is so well adapted for family use. Poe- itively a care for biliousness and sick headache, unfailing in constipation and bowel trouble, exceptionally good for indigestion, no mediotne is so universally needed in every home as Dr, Hamilton's Pills. Good for the young, the old, the sink and the well ones, the benefits of Dr, Hamilton's Pills are manifold, Sold everywhere in 25c boxes. BLYTII Wm. Emigh has purchased the Central Hotel in Brnesels and will take possession onAngust tat. He will have as a partner Gordon McDonald, of Walton. Blyth is going to have a "walk" on the glorious twelfth. They are prepar- ing for the biggest day in years and are sparing no expense or pains to entertain the monster crowds that will visit the town on that day. The only, change on the G. T. R. that affects Blyth is that the train due here at 1.0;38 a. m„does not arrive till 11 28. A good feature is that the morning daily papers from Toronto arrive on that train Instead of coming on the 4 train in the afternoon. Does Your Heart Muter ? You know your heart flattering means you're not as well as you should be. V.'s an evidence of impaired nerve and muscular power, To obtain Dare, try Ferrozone; it has a special action on the heart as seen in the case of Thos. Grover of Cole Harbour, N.S., who says: "1f I exerted myself it world bring palpitation. To carry any heavy weight or go quickly upstairs completely knocked me out. When bad attacks name I lived in fear of sudden death, Ferrozone gave my heart the very assistance it needed, and now I am quite well " For heart or nerves it's hard to excel Ferrozone, 50c per box at all dealers. OBEY. A frame driving shed, 26x40 feet, rest- ing on cement foundation is being built on the farm of Lawrence Wheeler. Mr. Wheeler has a fine farm and is a good farmer. The trustees of S. S. No. 2, Grey, have re-engaged Mies Rebecca McNair as teacher, at an increased salary of $150 per annum. She is giving excellent sat- isfaction in the section. Tuesday evening of last week, Miss Catharine, daughter, of Mr. and Mrs. L. Neil passed away, aged 47 years. Deo - eased was held in high esteem and the bereaved will be deeply sympathized with. For good practical experiments and a desire to prove for himself Thos.R. Ben- net, North boundary, is to be commended and deserves to succeed. This season he has interested himself in re•forettry and has set out 2,000 white pines. To teat the growing of timber suitable for fence posts he planted 1,000 black locusts trees and for a future wind break 100 spurs and 100 Manitoba maples have been started, Wednesday of last week Angus Shaw, 5th can., left on a holiday trip to Van - beaver, B.O., where his soli resides. He leased his farm to hie son Joe for this season, It is 45 years since Mr. Shaw Came to Grey and he well deserves! a holiday. Mr. Shaw has been in the West on three former occasions but never went past Manitoba. We wish him an enjoy able stay and a safe return. His son, W. A. Shaw, is proprietor of the Strand Hotel at Vancouver,. and has lived in the West nearly 20 years, Mr, Shaw was Yet' twenty years Soctetary.Treaotirer of S, S. No 6 std Having resigned this position, Mr. Wm: Hall, Jr. wad elected to complete Mr. Shaw's term. DOMINION DAY 0 P.'F!'. EXCURSION RATES. For this popular mutineer ho1`day the Canadian Pacific Railway will sell round trip tickets at single fare, between all stations in Canada and to Detroit, Niagara Palls and. Buffalo. Tioketd aro good going T'riday, Saturday, Sunday and Mandell' Vole .28, 29, 30, July 1, and are good returning until and on Tuesday, July tnd, Du sale M 0, P. R. ticket Odoee. • • . . . . . ••• . . . . w . . . •. . . . . 4. 1 . . • • t► • • • •�• . P ••. . . . . . . 4 . . . e . . . . . . 4. . . . 4. 4. . . . . . s . . . . 4. •• • • •. . . . . . . . t . . . . . . . . . d . . 0 . . 4 s 4. . . . . . . +++++++4+++++++++++4+++4' ++144+444+s'Mt+t ISARD'S is 1++++4.,+++4++44++++++Itr4++++++++•+44+4.444.44 4+44+ The Summer trade is now in full swing, and in order to double our business and reduce our large stock during the month of June, we are CUTTING PRICS to the quick on just the lines of goods you are in most need o#' this time of year. This is a money -saving opportunity for you. Read every line of following cut prices. Waist Lengths Silk Embroidered Waiet Iiengtbe regular value $2.50 to 53 00, cut sale price $2.00 Skirts White Cambric Underskirts, nicely made, regalarly $1.25, toile price ,......... $1.00 Toweling Linen Crash Toweling, regular 10o sale price 8e Carpet One piece Union Carpet yard wide, regular 35e value, cut price ...25c Boys' Pants Boys' Heavy Haicker Pauts, to clear ..,•.. 50e Boys' Shirts A line of Boys' Print Shirts, worth 50o, oar clearing prise.... ,39c f Lustres Fancy Silk Spot Lustros, for waists, regular price 60c on sale at ....40e Curtains A. special line of Lace Curtains 3;‘, yds long, good value at $1.00. sale price, . , 75c Musiins Flowered and Spot Unsling, regu- lar 15e value, sale„ .......... Raincoats Ladies Raincoats to clear, $10 00 coats for $8 00; $9.00 coats for $7 00; $8 00 coats for $6 00; $5 00 coats for ..... $4.00 Men's Clothing Out prions in Men's Clothing. See our Men's Suits at $0 00, $7 00 and 58.00 Pante at $1 00, $1 25 $1,50, $1,75 and $2,00 Plaids 3 pieces wide Plaid Dress Gaerle, worth 353, cut sale prise only 25e Egg Comp Dress Goods 6 pieces wide gray tweed, plain and fancy patterns, good value at 50e, cat sale price. ,,.. ,, .,,, •,,,,39e Quilts Large size White Bed Spreads. new goods, regular valve $1.50 on sale $1,25 Long. Gloves Y Very eoaroe and hard to get; we have taem at reasonable prions 5Oo, 75c, $1.00 and $1.2lS Hose 5 doz Ladies Black Cashmere Hose. r est black seamless, good value at 35e, sale 25c Towels Large Linen Hack Towels, regn. lar value 35o pair, for 25e Ginghams 5 pieces Cheek Gingharns, good apron patterns, 7c value, while they last .,.. 5c talon. WANTED - TWO THOUSAND DOZEN ECCS Each week during the month of June. And in order to accomplish this we will give the following PRIZES to customers bringing in the greatest number of eggs up to Saturday, June 29th. FIRST PRIZE. -Ladies ready-to-wear skirt, your choice of our new styles in black, brown or grey, value - - - - - $5,00 • SECOND PRIZE -Ladies Embroidered Silk Wald, worth - - $3.50 THIRD PRIZE. -Ladies Embroidery Lawn Waist, latest style, worth - $2.00 FOURTH PRIZE, -Pair of Kid Gloves, your choice of colors, vslue - $1.25 Remember the date: Competition opens Saturday, June and closes Saturday, June 2gth. COMPETITION OPEN TO Att. Bring in your eggs and see what a load of Genuine Bargains you get here in exchange for them during our cut price sale. Delanes A few pieces fancy fignred Wool Delanes, worte 40o cur olearine price 25c Hose 10 doz. Lades Black Cotton Hose fast colors, sizes 8x2, 9,regu- lar value 153, cat Bale price10e Table Linens. One piece heavy Table Linen gond buying at 35o, cut sale price.. ,25c Waists Very pretty White Lawn Waists, trimmed with embroidery insor• tion, regulhr $1.25 value, out sale price , ... $1.00 Vests 4 pieces gray and brown fake 10 doz. Ladies 'Sommer Yeats to Tweed Snitings, regular value 35c clear at ..,. 8th, can Belts Ladies Kid Belts in black, brown, white, navy, tan, our cut price only . . , , . .25c Dress Goods , ,.. 50 and 40o, cat prion .,,....,250 Drawers • 6 doz. Ladies White Cambric Drawers, nicely made, sell oat quick price.. 35e Fresh Groceries. New Dates sa lb. Cleaned Carrante 10o. Large Raisins 10a, Celery Relish 103. Laundry Staroh 7c. Canned Peas 5c. 12 bars Soap 253. 36a Green Tea 25o. 2 pkgs Gold Dust 5c. Corset Covers A special line of Cambric Corset' Covers, embroidery trimmed, oar cut price 25c Come with the Crowd to this Big Sale. H. E. Isard & Go. +44444-+++++++++++++++444+ +4+44++++++++++++4++4++44+ 4++++++++++++++444+++++4++ I+4+4+++++4+44•+++4441t11t oyal Grocery bi .444..' (.4+.444 44+44+4444 4f. *4*+•4++4+••1.44•++114•..bl4. A bill has been introduced in the Cal- ifornia Legislature providing that every spool of thread, silk, cotton, wool, etc„ sold shall be marked with its exnnt length. A fine of $$20 is provided for the violation of the law, $10 to gc to the informer. • BARGAINS IN WALL PAPER AT KNOX'S. A large stock of Wall Paper of the newest and latest designs to be sold at greatly reduced prices 25c Wall Paper for 20a per roll 20o " „ " 15c ., " Mc " „ .. 12?c " " 12,10 :t „ „ 100 100 ., " '' 80 .. " 7o ,. 1. .1 50 „ .. Borders same price per roll as sidewalk; they match, Si►aIilibig Sporting Goods Headquarters for everything in Base Ball, Football, Lacrosse, Tennis Goode, Etc, English-retaade.l'`'ishinaTarlac We carry a first clues stook. Try us Fancy, Souvenir stud Corms Post Cards Our variety can't be beat anywhere. mer'as and Photographic, Sul►Yrlie's. A fresh and complete stock, free dark room and inatrr tetiont to beginners. J! \r KNOX �Te"weleic and Stationer Wingition, out. 4. 2 !r • 2 • 40i • 4. i w + +44+44++4++++4444+44++4444+ FANCY CHINA SETS • . . +,. + Just arrived per Steamship Kensington, 2 one package of China from John Anlaby & Son, Longton, Staffordshire, the celebrated makers of High -Class' Chinaware, These Z. goods are far superior to anything heretofore shown in Winghain. Would be pleased to t have you tali and see them, r• t 4. ,�. At GRIFFIN'S. II ll MARTIN Ng SENOUR PAINTS Sold Subject to Chemical Analysis ! 1 1 This means that you can tale any can of a Martin- Senour 1007,, Pure Paint" off our shelves, have it analyzed by any reliable chemist in Canada, If you do not f nd it abso- lutely pure and exactly as we claim, we will pay the charges and make you a present of $too for your trouble. �4 SOLE AGENT IN :WINCHAM, J. D: BURNS.