The Wingham Times, 1907-06-06, Page 611,1
200 Cups of Tea
All from one pound of the
Blue Label. The Tea will
be as strong as you will
want it—and it has that
rich, pungent flavor
for which Red Rose
Tea is noted.
Prove it by ordering a
package from your grocer.
.,► tkIMP
Kernels from the Sanctum Mill
Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges.
Isaac D. Rigg, a pioneer of Stratford,
died last week. aged 76 years.
Tho tailoring establishment of J. L.
Baker, Elora, was destroyed by fire on
Friday; loss $2,500.
The essential lung -healing principal of
the pine tree has finally been successfully
separated and refined into a perfect
dough medicine—Dr. Wood's Norway
Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a
guarantee of satisfaction. Price 25
No man ever lost his reputation or his
friends by acting on the square.
Macaroni does not all come from Italy.
'The French city of Lyons last year pro-
ilnced 33,000,0GO pound!.
Stop the Pain but destroy the
Stomach—This is sadly to often the
i case, so many nauseous nostrums par-
t porting to cure, in the end do the pati -
i ent immensely more harm than good.
Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets are a
` purely vegetable pepsin preparation, as
barmless es milk.. One after eating
prevente any disorder of the digestive
organs, GO in a box, 35 cents. -40, Sold
lay A. L, Hamilton.
With the aid of steam heat and elec-
? trio lights vegetables and flowers are be-
lng grown in Fairbanks, Alaska.
Pride is said to go before a fall. Any-
way a woman's pride usually gives way,
before her tears begin to fall,
Many people say they axe "all nerves,'
_easily startled or upset, easily worried
and irritated. Milbnrn's Heart and
Nerve Pills are just the remedy such
people require. They restore perfect
many of the nerve centres and give
new nerve force to shattered nervone
A sea wall and breakwater is being
built at Manzanillo, Mexico, to cost,
when aompleted, $1,000,000 silver.
Adam Darling has sold his farm, :.,t
con b, garriok, 19 Mr. Jan3es Darl-
uu cele pt3s3es4oa on Oct sat.
Catarrh anti Colds Relieved in 1 Q
to 60 minutes—One ehort puff of the
breath through the blower siesa3ied with
each bottle of Dr. Agnew'. Catarrhal
Powder diffuses this powder over the
surface of the nasal passages. Painless
and delightful to use. It relieves in-
stantly and permanently cures catarrh,
hay fever, colds, headache, sore throat,
tonsilitis and deafness: 50 cents. -41,
Sold by A. L. Hamilton.
The man who brags usually has a lot
to say about the things he is going to
do. What he has done is far less im-
ITCH, Mange, Prairie Scratches and
everp form of contagions Iteh on human
or animals cured in 80 minutes by Wo1-,
ford'. Sanitary Lotion. It never fails.
Sold by A. L. Hamilton.
The Gorrie Drug Store took another
change, this time passing into the hands
of Dr. L. N. Whitley. Dir. 13. Carter, a
Blyth young man has been secured to
manage the store.
1. Good brain food.
2. Excites the functions of the liver.
3. Promotes a sound and quiet sleep.
4. Disinfects the mouth.
5. Netxralii%is the surplus acids of the
6. Paralyzes hemorrhoidal disturbances,
7. Helps the secretion of the kidneys.
8. Prevents cakulus concretions.
9. Obviates indigestion.
^ tvenutive against diseases of
Itl, Y4 y+�
the ducal.
11. lft*t tti xtl nefvein energy and re
vines the attest fotset"
Bar'botd Street, Toronto, Ont.
The "Society of Assurance for Wid-
ows and Orphans" was the first known
insurance company, and was established
in London in 1699.
Dr. Chase's Oint
anent is a certain
an d guaranteed
cure for each and
every form of
itching, bleeding
and protruding
piles. See testimonials in the press and ask
your neighbors about it. You can use it and
get your money back if not satisfied. 60c, at all
dealers or EnMaxsoN. BAT£a & Co., Toronto.
Ornamental needlework extends back
to four hundred years in India and even
longer in China. It has been called the
mother art of sculpture and painting.
According to an estimate made by a
banker who is fond of figures, each
adult person in New York City is carry-
ing au average of $26.
moves all hard soft or calloused lumps
and blemishes from horses, blood spavin,
curbs, splints, ringbone, sweeney, stifles,
sprains, sore and awoolien throat,00nghs,
etc. Save $50 by the use of one bottle.
Warranted the most wonderful Blemish
Cure ever known, Sold by A . L. Hamil-
Mr. Ellison of Uxbridge is of the
opinion that butchers' cattle are likely
to be scarce during the next few weeks,
as so many have come out of stables in
poor shape.
Clinton• Council have decided to ac-
cept the tender of Bell & Co., Seaforth,
to supply a stone crasher and roller
oomplete at $1800, This includes port-
able bine for receiving the broken stone.
The Gonernor's Wife a Prieoner—
Mat Z. A. Van Luven is thewife of the
governor of the county jail, Napanee,
Ont., and was a great sufferer from
rheumatism. When She best doctors in ;took to baxtdie excnreionp The cowl
A London tnan bag been lined in Galt
for taking orders for tea without samples
and afterwards delivered the goods, he
being held to be a "tranbient trader"
under the meaning of the Galt by -lave,
;laving neither license nor local place of
Twitchy Muscles and Sleeplessness
—The hopeleee heart sickness that settles
on a man lir woman whose nerves are
shattered by disease eau best be piotnr-
ed in contrast with a patient who has
been in the"depths"and has been dragg-
ed front them by South americau
Nerving. Geo: lie Webster. of Forest,
Out., says: "I owe my life to it. Every-
thing else failed to onre. "-44. Sold by
A. L. Hamilton.
The bar under the grand stand at the
Woodbine race track was closed on
Wednesday, upon the order of the Li.
cense Oommissionera. This is the first
time in possibly 20 years that it has heeu
closed during the progress of the races.
As a spring medioiuoe Burdock Blood
Sitters has no equal. It tones up the
system and removes all impurities from
the blood, and takes away that tired,
weary feeling so prevalent in the spring.
Mrs Daniel L. G. Rnmpth, of Cecil
street, Toronto, committed suioide on
Thursday by taking carbolic acio. She
bad been married only four weeks, and
had been in ill -health for some time.
She was dressed in her bridal robes
when found.
Pill-osophy—There are pills and pills
—but Dr. Agnew's Liver Pills at 10
cents a vial lead in demand. The sale
borders on the phenomenal, Sluggish
liver, constipation, or irregular bowels
are the precursors of many physical dis-
orders. These little wonders remove
the cause. 40 in a vial for 10 cents. -45
Sold by A. L. Hamilton.
On Thursday afternoon, May 23rd
Mies Edith 0. Barbour, of Lngknow was
united in marriage to Rev. W. J. Watt,
B. A., B. D. of Walkerton, Rev. Mr.
McKerroll performing the ceremony. •
The wedding was a quiet one, only the
immediate friends of the bride and
groom being present.
Lara -Liver Pills are the ladies' favorite
medicine. They cure Constipation, Sick
Headache, Billionsness, and Dyspepsia
without griping, purging or sickening.
It does not appear to be known to
people at large that the use of profanity
is forbidden by law, and that one citi-
zen may cause the arrest of another for
this offence, and that any constable is as
liable to dismissal for failing In duty in
this as in other respect. The law is a
good one, and there is need for its more
strict enforcement.
Manly Strength and womanly
Beauty depends on purity of the blood,
and much of that purity depends on per•
feet kidney filtering. If these organs
are diseased andwill not perform their
functions, man will seek' in vain for
strength and woman for beauty. South.
American Kidney Cure drives out all
impurities through the body's"filterere"
repairs weak spots. -46, Sold by A. L.
The railroads have announced their
decision to give no more excursion rates
to societies on civic holiday, The . rea-
son is that so many planes hold their
civic holidays on the same date that the
companies cannot supply the rolling
the community and "anscialiBts" failed: panics will, of ooprse, continue to give
to "+elp her, she buried her sceptism of
proprieta: ' remedies and purchased their eingle fare retell.
South American Rheumatic Cnre. 4 -.
bottles mid her. -42. Sold by A. L. eyithoxt Cottle lie+ twig- Trouble
Railroad detectives at Chickasha,
searching for lost tools taken by shop -
men, found that one employe had haul-
ed away a locomotive cab and attached
it to his house for use as a kitchen.
A person May be predisposed to con-
anmpti®il by beredity, lie may be in un-
sanitary surroundings and breathe im-
pure air, but the beginning of trouble is
always a neglected cold. In tnousands
of Canadian homes Dr. Chase's Syrup of
Linseed and Turpentine is kept at hand
as a cure for coughs and colds and a pro -
A camel can easily carry a weight of taction against disease of the lunge.
1,000 pounds on its back, about four
times as much asla horse can carry, The
camel begins work at the age of four W. E. Switzer, a prominent farmer of
and is useful for halts century. The Holyrood, has been arrested on a charge
horse, as a rule, is nearly played out at ' of bigamy. In 1894 he was married to
the age of 15. Miss Baldrow, a highly reepeeted young
lady of Ashfield, and they lived together
Speechless and Paralyzed—"I had in Manitoba for several years. Recent-
valvular disease of the hears," writes ly he deserted her and her children and
Dara J. S. Goode, of Truro, N. S. `"I
suffered terribly and was often speech -
returned to Ontario, and is said to have,
lege and partially paralyzed. One dose been married last January to a Miss
of Dr. Agnew's Care for the Heart gave Harris, of Ripley.
nee relief, and before I finished one bot-
tle I was able to go about. To -day I am
a well woman," -43. Sold by A. L,
Mr. AIex. Rose,.of the London Road;
left last week for Nova Scotia. He is to
take charge of some Government works
in Lnnenburg Co. ; he wise accompanied
by hie 'wife, and will be gone all sum-
Doan's Sidney Pills not on the kid.
neys, bladder and urinary organa only.
They curebackadhes, weak back, rheum-
atiem, diabetes, congestion, infiamatioit
gravel, Bright's disease and all other
diseaaea arising from wrong action ottbe
kidneys and bladder,
A Dyclone passed acroso the town of
Simdoe one day recently in a north.
easterly direction. It blew down many
treed, much fencing, and some small
bnildings. A drive shed of D. D. Matz
was carried 200 yards and dropped in
kindling wood. Part of the roof of the
panning faet0ry wap demviis'hed. A
IOW bank barn of James Irwin's, near
'Waterford, also a barn belonging to
Imo Potts, Were oompletely wrecked.
Great damage viae done in the village
et Nixon. l'wo houses were blown
doWu turdd store- wrecked.
Dyspepsia: Boils,
Loss of Appetit*,
Salt Rheum,
and all troubles.
arising from the
Stomach, Liver,
Bowels or Blood.
Pa LO harts,
writes ••1 I b4litre >t
arlQu1dt 111 T�
7ardock iilood
. s'Ts AnQ lead u •
:mesehe el t7
Dealt ui1 a d
weedy a lad fi
1 alai
You should Cleanse 'the System at
Once with Proper gedleine.
Spring house-cleaning iv the solemn
ditty of every good kouse.keeper,—ibis
time, Iet it commence with your own
system. Alt the organs are depressed,
the liver is slow, kidneys are unhealthy.
In consequence you are listless, vitality
is slow, eolor is bad, appetite poor and
you need medicine.
This is just the time to use Ferrozone;
it excite splendid appetite, gives diges-
tion splendid aid, supplies nourishment
for all weak organs. At once you feel
buoyant and etre. g. Nutritious blood
courses through your veins, supplies
strength and lite. makes you tingle with
animation and ambition.
No more headache:
None of that tired languor.
You feel like doing things because
Ferrozone completely renews and
strengthens your whole system.
For spring debility no medicine on
earth gives such quick, lasting benefits
as Ferrozone. It has raised thousands
from downright weakness, gives them
perfect health simply because it contains
the fortifying elements that rundown
systems require.
One week after using Ferrozone you'll
feel like new, you'll appreciate what
real robust health means. In a month
you'll scarcely credit the push your vigor
and spirits have received. Ferrozone is
more than a tonic because its work lasts,
its benefits remain and are not tempor-
ary. It restores health where other
treatments fail, and especially in the
springtime it should be used by every
man, woman and ohild. Try it, 50o per
box or six boxes for $2.50. Sold by all
Death bas been unusually busy
among Canadian public men of late.
Four senators and four members of the
house of commons have died since the
opening of the present parliament. The
Ontario Legislature has similarly been
visited. In the death of Geo. S. Kidd,
Hon. J. W. St. John and Dr. Lewis, the
province lost three of her most able sons,
Singularly, these men were physically
most robnet in appearance.
For Over Sixty Tears.
An old and Weil-Tried-Remedy—Mrs
Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been need
for over sixty years by millions of moth-
ers for their children while teething,
with perfeot success. It soothes the
child, softens the gums, allays all pain,
cures wind colic, and is the blast remedy
for diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste.
Sold by druggists in every part of the
v,'orld. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its
vane is incalculable. Be sure you ask
for Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and
take no other kind. Guaranteed under
the Food and Drug Act, June 3002, 1906,
Serial Number 1098_
A Scotohman in search of work was
recently given employment as a laborer
at a shipyard. His first job was to carry
several heavy planks. After he bad
been at it for about two hours he went
to the foreman and said: —"Did ah tell
you ma name when I started to work?"
"Yes," replied the foreman, "you said
it was Thompson." "Oh, then its al-
right." said the 'Scot. as he looked to-
ward the pile of planks he had yet to
carry. "Ali was just a wunnerin' if
you tbocht all said it was Sampson."
During the three months ending with
December 30th, 474 people were killed
and 19,570 injured in railway accidents
in the United States. Tfte number of
passeugers killed in train accidents in
this quarter, 180, is the largest on record
except that for the quarter ending Sept,
30, 104 cZ one 180 passengers killed in
this quarter, 143 are attributable to
three accidents—two collisions and one
derailment. The number of employes
killed in coupling and uncoupling dare
and engines was 84, as against 81 the
preceding quarter.
The members of Oriliite council have
taken to heart the fact that people, who
break the laws regarding the sale of
liquor ehopld be treated the same as.
people who break other laws. The Cup
lie pollee have been, ordered to visit eaoh
hotel at least three times daily concern-
ing enforcement of the Liquor Act,
and if they find liquor being supplied to
persons under age, or to persons under
the inflnenge of liquor, to issue a sum-
mons against the party furnishing the
A special despatch ftpm Hensel' states
that at 1.45 Thursday morning the
queen's Hotel in that place was found
to be ablaze. The building is on a cor-
ner and detached. Tile light wind was
blowing the eparks over the G.T.R.
yard, so that it'was not a hard task to
save the barn and abed. Mr. T. Mur -
dock's livery on the other side of the
street was not damaged, though he had
all his,rigs out. Local option game in
force here on May 1, and Mr. Bice, who
had a Iease of the hotel till November,
1908, had a sale and moved out. Since
that time the plane has not been occu-
An old and higbly esteemed resident
of Kincardine in the person of Mrs. John
Bayne, passed away at the reeidenoe of
her daughter, Mrs. Wm. McAllister, on
Friday, May 24th. Mrs. Bayne had
reached the ripe age of 82 years and
passed to her reward with the assurance
of a life well spent. She was born in
Aberdeen, Scotland, and came to this
country with her parents, Mr. and Mrs,
Auderson, at the age of eight years.
They settled near Fergus and hero de-
ceased met and married John Bayne,,
who died about 12 years ago. The happy
eonpie moved into Ashfleld where they
took up a farm and met with eueoe.s.
On Thursday, May 23rd, Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. Forsyth celebrated the fiftieth an-
niversary of their wedding day at their
home on Clinton St., Teeswater. They
have ten ohildred, five sons and five
daughters, all living; only six were able
to be present on this occasion. A very
pleasant evening was spent and they
were presented with an address and a
purse of gold as a gift from their child.
rep. They were married In Dunes,
Scotland, on May 23, 1857 by the Rev.
Chas. Millar. The came to Canada the
dame year settling in McKillop town-
ship, moving to Teeewater in 1876 where
they have since resided.
The Board of Railway Commissioners
for Canada have been investigating the
railway wrecks, and in all cases where
the investigation has shown the acoi-
dentsto have been apparently due to
negligence on the part of railway em-
ployes or officials, the Board has sub-
mitted the facts to the Provincial At-
torney-General'a Department, with a
recommendation that the offenders be
criminally prosecuted. Several oases
are now before the Attorneys -General -
of Ontario and Quebec, and one case has
been prosecuted in each Province. But
there are several cases in whioh no ac-
tion has been taken. The prosecution
rests altogether with the Provincial
authorities, as the duties of the Railway
Board end alter the facts have been
brought to the attention of the authori-
ties to enforce the criminal code.
Deafness Cannot be Cdrod
By local applications, as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
There is only one way to cure deafness,
and that is by constitutional remedies,
Deafness is caused by an inflamed con-
dition of the mucous lining of the Eus-
tachian Tube. When this tube is in-
flamed you have a • rumbling sound or
imperfect hearing, and when it is • en-
tirely closed, deafness is the result, and
unless the inflammation can be taken
out and this tube restored to its normal
condition, hearing will be destroyed for-
ever; nine casee oat of ten are caused by
Catarrh, which is nothing but an inflam-
ed condition of the rancour; surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for
any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh)
that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh -
Cure. Send for circulars free.
Fe J. CHENEY & CO, Toledo, 0.
Sold by Druggists, 75o.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa-
Wingham General Hospital
(Under government inspection)
Pleasantly situated.- $eautiful fur-
nisked. Open to all reixnlatly licensed
physicians. RATES Fon 'PATIErTS—
(which include board and nursing), $3.50
to $15.00 per week according to 1pcation
of room. For farther information,
Lady Superintendent,
Box 213, Wingham Ont.
The local paper should he found in
every home. No children should grow
up ignorant who can be taught to ap-
preciate the home paper. It is said to
be the stepping stone of intelligence in
mil those mattere not to be found in
books. Give your children a foreign
piper that does not contain a word
about any person, plaoe or thing which
they lair or perhaps ever heard of, mad
how could you expect theta to bo inter-
@eted, Dat let thew hove the hello
paper and road of people iirliGin they
meet and of placed Which they are
familiar vi'ith, And soon an interest is
awakened Which inoreases with e-rery
tlrriital of the loos! paper. That a habit
at reading is formed and those children
trill read the papers all their lives and
become intelligent men and women, A
aredlt to their anoestort, strong ittknow•
ledge of the world alt it Is today.
Farm Labourers and
I have been appointed by the Dominion Gov-
ernment to place emigrants from the United
Kingdom in positions as farm laborers or do -
'nestle servants in this vicinity. .Any person
requiring such help should notify me by letter
stating fully the kind of help required, when
wanted and wages offered. The number ar-
riving may not be sufficient to supply all re-
quests but every effort will be made to pro-
vide each applicant with help required.
Canadian Government Employment Agent
Wingham; Ont.
The imported Clydesdale Stallion "Dram-
burle Chief" will snake the season of IOM as
Tuesday, May 14th, will leave his owner's
stable, Blnevale, and proceed to Wm. Me -
Michael's con. 2, Morris, for noon; thence to
Thos. Warwick's, ton. S, Morris, where be will
remain until Wednesday noon. Wednesday.—
At noon leave for Jos. Miller's, con. 8, Morris
for night. Thursday—To Jos, Galley's, gravel
road, for noon, then to Dr. A. T. Ford's sale
stable, Wingham, and remain until Friday
afternoon.uel here he will remain until ttheefotl
lowing Tuesday morning.
J. W. Kxeo, Prop. and Manager.
ityvvywywvvvvvvvvvvvv ivwlr>r
— AT '---
CLOVERS:—Common Red, Mammoth, Red, Alsike, Lucerne, and White,
Also Timothy. These seeds are inspected and approved by the De-
partment at Ottawa for purity and growth, and are all home grower
OATS:—Wo have several varieties on hand, for instauoe: White Marvel,
wonderfully productive, yielding no much as 85 bushel. to the acre.
Eof large plump, white grain. Tartar King, highly recommended by
the Experimental Farm at Ottawa, strong straw, `free frrnet.
White Rusaian, has been gown extensively in Perth County. $1000
Oats, very highly endorsed by the American farmers, by whom it has
been largely grown.
BARLEY:—Blaok, a limited quantity on hand, seldom yielding lees than 40
bushels per more. Menanret, a well-known variety, strong and heavy
EJAPANESE MILLET: --Also called Million Dollar Grass, well-known in
• Ontario, splendid for green fodder and hay.
JAPANESE BUCKWHEAT:—One of the beet varieties, very earlY
and productive.
RUSSIAN SUNFLOWER:—Somethimes 15 inches in diameter.
GOOSE WHEAT:—The cleanest from foreign seeds I have ever handled.
CORNS :—We have coming, the largest stook of finest varieties for silage and
Maturing purposes in the country, also Sweet Table Corn, Corley's
extra early, Orosley'a early, Sugar Corn and Country Gentleman, field i
and garden pane. 4
EARLY POTATOES: -We have Nought Six a very early and produotiye
variety, Carman No. 1 grown at Experimental Farm Ottawa
BE DUTY OF HEBRON:—Successfully grown in this vicinity.
ALSO GROUND OILCAKE:—Bibbeys Cream Equivalent, Twin City Herb
II'ood, and Pare Ground Flax Meal.
- All kinds of farm produce
•N•••••••••••N•••tlk+• •N••••N••tMNi>f•••NN•�
• •
An Advertisement iu� . .. .w.
-, t1 •
Brings :Good Resulis ' ..1
a ,
the imported Clydesdale Stallion, "Mascot"
will make the neap= of 11)07 as follows
Key y 14th, Witt leave his owner's
stable, Blue ale, ahn'
d proceed to J. $irtos,
con. 6, Turnberrr for noon; then to Andrew
Gemmill'a,con. B. Turnberryfor night. Wed-
neaday—to John W lie's for two hours, then to
Alex. Ross', con. 8,Turnberry, for noon, then
to Dr. A. T. Ford's sale stable, Wingham, for
night Thursday—ToAndrew Aiitchell'e, eon.
le Tarnberryh, for oon, thence by way of
Oilmour'e /school to Dr. A. T. Ford's bale
stable, Wingham, and remain until Friday
afternoon. 14nd then prooeed to his owner d
Stable, vitiate will remain until the teliolr.
Int Tuesday m»ruinC
J. W. Elim, Propitiated'.
D.11oPiiaitsoSr Manager.
! . The Wingham Times reaches
the homes of most of the people of
Wingham and surrounding country. It
keeps its subscribers posted on all the
news- of the day—local, political and
If you have anything t� sell, or
want anything, advertise in The Times.
Rates on application. .
We Think Printing
That's our business. We are
constantly on tyle lookout for new ideas,
and these are here awaiting your accept-
ance. It's no trouble for us to give you
information --to write or call—it will
place you under no obligation, and
perhaps we may suggest something you
can profit by. Prices right. Quality
ever the talisman.
The i!ughain Times