The Wingham Times, 1907-06-06, Page 44 WEST HURON LtBERALS *ADAM meatiag and nominating - tlion of the Liberate of West bald at coder:oh on Monday Was veu largely attended and was Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cured a wry harmonious and enthusiastic Severe Case of Anaemia and ti ng. The oflioere elected were as Weakness, wast—President, James Young, Au- • first vi,.oe president, 1;1- .1 Morris, Anaemia—poor watery blood—le the all secoad vioe-president, 'Wm. cause of most of the misery which at - Dungannon; third vice-president, fiiote mankind. The housewife especial - Styles, Eiatail; treasurer, Joseph ly falls an easy prey to it. The long hours and close confinement necessary in perfcrming her household duties cap her strength. She becomes ruu down and often suffers extreme misery. Dr. Williams Pink Pille are Ole housewife's friend. They make new blood --lora of it—and pure blood banishes all women's ailments. Mrs. E St German, wife of well known farmer St John dee Chain hrough s: --A I could not attend to my work. is 'tiered from dizzy spells; my head ache; my blood was poor; I had a bad ough and the s oing into con - their treatment for some time but ithont relief. I grew discouraged and finally gave it up in despair. I was strongly advised to try Dr. Williams Pink Pills so prooured six boxes. Before tliey were all gone I felt relief. The headaches and dizzi- ness became less frequent and I felt a little stronger. I continued the pills for a couple of months at the end of which time I felt a little stronger. I continued the pills for a couple of months at the end of which time I had gained in weight; the pains had left me, my appetite was good and I felt as well as ever I did. I cannot say too much in favor of Dr Williams' Pink Pills for I certainly owe my good health to them " The woman in the house, the man in the office, the boy or girl in the school will always find a friend in Dr. Wil- liams Pink Pills. These pills actually make new, rich rel blood and good blood banishes rheumatism, general de- bility, kidney troubles and those aches and pains 'caused by overwork or over study; good blood builds up the tired, unstrung nerves and makes pale thin cheeks rosy and healthy. The pills are sold at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 by all medicine dealers or by mail from The Dr Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Oat. AFTER DOCTORS FAILED, , Carlow; secretary, Charles Gar-. Gaderioh; auditor, W. J. Paisley, ton. The ohairmen for the different eaniolpalities were nearly all re elected. 'Rett Holmes, ex M.P. , of Clinton was uta meted as candidate for the Com- - mons by Writ. Prondfoot, of Goieeioh, Mid Thos. McMillan, Reeve of Hallett, crud the nomination was made nnani- moos, no other name being brought be- ' fore the convention. Mr. G. Cameron, ¥.P P., made a splendid address in wbich,he heartily endorsed Mr. Holmes' oandidature. Mr. Holmes made a eplon- did speech, thanking the delegates for the great honor conferred upon him. lie said he would rio all in his power to redeem the riding and asked for the hearty support of all the Liberate. Mr. W. R Kerr, of Brussels, also addressed the gathering The usual resolutions, prateing the Goverument of Sir Wilfrid Laurier and the Hon Go. P. Graham, Leader of the Opposition, were unani- mously passed. A resolution condeming illegial ways of winning eleotione was also unanimously passed. The Tients was pleased to see our friend Mr. Holmes receive this unani- mous nomination and we can heartily endorse him. His being in the field means that West Huron can be counted in the Liberal column after the next election. Mr Holmes is a hard worker and a good man for the position. Dar- ing his short time in Parliament he won a place in the front rank and it was very unfortunate that be was defeated. Mr. Holmes will have the hearty sapport and best wishes of the Liberals of this dis- trict. Ions, Que„ found new strength Dr Wil.iams Pink Pills. She s year ago I was extremely we doctors feared I w sumption. I follow CHURCH NOTES. Bev F. E. Powell, a Tnrnberry old hay, has been selected as rector of the Episcopical church at Chesley, and was fully ordained at Leaden on Sunday last. Mr. Pa well will have the best wishes of many friends in this seotton for success in his work. The Rev. W. G. Howson, of the Methodist Church, will take for his sub- jects next Sunday: at 11 a.m., "How the morning dawn breaks upon the soul." 7 p.m. "The Chicken and the Overeonl; or One of the strange Doc. trines of the Theosophists." The ush- ers will be pleased to show strangers- to seats. The regular communion service held in St Andrew's Presbyterian Church on Sunday morning last was very largely attended and a number of new members were received. Rev Douald Tait, of Teeswater, preached at the preparatory service on Friday evening. At the evening service on Sunday, Rev D. P.'rrie preaches avery able s rmon on "Church Membership." His remarks were to the point and he defined out the chap of church members in a veryclear manner. In the Baptist Church next Sunday morning the Rev. H. Edgar Allen will begin a series of studies of the first Epistle of John. Subjects in the morn. Ings: Jane 9, "The Apostolic Message;" Jane 16, "The ApretoIic Method;a'''June 23, "The Apostolic Motive." In the evenings Mr. Allen will continue the series of sermons on the Ten Command- ments Subject next Sunday evening, "The Third Commandment or the Sin of Profanity." Everybody welcome. All seats free. The Mitchell Advocate of last week has the following to say of the popular rector of St. Pants Church:—Trinity church congregation was favored with visit on Sunday last from Rev. T. S. Boyle, M. A , B D., of Wingham. He preached morning and evening, deliver- ing two very able sermons, bat owing to the wet day, the attendance on both oocaeions was small. Mr. Boyle is a young man of fine appearance, possess- ing a good void . and a great flow of language. His addresses were scholarly and dilivored with fine effect. In ability ho is far above the average clergyman and Wingham gpiscopals have every reason to feel proud of their rector. We hope to hear him again in Mitchell be- fore long. THE LONDON CONFERENCE. The London Conference of the Metho- dist Church has been meeting at Gode- rioh during the past week. Mr. JnoKerr was in attendance this week. This meet- ing has been one of the most largely attended that has been held in many year i. The following young men were re- commended for ordination:—J. F. Knight, M. A., W. A. Gifford, B. A., W. A. Walden, B. A., R Pierson and G. W. Sperling, B. A. A unique feature of last Thuraday's session was a jubilee service in honor of the follox ing named ministers, all of whom have spent 50 years in the minis- try: Geo. Brown, Dr. McDonagh, Dr. Hair Dressing' Nearly every one likes a fine hair dressing. Something to make the hair mere manage able; to keep it from being t rough, or from splitting at the ends. Something, too, that will feed the hair at the same time, a regular hair -food. Well-fed hair will bestrong, and will remain where it belongs— on the head, not on the comb! The best kind of a testimonial — "Sold for over mild" years." 21641. rat (7.Ara1Qtu°°A311/.3"' 7[e.e.. ' Yer Y PecTO ius. sass' • Langford, E. Kershaw, John Kenner, S. Bond, Dr. Williams, E. Holmes, James Kennedy, E, Peasant, J. 0. Pomeroy. Twelve candidates for the ministry on trial were received. Rev. Dr. Landlord, Rev. 1)r. Harman, Rev, 13 Clement and Rev. J. C. Pomeroy were superannuated and a motion were passed unanimously, expressing appreciation of their long and eminently useful labors. Rev. R J Carrie, B. A., of Walton will be ordained for special reasons at the request of the Goderioh District. On the second ballot Rev. M. J. Ford, of Glencoe, was elected President of Conference, his opponent being Rev. A. H Going, of Exeter. Rev. W. G. H. McAllister, M A , of Landon was sleet- ed Conference Secretary. Rev Dr. Briggs, manager of the Methodist publishing house in Toronto for the past 27 years, reported that $15,- 000 of the profits of the establishment had been voted to the saperanunation fund during the past year. The cironla- tion of the Sunday school periodicals had increased 3000 and some idea of the value of the concern may be gathered from the fact that; the premises are in- sured for $250,000. The two ladies' colleges at Whitby and St. Thomas were reported to be in a flearishing condition. Rev. J. W. Graham reported that the total enrollment in all the Methodist Colleges was 3,166. Rev. T. A. Moore, Secretary of the Lord's Day Alliance reported that 150,• 000 American Sunday papers are now prevented from coin ng into Canada,and that abont 20,000 railway men are now enabled to have a day of rest since the passing of the new law. The Conference reported an increase in church membership of 1,31, after al- lowing for several thousand who have removed to the West during the past year. The report of the Sunday school coin.. mittee indicates a slight decrease in the total number of scholars and teachers. The schools give au increase of $400 for missions. Mr W. 11. Kerr, of Brussels was elect- ed vice-president of the Layman's As- sociation and a member of the confer- ence special committee. The next meeting of the Conference will be held at Exeter. The final draft of the Stationing Com- mittee for the Wingham District is as follows:—Wingham, W. G. Howson; Kincardine, Hugh W. Bookie; Luck - now, Jas E. Ford; Brussels, Ezra G. Powell; Teeswater, Martin J. Wilson, B. A.; Ethel, John Henderson; Ford- wich, James Hnsser; Gorrie, W. H. Brett; Wroxeter, A. L. Russell; Blne• vale, Geo Baker; Ashfield, T. E Sawy- er; Salem, S. V. R. Pentland; Bethel, J C Pomeroy, 13. A ; Ripley, T W Blatchford, B. A. ; Berrie, Peter Moy- ers; Tiverton, to be supplied; White- church, W A Finlay; Belgrave, G W W Rivers, B. A., B. D. Rev J H Oster- hont, of Wroxeter goes to Kintore. Live Steck Markets Toronto, June 4• The run at the City Cattle market to -day was 100 loada,with 1,830 head of cattle,460 sheep and lambs, 1,000 hogs, and 220 calves. Trade was fairly active and prices goad -and firm, With the heavy run of over 70 car loads of oattle, besides other stock, totalling over a hundred loads, there was more time taken in some cases to choose the cattle; but for tell that prices 'were well maintained at last week's levels. The foliating are the quotations: Exporters' cattle— Per 100 lbs. Choice $5 50 $6 00 Medium ............... 5 00 5 40 Bulls 4 50 5 00 Light 4 00 4 25 Cows 4 50 4 75 Feeders— best 1000 pounds and up- wards 4 00 4 40 Stockers choice 4 00 4 25 " bulls .. 300 3 40 Butchers'— Picked 5 25 5 50 Choioe 4 80 5 15 Medium 425 4 59 °owe ........ 400 4 40 Bulls 3 25 350 flogs— , Lights 7 10 6 85 THE WINGRAll TUBS, JUNE 6, 1907 Why Is It ? You see so many times on our measure book, after a man's order for a,suit,— MEASURE SAME AS LAST Because otlr customers are always Well Suited. We make your suit as you want it made and do not insist on any particular fad of our own get up. WE HAVE THE GOODS For and can make you any kind of Suit, Overcoats, or Pants, from a cheap two piece sack to a Prince Albert or Full Dress, an or. dinai'y Chesterfield or extraordinary Paletot Overcoat, Peg Top or Spring Sottom Pants. We GUARANTEE SATISFACTION We sell the celebrated W. G. & R. Shirts and Collars. The best fitting as well as wearing Shirt and Collar made to Canada. - We have a large range of Fancy Vests made up or made to your order. IBargains, 5 dozen assorted Vesta, regular $1.50 and $1.25 for 9Bo, see them in our window. I`IAXWELL Sc HILL Merchant Tailors and Men's Furnishers. {fit ,vyivvyyyr'syvyVYYerrr/YYV rfrvvvVVVYYrvYYVV'V.VYYVYYY} ► ► ► ► ► ► > ► ► 5, "Bswiw'ig ''the Big Store 1NlNGh> �1, , - ONTARIO. I: KERR JOHN Forced Clearing Sale of Over $15,000.0'0 Worth of General Merchandise. FOR 4 WEEKS ONLY—NOT A IJAY LONGER PIANOS ! eteetetatasEranomtszonank SOMETHING NEW IN WINGHAM The New- Kcal tF Williams Piano Co, Have requested me to place their Pianos in my.a store and have appointed me their sole agent for Wingham and vicinity. ' A special invitation is extended to everyone who wishes to see them and test their tone and design, to call at my furniture store. We specially invite the ladies. Come in and bring any of yonr friends along and play on thein -the more they are played on the better. We charge nothing, but will consider it a favor to have you visit our warerooms and give your opinion of what is guaranteed by the manufacturers to be one of the finest toned Pianos made in Canada. And after you have satisfied- yourselves as to their high quality, we will be pleased to quote you prices on them: , Don't buy until you 'see the New Seale Williams— • they are certainly of the very highest grade, tone and finish. GRACEY FURNITURE DEALER 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4• 4 1 4 4 4 1 4 4 w 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 • 4 4 4 - 4 4 4 4 4 1 �• AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA &AkAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA COMING The representative of PROF. DORE;iWEYD will be at the Brunswick Hotel, Wingham, Tuesday, June 18 TO IMPROVE YOUR APPEARANCE Retain your youthful freshness so that -nd one can remark, "she is past her prune." 'to appear you tiger and more attrne• taco than the average woman, yon must be particular that your hair shoals no signs of being thin, short or scrawny. A Doren - wend transformation, Pompadour,wave., Carl or liwitch will i substitute nature's defeats. Even f you have plenty of your own hair, these light, airy artifices may be worn over it, saving you the worry of arranging your hair in the prevailing style. 'Your hair can be perfectly matched in color an texture, so that detection is out of the q)stion. CONSULT3 PROCESSOR DORENWEND DURING THIS VISIT r• MAN TO MAN—ABOUT BALDNE_S.—If yi0 are bald, or paYtically so, yon must realize that it niokea you look old. Notwi stranding tb desire to have back your one time bushy head of hair, you hesitate before wearing a natural hair covering simply because you imaaino it is going to be noticed by others. Now you never made a greater mistake. Thousands of men, who thought the same as you do, are to -lap wearing a DOB,EN WEND PATENT TOUPEE . and instead o': carrying the handicap, that baldness proved to them, they are now ealoying the advantage of "looking young' —and that is whit cannG3 to -dap in business and Social lite. Our Patent Toupee is a featherweight fac-simile of your own naturalbair and may be worn without fear of detection --impossible to re- move from the head unless at will—not the least clumsy:or uncomfortable. They act as a protection, preventing colds and catarrh, so common to bald men. Now do not neglect this op• portunity—come and ace for yourself. A few minutes demon- stration will convince you that a Dorenwend Patent Toupee. is not like the clumsy,wiggy attain( that are claimed to be lti t Se natural." The Dorenwend Co. of Toronto, Limited, 103 and 105 Yonge Street arREHEMBER TETE PLACE, DA"Y AND DATE The Brunswick Hotel, Tuesday, June 18th. Beginning Monday, June 3, Closing Saturday 29th The very cold weather in May has so interfered with the sale of Spring Goods that now we are " Forced to Sell" our very large stock of New Spring Goods at a Great sacrifice. This will, no doubt, be the Biggest and Best Clearing Sale ever held in Wingham. Every department full of New Spring Goods. All offered AT SACRIFICE PRICES. DRY GOODS. New Drees Goods Snitings. New shades, new weaves, in fine all -wool English and Cana- dian manufacture. Fancy Dress Mnslius and English Cotton Dalaines White Dress Muslins, Waistings and Lawns. New Plain and Fancy Silks. Fine Val. L•toes and Insertions, and Lace Applique. Dress Trimmings, Fancy Braid. All the new shades. -Underwear and Hosiery for Women, Misses and Children. A11 new. Ready - to - Wear Skirts. Black Sateen Underskirts. White Underwear. Fancy Silk and Muslin Shirt Waists, Rain Coats for Men and Women. Plain and Fancy Ribbons. The largest stock in town to select from. All at greatly reduced prices. , Gents' Furnishings: Men's and Boys' Suite, and Odd Pants and Vests. Up - to - date " Progress Brand " Clothing all going at Slaughter prices. Men's and Boys' Fancy Shirts, Workingmen's Shirts, Underwear, Sox, Umbrellas, Collars, Ties, Braces. Ear Ready•made Clothing must be cleared•out ,in four weeks, BOOTS and SHOES. Every pair of Boots and Shoes in this " Big Store " goes at reduoed prions for 4 weeks. The largest stook by far that we ever had on oar shelves. The very newest shapes and styles. —Women's Patent Colt Boots and Oxfords. —Men's Patent Colt Blucher Boots. —Women's, Misses' and Children's Dongola Kid Boots, Oxfords and Slippers. ' —Men's Dongola Bal. and Blucher Boots and Oxfords. —Men's Fine Box Calf Boots. Women's, Misses' and Children's White Canvas Oxfords. —Women's Oommon Sense Bal. Congress and Oxfords. Dongola Kid. —Boys' Box Calf and Dongola Kid. ligerNearly all New Spring Goods. $4.00 Boots and Shoes for $3.00 2.25 2.00 " " 1.50 1.60 " " 1.13 1,00 " . " .75 • - Chinaware. Dinner and Tea Sets. New goods, new shapes, new colorings. All our large stook of . Plain and Fancy' China and Glassware, for 4 weeke at Clearing Sale Prices. Too large a stock—mast be cleared out quick. Dinner Plates, Tea Plates, Bread and Butter Plates, Cake Plates, Fancy ',Cups and `Saucers. Also all oar RICH OUP GLASS going at Clearing Sale Prices. ' TERMS, SPOT CASH OR, TRADE._ Goods will not be charged at reduced prices. _958;efilLielkOelitiMigoelArilitieigrAIMPOVIWINPVIZOlurialitil:4 - WP - -liar guir Now wINQUAM MARKET REPORTS Wingham, June 5th, 1907 Floor per 100 lbs......... 2 25 to 2 80 Fall Wheat .... 0 80 to 0 80 Oats, 0 42 to 0 42 Barley .... 0 45 to 0 50 Peas ,,..,,... 0 75 to 0 75 Butter ...... ........ 0 18 to 0 i8 Eggs per doz ...... 0 17 to 0 17 Wood per cord ........... 2 50to'3 00 Hay, per ton.........,..11 OO to 12 00 Potatoes, per bushel new:. 0 50 to 0 60 Tallow per lb ............ 0 5& to 0 06 Lard,.. . i 0 15 to 0 15 Dried Apples per lb 06? to 0 07 Live Hoge, per owt. 6 50 to 6 60 BARGAINS IN • ➢YAI,L PAPER AT KNOX'S. • . A large stock of Wall Paper of the' newest and latest designs to be sold at greatly reduced prices 25c Wall Paper for 20o per roll " 150 " „ „ 12ac .r ci " 10c " " 200 " I. 150 " " 120 " - " 100 it it ., 80 a. „ 7o '' ,f „ 5c, ,i ,1 as aide alts Borders mw same per they match. Spalding Sporting Goods Iieaagharters for everything in Base Bali, Football, Lt'acrosse, Tennis Goods, Etc. English -made Fishing Tackle We carry a first class stock. Try us Fancy. Souvenir and Comic Post Cards Oar variety can't be beat anywhere. Camerae and Photoxraphic Supplies. A fresh and complete stock, free dark room and instructions to beginners. R. KN OX Jeweler and Stationer Wingham, Ont. vVVVVVVWVWWVVVVVWWVVV AMMMAMAAMANSAAAMA,W 1 1 1 Special Quality. � Footwear For Ladies. AT POPULAR,_ PRICES ` We term this footwear "special quality" because the quality is specially fine for the a c-?� =• price, and the styles pre, more attractive than are usually sold for the money.', at • Oxford in. Patent laid, Gun Metal and Vici Kid, with turn or welt soles. Repairing neatly done. O �R. Johnston t SHOE DEALER" - WINGHAM 1 MAAAMAAAMMMAAAAMAAAA MKA#\AAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAA • e 1 1 MARTIN ENDUR PAINTSs Sold -Subject to Chemical Analysis ! ! ! This means that you can take any can of "Martin- Senour 100% Pure Paint" off our shelves, have it analyzed by any reliable chemist in Canada. If you do not find it abso- lutely pure and exactly as we claim, we will pay the charges and make you a present of $ I oo for your trouble. SOLE AGENT IN WIH'GNAM.. BURNS.