The Huron Expositor, 1989-07-12, Page 101 LOA THE HURON EXPOSITOR JULY 12, 1'9$9 TROUPERS THEATRE of Hamilton was in Seaforth this week, courtesy of the Seafiorth Recreation Department, and entertained local kids with the antics of Knuckles and Shiner, two originals who are seen here competing for the best score on their "Ninja Quest" video game in a scene from the play "Knuckles Sand- wich." Corbett photo. THE "BEATS ME" BEASTIE --1=1••• '14 g -.4e %Peticklg swt (0,4 tut Antuettiaty cS7aCE )/0 off Selected Bridal Gowns including Mother of the Bride and Bridesmaids' Dresses 1 uH KNUCKLES AND SHINER get their.audience participating in their production, In Stock Bridal Gowns Ordered Bridal a iL, 3 or more Brluesma "Come and See Our Other Specials" 9 Ratteribu -y Street East Clir)ta, Ontario (519) 4824Qe8 KNUCKLES AND SHINIER consult the venerable comic book they both love to solve.a dispute In a scene from "Knuckles Sandwich." Shiner (Stephanie Logothet- tis) and Knuckles (Rachel Perry) pf the TrpuperrTheatre were part of theaummer recreation program In Seaforth this year, wruch woi also inlcude a trip to Atricno Lion Safari, Storybook Gardens, the iLondon Free Press, the .police statierk, are depart- mentand other fun and educational loce- dons. loupere Theatre Is prhfeasional tourning company for family mem. Corbett phOto,