The Wingham Times, 1907-05-16, Page 310
Recommended by a Well.known
Toronto Doctor, Whose Love
for 1lutnanity is Greater than
His Prejudice Against Pro-
prietary Medicines.
i The following very valuable pro-
aoription, by an eminent and success-
ful physioian, will be appreciated by
many who are suffering from la grippe,
cold, cough, pneumonia, or any throat,
lung or stomach trouble, or run-down
!system, as it is a certain cure, and
will save many a doctor's bill. It is
almost a certain preventive as well: -
"When you feel that you are taking
cold or have chilly feeling or aching
in any part of the body or head, or
feel weak, tired, dizzy, unfit for work,
pain in the head or back of the neck,
sae not neglect these dangerous symp•
toms, but send immediately to your
!druggist and get a bottle of Psychine
(pronounced Si -keen), and prepare as
follows :
"Psychine, 2 teaspoonfuls.
"Sherry, whisky or wat , 2 tea-
"Choice of the latter can be made
according to the judg ent and pre-
ference of the patien .
"Mix thoroughly d take regularly
'before each meal nd at bedtime."
This prescrip i. has been used in
thousands of c i- s and has boon so
universally etre :ssful that a number
of leading physioians regularly pro-
scribe Psychine in their practice for
any of the above troubles, or any run-
down, wasting or constitutional diffi-
culty. It is the most reliable and
valuable home remedy. It tones up
the entire system, giving a feeling of
youthfulness and vigor, adding many
years to the life of those who use it.
"Years ago I wag almost a physical wreck and
was suffering with lung troubles. Friends and
neighbors thought I would never get better. 1
-Degan to despair myself. Losing faith in my
physician, ieian IP
procured another one who TeCOm-
moended the use
o1 YSYCHINI;. It wassn 4
beyond description the effect it had, I seemed to
gain with every dose. Inside of two weeks I was
able to attend to my housework again. There
*rano symptoms of consumption about me now."
St. John N.B.
"I bad been suffering from La Grippe. My
lungs wore weak and I hada cough, but Psychine
Inured me."
Cheapside, Ont.
Psychine can be procured from any
druggist at 50e, and $1.00. It is a very
A blue book issued by the Bureau of
Canons and Statistics contains tables
which show the number of persona em-
ployed in different callings, with their
earnings. The tables include every one
over 16 years of age, except in'the menu -
featuring class, where 15 years is the
The average wage is $387.16 for males,
and $181.98 for females.
Trade and transportations pay $608,22,
as opposed to an average of $676.88 for
professions, for each man employed.
The total number of wage-earners is
814,980, and the total wage is $286,534,-
850. Eighty-one out of every hundred
earners are males.
The average earnings of melee in man-
ufacturing are $403.14; in agriculture,
$?07.75; domestic service $272,46.
The average salary for male teachers
in all Canada is $486, and for female
teachers $245.
Female housekeepers, laundresses,
nurses, mid midwives, char andwasher-
women and sextons are better paid than
female teachers in Quebec:, while ranch
foremen, farm superintendents, garden
and nursery managers, hotel employees
and foremen in many trades are better
paid than male teachers in Ontario.
What a Joy to Feel Well. •
Do you know what it is to feel well -
to feel young, hearty and vigorous -to
enjoy work and to look forward with
hope to the future. Thiele the way yon
will feel if your revitalize your wasted
and depleted nervous system by the nee
of Dr Chase's Nerve Food. Not in any
miraculous way, but when your system
has been gradually built up by this great
treatment. -
Few ladies would want to travel bad
enough to go to No Man's Land.
Little Liner Pills.
Must Bear Signature of.
" See par.8lmile Wrapper below.
Ts'y essttail. a s4 as.esisy
ile:'iake as_sigsm
. , - FOR MACK,
ni FDR DiUIN($ .
r fil1(111.10IIRREtL,
FOP fit 11011
FOR oW)•iN
E COMM!**i
worms,' .tu�)u±t r
The Forbidden Fruit, the Fall and the.
Three Mystic Gifts.
Many are the attempts to identify
the forbidden fruit. Some say it waa
the fig, others the grape, others,again,
the pomegranate, but the most "Ara-
bian Nightish" description paints it as
an ear of wheat which looked like a
ruby and was as big ae an ostrich egg
and grew on a tree whose trunk was
like gold, its branches like silver and
its leaves emerald,
Our first parents were expelled about
3 o'clock of the afternoon of Friday,
the 10th of May, having resided in
Eden seven years, two months, two
weeks and three days. Adam was
banished to Ceylon and Eve to Mecca,
and they remained apart for 200 years.
Adain, according to some accounts,
spent half his time weeping, with ?yrs
face to the earth. Others less chart-
harttable aver that his solitude was cheer
ed by I.ilIth, who resumed her former
relations with him.
When he repented and rejoined Eve,
he begged that something might be
given him from the happy garden of
innocence which he had forfeited, and,
lo, in answer to his prayer three
mighty archangels were sent to him,
Michael bringing gold, Gabriel frank-
incense and. Raphael myrrh -mystic
gifts In after years associated with the
offering of the magi, whom early
Christian tradition identified with
Enoch, Melchisedek and Elias.
ft Is the Weight Outboard From the
Hand That Tells.
Much pleasure will be found In buy,
pig rods and tackle. If inexperienced,
any old angler will"rather enjoy help-
ing you out, or you can go to a first
class shop, ask for a salesman who is
an angler and tell him where you pro-
pose to fish. If economy is an object to
you, very fair working tools can be
had for a little money. It is surprising
to handle some of the rods that are
priced at $5 to $10. I do not consider,
weight in the scales of great impor-
tance as Ii
1 ke a good sized, comfort-
able handle. It is the weight outboard
from the handle that tells. One of the
lightest rods I ever saw weighed eight
ounces on the scales. It had a big, fat
wooden handle and substantial fittings,
but the rod proper was very light. My
individual preference is for a rod of
'ten feet, but lots of men prefer some-
thing shorter. I have seen good work
done with an eight foot rod, but there
is a great difference in the power of
rods of the same length. A tall, strong
man can handle a rod of great power
and with a suitable line bring out all
there is in it. He may be able to do
this all day long without great fatigue,
while a weaker person would be heav-
ily handicapped and tired to death. -
Forest and Stream.
Strange Freak of Memory.
There is a strange story of how
Sir Walter Scott, producing "The Bride
of Lammermoor" during illness, was
afterward found to have forgotten en-
tirely what he had thus created. Ac-
cording to James 13allantyne, "the book
was written and published before Mr.
Scott was able to rise from his bed,
and he assured me when it was first
put into his hands in a complete shape
that he did not recollect a single inci-
dent, character or conversation it con-
tained. The original incidents of the
story, which he had known from boy-
hood, he still' remembered, but he knew
no more about the story he had writ-
ten than began h
e did before he began to
write or even think about writing it."
These facts were corroborated by Mr.
Lockhart, Sir Walter Scott's son-in-
law and biographer, so that they are
placed beyond question.
An Earthquake In Persia.
Professor Vambury, the Hungarian
orientalist, was in Shiraz, Persia, at
the time of one of its devastating earth-
quakes. The shock was terrible, throw-
ing great houses about like shuttle,
cocks and splitting the hills beyond the
town. When the very earth seemed In
process of disruption and men and wo-
men were weeping and tearing them-
selves in agonies of fear two mad fa-
natic priests stalked through the tot-
tering city crying aloud that the for-
eigners sojourning in the place had
brought on the calamity. And the peo-
ple took up the cry "The Frengis are
unclean!" and made a rush for the
house in which the professor had been
staying. Only the entire collapse of
the property adjoining beat off their at-
tack and enabled him to make his es-
cape from the city.
Dress Millennium..
When the dress millennium arrives
and every woman finds herself a thing
of joy to look at, able to walk in come'
fort and with a pocket for her purse,
it will be the result of an elementary
training in dignity, comeliness and
common sense. -Reader.
Wanted a Second Trial.
"You were guilty of one matrimo-
nial mistake. f shouldn't think you
wouid marry again."
"Ob, but you know a verdict of
guilty usually leads to a second trial,"
replied the gay grass ;widow.
Caustic.. -
"Yes," said the bride Of it week
"Pack tela Me evergttitng he blows,
and 1 tell hire everything X know."
"Indeed!" rejoined her ex-r&a1 Whet,
had been left at the post. "The silent%
when you are together Med be oy-'
Stoikk-•1 wader why aealtbnie itr
ttadmkti . first lose? Delhi 1CWb like
th •!tooth. Toa've got to have
,fit. get t11e. seonot,-.410eidzi
His Was a Curious Combination of
Contradictory Traits.
Herbert Paul in bis book on Queen
Anne or England paints a queer pic-
ture of the great Duke of Marlborough.
He was not truthful. Ile was not
straightforward, He was not honest.
In his love of money and his capacity
for hoarding it he rivaled those wretch-
ed misers who have done no more
than contemplate their gains. And yet,.
such are the strange freaks in which
nature indulges, this mean and selfish
intriguer was endowed with perfect
courage, with an irresistible charm of
manner, with a temper which even his
wife failed to disturb, with a ,brain
that no sophistry could obscure and
with a military genius before which
criticism is humbly silent.
He was treacherous even in a treach-
erous age. Wholly devoid oe cruelty
and by nature humane, he is said nev-
er to have sacrificed an unnecessary
life. He used his fellow creatures for
his own purposes, and when he had no
further use for them he forgot their'
existence. He made his plans and
carried them out with the absolute effi-
ciency of sheer intelligence and the
serene implacability of impersonal
It Is Made of Tanned Human Skin
Elaborately Decorated.
There is a story told of a famous and
curious screen which occupies a promi-
nent place in the menage of the sultan
of Turkey. It is made, so rumor hath
it, of human skin, perfectly tanned and
elaborately tooled and -embossed, and
it has been in the royal quarters for
more than two centuries. This remark-
able screen is not an evidence of cru-
elty or barbarity on the part of Tur-
key's ruler 200 years ago, but is a
memorial to twelve faithful servants
of a former sultan.
At onetime t e dur-
ing the sultan's reign 200 years ago
a wing of the palace caught fire, and
during the conflagration a much loved
member of the sultan's f roily was res-
cued by twelve servant The twelve
servants perished, some of them dying
later of their wounds and burns, so
.his majesty had their skins removed
by an expert and had them preserved
in this touching though remarkable
manner. The screen is now looked up-
on as a part of the ruler's inheritance,
and it is said that every sultan cher-
ishes it almost as he would his own
royal skin.
- Both Ear Stones and Scales Carry the
Annual Tally.
It has been found by ichthyologists
that the age of a fish may be read from
its scales. These increase in size by
annular growth, two rings being form-
ed each year. The "otoliths" or ear
stones, which lie in two sacs on either
side of the base of the cranial cavity,
afford another means of determination.
Like the scales, the otoliths increase
by two rings annually. Each spring -
that is, from February to June -a white
ring Is formed, and each autumn -that
is, from July to October -a black one.
Thus the number of either white or
black rings in an otolith gives the age
of the fish in years. In the case of
flatfish the latter method has been
found more reliable, 'whereas in the
case of the cosi the scales give a bet-
ter result. Although varying touch in
size and shape in different atpeeies, the
of lih;
o t show n remarkable � e coistancc
in the same species; hence they are
of consider:t::lc value in the diagnosis
of a specie;. --Lau on Globe.
Crossed the 'B'order.
(Extract from a lady's letter) -We
must have been traveling very fast. for
in the morning all the people were
swearing at us in German and early in
the afternoon they began to swear at
us in itailan.-Simpiicissimus.
A Mean Cut.
Dorn -Is it true that .lac!: is going to
marry yon'-' Flora -Yes. dear. Dora -
Well, you'd better tnal:e hint sign the
pledge. h'lorn-\V hy,Jack doesn't drink.
Dora -No, but he probably will.
There is nothing so grievous to *be
borne that pondering upon It will not
:Hake it heavier, and there
is no fancy
so bad that the animation of fancy
cannot enliven it. -Jane Porter.
Stops the irritating cough, loos
ens the phlegm, soothes the i11-
flamed tissues of the lungs and
bronchial tubes, and produces a
quick and permanent cure in all
cases of Coughs, Colds, Bron-
ehitis, Asthma, Hoarseness, Sore,
Throat and the first stages of
Mrs. Norma Swanston, Cargill, Onb.,
writes "I take greatNorway
�ppleaenre in room.
mending Dr. od's Norwa rPin* 8y11113►
1 had a verybad cold, could nob do* sA►
night for te (toughing and btud pianoo n
my ohesb and lungs. I onlyhsad half
bottle of Dr. Wood's Norway !tine Syrup
and was perfectly well again."
Mu OS nits a NOW
The Man With the Wooden Fiat.
.A. young Scotsman was shown Into
the office of a great engineer at Bir-
mingham. iso was weariug a hat of
extraordinary shape, and at bis nerv-
ousness at meeting the man of fame be
let the hat slip. It .fell with a hollow
thud upon the floor, The engineer look-
ed with astonishment at the thing. The
owner picked it up and apologized for
the noise it had caused. It was of
woad, he explained. IIe had made it
himself, turning it with his father's
.lathe, The engineer thought that there
Must be something in a man who could
think out and make such a thing as
this. Ile forthwith engaged him, kept
an eye upon him and gave him work
of responsibility. The engineer was
Boulton; the new man, William Mur-
dock. The man with the wooden hat
was sent away to Cornwall, and when
be returned it was to light up his mas-
ter's premises with gas. The mind
which first practically applied the coal
gas to the purpose of lighting lived in-
side that wooden bat. -St. James' Ga-
Good Manners.
A friend of yours and mine has very
justly defined good breeding to be "the
result of much good sense, some good
nature and a little self denial for the
sake of others, and with a view to ob-
tain the same indulgence from them."
Taking this for granted -as I think it
cannot be disputed -It is astonishing to
me that anybody who has good sense
and good nature can essentially fail
in good breediug. As to the modes of
it, indeed, they vary according to per-
sons, places and circumstances and are
only to be acquired by observation and
experience, but the substance of It Is
everywhere and eternally the same.
Good manners are to particular socie-
ties what good morals are to society in
general -their cement and security.
And as laws are enacted to enforce
goou morals or at least to prevent the
ill effects of bad ones, so there are cer-
tain rules of civility, universally im-
plied ed
and received, to enforce good
manners and punish bad ones. -Ches-
Made For Fat
One of the narrow arches in the gal-
lery of the chapel at Columbia univer-
sity is not exactly symmetrical, al-
though the defect is not noticeable to
the casual observer. The reason for
the widening of the arch after its orig-
inal construction had rise in a some-
what humorous occurrence. One of
the early visitors was a remarkably fat
man, who found himself wedged Into
the arch when he tried to squeeze
through and was extricated with some
difficulty. The builders, recognizing
the possibility of other fat people be-
ing numbered among the future vis-
itors, decided to widen the arch, sac-
rificing symmetry and harmony to
practical need, as the pier was so con-
structed as to bear no loss of width
on one of its sides.
Caribou Horns.
Not one out of every ten female cari-
bou has horns. When they do have
them, they are much smaller than
those of the bull. The horns of the
female have, however, in general many
more branches than those of the bull,
and they are much more regularly and
finely formed. The cows carry their
horns much longer than the bulls.
They have been seen with their horns
in the month of April. The old bulls
shed their horns from the 10th to the
last of November. They hardly ever
carry them after the month of Novem-
ber. The young bulls shed theirs from
the first of December until the middle
of February. The younger the animal
the longer be retains his horns.
Mountain of the Sacred Footprint.
Adam's peak, or Mount Samanala, a
rugged mountain in the island of Cey-
lon, ie known throughout the orient as
the "Mountain of the Sacred Foot-
ootprint." In a flat;-yocky basin at the
foot of this mountain in stone as hard
as blue granite there is the perfect im-
print of a gigantic human foot, five and
one-half feet long by two and one-half
feet wide. The Ceylonese Brahmans
have a legend to the effect that the im-
print was trade by Adam, our first par-
ent, but the Buddhists declare that it
could have been made by no one but
Water Needles.
So penetrating is water at high pres-
sure that only special qualities of cast
iron will be tight against it. In the
early days of the hydraulic jack it was
no uncommon thing to see the water
issuing like a fine needle through the
metal, and the water needle would
penetrate the unwary finger just as
readily as a steel one.
Cash or Credit.
Women should not get credit. Nei,'
ther should men. Cash is tho cure.
Tradesmen maybe would have a bad
time for Six or twelve months, and
many a lady would -have to "lie low,"
but hi the end we would get both our
trade and our money, and she would
get her dress and at tar less cost. -
tendon Opinion.
The Vice Presidency.
"It`s sthrange about th' vice prise
tdincy," said Mr. Dooley. "Th' prise.
cliucy fs th' highest otimcein th' gift
iv th' people. Th' Vice prisidiney f,9
th' nex' highest an' th' lowest. It isn't
'a crime exactty. Ye Can't be sint to
jail f'r it, but it's a kind iv a disgrace."
"Dissertations by Mr. Dooley.'
His Hope For Revenge.
fudge (to barber sentenced to death)
--it you hate a last request, the Court
;mill be glad to grant it. Barber -I
siietild like to shave the prosecuting at
To be able to bate the things we
:'Kant, that is riches, but to be able to
Jwritbo*t, that is Ifo'M'eir..+/ditedoytait 3
[Council Bluff's Nonparell,j
Now, thio is a tale of a goodly man, who
died in his weight of years,
And winged his flight to the portals
bright, with nothing of doubt and
Sober and stern was the life he'd led;
his record froth sin was free,
So loudly he knocked ere the gates nn -
looked and loudly and clear said he:
"Open the gates, for I've earned my
rest in the pity of endless day,
I have kept the law with the light I saw,
and Yellowed the narrow way;
I clave not stolen, I have not killed, nor
oheated, nor sworn, nor lied,
So open the gates, for a pilgrim waits to
enter his home with pride."
rho angel looked at the anxious man,
looked long with a shaking head.
"Now tarry and sit by my side a bit,
while I look at the book," he said.
Then he turned away to the shining book
and looked at its peeee fair,
And this was the score as he read it o'er
to the man who was wasting there:
"A thoneand eyes that have looked in
vain for kindness left undone;
Of hearts that have bled from the words
you've said, a thousand, a score and
A thousand judgments in meroy's place,
of chances to pardon missed,
Of love abased and trust ili•used, we've
entered a sorry Het.
"A thousand days when your darkened
mood you thrust on your friends
A thousand sneers and a thousand tears
brought on by your tales of doubt.
Of jests that rankled a hundred score; of
joy that has felt the frown,
Of words with stings and envibns flings
we've written a thousand down,"
Sadly the angel closed his book and said
to the cringing wraith:
'.Your selfishness soore is a million more;
We do not reckon faith.
But the wrongs you have done to your
fellowmen and the hurts they have
had from you
Are written here with a meaningclear-
Do yon think I oan let yon though?"
Now, this is the tale of a goodly man,
who died in his weight of years,
And winged his way to the portals
bright, with nothing of doubt or
But he must bide for a time outside -he
has learned by that fateful scroll
How he trampled over a thousand hearts
while saving his selfish Lone
Kill the Germs by Breathing Hy -o -
mei. Gives Quick Relief.
Many people who have suffered with
+atarrh for years naturally think they
,cannot be oared, and become discourag-
The reason they have failed of cure is
because they have clot treated the die
ease with the local remedy. Hy-o•mei,
which is breathed through a neat pooket
inhaler so that its healing medicated air
reaches the moat remote air cells, kills
,11 catarrh germs and restores the muc-
me membrane of the nose, throat • and
lungs to a healthy oondition.
Catarrh is really a local disease and to
'sure it, it mast be treated by a remedy
whien reaches every spot in the nose
and throat where the disease germs
lodge. Hy -o mei does this and gives
relief from the first day's use.
A complete Hy-o•neei outfit costs but
$1 00 and Walton McKibben gives a
guarantee with every package to refund
the money unless it cures.
Il, r,
ra11U.MMNnlli7l, .RIMA1 _ � U. S[+7+:ty I. Be f:. J 11(1 sY •,ION
MONDAY, JUNE 17th, 8:00 a. m., leave Detroit for Coderich.
TUESDAY, JUNE 18th, 8:30 a. m., leave Goderieh for Detroit.
THURSDAY, JUNE 20th,1:00 p, rn., leave Detroit for Goderieh.
FRIDAY, JUNE 21st, 8:30 a. m., leave Goderich for Detroit.
SpecialTrain leaves Stratford, June 13th, 6:40 a. in., Wingham 6:40 a.m.,
stopping at all Way Stations to Goderieh.
Returning, a special train will leave Goderieh on arrival of steam -r Thursday
evening, for Clinton and way stations to Wingham and $tratford,
Goderieh Band Moor:light Excursion, 8 p.m., June 17th, 25 cts.
The Times
for 60 cents
•e••e•••••••••e••••••••N• os,*a•••••e•e••••se••e•e•se
a . . •i•
. 4•
• 4.
A Wholesome Philosophy
Absolute honesty and a definite will
often produce better results without
unusual intellectual gifts or opportunity
than the keenest intellect can attain
without these moral qualities. It would
be an easy thing to quote cases of noted
men and women in whom defects of
eharaoter have practically nullified the
most conspicuous intellectual gifts.
A philosophy of life is not what we
think about life, but the convictions
which govern our actions. It has well
been galled the "working hypothesis of
fife." Since well•directed power is the
measure of success, it is within the reach
of every human being.
Play your part well -bo it great or
small -and despair will disappear, dike
the morning mist before the sun. Your
part is not to expend your nervous force
too ioal criticism but in the high ob-
Yn , g
.igation to build on whatever foundation
If conviction you may possess. -Laura
Drake Gill in the June Delineator.
Suffered Terrible Agony
stead the words of praise, ?dr. M. A. Martinis,
Marion Bridge, N.S., has for Doane Kidney
Pills. (Ito writes us): "rot the past three years '
I have suffered terrible agony from pain across
my kidneys- I was so bad I could net stood
or bend. I consulted and had several doctors
treat me, but could get no relief. On the advise
of a friend, I proeured &box of your valuable,
life-giving remedy (Down's Kidney Pills), and to
my surprise and delight, I immediately got
better. In ray opinion Doan's Kidney Pills have
no equal for any form of kidney trouble."
rioan'e Kidney fills are 50 menti pet box or
three boxes for $1,43. Can be precured et all
doalere or will be mailed direet on receipt of
prise by The Dora Bldney Pill Co., 'fortlnto,
Do not accept a apualous tubetitute bit bi
MIti sad lost "man a"
FOR 190E - 07.
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