The Huron Expositor, 1989-05-03, Page 2020A — THE HURON EXPOSITOR, MAY 3, 1.989'® win .ions attend yen A-9 tonv n ' n Dublin Correspondent MRS. DON TMACRAE 345•`2842 or 345.2140 Lions and Lionesses from Dublin, Mit- chell,"Seaforth and surrounding district -at- tended the 15th ;annual District A-9 conven- tion at'the Tobermory Community Centre on the'weekend. It was hosted by the Ferndale and Lion's Head District Lions and Lioness Club. Some of the events they partook in includ- ed: a fish fry; breakfast and evening ban- quet, as well as a brunch; an address from guest speaker Norman Dean, past interna- tional -director from Iowa; boat tours and a peek at what the Bruce Peninsula National Parks have to offer. About 500 Lions and Lioness Club members gathered in Tobermory for the convention weekend. Visitors on the weekend with Joe and Olga Eckert were their daughter and son-in-law Ann and Richard Hurley from Stratford and David and Tasha Steinbach from Mitchell. With their mother Millie Evans during the week were Marie Cleary, London; Bill and Marge Evans, Colleen and Caitlin Titanic of Niagara Falls, as well as Janice Cleary of London. Friends who visited Millie were Catherine Dwyer from Leamington and Margaret Gorwill of Seaforth, who have just returned after spending four months in Tobago, West Indies. Mrs. Katie Murray spent the weekend in London visiting her daughters and son -in- laws, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Maloney and Mr. and Mrs. Ceril Murray. Marion and Irwin Schneider from Goderich called on Don and Eileen MacRae last week. Don and Eileen MacRae visited with Don's nephew and his wife John arid Nancy Gooding at their cottage at RR 2 Tobermory on Sunday. Ben and Mary Lynn Benninger from Waterloo were home with parents Hugh and Ann Benninger on the weekend. Also visiting were Tom and Rose Ann and Tom- my Simminson. KELLY AND MATTHEW AND MARILLA CUTHBERT, played by Stephen Hicknell (Hicknell also shared the role with Rick Ryan) and Amy Terpstra, share a scene in the third act, while Kelly begs Mrs. Rachel Lynde (played by Jill Horan) for forgiveness, under the watchful eye of Martha. Badaer photos. GIC Rates •NO FEES •NO CHAROES •FUNDS TRANSFERABLE VIA CHARTERED BANK AlINVESTMENTS. r 524-2773 God.dch 1-800-265-5503 HURON SUPERIOR MEMORIALS ESTABLISHED 'OVER 60 YEARS Serving Seaforth.and alt of Huron County MICHAEL FALCONER 153 HIGH .STREET, 'CLINTON Bus.: 4.82.9441 Res.: 4824664 Evening appointments available .Osborne :8 Hibbert Mutual Fire Insurance Company Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S0 (Established in 1876) Provides Full •Insurance .Coverage for Farm Properties Wew-Applications.Are Welcomed DIRECTORS & ADJUSTERS Jack Harrigan, R.R. 3 Lucon 227-4305 Larry Gardner, R.R. 2 Stalk 345-2678 Lloyd Morrison, R.R. 1 St. Marys 229-8277 Lorne Feeney, R.R. 2 Dublin 345-2543 Jack Hodgert, R.R. 1 Kirkton 229-6152 Joseph Chaffs, R.R. 5 Mitchell 348-9705 AGENTS Ross Hodgert, Woodham 229.6643 John Moore, Dublin 345-2512 Joseph Unioc, Mitchell .348.9012 Heod Office, Exeter 235-0350 A refund from surplus was declared for allpolicy holden .who qualify, are on record and In ,good ,standing as at December 81, 19I8. Lindsay Hilton and War Amps Chief Executive Clifford Chadderton...these two amputees share a special bond. And that.bdnd is part of a long tradition here at The War Amps where the experiences of one generation shape the future of the next, sthedear.A44111 +441Qnuxof. ,?nA�a MA 7 lyeA,,deDen ` .�8�7. �iver3t a btive Ottawa, Ontario K1V-OC4 (613) 731,;3821 ChantableBggnlratlon Now,c(2§031 19 ANNE OF.GREEN GABLES - The Grade 7 and 8 students of St. Patrick's School in Dublin put on a first-rate performance of Anne of Green Gables'Wednesday and Thursday. The students gave four performances of 2.5 hours each. Sharon Kelly, middle, played the lead role of Anne Shirley ,with Jenny Seiler. Here she shares an early scene with Minnie Stearn (Katrina Belfour), Mrs. Alexander Spencer (Anne Marie Rose) and Florence Remsen (Ginette Vandewalle), Bader photo. 1 it WANT SOME HELP AT PLANTING TIME? HAP a Y A PROFESSIO1ALI %1 44 F r6 ....�� 111. lir" 400 Iv , We know how busy you are right now. Applying fertilizer is just one thing on a long list of things you've got to do. So why not let us help you? Our "custom application" service will free you up to spend more time getting ready for planting. Our "Weed and Feed program" is available for pre plant or post plant applications. Have your herbicides and nitrogen applied in one trip over the field. The following services are also available: ` Standard and custom blended dry fertilizers * 2-8% liquid nitrogen - liquid nitrogen applicators * Micro nutrients w All -major farm chemicals * Spreader rentals 'ive us a :call today we'll lend you a hand Atirta,Gra htlifs; cell F),ort>;Alb„ert F en;9a11 kaon :pgafprth • 11 a