The Huron Expositor, 1982-12-15, Page 17THE THREE TALKERS -When Huron and Perth Federations of Agriculture met in Seaforth Thursday, among the crowd attending were Tony McQuail (left), Huron President, Harry Zwerverdentre), executive director of the Ontario Federation of Agriculture, and Ron Christie (right), president of Perth F of A. (Photo by Hook) r SUPER SPECIAL ZEHR'S CANADA 'A' GRADE Fcrim THE HURON EXPOSITOR, DECEMBER 15, 1982 - AIT O2( fo) 'h@ f Q ©W ect Farmer res by ace �Qoai�@Q p Two teenagers pranced into the restaurant. They were young, fresh -faced, clean-cut kids, normal in appearance with the uniform of the young: jeans And jackets. Seated at a table was an older man with his Iep in a cast. His crutches were on the floor under the table with about a foot protruding in the aisle. One of the teenagers tripped over the crutches. "1(a dumb farmer!" said his friend. "Watch where you're going." A typical scene? Yes, unfortunately, it was too typical because it happens literally 'hundreds of times a day in various forms. It typifies the prevalent attitude towards farmers and agricult\lre in this nation. If you are dumb, you are a farmer. You may be other things, too, but you are a farmer, a rube from the bpondocks who hasn't enough brains to do anything else. "If brains were dynamite," said the youth, "you wouldn't have enough to blow your nose." In most other countries of the world, farmers are treated with great respect. Senior governments provide all kinds off grants, loans, subsidies and legislation to keep farrners farming. These older civilizations have a deep-rooted fear of losing farmers. They know what a famine is. They know how important agriculture is to the welfare of an entire nation. They do not hesitate to grant farmers the respect, ever the devotion, that is necessary to keep them producing food. In this country, the opposite is true. Farmers get less and less in the way of government help. The federal government, for instance, spends less than two per cent of its whopping budget on agriculture, , Ever since the days of Sir John A. and Sir Wilfrid, a cheap food policy has been promulgated by governments. Canadians spend less of their disposable income dollar on food than any other nation in the world with the possible exception of the United States. Farmers here have out -produced every other sector of the economy. In fact, when Canada's industrial workers are falling behind in production, farmers continue to improve. Without agriculture, 43 jobs of every hundred would disappear. But still, farmers get less for their efforts than their city bjothers and sisters. And it ain't improving with age. The farmer who grew the wheat gets less for the wheat in a loaf of bread than the person who makes the wrapper for the loaf. You pay 51.29 for a can of apple juice. The farmer who grew the apples -- nursed and nurtured them through an entire growing season; nursed the trees for five years; picked and sorted the' fruit -- gets 17 cents from that can of juice. The firm that made the can gets more than the farmer. A bag of white beans sells for $1.15. The farmer who grew the beans ges 37 cents. But, here is the clincher. Here is what angers the farmer. Three years ago, farmers got 26 cents for those beans which sold for 61 cents. The gap between the price the farmer gets and the price you pay for those beans gets wider and wider, even when farm production costs are going up, up and away. "We are vying for more respect from the government and the public. We are determined to convince them of our true worth, of our need and our right to a bigger slice of the economic pie." So said Ralph Barrie last month at the Ontario Federation of Agriculture's annual meeting. It will be a long, hard struggle to gain that respect but it is sorely needed. LARGE EGGS 89 c DOZ. SUPER SPECIAL RUFFLES. FRITO LAY 6 VARIETIES POTATO CHIPS 200 y PKG PKG SUPER SPECIAL MCCAINS FROZEN SUPE 1't SPECIAL NELSONS FRESH DELOCIIOUS SUPER SPECIAL ZEHRS FANCY GRADE I SUPER SPECIAL I LIBBYS FANCY GREEN PEAS CREAM STYLE CORN • KERNEL CORN TINS FOR 14oz FJ 14' oz TIN 12 oz TIN SUPER SPECIAL CHICKEN NOODLE CR Of CHICKEN. TOMATO RICE CHICKEN RICE. CR OF CELERY AYLMER SOUPS $ 10 oz. TINS FOR SUPER SPECIAL GINGER ALE. SUGAR FREE GINGER ALE. WINK CLUB SODA. TONIC WATER. C PLUS ORANGE CANADA DRY 750 mL BOTTLES FOR PLUS DEPOSIT SPECIAL CHINA LILY CHOW MEIN NOODLES SAUERKRAUT LIBBYS FINE QUALITY r 78 oz TIN o 790 4990 DEJEAR REGULAR MEDIUM SHRIMP SPECIAL ZEHRS MANDARIN ORANGES 2.89 S9' SPECIAL SPECIAL 4 VARIETIES NEW FREEDOM GILLETTE MAXI FOAMY PADS 1)0ml 30S f.99 2.99 BICKS SPECIAL PARTY PAK 3 VARIETIES SEAFOOD ROSE SAUCE PICKLES 1 7`, ml '750 ml L59 f.49 SPECIAL CLUBHOUSE GROUND CINNAMON SPECIAL CLUBHOUSE POULTRY SEASONING 99' 99' LIBBYS SPAGHETTI AND CHEESE IN TOMATO SAUCE LIBBYS POPULAR ALPHAGHETTI OR ZOODLES D oz TINS 8 or TINS ?189° 2/89° LIBBYS FANCY FRUIT COCKTAIL 78 of TIN 139 LIBBYS FANCY SLICED OR HALVES PEACHES 28 nr 7175 1.29 SPECIAL CLOVER LEAF SMOKED OYSTERS 104 g 99? SPECIAL LUXURY SNOW CRAB MEAT 5 oz 2.99 GATTUSO 398 mL LASAGNA SAUCE 99' AR PURPOSE 3 5 kg 5 ROSESFLOUR 3.39 HERSHEYS CHOCOLATE BAKING CHIPS 350 9 189 BREAD STUFFING 119 EVAPORATED 385 mL CARNATION MILK 615 CAKE & PASTRY 3 5 kg MONARCH FLOUR 2 99 HERSHEYS PEANUT BUTTER CHIPS 350 g 189 CIT lfI YOCNOO) YIOItTI[S �+ CREAM ^ 1e39 SNACKS 6 s 101/ 9 CARNATION COFFEE MATE 500 9 219 PEI.- AK SEEDLESS COLD RAISINS 375 g 1.59 SPECIAL WESTONS ENGLISH MUFFINS PKG OF 8 79° SPECIAL WITH EXTRA BODY WELLA CONDITIONER 350 ml f.99 VEGETARIAN VAN CAMP BEANS WITH PORK 4 (1) TIN 69° SPECIAL 4 VARIETIES SAVARIN DINNERS 11 or FROZEN 1.39 WHITE SWAN 5 COLOURS BATHROOM TISSUE 4 ROLLS t�Is9 SPECIAL 4 VARIETIES BICK'S PARTY PAK 375 mL 159 SPECIAL ZEHRS WHOLE POTATOES 19 or TIN 2 FOR $f SPECIAL NEILSONS WHIPPING CREAM 500 ml f.69 DELMONTE JUICE 4 VARIETIES DRINKING BOXES 01.19 ml SPECIAL GRAVES PURE APPLE JUICE 4B o: 71N 99° SPECIAL GILLETTE TRAC II CARTRIDGES CARO OF s 119 Vievt ekteatiteut to aCl j'tcL�t eta ca at gekt4, SPECIAL "SELECTION" MOIRS CHOCOLATES 600 4.99 SPECIAL BIRDSEYE COOL WHIP TOPPING 1 LITRF f.29 SPECIAL LOWNEYS BRIDGE MIX 454 q 2.19 SPECIAL WESTONS 1882 STONE MILLED BREAD 6758 790 SPECIAL LIQUID PALMOLIVE DETERGENT ONF LITRF 2.59 SPECIAL SOFT STYLE IMPERIAL MARGARINE 7 in TUB f.99 KRAFT IND. 16-: CHEESE WRAPSLICES 5.9 3.19 RANGECORNINGWARE6 PC. COOKWARE TOPPERSSFET39D 99 HEREFORD CORNED BEEF ,,o, 199 COMPASS SEEDED LEXIA RAISINS BLUEWATFISH ESTICKSR BOSTON E 40.9 2.29 Y ICNOMS 71'IRIFTlt5 YRSTOOS FOOSM SNACKS 12 s 159=14 BUNS 99 BILLIE BEE CREAMED HONEY, kc, 3.479 LAUNDRY A.B.C. DETERGENT6 L 3,49 OCEANBLUEWATER HADDOCK WITH SNAC�KSHRIMP r 189y WESTONS 4 99r 375 g 139 HIGHWAY NO. 8 THESE SPECIALS AVAILABLE GODAVAILABLE ONLY IN: MON„ TUES. 9 T06 P.M. WED„ THURS., FRI. - 9 TO 9 P.M. SAT. 8:30 TO 6 P.M. JO-SEPHINE ST. (HWY. NO. 4) WINGHAM 975 WALLACE AVE. N. LISTOWEL INTERSECTION HWY, NO. 4 AND 83 EXETER MON., TUES., WED.. 9 TO 6 P.M. THURS., FRI. 9 TO 9 P.M. SAT. 8:30 TO 6 P.M. 4-H 1; \/Iflter Are you interested in spending time in the Great Outdoors, getting to know and understand Nature bet- ter? Are you between the ages of 12 and 19 as of January I. 1983? If the answer to these questions is "yes". then you will want to join the "Huron 4.H Winter Conservation Club". • The organizational meet- ing will be held at the Agricultural Office Board Room, Clinton. at 2:00 p.m.. on Wednesday, December 29. If you have any questions about this Club, please con- tact one of the following leaders: Bob Hcrn. 41 Wood. ham,.229-6300, Ray Hanna. 42, Auburn, 526.'251, Dave McClure, 41. Crediton, 228- 6219. Circle December 29 on your calendar today. Business survival in farm inventory BY RALPH WINSLADF. How often have you seen a sign up in a local business, "Taking Inventory"? Busi- nessmen take stock at the end of their business year. Farm- ers are businessmen but they often do not take an inven- tory, The reasons for this failure to take inventory are numer- ous and many are personal. Two main reasons should be recited. Farmers historically have operated a small busi- ness. They did not need sophisticated records and in- ventories, being able to retain the information in their heads. Times have changed. t.'he farm business is larger and memories seem shorter. Because of the former unso- phisticated style of operation, the Income Tax Authorities permitted farmers to prepare business statements on the "cash basis" without con- sidering inventories. With tax being the main motive for record keeping, inventories were not required. However, a new motive for record keeping has arrived called "business survival.."', The banker is demanding much better statements than what the tax statement can provide. The basis for im= proved statements is a good record keeping system and a farm inventory. Hopefully you now have a good record keeping system for tax filing. However, chances are great that you do not have good inventory records. When should you take stock on a farm? Like any other business it should be at year's end. For 90 per cent of farmers this will be Decem- ber 31st, However, some farm business year ends occur in another month(of-the year. While inventory should be taken as of December 31, you may be inclined not to do it in the 'holiday season. If you must delay. let's make it January 3, the first Monday of the new year, to keep it accurate. Inventory items in- clude livestock, crops, sun - plies, accounts receivable and accounts payable. Other assets like land, buildings and equipment are consider- ed -capital items and total lists should already be on file. The banker normally requests that inventory values reflect a modest market value. Inflated values may fool the farm operator more than the banker. Back to the banker and his demand for information. He needs a Balance Sheet or Net Worth Statement to deter- mine the owner's share of „ownership or equity in the farm business. Unless you record inventory items. your balance sheet will be incom- plete. While lenders have made loans on equity, equity does not do much for repay- ment. The Income Statement is important for repayment. The Income Statement for tax purposes. when properly pre- pared. is done in an effort to minimize tax in any one year. However, this does not reflect business profits or repayment potential. Again, the inven- tory information is needed to convert to an Accrual Income Statement. When comparing the year end -with the begin- ning, increases in inventories and accounts receivable add to business profits. De- creases in inventories and increases in accounts payable reduce business profits. The' banker will also re- quest forward looking bud- gets and cash flows to com- pare the future with the past. But we must start somewhere and that start is taking inventory at year's end. Then you and/or your accountant have some basic information to start to build the financial statement to please your banker. As a bonus, you have better statements to make decisions in your farm busi- ness. Another bonus of a complete inventory is a ready reference in case of misfor- tune like fire, wind, or death. A sample inventory work sheet is available from your county agricultural office. Similar information can be assembled in the farm record hook or on bank forms. Union reports good year Clinton Community Credit Union's 3lst annual meeting was held November 24. in Clinton. President Ernest Williams reported to the members that it had been a most challenging year for the Credit Union with a dividend rate of 8' , per cent on member share. The rate was lower than had been paid in previous years, but this was plainly due to demand for a higher rate of interest on term deposits and daily sav• ings account during the past Year. 54-.-36.00 more was paid out on nlenlhcr deposits than during the 1981 fiscal scar, for a total of dividends and deposit interest 52.24,"26.00 returned to members. The Exeter branch, a hich pas leased in the past years, was purchased this sunnier. The upstairs apartment has been rented and the office space on the ground floor 10 (o-nperatkc Insurance. Mr. Williams reported the sad loss of 45 members in the past year, Two of these members, Hector Kingswell and Leonard Winter were past presidents of the Credit Union. In honor of Hector Kmast. elf contribution and dedication Y the Credit Union the Clinton Credit Inion Limited award, which Is annually presented to the most deserving student in grade cic' en programming at Central Huron Secondary School was renamed the Hector Kingswell Clinton Community Credit Union Limited Memorial Award. James Schnaar. . repre- sentative of the accounting firm of Ward Mallettc Char- tered Accountants gave a %cry thorough financial re• port. In closing Mr. Schnaar stated that the Credit Union had fared fairly well during the past fiscal year of higher interest rates. Of the many financial institutions Ward Mallette audits, the Clinton Community Credit Union was near the top in returns to members. Elected to the Board of Directors by acclamation was Raymond Garon and re-elect• ed by acclamation was Tom Eadie. Gerald Holmet and Cliff Parker were re-elected to a three year term on the Credit Committee. Snowmobile Snowmobile owners - now is the time for you to brush up on snowmobile safety and learn routine snowmobile maintenance. Learning will be mixed with pleasure, as plans are being made too to the Skidoo Snowmobile Plant in Quebec. This club will get underway at the organiza- tional meeting on December 29 at 8:00 p.m. at the Brucefield United Church. All young people between 14 and 19 as of January 1. 1983 are welcome to attend. MAKE A DATE WITH BURT REYNOLDS OR SPEND AN EVENING ALONE WITH BO DEREK! V I P Video 123 King Street. Hensall. makes It all possible Choose from 400 first rate movies and screen them on your own color TV It s showtime anytime and a great way to save on the family's entertainment' VCR rentals and sales. Also Texas Instruments home computers and games Membership S50 S40 if you join before January 1. 1983 (We honor all existing video club memberships!) PRICES MOVIES Mor -1,175 u('5,147 Wed-eod,, , F''1,5(1575 d575 the 15v ti ' I q Fs1„'d575 i""Ilay VIDEO CASSETTE PLAYERS ),,,,•,(1175 F ~n,175n;.15 ''511,171,1s "71111141 F' 11,175 `x,111 •d5y Sunday CLUB MEMBERS NON-MEMBERS $' • c' S 8 00 each S 8 00 each $ Boo each 5 800 each S12 00 each $1100 each 51200 each 51200 S1200 51200 51200 51500 S1500 Sen 00 Drop in and pick up the full V.I.P. Video movie listing. ' Remember there are movies available -the ®® Of movies in the area Want a good movie-Hensall has It' largest selection VI.P VIDEO 123 King Street Hensall. Ontario _ _ (5191 262-2434