The Wingham Times, 1907-03-21, Page 88 GOVERNMENT'S RAILWAY TAXATiON POLICY CRITICIZED, Strong Speech by Mr. Arch. Bislop, ILP P. for East Huron,. The policy adopted by the Ontario iu the nature of the Pettypiece bill was Government in the clatter of railway looked for by the farmers. Tho Premi tiaxatioti was subjected to keen criticism er and lite followers tried their best to by Mr. Hislop to the Legislature, Mr commit the House to the principle of 'liislop's speech was based ou a mt'ticu tbat bill Minn the session ot 14)0.4. Mr. for a return of the reveuns received by Pettypitee was a very much abused man municipalities from the new Provincial when he declined the asststanoe of hon ax on railways gentlemen opposite to force the measure "By the Act of last session" said Mr 1 hruugh the House. Ou this occasion 1 Hislop, "an additional tax was levied on do not pretend to voice the opinions or railways It was provided that a certaia anyone bat ntys 'lf, I was always in percentage ot the tax, was to be dts• sympathy With the efforts of Mr Petty- zrlbuted among the uniuhepatitles se• piece to compel the railway corpora• cording to population, but the detente], tions to pay a higher rate of taxation tion was subject to an obligation ou the than they were paying when ho took the par of the niunietpa ities to p:ay the question up, but though I was demons Provincial Treasurer ten cents per day of seeing them contributing more freely tor the maintenance of each non -paving to the public treasury, I believed the patient sent by the muuicipahty to the end could b' attained by a less costly Provincial asylums At the rime the and much Simpler process than the one bill was before the House the Provincial Mr Pettypiece proposed. During the Treasurer predicted that the measure Ilast gentrel election Liberal candidates would be of great be tilt to the mufti- were denounce° by Otmservative speak- cipali ies Time has failed to justify ers aucl workers as being the friends of his expectations The revenue received railway corporat one, on account of hay by the muuicip tlities it so small that it ing votsd against the Pettypiece bill, could be dispensed with without the while the now Premier and his followers ratepayers koowiug that it had been were pointed to as the deadly enemies done. I have before me u return from ot those oorporatione, inasmuch as they the treasurers of live townships in the voted for the hill. Under these circum - County of Huron, from which I lawn stances, the people were justly expect - that their total 1 et receipts from this ing the present Government to go ranch source amount to $024 34, or less than 4'. further than they did go. and I think 'cents per head of population Tilts rev- they should have gone much further. enue could be dispensed with, and its WIIAT W1': HAVE GIVEN IN Am. equivalent raised by a tax of 25 renis on "Anyone who looks back over the his. every hundred acres at laud in those tory of railway aid in this Provine must municipalities bo struck with the great liberality ot the STATE SH01.LD PROVIDE FOR INSANE. people. Ontario's share of this ate— "This is a small matter, however, and contributed through the Dominion, the it le not my intention to say any more Provincial, and municipal governments An this phase of the question. My ob• is at least ;90,000,000 or over 1u2,000 per ject is to point out that 1 believe au error mile, for every mile of track.' The paid was made when this Act was placed on up capital of Dominion railways for the the statute books. From the beginning. of past year was $1,248 06(1,413 08. There responsible government in this country are in the Dominion 21,518 miles of rail - down to last session It was coutidered to way, and in the Province of Ontario 'be a duty of the State to provide for the there are 7,31(1 miles, So that in this unfortunate it sane. We are hearing a Province the paid•up capital of the com• great deal these days of the excellent panics mast be in the neighborhood of financial standing of the Province. This y500,000,000,nearly one-half of the valve being so, in the case of those who have of the farm ,ands of the Province. been so afflicted as to be unable to take CO\IpAr.ISON Or Fax AND RAILWAY care of themselves it should be the aim • TAXES. of the Government to pursue a policy of „Yet strange to say, this huge capital progress rather than one of retrofires• Pays some $700,000 annually in taxes, sloe, ooh as they adopted last year Our whereas if railways were paying in the asylums have been erected at the rn same ratio as farm lands they would pense of the Ptheuca. The Govern• contribute at least 8 times that amount. meat appoint all the officers required to Imagine the railway mileage of Ontario, manage the institutions, and the Govern. : 3 went alone should bear the burden of representing a capital expenditure of • maintaining them. $00,000 per mile, payirg in municipal "Let me point out that this Act is not and Provincial taxes $100, when the logical. By collecting from municipeli• 'average 300 acre farm, represeuting one ties for the maintenance of the insane fourth of the capital, will pay at least as the principle is laid down thatmnnicipali- much ' Or lltttilieip i) purer ees alone. ties are responsible for the keep of theca MILEAGE TAX UNFAIR. untgrtunates. vet tai, Aui 'i rovide that in the event of a munici- pality being obarged more for the main- tenance of its insane than it is entitled to from the distribution of the raiiway lax, the debt shall be cancelled. I know the Goverment have a strong abhorrence for every appearance of evil ; yet by the working out of this Act they unwitting- ly place themselves in the position of offering a bribe to a municipality by wiping out a debt it is justly entitled to pay. I knon from what information I have on the subject that this policy is working out very unfairly, The Pro- vincial Secretary will find many instan- ces of a small municipality having to support three or four weak-minded pa- tients, while an adjoining municipality, with perhaps twenty times the assesses valve, hasn't one to support. There can be no doubt that under this system the insane will not be so .well eared for as they formerly were. Under the present Hees Ola al' - "The present fiat rate of t0 =oh per m'le, $60, is unfair. Each corporation should contribute according to paying power, based on net receipts. The net earnings of the railways in the Derain ion for 1900 were $88,193 430 or ;31,770, per mile. Assuming that the Ontario roads earned no more than $1.770, they would at least give a net income of 513,000,000. Bat this is the situation; Railways, with gross earntnge of 55,081 per mile, and net earnings of $1,770 per mile, contribute in round figures for municipal and Provincial taxes, $100 per mile, or from a total net income of $13,- 000,000 they pay $700,000 in taxes. It seems unfair that a company with the earning power of the Canada Southern should not contribute any more to the public revenue than, say the C. P. R. between Toronto and Owen Sound. The railways should pay according to their ability, as well as farmers and businese men. TAE WINGIIAM TIMES MARCH 21, M7 mounts. Mr. and Mrs. Happ and childrou, o Alpena, Mich., wero vieitors at J. Davre", 5th line. They will take up residence in Rochester, N Y. Friday morning, March Sth, the spirit of Miss Lizzie, eldest daughter of Quint. in and Mrs. Anderson, 8rd line, was betokened away. Site had been in fai.ing health for the past year, her Image and heart being affected, largely developed from a °old contracted last June. Da• ceased was bleu on the farm on which she died, She was iu her 29th year and beloved by a large oirole of friends. The Council met according to adjourn- ment o Mar 11th. Members all present; the Reeve in the chair; minutes of last meeting read and oonflrmed. A request was received from Rev A. MacNabb, of Walton, asking for aid to the Pablio Library. Ou motion of Tay. for and Shaw $5.00 was granted in aid of said library. Shaw—Campbell—The Clerk was in- structed to notify the Grey Council that we require the completion of the Lamont drain in Morris on or before the first day of Oot next. A copy of a proposed by-ls.w of. the County of Huron in respect to the good roads movement was pre rented, and on motion of Taylor and Shaw, the Couucli approved of the pass. ing of said bylaw by the County Coun- cil. Accounts wero ordered to be paid as follows: F. Gutteridge, cement tile, $10.50; Municipal World, blauk Assessment and Ucllector's rolls, $4 00; J, A. Auderson, hall rent for revision court, $3; Corpora- tion of McKillop, B line account, $15.69; F. Vanstone, gravel on north bounoary, $23 85; Jas. Henderson, gravel on north boundary, $3.75; Jas. Fowler, gravel ou north boaudary, $5.30. A copy of the Engiueer's report on a propesed drain in the Township of Grey, known as the Ewan dram was handed in by the Clerk of Grey. McOatcheon—Campbell—The 0ounoil then adjourned to meet again on the 8th day of April next, at 1,30 p.m. at which meeting the report on the proposed Ewan drain will be read. W. CLARK, Clerk. TAXATION AND RATES. system there is strong temptation for municipalities to send the insane to the "It is often urged against increased House of Refuge where they can be taxes that the companies would raise their rates as an offset. That has not more thea "n slued than in an cheaply maintained United States experienceU been the 1n the t a asylum. m. It may be sta e d tht the Government inspector will not permit •and if the Railway Commissioners of any person who should be in an asylum the Dominion and the Province do their to remain in a house of refuge, but there duty it cannot be done bare as these is no doubt that, however vigilant the commissions have the power to regulate inspector may be, abuses such as I have transportation rates. mentioned will exist. In a matter so While I am in favor of taxing cor- vitally affecting the comfort and gel- portations according to their earning fare of our unfortunate fellow•heings, it power, I think the day has come when should be the aim of the Government to the Government should impose a tax on induce the municipalities to do their the capital stock of railway and all Parliament other companies doing business in the duty. Bat here is an Act of which holds out an inducement to those country. We hear on every side that h other corporations are be - in authority to deny to those who have this and the the misfortune to be unable to care for ing capitalized at fiecttous values for the themselves that guardianship and pro- purpose of deceiving the public and in- teetion which it is the duty of a Chris• creasing their own profits. This evil tiara country to bestow. might be largely overcome by imposing a substantial tax on the capital stock. FARMERS BADLY DISAPPOINTED. Were snch a system adopted the charter. "The farmers of Ontario are badly monger and company -promoter might disappointed in the Railway Taxation find his craft less profitable, but the Act of last session. The Government people would reap great benefit. One cannot escape the responsibility of im• of the most insiduons evils of the pre. pressing the people with the idea that sent day is the desire to obtain wealth when they attained power a most Bras- through stock jobbing and other wild- tlo railway taxation measure was to be cat enterprises characteristic of Northern placed on the statute book. Something Ontario." HELPING MOTHERS "a always tell my neighbors who have children how good I have' found Baby's Own Tablets." says nE q, L Re. vale, Gawas, Out, Mrs. Rsti119 further says :—"I would not bo Without the Tab- lets in the house for 1 tautly of no medi• eine that can cqual them in oaring the ills from which chi d en so often suffer," It is the enthusia is praise of mothers who have used the Tablets that makes them the most popular childhood medi- BORN, MOOne—In Winghatn. on March 20th,th a wife ot Wesley B. Moore; a daughter. Mot.r;Art—In Rochester, N.Y , on Mnreh 11'h. to Rev. ma Mrs. J. IV. McLean, formerly of Win ghaut;a son. MURRAY—In ulross, on March lith, the wife of Mr. Joseph Murray ; ;t son. MIAOWED BARTON —RnwAnns — In Trinity church, itlyth, ou Wednesday, March 0th, by Rev. W. 11. Hartley, butt -brother to the . room, Jam. s isarton. of Turnberry, to Miss Ella Edwards, of Bchnore TIED REVNcnY--In London, on March 11th, Mrs. S. P. Kennedy, wile of ltev..1. Kennedy and Tinether ot Dr. J. Y. Kennedy, of Wingham, itt er 70th year, BELL. In Turnb•.rrv. on March 0)1h, C lemen- tine Cloakey, wife nt lttr. Frame Bell, abed 03 years and 11 mouths. Pomo-AN—In West Wawanneh, on March 12th, Cornelius Donovan, aged 32 years and 11 Imouihs. ANDEusoty,--In Morris, on march Stli, Lizzie+ eldest daughter of Quintin and Mrs. Anderson+ aged' 2a 3 ears, 7 months and 4 days. BOOMIN LIME WORKS. Tho,undersigned will be prepared to supply limo in any quantities during the coming summer. Pa ties requiring ssmo should call on or write to A. NICi3OLSON & sod S. Bnlgrave. FARM FOR SALE OR RENT Lot 12, Con. 12, East Wawanosh, containing liiti acres, is offet'ea for sale or rent, she fare is mostly cleared : soil, good clay roam, and in good state of cultivation. There are on the premises ,t good bank barn with stabling um dorneath; a good frame house. Plenty of good spring water; about 3 acres of good bearing orchard. 11 not sold at once, will be rented for a term of years. For terns and particulars apply to JAMES DONLEY', Whitechurch, P. 0. FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for sale his farm of 2011 acres, being lots 21 and 22, con. B, Turn - berry, 2.r_ miles west of Winghum, on the boundary. The farm is exceptionally well fenced, well watered, and in a good state of cult vation. Soil, mostly clay loam. acres of goon orchard. FO acres fall plowing clone. On the premises are a large bank burn 70 x 80 with stone stabling underneath; also lean-to on north end, 50 x 70; also drive barn 30 x 10. Also a large bride brick, with frame kitchen and dining room. On the barn isa new 19 -foot power windmill which drives straw cutter, grain crusher and root pular, also 50 foot tower pumping windmill, which supplies water from never -failing well, to house and barn. Reasons for selling, terms and. price can be had from the undersigned, Possession at any time. BENDY THOMSON, Wingham P. 0 r. 1.:Ltd'• L uJL^14.i1.1 'L �'�7U "1t7Lt.•.LL 20 1 Spring Ter rJ L Iti (!1 l''rum April 2 merges into our Summer Session for July and August Fater any time. No vacations. Clip out, sign this and receive our catalogue by return mail. Name Address cine in Canada. Any mother using ali pp (rfi Baby's Own Tablets has the guarautee •� f us tress College !r of a government analyst that this 'meth- el 1 CU Central TORONTO. cine does not contain one particle of W. H• SIIAw, Principe opiate or harmful drug. Sold by medi• iJ W' T. Lt eine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box I r'� ' ''t" r'^'7r 7—'-7r 7 from the Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. ▪ CDI1IOSS. The chief business done at the meet- ing of the Cuirass council held on Mon- day, was the appointment of pathmast- ers, fence -viewers and pound -keepers. A few other matters however were dealt with. Ou motion of Purves and Ballagh a grut on 5 was made to the hospital for sick children at Toronto; and on For Settlers I WESTERNONTARIO MANITOBA SA I{ATCHE'WAN S ALBERTA motion of Falconer and Baptist, a grant . How Made and How Reached of $10 was made to the county hospital i at Walkerton. Write for free copies of TTLER ' GIDE giving full partic- Pathmaeters appointed were as fol. ,tiara of special !-am service orscttlers travelling wittlt live ' lows: stock and cfli\cts to tho N orthwestin March , Concession 1—Henry McGlynn, Mich. • and April, with passenger and freight rates. The McGregor•Banwell Fence Com- pany's plant and the Church of Our Dan, Shine, 12th con.,left for the West Lady of Lake St. Clair at Walkerville with a car of settlers' effects ,last week. were destroyed by fire The loss of the We hope he will do well. fence plant is between $70,000 and $80- Last Tuesday, Geo, Oxtoby and family 000, and the church was valued at 525,- left for their new home in the West, Mr, 000. Oxtoby took a car of settlers' effects with him, (U{EY. * stablished .1379 Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis Cough, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria Cr"eaolcne it a boon to Asthmatics Does it n)t seers more effective to breathe in a remedy to cure disease of the breathing organs than to take the remedy into the stomach? It Corea because the air rendered strongly anti- septic is Carried over the diseased surface with every breath, giving prolonged and constant treat. meat. It is invaluable to mothers with small children. Thole ofa consumptive tendency find immediate relief from coughs or in- flamed conditions of the throat. Sold by druggists, Sind postal for boiktet. Ltt9Mtreo, Maws Ce., L.irtrtted, ,Agents, Mont. rural, Canada. 3e Tuesday, March 12th, Rev. E F. Arm. strong, B.A., Ethel, tied the nuptial knot between Albert Michel and Miss Annie, Sehiestel, Arch Taylor, Wm Case Fred WESTERN CANADA 1'p:to-datedes- ; y + + cription of the Hardie, John King. Concessions 2 and west a t western conditions. 80 pages of ' information incraluablo to settlers'. er. Useful 3 --Frank Reinhart, Thee Savage, Jas. maps and stab -otic•;. Jackson, Frank Wocks, Robt Marshall, Wm Caslick, Jas. Wilson. Concessions 4 and 5—Chas Reinhart, Thos. Aitken, John Sproul John McAllister, D M TIME TABLES showing double tinily pas:;enger train service , Mc - to Winnipeg and Cal„ary. CARS TOURIST SLEEPING 16 er, an C- Leave Toronto daily. Comfortable, roomy . Kenzie, Alex Simpson, Jno Reid, Con- berths at moderato rates. Fully equipped with bedding, cooking rano and et•ery oon- cesrions (i and 7—James McKee, James vonience. Berths sited d bo reserved Millen Walter Howe,Fleming Balls le (through nearc,t C'.P.11. Agent) at least two €' g i r weals before departure. Andrew McPherson, Albert Hughes, Write to -day for free book and anything DOMINION BANK HEAD OFFICE : TORONTO. C iiital paid up, $3,000,000 Resirve Fund and !divided profits $3,928 198 Total Assets, oar 49,000,000 WINCHAM BRANCH. Farmers' Notes discounted. Drafts sold on all points in Canada, the United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT—Interest allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards, and added to principal 30th June and 31st December each year. 0. T. BEPBURN, Manager R Venetono, Solicitor. Farm Labourers and Domestics. I have been appointed by the Dominion Gov- ernment 10 place emigrants from the United K ngdom in positions as farm laborers or do- mestic servants in this vicinity. Any person requiring such nein should notify mo by letter stating fully the kind of help required, when e anted and wages offered. The number ar- riving may not be sufficient to supply all rt - quests but every effort will be made to pro- vide each applicant with help required. PETER CAMPBELL, Canadian Government Employment Agent �vzngham, Ont, Robt Falconer. Concessions 8 and 9— Gus. Kelleher, Wm H. Arkeli, Hugh McKague, James McDanald, Geo. Waugh, Wm Whytock. Concessions 10 and 11—Frank Rettinger, Joseph A. Barber, Dan McTavish, James Scott, Alfred Caslick, James Dav,David Edgar, Geo Bell. Concessions 12 and 13—Joseph Kelp, Jacob Erb, Wm J. Smythe, Jas. Thompson, Wm Hodgins. Concessions 14 and 15—Leopold Hehiu,Mich Rettieg• er, Geo Ginter, John Sittler, Wm Ban- nerman, Alex. McDonald, Andrew Caskennett, Edward Wall. Concession A—Wm. Edwards, Joseph Cronin, Joseph Trautman, Martin Meyer, Frank n e, Keiffer, John Ilundt, Felix Borho, Jno. daughter of Angus Campbell. The Weachter. young couple will make their home in Pound•keepers---Robt Baltagh, Jno. the Province of Alberta, where the groom McRae, Robt Whiteman, Noah Strome, Samuel Wallace, Arthur Simpson, Wes. ley Matters, Peter Scott, Joseph A. has land. The 100 acre farm of Jas. Hanna, lot 30, eon. 12, has been leased for a term of years to John Huffman. Mr. Hanna and family will remove next month to the West, the objective point being East of Lacombe, Alberta, where he has a homestead. The term for medical students at Mc- Gill has been increased to five years. CRESOLENE ANTISEPTIC TABLETS A simple and eifecttve remedy for SORES THROATS AND COUGHS They combine the germieldai value of Cresolena with the soothing properties of Slippertyy elm and ,ice, Your druggist or trete us 10.t 1n 5tniin Wntttitte, fuss 00„ Limited, Ageaty 1i[oatteili. gas you want to know about tho west and how to reach it. Address C. B. FOSTER, Dist. Pass. Agt., C.P.R., Toronto - • Borba, Jno flecking, Michael Graff, Wm J. Smythe, Jas. Thompson, Geo Mos Even, Wm Wall. I+'ence-viewers—Donald McLean, And. - MoKague, Peter O'Malley, Neil McKim. non, John Aitken, Alex Ferguson, Jno, Hill, Wm McDonald, Geo, Armstrong, Thos. Thompson, Jno. Weachter, Alex Campbell, ,Ino Sittler. The following accounts were passed D, 11'.:ltree, work on boundary, 75e;; Hospital for sick children, Toronto, $5; County hospital, Walkerton, $10. Council then adjourned to ineet again on Monday, April 8th. Cats Rums, Clerk, GREAT SALE —VB— Wall Paper FOR 10 DAYS ONLY. Miss Fisher is now offering last yeali's stock of Wall Paper at a great reduction, to make room for new stock just to in. All fresh, clean paper, with good colorings—very best. REMNANTS TO CLEAR Will' have on sale large and small bundles of Remnants for sale at half price from now until, 23rd inst. • Opalliatt days will be Wednesday and Thursday, April 3rd and 4th, when we will have a magnificent display of New Wall Paper for your inspection and pnrdhase. SPRING TERM OPENS TUESDAY APRIL 2nd CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT.'.--• This school which is the largest and most progressive oommeroial and shorthand school in Western ' Ontario enjoys the repntation of do. ing the best work in Business Edu- cation in Canada. Our graduates are in demand as commercial teach- ers and office assistants. Write for our free catalogue and you will get full information concerning our school. ELLIOTT & McIACHLAN PRINCIPALS. +AVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVNVVVVVV +'L<'tyi �i.. ''w HaviYouI,Tried 1 .J Tliem?..c IC M. FISHER. STeas and Coffees might be com- pared to genuine and counterfeit C coin. At sight they look alike, but on being put to the test, the imitation at once proclaim their el charaoter. Poor or cheap quality ,/ TEAS and COFFEES often have the appearance of be- ing better than they really are, but when BREWING time comes they lack that Delicacy of Flavor,flint tluality • nd Strength .t • for which nayi Special Blends are ,a largely commending themselves. iGOOJi1 VALUE 3 in all kinds of Chinaware'— Tea Sets, Dinner Sets, Fruit' Sets, q Water Sets, Glassware, Art:ware, 'K etc., etc. PRODUCE TAKEN. Christio• J. Henr ] Grocer and China Merchant Z, WINGHAM, ONT. , r%Ll2 PIA A aMMMAf AAA/ A AAAAAA ' �lliilY CAPITAL PAID ill.; TOTAL, ASSETS ; $2,1)oo,0oo. Thirty-two Million Dollars. arSrnye Form; $2,100,000 BANK OF HAMILTON A General Bankin Business Transacted. SAVINGS Bank Department at each of our 96 Branches. Interest allowed on deposits of $1.00 and upwards, at highest current rates, compounded half -yearly. WINUIIAI1 BRANCH C. P. SMITH, THE CRNA F CO IIEAD OFFICE, TORONTO B. E. WALKER, President ALEX. LAIRD, General Manager A. II. IRELAND, Superintendent of Branches AGENT. LAN Er,'..E Vag ANIS. ESTAIILI:;IIED 1581 Paid-up Capital, $ 10,000,000' Rest, - - - 5,000,000. Total Assets, - 113,000,00U Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED FARMERS' BANKING 86 Every facility afforded Farmers for their banking business. Sales Notes cashed or taken for collection BANKING BY MAIL.—Deposits may be made or withcirawxi by mail. Out-of-town accounts receive every attention WINGHAM (ONT.) BRANCH - A. E. SMITH, MANAGER. Ioviclus Shops For Men In the newest shapes, made from the beat materials, perfect fitting, and guaranteed to give the best of satisfaction in every particular. Also very fine Linen of Ladies', Misses' and Children's Shoes. Rubbers, Overshoes, Rubber Boots, eto., a great variety to choose from, at very moderate, prices. Ra Johnston SHOE DEALER - WINGHAM THE LITTLE EATON a 1 • a \ ''1`, :1r•:-) ry ..,1r 4 ''''.:1';'),,> tul �� \` _. J 2i a� .1 f i eau WING -HAM Hour Mills FARMERS Have your Wheat gristed and get 78e. a bushel for it, in Flour, Bran and Shorts, as follows : 33 lbs Star Flour at $2 - .86 10 lbs Bran at $1 - - - .10 21bs Shorts at $1 « « ,02 4 IL eStea .4 We have our spring Suits It's time you had yours SATURDAY BARGAINS 885 yards Of English and Canadian Oilcloth, floral and block designs, all widths, regular 25o a square yard, Saturday for •10 200 yards of Linoleum Remnants, good quality, in tile and floral pat- terns, regular 50o square yard, Saturday for - « « .37,E 78 ; 15 Men's Cravenette Rain Coats, in gray and olive shades, sizes 35 to 44, regular price $10.00, Saturday for « « - :$6•00 HOWSON, HARVEY & BROCKLEBANK, GOOD GOODS GOOD VA= At THE L1'1TLE EATON,( GOOD AT'TEN'T7t7N Old Post Officio Stand Wingham. QE O. C. HANNA