The Wingham Times, 1907-03-21, Page 66 Interesting Paragraphs from otir Exchanges. A. prone s of malting rubber from wheat has been invented It's better to smile and be a villain than never to have smiled at all. Sleeplessness, Disorders of tate stomach prodnee a nervous Oet ditlOn and eaten prevent Risen Ohmmeerlain's ttomanh and Lly- er Tab:eta stnrl1Lue the digestive organs restore the system to healthy- condi tion and make sleep possible. icor eine by all druggists Most of us like to he snccessfnl better than we like the means that make ns sa You may drive a man to a Carnegie library, but you oannot make him thick. r DRAW CHASE'S 1:5 CATARRH CURE ... C. is sent direst to the diseased parts by the Improv,1 Blotter. Heals the ulcers, clears the air 22 passages, stops droppings in the throat and peimanantly cures Catarrh and Hay Fever. Blower free. All dealers, or Pr. A. W. Chase i fedicine Co.. Toronto and Buffalo. a Call nn a business man nt buisness. times only, and on business, transact your b sinews and go about your busi- nteete Get in .tntint Iteliteff front riles i The, west Imitation disease relieved in ten minutes by Ming Dr. Arnew's Oint- nsart aril a cora in from three to six ei his Thousanris testify of its good- ness G•rnd for Eczema. Salt Rheum, and all skin diseases. If yon are with- out faith, one application will convince. 35 cents —127 Sold by A. L. Hamilton. Don't be stingy because some of your charity went wrong. Think how much wasted mercy has been poured out on The rails of the belt line road in Phil- adelphia are the heaviest in the world. The 2.000 Oiages in Oklahoma are the richest oommunit' on the face of the globe, and they are getting richer. For Over Sixty Tears. An old and Weil-Tried-Remedy—Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over sixty years by mtllrone of moth- ers for their children while teething, with perfect snccees. It soothes the child, softens the gun's, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure you ask for Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup. and take no other kind. Guaranteed tinder the Fond and Drug Act, Jane 30th, 1906. Serial Number 1008. you Yonog men are apt to th_nk themeely- es wise euough, as drunken men are to thiok themselves sober enough. Some temptations come to the indus- trious, but all temptations attack the idle. A. Favorite ltemetty for Rabies Its pleasant taste and prompt eures have made Chamberlain's Cough Rem- edy a favorite with the mothers of small children. it quickly cures their coughs and colds and prevetta any danger of pneumonia or other serious consequenc- es It not only cures croup. but when given as soon as the croupy conch ap- pears will pr, -vent the attack. For sale by all druggists. Bears the Signature • of Tho Kind `dal liars Watt Bcttnht de:#77-7 It is said that the United States Gov - eminent receives $008,000 each working day from customs collected in Now York city. The klappiness of Health" -Exhilara- tion is tea ripple and laughter of pure bleori as it courses through the veins. South American Kidney Cure drives out all intpurires and insures the richness and purity that is essential to perfect health—successful began e it merits it— popular because it tulfite every promise- e Kidnen ntedietne solely and purely. It never fails. -12d Sold by A. L. Hamit• ton. Labor is discovered to be the grand conqueror, enriching and building rap nations more surely than the proudest battles, CAST ° IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Arrays Bought Bears the Signature of TOE WiliCritat TIMES MAUCII 21, 1907 Etf its are being made to re•organize the 3. D. fang Compilly, Limited, hoot and shoe manufacturers, there having been au application for a winding -up order mads, Common Sense and Modern Medi - Cal Science flava reversed the alp ost uutversat belief that Rheumatism cannot be cured The great South .American Rheumatic Care has turned the tables and has given to sufTerers a tried, sate, simple at,d permanent cure. " Thousands have teetined that it has cured them in three days —122 Sold by A. L. Handl- ton. Josh Billings said ycu will always ro- tice one thing, the devil never effets to go into partnership with a busy ratan hut you will often see him offer to join the lazy and furnish all the capi al, Eczema, Tetter, Salt Itheo,n, It, h, Ring '! orny Herpes, Barbers'lteh. Alt of these diseases are at leaded by intense itching, which is almost instant- ly relieved by applying Ohamber]ain's Salve and by its continued use a per- manent cure may be effected. It hoe. in fact, cured many eases that had resisted all other treatment. Price 25 cent', per box. For sale by all druggists. Chocolate was first introduced Into England from Mexico in 1520. It was made from the flower of the cocoanut, soon became very popular, and was generally used in rho London coffee houses. Bad Heart—Could not Lie Down for Eighteen hlonths—••1 was unable to lie uown in my bed for eighteen months, owing to emothoring spells caused by Heart disease. One bottle of Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart remov- ed the trouble, and to -day I am as well as ever I wan."—L W. Law, Toronto Junction. -123 Sold by A. L. Hamil• ton. Mr. Patrick Welsh has sold hid farm, lot 31, cou. 5, McKillop, to Mr. O'Reilly, of Beechwood, son of the late Patrick O'Reilly, for $6,500. It is a good farm and has splendid buildings and is, alto• nether, a good investment - CIA 5 rXr O g3- . Tie Kind You Have Always Boil Signature of WeA,Ar Pearls imported from Australia and Panama are all of medium and large size. Generally speaking, the Indian pearls command the highest price, be• cease of their superior form (tunny of them being perfectly round), and their I brilliant luster. Pill-Age—Dr. Agnew's Liver Pills, 10 icents a vias. are planned atter the mostNever pass jud; nentsin your disheart• modern in medical science. They are as ened hours. It is a part of the conduct E great an improvetnerat over the 10 years of an honest soul never to take the ver j old strong dose pill formulas a; a bicycle diet of its melancholy. ` is over an ox -cart in travel. They never 1 fail; 40 doses, 10 cents. Sold by A. L. For Catarrh, let me send you free, just i Hamiiton. to prove its merit. a Trial size Box ot Dr r Shoop's Catarrh Remedy. It is a snow Snakes in tropical countries are often white, creamy, healing antiseptic balm Bears the No Appetite Your Food Disagrees, You're Tired -Lifeless Skin Is Yeilowe You'll Feel Worse Every Day Unless You Brats Up. Quick. The Best Treatment is Ferrozona. that gives instant relief to Catarrh of 1 treated almost as domestic animals. The the nose and throat. Make the free testi ship chandlers of Rio Janeiro, for exam - A sea anemone has been known to live tor 50 years. Tho mind may be the measure of the man, but the milliner's bill is tha meas- ure of the woman. ENGLISH SPAVIN LINII1IEN r re• moves all hard, sots or calloused lumps and blemishes from horses, blood spavin, curbs, splints, ringbone, sweeney, atlfles, sprains, sore and awooilen throat,conghs, etc. Save $50 by the use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known, Sold by A . L, Hamil- ton. and see. Address Dr- Shoop, Racine, line, keep a boa among their t bulky goods Wie. Ler;;e jars :,0 cents. Sold at 1 to act as rat catcher. 'These creatures Waliey's Deng store. I often become partially tamed and are . i The deepest pounds are made with the ' then bought by menageries. j tongue. Bullets may be removed, but ; "Preventics" will promptly check a p no probe can reach far enough to locate ! cold or the Grippe when taken early or E a bitter word. at the "sneeze stage" Preventics cure seated colds as well. Preventics are i little candy cold cure tablets, and Dr Afflicted W'lth Rheumatism. Shoop, Racine, Wis , will gladly mail "•I was and am yet afflicted with yon samples and a book on Colds free, if I rheumatism," says Mr. J. C. Bayne, you will write him. The samples prove editor ot the Herald, Addington, Ind an their merit. Check early colds with Territory, "but thanks to Chamberlain's P:eventics and stop pneumonic'. Sold in 5 and 25e boxes at Walley's Drug Store, Every day conies the good news of woudarfal cures with 11'e;rrozone. le 1'aterboro 11 worked marvels for Louis .Meahau—put Liar right on ltd Ieet—tnnde hint euttrely well. •' Abouo three years ago" says Mr hide• hail, • I had the txsip e which lett me iu a very ruu•gowu aondineu that Baal, ly developed into 1)yepi•p>sitt• I was uu• able to eat but a few things nod had a craving for tend. I gave up treating with the dootos because they did nut help me tied ou the aetv10a o a friend used Ferrozone. Il not ouly cured me or Dyspepslh acid 13uloasuese, but has built up my strength to what it was be fore I had the Grippe. I can remit- mend eeOinmend Ferroaune as au ideal restorative." Ferrozone gives you loroe, energy, vim, Is strengthens the stomach, cures indt• gestiou, prevents headaches--guarautees good health, `Chousauds use Ferrozone—they all inn prove—get better health --look better; try is yoaraell—sold iu 50e boxes by alt druggists. Pain Balm am able onto more to attend to business. It is the best of liniments." If troubled with rheumatism give Pain Balm a trial and you are certain to be more tham pleased with the prompt re- lief which. it affords. One application is Mr. Jobn Haley, of Fergus, the oldest relieves the pain. For sale by alt drug - man in the County of Wellington, who gists. is at present visiting his daughter, Mrs. J. Nolan, Glasgow street, Gneiph. Be - Hale and hearty and enjoying life in spite of his 101 years spent on this earth The more friends you have the greater .A. London firm of electroplate makers your chances of being neglected, have in its service eighteen men and wc- Pigeons and turkeys each have a nat- 1 men who have been working for it from ural tempreture of 109 degrees, which is ;fifty to sixty sante, ten degrees higher than a man's Messrs Sitler and Maybury, general One Tablet After Eating; and !merchants at Palmerston and Elora, se - what• a world of distress would he bayed. I signed Thursday to Mr. Oaler Wade with Dr. Von Sean's Pineapple Tablets enrol liabilities of about $14,000. A surplus sour stomach.diatres8 after eating,weight l of about $1,000 is expected. in the stomach, wind on the stomach, loss — bottles of this great remedy proved to of appetite, dizziness, nausea, and a doz. be his salvation physically. It cats be en other troubles traceable to bad dimes - T, 1e News—No Pure Drug Cough yours. -124 Sala by A. L. Hamilton. tion. One Tablet gives instant relief. A. ; Cure Laws would be needed, if all positive and pleasant cure that nature ' A Hungarian blacksmith recently sent has provided. 35 cents. -128 Sold by Cough Cores were like Shoop's g A. L. Hamilton. Cough Care is—and has been for 20 as a present to the Emperor of Austria a years. The National Law now requires horseshoe, a pair of pincers, a file and a sides being the oldest resident of the County, Mr. Haley is also oue of its first pioneers. Thomas Hoskins' Nerves—Mr. Hos- kins, a resident of Durham, Ont., Tor a number of years, was a martyr to stom- ach and nerve disorders. Schooled to prejudice against "patent medicines," he started using Sou American Ner- th vii,e as, he says, "a last resort," but six The estimated copper production of the world in IOW wee 730,000 tons against 705,000 in 1905, accordiug to a statement in the London Financial Times, says the United States Consular and Trade Reports. The output of the United States was 413,000 tons in 1906, and her exports wero 203,014 tons as against 238,798 in 1905. Many people say they are "all nerves,' easily startled or upset, easily worried and irritated. Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are just the remedy such people require. They restore perfect harmony of the nerve centres and give new nerve force to shatttered nervous systems. A charming home wedding was cele- brated at 5 p, m on Wednesday, the Gbh inst., at the residence of Mts. J: Conley, Ktnloss, when her eldest daughter, Miss Ida E , was united in marriage to Mr. Frederick Johnston in the presence of 200 guests. The coremouey was per- formed by Rev. Mr. Duncan of White -, church. Associate yourself with men of good thatif any pot ons enter into a cough quality ityou value roar reputation, for 'mixture, it must be printed on the lanai or package, For this reason mothers, it is better to be alone than in bad cons- and others, should insist on having Dr. pony". Sheep's Cough Cora, No poison marks a gold medal and 30 ducats, an Dr. Shoop's label. And none in the O 7CA. a it mast b law be on the �. else 7' medicine, � medrei .E�. y Bears the . Ile Mod You Have Always Bought label. And it's not only safe, but it is Ilignataro of knife, all ingeniously nailed to a goose's egg without the egg being broken. The Emperor sent in return his photograph, • • The first contingent of Salvation Army immigrants are now on the water. There sire 1300 immigrants in this contingent. They are made up of Englishmen, Frenchmen and Italiana., The Army are arranging to bring ont 25000 immigrants before the year is out. Dear Mother Your little ones are a constant care in Fall gild 'Winter weather. They will catch cold. Do you know about Shiloh's Consumption Cure, the Lung Tonic, and what it has done for so many ? It is said to be the only tellable remedy for all diseases of the air parsages in children. k is aleolutcly harmless and pleasant to take. It is guaranteed to cure or your money h Teemed. The price is 25c. per bottle, seed all dealers in medicine sell 3.4 said to he by those that know it best, a truly remarkable cough remedy. Take no chance, particularly with yoar chil- dren. Insist on having Dr. Shoop's Cough Care, Compare carefully the Dr Shoop package with others and ase. No poison marks there! Yon can always be on the safe side by demanding Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. Simply refuse to accept any other. Sold at Walley's Drug Store. Another one hag been added to the list of our pioneers who have passed over to the silent majority in the person of Mrs. John Underwood who died at her late residence, Wroxeter, on Mon- day morning, March llth. Deceased with her husband came to Canada from England about fifty years ago. Me. and lire. Underwood first settled in Berlin, then in the township of Wellesley, Waterloo county and afterwards they S 11 1 L 0 : located in tHowick where" they lived nn - til they retired in Wroxeter about ten This remedy should be in every household; yearrs ago, A Minister of the (ospe! Recommends ATO t3 Luehnow citizens have invested in shares of the Canadian Tailoring Co., soil pprpoee starting buriuess with front 30 to 60 hands, The Co is asking the town for the use of the town hall build• inn, it fixed assessateut and a loan of $3000 for ten years. The Luckuow Furniture Co. are also asking for a loan of $4000, with wh ch to enlarge tb'•ir Victory. Bylaws will be voted upon on March 20th. Row's Tills We offer. One Hundred Dollars Re- ward for any MIFF! of Catarrh that can- not be cnred by Hall's Catarrh Care. F. J, CIIENEY Sr. CO , Toledo, 0, We, the undersigned, have known E. J. Cbenney for the last 15 years, and be• iieve him perfectly honorable in all busi- ness transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. W AI.DINC, & MARVIN, Wholesale Druitgists, Toledo, 0. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal- ly,d end directtyuponthe bloc acting mucous surfaces of the system. Testi- monials sent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Solrl by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for oonst_pa- tion. t Stephen Irwin, the subject of this sketch was born in Ireland on 31st day of October, 1832 and died at his resid- ence, 4th con., Iiuron, on Thursday, March 7th, 1907. His life therefore, exceeded by mora than four years, the "three score years and ten." For thirty-eight years the deceased resided in that township and was well-known as a man of kindly disposition and sterl- ing integrity. '•iter several mot 1 hate been to eeryoor wealth. La t Valli was advssod by Lea, J. 9. AUen, st Murray Barber, 1', It 1 , to try 'Oxygenator.' Wore trying It I had no faith in it, but last Octo. in I began its use and can truly aay that before mingone jug I bad wonderfully improved In my tonere( bealtb. slime then I have used several ugLe, as a result have never spent such a healthy W'(liter or Spring s 1 did tide year. 'Oxygenator' 'or Throat s rouble, Catarrh, Purifying tbbo Blood end for Building up the System, I bullets is not revelled today by any other remedy. aererea of my cenerogatten have also need 11 situ bleated resales. I take great interest In Oxygenator; having given jogs of it away, and east gay 11 is A. WommarUL REtrrnr. In regard to ray eyes, 'Oxy,;enator' hes demi issu mere geed than the Oculists or the treattnont 1 received in the hospital. Per Earache. I think if peerless. For pains In 'Is rhenl, longs or side, indeed anywhere, 11 works wonders" 1tEV. A. D. MctEhif, Mount atawart,1".li,t eve awls n/W J 114r*OXYGENATOR 400. ..xtitiiord lit. . Taroalta SPRI'.tO MEDICINE. As a spring medicines Burdock Blood Bitters has no equal. It tones up the system and removes all impurities from the blood, and takes away that tired, weary feeling so prevalent in the spring. Saturday March 9, was the 4Ist an- niversary of the Fenian Raid, when all over Ontario the militia were called out on a Sunday to resist the attack of the rabble which crossed the frontier make war on Canada. SUI)11F1t 1T ATTACHED. Ohildrrn aro often attacked suddenly nv palatal and dangerous Colic, Cramps, Diarrhoea Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Iutsutani, etc. Dr Fowler's Exrrnet o' Wild Strawberry is a prompt and tura cure which t.hould always be kept in the house. Ou Thursday, March 7th, the death of Stephen Irwin occurred at the family residence, lot 25, concession 4, township Huron, in his 75th year. Dedeased wits born in Eugiskillen, county Fermanagh, Scotland, and Dame to this country with his parents about 55 years ago. They settled near Brantford where they took up land About 45 years ago Mr, Irwin, with his wife, came to Huron township and made a home for himself with other pioneers. to Try This for Tour Cough. To relieve a cough or break rap a cold in twenty=four hours, the following simple formula, the iugredients of which can be obtained of any good prescription druggist at small cost, is all that will be required: Virgin Oil of Pine (Pare), one-half ounce; Glycerine, two ounces; good Whiskey, a half pint. Shake web and take in teaspoonful doses every four hours. The desired results can not be obtained unless the ingredients are pure. It is therefore better to purchase the in- gredients separately and prepare the mixture yourself. Virgin Oil of Pine (Pure) should be purchased in the origin- al half -ounce visile, which druggists buy for dispensing. Each vial is securely sealed in a round wooden case which protects the Oil from exposure to light. Around the wooden 'ase is an engraved wrapper with the name—"Virgin Oil of Pine (Pure)"—plainly written thereon. There are many imitations and cheap productions of Pine, but these only create nausea, and never effect the de- sired results. THE LADIES' FAVORITE. Lasa -Liver Pills aro the ladies' favorite medicine. They cure Constipation, Sick Headache, Billiousnesa, and Dyspepsia without griping, purging or siokening. • Alexander McKenzie passed away at his residence on Meohanics Avenne,Kin. cardine, on Friday, March 8th, after an illness which developed into acute pneu- monia. Deceased was born in Balgown, parish of Langan, Inverness, Scotland,in the year 1830 In 1867 be was married to Marjorie McKillop and came to Can- ada in 1863 and settled on the north line where he farmed until a few years ago when he retired and moved into Kincar- dine. Doun'e Kidney Pills not on the kid- neys, bladder and urinary organs only. They curs backaches, weak back, rheum- atism, diabetes, congestion, inflamation gravel, Bright's disease and all other diseases arising from wrong action of the kidneys and bladder, ladder A spinister with money to burn re- cently paid $5,000 for a bulldog. Aman in Massachusetts has just bought a cow for $8,000. Walter Garvey has a hog for which he refused a cash offer of $4,- 000. James Keene refused $200,000 for Sysonby, a race horse. There are sever- al roosters of fashionable blood priced as high as $800 each. You can bay a fine lion for $300 a tiger for $700. By and by we shall have a craze for breed- ing fishes, and a fine male salmon edu- cated to pond life might be worth$1,000. The $8,000, cow has one cult a year old, worth $4,000. The female salmon might become that mother of 300,000 little fel- lows in the same time, worth iu the ag- gregate possibly as much tis the calf— New York Press. The death occurred on Sunday, March 10th, of one of the earliest pioneers of Heron County, in the person of Mr. Peter O'Sullivan, Deceased, although in his seventy-sixth year, had been in very fair health. Over sixty years ago Mr. O'Sullivan arrived in the then wild- erness of Huron County, and bnilt his shanty on a farm three and a half miles east of Seaforth, and lived on the same farm until the time of his death. e After Vow Snow Shoe Tramp You'll be ready for sup- per, won't you You will naturally be fatigued and will require something to stimulate and nourish you. A cup o2 Trot Bol 'ill„ will refresh and invigorate you at once. For "Bovril" contains in the most con- centrated form all the vital nourishment of the finest beef, just what's required to tone and build up your system. ,y�godoa'ey°tr'Jw'MrNkr2.t i minor A novel confidence game is reported f.:om Iroquois, Ont, which costs a farm er $2 000. The farmer heard a karmic at the door, and on opening 4 and a strang- er, who claimed to be a clergyman look- ing for another gentleman of the cloth living in the vicinity. It being late at night, the farmer extended him his hospi taffy as atfriend of the neighboring mini- ster. Before they had retired, another kl oak at the door eaused sono snrprise Again the farmer opened to a stranger seeking the clergyman, who lived a little farther on. Finding bis uiietake the stranger ejaculated, "Web, I want to got married. The lady is in the cutter with me," The first arrival consented on the innocent suggestion of the farmer to tie the knot, and the farmer and his wife signed the eertiiicate ns witnesses, now their names are at the toot of a joint note for $2,000. Have you ever noticed how some men prosper after marriage while others make no progress whatever, and in many oases fail after a time, to retain a posi- tion they had previously won? The rea- sons, of course are many and various. 111 luck and misfortune have a great deal to dowith many failures. If a census of the true opinions of married life were taken, however, it is safe to say that the major- ity would be found to confess that their prosperity or failure, as the case may be, was due to the woman they had married, Lookers on often see the wonderful in- fluence a wife can exert for the good or evil of the man she has married. A wife who w ishee to help her husband to sue - case, must take a real praotical interest in his work and doings. Not in an ob- structive inquisitive manner, which will iritate a man, and lead him to tell his wile not to worry about matters which do not concern her, but in a quiet, thoughtful way, which will enable her to understand his difficulties and sym- pathize with him accordingly. The essential lung•healing principal of the pine tree has finally been successfully Separated and refined into a perfect cough medicine—Dr. Wood's Norway Pit Syrup, Sold by all dealers on a guarantee of satisfaction, Price 25 Cents. Some financial prognosticators affirm that the year 1908 will see a great de- cline in trade and that hard times and shortage in work will mark that paled. Retrenchment is advised and the pract- ice of economy urged as pfieoautionary measurers following the Somewhat ex• travangant or careless manipnlatlon of finances. Eten the voice of the croaker may be heard with advantage at tinsel. THE BEST PLACE IN WINGHAM TO SECURE A Piano Organ oR Violin ITCH Menge, Prairie Scratches and every 1Orm at contagious ltoh ore human or anima's cured in 80 minutes by Wol- 1ord's Sanitary Lotion. It never fails. Sold by A L Hamilton. To illustrate the trials of those who - die rich, Aedrew Carnegie told at a dinner in New York a Scotch atom,. "Geo Gordon, a rich old Scot," he said, "was tartan seriously ill, and decided that he had better draw up his will at Aocordlnly the testament wars then and there written out at his diac- tion, read to him, and placed in his lap for his signature. Tho old man took. the pen, wrote George Gor—', and them sank back exhaused. The heir hastily raised him again, 'D, uncle, d,' he prompted. 'Dee?' growled the old man. I'll deo when I'm ready, ye avareecions< wretch." eetasoseasaaworpoet0000sessisiataaseastee ogeeChi eseiey.pq.poeseso aA01»titeoPet 6i COAL COAL COAL. We are sole agents for the celebrated SCRANTON COAL, • which MILS no equal. Also the best grades of Smithiug, Cannel and + Domestic Coal, and Wood of all kinds. always on hand. Wecarry a LU i`TaBERNCL full stock o4 (Dressed or Undressedli ' + Cedar Posts, Barrels, Etc. + + • 4 P + • Residence Phone No. 55. Office, No. 64. Mill, No. 44. p ►see #sl�4 ►AA O®+P�ArA4 4prAd 0 bwN+AM••••••0MO®?44..OA0i, P4poboi TYVits'Vl VVII73',VVNITTT Irtfrili IFTV..9 VVVVWV'1'7:t1'!tl ITVV"d'irVlni!F' IVI +; LATHE ,fra" Highest Price paid for all kinds of Logs. MCI 17 ® t, ii b 11. 1" Specialn,Mmooncomeol Fall and mere T. A. MILLS IS OFFERING HIS STOCK I AT SPECIAL PRICES. DRESS GOODS. I have determined to clear out my Dress Goods stook at greatlfy reduced prices this Fall. As the season goes on, many lines are going at less than 75c on the dollar. Blank Dress Goods a specialty. PRINTS. m" ▪ ▪ Fall and Dark Winter Prints at Coat, Po P. • I purchased very largely by the case in all kinds from 5o per yard up. A Can give you heavy, 36 in. wide, all colorings, at 10o. iis 10. Grey Flannels and Flannel Shirtings. 0. 0. And a nice variety of Shirts made to order. Pr HOME-MADE BLANKETS. 4 Ile From the Wroxeter. Teeswater and Kiugsmill factories. Pure stock, 1 ► well cleansed and very oheap, at the price wool has been this summer. Call q pe and see them it iu need of a pair. Sheeting, white and grey, 36 and 72 inches. «i1 to so z• UNDERWEAR.01 I keep the celebrated STANFIELD Shirts and Drawers, made from Nova 41, I. Scotia wnols, soft and flexible, and guaranteed not to shrink, sizes 36 to 46. Ladies' Wear in the Puritan make. The best brands in Canada. Also Misses' ll at the finest. ' e from 15c each upto i I1 size u Children's e a and , HOSIER Y. FLANNELLETTES. •eb 4 424 E From the WellsieyKnitting Mills direct. The best wearing goods in Canada, made from pnro North-west wools, and at prices that cannot be equalled, quality considered. 1 READY-MADE CLOTHING. I▪ I `' 1 have decided to clear out my large stock of Clothing this fall and win- e,. ter, and can give you great bargains. A nice Overcoat for $4.00. usually $9, A good, serviceable Snit $4.00, and large stook to select from. Boys' School v Suits, splendid variety. A good Work Pant for $1.00, worth $1,40. 13 Ps 0. Carpet, Oilcloth, Linoleum. I.1. A large number of ends in All -wool, Union, Tapestry and Brussels, at about half price. Call and see them and get prions. Some cheap Hemp. a, Carpets and Mats to offer, , ups Linoleum in 1, 2 and 4 yards wide. Oiloloth in 1 and 2 yards wide. Men's and Women's Fur Goods. Coon, Wombat, Russian Calf. Dog and Bishop Coats for Men. For the. Ladies, Astrachan Coats that o net be beaten for values and quality, W brk= ' manehip guaranteed. Call and see them. Etats, Claps, Gloves, Boots, ShoeS, Rubbers, Groceries. IS AT ' . ;snttor and �ttfrfts, fillnothy and 1�-t A. MILLS., {�/� "�' L L Sa^ DAVID BELL'S - (,over Beed, Stlekwhrat and T. M 1 • �i Tartar 5sing UNts wanted, •im* to atilt purchaser. 4L