The Wingham Times, 1907-03-21, Page 5I a Correct Laster Apparel Au attractive exhibit of Fashionable Clothing Hats and Furnishings. A com- plete display of approved spring styles for men and boys. New Spring Suits and . Suitings New Sp ing Trousers and Trouserings New Spring Overcoats Our clothing department has had special attention, and eve are in position to supply the wants of every man and boy with the newest style, with a perfect fit, and with dependable quality. Swell Easter Neckwear. We are showing a Larne and choice display of Easter Neeltwear, all the newest shades and color nombinatione, are represented in our assortment. We make special mention of the Pearls; Mauves, and the new Wood shades. Easter Shirts. An excellent showing of shirts in the newest and 'meet attractive pat - terns, with cuff atteohed or separate, special valves, at $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 Easter Hats. Do not forgot your Easte,r Hat or Cap, make your choice today before your shape and size is 14000. CLOTHIERS AND MEN'S FURNISHERS 1 3 lllkl�lX'inYlgyLL#AL'IL'la"'.a.asa....ew,•,seeseet•.7j., yseese stra sett ^ :�'...._tetz e w, yst-, atease.,- MERNEE MEZEZTTI mill most a +u 4 it lx. l 1kO: 'C;r. 1 ARYOU BUIL A House, Barn or Fence ? We are in a position to offer you very low prices on • -q 1 NAILS, WIRE, AND ALL BUILDING IVATERIALS. Be sure and get our prices before purchasing elsewhere. !4 `O UAND—A large assortment of Sap Pails, Milk r':atilN, and Tubs. Galvanized Pails Z _ .. .._..... I. CENTRAL HARDWARE, WINGHAM. la6u.islR T ` H easaaaJK.4aUtWwtutiC4turYianJ..ttr.•; -tuucarta.eseilioduelesseeet1, seeeseeale . ME •WT'NIxUAM 'Tim NS MARCIT 21. I407 OL) NANNAN Mrs. Samuel Junes, of Seuesaw, Nab who has boon visiting relatives and ,oi pier friends in this vicinity, spent leo Thursday at Mr. Thos. Aitken's, Mr. Meek Aitken has returned boat from a visit with his sister, near Paisley and left this week for the West. Mies Reid, of Gillies Hill, is vision,. her sister, Mrs. Robt. Muir, BELnfOlt1C, On Wednesday evening, March Gth, as 4 p. m, the marriage of James Barron, of Tarnberry, and bliss Ella Edwards of Belmore, took place in Trinity ohurcb Blyth, The Rector, Rev, W. H. Hartlay half-brother to the groom, officiated Only a fewrelatives of the coatraetin• parties were present to witness the interesting ceremony and extend cob gratnlations and wish the young coup! the oustomery felinity, es Don't Uso Grtnay Liniments A century ago they were•popular. To day people want something easy to apple , certain in results, and above all a clean liniment, When Nerviline is 'applies: aohes and pains disappear as the pores absorb its soothing healing propene . Nerviline penetrates to the oore of the pain, eases iustantly, and leaves no on bad smelling memory behind. Good to take in, capital to rub ou, and five Gimps more powerful in destroying pain than any oily liniment, Don't fail to get a large 25c bottle ST, HELENS. Mrs. J. T. Salkeld and Miss M E Salkeld, of Goderioh. were spending the week with Mrs R. K. Miller and Mrs. W. E Gordon. Mr. and Mrs. Mowbray and family, who have been spending tee winter with relatives hero, Ieft for their home In North Dakota on Tuesday of last week. Thos. Somerville, who bee been a re- sident of these parts for over the last fifty years, left for Cargill, where he will live with his daughter, Mrs. Mat- thews. Mr. Somerville will be greatly missed by his many frionds% but we hope he will favor ns with a visit once in a while. Ono of the Saddest Stories. First it was a cold, neglected of course and catarrh developed. Nothing was c one and consumption followed. Watch the littlo cold, keep it from growing by using ' •Catarrhozone." Nothing stmpl- or than inhaling the germ -killing vapor of this grand remedy. Colds and catarrh flee as before fire. Every trace of throat and bronchial trouble yields itna•ediate- ly. Oatarrhozono is scientific and ab solutely guaranteed for preventing and curiug catarrh and kindred ills. Two sizes, 25e and $i 00 at all dealers. BLUEVALL Mr. James Gray has been visiting at the parental home. Turnberry Council will meet in the Clerk's ofneo here on Monday, April lst. Miss Bertha Thom is now reeovoring nicely from her long seige of pneu- monia. A Ladies' Aid Society has been or- ganized in connection with the Presby- terian Church with Mrs. Wm. Maxwell as president, The Westminster Gelid of the Presby- terian church will hold an At -Home on Friday evening of this week. There will be a program and a debate: "Re- solved that city life is preferable to country life." Sandwiches, cake and coffee will be served at the close of the entertainment. �`„,aNIB a L'.3'4e1!�1a YY •l•hv' it watt j • 1:+ utSN .�.,- . - • S`.—.iL�SL°,_eaarl.: _..�� r.v= .9M, �' �q. �t1vf•.'1tJLV�:+.litke::iia�5��°.wsiirt� � t'�r ht` ,'�:i ort ' y, ,b... r ✓: T.1:r "''• 'ti��i.., , �iii:'.'r..ta. ';,n..`a�:..ri:=;;..,,.tt.ii Why, the same Big Bargain lays at Young's Hardware, in Granite - ware and 'all lines of Hardware, which we have neither space nor time to mention. Come and see. ,,..0-tm,B r aigkiNiiimaIi,fiw,u.wa�.aw� i3.,lanes. ,141,+,ya..�w�i��aw ',�u,w.Yw�arsa,s�u•c4•ys� s SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK 5 and 5% it Cross -cut Saws, regularly sold at $2.5o and $3.00, for - - - - - $1.25 and $1,50 Razors, regular $I, $r.25 and $I.5o, at 50c, 6bc and 75c Granite Water 'Pails, regular 75c and S5c, at 40c and 50c Granite Sauce Pans, regular 3oc and 35c, at - - 15c IT WILL PAY YOU TO CALL AT Young's Big Hardware. 1 • 0 0 Grippe or Influenza, whichever you like to call it, is one of the most weakening diseases known. .c'olt's Emulsion, which is Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphites in easily di- gested form, is the greatest strength -builder known to medical science. It is so easily digested that it sinks into the system, making new blood and new fat, and strengthening nerves and muscles. Use Scott's Emzaefj' on after Influenza. Invaluable for Coughs And Colds. ALL DRUGGISTS; 50c. AND $1.00. 00000000 0 • 00000000000000 famen Mr Aogns McMillan left on Tuesday arrernoon of last week for the Yukon and expects to arrive there before a month has passed. John Tetains has leased the Taylor farm just outside the village limits for a term of five years, and will move on to it in April, Blyth Agricultural Societe- will hold a mammoth Spring Fair in Blyth on Puesday, April 2nd, A sp'endid list of prizes for entire stock, &o. Horses— Clydesdale, Shires, Pereheron and Road- ster. Cattle—Shorthorn, Herefords, Polled Angus. Grain, seeds, eto. Announcements have been received in town of the marriage of the daughter of Rev. J. And Mrs Edmonds, Grace Muriel to Cholmly Elliott Strickland, on vs outlay eve ling, February 26th, at Stows Valle, South Dakota. Se'ect Torr Medlehte n•Ilit Care In debility and weakness medicine should be mi d and far reaching. Many rolls and purgatives are 100 harsh, are drastic instead of cursntive. Excessive action le alwacs followed by depression, and knowing th s, Dr Ia•aniilton devised his pills of 111aradrahe & Butternut so ao. to mi-lly iuerease liver and kidney acti = i• tv, flash out the element try canal, tone and regulate the bowels Thus do Dr. eDimiltonei Pills eliutiaate poisons from the body, re.tore eieerness to the skin, brin • strength and that sweet restorer of health—sleep Best tnuniciuo on earth, 25o per box at all dealers. S C'...I.UGUSTIN E. Q cite a land deal has b. en t ansected lately in this locality. Mr. Uriah Thompson exchanged his one hundred acre farm to Mr. George Smith for his two hundred acre farm, giving $3 Su0 dtfferenee. Wm. Thompsou, brother of tho former, has since bought from lir. Smith his late acquired farm. Patrick Cummins, for 40 years a resi- dont of St. Augustine, died at Walker- ton on Sunday, March 10th. The fun- eral took place on Wednesday of last week, to St. Augustine cemetery, the attendee:0o being very large. Rev. Fr. Laurendeau alienated. The deceased had been ailing for two or three years from asthma. His age was G1. The late Mr. Cummins was a man of strict integrity and very highly respected. He leaves a wido'v, two daughters and four sons. The pall -bearers were Richard Anderson, Win. Brophoy, R ,hent Haines, Patrick O'Connor, Jeremiah Forban and Wm. Armstrorat. Martin Cummins and wife, of Goderieh, brother of the de- ceased, attended the funeral, also Mr. Richard Paulen and Miss Patalen, FTs a Strong elan Increase your vitality and nerve en- ergy, restore: vim and force to your over- worked body. Ferrozone will do this as it did for Walter Wood of Beauporl, N. B„ who writes: "I can say Ferrozone has given me a new lease of life, A year ago I suffered so from nervous exhaus- tion I was scarcely able to drag myself around, My appetite was gone, I had no color or ambition and felt used up. One box of Ferrozone started me back to health. I took a number of boxes and my health was completely restored.” For men who are tired, pale, nervous and thio -blooded nothing compares with Ferrozone, 50o per box at alt dealers. JAMESTO %VN. Chas Eaket went West on Tuesday of this week. Wm McAIlister of Wawanosh visited friends in this vicinity recently. Miss Myrtle Wilson of Brussels is vis- iting at the home of her stater, Mrs. D. MacDonald this week. Miss Marjorie Strachan, who has been visiting with friends in Teeswater, re- turned ou Monday of this week. Jos Combos, of Molesworth called on friends here on Sunday previous to his departure for the West on Tuesday of this week. Mr. E. Maunders of Brussels preached in Victoria Hall on Sabbath evening last, His discourse was mach appreciat- ed by those who heard in. Our sympathy is with Mr. and. Mrs. Wm Hamilton in the loss of their little son,who died on Friday morning last. Tha funeral took place to Brussels cemo• tory on Sunday afternoon. The Debating Society purposes bring- ing the season to a close on Thursday, the 28th inst The subject for debate is •'Resolved that travelling is more edu- cative than reading " Tho affirmative will be taken by two debaters from Ethel, wbile the negative side will be upheld by Jno. T. Strachan and R. M. Simpson of Jamestown, A good liter ary and musical programme will be pre- pared. A pleasant and profitable time may be expected. (Intended for lavt week) Mrs. Geo, Eckmier visited Ethel . friends last week, Miss Alice McKelvey is away to To- ronto where she will remain for some time, Mr. Chas Lake leaves for the West on the 13th where he will seek his ' fortune. Mr. Jos, Combes we are pleased to say is recoveriug after a severe and painful illness. Alfred Perrin of Listowel, and mother were the guests of Mr. and Mrs, D. Mc- Donald over Sunday. Jas. Moses bought a fine span of three year old geldings from Jno. Oliver, Jim is fond of a good horse. David McAllister of St. Augustine visited friends in this vieiuity Sunday and Monday of this week, Thos. McEwen while out in the yard one evening recently slipped and fell and is nursing a score shoulder ever since. ' John J. Strachan, who has been spend - in;; the winter at his home here return- ed to West Montrose, where he • will be employed for a time. a 11 • 11. E. Isard Co. v'N! Wow Idea Patterns Only 10c ITHE LEADING STORE{ SPRING 1907 We announce for the Spring Season of i 9o7 a larger, more complete and '- better assorted stock, in all our departments, than I ever before, 41 i Anent tear Naw 1;lwat Patterns We have been in touch with the best markets and have been able to secure many lines at advantageous prices. If you are looking for the right elms of Goods, at right prices, you will find them in this store. New Spring Coats a d Skirts We are ag•-nts for 1'lcK NNON'S Coats and Skirts. We have just opened up a large shipment of these celebrated garments and can show you a nice range of the very latest styles at very reasonable prices. Visit our Skirt and Co:•it Department on the second floor. We will be pleased to show you through. 61 isala IMPORTERS, WING -HAM. PI -HONE 68. 6109r„3,'"i? f; oa.o e . ozsat: `'.:,tea �'."t^'.' .cif.79A'lr''.�r,+a.;+•n,.:e6':+,.i1aQ5::':>ltiarb :.%s,n.•`i7s rZ.i.". SIM The people of Wingham and surrounding country have been astounded by the large crowds and great bargains seen at the Bee Hive two stores so far during the sale. But we intend to make this last week the best of the sale. Never before, and perhaps never again, will you have an opportunity to secure goods at such a great reduction. And Saturday, March 23rd, will positively wind up the greatest sale ever held ill Wingham. An Avalanche of Value for Men and Boys. You'll never do better than here anct now Men's heavy braces worth up to 40o per pair, includit:g the famous fire and police brace for only per pair - - - 19c Men's heavy grey woollen sox, winter weight, for, pair - Oc Red and blue Bandana Handkerchiefs, reg. 100 for - - - - u'c An assortment of fine silk Neckties, all shapes, right np-to-date, for each - Oc Men's Dress Shirts, stiff or soft, white or colored, all kind, regular $1.00 for - 39c Men's Heavy Snit Shirts, all sizes, regular 75c for - - - - 39c Men's Heavy Flannell Shirts, all sizes, reg. Goo for - 39c Men's Heavy Wool Fleeced Shirts and Drawers, all sizes, reg. 51.25 per snit, for each - 39c Men's heavy Pare Wool Unshrinkabie Shirts and Drawers, regular $2.00 per suit, for each - - - 4i0: Groceries Slaughtered.. Anything saved on groceries is made money, and you'll find lots of it here daring this great slaughter. Aroma Tea, reg. 40o for - Cow Brand Soda Extracts, reg. 10c for • 7 Bars of Soap for . 22 lbs. Granulated Sugar - Trout Haddie, tins - Parlor Booms, each - Gloss Starch, 4 for 330 3c Sc 2$1.00 - 19c 25c 1 Bargains in Dress Goods. Never such a chance before in Huron to buy richt up to•dAte Dre=ss Geode at such prices, All bri r ,taw goods. Not an old or damaged pteeeKri the lot. garde of bright new Herniate Serge, Lustres, Pla:ds, etc. ani worth regularly up to 55o, for during this great sale only per yard - 19c 500 yards of high grade costume fabrics, all kinds, worth up to 750 for per yard - 39c Wonderful values in all lines of now spring tweeds. 1000 yards of Flannells, good widths, fast colors, new striped designs, reg. value 10c for per yard - - Siete Heavy Orford Shirtings, fast colors, good weights, regular 10o value for - 7C Heavy, fast color print, good new patterns, nothing to equal it today at per yard - uC Everything reduced nothing reserved. Clothing Prices gore t® $.r:l,a .. Ytive.y Garment guaranteed as to fit and ;mist' or your money back. 50 Youth's and Men's Suits, in fin i quality, domestic and imported tweed, padded shoulders, well set up, regular 80.00. Value for each - - $3.95 Meii's Suite of fine sightly. west of England tweed, lined with 2? -XX permanent finish Italian double worped, regular $10 00 and $12.00 value for each • $7.95 Men's Heavy Tweed Pants, all sizes, reg. $1.50 for only •- O8c Men's Heavy Winter Coats, simply must bo cleared ont, lines worth $8.00 will be sold for oaoh - $92.95 We will have $I,5oo worth of New Goods opened and markei by Tuesday. Tie Bee Hive Two hills.] Opposite Presbyterian Church. WINGHAM. Opposite Brnnes�i 4