The Huron Expositor, 1982-10-13, Page 17sse POOR TURNOUT-- Seven ratepayers attended a ratepayers' meeting in the Brussels library last Thursday. From left are Reeve Cal Krautfier and councillors Gord Workman and Betty Graber. (Wassink photo) Few r t,e pa r BY RON WASSINK II wa. hilted a ratepayers meeting, but rrss 1:uepascrs attended. Its addition to tmon 11 members. seven Brussels residents :wended the meeting cm 1111.1rsda% evening. r61ri1r1 -, in the library. Councillor Stu Park •r and • 1'.l'.('. commissioners were ,Invent'. Reese ( al Kramer upcnctl the meeting s:n mu he st as disappointed is ith the Iutt aurnd:owe. "I gel the feeling people are not m1,•testcd in their village." I he revs listed his nitolvenicnl on flurun „ants council. Asa member of the Huron, sues t nnnniure. Mr Krautcr exjtl;lined 111111111% ten is not a nursing home per Se hilt looks alter palicnls ill all anihuluor nation -V. ilut°fltirss employs 111 incl "has room for tap Illus imperils 11"s cull very hell.'. 11,• sant the centre is in the Throes of Jri Ming whether to drilla hell or continuing h, plot 111( hater Iron) Clinton, "My first . on, t nI is iii the Iaypuscr... t on. elniie the village, I'm vers Happy ,soh „mond We don't always agree, but ant Ins and ,brise ,u the hest answer.•' I'hc Ic, t, splanu d that nobody should he left „d Vs( look into etch thing that is brought op \11 hedulr1 noted Int• hark of the town mitise1 s,Ind administration reflects inn the lieu, 1 Iris u• nun afraid In push a hrouni and Int mirk Is alts as tlniic ,. on, mil{ 11%41111 nlllatk11 and las increases tail, tear Sir Kranter wild the budget is Ii.,natuand amill rate isthen set "We can wilt 1111.1 Milt hut•itear One thing Vol' (NI tan 11,11111 1111 I1s411 We rectitt•d some opposition bot est rt one is Ills\s sa vng'hnw ,O11.11 11111 ,unit 1,T1'.;:ll the Inwn looks, sp, , 1.111% O111..1-10%%11,1,. " He said mord mos ..11 ,, nth rt tt nod that thv k°%crnnu•nt grant , 111 I•, nt, teased for the project scion's: the tilldgt has an Interest in °°lusts \lr Kramer said "sse hone to v. au in i Just of I6I depressed etnnnnit We have II Ihr ne, essars tat chiles. but are not located hlkhw,i\ I h, h aimsttirks is 35 \ears nlrl resulting in ,I nerd to ernes, much of the main Although ,iinplonts has t• been receit ed from an odour the haler. Mr. Kramer said tests base hen , mnipkted and the is ater is "okas ' • He said the problem is faults hot stater lanky I'll•, is heir! rcnc\st•d m the numhtr int twine house and 'sill he completed hs this k \ nr n it motor oras installed on the mind', I in pump \I• hr,Iut't said the Mmiitrt ,I the ••, .1 n Ln ni listed lour recommendations. I,, me to install a -t hnlnnnator "We should first think it Over". "All in all. I'm satisfied with what we have clone. We made mistakes, but we all do, We Ir) to improve the village every year". conducted the reeve. Cecil Moore said Princess street -is a dark hole, black as black. "Is there a set pattern for lighting streets?"' Reese Krautcr replied street, lights are installed, one on each corner. Using dusk to dawn lights. power consumption is S„,442 per month, "We will get together with the P.U.C. and du something." Chairman of the roads committee, Hank 'fen Pas, returned to council following a four year absence. He said some paving is clone each year. "whatever the budget allows". Mr. 'fen Pas said two years remain in complete street paving, then repaving will begin. "except for certain roads. such as railway property." • "We try to do the best for the whole cinlmunns." • . Holts Graber. properly 1.11;11r111:111. said the committee has an °serail plan. "We art to do the . mast important." She noted that sidcualks are left till lase because no grants are available. "It's fine to sit hack and complain. but es tri tine should sit on council to see all sides," c nuncill°rGttt•dan Workman. ch,urnian of Rik rcahnn,satd the arena has been operating in the black "Wt arc fortunate we Molt the nem arena when %se did."' He said fees hal not increase for sersu•es provided hs the arena this season. 'stirs kcclubs are credited furr•is.i ring the recreation department "The hall park looks good as dunes the playground." pm)ects undertaken hs the Optimist and I inns t lob. he The market at Brussels Stockyards traded actively at higher prices from the weeks •decline. Pigs also sold higher. There were 472 cattle and 1336 pigs on offer. „LI•hoice Steers•72,00. 75.00 with sales to 75,50, Good Steers -69.'00 to '2.00. One steer consigned by Maple Emblem Faints of Dungannon weighing 1,21)0 Ins, sold for '5.50 with their total offering of 28 steers averaging 1148 lbs. selling for an overall price of '3.80. Three steers consigned by Gordon Dougherty of R3, Gudcrich, averaging 1130 Ins. sold for '4.60. • Eight steers consigned by Mervin Falconer of R4, Sea• forth, averaging 9" Ibs. sold for Ralph Dickson of R5. Strat- ford consigned sixteen steers that averaged 1228 lbs. and sold for an average of '4.13. Choice Heavy Heifers 71.00 to "5,00 with sales to 82.50. Good Heifers -68.00 to -1.O11• A heifer consigned by Brian McBurney of Ri, Wingham neighing 980 lbs. sold for 82.50. A heifer consigned by Doug McPherson of R2. Wingham weighing 1100 Ins. sold for '8.25 with his total offering of 10 heifers average nig 113(1 lbs. selling for the °serail price of '4.55• Nine heifers consigned by (too. Blake of R2. Brussels, averaging 1086 lbs. sold for -4.40 with his total of 24 hullers. averaging 1 100 lbs. Women will be recognized For the third consecutive scar hilted ("hurth Womcns' Recognition Sunday still he nbserse i at Duff''. United ( hut•ch w':altun on Sunday. ()Boner 1 - at 10.30 a.m The elmst speaker will ht' Mrs. Anne Fgilson of C'nrunna. She is P:<sl President of I notion (nnfercntt' and she was the first Las person to he elated to the post She is married In an ordained sand Munster. The Res Finar Mr Workman concluded that council 1 eilssnn ret en es mans cnmmt-nls, susli as "tsps not the ladles still be hob, in Its main street?" He said Huron ( minis hill tharge,of worship Thr pre sent Minister The Res Char. Its •1 Swan is a firm belie% cr m the Priesthood of all belies ers. and endeavours to encourage this concept -Mrs. est•none awn as helped the sillage " Viola Kirkhv(;cneral l'.(' W. ('resident will cntlduct ss nr ship, assisted hs other ntem hers of the L'.C. W Mrs. Marion Gndkin w ill he at the organ and will conduct the I edit s' ('hair assisted Its 'sirs Margen'Nether at the . piano 1 adze' of the tonere g,ttinn are disked In form the thtit Soloist for the (las well he Mrs Marie Mc(iasin 11:15t.. 11 111 due torn• Riese granter expressed taunt 11's apprt• ciatntirfar the at omplishments of the 1 inns. 1 ens. Optimists, 1 cgion and the c attiring group at the arena "We like to recogni,e \proal Menten has 1111de(k, the "hard hark find dedication of the foe department ntho(amassed for a new firt^iruck 11'ssshat ht• needed Fsenone is tnfing til do their share for w Inch st e arc grateful ' 1111 meeting concluded ss ith t Icrk Hill King announcing that nomniatimns open ()dither 1 s and t lose October 1 ti at 5 00 p ni If there .ire Insufficient nominations. the deadline tan he extended until October ?0 1let (1nns ,sill take place on Mnndas. Nos ember 6 rro)©)) OZNYllisicy0 , r LOW 'OOtD f=F71c: ( hnslres Pantry COOKIES 350 gr \1a1(re De Instant COFFEE ()nterim POTATOES loins some. Snit 2 Ihs. MARGARINE Mens atl o, APPLE JUICE 10 or I im it 2 4w an.mi Assorted T.V. DINNERS l lnrentrnr Slvle VEGETABLES I omit 4 2 lbs 1.19 4.59 .99 1.49 1.19 1®59 1.59 ICE CREAM 2litres 1.59 OPEN 6 DAYS STEPHENSON Self -Serve Graceteria 887..9226 PRELIMINARY LIST OF ELECTORS For The VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS The preliminary list of all electors prepared as required by the Municipal Elections Act, will be publicly posted in the office Of the Municipal Clerk on the 12th day of October. 1982. Electors should examine the list to ensure that their names and -relevant information are correctly shown. Applications for inclusions, additions or corrections to or deletions from the list may be made by an elector completing and filing a form obtained at the office of the Clerk during normal office hours. Revision of the preliminary list of electors will commence at 9:00 a.m. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 12th, 1982 and the last day for filing applications' concerning inclusions, additions, correct- ions or deletions is Wednesday, October 20th, 1982 at 5:00 p.m. WILLIAM H. KING Returning Officer Village of Brussels selling for an overall price of "3.80. Fifteen heifers consigned by Grant McDonald of Ripley, averaging 936 Ins, in height, sold for an average of 72.34, Choice Cows -51,00 to 54.0(1 Good Cows -47.00 to 51.00. Canners& Cutters -42.00 to 30 to 40 Ib. pigs traded to a high of 52.25. 40•to 50 Ib. pigs to a high of 59.50. 50 to 60 Ib. pigs to a high of 68.25• 60 to 70 Ib. pigs to a high of '5.00. '0 to 80 lb, pigs to a high of 82,50, THE HURON EXPOSIT° ' OCTOBER 13, 1982 - A17 Hon making 15 discussed .at WI meeting grant but more is needed to continue their work and help pay off the mortgage on the house which is the headquar- ters. A agreement •was reached to cater to the Grey Township Firemen's supper on Novem• ber 26. The secretary is to send a donation for the poppy fund before Remembrance Day. Mrs. James McMahon gave a report from the Dis- trict meeting and informed .the membership a second vice-president is needed for Correspondent MRS. CLIFF BRAY $87-6086 Ten members of the Ethel W.I. met at the home of Mrs. Wayne Grube on a very warm October afternoon. The guest speaker was Mrs• Deanne Dickson from 'Fowls and Country Home- makers at Wingham. Since the Ethel W.I. had agreed to help ss'ith their upcoming canvas she showed slides and explained the reasons for the fund raising, She told the group the government giver. n �m•in Fin C s A business management • seminar on a very common problem faced by small busi- nesses will be held at Cone. stoga College. . Clinton Campus, Huron Centre, Van- astra, on November 2 & 9 from - to 10 p.m. The problem that will be discuss- ed is "How to Arrange Financing' This seminar is arranged by the Management Services Ditisiun of the Federal Busi• mess Development Bank. and rn in r • will be one of several hundred conducted by the Bank in 'smaller cities and towns across Canada. Some 20 people interested in Business are expected to attend the seminar. They will be using the case study method to find out what a banker looks for when making a decision on a' loan request. To register, please Contac Faye Cook at 2'1-5650, THE HURON --BRUCE-- 4-H beef show and sale was held at the Brussels Stockyards. Thanksgiving Davy. Paul Coultes, RR 5, Brussels, sold his champion light weight steer for 851/2 cents per pound to the Brussels Stockyards Shown with Paul is buyer Ross McCall. (Wassink photo) v When quality counts Home Hardware has ,,,., vtaR H a ix -Up - ,.„,<„,_, ,, N - 04 •�;r ' • h _- n Si Home `'�� �s Hardware Amo ren, i.a wa if 7 887-6525 Brussels F Skil 3/8" Xtra Tool 7499 Heat N Strip ii i 3288 1181 0).'i Sti.d., Sire r • Mr Tool Box 7.1•, 6995 1 K,' « nr Nn air. Hr Acv n, P, A• r 1�1 , nor•, Staple Gun Jerry Can j595 1999 t Chopper I 788 3998 i the district. Ethel has not been so represented for a long while, Mrs, Cliff Bray is moving and leas ing the Ethel Branch and will be surely missed. An afternoon break of cake and ice cream was served by the hostess and Mrs. John Smith. PRE.] BNAIY LIST F LECTORS. FOR THE TOWNSHP IF Gy' EY The preliminary list of all electors prepared as required by the Municipal Elections Act, will be publicly posted In the office of the Municipal Clerk on the 12th day of October, 1982.` Electors should examine the list to ensure that their names and relevant information are correctly shown. Applications for inclusions, additions or corrections to or deletions from the list may be made by an elector completing and filling a form obtained at the office of the Clerk•during normal office hours. Revision of the preliminary list of electors will commence at 9:00 a.m. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 12th, 1982 and the last day for filing applications concerning inclusions, additions, correc- tions or deletions is Wednesday, October 20th, 1982 at 5:00 p.m. JANE BADLEY Returning Officer, Township of Grey NOMINATIONS NOTICE TO THE MUNICIPAL ELECTORS TOWNSHIP OF GREY NOTICE is hereby given to the Municipal Electors of the Township of Grey in the County of Huron, that Nomination Papers may be filed in the office of the undersigned commencing Thursday, October 14, 1982 until MONDAY, OCTOBER 18 between the hours of 9:00 a.m. & 5:00 p.m for the purposes of nominating persons for the following offices: REEVE DEPUTY REEVE 3 COUNCILLORS for the Township of Grey for a three (3) year term, ELECTORS ARE HEREBY REQUIRED to take notice and govern themselves accord- ingly, and further take notice that the manner in which the said nominations shall be filed is set forth in the Ivlunicipal Electrons Act Nomination forms and full particulars of procedures to be followed may be obtained from the undersigned If a grater number of candidates than re- quired 10 fill the offices are nominated and make the required declarations, notice of the time for the holding of the poll• including the advance poll and notice of the last•day for making applications for a certificate to vote by proxy is shown below AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE 1 A nominee may withdraw frorri a nomination at any time before 5 00 p m in the afternoon of Tuesday. October 19. 1982 2 Nominations must be signed by at least ten electors and the nominee must make a declaration of consent and qualifications 3 Where the number of candidates for an if is 001 sufficient to fill the number of vacancies tc which candidates may be elected, on the Wednesday following nomination day. October 20. 1982. the Clerk may between the hours of 9 a m and 5 p m,, receive and certify additional nominations 'c• the office in respect to which there was an insufficient number o! candidates SHOULD AN ELECTION BE REOUIGE " THE SAME WILL BE HELD ON MONDAY. NOVEMBER 8, 1982 between the hours of 1 1 a m and 800 0 m Advance Poll on Saturday Oc'ct'e' 30. 1982 between the hours o' 9 a and 8 p m at the Township of G.,es Mt "cipat Off ice DEADLINE FOR OBTAINING CERTIF- ICATE TO VOTE BY PROXY IS NOVEMBER 8, 1982 AT 5:00 P.M. JANE BADLEY Returning Officer, Township of Grey