The Huron Expositor, 1982-09-01, Page 12No evidence of contamination. During the past spring there was meal concern regarding reports of contaminated well water„Id the vicinity of Walton. In response to this concern the Grey township asked CANVIRO Consultants Ltd. of Kitch- ener to collect and analyse water samples on ( tincession 17, between Walton and the farm 11 Chris Lee to see which wells were tontantinated and to determine whether the r:1111‘' eoul(l be the Lee's earthen manure storage. • Water samples were collected April 23 and .lune H. for ;hemical and bacteriological analysis from 10 neighbouring water sources including eight wells (school and church in Walton, Clark, Bennett, Finlayson drilled. Finlayson dug, lee and Newman). from a surface pond on Lot •2. Concession 17 and from a catch basin. in Walton beside the r:uksavv tracks. The chemical parameters analwed by CANVIRO were pH, Sulphates SO -I). Spee heC'onductance, Nitrates (N031, t hlorides (CI), Total Organic Carbon (TOC) end Ammonia (NH3), The samples were anal%zed bacteriologically for total culit'orms and let al coliforms by the Lahratory Services Short Shits Brant a Ontario Ministry of Health. The results for h of the neighbouring waters were compared with the Drinking Water Quality Criteria of the Ministry of the Environment and a report was presented to Grey township council in July. On August 10 the results were presented by Richard Rush of CANVIRO Consultants Ltd. at a special council meeting, to which representatives of the Ministry of` the • Environment, Huron County Health Unit and Ministry of Agriculture and Food were invited. along with local residents, In general there was no evidence of chemical contamination such as salts or nutrient's in any of the well water samples uollected. A41 the well water samples were within the Ministry of the Environment Drinking Water Quality Standards in that regard. However, the Clark well 'and the Finlayson dig well had high bacteria counts and were reported by the Ministry of Health• as unsafe for drinking. Ohservatiohs that lead to the conclusion that the well water contamination is probably not caused by the earthen manure storage but 11 someone insists on an argument.' • r, cling an ugly scene, the most effective ,\ at to deal with such a person is to simply nirn your hack on there and Valk away. It infuriates them. chokes you the victor, for Ines then have no one lu vent their spies on. parents have been husv these days finding Mc .tints, ways and means to outfit their hildren for school. Be they tots off for the dn'sl time to the school room or teenagers to high school, college or university, it can , teat. problems. Clothing, necessary school supplies, can present difficulties with eeon• uric conditions being what they are. ( hlldren know V. hat they 55 ant to wear just t\ I,(Illplc•rs will wt er, thcac not u,.t cssu•Ily a hat thus need or parents can ellnrtl. (.o to school they must and parents tit ontsinus to satistt them as far as they are lin.mt tolls able to stn s(). Must teenagers are . 11,oare of financial problems and will he 1..1 nti .i1 It, 11111 tans flu you explain 10 111t• stronger ones ss11v they cannot have exactly .that trey want. Armenian Terrorists are active in our omit'% On Friday of last seek 45.yt'ar old ( of \Itlla .\Iltkal, a military attache of the 1 urklsh Lnibasss. Ottawa, was assassinated on .i N, cni, parks%:yv when It1N car was slop ped al a red light. This was the second I urklsh diplomat shot in Ottawa this year. On 4prll 101h Katlic Gungar was paralyzed in an assassination attempt. He is still in hospital. In both these tows news agemies wcrc telephoned hs American Terrorists claiming Ihcn were respunsihlc. The same thing is going on in other sountrtes Whv shook! 1 .orad,' he ptagut'd with such dastard) s %V o , n'nie hs these n men ss dee ',to iesp,,nsiblt•, had nothing to du with sthat .,,,, its nerds s,y 'tat turkey 'N tliliss:t rt' of s million Americans in 1415. for ss 11,•h 111C \ ',11111 iliit are seeking rt'scngc \\',ntlnng the Iornttt., llluc.ldss perfor ni.uot ,•n the h,tllftt'ld Ltrt has usodltt ,101,.1 to he ,tit esetrtse to futthts and .Itsttusl Ihcn hays not It%ed up to Ihctr earls • as,nt promise or rspet Latton% of their Ltns 1. MARION SPENCE Marton Margaret Spence. tt6. tticd at the Wingham and District Hospital on Tuesday. \tigust 24. Born in Hamilton. she was a daughter of the talc .lames .-,at{ 1p`I� ,mCMA Gen-cll. She is suryn e(1 ns her husband, Dmiglas Alt,, stirs 'sing are one son. Karl of Brussels. four sisters. by EveDyet Kennedy. by problems on the individual farms such as surface (Liftoff, septic system leakage or contamination during well repairs include: -Chloride and ammonia. which are good indicators of pollution from manure, were found at low levels typical.of clean drinking water in Ontario, with no evidence of manure contamination. • •The'Clark well had high bacteria levels even though it is farther from the manure storage than some of the uncontaminated wells. -The Bennett well, the school well and the Lee well have reportedly had high bacteria counts in the past but were uncontaminated, at the time of sampling. . • .The Newman well had high bacteria cdunts in the April sample but bacteria were not detected in the June sample. At the August 10 meeting it was learned. that the construction of the Lee well and the Newman well has recently been changed .to prevent surface runoff into the well which had uccured in the past. is rs, Clark stated that some work had been done on their. well in February and it is believed that the bacteria s1 ere intr()duce'd to the system at that time. Li It was suggested that anyone concerned about their drinking water quality should call the Health Unit on the toll-free number (1.800.625.4252) to arrange for a sample to be taken. This is a service which has always been available to the public upon request. During the same time period CANVIRO has been preparing a plan of development and operation for the Grey township waste disposal site on Lot 4, Concession 18, and several water samples have been tested there to determine whether any contamination is seeping from the she. The report has not yet been submitted,to council; however, the well testing results have been completed. No contamination has been found in any of the wells tested in the vicinity of the waste disposal she. The complete report. which will proside an estimate of the life of the site. a detailed plan for filling and reeraining area within the site and an evaluation of the existing and future groundwater contaminat- ion potential, will be submitted to Grey council in September. Ther !rate suffered crushing defeats much tau often and hold the last spot in their disisiun. Canadians • can feel hope for something Netter in the months,aheFtd. The Toronto Argas of the C'.F,L. are showing strength and power that has not been in evidence for some time past. Winnipeg Blue Bombers had been delighting, their fans and arc tops in the west. Another bit about the Ottawa vacation: An afternoon was spent at the Rideau Ferry Boat Show (Aug. 13.15). an event held as part of the eelrhrat ions of the 150th anniversary of the opening of the Rideau ('anal. It was the -th Annual Ottawa International Antique and ( lassie Boat Show and Antique Gold c Cup Regatta - a unique international event. It attracted thousands of people each day. 'there were hundreds of boats, from Canada and the U.S., from c:u,ics (0 Speed boats (with international racers in the driver's scat); to yachts from .older smaller ones to super spanking new ones of latest design. 1 here was one odd boat that reminded us of a surrey with a fringe on top. There s ere marry • antique boats on display. Some of these were speed -boats and gave demonstrations of their speed and maneauvring ability. One antique on display that drew a'grcat deal oI attention was the late Guy L()nnbardo's Temp() VII speed boat. It was a hot day and %on the crush tit people on thefloating docks and in thy. grounds, the booths selling hot dogs etc. and soft drinks. and the hotel offering something stronger, wcrc kept busy. For ,nit enc• who likes boats and boating, it ss as an interesting show. much enjoyed. ( Lore Sterling. author of the hook "The ticlffnrk nl Terror'. maintains that the \ntcrttan 'Tcrrortsm against Turkey is inspired. guided, trained. armed and financ cd by the Russians. She has said "these tcrrohsls are not true American nationalists but are controlled in all ways by foreigners. manipulated M the USSR.'' Sterling predicts more attacks to ''destahilizc'' the west and more spcctficalls NATO. of w hitch Turkey Is a member ObNucry Ina (Mrs Cecil Moire). Brussels, Muriel, (Mrs. inc Snlnsky). Wingharn; Norma GreeceIt Kitchener; June (Mrs. Fred DtLory), Toronto three ,hrnlhers, Ralph, Burnaby, B.C.. Entail of Vancouver and James of Maryland. She ssas pre- deceased bs one daughter. Karen, The late Mrs Spence Legion holds corn 131 P.R.O. PRISCI1.1.A BRAY Ills ti, 11 tnnor% for Aug I Rt gnlar game for 525. Mrs Is, t, Sa,t,,,, Regular game ,,,t Sts Rita Dodkm. :1 Rt enlar come for 525 Rita Hollkin and Philip. Ice; 4 try share the wealth 5-0 2:1 las k Hart. 5 Rego• lar came for 525. Mary Bradshaw . Mrs Pennington and Blair Pasman. h. Regular gam, for 525. Edith Adams. Rt emLtr gain' for 525. Louis, Hislop and Ott s S1,1 ,irtcr anti Mars Finnigan it 2nd share -the• tit ahh ,5- 1 110). Mrs. (Tiff Bras and Mrs Brian Black, 4 Rt enlar for 525 Margaret First kt of 1 Islnss el, 111 Regu- iat earn( for 525. Dast' Jewitt ,f I n, know. I 1 ird share the wealth 1S-- Ik)) Murrav low, 1' Regular for 525, ( c, Inc .'sit soil of Gndench: I 1 Regular for 52 Margaret 54t1 utthtrn and Ross Hen nett 14 511 siker dollar spett,tl. Susan Kllhrk. (5 Regular ler 525 Joanne 13t,11mhcr of Fergus and ( ashy Burkholder In Regu I,tr for 525. Brenda Sterns and( hs Sitter of ,orrtc, 1 FACT: Only a trained physician con properly diagnose and treat an arthritis problem Beware, of promises of cures or 'instant pain relief. THE ARTHRITIS SOCIETY p@©1 Dgi e Mr and Mrs M,hacl Gulutcn and all his tannls, and Alhina (,ulut/en went to the Saskatt hes% an (Mint/en's tamps reunion out to Sunny sdc Reach, July 10, .11,. and August 1 A church scriec V.05 held at Mamornttze churl. h 1 't•ry thing 's as beautiful and a nig crowd attended I iter the famih went to Alberta. Michael and Dorothy In his friends. Mr and Mrs Hugh MtKas and famih. All 'tent to ser the rested at the Brussels Chapel of the M.L. Watts Funeral Home, where funeral sem, ire was held Saturday, August 28 at 1.00 p.m. Rev. Charles Carpentier officiated. Inter- nment follow in Brussels Cemetery. Y Pallbearers were Doug Trollope. Cecil Moore, Jim Moore, Joe Solosky. .nim Gerrett and Fred Ifelor. roast S 1(1(1 spot I;tl 1h,rlht Ills worth of Ethel Sunday was a (hill clay bill wt• still went on with the tarn roast the sitting folks had ,I Treasure hunt Rob Wdutt ks of Mi Hrtdg es and IIm McI can of the Brussels Band, entertained with the bag pipes sights. mountains and rocks to Alberta and took soma pictures All the Children last lose to we mountains the family had a good trip and ew home safely Mr. and' r t Peter ftlhurg from 1 end�t .,,' lint s tsncd with Alhina and Anne Straty- chuk. Mr, and Mrs• Frnu• Tt's luck and his .1 thtldrt'n from Yale. Mnhtgan ss nth Gulutzen, and Mrs. Straty• chuk last weekend. H & N DAIRY SYSTEMS LTD. 1 .Sales, Service & Installation of WPipelines & Milking parlours 887®6963 R®R° 4 WALTON •, m,-, m,®,®, 0' Gey',®, 0, O K p,®, 0,. Correspondent MRS. LEWIS STONEHOUSE 887.9847 The Belgrave 1 club met August 23 for a clyh' outing when members went to the Four 'Seiisons Campground, Auburn. The weather was great and the members enjoyed the swimming facilities, They went on a nature hike {and a fey, went fishing- th.e follow- ing Horning. Everyone took part in the cooking and cleaning up. Members did 'book work on the morning of Aug, 24 after breakfast. At about 4:00 p.m. all packed up and got ready for home. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bacon returned home on Saturday atter spending a month visit• ing stith,thcir daughters and sun•in•lasss, Mr. and Mrs. .lint Herglaund and family of Kamloops. B.C. and Mr. and Mrs. Morris Ste. Marie and I:mnil of Surrey, B.C. We are sorry to hear that Mr. Albert Bacon is a patient in the Winghani and District Hospital. Weekend sisittors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ken- neth Wheeler were Mrs. Gordon Hill of Varna. Mr. and Mrs, Henry Squires and Judy of C'arstinville. Mich'. gats. Miss Marlene Walsh of Kitchener spent the weekend with her mother Mrs. Jennie Walsh at her home in Bel grate. .lames R. C'oultes and family chose Friday, August 2- a% the date to host a dinner and dance at the Lueknow ( ommutitt Centre to cele. brat,' 5(1 scars of lisestock order busing and transport. Mans Helgruve area pat• rims attended The roast brief tanner was atrrrd tit ht the Belgrave Kinsmen and the music was pro%ided h, Ken Wilhec's Orchestra, 's • Mr. and Mn. Leslie Vin- cent and Paul ofOak%iPe, Mr. and Mrs. Staple% Black and Sirs ( tiff Logan left Fent'Inn Falls last Sunda'. August 22 on d house haat and went mit as far as Port Severn on Gctrt!1, n Bat !hes passed through - lakes, 4locks and I marine railroad eat.11 was 1 hes arrived home the follow. Ing Snnttat 51r% lames Paton of Moss Its. Mrs Doug MtQiit•t•n and daughtt r lenmfcr of R R 2. Barn, 5 Ingersoll visited at the home of Mrs. Ivy Cook and other relatives and 'friends during last week, Mr, Dale Lamont of Hots\ sall spent the weekend with his parents Mr. and Mrs. James Lamont, Mrs, Harry McGuire an Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Ston house visited with Mrs, Rus- sel Walker of Goderich on Fri ay'of last week. ✓Nile Mrs, Harold Vincent and her four grandchildren. o Vaughan and Jane Vincent of R.R. I. Belgrave and Angela and Aaron Vincent of River- .% tea, New Brunswick were on their way down to the store in Belgrave on Saturday after• noon and due to the w incl, a large limb was broken off a tree in front of Mrs. Hazel Procter's and Leslie Short's struck the front of the car and caused extensive damage. Mrs. Vincent and the child- ren were badly shaken up but luckily no one was injured. Mr. and Mrs, Donald Vim cent. Patrick, Angela and Aaron of Riverview. New Brunswick are holidaying with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Harold Vincent and Mr. and Mrs. George Webster. Mrs. O.C. Delaere of Faro. Yukon and Mrs-,TerryRich• mond, R.R. 1. Walton visited ss nh their aunt Mrs. Carrie McGuire and their cousins Mr. and Mrs. Sam Pleteh one day last week. Visiting nn Friday at the hams of Mrs. Robert Procter were Mrs. Marjorie Procter Enron) of Sarnia, Mts. Hnw• and %caner of Chepstow and Mr. Frank Procter, Mr. and Mrs Cecil Arm• strong of Thorndale visited on the weekend with Mrs. George Martin and attended the dinner and dance in Lueknms Community Centre on Friday escnmg. Mr, and Mrs. Ross Ander- son and Sheila spent a couple of days on the weekend with Mr. and Mrs Rob Roy of 1 akcfield . The Fair Hoard held a meeting rccerulsto • make final plans for the h2nd Belgrase. BI'th and Brussels St hoof Fair to be held at the Bvlgrat c ( (immunity Centre on Tucsdat. Siptember 14 Edgar farad, s from Wing ham. filth, 1Itknow , A'I mer and Rclgrit1' met at the 1 hedfnrd ( tins( rs anion Park on Sunday aU,rnoon for a pttnit ttit,h tht 1 ,)gar relaus es from Pctroha and Brigdin crop destroyed ( orrrspondent . MRS. CLIFF BRAY 887-6086 tin Ihursddy evening the lir, no 11 wcrc sailed to the farm ,d Mrs Bert and Mau r,, 1. nungwat to a Karn Int I hi season's t rip, soma lit ',l is and conte mat'htn , n \,.1, omplcicl destritsed in th, tire C r Mr. and Mrs, Jack Van Camp visited recently with her brother and sister-in-law Mr. attd Mrs. Thomas Hayes of Elyria, Ohio to help cele- brate their 25th wedding anniversary. They also visit- ed writ her parents Mr. and Mrs. ouis Hayes of Elyria. Ohio. iss Norma Nethery of amilton visited with her aunts Mrs. Telford' Cook and Mrs, Gcorgc Cook of the village this past week. , Mr. and Mrs. Charles Long of Scottsdale, Arizona and Mrs. George McDonald . of Molesworth were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Johnston last Monday. THE HURON EXPOSITOR, SEPTEMBER 1, 1982 - A7 Library open Saturday Continued from page 6 made kites from garbage bags and flew them outside. The first meeting of Cram - brook #..2 was held Aug. 10. Members were taught how to use plaster of paris to get animal tracks imprinted 'and the difference between posit- ive and negative prints, They went outside and poured plaster of paris into tracks and went back inside to identify the different tracks. Next members went over the review and everyone planned a menu. After suggesting different places to go on an outing the first meeting end- ed. The second meeting of Cranbrook t2 was held on Aug. 10. Members discussed . the jiffvbag and its many uses. Each member considered their lives in four aspects: social, physical, mental and religious. The leaders told about picking a campsite and what to watch out for. Mem- Imo as, a Amy .9I®®®,®,� Eii G Sales -Service Instaliata1 1 FREE ESTOMATES tl 1 1 o Barn Cleaners 1 o Bunk Feeders e Stabling 1 1 1 1 Donald G. Ives R.R. #2, Blyth Phone: Brussels 887-9024 •r,-,®, e, a.,r, r. SCHNEIDER FROZEN .500 GRAM CELLO STEAKETTES CAMPBELLS V-8 JUICE SCHNEIDER 48 OZ. WIENERS 1 LB. PKG. 1.99 1.13 1.99 1 LITRE PALMOLIVE LIQUID 2.19 a•IIQUITTA / •�� BANANAS 3 LB. 24 - 10 OZ, CANS PEPSI or DIET PEPSI 4.99 HOSTESS POTATO CHIPS GRAM 1.09 ORDER YOUR BULK FROZEN FOOD NOW FOR DELIVERY SEPT. 15TH McCUTCHEON GROCERY WE DELIVER BRUSSELS STORE HOURS Mon., Tues., Wed, Thurs., & Sat., 8:30 a,m. to 6 p.m. Fri., 8:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. 887.9445 Mr and Sirs (,crald Blake h'i't• sold th, it !arm and nos hat t' pun has"! a house m Hrissels 1 dt th ( anion is a pattens In 1 nitvrsns Hosrnal. London Mrs ('hit B,,,% and Mrs, Itnt Mods ,d I ub an spent a fey. days Int tt tete. at tht home 01 'fit ,'',i Mrs. Phil I ,inti, President elected Brussels (11x' 4 H tluh mel Aug 2- at Jane Drapers. Neff president Is Ieannt' Armstrong and ticc•prcsid• eel is latkit Mc(litcht'on. It was deeded to hone a mos lig secretary 'Ther learned about animal iratks and had nim making them with piaster of parts r'trrone was itthink of a name for hi. t luh and a colour for .book tett s The nest meeting w111 h, Sept 3 at Karen Bridges 'BY KAREN Mr('UTCHEON Ship yourLivestock WITH Art Heffrorr Blyth SHIPPER FOR UNITED CO-OPERATIVES Livestock Marketing Division Ontario Stockyards. Toronto 1 PHONE BY A.M. OF ONTARIO 1 bers went over tips on poison ivy., the review, things to do and the home activities. The third meeting of Cran- brook #2 was held on Aug. 17. Members read in books about a few species of trees and the different shapes and sizes their leaves come in. Then all went to work on leaf printing. They went over different ideas for an outing and trail languages which showed how to leave messages on the ground. Next the cookout for parents was plap- ned and members discussed the menu, went over 'the review. President is Audra Prescott, vice-president -Col- leen Lichti, secretary - Julie Prescott, press reporter Diane Prescott. LADIES. ,rECREDANCE CLASSVS • at BRUSSELS PUBLIC SCHOOL 10 Weeks - $10.00 1st Class Begins Tues., Sept, 14 , (Rerun of las4 session) 2nd Class Begins Thurs., Sept, 16 �¶ I Phone Lori, 357 2216 �J 1:r_ sseIs . riety . SPE _ Thursday, Friday & Saturday September 2, 3. 4 Schneiders 1 kg. BEEF BURGERS 4.35 Sliced 375 g. BOLOGNA 1 .59 VVeston's Hot Dog & Hamburger BUNS 8's •59 Weston's Old Mill 16 oz. BREAD .68 Macaroni & Cheese LUNCHEON Mock Chicken MEATS Pork Loaf, - Chicken Loaf. 99 175 g. • Tasty Nu Bakery Products Available Friday & Saturday 1-�N 0' FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE Monday to Saturday 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Sunday 10 a.m. to .10 p.m. Tobacco, Brigham Pipes, Confections, Groceries, Gifts, Health Care Products, Books, Magazines, Stationery and Pet Supplies ' -LOTTERY TICKET CENTRE - Phone 887-6224 MUNICIPAL ENUMERATION Starting September 7, 1982, an enumerator, carrying a proper identification card, will call at your residence for a few minutes to check basic information required in determining: • your eligibility to vote in the municipal and school board elections to be held on November 8 this year, • the allocation of education property taxes between the public and separate school systems: • the distribution of provincial grants to local governments to help reduce tax bills: • the preparation of jurors' lists: and • population information needed for other municipal programs. The enumerator must record such information as the name. age. property status (e.g. owner or tenant), school support and residency of all members of the household. This year in certain areas the enumerator will also ask if you would like your name Included on a list of electors for French -language schools. When the enumerator vistts..please check that the information on the Enumeration Notice is correct. If it Is not, revise it and verify the changes If you are not home, a Notice will be left for you. If changes are necessary, please make them and mail the Enumeration Notice, as soon as possible, In the pre -addressed postage prepaid envelope accompanying the Notice. For any additional Informatddnplease contact the local assessment office. Ministry of \\ Revenue Huron -Perth Regional Office Regi Comm - J Garrett (6191 524 7326 Zen , t h 66500 Ontario