The Huron Expositor, 1982-09-01, Page 10No evidence of contamination During the past spring there was beat concern regarding reports of contaminated well water in the vicinity of Walton, In response to this concern the Grey township' risked CANVIRO Consultants Ltd. of Kitch• tuner to collect and analyse water samples on ( onccssion 17. between Walton and the farm int Chris Lee to see which wells were contaminated and to determine whether the ;,uric count ac the Lee's earthen manure Water samples were collected April 23 and June 9, for :hemical and bacteriological ,utalysis from 10 neighbouring water sources - including eight wells (school and church in Walton, Clark, Bennett. Finlayson drilled, Finlayson dug, Lee and Newman). from a surface pond on Lot 2, Concession 17 and from a catch basin in Walton beside the r,nit,,tc tracks. The chemical parameters an:tltved by CANVIRO were pH, Sulphates s1141, S1ecific Conductance, Nitrates 1 NO3), t hluridrs ICI). 'total' Organic Carbon ITOC) and Ammonia (NH3). The samples were analyzed bacteriologically for total conforms and Ictal coliforms by the Labratory Services Branch of the Ontario Ministry of Health. The results for each of the neighbouring waters were compared with the Drinking Water Quality Criteria of the Ministry • of the Environment and a report was presented to Grey township council in July. On August 10 the results were presented by Richard Rush of CANVIRO Consultants Ltd. at a special council meeting, to which representatives of the. Ministry of the Environment, Huron County Health Unit and Ministry of Agriculture, and Food were invited, along with localresidents. In general there was no evidence of chemical contamination such as salts or nutrients in any of the well water samples collected. All the well water samples were within the •Ministry of the Environment Drinking Water Quality Standards in that regard. However, the Clark well and the Finlayson dug well had high bacteria counts and were reported by the Ministry of Health as unsafe for drinking. Observations that lead to the conclusion that the well water contamination is probably' not caused by the earthen manure storage but Stl'ort S. 110 -3 by EveUyw Kennedy It s onconv insists on an tfrguntent. • 1, Amu an ugly nese, the most t effective to deal with such a person is to simply turn %our hack on them and walk away. It idurjmcs them. Intakes you the victor, "fur !het t that jt:n•c no one to vent their splen n on. ***** Parents have been busy these days finding the' time. ways and means to outfit their hihlrett for school. Be Ilivy tots off for the lust time to the school room or teenagers to high school. college or university„ it can , 11,,11 problems. Clothing. necessary school ',applies, can present difficulties wish econ• limn conditions being what they are, ( hddren (mint what they want to wear just hat tlictr peers will near, these not 1 ttssarilt what the% need or parents can ,nonsuit. tin to school they must and parents .11, an %inns to satist\ them as far as they are In1.111, 1.tll% able to do sit, Most teenagers arc 11 aware of 1'idttutriat problems and will he 1, ason:tltlt, bat how du you explain to the younger ones why they cannot have exactly is ILit the% %%ant. ***** Armenian Terrorists are active in our ,'units. Oil Frida% of last tseek 45 -year old ( tit AtrRtt Alhkat, a military attache of the 1 arktsh I nthasss. Ottawa. was assassinated )n ,t s1 c111, parkway %%hen his ear was stop lied at a red light. 'I his was the second 1 urktsh diplomat shut in Ottawa this year. On April IOth Kanic Gungar was paralyzed in an ,t,sa'sinttion attempt- He is still in husptlal. to hath these eases netts ageneses were telephoned hv American Terrorists claiming the% %%ere responsible, The same thing is enol¢ nn ut other %ountries. Why should t .trtada he plagued %kith such elastardts 1 W % w , .,ossa. h thcsralarkstnmen h, ,u1 v,,1 trsptnsthlc. had nothing to di with what the., Icuwrists sats%%as 1urkcy'smassacre of s million Americans in 1415. for is Foch the% un, ihe% are seeking re%enge' Watt,hti; the Toronto Blue.l,ns perfnr slant nn the h.tllficld lash hats usu,tils ;.11', 11 11, t,c an esetctsc to Willits and ,Itsanst I he% lyse not Int cd up to their e,rrl% ,ts,,n'n ems,. oresprttaltons of their I,un -a MARION SPENCE Marton 'vlargaret Spence. t%b. died at the Wingham and District Hospital on Tuesday, August 24. Born in Hamilton. she was a daughter of the late .lames ,' st Gerrett• She is :an -swim h% her hudhand, Douglas Al‘,. sur%tctng arc one son, Karl of Brussels, four sisters. I'hcs 'utte suffered crushing, defeats much too often and hold the last spot in their di%ision. Canadians can feel hope 'for something better in rhe months ahcad.,Thc -rurunttt Argus of the C.F.L. are showing strength and power that hal, not been in cskdcnee for some time past. Winnipeg Blue Ifonthcrs had been delighting their fans and arc tops itt the west. *•**** Another bit about the Ottawa vacation: An afternoon was spent at the Rideau Ferry Boat Show (Aug. 13-15), an event'hcld as part of the celebrations of the 150th anniversary of • I the opening of the RideaC'to . u at I 1 was the -til Annual Ottawa International Antique arid Classic Boat Show and Antique Gold Cup Regatta • a unique international event. It atravIed thousands of people each day. them were hundreds of boats. from Canada and the U.S... from canoes to sect boats Ieth international racers in the dri%er's scull; to yachts from older smaller ones to super spanking new ones of latest design. 'there V. as one odd boat that reminded us of a surrey %kith a fringe on top. There were many antique boats on display. Some of these were speed. boats and gave demonstrations of their speed and maneauvring ability. One'antique on displa% that drew a great deal of attenttun %% is the late Guy Lombardo's Temp() VII speed boat. It was a hot day and with the (rush ui people on the floating docks and in the grounds. the booths selling hot dogs etc. and -sort drinks, and the hotel offering something stronger. were kept busy. For ant,one st ho likes boats and boating, it %s as an ink-resltttg show, much enjoyed. ('bore Staling, author of the hook "The Nensork of 'terror" maintains that the American Terrorism against Turkey is inspired, guided. trained, armed and ftnanc• cd h% the Russians. She has said "these terrorists are not true American nationalists but are controlled in all ways by foreigners. manipulated by the USSR... Sterling predicts more attacks to "dcstahilirc•' the west and store speciftcall% NATO. of which Turkey is a smother, ObNucvy Ina (Mrs, Cecil Moore). Brussels, Muriel, (Mrs, inc Snluskyl, Wingham: Norma Gerrctl, Kitchener: June. (Mrs. Fred DcLuryl, Toronto three brothers, Ralph, Burnaby, B.(-., Ere an of Vancouver and .lames of Maryland. She was pre• cicrcased M one daughter. Karen. The laic Mrs. Spence Legion holds corn Bl P.R.O. PRIS('II.i.A BRAY limo) %%inners for Aug I Rt gnlar game for 525. Mrs ht) Nation 2 Regular game Ria I)odktn 3 R, cola, canoe for 525 Rita Doitkin and Mullis 1 cc; 4. First share Ihe•wealth a -it 2;1 I,ttk Hart 5. Rcgu• tar game for 525. Mary Br,idshaw. Mrs. Pennington and itlatr Pasman. h. Regular Bann for S-'>. Fdtth Adams: - Recut.- game for 525. Lou1sc Hislop and MI M1( ,trier and Man Finnigan 't 2nd sharc•tht'• wcatlh ,5 I O01. Mrs. (Tiff Bras and Mrs Brian Black: 9. Rt eul,u for $25, Margaret Bulk, id 1 Fstuwel, In Regu• lav game Inr 52'. Da%e Jewitt of I u, know . 11 3rd sharc•the wraith, 1S"- (int Murray 1 tit 1 1 .' Regular for 525. ( 1, ile St, Neil of l,oilcnch; 11 Regular tar 52;. 'vlargarcl Mt( tits hem) and Ross Ben nett 14 .It sifter dollar spe,tal. Susan Kill -wk. 15' Regular for 52; Joanne Bniumht•r of Fergus and ( ath% Burkholder In Rego lar for 525. Brenda Ste% ns and( aunt Saler 1,fGorrie. 1". rested at the Brussels Chapel of the MI, Watts Funeral Home, where funeral scnice was held Saturday, August 28 at 1.00 p.m. Rev. Charles Carpentier officiated. Inter - mem fallow in Brussels Cemetery. Pallbearers were Doug Trollope. Cecil Moore. .nim Moore. Joe Silosk%. .nim Gerrett and Fred DeLorv, roast 5100 spcual. north% ihls snrth of Fthcl Sunday ss as a dull ti,n. bin s e still went on wrth the tarn mast The sung folks had a treasure hunt Rib W dent ks of Mt Brilla cs and Jim Mclean oj' the Brussels Band, entt'rtamcd s th he hag pipes FACT: Only a trained physician can properly diagnose and treat an arthritis problem Beware of oromise5 of cures or 'instant' pain relief. Mr. and Mrs Mithacl GuluVcn and all los Iamb . and Alhina (,sloven w rnl 10 the Saskatthrean (itdutien's farmis reunion out to Sunni side Heat -h. hilt 11). 11, and August I A church sets ice was held at Mamtrnitic church 1 ter% thing was beautiful and a hag crowd attended I afer the fa mils went to Alberta. Michael and Otroth% to his friends. Mr and Mrs. Hugh Mt Kay and fantih, •AR.,tsent to see the sights, mountains and rocks in Alberta and took sonic pictures. All the chiral -en Iasi lose 141 see mountains 1 he famiy had a gtx,d trip and sot hone safely Mr and Mrs. Peter Tilburg from 1 ondon. Ont smiled with Alhina and Anne Straty, chuk. Mr. and Mrs Ernie TCS luck and his 1 children front Yale. Michigan wrth Athtna (iuiut,en. and Mrs. Straty• chuk last weekend. H & N DAIRY SYSTEMS LTD. THE ARTHRITIS SOCIETY Sales, Service 8 Installation of WPipelines & Milking parlours 87®6063 R.R. 4 WALTON v b' problems on the individual farms such as surface funoff, septic system leakage or contamination during well repairs include: -Chloride and ammonia, which _ are good indicators of pollution from manure, were found at low levels typical of clean drinking water in Ontario, with no evidence of manure contamination. -The Clark well had high bacteria levels even though it is farther from the manure storage thin some of the uncontaminated wells- -The Bennett well, the school well and the Lee 'well have reportedly had high bacteria counts in the past but were uncontaminated at the time of sampling. -The Newman well had high bacteria counts in the April sample but bacteria were not detected in the June sample. At the August 10 meeting it was learned that the construction of the Lee well and the Newman well has recently been changed to prevent surface runoff into the well which had uncured in the past. Mrs, Clark stated that sonic work had been done on their well in February and it is believed that the bacteria were introduced to thea system at that time. L�® car-_, It was suggested that anyone concerned about their drinking water quality should call the Health Unit on the toll-free number (1.800.625.4252) td arrange for a sample to be taken. This is a service which has always been availahle to the public upon request. During the, same time period CANVIRO has been preparing a plan of development and operation for the Grey township waste disposal site on Lot 4, Concession 18, and several water samples have been tested there to determine whether any contamination is seeping from the site. Thereport has not yet been submitted to council; however, the well testing results have been completed. No contamination has been found in any of the wells tested in the Vicinity of the waste disposal site. The complete report. which will pro%ide an estimate of the life of the site, a detailed plan, for filling and remaining area within the site and an evaluation of the existing and future groundwater contaminat- ion potential, will be submitted to Grey council in September. Correspondent MRS. LEWIS STONEHOUSE 887.9847 The •Belgrave I club met August 23 for a club outing when members went to the Four Seasons Campground, Auburn. . . The weather was great and the members ' enjoyed the swimming facilities. They went on a nature hike and a few went fishing- the follow- ing morning. Everyone took part in the cooking and cleaning up. Members did book work on the morning of Aug. 24 after breakfast. At about 4:00 p.m. all packed up and gut ready for home. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs, Albert Bacon returned hums on'\Saturday after %ponding a month visit- ing stuh their daughters and sun in-laws. Mr, and Mrs. .lint Bcrglaund and family of Kamloops, B.C. and Mr. and Mrs. Morris Ste. Marie and I:nnily of Surrey, B.C. We are sorry to hear that Mr. Albert Bacon is a patient in the Wingham and District Hospital. Weekend %isitors at the hunts of Mr. anti Mrs. Ken- neth Wheeler were Mrs. Gordon Hill of Varna. Mr• and Mrs. Henry Squires and Judy. of ('arson%•ille. Michi• man. , Miss Marlene Walsh of Kitchener spent the weekend s%ith her mother Mrs. Jennie Walsh at her home in Bel- gra% c• .lames R. C'nultes and fantih chose Friday. August 2- as the date to host a dinner and dant' at the Lut'knou ( mmniuot' ('entre to cele• brats 50 years of lisestnck Ingersoll visited at the hone RI' Mrs. Ivy Cook and other relatives and friends during last week. ' Mr. Dale Lamont of Hen - salt spent the weekend with his parents Mr. and Mrs. James Lamont. Mrs. Harry McGuire and Mr. and Mrs, Lewis Stone- house visited with. Mrs. Rus- sel Walker of Godcrich on Friday of last week. While Mrs. Harold Vincent and her four grandchildren. Vaughan and Jane Vincent of R.R. I. Belgrave and Angela and Aaron Vincent of River• %,let%. New Brunswick were un their way down to the store in Belgrase on Saturday after-. noon and due to the wind, a Large limb was broken off a tree in front of Mrs. Hazel Procter's and Leslie Short's struck the front of,the car and caused extensive damage. Mrs. Vincent and the child- ren stere badly shaken up but luckily no one was injured. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Vin- cent. Patrick. Angela and Aaron of Riverview. New Brunswick are holidaying with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Harold Vincent and Mr. and Mrs. George Webster. Mrs. O.C. Delaere of Faro, Yukon and MrskTem Rich• ntond, R.R. I. Walton visited vs itt their aunt Mrs. Carrie McGuire and their cousins Mr. and Mrs. Sam Pletch one day last week. Visiting nn Friday at the home of Mrs. Robert Procter were Mrs. Marjorie Procter Fnsom of Sarnia. Mrs. How- ard Zettler of Chepstow and Mr. Frank Procter. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Arm• strong of Thorndale visited on the weekend with Mrs. order hut ing and transport. George Martin and attended Man Belgrave arca pat• the dinner and dance in eons attended Lueknow Community Centre the roast bet. f dinner %%as' riclay esvnmg, catered to h% the Helgrave Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ander- son and Sheila spent a couple of days nn the weekend with Orchestra, Mr. and Mrs. Rob Roy. of 'ear and Mrs. Leslie Vin• Lakeficict, cent and Paul of Oakville, Mr, The Fair Board held a and 'vers. Stanley Black and meeting recently to make Mrs ( tiff lagan left Fenclon final plans for the 62nd Falls last Sunda%. August 22 Bclgrase, BIyth and Brussels on a house boat and went out School Fair to he held at the as far as Pisrt Sest'rn on Belgrave ('immunity Centre (ieorgian Bas . he% passed on Tucsda%. Stl,tember 14. through - lakes, 9locks and 1 Edgar fanrthcs from Wing nt.tnnc railroad each ss as ham. Blyth. 1 th.know, Asl The% arrived home the follow • mer and Belgr,nc met at the in Sunda% Thedford ('nn't ration Park Mrs lames Paton of Moss- on Sunda% atrrrnoon for a les. Mrs Doug McQueen and picnic with tilt 1 iigar retail% (taught, r Jennifer of R R 2. es from I't•troh.t and Brigden Kinsmen and the music was pro%jded by Ken Wilhec's Barn, crop destroyed ( nrrespondcnt MRS. CLIFF BRAY 887.6086 On 1h11rs41a% earning 18e lin nit wort• %ailed 10 the bunt 01 Mrs Hort and Mau. tit Flemings% as to a harn tin, I he seas)n's crop, some 11%1 son k and sante machin t rs w as .1tmpi tels dcslrnscd n Iht lire I HE HURON EXPOSITOR, SEPTEMBER 1, 1982 - A7 Library open Saturday Continued from page 6 made kites from garbage bags and flew them outside. The first meeting of Cran- brook #2 was held Aug. 10. Members were taught how to use plaster of-paiis to' get animal tracks imprinted and the difference between posit- ive and negative prints. They went. outside and poured plaster of Paris into tracks and went back inside to identify the different tracks. Next members went over the review and everyone planned a menu. After suggesting different places to go on an outing•the first meeting end- ed. The second meeting of Cranbrook ff2 was held on Aug. 10. Members discussed the jiffvbag and its many uses. Each member considered their lives in four aspects: social. physical, mental and religious. The leaders told about picking a campsite and, what to watch out for. Mem- ANY 0 em-/0 ASV 0 eV 0 ®Oa Mr ;and Mrs Jack Vaat Camp visited recently with her brother and sister-in-law Mr. and'Mrs. Thomas Hayes of Elyria, Ohict to help cele- brate their 25th wedding anniversary. They. also visit- ed -with her parents Mr, and Mrs, Louis Hayes of Elyria, Ohio. Miss Norma Nethery of Hamilton visited with her aunts Mrs. Telford Cook and Mrs. George Cook of the village this past week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Long of Scottsdale, Arizona and Mrs. George McDonald of Molesworth were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Johnston last Monday. m m 1 1 1 1 1 l 1 BE 6 Sales -Service instailato�� �. FREBarn CE 1EST)leaneMATrsES La o funk Feeders • StabOing D+f,naId Go Ives R.R. #2, Blyth Phone: Brussels 887-9024 5, 1 1 1 S 1 1 /AEI ,-,-,-a-s®!, SCHNEIDER FROZEN 500 GRAM CELLO STEAKETTES CAMPBELLS V-8 JUICE - SCHNEIDER WIENERS 48 'OZ. 1 LB. PKG. 1,LITRE PALMOLIVE LIQUID 1.99 1.13 1.99 2.19 CHIQUITTA BANANAS LJ3. 24 - 10 OZ. CANS PEPSI or DIET PEPSI 4.99 HOSTESS POTATO CHIPS GRAM 1.09 ORDER YOUR BULK FROZEN FOOD NOW FOR DELIVERY SEPT. 15TH McCUTCHEON GROCERY WE DELIVER BRUSSELS STORE HOURS Mon., Tues., Wed, Thurs., & Sal., 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Fri., 8:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. 887-9445 'ver and Sar. 5'cral'd Blake h,t%e sold tilt 1r farm and not., ha%e port hos, d,a house in Brussels I -ds rh ( ardttl is a patient in I•'nocrsn% Hospital, London. Mrs ('lift ft, a % and Mrs .Inn Das is of 1 a spent a fess doss m Barrie. at the home of Air .1•,11 Mrs. Phil 1 until President elected Brussels One 4 H club met Aug 2" :t .lane Drapers New president is [cantle Armstrong and % ice- presid- 1nt is Iackie Mc('utcheon. It is as din tded to has c a rns mg sccrctan They learned about animal Irnks and had fun staking them wrth plaster of parts I'senonc sats to think of a n,1mt• fir the, lith and a colour for hook inters The nest meeting ss ill he Sept. 3 at Karen Bridges BY KAREN Mt'CUTCHEON •-, ®, AS, a®,-,®, ®,®, sear ,®,cr,®,-i Ship your Livestock WITH Art Heffrori Myth SHIPPER FOR UNITED CO-OPERATIVES 1 Livestock Marketing Division 1 Ontario Stockyards, Toronto 1 PHONE BY8 A.M. 5234221 OF ONTARIO V,®,Aso , cow , Amu, ,®,An. ®,®,®,ems, bens went over tips on poison ivy. the review, things to do and the home activities. The third meeting of Cran- brook #2 was held on Aug. 17. Members read in books about a few species of trees and the different shgpes and sizes their leaves come in. Then all went to work on leaf printing. They went overdifferent ideas for an outing and trail languages which showed how to leave messages on the ground. Next the cookout for parents was plan- ned and members discusser the menu, went over th review. President is Audra Prescott, vice-president - Col- leen Lichti, secretary - Julie Prescott, press reporter Diane Prescott. LADIES RECREDANCE CLASSES at gp is RUSSELS PUBLIC SCHOOL r io Weeks m Vtt.00 1st Class Begins Tues., Sept. 14 [Rerun et Oast seseefro] l 2nd Class Begins Thurs., Sept. 16 P lone Lori: 357-2216 %,uipissels SL"E Thorsday, Friday Septan her arty J�' ) & Saturday 2, 3. 4 Schneiders 1 kg. BEEF , BURGERS. 4.35 Sliced 375 g. . B'• LOGNA 1 .59 Weston's Hot Dog & Hamburger BUNS 8's .59 Weston's Old Mill 16 oz. BREAD .68 Macaroni & Cheese LUNCHEON Mock Chicken MEATS Pork Loaf, Chicken Loaf. �� 175 g. ■ Tasty Nu Bakery Products Available Friday & Saturday ��\v OQ FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE Monday to Saturday 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Sunday 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Tobacco, Brigham Pipes, Confections, Groceries, Gifts, Health Care Pt'oducts, Books, Magazines, Stationery and Pet Supplies -LOTTERY TICKET CENTRE - Phone 887-6224 MUNICIPAL ENUMERATION Starting September 7, 1982, an enumerator, carrying a proper identification card, will call at your residence for a few minutes to check basic information required in determining: • your eligibility to vote in the municipal and school board elections to be held on November 8 this year, • the allocation of education property taxes between the public and separate school systems: • the distribution of provincial grants to local governments to help reduce tax bills: • the preparation of jurors' lists: and • population information needed for other municipal programs. The enumerator must record such information as the name. age. property status (e.g. owner or tenant), school support and residency of all members of the household. This year in certain areas the enumerator will also ask If you would like your name Included on a list of electors for French -language schools. When the enumerator visits. please check that the information on the Enumeration Notice is correct. If it is not. revise it and verify the changes 1f you are not home. a Notice will be left for you. If changes are necessary. please make them and mail the Enumeration Notice, as soon as possible, in the pre -addressed postage prepaid envelope accompanying the Notice. For any additional information. please contact the local assessment office. Ministry of Revenue Huron -Perth Regional Office Reg'I Co m - J Garrett (519) 5247326 Zenith 66500 Ontario