The Huron Expositor, 1982-09-01, Page 2Incorporating
rusels Pfl;4g
AY, SEPTEMBEI'; 1, 1962 — ifs P
50c per copy
LUCKY TO BE ALIVE — Two young London men crawled out unhurt
from this overturned tractor trailer in Tuckersmith Township early Frjday
morning: The -pair -'-who• stole the truck in Henson -L, were charged with
theft and the driver will serve four months in jail in Stratford. About 32
tons of wheat spilled out unto a soya -bean field on the farm of Peter Oud,
"Wheat is too cheap anyway," joked a farmer at the scene. Friday
morning Const. Art Burt of Goderich OPP was on the scene making out
an accident report-- (Photo by White)
Truck flips in field, joy -ride over
A joy -ride, starting in Zurich ended in
'Tuckersmith township earl) Frida\ with
vehicle damages estimated over 510,11110.
Two sten employed by Maple ('its Shims. a
London amusement firm. Brenton Welch, tri
and William Mclanson. 19. both of 1169
Hamilton Road. London, started (heir ride in
a 1963 Mcrcurs "tractor" owned In 1)onal6
Zaiti,ul Maple C Its Shuts s.
The truck was taken during sot up for the
Bean Festisal in Zurich and truer abandoned.
I he pair chose as their second vehicle a 19"4
!lass tractor with a 1913 Fruehauf trailer.
owned It Bines Transport Limited of
Clinton. The trailer was loaded with approxi
Models 32 tuns of wheat. and was parked on
Willington Street in Henson.
1)riser of the vehicle. Brenton Welsh.
tailed to negotiate a 90 degree curse at the
intersection of Tuckersmith concession Ili
and I I. south of Huron County Road 12.
tin dcnch O P I' said the sc'hit4e was
westbound. went into a ditch on the south
side of the road and rolled over.
No injuries resulted. Damage to the tractor
was estimated at 510.000 with no figure
available of damages to the -trader or load of
is heat.
The accident was investigated by Const-
able Art Burt of the Goderich O.P.P. The
In the theft. investigated by Constable
Edward Wilcox of the ExeterO.P.P., the two
London men were charged with two counts of
theft over 5200.
Follow'ing,,a_,show' cause hearing at the
Provincial Court in Goderich, Mr. Welch was
found guilty of two counts of theft over 5200
and .sentenced to four months in Stratford
driser was charged with careless driving and jail., Charges against Mr. Melanson were
drising without proper classification of withdrawn.
driser's license. .
But frost nips beans
Sure August was hot
Don't to telling this to ,1 1,01115 who had
their camping siltation rattled out of a farmer
whose beans got nipped tic frost earls
Sunds. but there had been more heat onus
than as craw.. this summer in our pairs til
N cistern Ontario
Centralia Cnllegc of Agricultural 1
logy recorded 225- heat undo from Mas II to
Aug. 20. At this time last sear the
accumulation was 22.)2 heat units Hoth ,tic
higher than the ('CAT recorded sis sear
ascragc of 2196 heat units, sass OM AF sods
and crops specialist Pat l.snch
And crops were hurt in Huron anti Perth 1,t
the weekend's frost. "There's some r( hitt,
bean damage We're starting to get tom
mentsinnow ,"Mr 1snett said late fucsdas
"Issas out st'stcrdas and a lot til ss hoc hs an
fields had sonic top least. sburned i+ll It stop
earls n, sats d It caused serious problems or
Sosahc,in plans had some top leases and
pods nipped off and some late filling pods will
lie missed, he said But on sma plants the
Insser leases help fill in the pods so the crop
cspert sass there shouldn't he more than a
fisc per cent loss.
"With white beans, we don't know vet. I'd
hope to per cent (loss) would he on the high
side " 1 he two counties' corn crop is okas.
Separate board hires
new French teacher
\ luring and a salars Increase has been
,1pprocd by the Huron Perth Separate
Si (tool Board.
\t Its Aug 23 session in Dublin the hoard
,rpproscd a salmi Increase for us attendance
oimst Ilor The howls nate ss III cot 11.,1SC hs 50
Wanted: bed and
breakfast hosts
What could he a new servrer for tourists in
Seaforth and arca is hang organtied .is part
of the annual Van Fgmond ('derfest. Sept 25
and 26.
Dorothy Williams of the ( rdcrics' commit
tee sass there has e been a fest rcqutsts for
overnight bed and breakfast accomod.IlIon
mer (ldet-test weekend ' Iherrs ,I need.
spec ;ails for rshthnnrs. hili Iikch for
cortins!, too "
\ns one ssth a spare room to spare for
some of the thousands of people who are
cspct teitat ('Iderfest again this scar is asked
to tall Mrs Williams at 482.3326
cents 10 5"30 effective Sept. I. 1 he
attendance counsellor's mileage rate also
increased from 17.5 cents per km to Ili
cents effective Sept. 1.
A full time itinerant French teacher has
been hired for St. Joseph's School. Clinton
and St Columhan. Fffective Sept. I: 1,1ga
Mc trines will teach at the two schools
The hoard referred to its negotiating
committer, a request from the teat het.
association The request is to allow up ,,
three (lass off during negotiations tar rh
181100 president and chief neg,atatot
rustce Ronald Murray said the neuon.ri
Ing committee has not been given a ,
authnrits to at on the request He said it i' s
apprmed M both sides during neg ntiatro,,,
it stilt he brought hack !lithe full hoard tot .1,
he 1Q1(2 )3 daily rates for spC,
t 1Ik 11l in transportation was approst-
the hoard. For transportation to St. -Joseph ,
School. ( IIntnn, Earl's Taxi rate of Soo .11',1
Goderich Coach I inc., rate of 54" -0 w r"
avows cd. For transportation to St Joseph •
and St Alovisitis School, Stratford. is I
Mc( arthy's rate of 559.65 and Tam I)is
patch's rate of 585.40 were approsi,'
Increases range from seven to 20 per ti n1
Dublin business booms /A5
New fertilizing technique /A8
Mr. I.snch said with puss a bit of damage to
the outside rows of some fields
Sonic potatoes got hit hs frost In the Has
Swamp arca of Huron and thew hoe beans in
that arca arc "somewhat damaged."
The beans affected by frost arc "scattered
throughout Huron and Perth," Mr. Ls nth
says ss oh the worst reports coming in from
Turnhcrry Township and the Wingham area
That region's crop insurance agent, Neil
Edgar. had had 30calls by late sesterday, out
of about .80 Insured clients. He'd heard from
the Brussels arca Tuesdas and said most of
thc damage reports were from Turnberry,
Hoick and Kinloss and Culross in Bruce
(bunts fhc damage there could run to IO to
15 per cern of the Kean crop. he estimated.
Mr. Fdgar said the temperature earls
Sunda‘ dropped to 4 on the George
Cnderss'sod farm near Vsinghani.
If the Ontario Municipal Board gives its
okay, Seaforth and area will have a new
The five municipalities who make up the
fire area committee think it's the right
building, in the right place. But others,
including volunteer fire department captain.
Jim Sills, aren't so sure.
Bill Brown, Tuckersmith's deputy reeve
and the chairman of the Seaforth Fire Area
Committee. says the decision to buy the Louis
McNichol Trucking building in the town's
industrial park was unanimous, Mayor John
Sinnanon, reeves Roy Swart of Hibbert,
Harvey Craig of McKillop and councillor Joe
"We can save
Gibson of Hullett are the other members of
the committee.
Reversing an early decision to build a
hrand new firehall on S. Main St. land bought
last year (postponed when the arena
campaign started) was done "because we can
save about 5",000 in estimated costs..,and
they arc usually' low" by converting the
McNichol huilding. Mr. Brown says.
Firemen are disappointed. Mr. Silts says.
"We were geared up, enthused about a new
building. There's been no cost analysis on
renovating the McNichol building," which he
points out will have to meet tougher
standards as a public huilding and require an
engineer's report,
"I don't think the total cost will he that far
off a huilding built the way we need It." the
seterati fireman sass
Seaforth Fire Arca Committee figures
show the cost of a new firehall at about
52110,000, plush the 522.000 cost of the lot,
plus about 510.1)00 for paving. The Int Is not
on scwcrs and a holding tank would prohahls
has to he built.
the net cost of the McNichol building.
before rends ations, is 5155.000. Seaforth
dirk .ilm Crocker. sceretars to the fire
committee. says the onls changes proposed
are construction of a doing tower and a four
int h water snook
Str Brown sass the McNichol huilding is
bigger than the new firehall would has': been
and "There's the pussibilits of some reycnuc
hack ho renting out one has of the huilding
But to %le Sills. that Isn't neves, arils a
bonus "It sbigger than ssc need and renting
out parr of a firehall has been a hassle in the
11,1,1 It's 11111 ;1 gMsd Set lip "
1 he fire committee t hatrman stresses It's a
dollar and cents decision A committee til
firemen toured and resumed at least 1` s11es
.11'011116 111,sn and the Feenes properrs tan s
Seaforth man wins
K of C $1,000 draw
Raymond Murray. R R 3. Seaforth was the
winner of a 51.00)) hill Saturdas. at the 1 -th
annual Rcan Fcstnal at lunch south usket
No. 242.
The draw was sponsored for the fifth scar
by the Father Stephen Eckert C owned, No
528Q, of the Knight'. of Columbus of Seaforth
and District
Second prize of 5200 was won hs :tine
Swit,er. Clinton, with ticket no 138 Third
print' of 5100 went to'Marie Dynes, Mitchell
with ticket no. 486.
Assisting in the draw at - p m ss ere (rand
Knight Dennis Rau and Past Distad Depots
Ivo ,1 Hagan cif Seaforth. Chairman of the
protect 55 as John Paul Rau
The (rand Knight thanked all sthr
purchased tickets and those who assisted at
the hei'th in staking the draw assustess and
salted upon members of thc audience 6' make
the three draws It soak also pointed out thou
the proceeds go to supptort the s anon% t harts
prole,rs undertaken lis the Knights of
( olunihus ss thin their district
Main St. was picked. ''This (the McNichol
huilding) is close and with a new building
w e'd have sewer, fill. landscaping and paving
costs,.,.The McNichol building is a very,good
Speaking.personally, Jim Sills. asks why the
McNichol building. turned down earlier as a
firehall site, is so acceptable now," There
should be more things- .than dollars and
cents...The politicians may be doing us a
favour today, but not for the future,"
Mr. Sills thinks a firehall should be
planned for 40 or 50 years, "a building we can
be proud of as opposed to a frame shell back
in the corner."
He points out that fire chief Harry Hak (on
vacation in Holland and not available for
comment) and other firemen put in a lot of
work touting firehalls around the area and
coming up with exactly what's needed in a
new firehall. He says the "politicians have
almost ignored" the chiefs research.
Echoing comments made by his father
former Seaforth mayor, Frank Sills in a letter
to the editor of the Expositor two weeks ago.
Jim Sills questions the wisdom of using an
industrial park site for a ftrehall.
"We're robbing industrial land that we're
out of." And, he says, if Louis McNichol
sells his trucking building for a firehall, his
business might move out of town, costing
Seaforth some badly needed jobs.
On the other hand, fire committee
chairman Brown says no official protest has
been received from the firemen and although
he's heard mixed reactions, he thinks the
majority are in favour of the McNichol
building, "The building that they're in (the
present town hall firehall) is a bad situation.
The big new equipment doesn't even fit in the
But if the purchase of the McNichol site is
apprmed by the OMB "we could move in this
afternoon and operate out of it."
Frank Sills. In his letter. suggests a
Godcrtch St. E. location for a new firehall.
But Mr. Brown says that site was reviewed
earlier and rejected because the Fire
Fire destorys barn in Grey /A6
"Equipment is getting
bigger, congestion is
getting worse"
Marshall's Office said the land ,las too low
Another site Looked at. the former
Mel aughhn garage near the corner of Main
and Goderich Si. W . was more central but
Mr Brtissn sass the cost of renosating It as a
fireh.+ll was a little more than the costs of a
brand new building
1 hi south and cast of Slain St location of
the new 11rehall alw,worries Jim Sills. "lt will
mean es crs fireman wdl has': to disc when
there s a call 1 ikcls 90 per tent of our calls
1tC9U1re us tai go up Siam St 11', trotttied
Fasourtng a Stair, \t lot anon but
adm'tling a s cntr.l ,'ne ,t slut not as ailahle.
\ir 5111s sats equipment 1' Betting higger
\t,l„' \r ' snn1Cs1111n n eC111115 ware
F:rc commrticc head Bi” Bross r pra,st s the
fforts 01 al' the r•um, ipa'm's and the
q,t ration chi s o t i' c sed from, the
1,•t rat n
(, `•'i`art'sl its a •ir•i`•t i'a,1 i`Islnr\ tt ht, ..
lb( \t at„ri', F •ft \rt c Board ti as
csisit•1,t th,. ,oma t:et as don' ssi.nd
\ye si gilt 'sIle.11'd cs'rshnds s npie
1,‘",a„c' rl`i5 ,. a'Mt at st tonic up with
I', 11510 i-,11.1 arrest' the 51.••ahri
1,11','•,1•1 1rr all fist municipalities because
'ho isior Riocommits future wounsi1s
'S ,\ i t,',pend mond \s tar
,15'' "ruttier is ,onscrrrd B B- 't -
I' t)•, pur,hasci
Fairest of the fair, /A6
Nursery school is a good deal ,A9
Rummage makes money
for ringette /A10