The Huron Expositor, 1982-07-21, Page 10A10 — THE HURON EXPOSITOR, JULY 21, 1982 Oldest cemetery stone in Londesboro Correspondent DORA SHOBBROOK 523-4250 , W I. Tweedsmuir meeting was held July 14: I st vice president Helen Lawson w el - corned all. Genevieve Allen %yds at the piano. Roll call was answered by 16 members by naming a former business or business person of Londes- boro.,, Minutes of the last meeting and financial report were read by sec. treas. Duizer. Corre- spondence included a thank you from Beth Buchanan. request for donation for Lady Di nursery school, moved to donate $25 to this. Thanks was expressed to all 'who helped with gradita- tion banquet and the Blyth festival dinner. August 25 the WI will tour Country Spite and Millar's barn and attend the matinee at Huron Country Playhouse to sec "Oliver." Anyone wishing tickets contact Marj- orie Anderson. Two members will be attending W.I. 85th anniversary banquet in Toronto August 12. Past President Alice Buchanan and President Margaret Tay- lor. Program was a reading "Footprints" by Hattie Wood and June Fothergill on the covered kissing ,bridge built in 1881. HCItsn Lawson introfbeed Don Lobb. a member of • Huron County Branch of Ontario Genealogical Society %Ow told about the cemeteries in Huron County. There are 105 cemeteries. First records w ere printed in 1846., Assist - cd by school .children, they copy all information from tombstones. Ball cemetery has a perfect record. Landes - bore has the oldest stone. Tht.sse records can be pur- Qhased. She was thanked by Helen Lawson and presented with a gift. Helen also had Tweedsrnuir books on dis- play. Lunch was served by Alice Buchanan, Hattie Snell and Vi Burns. UNITED CHURCH Greeters on Sunday a.m. were Garnet Wright and Elgin Penfound. Ushers were Larry Hoggart, David Whyte. Robbie Radford ahd Stephen Duizer, Rev. Scott welcomed all and announced congrega- tional picnic next Sunday the 25th at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hardy. , Bring chairs, cutlery. Service at 11 a.m. will be followed by pot luck Junch. Children's time Junior leader Kathy Mc- Dougall, The sermon Evi- dences of God text from John - 14: 1-14. Musical offering solo if I have wounded any soul today" by Harry Lear Thirties Sun Beth Knox and Hazel Wat- kins entertained their Sunday school class of the 30's on July 14 at the home of Beth Knox. Present were Marion (Stewart) Heiman. Jean (Ball) Campbell, Ethel (Thompson) Batten, Isabel (Forbes) Stewart. Mary (Caldwell) McDougall, Nona (Hesk) Pipe. Isabel (Nott) Roberton, Margaret (Farqu- har) Biggins. Alma (Hoggart) Gordon and Edythe Beacom. Mrs. Beth Knox and cousin Gordon Sprung visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bernhardt and Perre at Waterloo. Beth Knox accompanied Mrs. Correspondent MRS. ALLAN MeCALL 887-6677 Neighbours, 'friends and relatives of Mrs. Edna, Hack - well gathered in the Walton Community hall, July 13 for a farewell party in her honour, pribr to her moving to Sea- ton h . The evening was spet% playing euchre, with winnerS receiving prizes for high lady - Leona McDonald, low lady - Lin Steffier; high man -Jack McEwing; low -Jack Me- Llwain. Lucky card -Mrs. Sadie McDonald, Rev. Charles A. Swan was M.C. for. a short program. Piano solos were played by Mark Nelson; Michael Nolan, Glenda Carter. Susan Carter and Pam Nolan. Interesting readings "What's Middle Age" and "When Father Laid the Carpet on the Stairs" were given by Marjorie Humphries.. Mrs. Hackwell was asked to conic to the front wen an address of best wishes was read by Viola Kirkby. Mil- dred Traviss presented an envelope of money. Edna made a fitting reply to every- one, also to those who got the party up for her. Lunch was served by several ladies in the village. UNIT MEETS The 17th & Boundary unit held a joint meeting with the ay School cl her 'cousin Hilda Hobbs of Denfield on July 17th on show tour blue water adventures by Greyhound Bus to Petrolia, Sarnia and St. Clair river. Camp councillors at Mene- setung Camp, Goderich last week from here were Bill Jewitt. John and Carol Cart- wright. Attending from here were Angela Scott, Denise Hulley and David Whyte. Mr. and Mrs. John Lawrie. Ro6bie. & Jennifer of Kn- , chener are on a weeks holiday visiting with parents. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Thompson and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lawrie, Blyth. Mr. and Mrs. Pere McBride. Carlow visiting Sunday .evF- 01, WciEltxt and II,©nd@obcm© Hackwell honored 8th and 16th unit on Wednes- dasy at the home of Karen Hoegy. Devotions were let by Kathleen Williamson open- ing with a poem, "Take Time for Ten". Margaret Bennett gave the topic on "Take Time" closing with a poem, ''Now is the Time". Helen Craig presided for the business reading a poem. "Lifes Purpose." Members were reminded of the supper on July 30 prior to the Blyth Festival, Also the bake sale at Family Paradise, Sept. 4. Events for the fall were announced to be held at the church on Sundays. There was a dismission on the ham supper that both units catered to in June. Much thought was given to improvements for 'another year. A social half hour was enjoyed over lunch served by Kathleen. Margaret and the hostess. , BUS TRIP Fiv) couples from 'Walton and rea included Mr. and Mrs. Torrance Dundas, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Steele, Mr:and Mrs, Earl Mills, Mr. and, Mrs. Ernie Stevens and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Schade enjoyed a very interesting bus trip last Thursday to Douglas Point where they were taken on a tour by bus of the plant, visited three differ- ent greenhouses in that area, also were shown many pri- vate homes of interest on their trip through the country. They reported a delicious dinner was served at Douglas Point, PERSONALS Mr, and Mrs, Paul Pono- marenko attended the funeral of a former neighbour Wil- liam Koszulap, Sr. in Arthur last Friday. We were sorry to hear Mrs. Torrance Dundas and Mrs. Dave Watson are patients in Se,aforth Cc/immunity Hospi- tal. We hope they are both soon able to return home. Little Timmy Sills of Sea - forth spent a few days on the weekend with his grandpar- See slides ents. Mr. and Mrs. Roily Achilles. while his parents were on holidays at a cottage. Mr. Mervin Smith is a patient in the Seaforth Com- munity Hospital. Sunday worshfppers at Duff's were greeted by Ross and Margaret Bennett. Or- ganist was Marie McGavin, Ushers Harvey Craig, John Huether and Lavern Godkin. Rev. Swan's talk with the youth was, "You can't steer a parked ate" closing with their hymn, ••0 Master Let Me Walk With Thee". Scripture readings were taken from 1st Job, Matthew and Mark, responsive reading using the new creed. Rev. Swan took as his rsi'hyte's f stroll Berean Unit met on July 13 at the home of Margaret Whyte. Leader Helen Lawson welcomed all and read a poem "Your Message" and a read- ing "Holidays and Heaven." Worship was taken by Addie Bunking and Margaret Whyte assisted by Marjorie Duizer. Theme was loyalty to,„ our country. A program put on by the children included a ss entertained ning with her aunt Mrs. Laura Saundercock. Monday supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Shobbrook and Diana were Mr. and Mrs. Ken Shobbrook Oshawa, Thelma Ellerby: tlinton and Dora Shobbrook. Mr. and Mrs. Orville New- by spent 2 days at New Liskeard. Dora Shobbrook was guest on July 13 at,a birthday party for great granddaughter Marsha Miller's Sth birthday in Clinton. Miss Edythe Beacom, Mrs. Laura Lyon and Mrs. Flor- ence Cardiff visited last week Thursday to Saturday with 'their aunt Mrs. Hilda Pearson at Owossa and cousins Mr. and 'Mrs. Russel McGee at Mason, Michigan. Gordon Sprung of Manitou Man., Beth Knox and Dora Shobbrook were supper guests with Maimie Crawford on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Reg Lawson, John and Elizabeth attended. the Crich picnic on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Crich at Cargill. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Shad - dick returned home July 17 from spending 2 weeks at East coast. Staff Sgt. Richard Shaddick returned home with them from takine a course at Ottawa. He returned home on Monday to Burnaby B.C. Mr. and Mrs. Dirk Garlicks Kitchener and Miss Ruth Shaddick, Clinton visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Allen Sahddick. Mr. Percy Vincent of Hur- onview celebrated his 91st birthday with nephews. Clare and Norman at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clare Vincent Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Mill' son. Darren. Sarah and ,John of Woodstock spent the week- end with her mother Mrs. Dora Shobbrook. Darrell Shobbrook return- ed home from Edmonton. piano duet by Shannon Dui- zer and her mother: Brian Whyte, a piano solo; David Whyte did several selections on electric guitar and piano solos by Crystal Whyte. Business was conducted by Helen Lawson. Minutes were read by secretary Dora Shob- brook. Correspondence in - „eluded thanks from family of Agnes Skimins and a dona- tion, thanks from Margaret Good for sympathy. The treasurer' s report was given by Laura Lyon. Happy birthday was sang to Vi Burns, Mary Longman, Shirley Soctt, Shirley Lyon and Marjorie Duizer. Helen thanked all for cookies and freshie for vacation Bible school. Roll call was answer- ed by when you last visited a shut-in or in the hospital' by 12 members and six visitors. The study was given by Margaret Whyte on Domin- ion Day, including a poem "Why I chose Canada” and a short story of , the .history of Canada taken from "World Friends" stories. She showed slides she had taken this spring while visiting Margie in Australia. Lunch was served by Margaret Whyte and Addie Bunking. sermon, "When lite nurts recommending reading; twelve ways to solve your probleni by Charles A. Allen. Worship does not enlarge God, not if God needs, rather worship our own depleted spiritual treas,ury is replen- ished and our deeper needs are met. Faith heals, fear destroys. There by the law of faith and no peace. Live by fear and suffer. When we live by faith. the brain and other cirgans function is intended. When we.entertain mistrust, loss of confident, fear the burden of anxiety, the body breaks down. Rev. Swan had attended a Kentucky State Choir Concert recently when he taped the concert taking from it the solo. "When the storm of life is raging stand by me," that he sang during the service. Next Sunday worship at 10:30 a.m. with the following Sunday in August the last, till September 5th. Mr, and Mrs. Stan Achilles of Hearst and Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Achilles and family and Miss Debbie Achilles of Bell- wood were guests on the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Roily Achilles and family. s - Bargain Table Assorted 2 50 Fabrics Metre NEW FALL ARRIVALS All Fabrics 4 9 1_, off PLAN YOUR FALL WARDROBE NOW! Seaforth Sewing Centre 527 - 1900 Seaforth 1 IBVIWIIIIIIIIDIIIIHHIHiHhIU 12 MONTHS 1 TE EST FREE For a limited time only, so hurry in today to *ONTARIO AT1E1 1fEID WAREHOUSE 550 Huron St. Stratford 273-451g (Across from A&W) • Cheques • VISA . • Easy Budget Terms HOURS: Mon. Tues, Wed. Sat. 10 - 6. Thurs. Fri. 10 - 9 PR INV :1111TORY CL ARANC FRIDAY, SATURDAY & SUNDAY SAV UNDRACIS Come Early. When Were Sold Out, We're Sold Out. This is just one SAVINGS EXAMPLE Brand New 1982 HONDA DUAL PURPOSE Street Legal Bikes F 5 R N L MY The vehicle of the future will be inexpensive to .buy and service, inexpensive to insure and won't depreciate much and will give you as much as 100 miles per gallon and will get you anywhere you want to go, on the road and off. Use it to get to work everyday and op the weekends use it for play. ACCESSORY FLEA MARKET EXAMPLE: Used Plexi Frames from '59.95 New Saddle Bags f rom '29.95 New Engine Guards from '49.95 Cycle Sounds New and Used from '99. 'Trade Your Old Accessories For New. This area's largest selection of accessories. Western Ontario's MOTORCYCLE TIRE CENTRE Example: 321 Front Tires $4 VARNA, ONT. Ginat 262-3318 262-5809 Open Weekends Sun. 1 p.m. - 5 p.m., Sat. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Tues. to Fri. 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. JUST OFF HWY. 4 BETWEEN HENSALL AND BRUCEFIELD CLOSED AUGUST 2-10 FOR INVENTORY