Clinton News Record, 2015-04-22, Page 3Wednesday, April 22, 2015 • News Record 3
Victim's Services presents 'Reflecting on Missed Opportunities'
Laura Broadley
Clinton News Record
Dawn Novak travels
around the province tell-
ing the story of how her
daughter Natalie died at
the age of 20. There is a
video, a PowerPoint pres-
entation and handouts all
to explain the exact cir-
cumstances that lead to
her daughter's death.
Dawn and her husband
believe they played a role
in their daughter's early
"We all play a role in the
lives of these people," she
Novak was brought in by
Victim Services of Huron
County (VSHC) to speak
to a crowd of first
responders last Tuesday.
Her presentation, called
Reflecting on Missed
Opportunities, describes
in detail how those who
came in to contact with
Natalie in the weeks and
months before her death
had failed her.
Natalie was killed on
May 15, 2006 by her ex-
boyfriend Arssei Hin-
dessa, a refugee with a
history of domestic vio-
lence. Novak goes on to
tell the story of a relation-
ship that was doomed
from the very start. The
first definitive sign things
were headed in a wrong
direction was in January
2005 when Hindessa
assaulted Natalie for the
first time. This was the
beginning of 15 interac-
tions between Hindessa
and police in the 17
months before Natalie was
In each of these 15 inter-
actions there were oppor-
tunities for police to act
and save Natalie, said
Novak. Hindessa was given
a no -contact order and was
also prohibited from con-
suming alcohol or drugs.
But on March 6, 2005 he
was stopped and charged
with impaired driving.
Natalie was in the car at the
time but the no -contact
and alcohol prohibition
was not filed yet and the
arresting officer did not
know of these conditions.
There were many
instances where consta-
bles, probation officers,
bystanders and even her
parents didn't see the signs
of domestic violence.
Novak believes if someone
was to step in at any point
over the 17 -month period,
Natalie's death could have
been prevented.
Police officers, paramed-
ics and nurses were in the
audience for Novak's pres-
entation in the hope that
people coming in contact
with victims will notice and
take action. VSHC also held
educational training for five
high schools in the county
earlier in the day. Over 100
students learned about the
myths and facts of domes-
tic violence.
"It speaks to a social
action that's bigger than my
personal tragedy. We all
know every six days some-
one is burying a member of
their family," Novak said.
Novak wants to make it
clear that Natalie's case is
not exceptional. Domestic
violence is one of the most
common forms of violence
against women. About 60
per cent of domestic homi-
cides were preceded by
family violence.
The unique psychology
of domestic violence
leads to underreporting
by victims. Seventy-four
per cent of women don't
report and of those who
do 79 per cent want to
deal with the situation in
another way, according
to Ontario Women's
Directorate (OWD).
The OWD outlines six
signs to look for if you
believe someone is being
Is she apologetic and
does she make excuses
for his behaviour?
Is she nervous talking
when he is there?
Does she seem to be
sick and/or miss work
more often?
Does he check up on
her all the time, even at
Does he try to keep her
away from you?
Does he act as if he
owns her?
Novak ended her pres-
entation with a plea to
the audience to act, "I
don't just ask you as
agencies and responders
to fight crime, to be
aware. That is something
I have to live with myself.
What could I have done?
What could I have done
better? So it falls to all of
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Laura Broadley Clinton News Record
Dawn Novak's daughter Natalie was killed by her ex-boyfriend in May 2006 when she was only
20 -years -old. Novak was brought in by Victim Services of Huron County to tell her story to different
agencies in the county.
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