The Huron Expositor, 1980-01-31, Page 2.. . ... .... .. .. rim. d r on t Edit al . . . . . . . . .... o n I s,# m6mberiof the Nielsen Fief this would be'sompthing for An, individual panto amount,6T beartand desire. A Committee may l,takq this 9por Meet who wishe to long list of sp,q#jv W11 have.
pit h1j0seIf.Ag41nst'timp or in sports we have bad ;t g circles bui be eventually I
odistance, I can. well r teams in our coin hnitinity but to M, e1i calibre competition
Since 1860, S6rvin$ the. -o Munity'Firs ovei on to high k : i embor as ayogag chain
thoilli you, or your coverage o en), IV] �ral persong WbQ �eQOM s many, individual feats. One of thi 01ized'cQaq,bing. W e, 'in -our W,;Ly,,,
proposed -field meet an the fbod hope -that, lad that we, bad qqv 0, and spec Publishedat SEAFORTfr, QNTARJQ every.Titursda y morning., h inby n mpets. tbAtilnOlve
ary, fund$ Will, e fpithComi�g' mri, the, JQ0 y4s. in 10 stics; do .;x:bQ*,. can elp.b.1 'licild! 9 most recent individuals who has brought
the, i=4� b� byM4EAN 81105, PUBLIS"ERS, LTD, l0call.contribtitq and,apqssJbIe$mWI, average bi h and broad jpmps. and Also. is Lloyd be in torn by 6"MVIPLCAIIII� rominence to. our comin eF eaqoi]iragement t.o,y,o first to give hope. And $Tant. j$IejLJr, I believe he would, urfger qomppt�!_� q Ite,, fa.vouraty ag;ImsL u IQ� to'Ols, and they will"4Q, ANDREW Y. McLEANI, P,tiblishcr e vault champion. 'adm got to wh We provide, th qt -hp , e ones �re is'by dint of- if we c;kri set, up the physical reqtdr�, future Birit,ish Empire P lt th Umc Of his ft Work.. Sb$'ANWHITE� Editor in ts they',bad h 11 onect ment Pn ,of,,In Athletic field by May 10th 1im, opportunity to,bayp- 'hard work, the ' i AUCE:GIBB, Nfl�wsiEdtor and' pogehin coaclips May I rpspe0fully ask the, pu,bliq to suro, thAV the*resulting held meet, 4. n& spme, $,mail bit c f g.' parents and "the expert v le c I perAgo iato 1 6 fac u py.wo.uld have been , w tell him�w venture both financially An's re -e to , nVommun1tyNewp4 ilitibs will - have bl. ero he me, on bowere bl to ca e ery 'bi� 'ginally learnodhis' physi Ily and, wi h a com6in of fort w Ontario Weekly Ncwsp erMsbciatoj�, some of tbeyouth of o ined ap Ur c in ty, T compete 4vo ly istakes, Lloyd ori . Q_ h e ur4bl With, The bg n. ucersnd Audit:Bu.r.e�u of Circul4tiq ibasicsin our arenai no, then ved on to a can make this ev 4 . n 4 f4cil; ics will, be �'the'wuhtry and even, in the w rid. , t A rm4nprit atid'open for; in a rps g success.. Thank Th, spepla bQys,.and. girli to use afterward e ciftretic q betweeq a, ch4niplon And. lized and ixIdivilditaltrining, oUndin u scriptl Tiot S only- tbe'also ran, is 4 that The �amp thing will b. n y $11 a Year during, school time but 411 ,matter of technique Oldtihofoijob n eC4nada(irtadvgrice) summer. cidi bot�putt�r, !Frank Sills
U v oth h Nielsen m4R iso c ur !e� Ass ing, 1b6, b ave the wbo is, a b Wp� have y facilities for, gr6ups,,but,,, f -ad nce).$25 00, OPWOeCan da(in va , 0 I Year A ai er &QLE 170PPES 30 CENTSEACH Second Class Mail R6kistra 0696 tion Numb Te'e'p one 527-0 40,-�,' corichistolvi nd recqmmenclatjon��, Comr6jttee.. licie �As Chairman of Ontario, Hydro, s6c essful con' �er�ation program) to attempt I ed I Woi ),est -that no c Aid sUgg -Pr orp QNTA must take dify.tbat growth rat . N have been released. ';and :are n -jn� Nofth' rica'�tands�
TH' RIO. 4ANUARY M: 196b eertheiess & tion pxception to some of the to,mO qw being,. oth aniza comments in, Ridd 11's port� to, hi§ thelran�e�fate "ter Hydio's responsibili�y ',�tudiedby Rydrojhis may i0ol as mucli public scrutiny as does ve,.a major up. Q., e re in 'N , , , , �
..,; . waselear,' e alll, of 'take a, few ' i fe , thi is a �:go6d- constituents ("Hydro has Over expanded, expecte&-dernand must be oy rb oi�ir rates'and will :)nt�do Hy4ro, and 1. el S or ug" not' only for . h 0 ber.'29, 1979), And .would. -like monthsto , b .0 tar! 'H�dro, but f iouL s an to met., think thro
powe. Ont. o Hyd o p dro's alle As is now demand growth rate has: Not �'only � does ap i f Ap ear insumer In the�province,. Attempt 'to put " Hy 'ged. ov�r� every ppwer,p.c expansion _0�d qff 'sub -ifself I in U. Y., int6 proper perspective. drop s antially, Whil sOme,of beforethe OEB, but, also account ft 1�69k'tbat's acco ntabilit s for We agree With. rei While it, is'perfectli- true that Hydto has is due t � effective, conserv- publicly be la i bodi 8 Sincerely that'reductio O fore many Legi former Liberal con'§unTOr and corpQ to affairs.. s , tye p s ne h eff6 ts, on behalf of 'Ilr Ontario's. m H A-121 nordgefierAtipg capnity than it needs, after atiod' as,the on. Kydro ff4 r Hug"ac�ul4yy inisteri e ray nd with N D P, I ead er'Ed Broadbentvhe :r r a n,fhey say: por making'allowa6ce, for �a'prud n amount of, electricit and the, St�ndiligRcspurc Cbairmanctirt P 0 t. �y consumers, 4 signt, icant* pro es ev b B aed,:,Qntario Hydr6
C the, recent urchase -of :FP' O,ublLiqatlohs by, the Tihornawl newspaper tion .'must be' sp�re�,:,capaciiy.,,�o eedemands when attribVt8d tt�.Jh e urrent Conglomer.4te:shoOld be reviewed: under the ederal"', t, tris -have tQ�'be taken,out of service' best Of, governmn s, static t is economic sitoati.on.which.,to, the in ,e 'about 17, per cent),.'still has,' belief, was not_fqre,cast'L (even by Mr*,' excess -capacity -years Aganti.-combin 'legisla ion. �to be p R' -w n. -..stop en, though t. produces no iddelf uch.a review to, ou ,'pro�a 1y,, 6 me,chain 'which hao-dWrie'd As'l s d -j our excess capacity revenue in the�,same, wa a earl�'er orth A- merical news'6 y the moitgage p pers,from"completJng arrangements to. buy an apartment must be paid even when th0ire,, -On er9k., However thefe -are, tarto s more here in Canada bu i would at l6ast,infbirr 'no terialit,. f in the -public - . : ".r � , two things to be,borne in mirld:1be,costs 0, is of Some he having Such La. large p"roporti e d , L oil of''th I under-cAp46tyw.oul be incalculably&qatdr How.did this. situation 6omc, about? Well, I I 6 0 mmunt,,,, apersocanadians'Lr it ta es about 12 years,��qtw errmsu�ecl At, prbsenC ut p. ead .every, dai� C ntr I'led b. one company. k� e6n making the (we Are. ov generathig. that 5 e ban not . aving su icient e,ti vdra&), an re'�IibI6 to" �make egion j3aricl� was p aying, a by one, company cl�ecisi6nthai.a ceL�a station: Wii,, bctt r it h fit p4ri . ng; a, A eo tap e b I be ne4ded, me.t a t e,getnarating. d we a 'We are:pre' f t'b P, �.'Mitchcll the'� inform' ation,that cond rns u8,whbnjhere is', and. th h it h co hin n For It S", Se4forfh.Distrlpf High Scbool�bAnd before rousing, inarc uinber,,,Producer Vi' �Iectric�ity� in sfibstantial'p'cower sikles to.the.United States, nE station is actually.producing M V. k such cqnce6tratqd.� 6w ' iS6 I of C�na, "Jh6j r 671960S,�O 't i their-. die�Artufe .'for Fort yqs on ic erS r fthe show "New.. Faces! da'',s daily., newspapers., Keith was fitced.with, revenue from.which liblps'to'ciffset costs, -arose at n a'r,6 Hydro . .. . I b* Mr. Riddell `s'commQnts' on' i T ,,their music fr "hi t ..annual gro'wth 'rate- in the,. demand for,' om, is. c air nearus-�ani egannire. ingi,: Davby, in his' report on -1ho)a e siXtied,: worriecl,:�.. , �L � An b rate, siruciur6 February 7
s -ories'etf pu,r"stay" un' e per in concentration:. has, ortly e oettip!t] �7 at situation e aro d tb i* �ter-of the assembled: 466t' th.e-'06nomenon...ln''jh back ni�nY fond inern e',y8ars since ibciu06ercdnf h ar timely �:O�er two yea�s�ago an 6n6rio Q band.L' Later, in'. a personal -an in inbr6as'd for'many years.' i dit.- lJydro �eam preparei d study'A,�.;, ".iin Seaforth back in 1,00 n�erview,' he
it� he c -sit, � -when Catio' f IEacyear, thb. winte�,,'carn an, not' - d
were that, it I'd 6 'I �.w�s �4�w,apprctacbe 6 the pricing 0 6 ectricity.L �evealed d n Wou ontinue. t Sp - I I ' y, da is being. played 'nearby. �Ge t h Mail and I'h 'Ly, s6h-edul&� snow' .sculpturing, in ar, hi a n e,
it ithe cquisition of the t qri6 Ei Cr Ing elear'thittis'uch�a irowib tO c'OU notb' 'Presehtqd to th6',Oql� n6fgy Boarcl��-th, ocke, -CanaO -ra Id ross-coUntty s'kijhg,-, tj.ri6me�ring keep A 'entl' be was, in. the service du'iing has receive ex an 6thdr'imbort6ni ian"dai'lies:the Th in d ' bausti a ly's' i's 7fit y
sustained d initeJy;-- teos werei'tak n stiiidy�'� omsop�cOrnpady� Will not own,,_ chall d wo papers n,ah.y oil, t the t rs FP, ha& it enggs, . parade' And Ahe 'music" of the, 'World Wdr Twb,"and' the music `igni e
nt v thro gh Wofyear$ 0: T c, Wor pape c e ptne o our U ngs., (in luding, h de'e'lo f t but, it w i VhdVe the 61ou and';;the vdry. real banA made up a w nclerful bim fo tivAted powe o d�eci6ow als news. Ig 0 oom'm 9 a �S,on we to, .,,..annual cel for ltgr'pdpers�ridhi a0dss' the c6din't' On more than one�oe;� o n t 0 e ur fi7P' rtk Seaforth Girls ndi w,.en many ormer 0 plie Schools' So that the chil _d,h,L:, I, I h dren could mertibbrsreturned,torpnew rien 9 y othe f the Unfortdnatei o,. dr 'izati6n, has a- �eputatidn for e itOri-a , Ublan"d' stainds'at.6e 6(6ehse f the balarfeb., It r 6q d' .gan fi Hildebrarid: was sheet', or for- not taking Stan s peri �pe 'em"'Up, co d d se an ask,: the hand, j ose� days eorgp
In 'ntratlonjnpw�nfrs I o n, ers,.Iik6'in ot 'er, bu's I inesses,. th '-:'e1eeti6n,, is Res,. membbr�, ques ions about h d gl�eat t t ce h hat' are,�. e t, P, s t eir in� bdrid1eader an we u e- 0 pay n some. ca- s ruments an im an , is"I a vantages. 6W�, ong it'i-took t em; td dh arRe.i�ontri�u.tions�f6,th6:ba�d eople. IE RANNEV,� as, p.roba ly. ithe most' commoii rac Ise. �,W U'st. i§S*06.'"' P. .�,can. recall the, 6"cial. 'ex-, from eaf6rt District Hi�b-Sdhool..%. 36S equipryilerlt� : M(DEBB has-.. J add iexpeitise' can 'b6.' Shared th UL8 Cutting., Costs and. allowinig�`.; say, a newspaper: to, three iv e sV to go 'until ene I y w lJression of these 'children Las the.. girls. Sincerely exis 'Lin a't0MMUh1t,yr that is" real ly`:tbo�smal 1. to af ord'ope.-Econiomies'Loif the blec ion,on: Qbr e.; .,,rices On k, OUP7 O' Spo e to� -various, gr ne:�year as.,t'he John B.'Mc'Cdrroll F cinciicl6t�s�dr'* P the- supp ics, at,pape�.�, as�aS�ro a lai ger group ican m conomica y, as, -many peop'lf,;' usiftesses as.,, in ban �marched near the -with fiv S� Alfie Date prqp'Af:qd,' �a charic-oal' sca e a it e' in q in one'� far fcsti�al tk h art,,of r .ke, ctut,talki ng to as d i erne t 611 s� ho C 00
Cause it ill havean cffcc' H" h S' viable.,: .,,an organiz;tttori, �as t,ey can before, the, cot d be wi C a's - dtawi�g: of Seafort Ig,
ol�.,,in attendance,' 'the '.bdnc Eir si j' every ing, , . I 1. ' " ' , ' 'r �' - I ' big'day and witli that tni.rriind`�-, , o tor' thi he said. �rp ieved;at�Jhe:!.,,cqric oo Building an presentO 1t,167P,eg�y oom eextbrit 0. 127 n' toAh f e6ribentratibri , f d awspaper issomething else . rme o, , avis 0 'c : I . , �L_ I ' ': , � L:, , -what area' ec, E D Ol,'-76 'Oxford St. i n,' w ate rs of :r tb 6, .,n earby ppr6 "to. A ary,Dqig,. 4he, band, cha t girls took t, eir socks and sh to d U,q Fort Myers, lctrida� who willpresen't it -to 'Avon River., Mdpyf and,M t -t is�e h the,� major 'is Uds: in' Oss, h Iin t ersobthing lo'cal h ig h' sc b hou iggest ones and-Jed6rit.know a out,thc' a. botil'ifi'Fi3rt Myers -6i h ThothOmSbih ac4disition shild,come',undbr.p6bl ib sc,rbtih campaign AeW,bai: they,, thoug t 06. b*
L, h oteniay, ecause their tir6d'fe
com a L, 6briteo h6rd. 'issue r SS 'be.. Afgh'an'i's�a'il.t�iiigy'��t��t's'not""goo�,'either. I e" Igirl,rematk d wore:,'suffering froh appreic�aiion, to " you .,p., ny now as 0 h Id' IsSeminatik n OT -news 7 Gary, Bo 'Centre St., Seafortfi", thin Sho I an, ,y e, Same ,way s -au o. p'roduct ion,,*, Me' fd )ur:Paper in ctur,Afire'e�and hil . our in thi$',� do k .1 In, conclusionj my M yle,6f, y(
s tfiinkL�tlje�only issue afcan, ..&Cr we, �on tg' I."f 0 'et..Qi' we,!y b.' In rnafiy�� a d h' d . . '!A tuary: stern,gr�oup c'nt oI&'br6ai and..Goqo��l foods co.ntr A those eaf th i d Cgoing, to Oe'in a a
.,o Is: t 6 s0le of is that we have. a leader, that. can handle,a' s . ta e. eY Wpq eature. on the town; o t v �tory affiong'cl, c ion' ultsi Their 2 , r . .: _1 . I ; -1 flIdreri:and ad �2 -19'80 We shall repeat.t is,pro u ii OU 1r'try-_'and,, -geti !c; a earanc6�'tqiii�cl A, -h ' d' -their -We fies iii d world crisis -or mergenq becatis& othet�; they, sh Id th f ett , in, d day, February., 6;ftc;mi6, to . and y FPrqpab.Iy,�.Jh the ons'ume� arMers !:an sM -as the Russians, out of Afghaliistar� and ti:yto -stop d- i'Thufscij� F&bruaky 7 from 61rw 8:30. We are rs, a an ifiat, one (pa 'y is the�, same
irection. ',Th'pn, when' t ey got yo lhOeoi�nd nt',6us.I66ss'.-'dod6 ent,rated po W er. in th pse indusVi h d_ - eS SfioUjd hem rom,ge ting any furtl e itdid -seeirt: very natural -to m6ve, ery,plea'sed with and :positivc� f k ihe CA adiati.dthlet ',v �a!
t looks like:cach, s. or edping fe�edbac ascommunitated b e U did d 'fee In'.Uniso`n`,,v�ith.. y-,many:,oca porn er. review, too.. clome8tic�issuesl In e.S,OUt:, One 9 Abe beat "of, pa� y waste money', made mistakes and of the- Olympi s"i d However, for a, st'art..'wo'' 'want to,,ocho( th6c h .�game in�Nloscow, he, said' re al I for. a. look ' I :, , , , rum... at iW. ether In somet mg: the.Olmpic As i ti -in: H�rnilton,'on,i. .'further owners ip 0 more,pap( Al iry , , .- ,90cla ion had-br6ken pro i��s. Only th g that' that's y sifio'uld decide' R Chanhol I:I.'t`he. Son is in the public� interest.. 're matters is, if thereVan emergency Newspape'r.oeople an 0 the "condbit, thatAhb .'such a's"t'he Afghan" h"I d Som'o of�our rea ors aV ...... i'staft situation, w ictfier .,Ono thiqg that.. bbem:c t w le p f _ .1 .1 r ; .. 1. . I O'.,gQingtop unge us in o.a war' oihg.,EApositbr Asks this. V marketing. Aii-ilfulsioh perhaps U' s r b'll have to`apologiz for. later, h� said. th er I e ce 1 ropa ation o 'news confers more potentia powort an, t e, t cv� is that,* h''; e a lot of VoterApathy-. -86hrie'll ht"n �the' b t 'I et have pis to�6 u tce mat Joan Whyte,4.11.11. 2 Sedforth said she �The goal for writing this �:Ohilmii is,io get ter 'ad jr to t. e hews th �cen��',-s d iey, Ust listening i h been even,�.an , mne� answers and-, yJB i I 1, S I be ore A" . 41t, e �y nigW f nd; judging from that it wa h` pe6p an,,' 0 t it the i'ss.ue,s'should,:,b ,energy lose itb( en'ti:'. V T 0M big an e men'�:rigbts, but'as to N t r to got at least sevel d th66gh ffo t wb e of rres thought' tfi "' calied '-said' Ie ano er,
U was;thi� one.,, ititofeste or that. tbey idri pay. in ch Paul Storey "of R Dublin said that attention' to.lolitics. S1nc0.,t R'_ 1, e he-11e.tirement.of 1brigtime Brodhagenr corres'�6hdoliflouetla.. no!e w olfe', now,a,res�i,dent Of Ritz L6tkeiah,V: Ithe Ekp6sitor ert ha8'be(§n without a' new I . . % : . ' 1. .. 11 I., I 1 - ' L ke &very players, and iced a,Junior A c ub�' We local- s source.from an,ar6a.ti,at S important td,obr i Aber r�d-blcioded'male in this
t reade s.' countty:dver the, age o ou am an exper
high �cho6l �y& were devistaied y' I'Imports, from such on'hockey, the jealou yr whe rs, ?,,As `a:player, "didri"t exactly-Imake towns as Ottawa, MorntfdAi We've' heard, how much''Mrs. Wo If q's 4'e6k I y - co iu M", 6 i s misse . d. lipoaa the" for someone I w t h 0 fliklil. to remedy that, and�t� ai�e lookinb Brock 'the -A� - Or :Juni INHL'. Seni or r .,or A" 01 Ile, to �6wn nd stole ot r gir s arodhagen a,rea who,:'Wants a challen t' ting part-tirn&J ging,� in ores ob. Junio r'B. Or Juvenile C., away., I I I e have to make it'all the,way W ' I -chance. lt�, was -money ... no -one's.. d near- h But you don! t Acting as a correspondent is a Way to pick up� a I ittle 'at t, I % 1. I W fldc� als.didn't have.a
e�ver gotten, wealthyworking for a,Weekly, add no one is in' it fdr-the' uric b6co :onnokseur.of the'. 'in:Canada to me a.c Depressicin times, We,w ere lucky if we'bad you have to do is� io bav6'been the ffioney.�tq, go to, the' Saturday 'night i'money. JANUA 0,tb_eganiqj sin RY30,1880, of his 'farm' Itappeared.tha some one -hat .. i I... — t, had-,, eXPAsed o�nti4akealong.`ai girl It's lot more than f Acting as, a� correspondnt'As 6fi6d0e!to rep, anc 0 . . ., Ili. . I �At the 'meeting. of,the Huron 'County been, a&tlo-inin and in,ret" h in' it's1fi'yout. blo 'd afterw oepyour'corhmu`n'it'yai1ve' in the:m,idds'of thdusands.of eeaders. It's -a utdi n ' ct, e, the and fe.ed-,lier. ards., Cciuncillj James '.T 6 9 Arrow was elected bag slipped off the wagon: 'As Aepri'ved culturally ,,chance to warden of,4hiron for th '-FEBRUARY A'.1908 enough �fo -make ,ro ote Or6dfiageh 'nd,gi M. a ve credit 'Whore credit is do W4 e Curren because,' clidn�t have 4 pair ot "tube" Abe.sO.-called, NHL'today, h but' e ,.year.' Mr. Garrow. Was�'el` ted not then:,411 h -all the many evenM and"aic6o, rnplish M'nts. tha�- hold' r04hag'6h (and ec by C'", secur�d the there we're. s. ooper of - Clinton � hag sWates. :To my - grea s ame, had to, sfew _tiactfdr bbilding� the Summer Hill school" eams an so other small communities)' togofh6r',., ation. :con indul&�Iri the sport ofweati,rig, An.old lialt 'd many aspirants., eve' s a re, w S The new flou�ing, is! now house", of My M The' cre : OnJy` � eight then A. correspondent.' b IS' Somefirhes, a,thanklo _,p other' dy's .'skate��' '(O�o T S h ryone inin full t1m6.- Itis a great, Cr 'Win, Amerif �of'Seaforth'is hauling a 16t'of - - ds with 6f6nt�.,..-,Montr ieng; Montreal. Ionvemence, nounced with'.utier scorn'by,the ki eAl CAhad h knee aroon S a 'takes' the doluil.nn. for granted. until it. -i doesn;,t -appear, M Otta,wa,`en'tok, Boston But tlie,,right to' ti f logs froni, tOckersmit'lit tube skatesJ Mine,�vciit almost:to t e surrQ n Ing armers.,�� New ca S a The Staffa Lher ur ahk ' Ii -b 'r of York 11 York. A.,person , n got quiet saii dti'od"f rpm knowing: Kb:ors'he i's letting -the �A,. Geiger of,,Zurich'," 'trapped a huge, atysctcicty:;��ct,,w Ike a�� ag angers, New cricanS alfid.'supported,y6 leg community know, abo yj 1,�r s, gradua lon, i'Wildcat i e a,litfle' Johnnie's part, M, I I . h th rgh:',neai that place, : r�' marshmallowg. Obvipusly, t icago 'an y t M Andrew Oliver in the chaif hat'is he sO16 arty Qelghbour6, hold f6ir the. Sm iths-when. they in Robert Campbell of W Iton bas'dispdsecl rda��p bly ,just." UniV6rSity or. 'the Geiger'* tends having' it stuffed. ai fdidn't'niAkci it -t:6 th� bigl'6�ue`s. Tbere� 'were proba as. in y as just 'ho hopeful lilayers.16dity lb re are 2 1,o' 23' use and lot in the'.vill,age t As kid,'l I , , 6 , 'or (noved to Thos Kidd of-, Seafb'rth h dom. .Of 'big *ay'ed sh' ei townl.,�,: o, !,.is tiny n 4he river., r pleted and moved into his tiew- residence 'on. biothe't hseph Cam bell. 4h somcii.guys who actually;� teams in'the NHL, Nobody Our. area correspondents are. an ''absolutely viial p later,, did_ seems' Able i part of 'this' Market Strea - ifig, one Of the - hiindsomest Mfigs 'mak' e it * to pro or'sem S. to count them an Dr., J.W L tone, a f6miler ea brth i -pro rank .,We t fy m 'a in Huron `6y,'has bebn. ppointed'divisional surjeon was,in,filghs . cbOol, some,cf, my best friend figure it but� Take, a, quart. bf -newspaper k6sure"t.hoy knoW�Ihat: nd 'a I 6' ng' 'with other ar�d bbst�orivate rest.,prieps S: emore., ounty. 11 I.": i., , . r 1. C on epl4ying Junior A, whiskey and add a similat'a'mottrit of Water, newspapers * in tfie:`@lrea, will spohsbr,.d luncheon add seminar for�th&h, thcKansas'C4. Southern Railwq. wer organized b .-Shirley,, Keller of the Goderich Signal Star, in Altlril. It's X house on fl�e'rfatm 'of Th6s. 60enl&k' 966 'Split the remainsin: two a y wshoeing., is tbe'T,'Ppu,)qr outdo8r I was brought, up, in A: rAbid hockey, arid, d add, a half of the'second such M, e'etihg in the'lasi few ye'ars'and'along th' neat Mr. Bawderi's brick yard Was 'destroyed', amusement this winter, lacrosse towif. When i vas�, A; littleboy we water to each. What do e sclmoi line y`9tk get?..Not a Scarlett. "Ieni in the ch, by firei The building was occupied by go'berf k itb water
-an ope Powell. A. la dye, Was n house we held here for corre�ponde: f fever,is quifc� pr had, a Sehior.ho6key tedni.1 it Was made up W is eYW A water With 4 tou
n s several yea�s ago... mp'left burning on the,bureau town, of local f6ctofy hands blacksmiths (yes� F of whiskey.' Most 1110WSP�PEW�'fid it's" Increasingly h 'rd to get correspond loclecl.', Mr.,,Po a ents., ep wdll*N�*as wakened by.the ingo back -that far),. And:, generally "good ,And 'that's ivhy',sq' many o,nce-ard6nt 94 .1, . , me i 'The going to -games; or even watching them 'The iEXposItor-. for example, has. had' 'smoke andiescaped 'th hockey,, experts Ii don'i bother n opening fortod for! d r 'a. wl, two little girls. Cuflill,of McKillop, while in. town, 4thletes,oftio.particular rank or station in ke Just
despondept who wil Vroport St-..,Cojum bar! n0ws,�Perhlps pedple are anniversary, of the b4th bf,,Robert lost from big pocket a toll of money, life. v Burns wias celebrated by a supper hey�, ought the s the Ik'sslans are playing, when toobusyande en. our small, communifles care' .�C at coitaining 5i8.00, fi6y played for fun, I ' b ir V, U�Ies U
increasingly lmp6rsonal, armichal's Hotel,'The-c4air wis'66cuPiecl, ' Win. Murdic has withdrawn 66tirclylfrom 6,!qwn equipment.. Tfiere'.Was tremendous -YOU see a few 'fia.shes, of the - Old-time But we'rci,itrylng fight that trend. by KY�' McLean and the vice chair b hardware firm of'Sifis in bockdY,Ifist y the d MUtdie and riv�lry withthe othertownsin th6 cctuntry�. ead'of a group 4 high-schiPI Because We,think oeoplo,-oor joys,, our,sorroW6 'our ordinary live Edward Cas'h. The bAnd tiridef the leader-'. drop, the business -will heteafter'be conduct6d by' Tfid rink -was jagimed forovtry game,. Outs high -sticking h are Irdportan sh ;tet`� gave §evctl 'Geo., Sills, 'himself We kids sneaked into, the games through other ipto the board' slamming 'bac Coeespondehts �,thlnk`that Way too.., 1p, of" Professor tit' s, pretelidiig,to.fight If YoWd like to J61h the group of hard Worki'dg, much appNeMated Messrs, Munroe of,towff havi started'an the place wbdrd'tfi�y threw out the snow by' dancing`rin�wa-tound while carefull"' 'on after cleating'the'ke, s4uirmed"b6r;, w*ay clutching each others' swe popl6wiho Write c1bo"ut their corn "'Uri Iti6s, for'the E)�p'sit' Seeral farmers in this vicinity hav'e'been open air sl�ating' rink on�the reereati th y m e usily engaged' in "plowing'dur ab�rg so ey I ng the past grounds and a von't be hurt, iri r ping,, clutching, and you IIV6 In either Brodha0en of SJ, Coi6mban' iarOas' vc,,,tlr(, Jy'a splendid sheet." Aowft behind the pla�crs' bench,...and N p hooking W6'd love -to ton days.. of, 10c fought 'da6 other to the, bone 0 a� doffig,everything but pl4yI�cy. There n t - alk to yoU,, Are several �ca ith'a lordly s s0s, of, dipbtheria i r broke 'a- stick, and,, W'i - I ido 'Pall editor -Susan'WhIt6 at 6�1;-0240'.' town, About 5 o c ock TOesday aftdrn0rk thd gesture; handed it back toward Us. n't ncd�ssafijy want to go t back to the days when plo,ye�s had � sind lexander Davidson of the Commercial large bank barn ofjiick, Or ofthd Brons6n 'It you were lucky, you got,wo,pi cs of dignityi And didnt have to pat eact� others, c has returned home line was burned' to the &o Ith a large boo(eystick, ok-it home and had�yor old burns. all the t' from the old und Wi ime; Not do I want them Ailvor(14160 I* s000t*i on the c6ndil1w. hat'16 the dv'ent of A typ6gebohIcal �,eerdr the 6dVdrtl6*Ihg 8pacd coultiltry, He didfairl� WdIl with his turke"ys qUantity of grain and irripleme'rits, Johtit Oft' u ,'and played the Ird'duded to the sort 6f'w ftcuplod by the erroneous Iterni todether with rdAddrmbfe; Allowance for algnotum� will not bv�cfiitded t0byt W�Wh he got over in splendid condition, an -elderly niab who had been'liviri' man P lntlt� taped it p , age Aayery they -rest of the, r season wi h a 'ix n's endured years Ago,, the bslak6 of the advetlisetime"i"will be paid lot at the applleaW rat�, Wirt. Mu hA�� beother,,perished in thc'flame!�, g with hi,; t S. -foot, mA w , hit$ every 6f fort will be tnade'to' Insure they are died with cAre,ih0'pubIJsh�0ca6n6l,b rfar of Tucketsmi hockq'sti6k practicllyleating the Armpit But' I rehon o responsible for the Chalk fa�m At Harpuihe�i, Twoxiokg of curIcr.5 p ease oii the sports were in StfAtford' r 6 Id d 0+C
Hy b p d
Ithe -return of unsollcltitd�manuscrtpts of photep, on ut of You e400f frame,'-, pa, es, Monda�r And p ayed With Strafford, 1h. thi� 9 from the r q0tistant Whirling, tant- While on his WaY hOtr16 frbrn Mitchell, When I was a Vieftager, the h6nie town ritins,' hurt feel, Ing$, an 'n dre,
Whyte -found. of Nut at the, rear 0tiltinued. 6p Page J) Went Ape', ovbi 'hoc)*, bo'gAn, Inipoftln ititerdst in the big btick, e�' -hdi John d R