The Huron Expositor, 1980-01-17, Page 100, i$13 in advanqe for a yep, Single cop,y 30 ;pAt'i Ith Year.,' A J 2.9 AR MOP. T , TH ,61DAY ANQ le e'a h F Y t'd have. An m ission, maypr doesn't' q Jim'Donnelly of Goderipli And wbateyqr��.� Ontario�, Police A'date of Tuesday, been ��,qrking with the l6caIr polide r force. if be's involved. n t $intiamd said. Jct cliarps witnesge� set for a hearing in o Police A "are fu, in g�!ttilng;fii.sjob back., Monday morni g .he, success r I . I tair s 'said 0 7 agg"' st Se,aforth' police chie Johfi Ca ns The maypr said neither he pr Members of Mi. C. In 0 would,.attend unless, subpoen who has been suspprided,fir in duty si_00� A,s wha witnpss4�s. It will be up to, the judg t. is Decernhpr, made'public foil �dayor John Sinnamon �said tbe hearmg,r owing the:he;iring but the IV wi er car a will be -ar:
will be held in� Judge Francis Carter!s mayor said he imagines there new look nt n',,o Chambers iti Qpdprich andr Will probably �bq statement. ed -Lby—Mr- -i _nshis�lawye f ided u _J�WJee __O If the ch copy, hdqtA46 enNormArl'Pcel of London.ffie tOW11',S lj4y -'r. 1�& to 1 e c,. be. has,the option of appeali a e Mre -Industrial e,.,n r base i
:anUa ts are.�6rt the second ainly, living -League play 'and
PAforth. Optimis
up to their rianic- espi in tria d' ite the,'.obvioti,s: lack.r, gg e will. be between the Girls in the area, they're. Optimistically Seaforth'PiibliCr School, team of snow POLI 1'C,e C 11 t 6ir' Ot plans for th s' 'girls earn.. Ahead wiih going 'N -operates, t I . . . kend. an co anmial WintO Carnival thi wee ow even if the weatherm S, sse�bral, 0 While sit ana cold have threatened and-' the: skies, ,gladdenly durri ecause: The .sofor,tfi Police department, been taken ut of S e, V ervic t thp�pst,this'. ceritiniet,res of snow on the ground, tb&: clas§'cQns able, Dayer pale, has been: conditi,on'especially'the body was so bad. cancellAtion.rof the carnival An Cal S were is the fir§trtiMd gs-prove ma q B 'pblice.,'during chief 'J decided two Cruisers balmy. weatfier%h d rnival 6o -chair n.,L e ell aid, 'lt's Members k r. 1, to ��Ptin& Chief *of to, race which o , I& for the' n wrnobile a r6blem'foi carnival needed in town; eSpeciAlly.on w ken s,an p organize s; teqn'wit 'I 'e Since Sri w scl ew, ase. C t suspension from duty ee d d r6 �ijq o"Olid sno b when-. jlptur6s� and q ,go! h' s at art r Ch Acting,chief Dale, 34; �has h car i . r sporting prisone s 16r, a snowr n Cour. impossible without �ome Snow, scu ptur6 competition, obilp And drqss-country rallies Are who might haveparticip'Ated d t ent here for five years and withA e policeman to of ther win , te stuff, 'the Still' -police department for two . yea Exeter MA,yor John Sinnamon commented that I d hich organizers Ave planned a. whee rive take advantage of free firnily ingw before that. S6 'Whileit a money, for might em, like ' lot of, is s�hedluledfpr Fridiay-night.
H and his walld',faint y ive in 14 v , I i - - .,poker: rally for, Saturday aftcrnoon�a,:new t -,, pret y, Qrn ergency... equip in _ . were on 'the chritival., en ice f,r, event in Participants can Two adu ts dances orescheduletl for'the Seaforth� thin id 'don't have,. our vehicles; 12. e�,ent-6h6'Friday night-at.the Arend to -the' Sr_� Park�-between �'SEAFORTHNIWOR . Monir,Unam j§ob and d�ughter) S ye, Council M�nday�, �iiighi, acccpf�d er at ting.chief at c an at the - regist, . he Optimist , , .( 'of Lincoln Green, er
e Council agreed to look at, mi.d-size cir'for Ind- 1:30 p. on Saitirday, d �noth' r n 6 0 iSit. nendatii. Abind Assem Hapsa; 'dropped in i1to I r �ns'fro�'tb�jc ew cruizer' W:';Itb the mayor'pointing olif It 0 0 I Legion Saturday tQ:Splid Ivory Brother to the E. ito officelast.w e f, r,,a .,r Conti �On. :Sun dy, �t e ptimists ate a so �s of her ith" pla I mlin"g somethin a1ittle different�w� . titer roceq, 9 orn t he, toN�p buy police, cruiser. the Carnival go o: minor -are now' I ivi _11 02'and SadyL ng, in, Egy' t and the wo_ en. son high speedrchases Arbil' now P P in emergency, e.4,uipinent f6 Vc triece,ss4 I ry 9 Arn to enients wi e .6rt the new coun Y qx� r ri 't Sp, s land. y at the' Opti�mist,. -M Lba�h in., (b,'anket, etc.)' firearms and h. k �boO s are visiting., the Nofman lt�lv
e g r on. 194_9M -r baseball,exhibition,grrieS.r The fir t, 4 s the. Firemen.,versus the e ark. "O rig 'uniforms; The acting chip wrote:the police ilfi, .bt. '.0efdre,travellririd to.Paris. ' �': System., The old cruiser will pro)34bty be'sold Teach is' in I :s, rsaid'kit
xPositor hotb)L f c se a C,6mmittee -thai�'the '1976 Chev rui C U 0�. an h T S. L rn�.Liz and. her two Egyo n of the� dearer 10 d ince mea IS 0 S-1 The 'two young, meq also, reflect'another AU'& GIBB let�6,�,,-.she. works in a large hotel �pfeasalntiy war oh t e nTd heat'their 'Althoug _,,� a ye A I tend S,'a I -o ten- As ifi,Cn�da; n of" tbe'.-'country S e. m very - . . 1: L, � 1, 1. I interestffig.p�rt -of d 5c. 0o . sn t,eaten As is ory ild �daugber: peal �I f s agree,that few people �l * in 0 .,u the oSt popti. atsubStftues� is, beans, which nis-a CbriSfian.��' an un 'nown �o y 6slorn and it homes -:* And t ose..that d fla"ttdrnj Canada'is', Al' k GETT G THE fi Oftl Assern is M osityin Egypt. - AS Liz atson. says; in or �Canadian.tourists pla ing. to' V, it heaters. 1z'sAid'ar'e'thexpeiisive as well. As.b6ing The government, 6 ices�, in Egypt are On - �Spac�, r L nit, aj� Cost: Of g Tony.' 'gypt,,t e. usu , a y, closed oil � ri - ly P tandard h- It ij.pirotelno. h In 9'
d etting.�hcrer Since the, Country S S1 F idaysi followin th!� mte States m 'I 31�,600,for, 't as high Mos er(i cu,s for"Jimmy -Ca . iter, and fi e'hea'p-,-;Approximatp y titrp" 11.1 i.s'th6y are. in 1jrink I ' ' , I ' ' �tom While mafiy�'Of the"41-iops a ada is. ges arqrl ing .habifs 1n :-Egypt 'are a go, ticket,, whic mig4t- ;far Qt jh' e. ,,'Cqnada b t then' neither, are iving different.—Wat6r, rin ers, usuA fa -y. Ih account,forthe k a 'riday,' -,follo mg, the, tnoll$ f6r, a. only, on W' close Assem'.Hdss4n' and Monl'r nam,' two bottled pr6duc ,ountr3P h4Sli Yet b&Com& popular. with Hyd'fo might costs 14ts-50r,"Ja C and pe er e the' iriencing anoth' Young"', gyptignS VlSlt�rigrwlt fatilily.r: Onie, homer,;1 S uron. Canadians.' Owever, as Liz Pointe out,' month in, a and foo& is S. V, 'd. alw f" h retrig-. �muc Afteridin in "Egm6nd 1, since. e cost o. in ays res since 'A' E h the MacLean. . .. . �tfi � I .1_f 1 4� . ' .. : , .,atsoa is, b liAng'4§ ri�uChlower tft� it h different:ib��n dar' milk'. Tb Eg�p- * L � r E � jr . g , ra. ic, farm vi e',r agree Caring. tnexrpe�, sive. an faet, of , Yjottan c on t r JJPWS'r�of Canada is t e xception rat er', rea eration sill is ommon in t e c9un ry.;.��,, tian version,,. att ho6l: h It :Otintry, b le,'6sts ii, t, C sc Sadye is, E r(Ace .
it , fi, , � � � , r , , r -d, than �rkh6i -coun ry�:B I ut'the,6 ri a, ouris asarriv� Ma Is "at' d- nbW,'! ivety, good fii'Arabic;z Ur the'r ie it vo o,e loaf one t Ctyart4-�L lefbbil,ih ,milkan ,�Sa� mostpeop., I'tt 'r , ' , ", h' , ' tW it men agree. �eve I ryone ike , s Pierre, Jr'u i a varip y,� o sma ot, O'VIS11ors; and 't ki d ery I ps, 'd b goes o in ergar cn, ean tay�jn 1 e -c tintry1or v si;.Hng�L*�,�,�,,,:,oftefi rink it S 6 f a ye everyt ing from fruits a r hd �cgetables, : ' " 6: 'to, k d ever d eau.,., �vwhen,as e i s e e -didate �i'� Xr ays awee a''ll d S d 7ere `alread� k' n In from 8 'a in 13 -30 p -,m. �Sk k t Jivii g',` with her',' England. when' it ut there are has"'beeiv,, 171 6y &cided to'' head f6i' Cdii6_Liz is quic � o poin 0 with'only Friday 0 f It t e city.' s i tors find jSr e -!year o dau �siinnier's orbs 4rs are, s i four. h ia6d i6jake.ra,b s, uxury or many,families, English ndws6rs �61ished-i h W' th oil
a Egypt or t e ft 'ey dec res . S wa ing so,,: pgns� ra to a sio h't,dr6te'Egy and,in dilff
lj�4;7b di nd:':tel shows h .pltidn i L P
is visil mg.. atth&ugh�.� is-` ident itil&bf lk" ptw.een li 0� past �yeAr, her, as at think -1 evi n ibi� pensive, fou'r. of i - �nil . es h*` Iiitu family, i4o n, -B tty Ma6lLcan-fqrthe rmAn a d r e WaSr an, diperiefi(le,rtfi�yjwonj so, �t ink are now mQre-%c Mmon since a Egyp
theit uWei n r.a ly' the n6thin of'Strollin'g' aft e'r �'Midmgfi`f, since 'triamstu r dent - s, sfti . dy Eng I' ish as t �r s I econ gypt h iiday'�'sea'son, Assem,',whais�the Son ef. They, trayelled.fro,m Sairiirday night d n even -rain:.,. is. Aisnow; since i bfiiz's in Egypt, a n d. to'Tuesday.,, with OhIY _0�casioiiai'.'res' crin e'-stift J�b't; a problem i s, in orth language I . -Liz'sdi&�since'the' uncommon (it falls abotitrfiVe br Six, fimes.a t Passengers Me ican'rur orur s oppcd piff4o,visit the Cans as,-' breaks to stretch, thdir,leg$r; A an centres,� h ore AmeTicati and . arm ment'. wit Israel, ' in year airo-,open', early' inr G h ong trio- that will� were expec c w n: f ob d an liz'saidjhe Stores in., 4� eman 6usiness: 5ftid the' 9traffic,. ere is 'he, firrst"s op,in, a year MAO bring �their, b men are. -coming,,,, 9,. e The men a so I ' t iness count ' ry., an -.JEng is is angbage_of d bus' Ahe I take' tbeffi,: o Paris and later. to AmStCt,d 'am, any,-inc uding Liz'and her daitighteii ran the mot. an remainr open d" i lined" han in their countr
more,. iscip Y, to visit bef6re.'-reachin'g reccp�. 'Liz' said the until early E Writ's brot er.. G . . they, close, 1rad6i Liz ber§elf given hglish lessons ,bu, Ic stay,. h -Afternoon- Thell I un.usual,,thaC peop ndid 0 so I in , itch, I sinc I e they doa �great' ea iid by te' 6ndr�6; until- 4bout , 130, p.m. when the'," t-6. hotel guests a . ...... C
j2r'wats6n�ran �Sad�e Wb6n t JeSlir went to small, a� f the 6sualy� nd �, she Sdid: , night9cho'l inside: ley: pla�ri�d "ta visit frien s rip, many.. 0 t e,. passe S It J ourgeS the 'I anguage, are be Co ing. in , ore -walkin , g A:dA 'h- BY'SHIELLEYMCPBEE Egypt in II978 tl tiger sp d,, eaC�is. ess Antensei aba,rema.mropen, as�:: C M'eetitig,your neig I In the party s irst e " sort ci , ty on e T �tirlj for,sojon Ong, are', cii I st q , mers:j Y 'in Coast, swollen legs. r6m,sii g.: buy the Yly popu lar. increasing he' h treet wheti t re a so bours on t e s e in ritai T and;1 tf�er� retdrn:t.o ngland;whellb Li'Z had _.,CAJlR,9,,EGYPT :goods -,often�,iiiitil�,iiter'hii'dni�fit.: .,,Also filnis� and movies mad B in: C! - " 27 ''year old, scaping:: Awarm house is cbrnmon�, in tu e .,an owns ip rmef has bee een wor in' df riendg, praise the andi the States d"d bb, d, in' W It T a he Th any.,,' Met I df 'g. Instead s er o e city of 'Cairo -IS Ii k c- Both I h he �C d ra ic, 'are 'T .Other. �difference- is� the univetsi y, -H ron C." Sit . , ra�6a_,:�: gyptian diet the� oodis'noto Y,rC eApi -an, gyp "" � . : airo residen Sr. who p',etsu'aded b6l� to �i ni6tropolitan, even 6V&� E bi populat:,�and American d hosen to represent tber1DP in the' u
r6ni4 a�`Tlat And �dis=p p6ptifated With,"r"it$ 10 'to _12 millibn'� Fresh 'Briti'' Bruce riding -for' ffic� �.ebru�r' I � fed r I'
t 6: 6t�, but Always I 6 -fr nits and sh hit parade selectio�s'are. played by�, s y 8 e a ysiem. In Eyot,. university is government 1. . . .. , ar f 6 11 nough tb.. :it i #irty,, b u.t a v- aes�zrown rig t,withirt4he country' to s a ions; f stu ents sfi liked ific,city. we' e fihab tants, Sometime lw'ays , . many of the riid t ii Most, election. gp. nced, an tee or d fim, I I � r to five For, many yoUrnge ."A Ia- t e� c 6wd f %over ters ei . r' . . iO'NDP Stippor r. Egyptian m 6 ti, like at home with,th r g 0 students con thue S -H sem asram, hit i aryr srervice i arm jes, an chose� McQuail .on �,fhe first ballott over.. . 'COU�r Coin ills r SUP0ii0S. r_ just completed his,'*, for't6xib6oks and- �Osbornd`�Bernie Fan�her,of Bayffeld at a' 'C�t p , ory. Assem has: O nomination i On on
k Aratson.�poinied .out. 19 Id in' Clint year f �workiqg in a military ban ... 7' 'Mond. Is LiZ Mohir however, was more fortunt" much Closer in—Egypt.: Chi dren stay At Ow . n: A d t iir, Main ekpense� is pAyffig ay. f, A t itd'candidaie J. Hemingway of, S C'Xcliscd' rom Military,,' homt�, usually, tinti matridge,,ane 'raiely, fo C6iincj e hal day rate. -Com rr only so , n, he $50 per fitiAnc mittee� W ended the
Members of Sea rth gav'': full day from'$35 and'a' f I hil t6ey,'re russe s,. t w Iq ave w ie B. " I ..declit6d the nomination,, but 20 cents me'� on -:� job s y n lit -Mileage'remAi -c6mmehied 1 Service., ho, don't go.r h part-time
themselves a Se Monda. ig was set dt'$30.., ns:a ra,t§e! hat no Change, was rnad&, 00 'f 11 rt., f0t the pA A v -s fter completing high., , sch Offeted"his I u rty - in cotincil salaries,last yeau �ni 'et ity� Studying. Children are Jo their er pu i C m are C ant, Philip alker,.a'Steph6n p, must � t, �,tfire years military s vJ 'parents 'as. Well;' And nu'sing 'ho es fourth 'Ohtest regular cqOnci mee, ings its Ii e, ith ohe child,or Township One councillor Asked whether dob.b)er r in CO nc r . .. . 'In . r pay for� Pay fo . embe'is 0 u il f6' liecember, the country. AO had earlier on Monday:' night \�no is', unhea of.- p C n held on�6permonth) remains it.$50 for All, ommittee' ifieeinks ra 'ged from $210 to $110. The Marylol rd a en v W -that' he - Would, run as an. NDP Both of r the visitors agree the job he announce& %vell I . ' � 1. I . ther until t y die. iOunciltors and $'82.50 for mayor, payifor meant doublei pay','., but he didn't get: an a.m6mber6fevery.cot Cl COMMirtt6e ASr situation in E ypi �fias; improved drastically: L, and Sad'ye are lr�turnjing . to' Candidate in the riding) did not. since his di PUC'w�& paid .$302,50 an in ication 'Z answer.' Another joled that. everyone should as.the 0&j 4j speciaf 'A'nd i "cohim ittee meetings ifMreases since. President AnWar� 'Sadat dame to 'h6rainat or the meeting. mee ng., nfli�t- of power,, Monir works'.iti an -engineering. thby* enjo , y 1 th hoffie.�Th E 'Mcouil, a newcomer to the,.politica,V frorn $20 Aol $30 per ti declare A c6 in'te4st bc�f6r voting.� that . he attended I I speciair Council or Cf,kiro at the end of the month, it.s 6b'vious p tW eir,new e gyptihns 0 e. .0miniftee mpetings in, 4me, to l4uron County � nine, years,:; tay,f6r ul.6f town business wa§,rAised to reeve Pill Dale, ciialfmat! Centre And, Asscm isn't co.n6erndd he'll tqi�nd belpful, Liz sai and Scene, e reo-his
d` e e
ag - H _GriT(-_T3__ ducation at h 'as�th6two men pointed*out, "All Egyptians,,' o. . e receive' av, ny difficulty finding work when' e God t S e R ers egiate, Institute, andtr H n ssessm nrt: e s I re urn home,�% like for' i n e6ch Distd Coil e so deai e conc rn arm.ers: r afte a yeir's t0avels acros's Canada', bought' a wa S 'Wa nosh -where he t I 00 acre faimiri, W
and big wife Fran � raise.. ep. 0: g, McQuail , is � involved itt A' number of � fat�rn, a e ., 0. orgamzatiot!� andjs a' s6lar'energyadvot't
j . � r, � I I I I. �oats and
'He aches doursb5 on heat ng,with wood U iligbf to r M. Ve the'respo d her (N . B�Y AIC B,.' attended Henoll ounct on ay mith, Towns ers n wmdpowei�', and Solarr' energy and has been Er 616 U Stioln e q e . t e SSIS art acre� assessment costs �Iity-.rf6r,pay- inig draj'nage,costs, BLUE n government , programs , on It sibi 0 1464iisweekr I , Tuck�rsmith Township ratepayers ar Insi 'd,t e, so concerned high outlet assessment c eas'f6ftfie village, . Mr. Todham 1sai It Cost 6f d�raining the o't$ 'for, f6r'rfarmIAnd v RIBBON alternative bherg� and lif6StyrleS�'He is a] a S 'it to'solve land cast of the highway is e ween I $36,000 nsaWs Richmond Stfeet'Soifth draiii Are 'The village, is bpildirig.-tb6 drai b t ' ' r ' , e P member of the ant,.nuclear Organization Dubli olantr.expands 0 f p 'un hen i ',h is "really not, the village's Rou r g u set a' da t �for the'problem o 'eriods of heavy r -off w -140,000 whic "Cah'td going angerous. preced enerations''i 'draihager, agse w -South ' tid espbnsibtlit�.. In a 1'eingthy speech' M 11'alf told, NDP' ssmdhts�l inr Ater flobd§ Richmofid 'Street a r said 2�, per, cen, is bcnefi t, .Quotas deferid6d 12 at sum tirrOunding 'area and also', ponds on farm -future,. He P. J3 sup rs am a a portrF ppill6d. .by th
CPA d' by the drain 'and land trim6diaidly 0 and the 'remaining. 75 e i* c'en f is outlet - Assignment, Jq.imaiea�, dish6fi' Sly. and incomPetchce,of otir,leaders, at yers affe& cast f Hwy� ff4. p members of, Tuck rsmith Town 'hip CO I dIl' Burns,Ros'g.; of,B.. and M, Ross Associdt' of res W inning s un es assessment on approximately 2.00 acres Centooai P4 21 Unless 'a change is Made', nof God.crich, told counell'the estimated Cost farmland,, The engineer said h tried to bc� Canada will C ontinue to muddle about, 0 1 se I I f',congtructing the enco d,drain wilf be fairAn his assessmentand tried. to sba ; r& ih6 failing to tike,the"omortunities which, t6da ermits, tUC $144,270; C6uncil,,hop&S to begif�,pbnst burden:of costs'.' could be ours."' ion -of the drain this,�ear., Frank 'Falconer,. a Tucketsmith council He also OpInted out, "In 9ppqSition,NDV
OWnShip r has 75 While the Costs f the draini will be member, said the t' other policies have' , been i6plemeritcd after down slight I y assessed' against lands and 86eertS in the municipal drains and no other enginebr put ec cies. 61 tions,.because they'Were good Ooli Th tinuing to produce, ood ing I ii . ratepayers otits'ide the villAge_ Se , A r6 , Ott from Scafor I th �s build village.-Of.Hcnsall� Tuckersmith To��nship_ the, drain outi6t assessntlent abo�d' $5. an OM,M a C� NDP� is, con toir Herman r Van ieren' tabled 'at have.' - been C po cies, an I is time the'y''got to implement assessed $95,'por dcre',butiot costs for He said jokingly, �'Why not move Hensall them as the Govern ffietit. McQuail told I Spec council Monday 'night showed 'building drain running edSt of Rwy. #4, -up !o about Hirl 9krden. as 'a solution to the f 0 n riding SUPpottr6rsfha peSent'high, intereSt.' permits t ;talled' $986,300 in� $eaforth, 11 ILW - Todham, consultirig engineer- with drainagc4roblem,' Reeve HOW. Knighi.6f hily ff6m' 1978's $1 miffio'n' astra 'a, d on rates Are 0ppfingt small business And 197,9'j *wn, Oig Tthoughi you:w��te U van 300,000. Tddhaffi� -and Case, a ChMllaffl' Hensa e _going agricultute and noted, "The NDP fully Special In land drainage projects, Was has Alph'Hitron e W U p d§6b, Bell said.,,-,,, Tuckp�sffiith Towhship.- $W6tfh will also b: asked stioports the fam' r"e issue , d- it - I for fire.W hired by, B., And M, Ross to dra to mo I'. rep"i d;o ily farm as tbefou
ve U-' up
Tuc i I 64 .. permit� � We ketsmi h deputy reev C
hous0s,, totalling $421,000 and the4est for, ittMitdratsing Coilorilitteerto t' , qsohtativ to sit on the' of Canadian igii 'tilture ( 'at assessment costs for the project. 'in looking ov&'past drainage recorgi3or the aPPOI'ItO raise 0, appoin a tepr e um: and r6pirs, .ttotalling, W4',000 and S '$so .. ..; Mittee, ' t, Additions DRAINAGE RESOONSWILITIE' township,,the highest as:sd's�sment c sts' on' : Ai f the pro- our food system will Meet h n e e'l n' d 0 000 front the commit ty or com commercial WIdingsand garageg $420,000;-,,, T�dfiam told the,11*6 c6uticiliiind the fatmiah(f he's found wa' slightly abo�,e S6 osed addition, to the, VAnAStra Recreation not corporate gre d�:,� Mr, committee Meeting witl be chaired . .......... the Second 'h I r Vansher, told the the 11 I . omIn
Clerk Jim Crocker said that because Centre. er apre. th' rate payers.,th tit., he', used as a rationale the 0 by Deputy Reeve Bob Bell, wi ers new senior citizens apartment was inclu th Council membdrs serving on tha'commit. Katbi�ch NnP.9upport that - Petro Canada is 'an 'Reeve Prvin gillcry and Deputy t instrument. that cin be u86d in
de'f Mr, T'dhdtn said ert'Alg no 'question Jack, -fact a farm or property, owner -,with wat_A� 0 Whitmore acting-, in 1078 tot lg"r private building' lo.. own wag -draining over of his land doc�n't! "the assess-ment, is an xpensive Cost pet 'fan, r the.Tu I c k . ersmith 4 qxp . loring thi surfact tee are Mctacb �krk, will be actu4ity pretty close in the tW6 Ycarsi have the right to, let tho waier� flow on to , icire, - He said usually the, bulk kcc�e.966 other endrgy. soureds. Council als� heard Sdaforth has received a of tfir s6cfetary-tredStif6r for the meetings and r "�We the voters are like painters who over lower ground, Hisaidthe)wner e higher flow ''on far inland, �is taken care of Other 0mmiteo, Mkmb in a drs are ken Diane Durn:'ir'v�' 'director Af Va-iiAs'tra get the, years have painted 'themselves into,�a. W,W Mid, federal grant represeoting en MCLIvieell of R,R_�,,Clititoh, Howie Langan will be reso and can't get out Without 'leaving ground ig"resporisible lor the costs iii getting dootessiort -or an op dittli, but that an't $1,000 per residential unit built hdre-befbrd ld his thi, lintonw.13"etty urce person, Otndr an th6 surface Water "Away, He sai belief bv d 0 n e n C. and Richard telibe of C Marks," Fanshor' said., He 'suggested that the end "Of 078 And costing lesS:"th with the South RkhmondStreet dtain i'S that' (nu atepayef told, Council his assessm6ni Catdno of Scaforth Kath Itch Whitmore of its e voters leave their Mark with an X for tM The doffitnittde hold i on. $35,000, 1herogath has terminated. the filkher lands,' lin this "thb Tdck6i, ed' 6rr Pa'e 3)' u 9 NDP o"heir voting balloft,