The Huron Expositor, 1980-12-04, Page 7DearSanta:
Hu* are Yon.4 litAdelph; I
try who, a good boy.
yrs,old,. 1 would like a clLaz5.1
Riding Team, Spider Man
Lege. 1 will leave YOU. 44'
Rudolph something to eat On
Christmas gVew
Off Is at VIC North Pole. Pickup.and, Sntne •little cars •,
Have yen got .any snoW Please. and we .will leave inioing school nOw ecanse I
. ,
there. Per Christnian I Weall4 some food for YOU and your have a disease. I, leve eou
like. the .Operation : gate •and reindeer Fam & Yeat'S old both,•
seine Cars With a case. This , and I try to be a gOild boy. Ronald sirinarnma
a joke for You ."Whet: has , Thank you " ' Age 6 ' Seaforth
teeth but no mputh.".', AttSviN TIITOUY Nolan Walton, Ont.
Thank you Santa Pear 'Santa and Mrs. Clause
Scott Wood mike Nolan 'Thanks for the toys you
sxXx" ' brought me last year, Can I
cl000 Dear Santa please have some Star War
Dear. Santel., Could I have 'the big Duke toys and train set. 1 have
I have been a good girl. and his tvtighth Rough neck tried to be good. 1 am
eh R, R. It 1 c 1.
crOfit wItn. t " +11 .Gt4/
• •----
okri w cit:rc
v,irAin -4. tw0.3J.,
ChDrIzne is a. and Ske
WOOA . .\'\Ce OMeAd 1\
CiaN es ci sef cm
t)oice scianci Borba (Arch.
111Ci4j Or ksf yr hi
dOn'rIv Or kiiltrAlci.rdt \Abe
wili leave 50rhe11ifr1.5.
love Pi tA r r c4./ 1 tTU1'
Continued from page 6
en Thursday Dec. 4. Sessions
will resume again op Thurs.
January 8 at 7:45 p.m. New
participants are welcome to
attt nd at Hullett Central
school. Make your . fitness
improvement a New Year's
Jim lieilans was admitted
to Victoria Hospital Loudon
on Tuesday 2.
We e.'elcome Mt. and Mrs.
Mark Kennedy. Liisa and
Chris to the • village having
purchased their hamc from
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Nesbitt.
They sold theit farm to his
brother Mr. and Mrs. Wayne
Margaret Taylor Myrtle
Fairsirvice. Elsie Shaddick
and Pinta Shobbrook att'end-
ed the Clinton W.I. annual
card party Monday 24th.
Mrs Laura Saunderrock
returned home on Thursday
fram spending 2 weeks with
her niece Mr. ancfMrs. Pere.
On Thursday evening
neighbours on the hill sur-
prised Mr. and Mrs. Bob
Burns an their silver wedd-
ing anniversary. A social
time was spent. Present were
Mr. and Mrs. Toni Allen,
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Thomp-
son. Mts. Cara Riley. Mr.
and Mrs. Clare McDougall
and Mr. and Mrs. Bert
Shobbrook. Bob and Vi
thanked all for the gift and
The Airnwell Unit have
their quilt for side on display
at Michell Family Market
store. Anyone interested
contact Audrey Thompson
• 523-4346 or Kathy McDoug-
all 523-4594. This quilt- is --to
be sold not raffled.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Thomp-
.son visited the weekend with
her 'parents Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Hamilton, Moorefield.
The Berearr Unit Christ-
mas 'meeting December 9 at
2 p.mahring some cookies or
ehristmas Cake. Roll Call:
Give your Christmas wish.
The W.t. Christmas party
family night is a pot luck
supper at 6:30 on December
JO. W.I. card party is Friday.
December 5th at 8:30 p.m
Dear Santa and Mrs, Sants
We have really tried to be
good' , girs 01ISy.ear, On
Christmas day my ster Tina
wott.14 like a 'baby cries doll
and a telephene, 1 would like
the deg celled Wye and touch
baby and the $peulc and spell
LCalculator. We really wanf. to
thank you fnt. he ':f•Ofa you
WO us last Year, We will
100VO you cookies and, milk,.
For your reindeer. . wii will
leave them selety.„,er
?cP0tITOR DEEMBER 4 1900
• 9v -0;74e the Speed openers. an
Tracy and Tina Rosthaa Pune for Christmas please,
R.R. lit Seaferth. WaStryill4tO be a $004 boy,,
love you.
MY name IS Mark Nolen, I Mark Nolan
inn 6 Years old. We you bring Walton,
Adog loves.
Sooner or later, I had to get around tO th
topic of dos ownership.
ain a dog .gwner, a title of responsibility
that Is approached ht various degrees by
different individuals. My problem is that
tend to treat animals as human entities,
and try to raise them accordingly. But this
problem is not one that I'd willingly solve,
if it meant gividg up the loving restions,e
--thatshinesfrom my terrier's Truly', a
deg is the only thing On earth that loves you
more than it loves itself.
Eavesdrop with me on a rerun of a recent
telephone conversation.
"We won't. see you today. We're off to
get a new dog."
"Oh (pause), what happened to your old
- "Nothing. He's still here,. but we've
advertised him in a couple of places. You
wouldn't know of anyone who'd like a nice
pet, would you?"
"But what's the matter with him? You
jut gOt him a few months ago."
. "Oh, I know - but he won't stay at home
nights. He's always off running with qther
dogs. Why, last week, he was clear down. to
the end of the next concession with ca whole
group Of them. I had an awful time tracking
him down. He just won't 'stay at home."
"Well, why don't you tie hint up?"
"You can't really mean that. He's a farm
dog, and he should know enough to stay
around. Besides it's creel to have a dog
tied up, and when we try, he just sits Ili -ere
and cries to get into the house."
"Well, why don't you let him in?"
by Jenne, Kirkb.y
we can , that. He isn't hoese-
broken. C he trusted, .you know."'
. Call me ableeditig heart if you Will, but 1
,te_ndlo come 'out on the dog's side. I mean,.
from the animal'ipoint of a view if you
can't be allowed into a warm house once In
a while, why not take off? And if no one
cares enougp about your safety, or the
consequences of your behaviour, to know
where you are, (by rope or chain if
necessary) so. what? Just like a bad kid,
you'll go out and raise hell- when nature
beckons! and your friends are calling.
If people are going to have pets,
especially dogs, a definite COMITIl tment is
necessary to ensure that the animal has a
halfway decent life, and doesn't become a
public nuisance.
A dog is like a child, in that it responds
to the owner's moods and tone. Love and •
attention, seasoned with discipline, are
essential for responsive and confident
growth. Cats are different - you can't hurt a
cat's feelings, or count on them to come
when called. Bit a dog Reeds time..talking
to, and -training and if your lifestyle can't
be expanded to include this, you'd be wise
to consider a cat, or even goldfish instead.
This is the time of year vlhen the
Humane Society runs ads With pictures in
We have the stock... %
We have the prices!!
Open Tues. to Tour 9:30 s.m - 6 p.m.,FrIdays 9 30a m .
Sat. 9:30 a.m.- 6 p.m., Closed Mondays 1/1111 Street, Dublin Teiophone 345-2250.
ot i) ti blifl
Fine tff)Furniture
If it's
it says,
8 Albert St Clinton
26 Main St S . Seatorth
284.Marn St Exeter
203 Durham E Walkerton .
Say it vottrdiarnonds
Back row L to. R Solitaire Dramond $1,095 Three Dramor 1
Engagement Rang $1,525. Front row 1 to R Seven Dramorrl
Cluster 5579 Three -Stone Diamond 52,070 Sixteen Darr,n-d
Cluster 51,075. 14 k yetow god
For that special man
L to R Diamond and Blue Sapphire Cluster $540, Solitaires
$710. $890. 10 k yeltow gold
the pt columns of the larger newspapers.
Straggling strays wander into town, or are
furtively (limped beside friendly looking
houses, to follow you home and camp on
your back doorstep, crying from cold, '
hunger, and general misery. No future for
theta - once so cute as puppies - they have
committed the unpardonable stn., of
growing up, and eating too Much -to h.p
Is it any FiwoCnindeEr tOhaW:rwonR
ourareais such a
fertile place for the spread of deadly
rabies? What protection does any animal
have against fickle owners, and discarded
pets? Our county Health Unit does its part
by sponsoring and advertising free
anti -rabies clinics in the community. We
Must do our part too, by making sure that
every pet is respousibly cared for, by
controlling their behaviour in consideration
of others, and by making sure that they do
not produce unwanted offspring.
Second telephone conversation, some
time later:
"I just thought that You'd like to kilow;
We have the new pup home, and he's
settling in nicely. We have him wrapped in
a blanket by the stove, poor thing. The car
ride upset. his -stomach, but he's feeling
better now. He's a really cute little
-"Are you going to try to train him so that
he can sleep in the house? I've a whole
stack of newspaper here that ` you could
"Oh, we'll think about it, but he--seeins
awfully warm in the house.-Almostas soon
as we brought him in, he started to pant.
He can stayin the kitchen tonight, but by
tomorrow, e'll probably want to be out
iTh1ho.erone.y-t e way, you have t --
thought of anyone who'd like a nice dog; ---
have you?"
"Why don't you use that old animal
crate; the one that you have in the shed?
You know, if you used it as a bed, you could
train him quite quickly. A pup won't soil .
his sleeping quarters, and you could take
him out frequently."
"Oh, we'll think aboikt it. Right now,
we're getting ready to go out for the
evening." •
"Well, you could take him out now, and
then let him nap in the crate until you come ,
back. That 'would be a good start.". -
"Maybe' we'll "try tomorrow. He'll be
okay here by the stove for tonight.
Porbably won't even wake up. Anyway, we
have to hurry!
I s there a pattern here? Why d.. I feel
like rushing oat and dognapping the little
animal to begin a regular training
program? But you can't do things like that;
feelings haye to be considered and all. I
guess- I jUst keep. thinking of -animals as
human, and seeing their side of it.
As of December 171980,
the Workmen's Compensation
Board will be expanding its
service in the London region.
s Dal Of ar, on -gang program to ,rnprove our serwces
to the peoVe of OYfOrri VrirreSPY Huron and EIgn
countes 'r add -1,0r! lo the vamos enquIries and
rehatatat,on and revenue programs we've afready been we W41 '.^IrOChiCe deCentraqZed sPams
adRA,cat-on the Darren! of medhcal ad accounts and
other funct!ons
The new Workmen's CompensaVon Board Regona
Office s located at 200 Oueen's Avenue in London
Phone 433-2331 Or if you are not m the lace!
ceing area consult your telephone dmectory for the
toll -tree telephone number
200 Queen's Avenue. 2nd Floor,
London. Ontario N6A 1J3