The Huron Expositor, 1980-07-17, Page 8THE HURON EXVOSITORr 17111980 • ',. •Yon ye como a long Way 130)4 That's right ladies, We ' have cm c a long way ' In the ,golfing WorId;*.and Ow not? After all,. Mary Queen of Scots started 01 this non- sen4e, s9 let's not let the men , hnve all the fun! InlY01$47 is NYOmen Golfer's Week and appropriately the. Seaforth Ladies Invitation is sched- tiled for Wednesday July 23. This is our second tourna- Ment and we're looking for- ward to a successful day. Over 64 ladies will be in •contention for the trophy and prizes, not to mention the dinner and apres golf fun. The 20 ladies participate in a non competitive golfing evening. Just a few short years ago the number Of ladies golfing regularly was -- small: -Not-so- today! Ladies life out in full force, not just here but on every golf course. We have more leisure time and money than in bygone days, and combined with increased interest in healthy exercise, we've decided to try golfl It hasn't taken very long for the golf industry to 'recognize the new and luc- rative ladies' market. Club and equipment manufactur- ers are supplying us with an excellent choice of clubs and equipmgnt in a wide range of stYles and price ranges. ' Fashion conscious women do an excellent job of suppor- ting the golf fashion industry - and •there's even a best dressed golferslist. Clubs offer special rates for women and couples and are taking a more active role in -running special clients for the ladies. • The skill is also there! Many adies can hold their own on a golf course once their confidence is built up and 'they realize that you don't have to be Nancy Lopez to enjoy golf. In the last few' years the ladies' professional tour has received more media attention and this has increased the interest in ladies' golf. Canada's own Sandra Post -was athlete of * year, a real boost for wariabes ia aolf. • Every week n the greens by Carolanne Dbig there are more and . more women enjoying golf, tli8 game Of a lifetime! Last Monday over 25 ladies were out for Ladies night with many new faces joining the crowd. On August 11 we are hosting the Mitchell ladies so keep that Monday Night open. On.. Thursday night Rod Doig shot 36 and was paired with Clinton's Bill Harris with a 43 for a 79 total. The team was tied with the team of Cam Doig (33) and Marc Robingt (46) but the cards were cut in Rod and Bit's favour. The competition is close on Thursday s and over • 30 fellows were in the run- , k)a, ning. Don't forget to come out tonight and" try for the leader board. • On Satuaday the Co Club held its first Midsum- mer Madness Mixed Two - ball with 21 couples attend- • ing. Players drew partners from a hattand couples took turns hitting the same ball. McMillan and Wife (Roti „Doig and yours truly) fired a 1 over par 37 to take thae "Divot" trophy. Popeye and Olive Oil (Bob Core and Connie Marion) won the most honesf. couple's prize. Longest drive went to Bill Walsh. After the 9 hole -play, everyone gathered in thg clubhouse for refreshments and delicious pot 144 , supper. . Canterbury Country , Club • in Sarnia hosted'the first day in the Home and Ilon-ko. Challenge Series. Seventeen Seaforth golferktook the trip to Canterbury to try and accumulate points to take the team championship. After the first round Canterbury • has a 15 point lead, but on Saturday the 19th they're here and we -have the "home •ice.' advantage so to speak - so -hang in there guys! Ten of our juniors headed to Stratford Country Club on Monday for the first leg of our 5 tournament junior mini tour. None of the guys fared too well with Greg. Core being- the only one in the prizes. Now it's time to • practice for Goderich Sunset • on July 30. Any boys wishing to go please sign up in the Pro Shop. Members are reminded of the Canterbury , Challenge and barbecue on Saturday afternoon and the closed tee on Wednesday the 23rd until 3:30 p.m. ,due to ,the Ladies Invitation. 47477,317,47•47r-417-414•-- ,314 . . MIDSUMMER MADNESS—The Seaforth Golf and Country golfers came out to enjoy the event. Between the tourney and Club' held its first Midsummer Madness Mixed Two -ball the pot .luck meal that followed, some of the competitors tournament for club members and friends Saturday, and 42 stepped outside to pose for the Camera. (Photo by pis) ..aforth Wins:B. toornpy The Seaforth Men's Invit- ational Fastball Tournament saw ten teams battle for three daYs to produce a champ. The team of Gord's Sports from Goderich cap- tured the 'A' troplay,-while Seaforth Turf Club captured the 'B' trophy. Ken Daer won the tournament's most valuable player award with Etts Delevicco the runner up: Friday night saw the tour- nament get under way as the Firemen from Seaforth be- hind the I hit pitching of Chuck Robbins edged out the Zurich Sunsets by a 1-0 score. The same was a real pitchers duel as Don Beau- champ allowed the Firemen just3 hits but it set the stage foe the tournament. The sec - 1 Sr ANNUAL LADIES SOFTBALL TOURNAMENT July 24, 25, 26, 27 AT Auburn Community Park Fri. July 25th, "MAPLE SUGAR" DANCE 9 1 A.M ADMISSIQP4 4 00 Sot. July 26th "STAR TREX" DANCE 9 1 A.M. aomiSStOrs04.00 AT THE TENT ON THE RIVER FLATS BEEF BARBECUE SAT. JULY 26th - At Auburn Community Hall 5-7 P.M. 5.00 Per Adult %2.5012 YRS. & under OTOCROS RACING 4•rr ,Mid -Season - Championships for A F *or, E xport r SUNDAY JULY 20 Heats at 11 a.m. Finals al 2 p.m. DON'T MISS IT Family Fun For Everyone -at It la II tit tk GU VARNA, ONT. "s" d6 LOOK FCIA 4HE S,GNS 262-3318 or 262-5809 ond game also Friday night saw the sGoderich French Cleaners score eight runs on • eight hits to whip -the Sea- "- forth Turf Club by a 8-2 seep. PITCHING DUEL Saturday's games again saw the opener provide a pitching duel as Zurich Dom- inion Tavern edged the Sea - forth Queens by a 1-0 score. Zurich scored their run on 4 hits off Jack Price, the Queens pitcher, while the Queens managed just two hits off the servings of Brian Hodgins, The four gamtes of the tournament saw Goder- ich Gord Sports whitewash the Exeter Crescent Rolls by a 10-1 score. The fifth game and final first round action provided local fans with plenty of excitement as Sea - forth Mainstreet edged Gord's Varietyof Exeter by a 6-5' score. Game. six and the first elimination game saw the Seaforth Turf Club take 10 innings to eliminate the Zur- ich Sunsets by a3-2 score. Both pitchers went the com- plete 10 innings and both allowed just seven hits. But the winning run in the tenth *tiling came on the only 2 errors Zurich made allowing Ken McLlwain to Sane and move the Turf Club on in the 'B' side of the tournament. Etts Delevicto was the win- ning pitcher for the Turf while Don Beauchamp suf- fered the loss. ELLYIINATED The seventh game saw the Seaforth Firemen come up flat as they we easily elminiated on the 'A' side by ,the Goderich French Clean- ers as Goderich coasted to an 11-2 victory. The Seaforth Queens were the next team eliminated as the Exeter Crescent Rolls advanced to the 'B' final with a narrow 6-5 victory over the Queens. Exeter scored all six runs in the fifth inning with Terry O'Rourke's 3 run hiAtert he ,big.blow. The riinth game saw the Goderic-h. Gold's Sports advance to the 'A' final with a narrow 4-3 win over last 'year's 'A' champs the Zurich Dominion Tavern. The tenth game saw the, Seaforth Turf Club advattce to the 'B' final with a 4-0 victory over Exeter Gord's Variety., Again Ettg Dele- vicco went the distance on the mound for the Turf allowing just 5 hits in posting the shut -out, Goderich French Cleaners advanced to the 'A' final with an easy 10-1 victory over a surprising uptight Mainstreet C42. Seaforth Mainstreet, norm: ally an excellent fielding squad, committed 7 errors atlowing 6 unearned runs as Goderich easily advanced. "B" FINAL The Seaforth Turf Club put together an errorless ball game and behind the 3 hit pitching of Ens Delevicco shut -out the Exeter Crescent Rolls lby a 2-0 score to win the 'B' Trophy. , The Turf took advantage of early inning mistakes as Delevicco was hit with a pitch then Jack Malwain drew a walk and a-tic:able. by -Terry Johnson scored both runners in the first inning and it was all that was required as the Turf backed up Delevicco's pitching to post the win and take the 'B' title. "A" FINAL The 'A' final was. all Goderich as Gord's Sports last year's runners-up this year took the title on a 3 run homer by Ken Daer in the seventh inning to post a 4-1 victory over the Goderich French Cleaners. Besides the winning hit Ken Daer also pitched a 3 hitter to lead his team to victory and claim the tournament's most valuable play& award eding out runner up Etts Delesticco who had three victories and a 330 batting average.' The Seaforth Men's Ken Smith team wins in ladies ball Standings,from July 1st: Scotts vs. McNichol -19-11; Ken Smith vs. Commercial - 17-4; Browns vs. Duncan- Emms - 15-14. Ladies baseball play. July Donate to lions park, p�OI fund Recent ;donations to the Seaforth Lion's Park and Pool fund include: S. Cooper. S5,00; Leon Bannon, S10.00 and J.M.C. DeGroot, S10.00. The fund now totals S3,510. 8, at the highschool saw Ken Smith vs. Browns, Browns have one victor) ander their belts and fought Ken Smiths for another one. Rose Bis - back, Gloria Ruh°, Debbie Gridzak had doubkis Linda Coleman. Gloria Macho and Tem 'Dale all had triples. but it couldn't com- pete with Ken Smiths Glenda little. Corrie Habkirk had doubles. Janice Leonhart and Ondy Glanville 'each had 2 triples and in the home run department Janice Leonhart had 2 and Hescie Kipfer with 4 Ken Smiths won 29-14. The early gamc at the Optimist Park was McNichol vs. Duncan Emms. It was a dose game all the way through. Nan,y Story hit a Annual Chicken Wednesday, July 23 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Children $2.50; adults $4.50. HELD AT BRODHAGEN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE COMMUNITY PARK Music by Lincoln Green Tickets P.00/couple. Age of majority card only Ball Game and dance to follow -AWILLEIz EXTENDS TO YOU A HEARTY WELCOME. 7444. Wilt.' \--..„ 2 `16 11iffP, 12 -01 2 ke, '1,' rro'll.; *r. I Ips,r1 Did\ •1•1 1 .4 44' f.arn;In opt '".4 4, %.,1 fr. 3 Roe, Few it, -,.*r% a ta,ra piPas*r. 524-2191 t rid'TV.IN Benmiller Inn :n RenrwrI1Pr Unt.. itr9t 7 kdomor0...a,t Huron ('linty Road 1. 11],:t elf r flighu el\ CENCED UNDER THE 1. 1, lit) • A /k, *e.,ffreasaIb triple Duncan Emms. McNichols came back with Leanne McKay hitting a double. Janice Schenck with 2 doubles. Judy Scarrow had a triple. The final score ended up a, close 17-15 for McNichol,. The 9:00 game started even between Scott & Com- mercial, but Scotts couldn't keep up with the action. Helma Wright had a ale. Judy- Braid With 2 tr p es and Barb Watt with a triplemaking.the final Score 20-13 for the Cornmercial. STANDINGS TO DA'FB Commercial Total Points 16; Ken Smith, Total Points 15; MeNichol Total Points 10; Scotts, Total Points 10; Dun- can Ermris, Total" Points 7; Browns, Total Points 2. League would like to thank all the participants and, spec:- tators who— attended the— games and a special thanks to Labatts Brewery for tro- phies. . Everyone who attend- ed saw some excellent and exciting ball games. -The league returns to regular action this weekend as the Turf Club opens Sundatagainst-the-Villagers' • with the Teachers and Tray- elleis playing the late game. Monday'sigames will see the Mainstreet and Firemen open the evening and the Queens and BP_ round out the weekend. alp.%II 16. 11 TAVERN ip -Dublin Shamrock Lounge this Week: Thurs. Sat. • Low Down Next Week, Wed. -Sat. "&"Mattnee I:Heckler Open Sunday 12-10 p.m. 12 noon _ - 2 P.m Dinner Special $2.1)° Continuous Entertaintnent from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. lpHIGHWAY # DUBLIN 345-2820 Walton Area Sports Club of the new RECREATION CENTER Saturcigy, July 19th 1:6.0 p.m. — Parade 2:00 p.m. — Walton intermediates vs CKNX Try-Hards -4:00 p.m. — Opening Ceremonies and Dedication • 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. — Pork Barbecue Adults $5.00-12 and under $2.50 preschoolers free. .3 Old Tyme Family Dance - Walton Hall LADIES PLEASE BRING LUNCH Collection plate at door