The Huron Expositor, 1980-07-10, Page 11w 74 t y� : y T ^ r PkA 10 11INK 4 , i to Rt. O O P 41 14 , Nad Oil,"t, II A nojo h wo • j u Inet'2• F,. , no 1�.i�ce'G . ." 7 no ea'u n �. ho . u s t dancing. "e in - e : tticbconduetesi#he t b�! up d , _t g. anG. ago In c of a ather,s famtl ► ra . uetbal utred hats to- cod fete the R . ,Py B Y .. P,..F ; • Su a mornin sergice aim, Ruddock and Cecil Skin Thursday afternoon Bible, I d ro.: he beaufi owln owns Worn' orfs outfits Some. st re`s. had to :st en „ y g s' i ,ani t:. fol 1 ,..• , ., _ 4 4 p - er Dine t e : cla 5 . d as' eld in, th clia el '. e w e e o enl r e , assisted. by ivir$,sie Hcnd . a d h . rnu$> ns to to Y w , h F.: 1?W,. y the six girls." and th ,lr tgotll, .ThG nG d parcm pts a g. ; of : ,nes.. , w ., vt e't a m r e:w 11. erson at the organ ThG clxbtc p 4 . 1� e ! cd. sG n:b" QnG o acco Dort the tie d to d ca s fofi g . us c. W r , Huropylew,will'', Burn"the outfits.w."ere d s..t�n, Sprig the anthetrt $001ebody fotward to the l~all�when o r a ter . T,, opn er rls. ort, g.:...: rook passing of Violet White, . lde. d Ngh s , #�, y g.: , i oil "da, ld a Tae aztd mends wil : 9- r' I der a o th r Knows, I,clr"R , x he,.,. l:,� r e' Wo e i r t;, ns in thex.,,lralt,[tG Q.d,, About two .Gsrs.. a can cultu,e Sa ah Lawsoti`aitd Trll.tJ r 1a g -, ij Y, „ g; „ « ri h # ry e o Sunday>eYcntrig, „'h t r, h hot 'but, but>I ru an to swin :t c1 ssic suits and cocktail se ac n back for ..914, T ,me Music Valkenb:urg71 ..:es.didp . wQa_ hats intp began g o a Y R. .. ', , y. ,: .. Y /f,iiY 4Y l�C�'(1Ln4114 A:. Y Si'J!.�.r. a cob .lete their ore ses. 'IFt the U itcd totes cowbo . stare each hast a hat.:t P .s e n & y , A,'� + : Taking, dvanfag of the sembte: a- aitfits were ,;.in: what self -res . trait e� pe g .. , 1 „ M M weather ort. 'Weah ha . vv 11 d 'lull oarwb r Cow irl' ou d be carr ht without p� beautiful s ** those: da s� -bats ....:. ca....e 1 0.. p _ w l p�M�;.. ., • .. •.; � afternoon, the over nesday t, t"'ecce Drie$• e a b hat? s ne„ They waren . J Ss.,: .. R th . Y Cv�w1) Y '°"lady's.9Q lu played of ashlo able e b e being taken were vita arts f n ., ....the reSur cute of hat ,ularityshows �:y"' for walks around the grounds'. wardrobe,. _ v nowW eve thin from straw boate" to RDuring the afternoon, Frattl� "a"F _Wet Ye all seen pictures of pioneer felt fedoras to cotton sutrhats and women wearing' plain' or giugham- bonnets variations ' of the Stetsqn. Locally fur Bissett entertained at thea� ;f` x r eve da and- plumed $unda - ta> cassocks w4 low over the brow, firm Piano. Juice and cookies for every Y P . y go' were served to the residents. meeting Aline fors Special occasions. No b ets :wifit buckled 'straps 'across the W r5' P ' % % i fashiog-conscious lady woulcj be caught cnrrcn'and. low crowrL� with soft brims$ past week. we said '' { p i _ •_..__ _w_.__ �wjthout..a hat, made a r=araizces. Even the I940s style._._ _. //� _:-----�__..�_._,_�._ w. T - 'goodbye- t°- te- >=lyn ,� %.-..-..� FAMILY RQOTS—Four generations, Cy o tpgether >: lar' Ha. remit . e n e om to with a veil tried to mount a comeback. Wilson McCartney, Lorne. .• c1f file EiBUet'illrt falilM 14 through the mrd. 1960s. I ;remember ra The popularity of hats may cause ,a n Dale as o!d . i i recently. Seated: are Mrs, Edith Beuertn3an and her, 'nee y P P. y Lawson, Ke sort i-lal'VQy..Ktt first hat - a soft en pillbox style with a shortage pf straw; U,S. retailers claim the % ! "i behind is Harvey's son Ron. Pon and. Mary B9uerman's two sans,° ba f,9 r s p �' y Tyme Music is oveir for the / i i W y bit of�eil.Ifrtletitoryservesraecorreetly,I can't find enough ,straw hat bodies from summec.'Wheelchair square % ':! 1.- and Evan are 'fn the laps of their.•grandfather and great.g.randm0trer. " wore It once' and decided I was not the China for their spring 1'981 line. dancing was enjoyed by the fashion -conscious type. It was my first, lash On the whole, millinery manufacturers– residents and Debbie Flynn and only hat. that survived , the lean years are ecstatic. s came wigs and bouffant Hat business is boomin I With the 60 c th .. , gs g hair dos. Remember the hours of teas g Resurgence began as ! pu se ymg hair, strand by strand? Remember the Young women bought hats because they almost lethal doses of suffocating spray? , were fascinated by them. Older women, No matter how sticky the. hair might be, it who had abandoned wearing hats because was almost impossible to balance a hitt up they didn't want to stand out in a crowd, there. The only time the combs, hat pins or bought one now and again because they bobby pins worked was when you tried to never.lost the 'fee!' for hats. take the hat off. - Then came mini skirts, and jeans, and Now young ladies, who always admired hats almost became lost in thc casual the elegant fashions in hats of the past, and craze—almost lost, but not quite. older ladies, who never felt completely In parts of -the wbrld with extreme hot or dressed without their gats, 'can- buy all the cold temperatures, hats never lost their millinery they want. Hats are hackl utilitarian value. Then came North Amer- As for me, I doubt that I'll ever become icans' Interest In sport. Baseball . caps fashion -conscious enough to give up became popular; jogging, tennis and bareheaded freedom. y; ELAlIF7E Hl'ENAN, daughter VVILIUM JOSEPH KUM. JOANN2 RUMP daughter of of Mrs. Harold Maloney. Ilan of Mr. and Mrs. John P. Seaforth and the late Patrick Kunz, Seaforth, graduated Mr. * and Mrs. John Kunz. Hcenan. graduated May 31st froom McMaster University. ' graduated nshawe Ju egc,ne 2 Victoriafrom as a registered nurse from May 29th with an Honours Conestoga College of Ap- IkehoCimpos, London from the tationl Degree.ar of cal 1?du- Diploma Nursing 0mgram. Kitchener Elaine is anologygra u - MA has i position at rtictorla ate of St. James Separate ti sepitA. London. School and Scaforth District y- d1 ' High School. Scaforth. XAPEN ANN. E "SUTIT, daughter-in-law of Mr. and Mts. Harty Nesbitt, Strat- ford, graduated from the University of Western Ont- ario, Althause College. with a Bachelor of Education degree Friday. .lure 13. 19M. Karen graduated last War from the University of Western Orstat io with a Bazhefior of Ninsis degree arA i;as mently become ars ' Associated Mernber of the Western Ontario Canserv- afiasy of Musk. Karen has accepto-d a position with the Calgary Board of Education. R. K. PECK APPLIANCES "In the heart of downtown Varna' VACCUM CLEANERS tale- and cervine of rnm'-f rrmakc- • CED RADIOS -AND ACCESSORIES • SpEED Q1 EEN 4PPUA14CI S • MOFFAT APPLIANCES • SMOKE SENSORS • INSECT LIGHTS AND FI Y KILLING LNITS • RAND CRAFTED GIFTS Varna, Ont. , o 482-71003 IDEAL ` FOR YOUR BAR -B -a � t SPECIAL PRICES IN EFFECT TILL CLOSING TUES JULV 157H FRESH! YOUNG ONTARIO ••*RONow W 0,rt,sss•s•ssssss,Ye,x•rt+<� _ ®" SHOULDER BUTT PORK CHOPS 4 PORK, LIVER FRESH y ' SLICED DMI BY THE PIECE COLD, MIATS SCHNEIDERS it ti VARIETIES 176 It. pit pkg. FRANKS SCHNEIDERS AEG. ON ALL BEEF 1 L8. PKG. BOLOGNA SCHNEIDERS , i VARIETIES SLICER . Ib. 500 gr. pkq. W" FRES9 YOUNG ONTARIO SHOULDER PORK ROASTS ERS LOW PRICES ARE IMPORTANT TO YOU AND SCHNEIDERS ZEHRS OWN ° • . • SC#lltEli3EtIS , FAMILY PACK Cad!{Eo PRIMATE LABEL SLICED SLUE BEEF BURGERS FaSHiQNIEO its.SUMMER SSG ONE KILO PACKAGE xV175 GRAM PACKAGE FREiSNS E NQUALITY zeh,1S - r aftsrk,ais FROZE a<i ANDSAVINGS # r,r, arl�efoar� { t - SCHNEIDERS 0 t MW 3 VAMET1E5 SLi ED 500 gr. pkg. �..:_..,..�. SCHNEIDERS FR0,64LESH SLICED COOKED ° FRESH - NOT FROZEN - iGEROLL L 5HIO NAM"'*'10 09 ¢ % SG • BURNS TASTY SLICED ATLANTICMAPLE LEAF SWEET FICilLEO PEPPERONI .OAP I6 00 POAX BUTT i• tb. SHOPSYS PREPARED DELICIOUS cgoof F LLuS Ib' POTATO SALAD ib NO NAME PEPPERONI- ` SUMMER - SALAMI gap SMtII�`'S `"eilOWili & SEDYIr" HAM US'" _ __•25'0 gr. pkg. Go MEAT CHUBSSAAG SUSAR Plum -STYLE SE11Il BURNS MAPLE LEAF TOIL STYLE NS HOT OR SWEET iTALiAN STYLE III PLBONELESS -lb. 4 POLISH SANAG *1406fSAUSAGE lb. pkg. . r , _- 7 i jT w _. .. .._�� �...;J�....s..,+...-Pe t•r -w 'w .. .,. T'Z`: A' > : ° • t . 4• � - ,b, Sf._ •r,'M..:. -:.-G K _ - _ -- - 4 . L 1• v .1T "r u jT w _. .. .._�� �...;J�....s..,+...-Pe t•r -w 'w .. .,. T'Z`: A' > : ° • t . 4• � - ,b, Sf._ •r,'M..:. -:.-G K _ - _ -- - 4 . L 1• v .1T