The Huron Expositor, 1980-07-10, Page 1T.:�. ,
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The town of 5eafarth isshort atleasYone` . Ttom Huron Count#y.Playhouse and London.
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munt}y Hos illi s Med c .i . ff thinks p.,., SERIQ S S�HOR A6lG
of the reasons ---it is difficult to fill the . Dr. Paul rady has practised in Seaforth
e, ,I 7u ,•I �� n
u of oo lanntn b he . f r40 ears and sa s the shorts e'has never
vacancy, is a result p t P g Y o Y Y $
asserious.o i ,ra r + ;;, • 4 v ,;r
been �"
. tOWn,
" . w"It's.
A ton serves one of three functions,," never been as acute as it is now,,rhe �, .• AS*
said'Dr. Ken Rodney, head of staff.. "It:is an '• said. 'It's Pbeen in the last four, ears that
- ;r=
industrial -base, a marketing •base or a things seem to have deteriorated."
domicile base. Dr. Brady sees the. difficulty in attracting x k k A
"We've missed out on the, industry and doctors to town differently. from Dr. Rodney.
marketing bandwagon, so we're ,a domicile "�A large number of the younger doctors 1r
base." want to work in a city with more facilities,"
An important part of being a community said 'Dr. Brady. "They're afraid tb really
base,, ..according to Dr. Rodney, are good strike out on their own. In some cases. ?1sT"'
recreational facilities; but Seaffttti lacks doctors have liked the set up in'Seaforth but '
Oiese and it's not helping in the search for their wife'has vetoed the move because they '
another•'doctor. don't want to live in a small town.
"We need a recreation centre with squash "Most doctors want a job they can quit at fs 9
courts anda 5overed pool," he said, "If you 5. They are not interested in putting in a 24
get these 'things you attract quality people. hour day like we used to do."
For many-yTefessionals it can be the reason SEARCHFCONTINUES�I
fora person deciding to, live in the area: In the, meantime the seafbh for a new
"It's bad planning if you don't have these doctor .for Seaforth continues. Advertise-
things. We•ve got a good hospital base, we meats have been placed in two prominent
need a community base. medical publications for the past three
"Look at Blyth, added Dr., _Rodney. If months, the Canadian Medical Journal and
we hada proper hall we could attract groups (Continued on Page 3) ,�
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Lions wCarnival called
. y
90 YEARS YOUNG -Ivy Henderson, a life-long resident of 'Huron McKillop Township has four children and 21 grandchildren as well.
better a I I ro,V n d County, sits surrounded by his 13 great grandchildren Sunday when he (Photo by Ellis)
celebrated his 90th birthday. Mr. Henderson, born July 4th, 1890, in
Although no official fig- Club shared honors for the watch as drivers from all over
r ar vaet the float which best depicted Southwestern Ontario tried
u es e a _ y ,
45th annual Seaforth Lions the summer activities theme. to coax their vehicles along
Club's Summer Carnival later the afternoon, the,300foot drag while
gave every appearance of local strongmen were pitted pulling a heavily weighted
being a big success, accord• against each other in an sled.
Stor da ages
Ing to Club president Bill exciting tug of war- Of the During the program a ,
McLaughlin, who comment- four teams entered, e,Sea- draw'for a bicycle for which
ed, "I think it was better forth Legion Branch 156 tickets had been sold during The severe thunderstorms which struck Kippen. The fire started about 2:15 a.m.
than some other years, better squad outmuscled the Opti- the carnival was won by the area early Tuesday morning arrived and
ridds, better midway, bitter mist..Club in two straight Mrs. Pat Dale, Market Street left quickly -but hot -before it had eiveli, '#11e Hensall department assisted the
all round-." pulls, after eliminating the Sunday's pull featured damage to area farms. Brucefield volunteer firemen by bringing
The four day event com- team sponsored by the Van- tractors in eight classes, Brucefield fire chief Stewart Broadfoot water to the scene, but the barn went up
ineneed Thursday with the astra Lions Club. including a grouping for believes lightning was the cause of `a fire quickly and the firemen were unable to save
preliminaries for the talent It was perfect • carnival antique tractors 25 years or which destroyed -the barn of Ross Faber of it. -
contest which continued on weather until Saturday when older and a competition for
Friday night. The contest a 15 degree drop in temper- four-wheel drive pick-up
drew more than 30 entries, ature fate in the afternoon trucks. Tractor buffs yelled Countyrefuses tree cuts
which were narrowed down reduced attendance Saturday encouragement to the tractor
to just twelve for the finals evening' but despite cold driverstwhether riding on old
Saturday evening. A Milver- winds many hundreds took antique tractors over 25 BY SHARON DIETZ the trees should be saved or "council may
ton team of stepdancers were part in the festivities. The Years old or the modern Huron County's tree cutting by-law is just as well throw out the by-law." Most of
judged to have the best Pavilion was crowded as giants used in present day treating some controversy because of recent the applications approved were scrub areas
performance, with the dancers moved to music byi farming• decisions made by the development commit with brush and hawthornes. Mr. Cunning.
McQuaid sisters of Seaforth By Specrat Appointment Not all the antique tractors tee of Huron County Council. ham told council that the committee goes out
placing second. In third place from Lucknow. The midway ase owned by farmers. Wal. The committee was asked to investigate to the properties -in question to Took over the
was a two man band of was busy all evening and the ter Dedman, a resident of what the Maitland Valley Conservation woodlots before making their decision,
Steve Vander Veldon and penny sale continued to at- Galt in the construction busi• Authority feels is an excessive clearing of
tract customers until the ness, owns five antique Lanz n' g COULD HAVE BEEN SAVED
Richard Swinkles of Se:-
= bush, in direct contravention of the Huron Paul Steckle, deputy reeve of Stanley
fes• draw at 1 I o clock (a list of tractors, German made. He s to buy County Tree Cutting By-law on the property Township,told council he wished to
'lite festivities Saturday Penny sale winners appears Pe y two more. Mr. of Gary Thacker, of West `Nawanosh commenthe development committee on
included a parade led b the elsewhere in this paper). Dedman says he collects the P
P Y At the same time a draw Lanz because "they are diff- Township. In 1979 the Tree Commissioner their derision to deny the Underwood
Seaforth District High School erent." With his 1951 Lanz had issued a permit to clear the area in request. He said the by-law Is having the
Girls Trumpet Band, fol• for a money tree raffied by question. effect that it is becoming public knowledge
lowed by* more than two the Lioness Club was held he placed in e antique
The development committee recom- that people are destroying good bushland
dozen floats entered by area with the winner being Joe pounds.pulling mended to Huron County Council at their "Had we had the by-law several years
organizations and the Sea- Jansen of Seaforth who took 300 feet. July 3 meeting that Mr. Thacker be ago." he said, "much of the good bushland
home S50. Standings in the various B
forth and Dashwood Com- — classes were: requested to replant an equal area to that in the county would not have been destroy-
mun Band. The parade The gate prize for primary
rtY P "
travelled along Matin Street school Pupils • a headphone Antique (5500 lb.),. Ken removed ed.
shortly after 1.30 ppm., and radio - was won by Sandy Glanville, R.R. 4, Walton; In a second instance the committee denied Chairman of the development committee,
p7oceeded to the Liots Park Rose, Box 837 Se4forth wit 2• Bill Holland. R.R. 4, a request from George Underwood of reeve Ervin S£Ilei'y of Tuckersmith, told
\--..where a flea market, a large ticket 27.24. Clinton; 3. Jim Papple, R.R. Thrnberry Township to cleat approximately council that farmers are choosing to clear
midway and a penny sale The weekend was capped 4. Seaforth; 4. Ken Glanville, 61: acres consisting of soft maple, cherry. land even though it is costly to drain it and
were underway. Sunday with a sometimes R.R. 4, Watton; S. Jim poplar and ash. There are in excess of 200 make it suitable to farm, because with
The Seaforth Horticultural noisy, sometimes dusty, but Cartwright. R.R. 3, Blyth; 6. trees per acre that are more than five inches today's high prices for sand, they find
Society float was judged always interesting tractor Ed Franken, Auburn; 7, Ron in diameter. purchasing land from a neighbour even more
most attractive while floats pull at the Seaforth Fair. Driscoll, Seaforth; 8. Steven Mr. Underwood appeared before the costly. In many cases, he said, the farmer is
entered by the Seaforth Agri. grounds. More than a thous- Eckert, R.R. 1, Monkton; 9. development committee and presented a clearning an area to square up the corner of
cultural Society and Lioness and spectators came out to (Continued on Page 7) copy of an application for reforestation of 9.3 a field. The development committee must
acres with the Maitland Valley Conservation take.tbeir judgement on the sae of the trees
Authority on other lands he owns. The on the land and most requests only involve
comtttittee denied Mr. Under%od's appli• two or three acres. He added, however, that
�� kills Staffa man cation on the condition it be reconsidered if one application coming up for c6sisideration
the reforestation proposed has been estab- involver more than 200 acre.
Roy Sinclair Johns, 19, of R.R. 2, Staffa and Marjory Johns, one brother Bob, a fished. Five other applications to have small IACAL MEMBERS of KNOW
was killed early Sunday morning when the sister, Jean and grandparents Mrs. Graves areas of trees cleared were approved by the Bits Elston, reeve Morris, asked the
*car he was driving left Hibbert Township of Gads Hill, and Fred and Mary Johns of committee. committee what inputt the development
Sideroad 20, and struck a tree. R.R. 1, Kirkton. Torn Cunningham, deputy reeve of Hullett, committee would like to see regarding
decisions on tree cutting applications. In
The late Mr. Jolins had been working at a member of the development committee many cases.he said, local councillors know
The accident is still under investigation. home and at the Hensall Sales Barns part told county council in the instance of Mr. the situation better than members of the
Mr. Johns is survived by his parents, Don time.. Underwood's application the committee felt development committee- "Would the
committee want the local council, to send -a
Insides t h'o �.T a councillor to see the land to be cleared, or is
t� ii �/ it like the severance committee where
* ' township input means nothing?" asked
in Walton. -Born in Ber- )lam almost a year. Back to visit Reeve Elston. Deputy reeve Cunningham
muda, Mr. Swan spent her parents in Harpurhey, told council the development committee
most of his adult life in Mrs. hone has rived in would be receptive to the to�nship councils
Canada where t went to „;;" many cities in Canada and taking a position and making comments
school and holies
to stay. . o the U.S. along with more regarding applications for tree cutting.
, ... .... , , Pg. 14r+e: exotic countries like South
New Minister
Duffs United Church in
Walton has a new ministm
The ttet;erend Charles Swan
was inducted at a special
service on Thursday night
Blyth opens
Last Friday evening, the
Blyth Summer. Festival
opened for its sixth season -
with Gordon Pinsent's play
John and the Missus. On
Tuesday evening, the sec-
ond production of the seas-
on written` by Ted 'Johns,
St. Sara of the Nuke Pile,
opened to an enthusiastic
audience. Look for what the
critics had to say inside . .
Pg. 9
visitor from Saudi
Living in Saudi Arabia
means" accepting the ways
of another country, says
Ruth Lone who has been
living in that country for
Africa and the Philippines
..... .. I ..... Pg.3
Lively carnival
The 45th annual Lion's
Carnival took place in Sea -
forth over the weekend. We
have a story and pictures of
many of the events, which
included a tractor pull, a
talent contest, rides, games
and the parade .. pg. 7
Sidewalk a
next weekend
Seaforth merchants - or most of them - are
cooperating next week in their annual
sidewalk sale.
Beginning on Thursday, Julys 17th, the
popular sidewalk event will continue through "
Saturdays July 19 when merchants will
feature outstanding values that in the past
have attracted shoppers from a wide area.
barn, crops
Mr. Faber lost some hay .and several couple of times."
sheep in the fire, after he managed to get The early reports from the Ontario
most of the sheep out. The barn was insured, t4inistry of Agriculture and Food in Clinton
but he is not yet sure how many sheep were Am that there was not severe crop damage.
lost in the blaze. ," "I've been out this morning," said Don
Hensall firemen received some calls Pullen, Huron's ag rep, "and as far as I can
during the storm, but most had to do with sec in -the center of the county, the only
hydro interruptions. It was a similar story in mage has been some lodging in barley
Seaforth. "As far as the rest of the county goes, I
"We've had no reports about storm can't really say at this point.
damage last night," 'said Constable Chuck We haven't had a lot of calls either. There
Akey of the town's police. "1 don't even was hail in of the county but not
think the power went off, but it flickered a of a damaging nature."
HEAVE!—Dave Longstaff periled with all his strength to help the
Optimist Club team to a second place fittiish behind the Legion team in
the tug of war Saturday, one of the many events held during the Lions
Carnival. (Photo by Ellis)
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