The Huron Expositor, 1990-04-04, Page 24Huron
The Brussels Post
Published in
Seaforth, Ontario
Every Wednesday Morning
The Expositor Is brought to you
each week by the effortsof: Pat
Armes, Paula Elliott, Terrl-Lynn
Dale, Dianne McGrath and sob
ED BYRSKI, General Manager
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evIslors set=s a n c i.
must be the best time of all for
sports enthusiasts of least those sports
enthusiasts with a converter -aerated
television set at :their, disP4sa1
hint only are. 00,1044„. Play,woe
teatne into their fogl. season
baseball , season lis just nicely Ilederway,
and, basketball season,' well( - the college
circuit's final four is finally over, but the
NBA is just winding •down its season, and
getting ready to dive into the playoffs.
And with every channel vying to provide
coverage of one game or another, there is
little viewing time left for anything but
sports. Those weeks of Wednesday and
Saturday night hockey viewing are out of
sight, as the NHL playoffs are brought live
into your living room, two games per
night, for at least the' next two months.
And, if there is by skim off chance, no
-hockey-gamelo wgiph,,there wDl always
be somethuig elfle,x some baseball, some
basketball, some whatever,..
But, it's not like 'I wasn't expecting this.
I mean, it's been this way for how many
years? - at least since the arrival of TSN
on the cable network. Now, every cable
subscriber has the option of watching
sports events a minimum of 24 hours a
day. Gone are the days when you watch-
ed only your favorite team.
T . KS
by Heather Robinet
rR k c k.i ia,a^nli na s..r...,i
Oh joy! Oh bliss!
Myself, I'm finding this a particularly
difficult year, given the fact I am no
longer privy to selective broadcasting.
Thanks to some corporate decision, the
Town of Seaforth now receives television
broadcasts from Detroit - and Buffalo.
That means, instead of watching the Blue
Jays exclusively, I'm going to be forced to
watch the motor city Tigers instead - or
the Pistons, or the Lions.
That means viewing Sparky and the boys
on -and -off .the--baseball--diamond, listening
to a never-ending commentary by Ernie
Harwell and Paul Carey, and putting up
with that annoying Tiger roar. I ask you,
do Tigers ever get laryngitis?
At least I can be grateful the Boston
Bruins are getting limited television
coverage so far this hockey playoff season.
And if things continue in the vein they are
already, could be the team from Bean
town won't have to worry about television
coverage at all, come the end of this
In view of the other however, I suppose
Ill survive. After all we do have two
television sets in the house. And maybe
things will get better.
Then again, maybe they won't. Seems to
me the tail end of the baseball season runs
into the start of football season; and
baseball playoffs coincide with the start up
of the hockey and basketball seasons.
It seems to be a never ending cycle.
1 guess I should be grateful we don't
have.a satellite dish,
® e e
Since I'm on the topic of sports, here's
some sports trivia. On April 11, 1961, at
Fenway Park, Boston's prized rookie Carl
Yastrzemski singled in his first major
league at -bat against Ray Herbert of the
Kansas City Athletics. Yaz went on to play
23 years with the Red Sox, collecting 3,419
hits, and placing seventh on the all-time
Barriers analysed
Practical demonstration of conservation farming techniques may be the
key to increasing adoption of soil conservation practices among
southwestern Ontario farmers. At least, that's the sentiment of a recently
published survey conducted on behalf of SWEEP, the Soil and Water En-
vironmental Enhancement Program.
Agriculture Canada commissioned the study to find out why more farmers
aren't adopting conservation practices, and found out that nearly two-thirds
of those surveyed wanted to add conservation practices to their farm
management systems.
Many reported they did not see any barriers to conservation adoption
- aside from the perceived complexity of new tools and techniques. And
many cited such common obstacles as start-up costs and concerns about
changes to management systems such as weed andpest control.
The report showed that widespread adoption of conservation practices
will probably require more stability in the agriculture sector, as well as
demonstrated proof the practices work and are cost-effective. The proof,
as they say, is in the pudding.
Misconceptions still exist about conservation farming, but are being ad-
dressed through such activities as field demonstrations and research into
applying conservation technology.
Through that research, and through continual demonstrations to the
farmers who share a concern for the environment, conservation farming
techniques could become an extension of the present way of doing things.
After all - there doesn't appear to be any opposition. to the project.
SWEEP is a five-year, $30Ilion federal -provincial program to
phosphorus loo
e slice hos
p p ding of the Lake Mlle Basin from agricultural
-sources thri:•ugh control of soil degradation. For further ormation
contact Rick Seguin, Se cur ':cone :, st, Agriculture Canada,
Agriculture Ievelop„Trent Branch, `,uelph, 'tntarie. (519) 753-5433.
R RAL Li 00 S
by Jeanne Kirkby
Coln ]r;,; ,1'list to r�•Irovide
agriclturai co et
I've been asked to write a regular col-
umn for The Huron Expositor to expand
the agricultural point of view with fact and
comment. Before undertaking this commit-
ment, perhaps it would be a good idea to
start by letting you ', ow where I'm com-
ing from, so that if you catch me off base,
you will re-educate me correctly to the
benefit of all. Don't he afraid to write in.
Most of my life, I've lived with farming
in Huron County in one form or another.
As a child, I grew up on a 100 acre mix-
ed farm, with cattle, cows, grain, hay,
sheep, pigs, name it! The milk
was separated and we had cream for bak-
ing, and the egg money bought what
groceries we didn't grow and looked after
the everyday expenses.
My father didn't let me learn how to
milk, because he always said that girls in
the barn would scare the cows. I never
had the experience of driving a tractor
because I had four brothers who were
preferred farm help, but I do know what
"Gee” and "Haw" mean, what a team of
Clydesdales look like when you're sitting
on the top of a load of hay holding the
reins and can only look down and see their
heads, and I carrry a scar on my leg
where a cable broke when I drove Old Nell
down the gangway when a loaded hayfork
missed the mow. I remember Tobe Mur -
ray's threshing machine, and the comotion
when the twine knotter broke on the
As a child, my duties included gathering
eggs, feeding the ducks, picking stones,
gathering in potatoes, some calf feeding,
helping in the garden and orchard, and
looking after younger children. I was not
an especially dedicated farm youngster,
but rather enjoyed a reputation for sneak-
ing off whenever opportunity presented
Things change when you get older, and
start your own household. There is nothing
like responsibility and financial necessity
to make one turn with dedication towards
those avenues which provide one's living.
And as you devote time and attention
toward any specific topic, you change and
become dedicated and acutely interested in
that area of specification.
I Warded a farmer. We cash crop
various grains such as wheat, barley, corn
and white beans, and we are willing to
consider any new suggestion that would
seem promising. We ve also been heavi-
ly involved in an agriculturally related
business for many years which has put us
in contact with many farmers in the area.
I tell you this because as I sat down to
write, I realized ;,:t the agricultural in-
dustry has so many diverse directions to-
day, there is an awesome amount that II do
not know about farming. I still have not
milked that cow, and the only time 1 at-
tempted to drive a tractor with a
cultivator behind it, I was the laughing-
stock of the neighborhood. So I am not an
expert on anything, but I am willing to
Many farm wives/partners are compe-
tent on all sorts of machinery and have a
very capable touch with the care of
animals on a livestock operation, in addi-
tion to doing the necessary office work and
many other tasks. While I also have a
very capable touch with any small animals
entrusted to me, my contribution to farm-
ing is mainly secretarial, acting as gofer,
phone message -taker, home maker and
food provider, and the "doer of whatever
doesn't involve large scary machinery".
Rece'htly I have been involved with a
land -owners group who are lobbying for a
specific policy regarding the use of the
abandoned CPR rail line properties
through our area. Whether our .cause is
ultimately successful or not, one thing that
has been impressed upon me is the need
for people of common interest to work
together and direct their collective energies
towards their common cause, rather than
trying to change situations by being a lone
Don Quixote taking on windmills. Conse-
quently, I am now an active member of
the HCFA and represent Central Huron as
a regional director of the OFA.
I realize that there are other good farm
associations in Ontario, namely the CFFO
and the NFU. But the OFA is the group
that I am learning about, and much of the
material that I am hearing and reading
about will probably be the material that I
can best discuss.
I hope that I can make a worthwhile
contribution to rural life through this col-
umn in our newspaper. If at times I make -
mistakes please let it reflect on me alone
and write in to agree,• disagree, educate or
inquire. I will try to deal with your in-
terests and concerns.
Give me character over c
I don't like to think that the only legacy
that this generation is going to leave
behind Will be malls, but it's beginning to
look that way.
And if that wasn't enough, mails with
that putrid greeny -blue metal and glass
embellishment that developers have been
having a love affair with for the last few
years. Malls are basically
they be so blatantly gr�an� but must
A lot of the development that's going on
lately has me sick my stomach at the
best of times, but what inspired this latest
fit of loathing was the news that they're
ripping down the T:' hot Inn in London.
The Talbot block, the oldest downtown
streetscape in London, has been a hot
potato for City Council for a. few years
now. A bustling street chock-a-block with
nifty little curiosity shops and a few clubs
right up until 1987, the Talbot block was
sucked into the great Black Hole of the
Cambridge Development Corporation and
shut down with a slam. In the wonderful
Catch-22 that only the twisted mind of the
bureaucrat ean grasp, the Cambridge Cor-
poration and the City of London held their
noses and pointed to the three -block stretch
that they had emptied and boarded up,
whining about the run-down state of the
buildings now that there were no tenants
in them. Icky, icily. They'll have to go.
by Paula Elliott
But there was a lively little faction in
London determined to scrap and claw and
bring the Talbot block back to life. (Such
factions are always little in London.)
Every once in a while a little protest
would erupt around City Hall, some Talbot
Block zealots would threaten to chain
themselves to the bar at Mingles in the
Talbot IInn (1 applied for that job; not a
bad way to spend a week, 1 thought) and
City Hall would rub their chins and agree
to "look into things".
Apparently, they looked, they listened -
or so they claimed - and they lowered the
boom. Good-bye, Talbot Inn.
This great old place has been an institu-
tion for over 100 years now. It was about
the only place that they couldn't manage
to boot everyone out of, and the two resi-
dent bars - The Firehall, a blues mecca
and one of my all-time favorite haunts
worldwide and Mingles, a hard -edged rock
club with a fiercely dedicated clientele -
kept bopping while the rest of the ghost -
town block crumbled around their ears.
I sat in the Firehall on Saturday night
with a draught in my hand, having my
ears assaulted by some serious kick -ass
blues in the long, narrow hall, and
squinted through the smoky haze at the
Firehall's "Hall of Flame". Posters of old
and new Firehall favorites festooned the
walls, but 1 noticed that the signs
heralding coming acts were few and far
between. It was true, then. And what was
this landmark being sacrificed for?
Another mall, no doubt with putrid
greeny -blue metal and glass
If you have a chance, slip down to Lon-
don and visit Mingles or the Firehall. IIt
doesn't matter if you've heard of the bands
that are playing or not; just do it while
you still have the chance. Go in and let the
essence of the place ooze over you, have
a couple of beers or whatever (p.s. kids -
they check I.D.) and then go puke on the
steps of City Hall.
Then drive back to Seaforth and thank
God that the Queen's and the Commercial
will never be shopping malls.
APRIL 11, 1890
Mr. John Somerville of Morris has a
goose that is making a record by laying
eggs, some of which measure 9 1/2 by 12
inches. The goose that beats that will have
to stay up at night.
The Grand Opera House in Goderich was
crowded to the doors for three nights this
week with audiences anxious to hear the
famous temperance lecturer, Joe Hess,
once a notorious saloon keeper and prize
fighter. His forcible presentation of the
temperance cause was listened to with the
closest attention. A notable feature of his
remarks is that he blames the continuance
of the liquor traffic, not so much to the
retailers and saloon keepers as on the peo-
ple who patronize them and keep up the
demand for the liquor trade. He deserves
great credit for what he has accomplished
in his own reformation and for his well -
meant efforts to lead others down the path
of total abstinence.
Mr. Hood, of the 2nd Concession,
Stanley, has placed his order with Mr. W.
Giffin of Clinton for a very large white
bronze monument, to be erected in Baird's
cemetery, to the memory of his son who
died in the early part of winter. The foun-
dation has to be four feet square, and built
up with solid masonry.
A genuine specimen of the lynx or wild
cat was shot near Milverton the other day.
APRIL 9, 1916
The Goderich fishermen are making big
hauls of perch and suckers this spring.
Some lifts have contained over one thou-
sand pohinds of fish. They are shipped to
Buffalo, prices ruling at 'seven cents for
awe- inspiring
from the Expositor Archives
perch and four cents for suckers.
The farm of 100 acres for William
McMichael, lot 34, 6th concession to
McKillop, was sold on Friday last to Alex-
ander McMichael, a neighbor, for $3,800.
The farm is a fairly good one and the pur-
chaser got a bargain at the price paid.
Mr. T.M. Hamilton of Staffa met with a
bad accident while in Dublin. Having tied
his team to a post they becamefrighten-
ed at the train and made a bold dash
through the village. One horse was badly
cut while the other and the wagon were
slightly injured.
The police are looking for persons who
stole a robe belonging to Mr. Egleson of
Whitechurch, and cut the harness of his
horse to ribbons. Mr. Egleson had to bor-
row a new outfit to return home. The of-
fense was committed in a local hotel
stables in Wingham, where his horse had
been put in.
APRIL 12, 1940
When Germany captured Denmark this
week and the European war became cen-
tred in the Scandinavian countries, the
worst fears of John Neilson, Seaforth
baker, were realized and today he wonders
what is the fate of his parents, his three
brothers and three sisters, whom he left in
Denmark on coming to Canada 11 years
Seaforth's hopes for an Intermediate 13
hockey championship were dashed on Fri-
day evening at Stratford when Whitby took
the second in the two out of three game
final series before 2,000 fans. The combina-
tion three games and more than 700 miles
of travel in less than five days, plus the
absence of Albie McFaddin and Bob
McCallum, were all to Whitby's advantage.
Dr. Hugh Ross, for many years one of
the most prominent physicians and widely
known residents of Seaforth and district,
died suddenly at his home on Victoria
Street. Dr. Ross had been poor in health
for over a year and had been confined to
his home since last November.
Showing at the Regent Theatre in
Seaforth: that famous heart-warming
story, "The Chicken Wagon Family".
APEIL 15, 1965
The Bayfield River, a highway for Huron
pioneers 150 years ago, came into its own
again recently when four members of the
Brady, Laurie ondville Stockwell and ver Crew (Jack
and a member of the District Office went
by canoe from Egmondville to Bayfield.
Donald McKercher is one of nine young
Ontario farm people who will participate in
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