The Huron Expositor, 1990-02-14, Page 1818A THE HURON ,EX OSpTOR, FEBRUARY 14, .19917, CEL 46119:0S Seaforth o How well do you know your heritage? 1. What does the acronym L.A.C.A.C, stand for? Answer ' 2. Name a member of the Seaforth L.A.C.A.C. Answer 3. What year did Cardno Hall cease operating? Answer 4. Who was Mrs. Griffith? Answer 5. What present-day facility is located in D.D. Wilson's former residence? Answer 6. What present-day business is located in the building that formerly housed Crich's Bakery? Answer 7. The original Sill's Hardware store was located at the location where is found today? 8. What is the name of the business that formerly was located where Canadian Tire is found today? Answer 9, What business was the original occupant of the building that now houses Ginette's Restaurant? Answer 10. Name the most grocery stores that were in operation in Seaforth and Egmond- ville at one given time in the 1950's. Answer 11. What is the oldest, existing church building in Seaforth? Answer 12. How many Carnegie Libraries are there in tjprori County? Answer 13. When was the Seaforth Carnegie Library built? Answer 14. What Seaforth native played hockey with the Boston Bruins in the 1930's? Answer 15. Who was the author of the bobk: The Story of Seaforth? Answer 16. What building today was previously known as the Crystal Palace? Answer 17. ,The Harpurhey.Road was originally what road? Answer 18. When was the bandshell In Victoria Park built? Answer 19. How did Seaforth get its name? Answer 20. When was the Great Fire in Seaforth? Answer 21. What was the site of Seaforth known as in the 1830's? Answer 22. The Strand Theatre which played silent movies from 1917 until the early 1920's, was located in what present-day business? Answer 23. When was the Town Hall built? Answer 24. When was the Post Office built? Answer 25. a) When was Seaforth incorporated as a Village? Answer b) When was Seaforth incorporated as a Town? Answer NAME PHONE ADDRESS IPLETEC) QUESTION,,I `OBISY.OF TFIE Ti) ,tfF!E!fl!? ��o