The Wingham Times, 1906-06-28, Page 5TUE WING1bUL TIES, JUNE 28 1906 NI:W XrgUlt IN OA1v1! UES, NEW BOW TL7;s. T Mr. Man, How Are You Eied for Summer Clothing? Of course, you'll want to look your best this summer, and if you are one of the mei! who have been postponing buying the Summer Suit or Raincoat, let us say the word that will bring you here to -morrow, The choice would much better be made now while the stocks are in prime condition and the choice isat its best. MEN'S New Black Worsted Suits, $9 50, $12.50 MEN'S Cravenette Rainproof Coats, short or long lenghte, - $9.00, $10.50, $12.50 MEN'S 2 -piece Unlined Suits, $5 50, $G,50, $7.50 MEN'S Black Russell and Cord and Lustre (unlined) Coats, sizes 35 to 46. Prices - s $1.25 to $8 50 1t2EN'S Fano"' Wash Vests, aims 34 to 46 chest. - $1.00 to $2.75 BOYS' New Tweed Suits in two and three pieces, all sizes, - $2.50 to $6.50 BOYS' Wash Suits for ages 3 to 8 years $1, $3 75 MEN'S Leather Belts, wide or narrow, tan black gray, etc , - - 95c to $1.25 MEN'S Silk and Linen Underwear per suit $4 MEN'S New Linen Collars, sizes 12 to 18. - • 15o and 20c MEN'S White English Flannel Tennis Shirts Reversible Collar - - $1,75 MEN'S Straw Hates, all new styles, 50c to $2.50 MEN'S Soft Felt Hats, all sizes - 500 to $1.25 BARGAINS FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY. Men's $4 50 Pat. Shoes, Friday and Saturday • • $3 50 Men's 500 Colored Shirts, Fri- day and Saturday - 39c Men's Meek Balbriggan Under- wear - - - 50e Men's New Soft Collars, sizes 14 to 16Y, • - - - 25c MEN'S New atipe and check effete in tweed suits - - $7,50 and $10 00 MEN'S New Blue Worsted Snits, Three pieces, • - $8.00 to $10 00 MEN'S Unlined Flannell Coat. all sizes $2.50, $3 MEN'S White Duck Trousers, all sizes - $1.50 1 MEN'S Braces, white, orange and funny r colors - - 25o and 50c BOYS' Wash Coates, sizes 24 to 83, black and White s"•tripe, also brown linen, prices - - 75o and 85c BOYS' • Shirt Waist Detachable Collars, sizes • 11 to 14. - - - , 753 BOYS' Leather Belts, tan red white etc. 25c, 35e MEN'S Balbriggan Underwear, sizes 34 to 46 chest, - - - - 50c MEN'S Natural Wool (English) Light Weight. all sizes, per garment $1 00 MEN'S New Soft Bosom Shirts, sizes 14 to 181, - • $1,00 and $1.25 MEN'S Silk Stripe Negligee Shirts, collar attached, all sizes • - $1.00 MEN'S Hard and Sofa Felt Hats, inducting Stetson and Borsalino sizes 6% to 7%, - • $2.50 to 55.00 BOYS' Straw Hats, - - 25o to 75c BARGAINS IN BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS AND VALISES. The R. i-1. Crowder Co. Wingham. Higi-Cass Furnivre Buffets Sideboards China Cabinets Hall Racks Parlor Cabinets Parlor Suits Centre Tables Couches --all up-to-date Furniture, at most reasonable prices. A large stock to choose from. BE SURE AND GIVE US A CALL. WALKER BROS. & BUTTON WINGHAM. Undertaking receives our prompt and careful attention. 1a y{ AMMAAAAAAAMAMAAAAAAA VVVWVVWVWVWVWVWVVVW Lehigh Valley Coal Come with the crowd and leave your order for Lehigh Valley Coal, that is free from dirt and clinkers It has no equal. J. D. BURNS AAKANNAMO . AMMAA VWWWWVWWVWVVWVVVW At a mass meeting of Exeter citizens, lbeld friday night, it was decided to bid for 4425,000 canning and pickling fao- tory and the village solicitor wee in- structed to prepare arrangements for a by-law providing for n loai3 of $10,000 'for the project. Pickering Township Connell dative de- oltied to appeal against the decision of Chief Justine Meredith, quashing the local option by-law, George Shelley has again been dismiss- ed from the position of Overseer Of Fish= eriies at the Vella. I3LAIEV ALL: Ur. R. McPherson, who has for niau years been engaged in the bares hod. nese here left on Wednesday morning for Calgary, .Alberta, where he has n- eared a good position. Mr MoPizorsou's many friends will wish him good health and prosperity in his Western home. Giifli Prove Patti. If warmth and simulation are not promptly restored, obills result in fatal pnentuouia. This necessitates keeping Nerviline ou hand. Taken in hot water it breaftes up a chill in two minutes, By rubbiug freely over throat and chest it prevents colds. No lioiinent ea strong, so penetrating, so swift to kill pain and inflammation. Nearly fifty yearn' re- cord has proved the valve of Poison's Nerviline. Yon should get a bottle tee` day. MORRIS, Several drainage schemes are on foot in Morris looking to the betterment of certain lands. They are being dealt with in the regular way by the township Council. Angus McCnaig, who lives at Walton has leased his fine farm, West of Walton, for a term of years to T. G. Ryan, of this Iocality, and will leave for Saska- toon, Seale, to take charge of his home- stead. A very qaiet but pretty wedding was celebrated at the home of Jacob Bar- rows, Leadbury, when Miss Maggie, daughter of the host and hostess, be- came the bride of George Jackson, a properous farmer of Morris township. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Baker, of Walton, in the presence of the immediate relatives of the bride and groom. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson start housekeeping on the 8th line, Morris, followed by the good wishes of a large circle of friends. TURNBERILY. This week we are called upon to chron- icle the death of another old resident in the person of James Wray,Sr. which took place= Tuesday 12th Inst. at the home of his son Jas. in Turnberry at the advanced age of 88 years. Deceased was born at Donegal, Ireland in the year 1817 and emigrated to Canada in 1845 and settled near Peterboro, soon moving to Wellesly tp. and then to Owen Sound where he resided for 24 years,then he came to Tarn - berry and when he retired from the farm some sixteen years ago he moved to Gorrie where he resided for six years. In the year 1844 deceased was united in mar- riage to Elizabeth Montgomery, 'Who pre• deoeaaed him about ten years ago, and to whom was born nine children, four daughters and five sons, all surviving hien With the exception of Robt. who died aboutApril2dthl set. Those of the family still living are: --Mrs. E. Wiggins of To, rotate; Mrs. Wm. Crane, ot Chatsworth; Mrs.a 1 R, J J. Nay, N u a Man • Mrs. R. Breen, rurhberry;Wm. of Maniton,Man; Jos. of Balder, Man; Sohn and Jas. of Turnberry. Deceased was a member of Masonic Order of Owen Sound, having joined this order before leaving the old Sod. In religion he was a Methodist and was generally found in his place in the church whenever his health 'WOnld per. mit. Re was a Conserv itive in politica and did all in his power to assist hie party. 4^-44.44-- Woodstaok will have this year a tax rate Of 17 )-10 milia. BELOILAVE Rev. A. E. Jones preached his farewell sermons in the Methodist church on Sun- day and leaves this week for Ms uew charge at Auburu. Mr. and Mrs. Jones have done good work here and will be greatly missed. The uew pastor, Rev. G. W, Rivers, B. A. of Morpeth will preach his first sermon here nest Sunday. Coughers, Hawkers, Spittersi Pablic expectoration is against the common law, against the laws of health also.- When the throat tickles, that's the time you need "Catarrhozouo" ; it sooth- es away the irritation, cats out the phlegm and loosens the tight feeling. Yoa'll quickly cure that catarrh and throat trouble with (Jatarrhozone It positively prevents new attacks and cures catarrh forever and for all time to - come. Don't take our word for it, try • Qatarrhozone yourself. Once used you'll be delighted with its pleasant and help- ful influence, wl'as't SVAWANOSH. There passed away at his home on the 12th Concession of West Wawanosh on Thursday, June 14th, one of the best known farmersin the township, in the person of Mr. Joseph Gaunt in the 50th year of his age. He had been troubled with asthma for some time but n- thought of the sad result was anticipat- ed till a few days before his death. He was the last member left of the well known firm of E. Gaunt & Sons, whose Leciester sheep and shorthorn cattle were prize winners in all the leading agricultural shows in the Province. He was highly respected and his funeral to the Kinloss cemetery was largely attend- ed, the services at the house and grave being conducted by the Rev, Mr. Saund- ers. He leaves a widow and five small children and in this dark hour of sor- row they have the earnest sympathy of the community. IHtEY. The trustees of S. S. No. 3 are adver- tise for a new teacher. S. B, Lamont is filling the position at the present time. Ensign Lott, of Orangeville, is home on furlough on a visit to the parental home 9th con. She is a faithful laborer in the Salvation Army, Thursday evening of this week, J. W. and Mrs, Evans, 12th con., will celebrate the 25th anniversary of their marriage at their comfortable residence. On Thursday, June 14, at "Mount Pleasant," the home of A. G. and Mre, Welsh a reception was held in the honor of their daughter, Miss Emmeline, the trained nurse from New York, They had a very pleasant time as Mrs. Welsh makes an ideal hostess. John Lambie and wife, of Barrie, were the griests of Thos. and Mrs. Davidson and other friends ou the 18th of Grey last week. Mr. and Mrs. Lambie were on their wedding trip. Mr, Lambie is a nephew of Mrs. Davidson. - 44.4444444/prp4444444.4 what Causes Appendicitis. The commonest cause of appendictis is constipation. When you reqaire physic don't use cheap drastic pills—get Dr. Hamilton's Pills which strengthen the stomach, regulate the towels and pre- vent any tendency to appendicitis. In one day you'll feel the tremendous bene- fit of Dr. Hamilton's Pais. By purify- ing the blood and clea +sing the system they prevent headaeh' . lift depression and drive away wearin, . a. No medicine so successful as Dr. 11 stnilton's Pills, sold everywhere in 25c. emcee with yel• low cover; get the genui,tp, 44-444.444411.-44444444 ST. HELENS. Chas Took, JohnMiller and Hugh Mo- Crostie took in the Detroit excursion last week. Mr, and Mrs, Bert Nittlleof Atlanta, U. S., and Miss Hazel Grundy, of Luck - now, paid a Hying visit at the home of Mrs. K. R. Miller last week. Rev. R. W. and Mrs. Craw and two Witham went to Goderieh where Mrs. Craw and children were the guests of Mrs. Morris, while M. Craw went on the excursion to Detroit. Miss Jean Leask, 01 Toronto, daughter of Rev. R. Leask, who previous to some seventeen years ago was pastor of the Presbyterian charch here, is spending a few weeks in the neighborhood renew- ing old acquaintances. After a lingering illness of some years there passed away on Monday evening of last week at the home of her son, Walter, the spirit of Mrs. John Webb. Mts. Webb had been in failing health for some years, gradually getting weak• er, and at the last she just'slept away. The syinpatby of the community Is ex- tended to the bereaved family. Mother's Ear 4 WARP IN MOTH{eIt* Mdlt r WHuat NUIsp/Np 4N INPANr, ANN IN Twit MONTH* TN41' GQMs IkPQettevow TIME. soorr s gli4114,010N spoppeflnt 'ma EXrI A sr/tomato ANO TNR HEALTHNQP 80TH MQTHCRAna Send for free sample. SCOTT & DOWNE, Caseate,. Toronto, t3uiatic. Soc..nd $",ac.- .tt sirpagtat. gA,ST WAWANOSU The Council met in the Caunoil room, Jnne 22nd, pursuant to adjournment, as a Court of Revision and Appeal for 1906. Members all present. Minutes of last meeting read and passed. The foltowiug appeals against itemise - manta were brought up and disposed of as follows:—Thee H Taylor, Senior, camplained that the buildings on, his property lot 37, con 4, were too high as - sassed. Reduced $200. Nathaniel Johnston thought he was too high as- sessed for s? lot 29, coq 4. Reduced $200. Alfred B Carr, complained of be- ing too high assessed for w kaa lot 31, con 0, reduced x$'100. Mathew Lockhart complained of being too high assessed for lot 29, con 2, redaced $400. R 0 McGowan thought his property s% lot 38, con 3, was too high assessed, reduc- ed $200. Robt Shiell complained that his property wj1 lot 32, con 11, was too high aseessed, redneed$100. JohnJamie- san, s12 lot 28, con 10, said his buildings were far too high assessed, reduced $200. Robt Buchanan, complained that his property n? ; lot 30, con 4 was too high assessed, reduced $500. E lot 30, con 2 transferred from nonresident to resi- dent Roll. Thomas Hill to be assessed for Hotel stables and barn at Belgrave in place of J. B. Stratton. Thomas Hutton to be assessed for part nlz lot 42, oon 14 in place of Robt Stein. Mrs. George Garton n w part lot 28, eon 14 in place of George Garton, deceased. Mrs J Allan Chapman s% ni2 lot 31, o in 11, in place of J Allan Chapmae, de ceased. Wilson—Beecroft, that the assessment Roll as now revised and corrected be ac- cepted, but this Council while still con- sidering the assessment of the township as far too high (ou acconnt of error in general appeal) had no power to act further in the matter. Carried. The Court was then closed for the present year. Council resumed, and ordinary busi- ness proceeded with. A communication from Messrs Proud - foot, Hays and Blair of Goderieh re matter of a claim presented by Jonathan Bentley ou account of Mrs Bentley hay - tug been hurt by being thrown out of a cutter 8th of January last, on sideline 33 and 34, eon 1, received and filed. The Treasurer reported cash on hand at date, $501.50. Debentures were pass- ed and signed for payment of the follow- ing accounts : —Estate of the late Mrs. E. Reid, rent of road allowance south end lot 34, con 9, to January 21, 1907, $2; F Diveraux, 45 yds gravel road div No 77, $3 15; Charles Campbell, 114 yds gravel div No 73, $7 93; Jona Tervit, for posts sued iauildiog guard et creek or Northern boundary, $S 55, aawyef Massey Co, Hamilton, belts and nuts for road grader, 60e;'John Hellhan, repair. ing culvert sideline 39 and 40, con 5, $1; W W Taylor, drawing cement tile for ealvert at lot 37, can 8, $1; John Bruce, drawing tile and building culvert side- line 30 and 31, con 8, 55; Jas. Suther- land, repairing hill at river, cons 12 and 13, $4; Gibsou GIllespie, part payment for operating road grader in 1906, $50; Richard Leishman, part payment re- pairing bridge on river, cons 8 and 0, $75; Mark Mason, cleaning and stump. ing on road allowance ei lot 35, con 4, $5; Peter W Scott, extra work done by Messrs Dunbar and Walsh, road Div No 32, con 0 and 7, 510. Connell thea adjourned till Thursday, July 25 next, to meet at 1 o'clock p ns, as a Court of Revision, over projected Municipal drains in East Wawanosh and Morris, and also for other general busi- ness. P. PORTERFIELD. Clerk, The Sourao of Neuralgia. It runs hand in hand with poor blood and weak nerves. Health tans down, nerves gets irritable, neuralgia torture follows. For the moment applications may relieve—but to thoroughly cure, the system must be strengthened with nutritious blood. What can equal Ferrozone? It in- creases the appetite, forms abundance of rich life.giving blood, supplies nutri- ment and building material for wornout 1 tel ur nerves. Fetrozone .ono camp e y c es neuralgia. Every root and branch of the dieeaee it kills. Absolute success in every case. Stop suffering—fifty cents buys Ferrozone. Fify chocolate coated tablet in a box at airy drag store. se Mr. John Morrison, a wealthy- sad ec- centric resident of Montreal, was 3run down by a street car and killed, Mr Ed. Love of Baden was found be- side the railway track neat New Ham- burg probably fatally injured. Mr. A. L, lk'Cel. ail has been appointed principal of Woodstock College, and the appointment has been ratified by the Senate and Governors of Me;t4aster t7•ni- versify. The General Hardware. J1JN BAR a-AIN8. Easy Washers, regnlar 57.50, selling at •" 56 50, r, 11 Modern " Sunlight " 11 $4 00, 11 11 Get our prices on Wringers. • - 1650 • 15,50 • - $3 00 Churns, Soreen Doors, Window Sorsens, Lawn Mowers and Farnmooks. MAS 2;Y -HARRIS BICYCLES AND REPAIRS. All goods at lowest prices, Bishop &. Brewer, Fisbleigh's Old Stand - , WINGI3AM, [CosPiroow4.4.es*,%;*x J 4 Ghance of Your1 Lifotime. $5,000 worth of First C :ass LINT Must be sold during the month of June at Patterson's Jewelry Store. Think for a minute ! Don't you want a good Watch at the price of a cheap one ? We have a very fine and large display of Watches to choose from, which must be sold. We keep the Tiffany and English Wed- ding Ring, also a fine line of Engagement Rings; Diamond Rings from $ r 5.00 up to $25O.00 Our line of Pearl and Diamond Pendant and Brooches cannot be beat. A swell line of Clocks aild Silverware. June is the month for weddings and wedding gifts. Now, this is your chance, as these goods must be sold. searateentess atterson THE GREAT WATCH DOCTOR WINGHAM ONT. FOR SUMMER. We have a most complete and varied line ot Waist Sets, Gold and Silver Brooches, A complete line of Enameled and Sterling Silver - Souvenir Jewelery afair-Fine watch and jewelery repairing promptly at- tended to. KAISER, the Jeweler .4444444444444:444.444444444• • 44444444444444444t44a6A4m4t s• COAL COAL COAL. We are sole agents for the celebrated SCM.ARTICON COAL, • • which has no equal. Also the best grades of Stnithing, Cannel and iDomestic Coal, and Wood of all kinds, always on hand. 4 s •e •w M e s We carry a full stock of LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATH (Dressed Or Undressedt Cedar Posts, Barrels, Etc. • jfiitlrest :'rice paid for ail 'dads of Logs. gig lificLeansi • • Itesidenoe Phone No. 65. Office, Ne. 64. Mill, N0,1.1. ,44444.444444444$4444444444 4444444444444444444444444 'r 4 R t s d