The Wingham Times, 1906-06-14, Page 6THE WINLTIIA.1 I IES JUNE 14, 1906
SUNUGHT ,Kernels from the Sanctum Mill
is better than other Soaps
but is best when used in
the Sunlight way. Follow
FIRST. -Dip the article
to he washed in a tub of
tykkwarm water, dram it
out oua washboard and rub
the s •ap lightly over it.
Be particular not to miss
toapme an a,er. THEN
roll it in a tight reit, lay
in ih.* tub under the water,
and go 00 Oa same way
until an the pieces have the
soap webbed on, and'are
rolled up.
Then to 'away for
thirty minutes to one
hour and let the "Sun-
light" Soap do its work.
N EXT. -after soaping
thefull time
rna the
lightly out one sash loud,
and the dirt will drop
Out: turn the gsutert ta-
side t'at to ger at the scams,
but don't use any more
soap; don't scald yr IA a
s nglc piece, AMI don't
wash through two :suds. if
the water get; tn) dirty,
pour a little out ar: i add
fresh. If a streak is bard
to wash, rob some chore
soap on it, and throw
the piece back into the
suds fora few minutes.
RINSING. which it to be
done in lukewarm water,
taking special care to get
all the dirty sad; array,
then wring cat and hang
ct. t3 drt-
For Woolens and flan-
nels prneeed as t i:ow::-••
Shake the arifr,e; free faun
dust. Cur a ta1:et cf
atfz�,,Nur ta:aag an
cfboilingwaterar-,?, 3t
into a lather- \%b' y..t
;nliewarra, wain.: aric:e% to
t1:= lager without rub-
bing S, -ecnrtry
i tin
aa:er w�thouL twisting
.n 3
relays of ]ttlzet't'a-'.`.2 water.
.;::tti,,r .-'. dwa rwithout
twistid burn. is the
?ea a:.
'n€ -The mast delicate
C)tors may be aTelY
washed in the 'Sun -
to a
$5f to any pe.- 00, 0 REWARDwU bepaid
au who
proves that S iulight :pap sou -
tains any injanrioa, chemicals
or any form of adulteration.
Buy it and follow
Co directions.
OnWednesday afternoon June 6th at 3
p m. at the home of the bride's parents,
Mr. Wm. Morrison, Jr., of the 10th .
concession of McKillop, was united in
marriage to Miss Sarah Forbes, a most
estimable young woman of the Lead -
bury line.
The disgusting discharges from the
nose and throat, and the foul o ttarrhai
breath, are quickly dispensed with by :
using Dr. Shoop's Catarh Cure. Such
soothing antiseptic agents as Oil Eucaly-
ptus, Thymol, Wild Indigo, etc., have i
been incorporated into a snow white i
Cream, making a catarrhal balm unex• t
celled. Sold at Walley's Drug Store. I
interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges.
Three men warkiog in a well near
Dattlefurd struett natural gas and were
aepbysicated, and a fourth, who was
tryiug co resew thou, fell out of a bucket
and was killed.
Gerrie School Trustees have beeu sue.
coss£nl in securing the services of a Ala
Lsppard of Drew, as principal of the
public Minot. He 't ill commence on
ti Rummer actio
bis duties attar the s mme vacation.
The essential luno healing principal of
the pine tree has finally been successfully
separated and refined into a perfect
sough mediciue-Dr. Wood's Norway
Pius Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a
guarantee of satisfaction. Price 25
The German Government profited last
year over $16,000.000 by its postal, tele.
graphic and telephone systems.
A movement is on foot to organize
au independent Grand Lodge of the
Masonic Craft for Saskatchewan.
For infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the �ir7, i•i�a '�� V
s Signature of
There was a sale of cast off police uni•
forms at ?tauchester, England the other
a say. Two hundred pounds of police
buttons sold for $29
Great numbers of watches are being
made in Switzerland for the Japanese
over t which intends togive
G amen , c e
them as souvenirs to its soldiers and
$Ailors of the Russian war. .
Unknown Friends
There are many people who have used
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarr-
tosa Remedy with splendid resultia but
who are unknown because they have
hesitated about giving a testimonial
of their experience for publication
These people, however, are none the less
friends of this remedy. They have done
much toward making it a houeehold
word by their personalrecommendat:ions
to their friends and neighbors It is a
good medicine to bave in the home and
is widely known for its cures of diarr-
heea and all forms of bowel trouble.
For save by all druggists.
The deepest Lake in the world is be-
lieved to be Lake Baikal, in Siberia
Nine thousand square miles in area, or
nearly as large as Lake Erie, it is 4,000
t or 5 000 feet deep, so that is contains
Inearly as much water as Lake Superior.
Many people say they are "all nerves,"
easily startled or upset, easily worried
and irritated. Milburn's Heart and
l Nerve Pills are just the remedy such
people require. They restore perfect
harmony of the nerve centres and give
new nerve force to shattered nervous
Silver and lead are generally found to-
gether, and some scientists say that Lead
disintegrates inter silver, Gold and
copper are also often found together.
In New South Wales the Great Cobar
mines farnisbes copper containing four
ounces of gold to the ton.
Fred Maxfield has been appointed
policeman at Forest at $30 a month. The
job was Iet by tender and one man bid
$2755 a year.
It is understood that Hon. J. C. Mc-
Corkiil, Provincial Treasurer of Quebec,
will have a surplus of $100,000 by the
end„of the year,
Doan*s Kidney Pills act on the kid-
neys, bladder and urinary organs only.
They cure backaches, weak back, rheum-
atism, diabetes, congestion, inflamation,
gravel, Bright's disease and all other
diseases arising from wrong action of the
kidneys and bladder
The death of Mrs. Michael Schneider
of Mildmay, took place on Tuesday,
June bth after an illness of two or three
months. Deceased Wait born in Germ-
any on December 9th, 1831, and has been
a resident of this country for about 40
years. She was a quietindnstrions and
bights respected women. Senile decay
-setae Vets cause of her death.
me same wtek Ate., Toronto, Can.
• Alt, OX'YOENA.TOIn co.,
Toronto, Canada.
ttaatfernen,--I i•st Most pleased to certify to
a kir Curative Properties of ' Oxygenator.' I grist
boon Uhl it for Catane in the lead. Having
wYrbdaedtine Ioatbeo,me',tha a Ithen tavola my
'Mention to iv Iarge Polypus that existed in my
nfjbt noetre, which woe uucee6efully removed by
Um Ietal upplieetten K ietyg satar" thereby
varlet mash pain, danger*** airmen; bad it been
meowed by aurgiesa process.
I bats ne.d Voir remedy In tiei+ family (af IR for
at'anmber sf vett*, find cis bijhlj reccmalaad,it
far friars. oblde mid throat trenblee-sei taitgle,
twat* warsllsrt, it le fn,alenble.
X Tetuan. ymra Only.
O. ;K. oEENsoN.
fitltrberd $t. • 'rewords
. Laxa•Liver Pills are the ladies' favorite
medicine. They cure Constipation, Sick •
Headache, Billionsness, and Dyspepsia .
without griping, purging or sickening.
The railways in operation in Canada
to -day total 22,843 miles; 3,412 miles
have been added during the past two
years. The next five years will largely
increase this total. Last year Canadian
roads carried 22,148,000 passengers and
47,373,417 tons of freight.
spurs° mIEDIVINes.
As a spring medicince Burdock Blood
Bitters has no equal. It tones up the
(system and removes all impurities from
the blood, and takes away that tired,
weary feeling so prevalent in the spring.
Of the 1,400,000 bales of wool ,,produc-
ed annually in Australia 1,100,000 are
sold at home, er 82 per cant. of the whole. -
The clip of 1005 showed en increase of
a'co,o6o bales over the previous year, Oa
the whole the business of the pastora•
list in that country is on a better footing
than for many years back.
C.t .p. til/*Cs X .A.
The Kind You Have Always Haughl
/e8of fJ�;61.((
A large touring motor car, containing
a man and his wife, met a hay (Stitt, fully
loaded, in a narrow road The woman
declared that the farmer must back out,
hut her husband contended that she was
unreasonable. "Eat you cant batik the
ear so far," she steel "and I,don't intend
t i more for anybody. He should have
seen as." The husband pointed ant that
this was imposeable, owing to an abrupt
turn in the road. "I don't" care, she ills
dieted. "1won't move if we have to stay
here all night," The Man ifi the Oar was
btartingto argue the matter when the
farmer, who bad been Bitting quietly on
the hay interrupted e -"Never mind Me,"
he exlaimed, "2'11 try to bank out.
I've gotone just like her at home."
A school bey has llgnred out the
azuouut of travel necessary to grow 40
acres of corn. 1 -le saps a farther travels
00 suites iu cutti'ig the stalks, 90 milt s
in harrowing, 00 miles earls for lister
and drill, 270 mites for cultivating, 45
miles for huskiug, or in all 655 miles,
not counting the trips to and from the
The Very Best Remedy far !dowel Trott
Mr M. F. Berroughs, au all and well.
known resident of Blnifton, Ind , SATS:
"I reward Chamberlain's Cvlt +, Ceolera,
and Diarrhoea Remaly, as the vety best•
reuit.dy for bowel trouble. I make this
statement after having us d the remedy
in uty family for several years. I oat
tower without it." This remedy is e-
vent sure to be needed before the sum-
mer . Why is o er not buy it now and
ba prepared for such an euiergeucy. For
sale by all druggists
It becomes our sax duty this week to
chronicle the death of Alts. C.tharine
Lindenschmddt, relict of the late Berthold
Liuderschntidt, whish event took place
ou Sunday evening, June 3rd. Deceased
who 68 yearn, 5 mouths and 23 days old,
has made her home with her sou,Gideon
on the 6th concession of Carrick for the
past three years. She was a victim to
eon sump don, arei was ill for about a year.
is sent direct daed
parts by the Improvetothed itiowerises.
He -4s the ulcers, clears tlrc air
passages, stops
throat and cures
Catarrh rh an H F
d ay ever. Flower
free. All dealers, or Dr. A. IV. Chase
Medicine Co.. Toronto and Buffalo.
There passed away ou Wedneday
morning, June 6th, to his long home,
Gilbert McDonald, of Stauley, after a
long illness, borne with christian resit?.
nation. He was a native of Scotland,
coming many years ago to this country
with his parents. He was honored and
respected by all who knew him, a Pres.
byterian, and in politics a life-long Lib.
eral. His wife died some years ago,
one son and two daughters being left to
mourn his lose.
If you knew the value of Chaml er-
lain'salve you would never wish to be
without it. Here are some of the die.
eases for which it is especially valuable:
-Sore nipples, chapped hands, burnt,
frost bites, chilblains, chronic sore eyes,
itching 'piles, tetter, salt rheum and
eczema. Price 25e per box. For sale
by all druggists.
The Boston housewife put on her
second pair of spectacles and closely re-
garded the applicant for the vacancy
left by a former maid. "Your referee.
cea seem unquestionable," she said,
"but there is one thing I have omitted
to ask you. Do you use the simplified
phonetic system of spelling?" The ap-
plicant did not hesitate. "Not as a
gin'ral thing, mum," she replied. "I
mostly uses common laundry aoap with
a little lye on the side,"
Children are often attacked suddenly
by paiafnl and dangerous Colic, Cramps,
Diarrhoea. Dysentery, Cholera Morbus,
Cholera Infantum, etc. Dr. Fowler's
Extract of Wild Strawberry is a prompt
and sure cure which should always be
kept in the house.
Common house files, which are a
source of dangerous epidemic summer
illness among infants, will this year, it
is believed, be unusually scarce. The
scarcity not only of fifes but of ail insects
will be the natural consequence of the
mild winter. Insects do not mind cold
weather -they simply sleep through it;
and after a hard winter insect life is
nearly always abundant, as the insecti-
vorous birds have been prevented from
getting at their victims, In a mild win-
ter like the last, however, insects perish
by millions frau mildew as well as from
the beaks of birde.
-Dims Your Mathias
Bather You?
Dr. Shoop's Restorative tures All
Distressing Stomach Troubles
.Through the Inside Nerves.
As you value our heaithl anti happiness tloa't
neglect to care for the slightest stomach pain --
don't let it go. At the first slim of distress use
Dr. Shoop's Restorative and end all these
troubles. These aches are signals -they aro
symptoms of coming disease -]s itwise to Knots
them? You who never eat a hearty meal with-
eut a Schee oC to }chess followed by a period
of lasattude or ' drowsiness --beware.
' Nerleet theseeondf- tions rind S ou surely
invfte dfstrensinl indigestion -you'll
become a Mallow, miserable d y s -
Orptie. Do you D(j .' tet'lenee any
V thesetiymp totes? --dis-
treas Atter Clittn'r,retnrn.
inti of food -' to month,
Ixnatvine at / tt • , • pit of atom-
neh.r1 mwbicntd FCC]. Like ot¢a,,beklt•
loss of atthe-
tite, heartburn, !..i''
[ l s' headarhr, d f 7
>±1aa57 I1 you . clatter in nay of
chess tna3 ,your d u ty 1 e Clear -•
there tit but bn@'•. e.ourreopen toyou*
strengthen thelnside • nerves'thesespeciat
8tal is nett nerves -a• ; sliattC cit forever tries
bvidenceofdisea-w.Pit the t geativ6 ncrvetin
ct,ndi:Ion to set ns nature intended they should.
Don't drug, don't curse --•lust give the insidti
better natural force, gentle tonic, nature's help,
Dr. Bhoop'it Restorative should be taken to ddi
this --it is the only preseription Which builds up.
er siren sttetltpte ter restore glair stormNoll
txeryes. Said and reooratuended bX y�
WATitt Y'yt?- .D1�UG w'1 oRg,.
Proper Medicine
dor the Blood
Drives Away That Three Feeling;
Makes You Feel Brisk
To every one is sure townie that tire",
exhausted feeling.
When the blood is week, thin and
debilitated, cirnnlatiou is clow, and it1
consequence the system is congested
with poisons and wastes that should be
dtivett oil'.
The sensible person acts on the teach•
inns of experience and clean•ea h s ase•
teen with a course of Ds. Han i'con's
Pills of Mendrake and Butterunt
No medicine ago be more certain to
gniekl.v cure. Cooveuient to take, just
one pill at bedtime; sate, beoause en-
tirely vegetable,nnfailing because proved
by thousauds that Dr. Hamilton's Pills
set yon up in a few days
From Cttebeque Pt., N.S . encore the
following from Mrs. W. A Reynolds: -
"A year ago my health bagau to fail, I
lost appetite, became nervous and sleep.
less. My weight rare down, I because
thin, hallow-chceked, and had black
riugs nutter my eyes 1 realty felt as if
the charm of life had lett me and ale u
springtime arrived I was in the "Blues."
I read of Dr, H -mutton's Pills and got
Ave boxes at once.
"'Within a month my appetite and
miler was good. 1 gained strength and
felt like a new woz,an. New life and
Tiger returned, anti my frienns scarcely
knew me A medicine tb it will do this
should be in Every borne."
Giod health tueans znurh to you
Sneeei:s and happinet•s depend upon it
The mainteneuc s and ac.ntce of Match
is fount: in Dr Hamilton's Pills. 25o per
box, or five boxes for $1 00,at nil dealers,
or by mail from N. C. Pelson & Co
Hartford, Coen , U , and Kingston,
Ants frequently become extremely
troublesome about the house. In order
to get rid of them their nest must be
discovered. This will generally be found
near the place rt here they make trouble
The best treatment is to make small
holes with a stick in the nest and poor
an ounce or two of bisulphate of carbon
into each hole. Quickly oloae the hole
after pouring in the poison. The vapor
from the bisulphide will penetrate
throughout the vest and destroy all life.
If your Stomach is Weak,
It your Food distresses you,
If your are Weak and Nervous
.Use Dr. Sboop's Restorative one month
and see what it does for yon. Sold at
Walley's Drug store.
The weekly reports on the crops
throughout the West are again encourag-
ing. From nearly all stations come the
reports that prospects are bright. While
Iasi week a growth of four to six inches
was generally the bighest obtained in
the great majority of districts, the re-
port for the week ending June 6 shows
a six-inch growth to be usual. In more
than one district the wheat has attained
a height of 18 inchee.
Pink Lips, Like Velvet, Rough,
Chapped or Cracked Lips, oan be made
as soft as velvet by applying at bedtime,
a light coating of Dr. Shoop's Green
Salve. The effect on the lips or skin of
this moat excellent ointment is always
immediate and certain. Dr. Shoop's
Green Salve takes out completely the
-soreness of cuts, burns, bruises and all
skin abrasions, It is surely a wonderful
and most highly satisfactory beating
ointment. In glass jars at 25c. Sold at
Walley's Drug Store,
A prominent and highly respected
citizen of Carrick died on Thursday,
May 30th in the person of Wm: Cornin.
He was 71 years of age and had no Fart-
joular ailment other than a general
wearing out of the constitution. De-
ceased was born in Ireland in 1885 and
was one of the pioneer settlers of Carziok
having moved into the forest wilderness
and homesteaded lot 12, concession A
where he since made his home and where
he died,
flow's This"
We offer One Hundred Dollars Re-
ward for any case of Catarrh that can-
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. 3. Cheney & Co., Toledo, 0.
We, the nnderalgned, have known F.
3. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be-
lieve him perfectly honorable in aII
business traueacttons, and financially
able to carry out any obligation made by
his firm.
Warding, Kinnon & Marvin,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0.
Hall's Catarrh Care is taken internal.
Iy, acting directly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. Testi-
monials sent free, Price, 75c per bottle.
Sold by all Druggist's.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa-
A correspondent of The Farmer's At' -
vacate is out with a good suggestion in
regard to the placing of names of owners
or oeeepanta of farms where they tarty
be seen by passersby. He toe: "Let
each municipal t] pal oonntiil empott els the
pathmaater to reduce the number of
days by, say, one day's work, to any
who put up their tame in a plain and
neat manner at the road, 614 it would
soon. be done. Anyone would sooner to
that than a day's work. Where they do
not have statute labor, each man might
be entitled to a rebated, say, one dollar
in taxes, after putting up hies hoard, the
board in both eases to 1* Innslntained
from year to year without any Addition-
al cast. What ass tot of directing And
mistakes it would lereveatl .And wbsib
hiterest it would add so ttkyel telt lttao^M
'where people Ii'rsrx."
Tea into which a square or spoonful
of sugar hoe been dropped will not stain
the table linen,
Sunlight Baap is better than other soap«,
but is best when used in the fiunligbt way.
Puy Sunlight Soap and follow directions.
Another of Seafot'th's residents has
passed to the great beyond in the person
of Mrs Rothwell, who died very sud-
denly on Monday oveolug, Julie Ch, in
Detroit, The deceased went to Dt troit
About ten days ago to visit her sisters in
t int city au 1 the news of her sudden
dsa h came as a great shook to her only
daughter Mass Addie, who had remained
at home. A number of years ago Mrs
Rtthwell and her daughter removed to
Saaforth Irmo Bayfield.
Lex-ets-A Candy Bowel Laxative.
1f you have Constipation,
If you have a coated tongue,
If you are dizzy, 1 Mous, sallow,
If you have Headacbes,Sour Stomach, .
etc , risk 5 cents on Lax•ets. See for
yourself. Sold at Walley's Drug Store.
Mr George Taylor, M. P. for Leeds, is
in hot water at Ganaucque, his home.
Elis sessional iodemnit•y of 52,500 bee
been assessed by the town assessor. Mr
Taylor appealed to the Court of Revision
holding that the Town Council had no
rower over the salaries of Government
officials. The Assessor's contention was
that Mr. Taylor was seat to Parliament
by the people of Leeds and was in no
souse a Dominion Oficial. The Court of
Revision refused Mr. Taylor's appeal
and declared the assessment proper. Mr.
Taylor will Iikely appeal to the County
Tha Kind You Have Always Beughl
Bears the
Mrs, Swainish Askin, mother of Mr.
John Askin of Listowel, died in Morn•
is to
on Tuesday of
week after
leaving reached the remarkable age of
102 years. She was born on the 17th
of March,1894, m the County of A rmagh
Inland, and her exact age. at the time of
decease was 1C9 years, 2 months and 11
days. She wee remark as well for
her activity and good bee up to the
last. She lead almost no sickness all her
long life and at the end quietly dropped
off as if she fell asleep. She was able
to be about this spring, walking about
the house and out to the barn, and her
hearing and sight were'gbod
If your stomach troubles you do not
conclude that there is no onre, for a
great many have been permanently
cured by Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablet,'. Try them, they are cer-
tain to prove beneficial. They cost only
a quarter. Sold by all druggists.
We are asked this week by a delin.
quent subscriber why we kept on send-
ing the paper after the subscription date
had expired. Every weekly newspaper
in towns of this size are forced to do
this. Should we stop subscriptions when
the time expires, nine times out of ten
the subscriber would give us a "calling
down" for insinnatiag that his credit
was not good. Rather than cast a re-
flection against the honesty of a sub.
scriber to pay a small debt, it is next to
a necessity for a home paper to continue
sending the paper after the time has ex-
pired, It is not necessary for the city
dailies or weeklies to follow this rule, as
their subscribers live at a distance and
are not personal friends, as in the case
with a majority of cur subscribers. Our
subscribers should deem it an honor to
know that we do note doubt their in-
tegrity and continue to send them the
paper after the time has expired. Should
any desire their paper discontinued they
should notify us and remit to date if
they have not already done so.
... cart, .. .
Diarrhoea, Dysentery;
Stomach Cramps
and all
Summer Complaints
Don't experiment with RSV 0,Itd
untried remedies, but procure that
Which bins steed the test of brae.
Dr. Fowler's has stood the test for 6o
years, and has never failed to give satin.
faction. It is rapid, reliable and effectual
In 1te action and dote not leave the bowels
constipated. RaOca5 ALt. St'nsfxrtrriw.
ri'tlftlf'Itis DANGEROUS,
Mit►, il*ento» Lssm, Aylmer, Quo., writes t "1
have tired Iyn X'owler'r 1?xtraut of Wild Strawberry
(Or i bittit>krt((motivate! year* past mod 1 find it ie
the ottly tnnt;ratw w1446 trr;ttre relief to so *bort*
+e, 1
Fewer Working Parte
than any other
First Cass Machina.
940111114141100110060.0111101109,6000 DIM000000001#00414900001110s
• -
• i
• a
• •FOR 1905 - 06.
•s a
i The TIMES will receive subscriptions at the rates below t
for any or all of the following publications : ±
+Times to January 1st, 1907 Si AO
4. Times and Daily Globe 4,50
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Times and Daily World 3.10
.1. Times and Toronto Daily News 2.30 4..
,'1t, Times and Toronto Daily Star 2.30
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Times and •Weekly Globe . ..................... 1.65
- Times and Weekly Mail and Empire 1..70 e•
4: Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star 1.75
� Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star, and 'a'
+ book " Farmer's Manual and Veterinary Guide 1.90
+ Times and Weekly Witness 1.65 :I•
4 Times and Montreal Weekly Herald 1.50 4,
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d• We specially recommend our readers to subscribe :4*.
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Times and Christian Guardian (Toronto) ... 1.90 .'II.
4. Times and Youths' Companion 2.75
Times and Canadian Magazine (monthly) 2.90 •moi•
Times and Sabbath Reading, New York 1.45
,1, Times and Outdoor Canada (monthly, Toronto)1,85
.s Times and Michigan Farmer 1,65
Times and Woman's Home Companion ..... 1,75
+ Times and Canadian Woman (monthly) London •1.15 ,'I1.
+ Times and American Sheep Breeder 14. ,90
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Times and Delineator 1.95 ,1.
Times and Boston Cooking School Magazine 1.75
Times and Green's Fruit Grower 1.35 Fitot
Times and Good Housekeeping 1.80 l
3 Times and Modern Women 1.45 ;at
Times and McCall's Magazine .. 1.45
T. Times and Pearson's Magazine 1,70 rit
+ Times and American Illustrated Magazine4. 1,90
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