The Wingham Times, 1906-06-07, Page 66
Free Gifts of Toilet Soaps
The Coupons are the same as cash because they can be exchanged for Toilet Soaps
for which you have to pay out money every week.
for nothing.
Read circular in every package, or write us for Premum List.
A gift is of little value if it consists of something you have no use for.
In exchange for Sunlight Soap Coupons you can get something you need and use
every day.
Lever Brothers Limited, Toronto, Canada
Kernels from the Sanctum Mill
Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges.
Peter Gillies was struck by a train
while driving near Owen Sound and
Levi Fletcher, a well-to•do farmer
near Lambeth, committed suicide by
cutting his throat.
Many people say they are "all nerves,"
easily startled or upset, easily worried
and irritated. Milburn's Heart and
Nerve Pills are just the remedy such
people require. They restore perfeot
harmony of the nerve centres and give
new nerve force to shattered nervous
Treasurer Legait, of Amherstburg,
has been suspended' while the council is
having an audit made of his books.
The Allan Liner Virginian made a
new ocean record in a trip from Moville
to Rimonski in five days, twenty-one
hours and forty minutes.
Pink Lips, Like Velvet, Rough,
Chapped. or Cracked Lips, can be made
as soft as velvet by applying at bedtime,
a light coating of Dr. Shoop's Green
Salve. The effect on the lips or skin of
this most excellent ointment is always
immediate and certain. Dr. Shoop's
Green Salve takes out completely the
soreness of cuts, barns, bruises and all
skin abrasions. It is surely a wonderful
and most highly satisfactory healing
ointment In glass jars at 250. Sold at
Walley's Drug Store.
It is estimated that besides what may
comp out of the properties now develop-
ing, Cobalt will send on to the channels
of commerce $3,500,000 this coming sea.
The town of Coburg is practically in-
solvent, it is said it has a indebtedness of
$280,000 already, and all the taxes it can
raise merely meet the interest on the de-
bentnree already issued.
Dr. Chase's Oint
ment is a certain
and guaranteed
cureforeach and
every form of
itching, bleeding
a n d protruding
piles. See testimonials in the press and ask
your neighbors aboutit. You can use it and
get your money back it not satisfied. 60c, at all
dealers or EDMANeoX. BATES & Co., Toronto.
Two boys of five years tied paper to a
cat's tail at Terebeoenne, Que., and set
fire to it. The cat ran into the barn and
set it on fire, and one of the boys was
burned to death.
The aggregate cost of the sidewalks
to be Iaid in Goderich is estimated at
$G,952 83, of which $3,632 99 is to be
provided out of the general funds of the
As a spring medicince Burdock Blood
Bitters has no equal. It tones up the
system and removes all impurities from
the blood, and takes away that tired,
weary feeling so prevalent in the spring.
.A very pleasant evening was at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Linton,
Mitchell, on Monday evening of last week
Zzsy occasion being the celebration of
aril;wllllllv.d weeding. There were
�.lsr, /1 , ~heir children,
eetteted togethef flfane
gran$childfeii >rhd gteatjti~slide1111Areri
trona let eine hear to do honor to ibis
notable event.
A Minister of the; tiospei ltecorlliilends
Twenty-four thousand immigrants
have this year come under the attrition
of the Immigration officials at the Union
Station, Toronto, an increase for the five
months of nsa-ly 8,006 over last year. In
addition to these figures, a large number
of persons have been brought under the
Salvation Army and other organizations.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Mr. and Mrs. R White, who are mak-
ing their home with their son, Mr.
Thomas White, 10th Bruce, celebrated
the sixty, sixth anniversary of their
marriage recently. The old gentleman'
is 92 years of age and has been a member
of the Orange Order 75 years. He join-
ed L. 0 L., No 5, Kennigo, Ireland, in
1821, and has his card with Underwood
Lodge, No 1122.
„Pei several years I have been In Tarp pew
'health. La- t Hann was advised by Ser. J. s. Ai1en,
of Murray Harbor, P.E.I., to try 'Oxygenator.'
Before trying it I had no faith in is, butlast Otto.
awe I began its use and can truly say that before
aslag one jug I had wonderfully improved in my
eras health. Since then I bare used several
.,'aa a result hart never spent such a healthy
stet or Spring as I did this year. • Oitygenator'
tor Throat Trouble, Catarrh, Purifying t eBlood
System, boners i. sat
upthe 8 I
ildin7 ,
other reined '.
to -day byar
stallyd to r r
8.vfrat .f my congregatiotil have also ved i1
r►itlt blessed results. I take great interest In
'Oxygenator; haring siren jogs of it away, and
musteay it le A Wosnaltrin, Stamm,.
Ir regard to my eye., ' Oxygenator' has don.
Shim more good than we Oculisto or the treatment
1 otolved In the Hospital.
1.r Earache, I think 1k peerless. /or pains It
SIN Chest, lunge ♦rride, indeed anywbere, it
works woadersZBV, L D. MAIM,
*sant Stewart, P,111.I
I"ar Sala My i
bili Norbert:I r , TOrente
Children are often attacked suddenly
bypah fa].. and dangerous Colic, Cramps,
Diarrhoea Dysentery, Cholera Morbus,
Cholera Infantum, eto. Dr. Fowler's
Extract of Wild Strawberry is a prompt
and sure cure which should always be
kept in the honso.
Gorrie citizens were surprised on
Tuesday morning, May 29th, when the
news was spread that Nelson, eldest son
of Mr. and Mrs Frank Coles, had passed
away, aged 14 years 10 months 27 days.
The deceased became overheated the
previous Thursday while playing foot-
ball at Fordwich and was taken sudden-
ly ill early on Friday morning from
which he never recovered,
The 'Very Best Remedy for 'towel Trou-
Mr. M. F. l3orroughs. an old and well-
known resident of Bluffton, Ind., says:
"I regard Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera,
and Diarrhoea Remedy, as the very best
remedy for bowel trouble. I make this
statement after having used the remedy
in my family for several years. I am
never without it." This remedy is al-
most sure to be needed before the sum-
mer is over. Why not buy it now and
be prepared for such an emergency. For
sale by all druggists.
Word was received on Wednesday,
May 30th, of the death of Mr. Samuel
Pike, formerly proprietor of the Waver.
Iy House, Clinton, which took place at
Regina. Deceased went out there some
months ago, intending only to remain
for a short time, but the climate agreed
with him, and he remained. He was
well known in Clinton, where he had
resided,for over 20 years. The remains
were brought to Clinton for interment.
The essential lung -healing principal of
the pine tree has finally been stteCessfealy
separated and refined into a perfeot
oough medicine -Dr. Wood's Norway
Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on
•^ tee of satief>letege, Pelee 25
gnat., -
A yr--ry pretty wedding was solemniz•
ed at the home of Mrs S. Reid, James-
town, on Wednesday May 23, when Mr
G. D. Parks was united in the Holy
Bonds of Alatritnnuy to Miss Eliz t Reid,
by the Rev Mr. Wells of Gerrie The
cererncny wits performed beneath a
Drab apple tree in full blossom in which
a large union jack had been nufurled,
making it a very unique o:cae:on.
The Shelburne Free Press: -"A num.
iter of the former resideote of Duffertu
twenty now live in. Zion City, Through
tho literature sent out, misleading
though it is, and the work of emissaries
ever ready to do the bidding of Fakir
D,wie, these people were iodueed to sell
their fax ma and move to Zion City and
deposit their money in Zion City Bank.
They have never received any interest
on tho investment, and more than that,
it is extrLanely doubtful if they ever re•
ceive one cent of the principal.• These
people are MAY ill destitute circumstanc-
es and have been compelled to stand in
line for hours, and even days, waiting
fora dollar out of an h stitutiou v here
they lead deposited thousands."
Por O". r slaty Years.
An Old and Well -Tried Remedy -Mrs
Winslow's SoothingSyrnp has been used
for over sixty years byraillionsof mothers
for their ohildren while teething, with
perfect success. It soothes the child
softens the gums, allays all pain, cures
wind colic, and is the best remedy for
diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste.
Sold by druggists is every part of the
world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its
value is incalculable. Besure you ask
for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and
take no other kind.
R. Phelan, one of the Goderich police,
has recived an appcintmant from the
Ontario Government to tho position of
Provincial constable, and in consequence
of his appointment has placed his
resignation from the staff of the town
police with the clerk. Mr. Phelan intends
to continue to make Goderich his home
but will be engaged in variqus parts of
the Province wherever he may be
palled to make investigations.
Bunlight Soap is better than other soaps,
but is best when used in the Sunlight way.
Buy Sunlight Soap and follow direotions.
Upwards of three thoesnnd officers and
men are to go urdsr canvas during the
June militia camps cn Cariing's Htights.
It is estimated that the first camp will
number about 1,400, which will include
the 28th Perth Regiment, and the second
abont 1,600. The division of the troops
of the district into two camps Is render-
ed necessary by the limited size of the
training grounds.
Unknown Friends
There are many people who have used
Chamberlain's Colio, Cholera and Diarr-
bo?a Remedy with splendid resulte, but
who are unknown because they have
hesitated about giving a testimonial
of their experience for publication
These people, however, are none the less
friends of this remedy. They have done
much toward making it a household
word by their personal recommendations
to their friends and neighbors It is a
good medicine to
ne have in the home and
is widely known for its sures of diarr-
hoea and all forme of bowel trouble
For sale by all druggists.
Many patrons of the registered letter
system have an idea that the registration
of a letter carries with it a Government
guarantee for its safe delivery, or reim-
bursement in case of loss. That this is a
fallacy is shown by a statement of an
of ical of the department. If a registered
letter is lost or burned, or otherwise de.
stroyed, the sender is not entitled to
collect anything from the department.
The registration of a letter is just an ex-
tra safeguard to insure its delivery. In
addition, however, amounts sent up to
$25 may be insured with the department.
the cost being 3 cents up to $10 and Ga,
up to 25.
S6fr6W'was brought to the home of
Mt• Ldward Stewart, of Teeswaters by
the death of his wife on Monday after-
noon, May 28th. Mrs. Stewart had
been seriously ill with heart trouble for
several weeks. Her maiden name was
Maria Louisa Rolls, and her early home
was at Hamilton. She was aged 41
years and 2 months and had been mar-
ried nearly twenty-three years. Besides
a husband she leaves six children, three
boys and three girls, to mourn her loss.
The remains were taken to Hamilton for
On the 15th ult., Mrs, Nester Roberta
son, widow of the late Edward Robert-
son, of Goderich, completed one hundred
years, having been born in Wexford, Ire-
land, on the 15th day of May, 1806, and
on Sunday, 27th of May, the dear old
lady padded to the great beyond, after
living 12 days of her 101st year. The de-
ceased lady had been a resident of Can-
ada 87 years, having sailed for this min -
try in 1800. In 1810 she returned to Ire-
land, but the dame year reoroered the
Atlantis, and dwelt In Ontario till tteitth
In Womanly Ailments
and Weaknesses
Dr. Shoop's Night Cure Soothes, Heals
and Cures while the Patient Sleeps.
The best remedy which physicians know for
Female Weaknesses is composed of parts of a
certain white lily. To this err, added other
remedies which draw out the poisons and heal
the inflamed membranes. This soothing anti- In 1865 Mr, and Mrs. Robertson, moved
septic local application is known by druggists
and physicians everywhere as Dg. SHOOP'S to Goderich, and her husbandpredeceas.
NIGnT curie -because it ernes while the pa-
tient sleeps and the \ mo rn in c finds tho ed her some fourteen years. The late
the discharges,
pain, the intiamma tion,
abated. The livest �, many women are Mrs. Robertson was the mother of 11
records of martyr. dom. They suffer,
they are sick they never know
a wellday-yet1'tn1'Z allthis suffering
and sickness flit
is unnecessary. y.
Everyailing womanmaSbe
made strong ,may be
made to ex-
penance the
vigor and vi- j .'., , 1-..
bust and perfcc-
anhood. It is to
ereasi' number\
thawr. Shoop sends
li(tle iii d good
Foolish to Suffer When a Simple
Remedy will Prevent and Cure.
Ever stop to think what caused your
Probably not- Then look to the bow-
els and stomach, and you'll find plenty
of pause. Chances are you'll find con-
atipetion, liver is sluggish, stomach over-
burdened with half digested food.
No wourier you are dull, tired, restless
day and night.
Yoa net d the cleansing influence of
Dr. Hamilton's Pills wtioh cure your
conr'i ion in short crder.
Bei g composed of natural vegetable
r, midi +s Dr. Hamilton's Pills possess
great power. yet they are harmless.
They aid all organs connected with the
stomach, liv, r and bows ls. In conse-
quence food is properly digested, the
blood is pure and nourishing, the body
is kept strong and resista disease.
Headaches never come to those who
use Dr. Hamilton's Pills, and this fast 1s
vouohed for by the Assistant Manager of
the Poultry Success Magazine, of
Springfield, O , Mr. J. H. Callander,
who writes: -"No better medicine than
Dr. Hamilton's Pills. We use them
regularly and know of marvellous cares
that resisted everything else. They
cleanse the whole system, act as a tonic
on the blood, enliven digestion, help the
stomach. and make Ole feel strong and
well. For headaches, indigestion and
stomach disorders, I am confident that
the one prescription is Dr. Hamilton's
You can rely on Dr. Hamilton's Pills
with implicit o sr:fidence; their effect is
wonderful. Sold by all dealers. Price
25e per box, five boxes for $1 00, or by
mail from N. 0 Polson & 00.,Kiogeton,
Ont., and Hartford, Conn., U.S.A.
Sentence Sermons
They seely in vain for power who, fear
ail pain.
Toleration may be but a synonym for
He cannot reaob earth who does not
tonsil heaven.
Platitudes in the pulpit make phari-
sees in the pews.
Star gazing will never make you shine
as the stars.
The two-faced never have
half an outlook,
M my a man thinks he is
he is only buzzing.
The man who will not waste his love
always wastes his life.
Dreams of heaven do not tomo in
-slumbers in the church.
Hell is not far from him who thinks
that all mon are demons.
The heart that is hot with passion
may have an ice face for the poor.
Its easy to have large ideas of liber-
ality with other peoples money,
He cannot be a light to others who
is unwilling to be consumed himself.
Heavenly mansions cannot be leased
with the rent from reeking tenements.
The only worth while kind of aspira-
tion is that 'whish gets. up a prespira-
tion. wave of speculation always makes
more splutter than the rock of faith.
The more of a born the sermon is the
less of a hole it makes in the walls of
more than
busy when
Pat, the faithful water -carrier of the
district, was one day standing on the
river bank when he was addressed by a
man noted for Ms curiosity. Said the
inquisitive one:
"How long have you drawn water for
the village, my good man?"
"Ten years, soy."
"Ah; how many loads do you take in
a day?'
"From ton to fifteen, sor."
"Ah, yes. Now, I have a problem for
you. How much water at this rate have
you drawn in all, sir?"
The driver of the watering cart jerked
his thumb toward the river and replied:
"All the water yea don't see there
now, soy."
The disgusting discharges from the
nose and throat, and the foal catarrhal
breath, are quickly dispensed with by
neing Dr. Shoop'a Oatarh Cure. Such
soothing antiseptic agents as Oil Eucaly-
ptus, Thymol. Wild Indigo, etc., have
been incorporated into a snow white
cream, making a catarrhal balm unex-
celled. Sold at Walley's Drug Store.
Mr. Jas. Little of the 8th eon, of Cul -
rose, passed away on the afternoon of
Wednesday, May 23rd. Deceased had
been in declining health for the past five
or six years. He had reached the age of
77 years and 7 days. He was well
known as ono of the early residents of
the township having come to Culross in
1864. The fourth son in a family of
eight boys and four girls he was born in
Dumfriesshire, Scotland, in 1829. The
family moved to Canada in 1841 and for
23 years lived in the township of Pus-
linch from whence they moved to Cal-
roes- Soon after Doming to Culross
James settled on the farm where he ever
since made Ms home, He was married
to Miss Ann McDonald, who, with a
family of four boys and two girls'snr-
fives him,
boan's Kiddey Pills apt on the kid-
neys, bladder and urinary organs only.
They cure backaches, weak back, rheum-
atism, diabetes, congestion, inflamation,
gravel, Bright's disease and all other
diseases arising from wrong action of the
'sidneye and bladder
came. Deceased's family settled in
Elizabeth, Leeds and Grenville, where
in 1825 she married her partner, the late
Edward Robertson, of the same plaoe.
children, 8 of whbm were living at her
Captain Edward, of
demise. They are Capt w ,
Sarnia; Captain W. M., of Port Elgin;
Samuel, of Lneknow; George, of Chica-
pea of TO. go; Alfred, of Duluth, and John, of
tly healthy T I Goderich; Mrs. James Willis, of Spring -
this ever-in-
ntsutfcrinewomcn side! Ae11., and Mrs, Peter Wylie, of
his messairc Oruro
cheer. Itis to these Goderich. The funeral took place on
'Ninier Cailing
nP will women
ashe Thi at m 05A(+ I ad, Tuesday afternoon from the residence
You may not know Cour trouble by the names of her son•in-law, Captain Wylie, Light-
olvoleinns give it, but remember ria. Snoor'S
mein, cunt may be relied upon in all eases et house street, to Maitland cemetery, the
bomb ulceration, tailing of the Womb, qtins in
the womb or ovaries, lebc:rrhoeel, (whites), pall bearers being her sons Edward,
inflammation, congestion, irregular or painful William, Samuel and John A., and the
estestruati0rt. Asir for nr- snoop% Mawr
CMS. Recommended and sold by offiofating minister, Ite+n. Jas. A, Ander-
, 'sr i iw x SToiu . tion, of Knott ohnroh,
Fruit is a great beautifier. Fruii.,
sue. as grapefruit, oranges, grape. and
apples, aids in clearing the skin and
preserving that freshness of youth which
consists of bright eyes living hair and
virtal complexion.
If you don't want to be thought old
don't act old," was the advice of a
beauty doctor the other day. "Don't
walk like an old woman, for one thing.
Old women bow their heads and walk
with their shins depressed. So hold
your head up well,"
HOw's This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Re-
ward for any case of Catarrh that can-
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Onre.
F. J. Cheney Sr Co., Toledo, 0.
We, the undersigned, have known F.
J. Cheney for the last i5 years, and be-
lieve him perfectly honorable in all
business transactions, and financially
able to parry out any obligation made by
his firm.
Welding, Kinnan & Marvin,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0.
Hall's (latarrh Cure is taken internal-
ly, acting directly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. Testi-
monials sent free. Price, 75o per bottle,
Sold by all Druggists.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa-
To check a nosebleed apply cloths
wrung out In cold water to the back of
the neck and immerse the face in cold
water. Hold the patient's arms up
above the head if the bleeding continues.
When the eyes ache from sewing or
reading close them for ten minutes and
do this every few hours when continu-
ous application to fine work is necessary.
There lief given by the few minutes'
rest is marked.
Photographs that have become soiled
or that are mounted on cards the edges
of which are broken may be soaked off
by planing them in water. ' This cleane
them, but does not injure them in the
least, and after drying thoroughly be-
tween blotters they may be mounted
again on new Dards.
Heart and Nerve
Are a specific for all heart and nerve
troubles. Here are some of the symp-
toms. Any one of them should be a
warning for you to attend to it im-
mediately. Don't delay. Serious break-
down of the system may follow, if you
do : Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Dizzi•
ness, Palpitation of the Heart, Shortness
of Breath, Rush of Blood to the Head,
Smothering and Sinking Spells, Faint
and Weak Spells, Spasm or Pain through
the Heart; Cold, Clammy Hands and
Feet. There may be many minor symp-
toms of heart and nerve trouble, but
these are the chief ones.
Milburn'a Heart and Nerve Pills will
dispel all these symptoms from the
Price 50 cents per box, or 8 for $1.25.
Mrs. L. Dorey, newton', N.S., writes
rte as follows :--" l: was troubled with
dizziness, weak spells and fluttering of
the heart. X rocured a box of Milburn's
neat and Nerve Pills, and they did mea
So much good that 1 got two more boxeM,
and after finishing them T was completely
cured. 1 must say that I cannot tern►.
1 E0E4 thens too highly...
841160.000O0410116081118111111000.811 aai011••a•••••O•••e7•••••••11
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