The Wingham Times, 1906-06-07, Page 5TUE WINGRA.11 TINES, JUNE 7 106
Men's Smart
Summer FixinAs
Enjoy the summer as well as you can, get a good start by having the
right kind of clothes, they don't cost any more to get than the "jut fair" if
yoa know the right place.
Here you'll find out -of -the -ordinary clothes gathered from the best makers
production, all at popular prices. Clothes that satisf most critical in
every detail of style, workmanship and quality.
Men's and Youths' smart suite in a big re
and smartest colorings in tweeds an
the best shades for Summer sniti
single and double breasted, leng
with either centre or side
of the season's newest
worsteds showing all
s. Five distinct stylee;
s of coats 29 to 32 inches
ents. sizes 33 to 46 chest.
- $7.50, $10 00, $12.00 $15 00
His Summer Vacation.
Is to a business man the bright particular spot in the year. But go
prepared. Have clothing to enjoy it properly. ,,Better see us before you start.
MEN'S 2 PIECE OUTING SUITS—Made from the celebrated
Homespun, Wool ()rashes and Fancy Cheviots, coats single
and doubleloreasted centre vent, trousera spring hips and
cuff bottoms. Prices - • - $6,00, $7.50, $8 50, $12.00
Fancy Wash Vests.
Iii all the latest New York styles,
Boys' Summer Suits.
In nice •tweds, two or three pieces
Boys' Wash Suits, ages 3 to 8 years
$1.25 to $2 75
$2 50 to $5 00
$J.00 to $2 75
Men's Cravenette Coats.
Men's long Craveuette Coats in greys, black, and Olive, sizes 33
to 46 chest. Prices - $9 50, 81050, $12 50
Men's Summer Tappers, grey and olive •
- $12,00
Men's Hot Weather Shirts.
In all the new patterns, hard or soft bosoms, seperate or cuff at-
tached, sizes 12 to 18a neok, colors guaranteed, $1.00, $L 25, $1 50
Men's Linen and Rubber Collars, sizes 12 to 19
Men's Kool White Duck Trousers, all sizes $1 50
Men's Summer Headwear.
Men's New Straw gets, Sailors and Warner's, all new designs.
Prices 750 to $2.75
Men's Summer Linen Hats, all styles 50c to $1,00
Mon's Black and Colored Soft Felt Hats,
Borsalino's Italian Hats and Stetson's American Hats.
$1.00 to $3 00
Lin R. H.
61 Id. dicia31.1 11 amps= •
What Wideawake Tunes Correspondents Communicate — Other
Items Clipped From. Our Exchanges,
wEsT wik WA NOWT.
J. D. O'Connell, manager of the Soy Oue of the pioneer's of this locality,
ereiga Bulk here, died on Friday more • passed Peaceful'y away, early Manes.
ing of typhoid fever after a short ilineas. day morning, May 30th, in the person of
Mr, O'Connell came here from Seaforth Mrs, Fluker, of the 1st concession of
nine years ago to the position of deputyWesWawanosh, who had reached the
age of 87 years. Deceased hada stroke
registrar of deeds for Huron. Lest
of paralysis a short ticue ago, and
spring he was appointed manager of the
So vereiga Bank .
though she- Teoovered somewhat there -
Jasper K Brindley, charged with big-
from never was the same. and her death
amy, appeared before
was not 'unexpected. Deceased with her
Tuage Hely in
late husband, William Fluker, settled
court hero and was remanded until. Oe -
here some 65 years ago, and she under-
tober 31 for sentence. A case will be
stated for the Court of Appeal on the went all the hardships of pioueer lif.
She was beloved by all who knew her
following points; First, as to the
validity of the divorce; second as to the and her uflaenoe was widespread. A
change in the indictment; third, as to =caber of the Anglican church. She
the intent. lived, a life of peace and trust. Her
The defendant was married to Emily husband pre.deceased her by about two
Picot in Detroit cn April 12th, his torm-
years. She leaves three sons and four
er wife, Rosa Oard, having obtained a daughters.
airmail met as a Court of Revision
divorce in Detroit in January, which,
however, it is held, does uot free Brind. and for general business on May 30th at
ley, who resides here. The defendant 11 o'clock, and after heariug the several
was released on bail. Crown Attorney appeals, Chas. S. Darnia's assessment
$0,fanthe dJa. pMpeM. appeals
Seeger conducted the prosecution and Ntv43107. The restl 6erodto 00
Wm. Prondfoot, K. 0 , acted for the de-
os$desmissed and the assessment roll ac-
cepted from the assessor, ou motion of
WicaL II A I 161 hr AV W 111.1.1 11 di 111 11
Medd and Anderson,
BEI.GRAVE Tho Council then remised general
Mr Wm. Somerville, of Seaforth, 'business. Tho minutes of last meeting
egent for the Allan steamship lino, was were read and adopted.
in Belgrave on Thursday and ticketed Andereon— Murray, the Reeve and
the following persons to Glasgow per Councillors Medd aud Thompson were
steamship "Pretorian" sailing on June appointed to meet the Trustees of
6th: Mr David Soroat, Miss Isabella the police village of Manchester, re
Sproat, Belgrave; Mr W Scott, Miss the expenses of management:
Annie Soott, Mrs E. Harrison and Mrs. A petition of J. Flusher and others
Thomas Jamieson, East Wawanosh; Mr was presented asking to have Henry
and Mrs James Campbell and Miss Mary Taylor's road work changed from Road
Scott, Londesboro; Mrs:Allcock, Morris; Division 10 to R Division Nu O. Ilov -
Miss Charlotte Hamilton, Belmore; ed by Medd that petition b3 granted, no
Miss E Thompson, Clinton, and Mr. J. seconder.
Houston of Sacramento, who is at pre- Messrs Elliott and Bell waited on
sent visiting friends in Seaforth and vi- Council re drain in Duugannon, aud on
cmity. This makes np a very nice motion of Murray and Auderson, Conn -
travelling party and The TIMES wish- cillors Thompson and Medd were ap-
es them all a prosperous voyage, a pleas-
ant visit in the old land aud a safe re-
turn under the chaperonage of Post-
master Sproat.
$1,000 itmwArto
For a Case of Incurable Constipation.
To a person who can't be cured of
constipation ,by Dr. Hamilton's Pills,
the above reward will be paid. No
cathartic medicine gives such lasting
satisfaction or effects such marvellous
cures as Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Relief
immediately follows for headache, bill-
iousness and stomach disorders. No
griping pains, no burning sensation,
nothing but the most pleasant relief
attends the use of Dr. Harailton's Pills—
others not so good. Price 25o. a box,
at all dealers.
Report S. S. No 6. for May. Names
in, order of merit :—
\T, E Porter
Sr IV (a) C james, V ()handler, H
Little, (b) 5 King, G McCormick, 11
Mitchell, 5 Goy.
Jr IV, V Showers, S Dickson, R Port-
Sr III, N McKeuzie, M Chandler, R
R. McKague, W James, B Little.
Jr III, V King, A McKinnon, G Snell,
W McKague, 11 Fallis.
Sr II, E Fallis, B Holmes, P Faille, A.
Foxton, E Dickson.
Jr II, j MOKague, B Chandler, J
Holmes, M Goy, L Snell.
Part II, M Porter. G Dalgleisch, G
Sr I, P King, E Linklater, H Foxton,
0 Showers.
Jr I. (a) G Fallis, L jaines, E Chand-
ler, E Free.
(b), R McKeon. N Foxton, H Show -
era, H Holmes, H Faille.
A A LAMONBY, Teacher.
4111 Mr. T. R. Kew has gone to Wingham
to reside.
Lehigh Vail
Come with the crowd and leave your order
for Lehigh Valley Coal, that is free from
dirt and clinkers , It has no equal.
A Winchester bank clerk named Ross
is misaing, and it is reported that the
Union Bank funds are short by a large
Mrs. D. Maguison, widow of one cif
the first settlers ideated in Estevan, was
killed by- lightning while driving nor COW'
IR) 1\1"' s)
A Succoasful Horseman.
NoVer allows his horse to suffer pain,
He alWays uses Nerviline which is noted
for oaring stiffness, rheumatism, swell-
ings and strains. Nerviline is just as
good inside to outside. Foe cramps,
colic, and internal pain it's a perfect
marvel. Ia the good racing gables
Nerviline 14 always used,-beeause it
makes better horses and smaller veterin-
ary bills. Twentplive cents buys a
large bottle of Nerviline; try it.
The beef ring started again on Monday
of this week.
Mrs. J. Morrison, Mrs, Tumoth and
Mrs. Miller are having their houses re -
Mrs. Winfield and David Rintoul have
erected fancy veraudahs in front of their
The creamery is in full Musing order
again and large quantities of cream are
being received.
Mr. Geo. Cottle cut his foot very badly
while at work on Mrs. Winfield's house
one day last week.
Dr. Jamieson is away on a trip and
D. Thompson has charge of his practice
durtng his absence.
The sacrament of the Lord's Sapper
will be dispensed in the Presbyterian
church next Sunday morning.
Rev. Mr. Edinands, Methodist minis-
ter also intends leaving at end of the
Conference year. He has been here only
one year.
pointed to examine the same and attend
to the matter.
N. Watson and J. Rid asked for
grant to Dungannon Agricultural
Society. No Action.
Anderson—Thompson, the clerk was
IN some conditions the
gain from the use
of Scott's emulsion is,
very rapid. For this
reason we put up a
fifty -cent size, which is
enough for an ordinary
cough or cold or useful
as a trial for babies
and children. In other
conditions the gain is
slower—health cannot
be built up in a day.
In such cases Scott's
Emulsion must be taken
as nourishment; a food
rather than a medicine.
It's a food for tired and
weak digestions.
Send for free sample
SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists,
Toronto, Ont,
soc. and Shoo. All druggists
tra and special printing to date $6.13; B
H. Taylor, for drawing cement and tile
and building culvert at lot 33, con. 7, $5;
W. W. Taylor, cleaning out ditch and
repairing culvert at lot 37, con, 6, $1;
Wm Robinson, servioes as Assessor 1906,
Council then adjourned till Friday,
22nd June next.
This Medicine Is Breathed
That's why it is sure to cure Catarrh.
You see it goes direct to the source of
the disease, -it's healing vapor repairs
the damage caused by catarrhal iuflam-
mation. "Catarrhoz me" al ways ours s
because it goes into those tiny cells and
passages that ordinary remedies can't
reach, goes where the disease actually is.
Impossible for "Oatarrhozone" to fail as
any doctor will tell you. Don't be misled
into thinking there is anything so good
as Catarrhozoe,-use it and you'll soon
say good bye to catarrh.
appointed to look after the Treasarers
business until next meeting.
The Reeve and Clerk were empower-
ed to borrow the sum of $300 for Tp
purposes. The following ohecka were
Assessor's Salary $60; J. Woods, re-
pair culverts, $2; Sam Mellen, tile, $33.-
83; J. Henderson tile, $14.75; 3'. Ander-
son culvert, 50c; B. Naylor, filling wash-
out, $4; Thos. Taylor, ha ling tile and!
filling washout, $2.
Council adjourned to meet ou Wed-
nesday, June 20th at 10 o'olook.
That rale, Tired Gin.
She is in society, in badness, at home,
everywhere yon see her, but always
worn and fatigued. She hasn't heard
of Ferrozone or she would be perfectly
well. How quickly it strengtheae-what
an appetiteit gives, -what a glow it briugs
to pallid cheeks! Tae nutriment con-
tained in Ferrozone puts strength into
anybody. Laughing eyes, rosy lips,
bright quick movements all tell of the
vitality Ferrozone produces. Thousands
of attractive happy women use Fe:rezone
Why not you? .A box of fifty chocolate -
coated tablets costs fifty cents at any
drug store.
The Council met on May 28, as a
Court of Revision and appeal, members
all present.
Having each several!: subscribed to
the oath or affirmation it eared by Stat-
ute, a number of mulei. were brought
np, evidence taken on sue e, but on ac-
count of the amount of extra work out-
lined in trying to dispose of these ap-
peals in the meantime in a satisfactory
manner to the large number of ratepay-
ers present, it was resolved to adjourn
the Cloud till Friday, 22nd June next.
Council resumed. Minutes of meeting
March 22 last, read and confirmed.
' The Treasurer reported cash on hand
at date, $580.63. Application of Jonath-
att Bentley, con 2 for a certain amount
of damages on behalf of ,Mrs Bentley
caused by beiug upset from a cutter,
8th of January last on sideline 33 and 34,
con 1, received.
It was (after discassion) moved by
Wm. Beacroft, seconded by Mr Wilson,
that this ()mien does not deem itself TO-
sponoible for any claim entertained by
Me. Bintley in this matter. Carried.
Application of John Dingwall for a
grant of money towarda repairing the
By -road on Con 4, known as Ross and
Dingwall's road, received, when it was
moved by Mr. Wilson seed. by Mr. Bea.
croft, that Messrs Taylor and Parks M-
iley. G. M. Dann has accepted a call
1 terview the premises and make a grant
!for repairing this road as in their jadg-
1nient may be considered necessary, Car.
Debentures Were passed and signed as
fellow0:-11. 13. Elliott, Winghara, at
to Ridgotown and will preach his far6.
well sermon here on Sunday, June 17th.
The public regret his departure very
Moth, as he has been a faithful minister
and WM Well liked by' all.
The Gentral Hardware.
Easy Wash3rs, regular $7,50, palling at • . • $6 00
Sunlight " $0 60, " " • • . $5 50
Modern $1 414 00, it 1 St 00
Get our prices on Wringers.
Charns, Sere= Doors, Window Screens, Lawn Mowers and Ilaroomeks.
All goods at lowest prices.
Bishop & Brewer.
Fisbleigh's Old Stand
We are pleased to see Mies Shnrrie,
4th line, tible to get about after her pro-
longed illness aud her many friends
trust that she may speedily regein her
old time vigor.
The usual preaching services in Eben-
ersr and Johnston'e churches, Bluevale
circuit were cancelled last Sabbath ow-
ing to the pastor's absence at Windsor
attending Conference.
Drainage Referee Rankin has allowed
I. Ferreted $400 damages in connection
with the law suit over the question of
mill dam privileges interfered with by
the Lemont drain. We have not learn- 1
ed yet what the costs are but they will
be a tidy sum without any doubt.
The Connell met as a Court of Revi-
sion on May 28th in Morris, Members!
all present and subscribed the oath re- 1
quired by Statute. Appeals were heard
and disposed of as follows:—Alfred But-
ton complained of being too high assess-
ed, dismissed. G. T. R. Co. appealed
against increase in assessment,amount re-
duced to same as heat year per Statute.
Adam Halliday and Dr. Menzies com-
plained of being too high assessed, both
On motion of Kelly and Yutll the fol-
lowing' names were added to the roll
1 namely, Thos. Forbes owner N pt Lot 3,
. Con 1, Isaac Jewitt, tenant Sly; Lot 17,
Oon 2, W. J. Duff owner Lots 1, 2 and 3
G. S. Binevale, Wm. Messer owner Lot
23, Bluevale, Jas. Nethery owner N E
34, Lot 2,Cen 6, Jae. Barr owner Ne 21,
Con 5.
On motion of Campbell and Mt:Catch-
eon, the Court of,Revision then adjourn
ed to meet again on the 25th day of June
next at 10 o'clock a. m.
Council business was then proceeded
with as followe: Mr. Alex. Nichol ap-
peared in reference to having roadway
widened opposite his gate at Lot 14 on
6th Con. line.
On motion of Campbell and Youill the
Reeve and Councillor Kelly were in-
structed to examine tho locality and re-
port at next meeting.
Mr. Win. Fraser complained of a pile
of stones being thrown oh road in front
of his premises the same being a nuis-
On motion Of Kelly and Youill, Mr.
Campbell was instructed to examine the
situation and report next meeting.
Messrs Clegg & Russell complained of
the eemetary fence at Sunshine being
undermined by Patlimasters taking
gravel from the adjoining pit.
Kelly — Campbell, the Reeve and
Councillor Youill were instructed to at-
tend to the Matter.
' lielly—Youill, a grant of $30 was
made for the purpose of gravelling at
Lots 8 And 9 on 7rh ton line.
Campbell — Yount, the following
grants were made on the boundary lines
providing the adjoining municipalities
grant equivalent sums, via —tag 13oun-
day $200. West Boundary $200, North
Boundary $75,00, South Boundary. $50.
• Accounts were ordered to be paid as
A Gliwice of Your
. 4.40 Iiii.A.4.1.tedadatill.•Ai.044.40•0160
$5,000 worth of
FirstaC ass
Must be sold d ng the month of
June at Patterson's Jewelrf Store.
Think for a minute ! Don't you want a
good Watch at the price of a cheap one ?
We have a very fine and large display of
Watches to choose from, which must be sold.
We keep the Tiffany and English Wed-
ding Ring, also a fine line of Engagement
Rings; Diamond Rings from $15.00 up to
Our line of Pearl and Diamond Pendant and
Brooches cannot be beat.
A swell line of Clocks aid Silverware.
June is the month for weddings and wedding
gifts. Now, this is your chance, as these
goods must be sold,
.441 -
KAISER, the Jeweler
Business next door to Mr. Hamilton's Drug Store.
We invite yon to call and see our etock, which
is complete in all lines.
All new and up=to=date goods at
very lowest prices.
Meer Repairing will be promptly attended to, and
sully gaaranteed.
• - ---
.6.40....0•04************** •4••4•••••4'•44••••••.4.44440
• •
We ate solo agents for the celebrated SCRANTON CO*t,
• • which has no equal. Also the best grades of Smithing, Cannel and •
1 etDomestic Coat, and Wood of all kinds, always oa hand.
* *
a, 7:1;• 31 23713: °Ilf LUMBER, SHINGLES. LATH .
O (Dressed or Undressed) • *
O *
CedarPosts, Barrels, Etc. •
• or Itigliest Price paid for all kinds Of Lugs. '1103, t
• • la i r a A. Mt:Leans'
Residence PhoneXo. 53. Office, No, 04, lqin, No. 44.
olo•••••••410.44440,444.44.4406+ ••••••4.114144.41.404......4,044,
of Jane next at e o'cloolt p. m at
folloWs:—R, McMurray eervion
ces re Wat-
which meeting the engineers' reeert on
sot fever case, $4 50; Logan and Fraser
d Kefly dram be d.
$30.24, W. Olatic part salary, $40;
0144.1210.1 Clerk.
W. H. Geddes plank, $I1 00; linuicipta
'World Assessment and Collectors' Roll
$1.60; Sub. Oasemore, salary, $70. Ses. Hcrr• While assisting in boring a.
j earned to meet again en the Ilth day tom, 100 feet, and was billed.
Itelly—MeCatt,•lienn, the Counoil ad- 1 well ar Stisk . fell to the Tint -