The Lucknow Sentinel, 2015-03-25, Page 5ME t EMI MEI 713H:1 i Iii g 6 5 s C b1113 El E. •. 1111111 111 0 nn� 17 1 181 . i 1 i; Mu g 0214 i 3 I- I.9ME Z 9 tI t L 1 tr . 413� 0 w -1: 1-r:er—ohile.te 1 www.lucknowsentinel.com letters to the editor Thank you Dear Editor: I would like to express my sincere appreci- ation to the Lucknow Fire Department and their fire chief Peter Steer for coming to our rescue Monday night. They generously offered to open their doors to us after the power outage at the Lucknow Legion during our Passport Clinic. I would also like to thank everyone who Reader finds Humour Dear Editor: To me it came as a complete surprise, but also a very enjoyable read, that you have included a "HUMOUR" section in your March 4 paper. The author(s) should be complimented, as the humour was both obvious and in some cases, quite subtle! came out to the clinic. We helped over 165 people process their passports that evening. We sincerely appreciate your patience. We are very grateful for your kindness! Thank you!! Sincerely, Ben Lobb Member of Parliament Huron -Bruce After a long cold February and our winter doldrums, the write-up was most welcome. I can only hope that in some way, it will be repeated and keep us in stitches. I also compliment the author(s) on the hilarious "PRO" turbine article. Laurel and Hardy are long since gone, but this may be the next best thing! W.A. Steele John Bauman, Goderich Signal Star Members of the Purple Grove Women's Institute we honoured at the Ontario Volunteer Service Awards on March 19, 2015, for their longstanding commitment. From left: Janet Nixon, Ripley, 40 years; Mary Anne Kukoly, Ripley, 25 years; Shirley MacDonald, Ripley, 30 years. Absent: Maureen Collins, Lucknow, 25 years; Joyce Farrell, Wingham, 40 years; Marilyn Reid, Ripley, 50 years. Purple Grove News Purple Grove WI Congratulations to the recipients of the Ontario Vol- unteer Service Awards. The recipients from the Purple Grove Women's Institute were Maureen Collins, Joyce Farrell, Mary Anne Kukoly, Shirley MacDonald, Janet Nixon, and Marilyn Reid. Their combined years of volunteering were 235. The ceremony was held at the Arden Park Hotel in Stratford March 19. The Ripley and District Horticultural Society held a very successful meeting Wednesday afternoon March 18. The members enter- tained and challenged over 30 youngsters to learn about growing vegetables and fruit. Thanks to Tryntje Eisen for all her hard work in set- ting up the program. I know the youngsters learned a great deal about growing vegetables and cress. Thanks to all the grandmas and great -grandmas that helped out. The Institute ladies are looking forward to our next evening meeting April 1 at Wilma's. Wednesday, March 25, 2015 • Lucknow Sentinel 5 Huron County Food Charter and Huron Seed Library Huron Food Action Nework Spring Launch Submitted A winter of concentrated activity has resulted in a number of exciting projects for the Huron Food Action Network (HFAN). The Net- work, which is comprised of a broad base of food system stakeholders from a diverse range of backgrounds and community involvement, was established in 2013 to provide a forum for net- working, action and food systems development. The HFAN Community Food Education Working Group has in partnership with the Huron County Library developed a Huron Seed Library to promote seed saving and stocking. The HFAN Huron Food Policy Council has facilitated a community based process which has resulted in a Food Charter for Huron County. Both these initia- tives and a new logo and website will be launched at the Huron Food Action Net- work meeting to be held March 26, 6:30-9pm at the Huron County Health Unit. A seed library is a deposi- tory of seeds held in trust for the members of that library. Members come to the library and borrow seed for their garden. They grow the plants in their garden and at the end of the season; they let a few plants 'go to seed.' From those plants, they collect seeds and return the same amount of seed (or more) as they borrowed at the begin- ning of the growing season. Seeds are free to members. The library is both a collec- tion of seeds and a commu- nity of gardeners. The goals MADEISH�. Canada Because some wishes can't wait for someday. www makeawish.ca 1-888-822-9474 of a seed library is to prevent the loss of seed diversity, protecting varieties from extinction and developing seeds that have adapted to regional conditions and challenges as well as encour- aging the community to grow their own fresh food. Currently seeds can be bor- rowed at the Exeter and Wingham branches of the Huron County Library. A food charter is a vision and often the first step in planning for change as it vis- ualizes what a positive food future could look like. It out- lines the goals and objec- tives of the community and becomes a tool to affect and inform policy. The Huron County's Food Charter development process, a year in length, involved engaging community members and seeking their input into what values were important when considering food in Huron County. The resulting feed- back was gathered and a draft Charter was pro- duced. The Draft Charter was then brought back to the community for refinement and approval. The final Huron County Food Charter will be launched and meet- ing attendees will be asked to sign on or endorse the vision to help make it a real- ity in Huron County. The meeting is open to the public and anyone who has an interest in the vision, mission and strategic direc- tion of the HFAN join as a member, participate in a working group or receive HFAN mailings. For more information - Please Contact HFAN Vice President: Joan Brady at 519 237-3108 or jbrady@hay.net. SUDOKU THIS WEEK'S PUZZLE SPONSORED BY Mitchell Twolan, Broker of Record Lake Range Realty Ltd. Brokerage 3430 Concession 2, Point Clark R.R.1 Kincardine, Ontario N2Z 2X3 Office: 519-395-3959 Toll Free: 1-866-495-3959 Direct Line: 519-955-0664 www.lakerangerealty.ca ANSWER 1 t EMI 713H:1 g 6 s C b1113 E. •. 0 nn� NS g t i l i; I. g tr151 i I- u Z 9 tI t L a tr 6 0 L U$ a 9 o- To solve a Sudoku puzzle, every number from 1 to 9 must appear in: • Each of the nine vertical columns • Each of the nine horizontal rows • Each of the nine 3 x 3 boxes • Remember, no number can occur more than once in any row, column or box