The Lucknow Sentinel, 2015-07-08, Page 11Pinecrest Manor wins the Strawberry Summerfest Trivia Valerie Gillies Lucknow Sentinel Margaret de Boer, Execu- tive Director and Director of Care at Pinecrest Manor in Lucknow was pleased that the Strawberry Summerfest committee had put on the Trivia contest as it gave the chance for the residents of Pinecrest to participate in the community festival. The prize was presented to Pinecrest staff on behalf of the residents on July 1 dur- ing the Legion Fish Fry. Lori Mortimer, a Recrea- tion Aid, had helped the resi- dents complete the quiz on the previous Friday evening. She asked the trivia ques- tions and the residents dis- cussed what would be the best answer for each. There was a long debate on what Carter's Crokinole Report Peter Carter On Canada Day, Wednes- day July 1, 24 players came together at The Old School House in Scone to enjoy another great evening of progressive crokinole. The following winners were announced at the conclu- sion of play. On the men's side in first place with 51 points was Neil Cook, Clare Kuepfer and Wilmer Wolfe tied for second with 43 and Carman Hodg- kinson placed third with 42. In the twenties category it was Neil and Clare claiming first with 35 while Peter Carter took second with 29 and George Ribey shot 27 for third. On the ladies side it was Amelia Hartman collecting 45 points for first place, Janet Diebel took second with 42 and Carol Cook came in third with 38. As for the twenties, it was Amelia shooting 24 for first, Carol had 20 for second and Jo- Ann Carter, Sharmane Carter and Betty Fisher each having 16 for third. The door prizes were given to Al Carter, George Ribey and Wilmer Wolfe. Why not join us for the next fun evening on Wednesday July 15 at 7:00 pm. the longest running business is, with much reminiscing about the different busi- nesses in Lucknow and the families who had run them over the years. The residents and some of the staff present enjoyed the time spent working out the answers to the quiz, reported deBoer. She added, "The older residents of Luc - know are the keepers of the history of the commu- nity. We learn from them." It is appreciated that the residents could take part in the community in this manner, "as they know it best." This observation was supported by the fact that this group submitted the winning entry. They scored 11 out of 12 on their submission. Wednesday, July 8, 2015 • Lucknow Sentinel 11 Valerie Gillies/Lucknow Sentinel Margaret deBoer, Executive Director/Director of Care and Wilma Blake RPN accept the prize of a Lucknow Strawberry Summerfest t -shirt on behalf of the residents of Pinecrest Manor for submitting the entry with the most correct answers for the trivia contest. Valerie Gillies/Lucknow Sentinel Pat Livingston won one of the door prize at the Lucknow Legion Canada Fish Fry. When asked to pose for a photo, she decided that she needed more people to show their Canadian pride by wearing the headpieces. First she invited Betty Stanley (left) who was wearing her headpiece while working at the door. Next Pat (right) enlisted Harvey Livingston to model the second headpiece included in the goodies in the prize bucket. July 1, 2015.