The Lucknow Sentinel, 2015-07-01, Page 88 Lucknow Sentinel • Wednesday, July 1, 2015
Living Library returns at LCPS
Valerie Gillies
Lucknow Sentinel
There were 22 "books" at
the 2015 Living Library put
on by Lucknow Central Pub-
lic School on June 10. This
year classes from both Hill-
crest Central in Teeswater
and Ripley -Huron Commu-
nity School were invited to
take part in the program.
This expanded program
called for more coordina-
tion, but it is considered well
worth the effort to provide
this unique learning experi-
ence to the students.
The Living Library consists
of people who are invited to
come and talk to the stu-
dents about their life experi-
ences and careers. Each stu-
dent is given a list of the
"books" and choose the ones
they most want to see as they
rotate through the schedule.
Students are then assigned
to specific books in specific
time slots in small discus-
sion groups. Many of the
books bring visual aids or
tools of their trade to share
with the students.
This year had a much dif-
ferent line-up from the 2014
Living Library. There were
some who returned, but for
many presenters, this was
their first time.
The books included: Lynn
Johnston, a Toronto lawyer
who was raised in Teeswater
and graduated from F. E.
Madill in Wingham; Jessica
Morrison who discussed
unconventional farming
including deer farms and
CSA gardens; Amanda
McClenaghan, a professional
Real Estate Sales Representa-
tive; Mitch Twolan who dis-
cussed real estate, his
involvement in many com-
mittees and as councilor and
mayor of Huron -Kinloss;
Amy Pollard -Fry, funeral
director; Amy Alton, a Social
Worker currently with a
women and children's shelter
Valerie Gillies/Lucknow Sentinel
A majority of the Living Library "books" were set up in the gymnasium at Lucknow Central Public School on June 10, 2015.
Jackie Fischer brought along some tools of the
trade for both auto mechanic and personal fitness
trainer to show students at the Living Library held at
Lucknow Central Public School June 10, 2015.
in Kincardine; Jeff Pollard,
spoke on emergency and fire
protection for both Bruce
Power and municipal depart-
ment; Jackie Fischer, former
mechanic and currently a
personal trainer; Laura John-
ston, dairy farmer and co-
owner of Hodgins Home
Hardware; Rick Snowden,
pilot for both the military and
Jeff Pollard gave a Power Point presentation to those
who visited his Living Library "book" about emergency
and fire services for Bruce Power and the municipality.
Lucknow Central Public School June 10, 2015.
for Air Canada; Trevor Black
spoke of his involvement
with many sports and cur-
rently is equipment manager
for the University of Waterloo
Warriors; a farming couple
from Elmira; John Rutledge,
architect in Blyth; Mike
DeGroot, veterinarian; Penny
Loker, living with a congeni-
tal condition that affects
appearance and how it
affected her life socially, now
attending Wilfred Laurier
University; Kayla Howald,
nurse; Daryl Graham, anima-
tor for Disney, Warner Broth-
ers and more; Craig Smith,
correctional officer; Ken
Irwin, diabetic and active in
community; Briana Cunning-
ham, gay female, active in
Many lively and animated discussions took place with
Penny Loker at the Living Library at Lucknow Central
Public School June 10, 2015. Loker explained what it was
like to be left out of social activities and accepting name
calling as part of life to the students who joined her.
sports especially coach and
trainer for rugby and hockey,
works full time in health and
safety; recovered alcoholic/
addict and the conse-
quences; Julie McGuire, auto
During the lunch break,
many of the presenters
shared with each other how
each was doing with their
groups. They were all quite
pleased with the responses
and questions from the stu-
dents, remarking that each
group of students brought
out a different discussion. All
agreed that this was a won-
derful experience for them,
as well as for the students and
recommend anyone invited
to take part to consider it.
Registration still open for Summer School 2015
District School
Bluewater District
School Board is still
accepting registrations
from any grades 7 to 12
students wishing to enroll
in the Summer School pro-
gram, which runs from July
6 to August 6, 2015 at
Owen Sound Collegiate &
Vocational Institute.
Summer School provides
students with an opportu-
nity to regain a lost credit or
to get ahead by registering
for an extra course or
a cooperative education
experience. Students are
able to increase flexibility in
their path to success while
enjoying learning experi-
ences with energetic teach-
ers and students from all
over the area.
"I was surprised that
learning in the summer
could be so fun! I feel like I
finally understand," says a
former Summer School
Back by popular demand,
elementary Summer School
one or two-week courses are
available to grades 7 and 8
students. Courses such as
"Power -up Literacy" and
"Math Booster Camp" help
students prepare for second-
ary school. There are no
course fees or transportation
charges for elementary
The Summer School pro-
gram is also open to any
grades 7 to 12 students
who are not enrolled in
Bluewater District School
To learn more about
Summer School 2015 regis-
tration and course selection,
please visit the Bluewater
District School Board web-
site home page or go to