The Lucknow Sentinel, 2015-02-11, Page 44 Lucknow Sentinel • Wednesday, February 11, 2015 www.lucknowsentinel.com The Lucknow Sentinel PUBLISHED WEEKLY P.O. Box 400, 619 Campbell Street Lucknow Ontario NOG 2H0 phone: 519-528-2822 fax: 519-528-3529 www.Iucknowsentinel.com SUN MEDIA A Quebecor Media Company JOHN BAUMAN Publisher/Sales Manager john.bauman@sunmedia.ca VALERIE GILLIES Editor valerie.gillies@sunmedia.ca lucknow.editorial@sun media.ca JILLIAN UNDERWOOD Sales representative j illian. underwood@sunmedia.ca JOY JURJENS Office Administrator lucknow.sentinel@sunmedia.ca MARIE DAVID Group Publisher 519 376-225- ext 514301 or 510 364-2001 ext 531024 Publications Mail Agreement No. 40064683 RETURN UNDELIVERABLE CANADIAN ADDRESSES TO SENTINEL CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT P.O. Box 400 Lucknow ON NOG 2H0 For any non -deliveries or delivery concerns: 519-528-2822 • lucknow.sentinel@sunmedia.ca SUBSCRIPTIONS Regular one year $40.00 + $2.00 =$42.00 Senior one year $35.00 +$1.75 = $36.75 Two year regular $70.00 + 3.50 = $73.50 Senior two year $60.00 + $3.00 = $63.00 Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday to Friday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. All advertising and editorial deadlines: Friday 2 p.m. Changes of address, orders for subscriptions, and undeliverable copies (return postage guaranteed) are to be sent to The Lucknow Sentinel at the address indicated here. Advertising is accepted on the condition that in the event of a typographical error, the portion of the advertising space occupied by the erroneous item together with a reasonable allowance for signature, will not be charged for, but the balance of the advertisement will be paid at the applicable rates. The Sentinel is available on microfilm at: GODERICH LIBRARY, (from 1875) 52 Montreal Street Goderich ON N7A 1 M3 Goderichlibrary@huroncounty.ca KINCARDINE LIBRARY, (from 1875 to 1900 & 1935 to 1959) 727 Queen Street Kincardine ON N2Z 1Z9 We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canadian Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities. Canada Apcna Member of the Canadian Community Newspaper Association and the Ontario Community Newspapers Association Val's Views Valerie Gillies Fun for All Ages Next Monday is Family Day, which is meant to be a time for families to take time together to have some fun. At least, that was the intent when Ontario made it a Pro- vincial Statutory Holiday. There was certainly a lot of fun going on in Lucknow over the weekend. The Legion had it's monthly wing night with the entertainment of Al Crawford's music performance featuring favourites from the past. This week saw another musical event, the release of a brand new single from former Lucknow native Don Gammie. That is quite the time span covered for music evolution. There was lots of chilly activity to be found at the Lucknow Arena. There was hockey action from Friday evening right through Sunday between games and practices. For those not into the game, and some who are, there was Public Skating on Sunday. It seemed the perfect time to catch images of the frozen fun lead- ing up to the February mid -winter holiday. Snowmobiles were certainly making tracks in the area, as well. I am looking forward to seeing and hearing how the Sentinel readers have spent their Family Day. Please send your stories and photos to luc- know.editorial@sunmedia.ca to share your memories with the community. I will also be looking for stories of interest for the upcoming spring edi- tion of the Farm Progress. Your ideas, articles and photos for this farming and rural lifestyle publication may also be sent to lucknow.editorial@ sunmedia.ca. Deadline Change: Due to the Family Day holiday next Monday, all materials must be received by noon on Thursday, Feb- ruary 12 to be included in the Febru- ary 18th edition of the Lucknow Sen- tinel. Thank you for your continued co-operation in making the Sentinel a newspaper for the community, by the community. Lucknow News Ruth Dobrensky If Wiarton Willie is correct we'll be hav- ing an early spring, but if some of those other groundhogs around the country are right, we won't. Either way, we're still in the middle of winter and whatever happens, happens. Our own Mike O'Neill was one of many local authors who were in attendance this past Sunday afternoon at the Port Elgin Library for a "Book and Author Fair': It was a chance for anyone to talk to and buy books from local authors such as Mike. It looked as though the tradition of pancake Tuesday would not happen this year because St. Peter's, the home of Lucknow's pancake Tuesday for many, many years has closed. But what's this I hear, the gauntlet has been taken up by Lucknow Presbyterian Church who will be holding the Shrove Tuesday pancake sup- per using St. Peter's pancake recipe. Speaking of Tuesday's, Tuesday's Table is back on Feb. 24 at Lucknow United Church at 5:30. All are welcome. It was nice to see so much news in last week's paper about the local public schools and their artistic and literary endeavours. Congratulations to all the children at Luc - know and Brookside, keep up the good work It was also good to see that the students in Lucknow and Ripley are not neglecting their physical activities. Speaking of physical activities, it's nice to see the Huron Bruce Swingers (square danc- ers) are still going strong and entertaining around the community. Sympathy of the community to the families of: Dale Haldenby, 77, RR 1, Holyrood; Patri- cia Stanley, 88, Kincardine; and Margaret Eskritt, 69, London. Purple Grove News Purple Grove WI Our sympathy is sent to June and Earl Elliott of "R" Villa on the death of his brother Ray in Florida. We have also lost another of our old-timers. Patricia (Pat) Stanley's funeral was held on Saturday the 31st of January. Our sympathy is sent to all of the Stanley families. Christine and Dominic Gemmell of Nova Scotia holidayed with her parents Diane and Arnold Clifford, Stewart and the Newman family. Everyone did their part in spoiling Dominic. Xavier and Zarian Zuk of Walkerton spent the weekend with their grandparents Janet and Wayne Rhody. The Ripley and District Horticultural meeting was held on January 21st at the Ripley Legion. The annual membership fees were collected and the year's meeting schedule was handed out. The folks attend- ing appreciated the speaker Dennis Bridge. Dennis spoke on noxious weeds and invasive weeds in our area. On Saturday the 31st Mary Anne Kukoly visited with cousin Shirley Gilders in Clinton and then attended the 90th birthday party for Ruth McCosh in Goderich.. The Purple Grove Women's Institute held their February meeting at Marilyn Reids Wednesday afternoon. Marilyn wel- comed everyone and especially our three guests. The roll call was answered by every- one 'A product to remove stains'. There were some interesting answers given - and now to remember them when we need them. Janet Nixon read the Scripture. The only new business was the District Direc- tors meeting in March. Old business included an update about the removal of the Tweedsmuir Histories from our Public Library system. Mary Anne Kukoly reported on the WI profiles that are being worked on. Marilyn played a DVD taken at the Hawk Theatre's Old Fashioned Fashion Show that was produced last fall in Luc - know. Those that didn't see the live pro- duction wished they had been there. Convenor Maureen Collins participated in a skit with Deanna Scott that had us all chuckling. Maureen read a Valentines story and led with some contests. ShirleyMacDon- ald and Janet Rhody each gave a reading. The members all contributed to lunch and as usual there was plenty. The March meet- ing will be held at Mary Anne's with a change of time starting as 1 P M. Dungannon and St. Helen's News Shag Campbell On January 29th Marg Young had high card at Euchre with 47 points. There were only 7 people present. Come on all you euchre players, join in and have a good time. Coffee time is starting up again on February at 10 a.m. with euchre at 1 p.m. at the Dungannon Seniors Centre. January 30th was a P.D. day for the school kids. Another chance to get out and play in the snow. The annual Valentine's Day, roast beef dinner will be held Feb. 14th at the St. Helen's Hall, with two sittings at 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. The cost is $15.00 for adults, $6.00 for children 10 years of age and under. Don't forget to get your sweetheart some- thing sweet or even something sweet smelling, maybe some roses. Ron Brindley is busy blowing snow and getting the yard ready for Fun Day on Feb. 8th. Looks like February has a Friday the 13th. Will you be heading to Port Dover? With or without your bike? Got news? Call Shag at 519-529-7734