The Wingham Times, 1906-02-22, Page 5BARGAINS IN SHOES I BARGAINS IN TRUNKS Stock =Taking Bargains --o- AT -o- Crowder's It you have any wants in men's wear not yet filled it will pay you to conte and see us during this big cut price stock taking sale. Men's Coon Coats worth $50.00, Men's Dogskin Coats worth 22.00, Men's Wombat Coats ...worth 32.50, Men's Coon Coats..., worth 65.00, Men's Brown Calf Coats • • • . worth 25.00, Men's Persian Lamb Caps • worth 13.00, Men's Elea Seal Caps worth 5.00, Men's Im. Buffalo Gauntlets worth 1.75, Men's Blank Coney Collars.,....•., worth 3.50, sale $37.50 sale 17.00 sate 25.00 sale 45.00 19.00 9.50 3.75 1.25 2.50 sale sale sale sale sale Men's Heavy One Buckle Rubbers worth 1.75, sale 1,25 Men's Heavy,Overshoes worth 1.75, sale 1.35 Men's Long Socks .worth 1.00, sale .50 Men's Felt Shoes leather sole worth 1.50, sale 1.00 Men's Fleece Li oe pednd r U e wearort' OK w sale o .40 Men's Wool Underwear worth .50, sale .40 Men's Red Wool Underwear worth .85, sale .55 Men's Black Wool Underwear worth 1.00, sale .75 Men's Colored Shirts ...reg. $1.00 and .75, sale .50 OVERCOAT BARGAINS. MEN'S $10 00 OVERCOATS SALE $7.50 MEN'S 12 00 OVERCOATS SALE 9.00 MEN'S 7 50 OVERCOATS SALE' 5.50 MEN'S 6.00 OVERCOATS SALE 4.50 MEN'S 15 00 OVERCOATS... SALE 11.25 MEN'S 500 PEA JACKETS SALE 3.75 75 Empty Packing Boxes for sale. The R. H. CROWDER Co. WINGHAM, ONT. valmissmoi 1 1 TIIE WINGIIAM TIMES, FEBRUARY 22 1906 NEWS FROM OIIR NEIGHBORS EVENTS OF INTEREST TO ALL OUR READERS. What Wideawake Times Correspondents Communicate - Other Items Clipped From Our Exchanges. CUL1tOSS. Mr. John Richardson, of con. G, has purchased a one hundred acre farm in Kinloss, the property of John A. Taylor. This is one of the best farms in the township and we congratulate Mr. Richardson on coming into possession of it. The price paid was $5,500. Mr. Taylor will join the exodus to the West in the spring. Throw Medicines to The Dogs At best they are unpleasant, often use- less. You have some disease of the nose, throat or lungs. Doctors would call it bronchitis, asthma or catarrh, The common root of these diseases is germ or microbio irritation,-Catarrnozone not only destroys disease germs, it does more, it heals diseased and inflamed tissue. The disease is not only cured, but its re- turn is forever prevented by using Catar- rhozone which is splendid also for colds, coughs and irritable throat. Remember you inhale Catarrhozone-Nature's own cure -use no other but Catarrhozone- It's the best catarrh cure made. GoDERrCfl After an illness of some months, D. C, MacKay, who for the past quarter of a century has held the position of high constable of the County of Huron, died Thursday morning. Constable McKay received his appointment in succession to the late Barney Trainer, and fe in tarn to be succeeded by W. H. Gundry, who was appointed at the January session of the County Council, Mr. MacKay hav- ing put in his resignation owing to ill - health. ST. HELENS. Mr. Robt. Dnrnin left last week for the West. Mies Margaret Rntherford is holiday• ing in Goderich, the guest of Miss Edna Straiton. Miss Tena Gordon, Mrs. Inglis and daughter Mary are spending a few clays at the home of W. E. Gordon. Mrs. Kiehna and two children, of the vicinity of Stratford, are visiting at the home of the former's sister, Mrs. C. Decker. 1& 24 days of Special Bargains During February. Watch our window during this month and in several pieces of Furniture you will easily see that cost isn't considered. Every article up-to-date. Note a few prices in Parlor Furniture: 2 pieces broken sett, Settee and Arm, reg. $20.00, reduced to $11.50 1 best velour Suite, Settee,Arm,2 receptions, reg $26. reduced $18.75 1 Wilton Rug suite, Sofa. Arm, Reception, reg. $32. reduced $24.75 1 Mahogany frame ;suite, Arm and Reception Chair, best silk, regular $32.00 reduced to $24.00. 1 Three piece mahogany frame. Settee, Arm, Reception Chair, reg. $42 00. reduced to $35.00. Everything throughout the store at reduced prices. Another shipment of Mattresses in hand, selling at last week's quotations. L. A. BALL & CO. UNDERTAKING Brick residence 5th house west from Hamilton's Corner Drug Store, where night calls will receive prompt attention. PHONE 51 CARPETS OILCLOTHS LINOLEUMS r® yVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVvvvvvWVV AANNAMAAMAMMAAAANAAAAA 3 How about 1 That Watch ? I 3 Does it keep accurate time ? Can you depend upon it ? If you cannot, bring it to us and we will tell you what is the matter and set it right for you. We pay special attention to fine watch, clock and jewelry repairing, and guarantee all our work to give satisfaction. R. KNOX Opposite Queen's IioteL WINGHAM. 1 }WAAAAtl1 WWWVWONW Strained Back and Side "While working in a saw mill" writes C. E Kenney, from Ottawa, "I strained my back and side so severely I had to go to bed. Every movement caused me torture. I tried different oils and lini- ments, but wasn't helped till I used Nerviline. Even the first application gave considerable relief. In three days I was again at work. Other men in the mill use Nerviline with tremendous benefit too." Au honest record of near- ly fifty years has established the value of Poison's Nerviline. TURNBEItRY. Monday, Feby 14th, was the occasion of a pleasant gathering at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. Vanstone, con. 6, Turn - berry, when their third daughter, Edythe, was united in marriage at 12 o'clock to Mr. Isaac J. Wright of the same township, in the presence of over fifty guests. The bridelooked handsome, gowned in cream with lace trimmings. After congratulations all were served to a sumptuous repast. Mr. and Mrs. Wright took the afternoon train for a short wedding trip; they intend to visit friends at Clinton, Chatham, Blenheim and other points before settling down on on the 6th. The presents wore costly and numerous. May their life be happy and prosperous is the wish of their many friends. Purgatives aro Dangerous. They gripe, cause burning pains and make the constipated condition even worse. Physicians say the ideal laxa- tive is Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut; they are exceedingly mild, composed only of health -giving vegetable extracts. Dr. Hamilton's Pills restore regular movement of the bowels, strengthen the stomach and purify the blood. For coustipatiou, sick headache, billiousness and disordered digestion no medicine on earth makes such remark- able cure as Dr. Hamiltou'sPills. Try a 25c box yourself. ET ITEL. The annual report of the Presbyterian church has been issued. It shows a membership of 107; added to roll last year 17; removed from roll 4: No. of families 30; No. of baptisms 2, Session Eget 8 times. $530 was contributed in- cluding a balance of $65 from the pre- vious year, To minister's stipend Ethel contributed $300, and caretaker gets $30. There is a brlance in hands of Treasurer of $84. Tho W. F. M. Society has 11 members and raised $26 for missions, be. sides a box of clothing. There are 72 pupils on Sabbath School roll, and 8 teachers. They raised $105. Tho Y. P. S. C. E. also contributed generously to Missions. Rev. D. B. McRae is the faithful pastor. The congregation com- mence 1006 under favorable auspiceA. W ESTFI ELD. Messrs McClinton and Toll, left last week for the West with two carloads of horses. J. N. Campbell, last woek moved his family on to the beautiful farm which he purchased from James Hoover some time ago. Jackson Wightman has purchased a house and lot on Keays street, Goder- ich, where he intends taking up his resi- dence in the near future. The days of the old Indian hunter are past, but if he were here to -day he would have a competitor in the person of Harvey McDowell. Harvey expects to have $100 worth of pelts by spring, Mr. James Hoover, left last week for the West, taking a car load of effects. Mrs. Hoover and family will visit re- latives for a short time before she and family leave for their new home in Al- berta. You are .filing Not quite siok,-but robbed of ambi- tion to work -find. it hard to think clear- ly. Not ill enough to think of dying, but bad enough for life to be pretty dull There is a remedy-Ferrozone - that quickly lifts that half dead feeling. Gra• cisme, but Ferrozone makes you feel good; it sharpens the dullest appetite, makes it keen as a razor. BLoon? Ferrozone makes lots of it, the rich nourishing kind that vitalizes the whole body. You'll be wonderful- ly quickened, immensely strengthened, feel hearty and vigorous after nsing For. rozone. Buoyant health, surplus vigor and reserve energy all come from this great restorative. fifty cents buys a box of fifty tablets at all dealers. BLYTN Mr. Harry Coombs, who spent the past two months visiting among rela- tives and friends in Blyth and vicinity, left last week for his home in Deloraine, Manitoba. Mr. John Murray, who has been visit- ing his sister, Mrs. Thomas Wanless, during the past week. left last woek to visit Hensall and Detroit friends before Ieaving for his home in Minnesota. Mr. James Wanless accompanied him, leav- ing the same day for his home in Var- nia. A quiet but pretty wedding was sol- emnized at the residence of Rev. Dr• McKay, of Kincardine, on January 291h, when Aggie, the only daughter of the late Samuel Fluker, of Blyth, became the bride of Mr. George Stewart, a re- spectable young man of Kincardine. The bride, who is amiably and univer- sally esteemed in this community, wore a travelling suit of blue. All her friends here join in wishing she and her hus- band a happy and prosperous career. WEST \VA V .NOSEt5. Council met as per adjournment ou Feby 14th. Members all present. Reeve Bailie in the chair. Minutes of last meeting confirmed, on motion of Anderson and Murray. The Treasurer's statement showing balance of $782.08 was filed, on motion of Murry and Anderson. The Reeve and Councillor Medd re- ported on Court Room accommodation, and on motion of Medd and Thompson the Clerk was instructed to notify Presi- den t of Driving Park Association at Dungannon that this Township would deal with Ashfield Tp. re Court Room, The auditors, Jas. Johnston and R. Anderson, presented their report, and after being finally audited it was adopted on motion of Anderson and Medd. Thompson, Anderson and Murray were appointed to meet and arrange u h r about building fence at the corner of Alex. Stuart's farm. The Clerk was instructed to ask for tenders for Township printing and also to write County Engineer about contract of tile at Manchester bridge, (paid Mr. Echlin by both Township and County.) The following checks were issued: - Established 2879. Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis Cough, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria Crosolonc is a boon to Asthmatics f'nxsor.r o Is a long r sI e,1 re and standard remedy for the diseases indicated. It r.:;,s 'merman tho n!r rah• dead strongly ant':ept:o is cnn.r4 over the diseased nun faces of the bromrh:al talus with every 'breath, gIvIng prolonged and ron•aant tcealm"bt. Those of a consume• t Ivo tendency, or smr.r,ts from chronic bronchitis, find Immrdlato relief front coughs or iupamed conditions of the throat. Vspo.Crasolrnn In and 'y druggists or went 1''- p.' 1 on reeelpt of 111:. C. A. \'apt, Cro,olene out, fit including a bottle of Crr,,S'no i1..',0. Send fur trot, Illustrated booklet. i.r•, Sten Jntts Co., A;, nts,158 St. James St. 'Soatres!. Canada. Nil Consumption 11 There is no specific for consumption. Fresh air, ex- ercise, nourishing food and Scott's Emulsion will come pretty near curing it, if there is anything to build on. Mil- lions of people throughout the world are living and in good health on one lung. 11 From time immemorial the doctors prescribed cod liver oil for consumption. Of course the patient could not take it in its old form, hence it did very little good. They can take SCO'T'S EMULSION and tolerate it for a long time. There is no oil, not excepting butter, so easily digested and absorbed by the system as cod liver oil in the form of Scott's Emulsion, and that is the reason it is so helpful in consumption where its use must be continuous. ig We will send you a sample free. BeILI sure that this picture in the form of a label is on the wrap- per of every bottle of Emulsion you buy. Scott & Bowne Chemists Toronto, Ont. $oc. and $r, all druggists Auditors, each, $7; P. Watson, repairing washout on Con. 12, $2; Assessment Rolls, etc., $5.45. Council adjourned to meet on Wed- nesday, March 14th, at 10 o'clock. W. S. Caosr1E, Clerk. BLUEVALE Mrs. Diment, sr., has been very poorly for some time. The Guild of the Presbyterian Church will hold a social in the Foresters' hall, on Friday evening of this week. A spelling match, games and refreshlnents are the features of the programme. A pleasant evening is expected. Mr. Goo. McDonald has put in a sup- ply of ice at the butter factory. Mrs. David Moffatt, sr., of the bound- ary line east has moved to Brussels to live retired. An old-time resident of Goderich died at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Ernst, on Saturday morning in the person of Mrs. Isabella Stowe. Mrs. Stowe was born in Goderich, a daughter of the late John Craig, and resided there until her marriage to the late James Johnston, of Binevale, in she early 60'e, they residing first upon a farm and sub- sequently in the Bluevale hotel. Mrs. Stowe leaves a family of four sons and daughters of her first family: --John C., who keeps the old family hotel in Blue - vale; Thomas, of the Colborne hotel, Goderich; James, a lake captain, of Chicago; Hugh, in the West, and Mrs. J.B. Sanitsand Mrs. Wm. Ernst, of Gode- rich; and of her second family, Mre. Robert King, of the King Edward hotel, and Henry Stowe, both of Goderich. BRUSSELS. The sad news of the demise of Mrs. D. D. Ferguson, at Winnipeg, on Tuesday morning of last week, was received here with universal regret. She had gone through a siege of typhoid fever, and 1C days prior to her death a baby son was born. Deceased's maiden name was 1 Jean Forbes, being the oldest daughter of Mrs. John Forbes, of Brussels. Site was married to D. D. Ferguson last March, and went to Winnipeg shortly after, Mrs. Ferngson was held in the highest esteem by a wide circle of relatives and friends, and the news came as a great shock, especially to her mother. Tho remains were brought to Brussels for interment, and the funeral took place last Monday afternoon from the mother's residence, Albert street. Friday morning, Feb. Oth, Miss Mary Henderson, sister of Roeyo Henderson, of this place, died at the home of her father,4th coo., McKillop, of dropsy, aged 51 years. She was in fairly good health on the Monday previous and had done the weekly washing. That evening she took ill and despite all that could he done she paid nature's debt as above stated. Mise Henderson will be greatly missed in the home, where she was housekeeper for her father and brothers. Mre. Henderson passed away 3 years ago last Jane. 5 stemmingesamizsmismainentaswinommimignimaingt The Central Hardware Stoves at Cost! We found a large stock of stoves on haad,which we will dispose of at cost price. Yon will save from 5 to 10 dollars by buying notiy. Come and see our new all No. 9 hard steal Wire Fencing. Samples now on the floor. Our Motto: "Fair dealing with every roan," LBishop & Brewer. 1 MlaiiWl' Preserve Your i yes11ht I have as'anged with TAUBE & SON Manufacturing opticians and 3yesight Specialists, of Toronto TO BE AT TUE QUEEN'S HOT EE_, WINGHAM - 0; - WEDNESDAY, FEB, 28th, ad THURSDAY, MARCH 1st And will be pleased to have all tho. e troubled with defective eyesight call and co tsult them. They have been established in '1 sronto since 1871 During that time beensuccessful fitted bythem. over 100,000 casae have y The advantage they have over a hers is the fact that they Grind Their Own Lenses, and by so doing prevent ray error in the process of lens making. If your eyes bother you in any sway, or the glasses you now wear are not comfortable, don't neglect this opt lrtunity of having your eyes properly attended to. All work absolutely guaranteed. •' For references and testimonials see small bills• A. L. HAMILTON,. 1 - DRUG -GIST. 3 rmwrirzawkAilmiamorzugrzaimummammszinati 4.000000040000.000.0060••• ••••O••G'••••••••••••••••4{ • • • O • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 4 Residence Phone No. 55. Office. No. 04. Mill, No. 44. 40•4440•044.44444.4.4•tto•4,40404, COAL COAL COAL. We are sole agents for the celebrated SCRANTON COAL, which has no equal. Also the best grades of Smithing, Cannel and Domestic Coal, and Wood of all kinds always ou hand. full stock ofLUIVIBc (Dressed JukirL t � � LATH Cedar Posts, Barrels, Etc. 4 4 4 4 4 a 4 4 4 4 e 4 4 4 4 4 tar Highest Price paid for all kinds of Lis."Via a 4 4,4-664641,044444+41.04004:440041.a BELGRAVE Mr. Shaw, of Toronto is visiting at his sister's, Mrs. (Rev ) Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Dau Geddes entertained a number of their friends on Monday evening last. Miss Bella McGill and Miss Janet Steinhoff, of Blyth are engaged in Mr. Dau Geddes' tailor shop. Mies Pelton of Atwood and Mrs Fullerton, of Winchester, visited at the home of Mr. David Sproat last week. Mr. Harvey Watson left Monday morning for Kincardine, where he will continue his work in the Hunter Bros ' foundry. Mr. Harry Gough of Palmerston is visiting at the house of Mr. James Wil- kinson. Miss Tilly Wilkinson entertained a few of her friends of Monday evening. Rev. Mr. Edmonds of Whitechurch occupied the pulpit of the Methodist Church ou Sunday evening last. Miss Jenuie Shiell, of East Wawanosh spent a few days with Mrs. Thos. Bridges last week. Miss Mary Porterfield is at present visiting friends at Bayfield. Mr. John Isbister, who is at present attending Goderich Iustitute visited the parental home over Sunday. Mr. Norman Brandon returned home from the West last week. Miss Maude Code of Blyth is visiting at the home of Mrs. J. L Geddes Mr. Arthur Jaeltson has secured a position on the railroad at Hensall, NEW TeIphori ft[eto[1 The Bell Telephone Gompany of Canada, Limited is about to publish a new issue of the Official Telephone Directory of Western Ontario, including the TOWN OF WINGHAM. Orders for new connections, changes of name, changes of street address or for duplicate entries, should be handed to the Local Manager at once. P. N. TANSLEY Local 1,taenger, "Settlers' °vide„ i. n bonklet of Practical use and interest to prospective ?t ticrs in Manitoba, Saskatchewan AND Alberta contain;ng particulars; of special train arrange- ments, p::'senger fares and freight rates. Set tiers trains from Toronto every Tuesday clurin•_ March and April. Colonists sleepers attached. Secure cony of "(smiths- and "Western Can- nrla'I from 3. H. BIOEMER, Agent C. P. Ry. Winghrtm. full particulars fro'n Canadian Pnclfic agent or write C. 13. FOSTi1LI, D.P.A., Toronto. Log t SPECIAL ONE WAY RATES To Billings, Mout., Denver, Color- ; ado Springs, Salt Lake City, Nelson, Roseland, Vancouver, Portland, Ore., San. Francisco. Tickets On Sae daily Special Settlers Trains to Borth -West I Every Tnebday during March and ; April special train with Colonist • Sleeper will leave Toronto 9 00 p re., • every Tuesday during March and • April for Manitoba and North-West. Passengers travelling without live stock should take Express leav- ing Toronto 1.43 p. m. The Short Line to Cuba Leave home Thursday p. in. arriv- ing in Havana Cuba, early Monday morning. Direct connection. Tour- ist rates in effect. For tickets and full information call on L Harold, Depot Agent. J. D. MCDON!1LD, District Passenger Agent, Toronto.