The Wingham Times, 1906-01-25, Page 5TILE WINGIIAM TImS, JAYIIdIEP 25 1906 M 1� N' � F U ISS NEWS FRUIT OUR NEIGHBORS' � at Manufacturers' Prices WhatThis week at Crodors, EVENTS OF INTEREST TO ALL OUR READERS. ligenteitM1Yw a uI 1.1 •t,,..4in.411s1.. JAM. ay is...611.11+ I INIL1, o e The backward season is the reason for this big sale. Our loss is your gain, Stock -taking is coming to hand and we have made up our minds not to have a fur left in stock by Feb. 28, as that is our half -yearly stock -taking time. If there is any friend of yours needing a fur coat, cap, collar or gauntlets, it will pay them to come here even if they live fifty miles away. We have in stack now : Men's Coon Coats, Fur -lined Coats, Calf Coats, Wombat Coats, Lamb Coats, Dog - skin Coats, Bishop Coats. Men's Fur Caps, ail sizes and shapes, in Persian Lamb, Wo at, Electric Seal, Western Beaver, Muskrat, NutrMen's Gauntlets in Persian Lamb, Western Be er, Imitation Buffalo. These furs are all new, bo t for cash for this season and we are offering them to you for cash, less our profit and discount. OVERCOAT SALE. -- 25c on the dollar off. Heavy Rubbers - At Bargain Prices The R.1. CROWDER Co. WING$AM, ONT. Ji {: !L,tll.wsdi, rlil� .Ilu,:,JI uf9Yllte;liY1w. Y.:uat4:+1i1.1.1. Reduced iPri�es Throu6hou i The Storee for 30 Days. NOTE A FEW RARGAI WE ARE OFFERING Dining Raoul Chairs, embossed teaks, fancy trimmed legs . $2.75 Half dozen Nurse or Sewing Rockers, shaped back, with small braces - - - - • - - - 1.00 Imitation Leather Seat Rooker, high back, arms, sold every- where at $2.25. Our price - - - - 1.75 Our Iron aud Brass Bede, any size, for durability and ap- pearance can't be beat. Seo the line at - - 5.25 Bedroom Suite -lied, Dresser and Stand, good size -at - 12.50 8 Parlor Suites, assorted colors, best velour, mahogany frame, good valve at $30. These won't Last long, we have reduced the price to - - - - - 20,00 Mattresses, extra good ticking, reg. $4 and 4 50, now 3.25 & 3.50 You ought to see our Picture Mouldiug-handsome bu t not expensive. L. A. BALL, & CO. [UNDERTAKING CARPETS .i Brink residence, 5th house west PH ON E OILCLOTHS from Hamiltons Corner Drug Store, whore night calls will 55 1 LINOLEUMS '1 py�receive prompt attention. ,. h,I.,1 lila.: Ii.1:11d4odAissisiiii.thlaa&sisidinntsastikaLhtliossula.Sedkluotiet g1' ® .maki,LW�dd�diF 6 J. 111 IliIII 1 J:,r.J:t .alut.ir I. 11:,Y.Y.J.,y_y,y .CA R D E '�77 Axe andSale We have decided not to wile(until the season is over, but to sell at once Axes and Saws at reduced prices. Axes - - .60 to .75 Lance -Tooth Saws - 1.50 to 3.50 Lamp Goods and Silverware at 10 per cent. off regular. �>er Come in and see us. You will find our prices right. -OM Bishop & Brewer. 1 11� Wideawake Times Correspondents Communicate -- Other Items Clipped Wrong Our Exchanges. FAST WAWANOSR Mr. Jas Nethery, has purohased a new cream ceperator, Mise Spinks, of Fordwich, is the guest of town line friends. Mr. Art. Williams is engaged with Mr. H. Craig for the winter mouths. Mr. H. Wilkinson, of Kincardine was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. Corley lust week. Mr. Jas. Vanoamp, who recently :re- turned from, the West, is confined to his bed with a severe attack of measles. iter Skin was Yellow, "I had only to try Dr Hamilton's Pills to appreciate their merit," writes Miss Annie S. Bryon, of Woodstook. "My system was out of order. My blood was weal- and thin. I had a nasty, murky complexion. My skin was hard and dry. The first box of Dr Hamilton's Pills made a complete change. I felt better at once. Healthy color came iu- to my face. In about three weeks I was cured. Tr f these good pills, 25e. per box, o: five boxes for $1.00, at all dealers, ST. HELENS. The sad news of the death of John Radcliffe reached friends ou Saturday morning, Jany 13th. Mrd, Radcliffe, who was visiting friends here, received word of his illness on the previous Wed- uesday night and immediately left for home, but could not possibly reach hone before the Saturday night. Mr. Radcliffe was weIl known iu this neigh- borhood, having Lived here for a num- ber of years. About eight years ago with his wife and family he moved to near Rapid City, Man , where the family still reside. Mr. Radcliffe leaves a wife and a young family of three girls and four boys, who along with Mra. Stewart, Mrs. Cameron and Mrs. Murray, of this vicinity, and Mrs. McDonald, of Ripley, have the sincere sympathy of the com- munity. The Root of Neuralgic headache Is au irritable condition of the nerves caused by cold. Relief comes quickly from Nerviliue, the great pain reliever of today. "I consider Nerviliue a magical remedy for neuralgia, writes Mra E G Harris of Baltimore. And I never worry if Nerviline is in the house. A few applications never yet failed to kill the pain. I can also recommend Nerviline for stiffness, rheumatism and muscular pains." In nee nearly fifty years; try Nerviliue yourself. NEST WA\VANOSII. This week we record the death of Mrs. Thomas O'Loughlin, which occurred at our late home outhe 12th concession of West Wawanosh, on Wednesday, January, 9th. Mrs. O'Loughlin was a woman of sterliug character and well liked by all, being a resident of this township for a number of years. The surviving members of the family have the heartfelt sympathy of the communi- ty, as the angel of death has visited the family and removed from their midst four members of the family in the past three years. Mrs. O'Loughlin was 62 years of age. She leaves adaughter and son, .Minnie and Martin to mourn her loss. The funeral took place from her late home, to St, Augustine Church, where solemn Requein Mass was cele- brated by Rev Father Hanlon as- sisteb by Rev. Father Laarendoo, who delivered au eloquent sermon suited to the oacasiou. From the church the funeral proceeded to the cemetery, where all that was mortal of a kind and loving mother was laid at rest. The pall -bear- ers were John Foran, Jeremiah Foran, Michael Foran and Bernard O'Loaghlin, Dennis O'Loughlin, Joseph O'Loughlin. Among the mourners were Miss Tessie McCann and Mr Matthew L. McCann, of 13uffalo, and Mr Dannis O'Longhlin, of Cauiste, N. Y. o• epee teeg3irtteet:?cies** `3leasas eteirfteiltu.. taagt•x`tsitaasS.s: Jr' mantel ,,yy + r ix .� istri utirt Win harn, Thursday, J n. 25th 625 bottles of SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION CUR The Lung Tonic will be distributed from house to house. We want everyone to secure a bottle and try it. We know the value of our Lung Tonin ----what it has done for those who have suffered from colds, coughs, consump- tion and lung, troubles generally. We know it will cure you, and therefore give you this opportunity to try it at our expense, knowing that it will ever afterwards finch a place in your home and your confidence. If you do not receive one of these samples write to S."O, WELLS &c CO.. TOiRCNT1 , CANADA a or Leit0Y. N.Y. and they will send you one free. sty fiELGRAVII The annual report for 1003 of Kticx Presbyterian Ohttreh of this pleas shows that the contributions and collections for stipend and expenses were $873 12 and for Church schemes $183 70. There are 72 families iu connection with the church and the membership, allowing for additions and removers, remaius at 151, the same as the previous year. Rey. J. J. Haetie is the popular pastor, and the other members of the Session are Jno. McOallum, Jas, Canuingham, James Ferguson, Wm. Koox and W Wightluan (clerk.) The managing committee are -Geo. Proctor, chairman, P. W. Scott, secretary, David Scott, J. J. Ferguso.., A. T. Cole, W. Knox, S. Jordan, D. Sproat, Geo. Taylor, treasurer. Audi- tors -W. K. Whaley, W. 3. Geddes. AVator in Your 131oo,1Y Lots of people have thin watery blood, they eat plenty but it don't digest. Wneu digestion is poor, food isn't converted iu• to uourishment-in consequence the body rapidly loses strength. 't'o positively re• new health, nothing equale I''arrozoae. It excites sharp appetite, --makes the stomach digest, forms life sustaining blood. Abundant strength is sure to follow. It yuu need more vitality, extra energy, better nerves then use Ferrizoue the medical triumph of the age. Fifty teats buys a box of fifty chocolate coat- ed Ferrozone tablets, Tho young men from near Constance, who have been charged with disorderly conduct were up before Police Magis- trate Humber, of Godericu, at Seafoith, and were committed for trial. The charge includes alienations of disturbing divine worship by tapping ou the win- dows, barrioading the doors and using a battering ram on the walls of a temper- ance lodge room. Oa Sunday morning the trestle work over the main stream of the Maitland, which was being used for the construe. tion trains carrying earth to the embank- ment being built ou Square Island, was swept away by the risiug water, ice and slush brought down by the sudden thaw. The framework, tracks and timbers are . strewn along the river edge and much ! was carried into tl:e lake. The scene watt visited by hundreds. ['roved In Mount Forest Every doctor in this town tried bis best to relieve Mrs. J. Withom of asthma ; none succeeded. "For years," she states, "I was a dreadful sufferer; nothing gave relief. At times I found it necessary to have all the doors and win- dows open to get my breath. When in despair I heard of "Catarrhozoue." I used it and now am perfectly cured." Thisrev e beyond e p y i doubt that any case of Asthma is curable with Catarrhozone. No remedy so peasant, none so absolute- ly certain to thoroughly cure: try "Cat• arrhozone" yourself; its guaranteed. d:ill.CSTO wx. Miss Tent, Ontt, of Blyth, is visiting friends, and renewing acquaintances in this vicinity. Mrs. Geo Coombes is visiting friends at Exeter and Centralia. A. F. Macdonald, attended the funer- al of his cousin, Mies V. E. Gordon, in Lucknow, on Saturday last. Although the weather on Wednesday, of last week was very inclement, quite a largo number attended the meeting of the Literary Society in Victoria Hall.' The chief feature of the meeting was a debate on the subject "Resolved that Local Option is not practicable," Mr Johnston, of Jamestown, was the leader of the affirmative, while Mr. A. Monroe of Wroxeter, upheld the negative. The decision was given in favor of the nega- tive. The next meeting of the society, will be held on the evening of Feb. 7th, At this meeting there will be a debate on the subject, "Resolved that Canada has a brighter future than the United Stat. es." This is a subject that should arouse the interest and stimulate the patriotism of all connected with the society. .r 1121.331 V;iLF The financial statement for the Bluo- vale Presbyterian Church for 1005 has been distributed. The contributions for the year are as follows: -Subscriptions and colieetions to general fund, $71.4 67; for Missions, $232.20; The Sabbath Sohoolraised $02.70; Missionary Society, $112.27; Weetminister Guild, $2.4 00. All expenses for the year have been paid and a small balance left. The session reports that 16 members were added during the year; 3 removed by death; 9 removed by certifloate, leaving the membership at 190; number of baptisms, 6; and number of marriages 7. The elders aro Arthur Murphy, Robt Maxwell, James Elliot, Geo. McDonald, John Burgess, and Joseph Smith, Managing Committee --- James Elliot, R. N, Duff, John Me- P7aughton, Alex MacEwen, Wm Max - Well, John Spence, Robert Blank, F, B, Stott, James Moffatt, Frank Anderson, Jas. C. Andersen. Members who died during the year were Geo. Aitcheson, john p'owler, Mrs, Wm. Me angliton, Donald Nuel' 'aughton, and David Moffatt. 11L above picture of the man and fish is the trade- ! mark of Scott's Emulsion, and is the synonym for strength and purity. It is sold in almost all the civilized coun- tries of the globe, If the cod fish became extinct `- it would be a world-wide calam- ity, because the oil that comes from its liver surpasses all other fats in nourishing and life-giving c properties. Thirty years ago the proprietors of Scott's ElnuI- sion found a way of preparing cod liver oil so that everyone can take it and get the full value of the oil without the objectionable taste. Scott's Emulsion is the best tiling in the world for weak, backward children, thin, delicate people, and all conditions of wasting and lost strength. .Send for free sample. SCOTT fie I3OWNE, CREMISTS TOV..00TO, SOr. and f1.00. 421 druggists. Vv ESTrIELu. Mrs. Jackson Wightinan spent a few days tiisitiug her sister, Mrs. Henry Morrish at Goderich. Mrs Harvey McDowell and daughter, Irene spent a few days last week visiting at the house of Mrs. McDowell's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Campbell, The officers of the Epworth League of the Donnybrook church for the coming year are as follovrs;-President, Thomas Bamford; first vice president, Miss M. Craig; 2nd vice president, Miss L. Campbell; 3rd vice president, Miss S Seal; 4th vice president, Miss J. Eam- ford; secretary, A. Tisdale; treasurer, A. Campbell; organist, Miss A. Naylor. Miss Florence Turner, of Wauchope, Saskatchewan arrived here r e a few days ago to spend the winter with her friend, Miss L Campbell, and many other Needs around Donnybrook. Miss Turner is a former teacher of Donny- brook school and her many friends and old pupils are very trench pleased to see her again after an absence of nearly four years. RLVTR Mr. Wm. tfoutray and family have moved from Mr, George Powell's farm in East Wawanosh to the house on DinsIey street formerly occupied by Mr. John Weymouth. Nominations to fill the vacancy in Blyth council, caused by the resignation of Mr. Win. Johnston, will be held in Industry hall on Monday, January 29th. Polling, if any, will be held one week later. Mr. John Dingwall,of East Wawanosh weighed a two•yearoid heavy draught colt on the village scales that tipped the beam at 1430 pounds, It is a well-pro- portioned and handsome looking ani- mal. Tho many friends in this neighborhood of Rev. 3. .Edinonds of Leamington, formerly of '.Blyth, will bo glad to learn that he is meeting with good success in his new field of Iabor, as the following from the Leamington Post will show: - "At a meeting of the wardens of St. lsard's THE LEADING STORE Stock _ Taking Opportunities lard'` GREAT BARGAINS Adsasmitian14/4a44.044411/44.4 We're in the thick of stock -taking, and are making prices interesting and profitable for the buyer during the remaining days of this great Out -Price Sale. Prices like these are sure to crowd the store. Come early. 10 pieces Flannellette to clear at, per yard 6 pieces 12edn Print to clear at. per yard - 3 pieces Towelling to clear at, per yard - 4 pieces Shirting, fast colors, to clear at, per yard 7 pieces Flannellette Embroidery to clear at, per yard One Dollar Corsets on bargain tables for - eOc Flannellette Corset Covers on sale for 50c quality Corsets, cut price - One piece heavy Skirting, worth 15o per yard, for Ruff and Oaporines, worth $10, to clear at - Flannellette Blankets, worth $1,25, on sale at - Ladies' now style Coats, worth from 7 to 8 dollars, for Ono piece heavy Table Linen, worth 60c for One piece Wrapperotte, worth 10c for - Flannellette Night Gowns, regular price $1, for Men's 10 dollar Rearly•to-Wear Suits, for - Men's 8 dollar Overcoats to clear at Large Granite Settles with 1 -lb cans Art Baking Powder TERMS, OASIS. L IS ' T -Pitt .':4,,vr+., , - ::r "want ^s ., .,i .i• ".x c>:'40gTO John's church held several days ago, the salary of Rev. J. Edmonds was increased to $850. Mr. Edmonds is doiug a splen- did work iu St, John's and is rapidly making a place for himself in the hearts of his congregation." BABY'S TONGUE TELLS Little tongues that cannot talk tell mothers just as plainlytha heir owners are not well. When b y's tongue to white, or coated, or ellow, especially toward the ro t, it , a sign of stomach trouble, indig et',cold or feverishness. Baby's Oaou ' ables act like magic in curing, these and other minor ills of baby- hood and childhood. They are as good for the new-born baby as for the even - grown child. Absolutely safe aucl ab- solutely harmless. Mrs. C. F. Kerr, Elgin, Ont., says: -"Baby's Cant T.sb;ets are the best inhave o f medic e I ever used for stomach and bowel troubles and de• straying worms, I could loudly feel safe without the Tablets in the house " Solcl by all medicine dealers, or by mail at 25 cents a box, by writing the Dr. Williams Medicine Ca., Beockvilie, Out, (MF.Y. We are sorry to have to report the death of John Ritchie, tlla bright little sou of John and Joan aleInt•,sh, 12th con. He died last Frility morning, Jany 12th of convulsion and iuflaniola- • .041 .05 - .Ori .05 • .03 • .69 .25 .39 .10 - 7.50 - 1.00 - 5.00 .45 .05 .75 8.00 6.00 .50 1 tion of the bmits, eget 13 rnaathe, after a very brief illness, Richard Fair ren wife, of Pilot Mound, Manitoba, are visir•ing at Robert Mon- terey's., 9± con. It is 23 years since Mr. Fair went to the west, Mrs. Fair is a sister to Mr. Afeuarey au'i both were rosideuts at McKillop. The Gf�' ears electeii atRoe's Epworth League are as follows: -Hon. Pres., Rev. E F. Armstrong; President, John Pearson; 1st Vice -Mrs, John Bryens; 2nd Vice -Jennie Hogg; 3rd Vice -Julia Frain; 411i Vice -Clara Bryans; Trees. urer, John Fraser; organist, Jennie Hogg. During the pest week David Dobson and wife, of Fairfax, Manitoba, have been renewing old aceenaintancos at Ethel. it is 2t) years since Mr. Dobson went to the West where he has pros- pered. It is 3 years since he was here. Harvey, Dobson of Ethel, is a brother of the visitor, The redoes offices in Gray township for 1908 will be competently filled by the following persons: -Clerk, Jac., McIn- tosh; Trt•asnrer, A. Reymann; Tax Collectors, P. J. Bishop and J. Kreuter; Aeditore, J. M. Devise and J. Living- ston; aledieul Health officer, Dr. Fergu- son; Caretaker of Hall, Thos. Chapman. VVVVVVVV VVVVWVW 1WWWWu •Ihet,AltJw AAAMltArkethAAAA NttNAA D D .ZsfrlFished x87g. Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis Cough, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria Cl-esotcrto to a boot+ to .r,othinattes f G1Sel.t:Sr 19 a ! , . t.;t ...hrd at:d atnrdanl rrmrey • forMed.:x.15 ,;nd:.,:..1. 0,•.r.sbr.ariatLsAir nn• ; tlrr.aoteeelyautt • all. ,..l, Ir15ac1.r11a•ds,1 t:utra et t1, brow, i1 :1 • ..g,.5 VP ,b n•, 1y ire dg,. gir,r g prolnngrd and eons ter l ir..dn.1 r r lboas or a rro,si,,, :. ileo i^n b u,•,•, or 5,5'.,.-s iron rbronie tr,,0I1i1e, Sad imme?mtc ,ai:ct ii ,,, ..eagle or fl.careel conditl.t6 of the throat. Vat+o.entraena to ted llytll'u':- to orsea 1.,e. paid on re e!; t at 10. e. A tapo•Croaolet.e tet• ifs lnrludin; a b.ttis of frraoirne $1.50. Seed f. e "[red ilinatrut. d I.rettt\.; 3ltt.rd Co, I.td, Abuts, «5981. Jame St., Montreal, 0.11 S1• 5418 Ii. K.NOX'S ANNOUNCEMENT To ' &kay S�prs Having such a large stock of Holiday Goods, everything will be sold at prices that will sell thein. See our stock and prices before purchasing elsewhere. Ji'.AD44It,1[TAHlti11'1ifS FOR, Watches, Macke. Gehl and Plated jewelry, Silverware, Sil- ver and Ebony Novelties, Fahey Sets and Boxes, Burnt Wood and Leather Goode, Souvenir Goods, Fancy Chinaware and Novelties, Gold, Silver and Pearl timbre'. las, Spectacles in gold and silver. 1.'ancy Stationery, Gift Beaks, Novels, Bibles, llpmu and Prayer Books, Children's Fancy Goode, Christmas Cards and Calendars, Picture Books, Dolls and Toys, Maeicallastrumonts, Cameros, Comic and Souvenir Post Cards. noilr +r.rail,l..as+ar.ablwm. 25c in cash or trade allowed on all purchases of $5.00 worth of goods. Fine Watch, Clock and Jewelry 'Repairing a speelaity, R. KNOX Opposite Queen's noel. - WII GflAMY.