The Wingham Times, 1905-12-21, Page 52..45 a LI TILE WINGIIAM TIMES, DECEMBERS 21 i,►ll.; 5 Wingham's Leading Store NEWS FROM OUR NEIGHBORS s E E n T IME ---FOR---- lYlen's Dress Requisites What EVENTS OF INTEREST TO ALL OUR READERS. Every perplexity over holiday gifts for men maybe settled under one roof in Wingham. This store carries the latest ideas in swell haberdashery from London, Paris and New York, for every occasion from the ordinary business engagement to the formal full dress affair. At this store it is easy to select the correct article for every occasion, under the guidance of Mr. Crowder or any of his courteous assistants. Christmas Suspenders Mens fanny suspenders, elastic backs, kid ends, each pair in a fancy box. Per pair - - - - - o0c, 75c, $1.00, $1.25 Men's Umbrellas Men's umbrellas, new handles. Prices • - - $1.00. $1.25, $1.50, $2.00 M en's Fur Lined doves Towns English cape gloves fur lined and fur wrists, Prices • - - $1.50, $1.75 Gents' Silk Mufflers Black corded silk mufflers, silk and satin lined, shaped and square ends. Prices - • • 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.25 Gents' Mufflers The new, bincic silk. square muffler, in plain and figured effects. Prices • • • - - 75c, $1.00, $1.50 Lounging Robes A handsome present, In blade and white effects. Price - - - $10.00 Bat1i Robes We have a few nice gents' bath robes in eider down and Turkish effects, Price - $5 00 .7.50 Smoking .rackets In all the new styles. The nicest present a man could receive. - Price $4.00 to $1.2.50 Men's Slippers Men's new Flippers, leather sole, patent back, velvet toe,embroidered. Sizes 0 to 0. Prices - - - - S;ic, $1.25 Men's Fancy Vests • In the English worsted. (knitted.) polka dot, bines, red, etc., all sizes $1.25, $1.50, $3.00, $5.00 Silk Handkerchiefs Splendid ranee of gents' silk handkerchiefs • in the initial, white, polka, brown and fancy. Prices • - 50c, 65e, 75c Way's Mufflers In all the new colorings, black, white, blue, red and black, black and white. green and white, etc. • 85o, 50e. 75e, $1.00 Gent's Square Mufflers Gent's new English square mufflers, poplin silk, with figured effects. Each aro in a separate fancy box, t.olors, black, red, white, grey, greens, navy, etc. Price $1.50 Men's Puff Ties In latest shapes with band or shield, new Patterns in light or dark shades. Prices • - •- 50c, 75e,51.00 Fine silk Four -in -Hand Ties • New French seam styles, correct width, . latest New York and English patterns, light and dark colors. Prices - 50c, 75c Men's Kid and Mocha Gloves Lined and unlined. A very acceptable Christmas gift is a nice pair of gloves. They are always appro- . mated whether the recipient Bits many pairs or few, - 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.25, 51.50 • Men's Pure Irish Linen Handker- chiefs Put up in fancy boxes in 3.4 dozens, Price i per box - $1.00, $1.25 - Men's Silk Embroidered Cashmere Socks Blacks and colors - - - 35e, 506 New Colored Shirts for Christmas Wo have just received several new Spriug patterns of Men's Colored Shirts, in hard and soft bosom, sizes 14 to 181:: neck. $1.00 $1.25 $1.50 25c Neckwear Table We have sevoral hundred Ties on display, light and dark colors, in the following styles : Bowe, Tacks, Four.in-Hands, etc. Some are worth 25c, 35c and 50e. Choice while they last - - .25 Overcoats and Suits at bargain prices during Christmas holidays. Fur Caps and Collars, Gauntlets, etc. Bags Men's Fur and Fur -lined Coats, Suit Cases and Hand at bargain prices. The R, N. CROWDER Co. - Wingham, CI Si 61, c ROYAL GROCERY WE WISH YOU ALL A ti m errys AND A auy r, :ear Y1i11i e aleassi,ite:,ta,liiv'•iJeetasi r' C. ,` . i 1.I F F' 1 f\. 17 il. 11 I.. Ill IIIA: i!11!!1 II tl s,all [................_„-. r51 . _ ...__+: .:F�_�++•.3_. E.. •..i 6. ._ - 'r .. _:.^ :. ..ti• •440••••••,••••••••••••••9 4440a000040.4•04144roe0041•e.44 40 0 • 4 40 • 4 r • .4j4 •• 4 A A COAL COAL. COAL. We are sole agents for the celebrated SCRANTON COAL, which has no equal. Also the best grades of Smithing, Cannel and Domestic,Coal, andWood of all kinds, t IId always on hand. . • .4 • LUMBER SHINGLES ltiCS 9 LATH We carry a(Dressed or Undressed)9 • Cedar Posts, Barrels, Etc. • 4 car. Highest lc'I.`ice pail for all kinds of Lugs. "� i his trade, but during the lattor part of • his life, he farmed. He leaves a wife, •s Wideawake Times Correspondents Communicate- Other Items Clipped From Our Exchanges. t;oDEICiOIL The death occurred Sunday morning of Miss Campion of Goderich from se- vere burns sustained on Friday morning at Morgan Harris' house, in Brantford, where she was visiting. Her night robe caught fire from a gas heater. She ran into the street and dropped unconscious. The funeral took place et Goderich. Miss Campion was well known in society. Is Four Catarrh any Better Probably getting worse all the time. Why not give no that snuff and stop dosing the stomach? The one sure treat- ment is Catarrhozone, sure to cure be- cause it goes where the disease really is. Certain to cure because it has restored tens of thousands worse than yon aro. Ctttarrhozone is a thorough cure because it destroys tho causes as well as the ef- fects of the disease. Relief is proinut, euro is quick with this powerful remedy. which is guaranteed to cure catarrh. in any part of the nose, throat, bronchial tubes or lungs. aioitRCI4. Township nominations will he held in the Township hall on Friday of this week from 12 to 1 o'clock. John Isbister, eldest son of Co. Coun- cillor Isbister, has been attending the Gaderieh Collegiate preparatory to tak- ing a course at the School of Science, Toronto. . The annual entertainment in Ander- son's school house, third line, will bo held on Friday evening of this week. A good program will be presented. We are pleased to welcome Mise Maud 13ryans home after an absence of some time at the hospital in Toronto. The treatment was of no small benefit to her and we hope she may speedily regain her old time ability to get about. .No Satisfaction in Eating Food does you no good. You can't digest -consequently you're afraid to eat; tongue is coated, mouth tastes bad. stomach is bloated. Pretty soon you'lI be overcome by weakness and nervous prostration. Best prescription for your condition is Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut. For dyspepsia and indiges- tion and it is doubtful if a better remedy will ever be devised. These pills bring new strength and vitality to the sto- machand digestive organs; they build up the general health and instil such vim and resisting power into the system that sickness is impossible; try Dr. Hamilton's Pills. I=ICEY. Oliver Turnbull, attended the winter fair at Guelph last week. Miss Katie Lamont, 10th con., is away to Michigan on a holiday visit. We wish her an enjoyable time. Yesterday, Miss Bella Carr, daughter of Mr. Robt. Carr, 3rd con. was mi:rried to Mr. Corbett, of Belgrave. Duncan A. McDonald, 4th con., has been engaged to take the Douglas school. Turnberry, for 1900 at a salary of $250. lie is attending the Model School at Clinton this term the examination being in progress now. We wish him success. We are sorry to have to announce the death of Alex. McDougall, of Towner, North Dakota, after a short illuess of about three weeks. He had been taken down first with typhoid fever and this was followed by pneumonia. In spite of medical skill and kind attendance the grins messenger refused to relinquish his grasp, and he peacefully and quietly passed away. The deceased was in his 35th year and being the youngest brot- her he was a great favorite of his sisters. Mr. Wm. Brower, of G-rey, and Peter McDougal, of Morris, and Mrs. Jas. Lym• burner and Mrs. Leach, Towner, and James of Langdon. Idnwrctee The subject of this brief sketch, Sam- uel Blakeman, was born in Warwick- shire, England, in 1837; emigrated with his parents to Canada in 1850, and settl- ed ou a bush farm in the Tp. of Peel. Ten years after hie arrival in this coun- try, he married Miss Catherine Rainy of the sarne township. After their marri- age they moved to the 13 line of Howick and again settled ou a bush lot where they labored together for a number of years, two children being born to them while they resided there, Mrs. Geo. Mor- ison of Allenford and Mrs. Roht. Mort - mor of Harriston, to make their home bright and cheerful. While in the height of their enjoyment death parted them in 1806, los beloved wife being taken to the great spirit world. He lived a widower for about eleven years when he was again married to Mies Snell of the Tp. of Vaughan. He was a carpenter by trade and during his unmarried life worked at at Jig I� earn ` hoon the 10th line, but Mrs. 'Nm, /� me Saunders of Edmonton, to mourn the • R•esidence Phone No. 65. Office, No. 04. Mill, Wo. 44. loss of a kind and devoted husband and ;��•�.1.1.•1��4���i���4���i44• ••••SP10•014.,��.!•44 tS 4• I father. ♦• six daughters and one boy, all living EAST WAWANOSIS A meetiug in the interests of local op- tion will be held in the school house of S. S. No 0, ma Thursday evening, 253t•h fust. Among those who are expected to deliver addresses are Rev D. Perrie, Rev. T. S. Boyle, and Rev Dr. Guncly, Wingham; Rev A. E. Jones, Belgrave; Rev S. C. Edmunds, Whitechurch, and others. The ladies are specially invited to attend this meeting. Charming Femininity Famous beauties pay particular atten- tion to the parity of their blood, know- ing that nutritious blood moans soft, delicate skin, bright eyes, and enduring nervus. Those whose looks are so de• lightful, use Ferrozone, because its the exact food needed to tone and stimulate the blood. Ferrozone invigorates, brac- es, teeds-it makes those dainty, vivac- ious women so pleasant to meet. You'll have the rosy bloom of health, dash and spirit, the satisfaction and joy of true heath after nsing Ferrozone. Yon should get Ferrozone to -day. Sold everywhere in 50e. boxes. i3LUL'IALL Mrs W 11 Stewart, a resident in this village for upwards of fifty years, pas- sed away on Monday last in her 81st year. Deceased, with her now beret husband, were the first settlers in this section. She was highly esteemed by her large number of friends, and was al- ways prominent in church work, being for many years a member of the Metho- dist church. Besides her husband, a family of four sons and two daughters survive. T yr N 111:ICIty. Minutes of Council meeting held in tee Clerk'e office, Bluevale, on Friday, Dec. 15; members of council all present; the Reeve in the chair; iniuntos of last meeting were read and adopted on motion ofM.sere. Couplaud and Kelly. J The treasurer laid his annual state- ment before the council for examination, which shows cash on hand of $4,161.22 Moved by Messrs. Copeland and Kelly that the treasnrer's annual statement he adopted and that the Clerk get 100 copies printed for distribution at noinitiation meeting. Carried. Moved by Messrs. Moffat and Ruther ford, that this couucil authorize Mr. E L. Dickinson to arrange with the Town of Winghani, re assessment Electric Light Plant, If possible by any agree• ment for the town to pay the township fifty dollars a year, each council to pass a by-law to that effect. -Carried. The following accounts were passed and cheques issued: -D. Pocock, refund taxes, $7; Win. Breckenridge, mnnieipul drain, :';12; John Yeo, municipal drain, $15; Win. Webb, repairing culvert Wa- wanosh boundary, 25c.; I1. McKinnon, work on roads, $5 87; Robert Dickson, Fife drain, ;,15; W. II. Elliott, tile, $10 50; Geo Cas^more, tile drain, $1 25; George 13. Scott, tile drain, $1; F. Gut- tridge, tile• $172 03; John W. Perrin, gravel, $1 OS; 3I. Willie, gravel. 81 75; Theo. Hall, printing, 24 75; H. 13. El- liott, printing, 84; John Burgess, drain, 12th con., $10; E. L. Dickinson, law fees, $50; Paul Powell, salary: and post- age,$25; John Itlesgrove, commissioner's fees, $65; John Mosgrove, making an- nual statement, $3; John Coupland, e rnnissioner's fees, $50; John Ruther- ford, con:. fees, $30; Alex. Kelly, coni. fees, $50; David Moffat, com. fees, $50; Puter McLaren, salary, $50; Peter Me• Laren, postage, Peter McLaren, making statement, $7; John I3usgess,salary, $60; John Burgess, postage, $12; John Bur- gess, rent, $13. Meeting adjourned Sine Die. Jom Ehnen::, Clerk. Fort Arthur claims a popnlation of 8,003, and will apply for incorporation as a city. The baobab trees of Senegambia are believed to be tiie oldest living trews on e trth. Some scientists have put the lige 05 one of those trees at 6,000 years. dl V'a, AI Esfnid shed x879. Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis Cough, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria Crenotorte in it boon to Asthmatics Ct v • r so a 1ra,n141,1INI and ,:: tn,l:.t,i r.mu %•y ; far tl I. -.aim:i,..•. d. It col. s ru ' .,tt: I i. .e..rd uvrr tbn .bw•a•.r.l r•n•- fo•.•north•, tubse tri:h cv.ry bt.',th. Fila,, I lor.4orr d and r,nr,t,Ll tri :,q,,la.t. 1110s0 of a consu:up. Gro fi•u,I,,. •, ..r r,ta'.•u.ra t:.. _s rlrraair Lrnnrbtti<, )Sud • 1nm:r41.1to A•arf nubs roughs or irat.aned conditions of tlastlao.0. rat rt rlrt.n to soli ,., by eb so or mnt pry. Inti' e 0 . t.tld ou ti 'i t of pri. e. LP de A Vas • , resnlrtn out. ie fit tm)tat:u; 0 bottle of ' jtltit l'n•: u u t-• :t, fiend for • fiat+ l is 'atrd booklet. LUMINA: MIL,'.? CO.. Ltd., Agents,130 St. Jtmri St., Idontrcal, Canada000 wri `Zre experienced farmer has learned that some grains require far differ- ent soil than others ; some crops need differ- enthandling than others. He knows that a great deal depends upon right planting at the right time, and that the soil must be kept enriched. No use of complaining in summer about a mis- take made in the spring. Decide before the seed is planted. 'We best time to reme- dy wasting conditions in the human body is be- fore the evil is too deep rooted. At the first evi- dence of loss of flesh Scott's Emulsion should be taken imme- diately. There is noth- ing that will repair wasted tissue more quickly or replace lost flesh more abundantly than Scott's Emulsion. It nourishes and builds up the body when ordi- nary foods absolutely fail. We' hilt send yon a s emrte free. Be sure that this picture in the form of a label is on the wrapper of every bottle of Einultsiun you buy. SCOTT C 2t BOWNE CHEMISTS Toronto, Ont. sec. and 51 ; ell druggists 1 A, . 1 e.4YiiJ,:4,. a_.6,,a.i.dri,, , 4.6iI4i 4..4a.1.i:,- .L, i.d.'ll yL ,.,A WI .IJ,I 11. 003,'104 ' ain Y.c.�.� :.! fear 's 1 THE LEADING STORE I isard's i: MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL - _ 1 1 W,II III I_ _ _ rf�tlulr Useful Chrislmas Presents •I 1 sterna A Sunday Solo•sol Assoeiat.lan includ- ingMyth, d•� n . Belgrave and L d ebur has F u 5 o been organiiad with Or, fulicwing oaf;- ers:-Hon. president. Rev. Df. McLean, Blyth; president, Mr. William Jackson, Blyth; first vice-president, Mrs, Fergu- son, Belgrave; second vice-president, Mr. R. AR:tats, Lordtsboro: seoretar)- tra•asnror, Mr. '1'. W. Scott, Blyth. Reeve Sloan and Coln. McElroy are in the field for the Reaveship. Both gentlemen are already Bard at work can- vassiiig and the rivalry is fast getting interesting and lively. t everel names are now being sutf,tioued fur positions at the council board. Among ethers we hear the following: -Ceuta Metealf, Cuuu. Stothcrs, Conn. Milne, Win. Jackson, R. .IIcC,'minins, J. H Chelfew, James Ide- • Murebie, John Putter, Dr. Long uud A L'. Brai:wiu Tho death occurred Sanday at the residence of Sir. J. W. Jones, 241 Queen's avenue, London. of Mrs. Isabella Drum- mond Diprose, wi:low of the late Henry Diprose, aged 81 years, Deceased was the daughter of the late Robert Drum- mond, of l3Iytlf, Oar.., ali,i had lived in Loudon, and been a member of St. An- drew's church for upwards of 30 years. She was born at. Kilsyth, Sterlin,shire, Scotland, and her fatli,,r, who immigrat- ed to this country with 1,is family, was the founder of the village of Blyth. The following are the officers of Blyth L. O. L. No. 953 for 1906: -Worshipful master, Bro. N. B. Gerry; deputy mast- er, Bro. Fred lIeggitt; recording wire- tary, Bro. A. H. Plummer; financial sec- tary, Bro. J. E. Taman; treasurer. Bro. W. H. McEit'oy ; chaplain, Bro. R. Mc- Comulin ; director of ceremonies, Bro. 1 Robert Vint; lecturer, Br i Arthur Sims; deputy lecturer, L:o. Ab. Taylor; com- mitteemen, Bro. John Mains, Bro. Rich - and Pratt, Bro. Deloss Taman, Bro. Al- ' bert Wilford, Bro. Bert McCotntnins. IUU GREAT VARIETY NEW COLLARS Just received a large assortment of the latest styles in Ladies Fancy Collars. Pretty silk and L'iee effeots- prices are 25, 35, 50, 65. 75, $1.00, 81.25. See our special Line NEW BELTS We have jest opened up a shipment of Ladies Belts. 'Values are hard to beat. Prices range, 25, 35, 50. GO, 75, 81.00, $1.255. Sae our 50e value for HANDKERCHIEFS Fancy embroidered Handkerchiefs, in all the saw, PAT- TERNS. Special linos at 10, 15, 2). 25, 35, 5i) and up to UMBRELLAS Ladies Silk Umbrellas with fancy handles. Oar Cut 4 5 fi 35 1 25 - price : 3 00 KID GLOVES Special value in Ladies Kid Gloves in the best makes and shades. MEN'S TIES Big stock to chose from in S.rinas, Phar -in hand, Haws, Knots, etc. FUR CAPS In Persian Ltrnb, Aitrtean, Seal, Gray Lamb, German Otter. Price ourfurs. We can save you In)uay. SILK WAISTS What better for a Xmas present than a pretty silk w tist we have new styles in Waite, Blaek, and Blue Our leader only Coigne Early if Possible. To Stop ;t Crying Baby Betties cry because they are sick. It may be a pain in the stomach, colic or i crau.os,-bnt in any case a few drops of ! Nerviline soothes away the distress and allows the baby to sleep peacefully. i. Where there are young c.rtidreu there should also bo Nerviliue. It cures all . the minor ailtnents just as promptly as the doctor --and not eo expensive. For nearly fifty years Poison's Nerviline has been the great hon'rihold remedy of Canada. S,,ld everyvt here in large 25,t bot ties. NEWS NOTES. The wife of Mr ,Tail:i t;hatlton, ex .1.' P , died at Lynedocli. The late Dr Warden left au (state ` valued at '76,6d5 10 het. In Panama, cite:mats, coffee and rub- ber grow wild in luxarience. i Mr T G Burns, liveryman, of Palmer. ston, was killed by an electric shock ` while hanging a lantern on a wire in his barn. Germany, with a forest area of about 26 per pent., realizes mutually ueatly $60,000,000 worth of timber therefrom. Systematic forestry has not succeeded in keeping up the country's forest area. 11 is n W14GlIAM, Oirtl i A ,13. 3 00 I �Ju"al.Jds3+i�et'.Rdt3}Itsu:l!:itwn.[Y5gMac NT.l61v''Ztra.al+n..'. M" E224vH met''t^".4"tuzltiSaaiar),,'a nit{6 Christmas Coes ut Once a Year And this Christmas will certainly be. an exception in a number of homes where the ladies are to receive the useful and decorative pieces of furniture that we have laid away in such large numbers for delivery Christmas eve. Kindly visit our store early duri'.lg the day, as in past years you will remember the poor altt.:ntion you received during this busy season. We feel you will agree with us that for Fancy Rock- ers, Couches, Table's, Cabinets and articles mentioned below, our prices are awfully Iow. PRINCESS DRESSERS AND STANDS-Qaarter'id o.ak, polished. large B 13 mirror ; Dresser 1 long and 2 small drawers ; Stand either 3 drawers and door or 2 doors and 2 drawers - - - 1315.00 25.00 34.00 35.00 40.00 33 Complete Suites-'-x+B.40ed, 1)res13.r and_30fraud0> 5. -00 -41.00 - - tyr00e'1.00 Iron Beds, Mattresses and Wire Springs -all I,r10es. DINING -ROOM SUITES - Combination Sideboards - . $30.00 to 45.00 Sideboards 12.00 to 35,00 Buffets - 27.00 30.00 to 3.1.00 Leather Upholstered Chairs., 5 chaos and arm chair, per set - 17.00 10.00 to 35.00 Wood Seat Chairs, arm chair to match - - - 2.75 3.50 4.50 to 5.75 i:xteusion Tables - - 6.00 7.30 8.00 to 13.50 PARLOR AND CHINA CABINETS - 1;`11.00 53.50 25.00 13 Complete Parlor Suites to select hunt. Prices - - - 13.00 to 63.00 DAVENPORTS-. Heavy mahonany frame upholst -red in Geneva plush. • . 40.00 Massive Oak Rockers -In beet leather, button blacks, good valve at $18, Christmas pr -•,e 13.50 1Joholstered in Geneva plush, oak or mahogany frame 11.50 Heavy oak frame, upholstered in velour or tapestry, good quarter polished - - - - - - 8.00 See our McKinley Rockers. made to fit your body - 3.50 Splendid assortment of Rockers - 1.75 2.30 to 8.00 Parlor Tables - - - USe to 10.00 Window Shades 35e up. Curtain Poles 15e up. L. A. BALL & CO. .UNDERTAKING Sriekro4idenee ;thhoncenoel from l5ami1tonls Corner Drug store, where night rails will recelvo prompt attention. PHONE 51 e�Altl?l:`C3 OILCLOTHS LINOL1UMS ti y